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Lost In Transition - General Discussion

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5 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Presumably, Karen is already employed and already has Bev on her insurance, so Karen needing to hold on to Bev's original is totally bogus.  If Karen didn't want to be portrayed as an asshole, she shouldn't have acted like one.

THIS!! I've never needed an original birth certificate for insurance. In fact, I needed one for a passport 10 years ago—but even then, they didn't want the original, they would only accept a state-issued copy. I don't even have my original birth certificate. 

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On 6/25/2018 at 9:06 AM, Granny58 said:

my nitpick - Leslie is not getting hormone replacement therapy, as they are not REPLACING what was previously there.  It is hormone therapy.  IDK, maybe she likes saying HRT because it is what some women do need, but - again - it is replacing nothing. 

It's literally called Hormone Replacement Therapy. They're "replacing" the testosterone with estrogen as the dominant hormone.

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9 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Why is there this argument about a birth certificate?   Who holds on to another’s birth certificate?   Power play for sure.  Been through this with an ex.  Abusive ex held my social security card hostage. 

Just not an issue. You can get a replacement birth certificate from the county in which you were born, and a duplicate SS card from the SSA. I've done both. It's simple.

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11 hours ago, KBrownie said:


Just give Beverly her fucking birth certificate for Christ's sake!  Who is Karen to hold on to someone else's birth certificate and tell Karen that she can just go get another one?  It doesn't belong to you.

And STFU Cas.  "You can just get another one.  It's not that hard."  It's so obvious that Cas is just using this to get back at Beverly.  Neither you or your father make those transitioning very empathetic as you both come off as selfish, passive-aggressive, narcissists.

Karen is an asshole. She was an asshole when she was a man, and she's still an asshole. What a controlling, condescending, patronizing, POS. Cas takes their cue from her. They've probably been piling on Beverly her whole life. And the gaslighting! "You have two choices. you can have your birth certificate or you can have insurance. Which do you want?" If I were ever to run into Karen I'd have to be restrained. I want to punch her in the throat. Man or woman, Karen is a garbage human.

Jennifer is a darling and her kids are just as sweet and kind as she is. I hope she is taking care of herself. This is insanely hard for her and Lawren is sucking all the psychic energy from the room, the house, the town, possibly planet Earth.

So very Leslie, to make Grandma's 80th birthday all about her.

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Lucy, IMO, is beautiful (her eyes!) but deluded,  the latter in regard to understanding where Cindy is coming from (as we used to say). 

And that's the same place whence Beverly: Physical,  aka sexual,  needs,  as once upon a time counted on being met and now gone with the wind, at least with their current partners. 

But man, that contre-temps over Beverly's birth certificate! The nerve of Karen,  never mind little buttinski Cas! 

Jennifer and Lawren: I guess Jennifer's support group of friends is also now going to be Lawren's! 

Okay, I don't really mean to be mean (heh), but at Leslie's family party she didn't seem to be the only transgender attendee. Stacy's unconditional love is awesome to behold.

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9 hours ago, PupCal said:

What kind of insurance needs your birth certificate anyway?

Only because I poke around on social media sites from time to time, I discovered that their explanation for this is that Karen did a formal name change, so their insurance company required original documents for everyone on the “new” policy.

It still sounds fishy, though.

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Beverly can get her own copy of her birth certificate from the state she was born in.  I did it when I lived in TX, got my NY birth certificate no problem.  Bev needs to get out and start doing things for herself. I have a feeling she  was happy to let her husband be in control of everything during their marriage.   Karen is still a jerk, she's gotta work on her attitude and I hated her darker hair in that last scene. 

Stacy seems like she's starting to crack a little.  She said something about finding herself at the end, maybe she's having second thoughts about staying with Leslie?  Can't say that I blame her, Leslie seemed like more of a burden than an equal partner. 

I'm not surprised Cindy and Lucy didn't make it.  She was pretty adamant from the beginning about what she wanted.  Lucy looked much better this time around, that first make over was horrid.

Lawren and Jennifer have a beautiful family and I hope it all works out well for them.

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I've learned a lot watching this show. Mostly though, I feel for the families that we saw on this series. 

To me, if you are a good person, it comes through and generally others don't think you are a jerk.  And why did the producer go comfort Karen at the end.....maybe, she needed to feel bad.  If more people feel bad about their poor behavior, maybe, they'd change and stop doing it.

