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Naked and Afraid XL - General Discussion

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51 minutes ago, rlc said:

And if Steven and EJ has been female?

I don't know. No one does. That's a rhetorical question with absolutely no definitive answer, because 1) Steven and EJ are not women, and 2) Steven and EJ proactively went off to go fishing/hunting, and Amber stayed behind. Neither of those things were true, for the majority of the time, with Amber's previous team.

What I witnessed on the show was in her first group, Amber asked them to perform routine camp tasks, since they stayed behind while she went fishing or worked on the dock. She got annoyingly passive aggressive about it, because she always had to ask. There was never an indication that she asked Trish and Jen to do those tasks, because they were women. Only that she asked them to do so, because they're basic camp tasks that were consistently not done, and Trish consistently told Amber they would not do those tasks right now. With Steven and EJ, I got the impression that Amber was simply walking the walk. Her teammates were out fishing/hunting, so she performed the tasks expected to be performed while they were out. That way, when they returned, they'd have water to drink and a fire over which to cook whatever they caught. There was no indication that Steven and EJ being men was the reason she performed those tasks. By the same token, we have absolutely no way of knowing whether she would have walked into a camp of other multi-challenge and XL female veterans that were already feeding themselves and started trying to take a leadership/mentoring position.

Edited by Captain Asshat
Oops, grammar
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Glad Dan and Waz are staying.  Gotta see how those 'maters taste.

Amber had a more superior attitude with female contestants on the only XL that she finished.  Every time she has thrived in a team, it's been all males and Amber.  Maybe she has problems dealing with other women?  If she would have discussed things with Trish and Jen, maybe it would have been different.  Maybe it was just the edit.  I don't know.  I do know that Jeff stirred the shit and left and I do know that I didn't like Amber from the get go, so my feelings about her are definitely colored.

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23 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

I’m glad Amber found EJ and Steven and they’re working together so well.  This is the show I want to watch, along with Matt, Dan and Waz. 
It’s funny that when Jen talked about all the teammates she’s lost she’s sitting next to the person who helped drive one of them away.  
So it takes 2 of them to catch a little fish with that crappy net.  Then that crappy fruit.  Not so tough are they?

I'm really glad Amber found her new team.  I could do w/o all the bro's, brothers...yada yada yada.  Bro, bro, bro, bro, BRO, bro, bro, bro GAHHHH !

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Well, I think the fishing hole at the girls club was all fished out of edible minnows, and thats another reason Amber decided it was time to leave. 

Trish sure is showing a new level of horrible human behavior lying there in a dried up parasitic lump of refusal to contribute to their existence. If I were Jen, I would not give her one morsel of food if I found any. No water either. Plus I’d sit there eating it in front of her. Just to make a point.  Too bad deer-in-the-headlights Jen, just doesn’t have the cajones to do that. Her pep talking about how Trash is her longest staying partner isn’t working as she has wished, to inspire teamwork from the useless and arrogant parasite.

The only way Jen should complete this 40 day is to stay at the camp and pretend she’s there alone, because basically, she is. Every man for himself at this point would be my motto if I was paired with Trish. 

Trish is up there on the top of the list of despicable naked and afraider’s. Shes willing to milk every last ounce of skeletal Jens energy out of her for her own benefit as she lounges like a slug still having body flab to live off. 

The boys, EJ and Steven sure looked skeptical when Amber showed up. She outright lied about Jeff almost dying and the bawling? she did when he left. Does she not know this is all being filmed? Of course she does, she is hyper aware of that fact, so I don’t know what her reasoning is behind that crock of crap. 

Her constant “up” and “on” for the cameras show, is still annoying, and her Optimind dosage each day probably contributes to her hyper forced upbeat, rah rah cheerleader annoying and loud way of communicating everything, all for the cameras. I did notice she had kind of toned it all down by the end of the episode and just allowed herself to blend in with the group as part of the team of 3, and not be so performance minded for the camera. Thankfully.

That was one heck of a tarantula! So black too! I wonder what kind it was. I used to be terrified of spiders until the day a hairy black bold jumping spider “phidippus audax” also known as an audacious spider, literally walked up to me and introduced himself. He then hung out with me, following me all day in the yard. I caught him a baby earwig, their favorite food, and after cutting off its pinchers, gave it to him. I was worried when he saw me going into the house through the magic mesh screen door I had, hoping he wouldn’t follow me inside. The next morning I woke up and there, on the wall right next to my bed, watching and waiting for me to open my eyes was my little spider friend one foot away from my face. Freaked me out and I helped him outside by coaxing him into a jar. He actually felt embarrassed about that and hid under the porch and didn’t seek me out after that.