I always suspected that Cindy just could not accept that part of being transgender was becoming a woman for her husband.  She seemed deluded into what it would entail.  I was a little surprised too at what the hormones actually do to the female transgender.  I NEVER REALIZED that the hormones to cause female characteristics and to halt male traits causes the libido to go down to nothing.  Even the testicles practically disappear.  So, to me, that's huge sacrifice for these people.  How do they eagerly give up sex to live a a woman?  I don't get it.  I guess it's a sacrifice they deem to be worth it. 

If Lawren is trying to downplay her height, I would get some tips on attire.  The long striped blouse elongated her frame. The sweater didn't help either.  Other clothes could help chop him up and not accentuate the tallness.  I sense that her wife, Jennifer is going to struggle down the road. I sense she doesn't get it either.  For these wives who really enjoy an active sex life, I don't get how they plan to adjust.  I wish them all well.

  I wonder if they'll do an update a year down the road.  Anyone know when this was filmed?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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50 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

I'm not surprised Cindy and Lucy didn't make it. 

But they actually did. (There's a link to a People magazine video upthread.) Cindy relented and they're in therapy. 

I will say of all that, of all the partners who transitioned, Lucy was the only one who exhibited any fashion sense beyond the, "Final Sale at Talbots" look the others had going on. I really wanted the boots she had during the restaurant scene. 

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12 minutes ago, CousinOliver said:

Sure, Beverly CAN get a new birth certificate; fact is, she shouldn't HAVE to.  Her ex is holding her property hostage because her ex is a controlling piece of crap.  Even if the insurance company needed to see it, the fact that it had been returned to the family means it's no longer needed. 

That's all true, but sometimes you just have to walk away. I think her doing things like that without Karen there to bark orders would send a good message and maybe give Karen something to think about.

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Amidst the reality TV shenanigans, we saw some real insight into the great dysfunction that is Bev and Karen's family.  Karen is a controlling ass.  Bev prefers to be a victim.  It was telling that Karen said Bev refused to be involved in any of the household decisions during their marriage.  Bev was able to avoid all responsibility and blame any issues on Karen.  Karen has no respect for Bev and treats her like garbage. 

I didn't see Cas as treating Bev poorly here.  She called her "Mom".  She offered to help her get a new birth certificate.  It seemed to me that Cas was acting the role she had been forced into over the years - trying to mediate between her parents.  She does use this slow, measured speech when talking to Bev.  I think she means for that to be calming.  To some extent she was mimicking Bev's own speech pattern. 

Bev and Karen do not communicate at all.  That had to be 22 years of absolute misery for everyone involved.   It was interesting that we heard that Cas and Karen had been estranged prior to them bonding over being transgender.  So from what we've been told, both children at some point were all "F this; I'm out!" They both re-engaged with their parents during the divorce, with each taking a side on whether they support Karen's transition.  

Karen will now present as female.  Unless she makes some major changes in the way she interacts, she will always be a controlling jerk.  If she does enter another relationship, it had best be with someone who is very forceful and confident.  If she finds another Bev, she'll steamroll over them, hating them and herself in the process.  

Bev needs to find a social life outside the bar.  When she complimented the man dancing with her, I was laughing.  They looked like kids at a school dance pretending they knew how to dance.  The arm swinging was really funny.  

Seeing Bev at the bar had me thinking of an old Saturday Night Live skit with Jon Lovitz as the devil being sued in the People's Court.  When the plaintiff is asked her occupation she announces, "I am a barfly, your honor."  Bev, don't be a barfly.  You'll end up in court with the devil.  Then again, if the divorce goes to trial, she's pretty much there. 




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Sorry to be OT but my DVR recorded Episode 9 which is called Next Chapter on the 9th.

Did anyone else get this show? I don't see a thread for it. Haven't watched it yet, I'm currently watching the Metamorphosis ep.

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16 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Sorry to be OT but my DVR recorded Episode 9 which is called Next Chapter on the 9th.

Did anyone else get this show? I don't see a thread for it. Haven't watched it yet, I'm currently watching the Metamorphosis ep.

So I watched On Demand and saw that it was a 2 hour finale.  I also recorded the ep. 9.  Its basically the 2nd hour of the finale.

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Not sure what happened to my other post, but this is one thought I have on the show. I say this with as much respect as possible. Part of me thinks that some of the woman that transitioned were a bit selfish for entering into a marriage knowing that they were transgender but not telling the other person before they married them. Most of the women who transitioned said they knew they were transgender before they ever got married. I realize society has not always been very open to transgender people, but it just seems like some of the hurt could have been avoided. Why marry someone and have a family with them, only to tell them years later that you are transgender and risk hurting them? And why would you want to life as something you are not for all those years and be hurt and upset yourself? I guess I just see some of the hurt the wives feel and wonder if some of it could have been avoided id everyone was just free to live their life the way they want.