I wish I never moved him outside and hurt his feelings. It was a very special connection between human and bug, lol. Since then I’ve read about bold jumping spiders and find that many people have found out how personable and friendly they are. He changed my feelings forever about spiders. The hunting, jumping kind. I just love them. I still feel squeamish about the kind who weave webs and lay in wait for their prey. But big hairy black spiders, tho I prefer they not crawl on me, or get too close, don’t really scare me anymore.

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Liberty, I see your mind is blown! Lol

Well it all started like this.... I was sitting on a lounge chair in my back yard and I noticed a blade of grass moving oddly. I saw there was a bug clinging to the underside of the piece of grass and thought it was a big black fly or something. I took a closer look, and it was a bold jumper, trying to hide. I said Oh hi there, and sat back in the chair and then that was that!

As soon as that little spider knew I wasn’t going to just schmoosh it to death or something it became very curious and came out from under the blade of grass and started walking over to my chair, which of course freaked me out. I think it wanted to climb up the chair but before it could get on, I moved the chair away and next to the house, and sat there. 
Next thing I know, that little spider was on the side of the house, next to me. Our friendship bloomed all the day, and I handed him bugs I had found, lol. We hung out all day in the back yard, and it hid if someone else walked by, like the dog, or the cat. 
It’s a day I’ll never forget. 
Heres a picture, a crappy blurry one, of my buddy.


Edited by SassyCat
Added pic
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15 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

So, I just saw this on Reddit, and my opinion of Amber shot way way up. She can view episodes, look back at herself, and realize she has more to learn about working with people. She is humble, reflective, and apologetic. I would be interested in seeing if either Trish or Jen have expressed themselves similarly on social media.

As much as I hate to admit that Jeff was right about anything, I think he had it pegged when he said that Amber took the mentor thing too far. Whether it's sexism or experience or whatever, she saw herself as the stronger survivalist and knowing what had to be done turned into telling Trish and Jen what to do instead of more collaborative ways of making sure everything got done, and once the resentment started to build Trish in particular deliberately avoided doing what Amber wanted her to do. I was pretty much with Trish on Amber needing to tone down the bossiness until Jeff got there and then my attitude became "a pox on all your houses, but especially Jeff's."

22 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

Matt, Dan & Waz are a perfect example of true teamwork. They respect one another, they don’t have giant egos, they listen to everyone’s advice on how to improve with out getting offended. They are refreshing to watch.

Matt has a big ego, but, to use a term that feels kind of awkward in the context of a show where everyone is naked, it's more like big dick energy. He's good. He knows it. He knows you know it too, so he doesn't feel the need to show off. He's happy to treat people as his equal, but he doesn't react well to people like Jeff who see themselves as the alpha male, as we saw in the previous XL.

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8 hours ago, ForumLou said:

I'm really glad Amber found her new team.  I could do w/o all the bro's, brothers...yada yada yada.  Bro, bro, bro, bro, BRO, bro, bro, bro GAHHHH !

That was excessive … then they called themselves the jungle gangsters (or something like that), at least they didn’t immediately sit down and make a stupid sign. 

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Well, I've finally found ONE thing I have in common with these extreme survivalists - that mammoth, black, furry spider would have freaked me the hell out! 

And, shame on me, but I giggled like a little girl at Trish and Jenn struggling to catch fish, and when they were noshing on those whatevers, I was thinking "DIE B*TCH!"  Oh, how I want to see them tap without Amber to provide for them!

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46 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

And, shame on me, but I giggled like a little girl at Trish and Jenn struggling to catch fish, and when they were noshing on those whatevers, I was thinking "DIE B*TCH!"  Oh, how I want to see them tap without Amber to provide for them!

I watch the reruns of the previous episodes Sunday afternoons before the 8pm episode.  This past Sunday when they showed an episode with the 3 of them out by the river fishing, dock building or whatever ***I think*** Trish was the one who noticed the caiman and pointed it out.   Later on Amber coached Jen on how to grab the one that was on the line … so later on how come between the 2 of them were they not able to catch at least one of them?  And no, that net was not genius.  Seeing it on TV and knowing how fish flip and flop when caught one can see how poorly built it is for its intended purpose. 