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20 hours ago, configdotsys said:

That was discussed here when it happened. Since they are so hard up for money, I could totally see that happening and can also see that the owner was looking for a concrete reason to fire Leslie and using that outside sale was the perfect way to get rid of her and be able to claim that it had nothing to do with her transition.

Leslie was walking on thin ice at the gun store and had a very young family to help support.  Why would Leslie chance something like that!

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5 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

That's all true, but sometimes you just have to walk away. I think her doing things like that without Karen there to bark orders would send a good message and maybe give Karen something to think about.

In my state of birth, certified copies cost between $20 and $51, with the $20 being an in-person transaction and the $51 being a completely online transaction (with a few other price points in between for mail options, etc.) 

Beverly should be given her birth certificate.  

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17 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Lawren (a gainfully employed, upper-middle-class attorney): I need bottom surgery but it's very expensive so I probably can't have it right now.


Leslie (an unemployed, impoverished human sad trombone who lives in a broken down trailer): I need bottom surgery—and I have an appointment for a consultation next month! YAY!

I think this is indicative of the kind of people they were all of their lives.  Lawren  got an education, was ambitious, driven and took responsibility for loved ones.  In other words, Lawren made good decisions and, when entering adulthood, was an adult,  After transitioning, she is still an adult.

Leslie, on the other hand, probably got married and had a kid right out of high school, chose short term gratification rather thsn long term, and obviously was not ambitious.  When presenting as a man, he was Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up.  I suspect that Stacy was the only adult in the family then as well.  When Leslie transitioned, nothing changed and now, rather than being Peter Pan, she is a teenaged girl and all of her decisions are self-centered.    Before the transition, Stacy had two sons, she now has two daughters and a son.

Edited by Kid
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Have not read up yet…

I was blown away by how emotional I got watching this week.

I hate Karen and Cas and their brutal treatment of Bev. I felt so sorry for her and was not a fan at all. And what the FUCK do you need someone’s birth certificate for insurance for? I’ve never heard of such a thing and I had a spouse and insurance of all types. “Do you want your birth certificate or insurance?” As if having it in his drawer at home is what keeps her insured? Dick. DICK. Yes. you are an asshole, Karen. You too Cas and your obnoxious attitude like you’re a fucking know it all.  

Lawren looked amazing after the makeover. I was so glad that she has so much support. I love their kids. The only thing hanging for me is Jennifer. She has completely bottled up her own feelings and won’t let them out. That is not healthy. I’m sure she is doing it because Lawren is so fragile but she really needs to get off the “it’s about you” stuff. It’s about both you coming to terms with the changes.

I’ve cooled off a lot to Leslie and am glad she has family support but I just see her being the centerpiece of attention now with the expectation that Stacy will cater to her every whim. She complains that they are struggling but does not seem to do much about it. She expects Stacy to take care of it. It would be nice if they moved to Wisconsin and had a large circle of family around but again, it’s Leslie’s family so Stacy will be uprooting herself to accommodate Leslie’s wishes. 

I hated Cindy from jump street. All through the show. During the first hour of this finale, I hated her even more and truly though she was being selfish. What particularly set me off was in the doctor’s office when you could tell that Lucy was so all about getting the shot and moving along. She seemed so happy and when he said he would hold off, Cindy let out a smile and said something like, “See? He knows we made promises to each other.” This is not a decision for Lucy like getting a puppy or a new car. This is her life and Cindy wants Lucy to base her decision on Cindy’s desire for his (to Cindy) dick.

But when Lucy walked into that cafe looking amazing, the look on Cindy’s face made me truly feel her pain. She knew right there that it was game over. I seriously could feel her emotions through the TV. then she ruined it outside by sniping at Lucy but wow.

I wish Lawren had a better reaction to the song the daughter sang. She was a little too straight faced to me. 

Edited by configdotsys
fixed a typo and a pronoun
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 I can;t imagine that they would give Lucy all those hormones if she is smoking.  That's a lot of hormones.  I thought that it was very dangerous to smoke while taking them.  When, I was on the pill, I was told that smoking was NOT allowed, as it could cause strokes. And, that's what the hormones are, right? Estrogen.  Same hormone, just in larger doses

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Gah Leslie’s FB page shows it wasn’t editing. She is this sad sap who posts to complain about haters getting her down, multiple medical pictures (“if it’s not one thing, it’s another”) and a picture or two laying around (“depression sucks”). She also started a Go Fund Me for her transition. Stacy is a damn saint. 