Watching Trish’s tired, lazy act and Jen’s reaction of “I can’t do this alone” was fun to watch but despite this I do think they’ll make it to 40 ok, remember that dock can serve as a raft and it’s mostly built so they won’t have to waste energy on that.  The one thing I do want is to never, ever see Trish on this show again.  Jen on the other hand, it would depend on who she’s paired with.  She was a real disappointment IMO. 

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49 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

The one thing I do want is to never, ever see Trish on this show again.  Jen on the other hand, it would depend on who she’s paired with.  She was a real disappointment IMO. 

I really want to see a reunion where all the survivalists can see this play out and speak up and refuse to ever do a challenge with her again. 

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22 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I really want to see a reunion where all the survivalists can see this play out and speak up and refuse to ever do a challenge with her again. 

That would be epic.   Imagine Trish’s reaction:  Amber was bossy, it’s all in the edit, blah blah blah whatever.  

If Discovery is hurting for content they should revive “Clothed and Opinionated” for the XL episodes where Trish is being Trish.  

Edited by Cobb Salad
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I know it's not going to happen, but my happy imagination scene would be Jen saying to Trish, "Goodbye and good luck.  I'm going to find Amber.  I'll have a good chance of getting through extraction with her.  Even I don't find her or anyone else, I might be able to do it on my own.  I have NO chance with you." 

And then she walks off into the jungle.

And Trish calls for a medic to tap in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1.

Edited by AZChristian
Added thought.
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Animal Planet is showing Naked and Afraid episodes today.  They’re airing Trish’s episode now.  I saw it when it was first aired and didn’t think she was so bad but now listening to her talk about herself in her intro and watching her vs her conduct on XL I’m not surprised she’s acting the way she did.  

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Jen turned out to be a follower who enjoyed being a mean girl.

I watched a previous episode where Amber was close to landing a fish and asked Trish to stay out of the water--she would even give her another hook so she wouldn't disturb the water.  Trish wasn't about to honor Amber's request and just plunged into the water anyway.  So rude!  Amber caught a fish anyway.

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On 6/6/2022 at 11:16 PM, MamaGee said:

You aren't the only one. While I can't stand Amber, I think Trish is being far more childish. If you don't like how someone is treating you and you are an adult, you talk to that person and work it out. Trish acts like a hormonal preteen. Someone previously mentioned adult ODD and that seems spot on!

I think Amber leaving Jen and Trish was the right thing to do. I don't want them to succeed and I don't give a whit about Amber. I will say that I won't be shocked if they do o.k. Sometimes the "leader" has to leave for the others to step up. 

Totally with Amber. I look at Trish and Jen aka Barbie and Kimber as mean girls trying to take down the "queen bee". Part of the challenges in this show is to keep moving forward with your task, making it to the end, and that means doing and keeping up with each survival task, shelter food, sanity, etc. Amber military background helps her focus on the tasks. Yes, she is a showboat, but you have to be to be on this show. Amber has not finished many challenges, but she has also shown a sense of humor about her failures. I also felt sorry for being medically tapped out on the last XL because her swollen legs were thought to be blood clots, which I think was the reason she had to leave the military. So, I am rooting for her to finish this challenge. Barbie and Kimber will get their forty days, but Kimber might find out that Babbie is made of plastic. ;-)

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I NEVER want to see Trish on another show again. Horrible lazy nasty b*tchy mean girl bully. And she was not "edited" to appear that way. Those are serious personality flaws and she owns 'em! I was truly hoping one of those furry spiders would jump out of the hyacinths and take a chunk out of her tank-azz while she and dopey Jen were heading to extraction. 

Jesus, EJ's so incapable of NOT being the alpha provider that he self-exiles. Well, look forward to your tapping-out, EJ.

How terrible, to eat fish every day until you leave. I mean, yeah, it'd be great to be in Matt/Waz/Dan Land, game-wise, but Steven and Amber seem like they're set for the remainder of the time. Worst comes to worst, they can find a likely site most of the way there and create a small shelter a bit every day to cut down the hike.

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Trish is just the worst.  "You left us to rot!" No lady, you chased her away with your belligerence.

Really Trish, Amber wasn't going to swim out and jump on your raft.  She can go you know what herself.  Jen really had no choice but to stick with her.

Amber is doing quite nicely with Steven and EJ.  A little friction, but that always happens.  She was extremely nice when they paddled by.  Yeah, not sure EJ's little sojourn is such a good idea.  We shall see😎

Dan, Waz and of course Matt are doing just fine.  They could almost open a buffet.