I feel for Beverly. She’s trying after being just crushed. I can sympathize. My (now ex) husband didn’t leave me for the same reason (it was for someone else) but I was like her. Just wanted a family my whole life and was a stay at home mom for 7 years when it was sprung on me. I had married young so not a lot of world experiences it she’ll see it will be the best thing for her. Karen didn’t need to be an ass about keeping her birth certificate AND driving over the lawn the night before new owners possibly move in. 

Loved Lawrens grandma! Her daughters seem lovely too.

Also have to say all the ladies looked gorgeous with their makeovers  

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20 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Leslie (an unemployed, impoverished human sad trombone who lives in a broken down trailer): I need bottom surgery—and I have an appointment for a consultation next month! YAY!

I have spent the day today feeling hopeless and weepy. Side effects I guess, but I wanted to say I'm giving you a virtual hug because the "sad trombone" above just made me crack up and boy did I need that. So thanks!

Edited to add: Is there a place in this forum where one can find links to these people's social media pages?

I found Leslie's. She posted her sob story and if you read between the lines it's a plea for people to send money. Get. A. Job.

Edited by configdotsys
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22 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:

  Am I a horrible person for loving that Stacy and Leslie’s son (can’t remember his name) whacked Leslie right in her post-surgical boob?! She’s all sitting there whining about her incision and I just want to smack her. Bitch, Stacy had to go back to work a week after giving birth because you were too busy navel-gazing and marinating in your own misery to get a fucking job. . You wanna be a woman? Learn to toughen up and deal with pain. So done with her selfishness. 

Haven't we all been hit in the boob by a toddler?  It hurts!  Welcome to having breasts, Leslie.  So Stacey's back to work a week after a difficult pregnancy and birth so that Leslie can get implants.  Then it's off to Wisconsin where Leslie spends the day in the spa while Stacey minds the kids while hanging with Leslie's family.  And at the end of it all she gets to find out that they're moving away from her family to go live by Leslie's!  Run, Stacey, run!

10 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Karen is an asshole. She was an asshole when she was a man, and she's still an asshole. What a controlling, condescending, patronizing, POS. Cas takes their cue from her. They've probably been piling on Beverly her whole life. And the gaslighting! "You have two choices. you can have your birth certificate or you can have insurance. Which do you want?" If I were ever to run into Karen I'd have to be restrained. I want to punch her in the throat. Man or woman, Karen is a garbage human.

Jennifer is a darling and her kids are just as sweet and kind as she is. I hope she is taking care of herself. This is insanely hard for her and Lawren is sucking all the psychic energy from the room, the house, the town, possibly planet Earth.

So very Leslie, to make Grandma's 80th birthday all about her.

Yes to all of this!  Especially the bit about Lawren, who I must say came out of this as my least favorite of all.  A lovely wife, all those kids and a family business and can't get her head out of her own rear end long enough to give a care about any of them.  When she came with her makeover and the kids were so pleased that she looked so happy I was thinking "For today!"  Next week she might be in a funk because there's no way to make her any shorter.  And I can't imagine that this show will have done any favors for their law practice - people need to be assured that their lawyers will show up in court and not be sitting at home in wet clothes because they're too depressed to dry their penis.  And sweet Jennifer just persists that Lawren must get everything Lawren wants, and now Jennifer can't even have girls night!  It's a shame.

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Cindy needs to move on.  There is no compromise here.

And Cas just needs to STFU.

And Karen needs to give Beverly her birth certificate.  What a disgusting individual.  I suspect nothing has changed.

Edited by Kid
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22 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I wish all the women on the show much luck with their new lives and hope they find happiness. But I am really grateful there'll be no more of this show—the storytelling (such as it was) was horrific and the participants were mostly completely annoying. 

You mean you aren't going to miss Cindy constantly saying how she loves penis, wants penis, can't live without penis, is highly sexual, has a big sexual appetite and blah, blah, blah? She annoys the crap out of me. 

And I agree with the poster upthread that said there is no way Lucy is 50. I say 60 at least. Lucy, honey, lesson #1 for you is to stop sucking on those cigarettes like a lumberjack that has been living out in the wilderness your whole life, it's disgusting. 