ETA:  I hope someone advises Dan and Waz's families or whoever that they are going to be 20 days late.

Edited by PaperTree
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Glad Trish and Jen are gone and we’ll get a couple of episodes without them.  Those producer planted caiman that they got gave Trish enough energy to spew more hate toward Amber.  Really, they’re floating by on their way home on the raft that Amber helped them build.  Give it up already.  Then the remarks about all the partners Jen has lost along the way but then who stuck with her the whole way.  Ugh. One of them left because Jen has no backbone.  I hope she eventually realizes that. 

Too bad Amber, Steven and EJ missed out on that caiman.   Matt/Dan/Waz got it instead.  

7 hours ago, azprimadonna said:

I am normally not into conspiracy theories on these reality shows, but if EJ comes back with big game after his little trip alone, I gotta wonder.  As someone mentioned upthread, EJ has been a producer on this show and he likely knows the staff who will be along with him.  

I think he’s going to stumble in to the others camp within the first few minutes of next week’s show.  Even though the caption near the end of last nights episode said he was 4 hours in to his journey I can’t believe he’s that far away from everyone else.  There was also a quick preview for next week toward the end of the show.  

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47 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

I think he’s going to stumble in to the others camp within the first few minutes of next week’s show.  Even though the caption near the end of last nights episode said he was 4 hours in to his journey I can’t believe he’s that far away from everyone else.  

I've always wondered how they go off on these foraging/hunting treks in a featureless jungle and find their way back every time😎

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1 hour ago, Cobb Salad said:

Glad Trish and Jen are gone and we’ll get a couple of episodes without them.  Those producer planted caiman that they got gave Trish enough energy to spew more hate toward Amber.  


I think he’s (EJ) going to stumble in to the others camp within the first few minutes of next week’s show.  

The best thing about next week's show will be the absence of Trish.


So if we have six people together who are all this  competent, this could be the first 60-day challenge where people gain weight, build a 6-bedroom house, and create a holding pen that lures caiman in, but they can't get out.  One of them will create a backgammon board from raw materials, and there will be a tournament.

Gonna be great!

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1 hour ago, Cobb Salad said:

I think he’s going to stumble in to the others camp within the first few minutes of next week’s show.  Even though the caption near the end of last nights episode said he was 4 hours in to his journey I can’t believe he’s that far away from everyone else.  There was also a quick preview for next week toward the end of the show.  

Considering he didn't take a pot or anything to collect/boil water on his walkabout, that's probably a good guess.  In the scene just a few minutes prior, he was struggling with dehydration, then all of a sudden he decides to set out on a multi-day trek?  Seems pretty obvious there's more to it than what we're being told!

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The producer driven plotline on this episode was so obvious.  Trish and Jenn couldn't find a way to feed themselves without Amber.  Then they decide to go on a walkabout and look for food, and what do you know, they found two live caiman just laying there.  Will wonders never cease!!!

And just when Steven and Amber were strangely unable to catch a fish,  EJ decides to go on his own walkabout.  Here, an older man who is having trouble coping with the humidity, goes off without any water to wander in the forest.  Of course he is going to wander into the caiman loaded camp.  Hmmm, now I'm wondering if that caiman was a plant too--it just laid there waiting to be shot with a bow and arrow.

Time for EJ to retire.

I think Jen did 3/4 of the work on that trek out.  But I do agree with Trish on one thing...Amber's screechy voice is very annoying!!

ETA:  I just heard on a previous episode that the two camps left are a mile apart, so EJ didn't have far to go.

Edited by riverblue22
new info
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I am surprised that Trish made it to day 40. I hope Jen reads all about how everyone viewed Trish and then her, by association and backing up and participating in mean girl action.They both could use a bit of humility.  A lot actually. 

It was par for the course that Trish sat there with her small paddle barely cutting through the water while Jen stood and did most of the arm work to heave their Amber raft down the river.

Just because I don’t like Trish, doesn’t mean that I like Amber. Tho Amber loved fishing and being “provider” of the too often used sentence “getting protein/food in our bellies”, I still find Amber a bit obnoxious too. Well, more than a bit. 

Looks like EJ kind of had enough of her screeching and over the top constant upbeat way of communication and never ending self promotion I see she still continued while in their camp. I was wondering if he left for a solitary quest to get away from her. She was finding it hard to deal with, without having dramatic facial expressions, his choice of the many trees to tie the line to. 

Those little caiman babies Trish and Jen got must have been drugged to be snatched by hand without trying to run off. Also the huge one Matt, Waz and Dan shot... you cant tell me that beast wasn’t drugged. No caiman would allow the group of them to hover above it like they did on that fallen tree bridge they stood on while aiming up the arrow shot. Any normal healthy animal would have definitely taken off no matter what kind of animal it was. That poor thing just laid there and got shot in the head. Hardly moved at all after being shot and dragged out. Maybe it was fully dead already. It sure acted that way.  I guess they ran out of the smaller ones to plant in their paths.

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Yay! We’re going to get to see Joe of the Joe and Sam saga, get a chance to be with a group of some mighty fine people including Jake the Jungle beast! You could never get me to do one of those survival stints in the cold and SNOW!! Ackkk! 
I wonder how Trish will be during this show, which seems to have been filmed before she got home after this XL where she made a complete fool out of herself and her behavior without reading all the feedback we, the viewers have left on this and other message boards. 
Shes just seeing this feedback now. I feel sorry for her daughter who must be having second hand embarrassment. 

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11 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

I wonder how Trish will be during this show, which seems to have been filmed before she got home after this XL where she made a complete fool out of herself and her behavior without reading all the feedback we, the viewers have left on this and other message boards. 
Shes just seeing this feedback now. I feel sorry for her daughter who must be having second hand embarrassment. 

I suspect this would not be the first time her daughter was embarrassed by her.

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To be very clear, the entire world is not Team Amber. I would choose to spend time with Trish before I spent time with that sanctimonious, self-aggrandizing camera hog Amber. When she prayed for 'her girls', she made it ALL ABOUT HERSELF yet again when she spewed that crap about leaving them to prove themselves because she had mentored them enough and they were ready. Barf. Seriously- if you are pissing off the remarkably Zen and even tempered Steven, you're definitely just too much. I will be thrilled when the Amber show is over.

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32 minutes ago, rlc said:

 I would choose to spend time with Trish before I spent time with that sanctimonious, self-aggrandizing camera hog Amber. 

If I could love this more, I would.

Amber: "Let's pray for my girls, and pray that EJ gets his big win."  I thought that was pretty damn assholeish, but I don't expect much else from Amber.

Sorry, Dan, I could have made that shot and I've never held a bow in my life.  That caiman was either drugged or already dying.  But a big win is a big win and hopefully, the meat chandelier dries correctly so they have food for a while.  Especially because you know  EJ is "stumbling" on their camp.

Speaking of, EJ complains about the humidity and how he could easily get dehydrated and he wanders off for two days without any water?  Good job, producers. (Actually, we know it was Amber's shrill voice and constant "brothers" that drove him away)

Speaking of producers, thanks for planting those baby caiman so Trish and Jen could make their 40 and get the hell out.  I was getting tired of both of them; more time for the other groups.

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23 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

How terrible, to eat fish every day until you leave.

Y'all remember previous challenges where the participants would have killed for a fish?? Honestly, I know Steven/Amber/EJ have been out there for awhile and the pond is a long walk away but the amount of fish they appear to be eating seems like so much more than there have been in other challenge locations.

When this show (the series, not this season) started, I loved EJ. But he is really, really driving me crazy right now. Funny that the other hunter on the show (Matt) is not having any problems getting a big kill. And I swear, if I have to watch EJ try to hit something with a blow dart and miss one more time, I might die of laughter!!

Edited by MamaGee
Grammatical errors
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Okay I was confused about a few things so I made a rare trip over to reddit.  Apparently there is a Naked and Afraid XL : Frozen coming up in July that takes place in the frozen North.  I think it is only 21 days.  And we are to be blessed with the presence of Trish again. Oh joy....

Jake and Wes are another two I think will be appearing.

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6 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Okay I was confused about a few things so I made a rare trip over to reddit.  Apparently there is a Naked and Afraid XL : Frozen coming up in July that takes place in the frozen North.  I think it is only 21 days.  And we are to be blessed with the presence of Trish again. Oh joy....

Jake and Wes are another two I think will be appearing.

There was also a 30 second teaser aired during the first commercial break on Sunday’s show.  I might just binge watch this one so I can FF through the Trish segments.  21 days, I think 12 people again?  Jake and Wes are favorites of mine so I look forward to seeing them.  

On 6/20/2022 at 7:48 PM, riverblue22 said:

 Apparently there is a Naked and Afraid XL : Frozen coming up in July that takes place in the frozen North.  I think it is only 21 days.  

Jake and Wes are another two I think will be appearing.