Lawren and Jennifer's daughters are wonderful. Lawren needs to loosen up. This is going to be a long journey for her. I, too, would have liked to see her show more emotion when her daughter was singing that beautiful song. She pretty much acts like a lump all the time. Maybe she just doesn't have much personality as a man or woman. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Somehow I guess I multitask so much that every episode I missed seeing where Cindy and Troy/Lucy lived and had it in my head they were on the other coast (or were they one episode visiting family w/ a sunroom porch type thing maybe? and so I just never paid much attention). But it always seemed weird because their house looks so much like one I used to live near and it's pretty typical of my particular area.

Last week I finally realized they were in SoCal b/c I happened to see where Cindy was driving and know the road and so watched for the next 'intro' where it confirmed it.

But then last night I realized I regularly eat at that place they ended the show in (where they had their first date). It's such a random spot so was SO weird! And I can't believe they let them film there.

Now I feel like I need to rewatch and see where that atrocious first makeover happened because it was somewhere extremely local to me. Ha.

It'll be interesting to see if they ever follow up with these couples/families down the road.

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Do we know for sure that the show has not been renewed? The People Live show did not mention it at all. They also did not mention whether or not Lucy began getting injections. I find it hard to believe that Cindy has done this complete turnaround and is now clothes shopping with Lucy. What about the penis? I came away from the People Live thing thinking that earlier comments here about Lucy maybe just being a cross dresser might be accurate. If that's the case, I could see Cindy coming around on that. 

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On a lighter note, there was a lot of bare feet in this episode; first in the midwife office, there was a woman behind a desk showing off her shapely feet for the camera, why she would be barefoot is a mystery; second, the therapist was curled up in a chair, she must be a tiny thing, and wiggling her toes. It was interesting to watch, as her face was stoic, but her toes gave her away!

Seeing as this is a TLC programme, I expect that we will see them in a store, buying junkfood with coupons.

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On 7/9/2018 at 2:00 AM, Lizzing said:

And why did Karen and Cas take off across the lawn, like it was some kind of jail break?  The new home buyers are gonna come after her for any lawn damage, as they should.

I noticed in the show's tag on Twitter that Cas was responding to some people's scathing comments about him and he said some separate event happened, which we weren't shown, that led to them taking off like bats out of hell across the lawn.

He also said he was forced by the producers to get involved in the fight over the birth certificate, and basically hinted that his lines were fed to him.  Which could very well be true, this is reality TV after all.  But I've been familiar with Cas's Twitter for a couple of years now (Cas and a friend of mine were once part of the same fandom) and frankly, he's always come across as a condescending, pontificating jackass who knows better than everyone about everything.


12 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Gah Leslie’s FB page shows it wasn’t editing. She is this sad sap who posts to complain about haters getting her down, multiple medical pictures (“if it’s not one thing, it’s another”) and a picture or two laying around (“depression sucks”). She also started a Go Fund Me for her transition. Stacy is a damn saint. 

The second I hear someone has a GoFundMe, I'm out.  (Not that I was ever "in" with Leslie lol)

And yeah, if Lucy is 50, I shall eat the keyboard upon which I am typing.

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Unless Lucy quit smoking, I can't imagine she will be able to stay on hormone treatments.  But, since she was so excited about it, perhaps, she'll quit smoking. 

Does anyone know why Karen was so upset when they were clearing the last things out of the house?  It appeared that she was already ticked off and seething, before the comment about the birth certificate.  And, a proper response to Bev would have been, I do have the birth certificate, because I need it for your insurance, however, let me check and see if I will need it any longer, and if not, I'll send it to you.  But, if you need it before I get an answer from the insurance company, you can just get it and I'll get it back from you later, if necessary. What's wrong with that? But, it seemed to be a big fight, but, only it wasn't really about the birth certificate, imo. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 01/07/2018 at 8:21 PM, Mollysmom said:

Troy just doesn't come across as a woman or feminine to me at all. I wasn't paying really close attention, but I swear he said he liked his penis and wanted to keep it...

Well, as my gender therapist told me, "You won't look like Sophia Loren.  The truth is that very few trans women look feminine. Not even Jazz, who went on hormone blockers as a child, let alone a 50 something, such as myself. 

Very few transwomen have gender affirming surgery. It is best to imagine your penis  as a large clitoris. The penis was made for peeing after all.

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On 02/07/2018 at 6:47 AM, NinaH said:

Re Cindy, yeah at first I was like “you go girl” because that gives me reason to be hopeful that when I get her age, that I’ll enjoy sex still and want it often. But now I think someone should put the water hose on her. 