Jake may be my all-time favorite male.

No disagreement with anyone about the unacceptable behavior of Trish & Jen, but those where the best paddles I recall seeing for a rafting adventure.

EJ leaves without water, maybe headed for a night or two in the medic's tent.  If EJ does connect with Matt's crew, someone must spend "days" trekking back to Steve & Amber to consider a merger.  

In a preview it seemed like "King" Matt suggested 6 together was not a solution.

Have not missed Jeff the creep a bit.  Two failed XL challenges 🤢

Edited by Liberty
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13 hours ago, rlc said:

To be very clear, the entire world is not Team Amber. I would choose to spend time with Trish before I spent time with that sanctimonious, self-aggrandizing camera hog Amber. When she prayed for 'her girls', she made it ALL ABOUT HERSELF yet again when she spewed that crap about leaving them to prove themselves because she had mentored them enough and they were ready. Barf. Seriously- if you are pissing off the remarkably Zen and even tempered Steven, you're definitely just too much. I will be thrilled when the Amber show is over.

Not surprising, but I would bet money that the editing monkeys led us around another path through the TAJ scenario because, my recollection of Amber leaving the other two was that she was feeling unappreciated and ostracized, especially when Jeff (was it Jeff? get them mixed up sometimes) was added. 

Another detail that has me scratching my head is that from the beginning TAJ were in for a 40-day challenge.  Was Amber always supposed to do only 40 days, but when she joined the other group it switched to 60 days?  I don't remember a conversation where Amber was given the decision to stay for 60 days.  If she was going to do 60 all along, what were the plans if she had stayed with Trish/Jenn and they left after 40?

This group will spoil me for other "regular" 21-day NAF episodes where the participants aren't as skillful survivalists and struggle to gather enough termites and grubs for dinner every five days. 

I was disappointed to see that Trish is in the upcoming frozen version.  I wonder if Amber is? 🤯

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@suzeecat Amber was billed as doing 60 days from the start.  I’d bet that Amber’s intention was to stay with them until day 40, wish them well then go off to find the other 60 day people. If Dan and Waz weren’t presented with the opportunity to stay for 60 I’d guess a team merge would have taken place earlier.  

I agree, after last season’s XL was over and we were back to the 21 day challenges and the people who “didn’t know it was this hard” and tapped, I felt disappointment.  

There’s a thread on Reddit listing the cast of the upcoming XL, Amber isn’t there.  It’s:



Edited by Cobb Salad
3 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

There’s a thread on Reddit listing the cast of the upcoming XL, Amber isn’t there.  It’s:



Interesting that the teams are 6 and 4 instead of 5 and 5.  How Trish gets along in this team may (or may not) shed light on who was really causing the drama between Trish and Amber.  None of the other names (except for Jake) are familiar right now, but I will probably recognize them when I see them.

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16 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Interesting that the teams are 6 and 4 instead of 5 and 5.  How Trish gets along in this team may (or may not) shed light on who was really causing the drama between Trish and Amber.  None of the other names (except for Jake) are familiar right now, but I will probably recognize them when I see them.

I saw it more like they grouped the men then the women for the announcement.  I agree regarding Trish, it may be telling what could have happened with Amber.  I just wish there was more open communication there, especially after Jeff showed up.  As you probably know you can’t please everyone all the time and that saying applies here.  

Edited by Cobb Salad
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On 6/20/2022 at 7:20 PM, SassyCat said:

Also the huge one Matt, Waz and Dan shot... you cant tell me that beast wasn’t drugged. No caiman would allow the group of them to hover above it like they did on that fallen tree bridge they stood on while aiming up the arrow shot. Any normal healthy animal would have definitely taken off no matter what kind of animal it was.

Thank you. I was about to post the same thing. Killing that poor animal was like shooting fish in a barrel. Why would it have been out of the tributary and under that fallen tree? The sacrificial lamb is a staple of NAXL. 

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Thank you. I was about to post the same thing. Killing that poor animal was like shooting fish in a barrel. Why would it have been out of the tributary and under that fallen tree? The sacrificial lamb is a staple of NAXL. 

I'd say the "miracle food" is a staple of any NAA. No wonder Trish was talking about the possibility of a chicken just wandering through the camp -- it was wishful thinking based on previous seasons. "OMG! Look! A bird! Right there! It's not moving at ALL! Must be a sleeping Norwegian Blue. I must sneak up on it, or else VOOM! It's right out of here."

Edited by Captain Asshat
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