On 02/07/2018 at 6:47 AM, NinaH said:

Re Cindy, yeah at first I was like “you go girl” because that gives me reason to be hopeful that when I get her age, that I’ll enjoy sex still and want it often. But now I think someone should put the water hose on her. 

At her age? I think she is just in her mid 50s. She has had a hard life though it seems.

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

Do we know for sure that the show has not been renewed?

In all the TV promos for the show, TLC kept calling this episode the "finale." But, I just checked their Twitter, and the promo tweet they sent out for the show said, "season finale" so, maybe there will be a S2? 

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4 minutes ago, Visaman666 said:


At her age? I think she is just in her mid 50s. She has had a hard life though it seems.

There is no way Cindy is just in her mid 50s. Just no way.

It does seem like she's overly fixated on sex, but honestly, I think it's just in this specific context. She's probably just perfectly fine with a nice, average sex life--at her age, or any age, whatever that might be--but she's facing the prospect of losing the sex life she has now, cuz she really doesn't want to have sex with Lucy, and she's likely realizing that she might not find somebody else.....(tho, of course, she might). She's just reacting to what she might be losing. Or whatever, I don't know.

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58 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

She's probably just perfectly fine with a nice, average sex life--at her age, or any age, whatever that might be--but she's facing the prospect of losing the sex life she has now, cuz she really doesn't want to have sex with Lucy, and she's likely realizing that she might not find somebody else.....(tho, of course, she might). She's just reacting to what she might be losing. Or whatever, I don't know.

According to statistics, she'll need to become a cougar.  At least half of the men in her current age group (60s) will begin to experience erectile dysfunction.  There are medications that can help . . . but not if there's not an organ.  

I, too, think Troy might be happy as a cross-dresser with an alter-ego named Lucy.

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On 08/07/2018 at 7:42 PM, PupCal said:

Why do none of these trans women ever talk about therapy? It's literally required for bottom surgery and it would help them out a shit ton.

Uh is this physician giving make-up tips?


On 08/07/2018 at 7:42 PM, PupCal said:

Why do none of these trans women ever talk about therapy? It's literally required for bottom surgery and it would help them out a shit ton.

Uh is this physician giving make-up tips?

Therapy is also required for HRT. I had 3 sessions. It used to be that one had to live like their chosen gender for a year before HRT was approved, but that requirement was abolished just a few years ago. 

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@GIANT MISFIT. good post, I agree with every word.  Good thread and posts all the way around. 

I have some superficial comments to add.  

Lawren has her own hair so it should look better, especially with all the women in her life.

I feel sad for all of them, Karen and Leslie not as much.  Googling brings up private organizations that help with bottom surgery and I feel certain that Leslie has qualified. 

Beverly, a message for you leaving your husbands transition out of it.  We teach people how to treat us.  Stop being a victim and own your part in it.  You found willing participants and this will happen again with another man.  Sure Karen is a controlling, selfish asshole, but you attracted that and stayed with it.  It worked for you a long time but now it is time to change it.

Edited by Wings
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3 minutes ago, Wings said:

Lawren has her own hair so it should look better, especially with all the women in her life.

I think her hair is in that awkward growing out stage. It may look better as it gets longer. Same with Leslie.  It's better than sporting a cheap, hideous wig.

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On 09/07/2018 at 8:05 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I've learned a lot watching this show. Mostly though, I feel for the families that we saw on this series. 

To me, if you are a good person, it comes through and generally others don't think you are a jerk.  And why did the producer go comfort Karen at the end.....maybe, she needed to feel bad.  If more people feel bad about their poor behavior, maybe, they'd change and stop doing it.

I always suspected that Cindy just could not accept that part of being transgender was becoming a woman for her husband.  She seemed deluded into what it would entail.  I was a little surprised too at what the hormones actually do to the female transgender.  I NEVER REALIZED that the hormones to cause female characteristics and to halt male traits causes the libido to go down to nothing.  Even the testicles practically disappear.  So, to me, that's huge sacrifice for these people.  How do they eagerly give up sex to live a a woman?  I don't get it.  I guess it's a sacrifice they deem to be worth it. 

If Lawren is trying to downplay her height, I would get some tips on attire.  The long striped blouse elongated her frame. The sweater didn't help either.  Other clothes could help chop him up and not accentuate the tallness.  I sense that her wife, Jennifer is going to struggle down the road. I sense she doesn't get it either.  For these wives who really enjoy an active sex life, I don't get how they plan to adjust.  I wish them all well.

  I wonder if they'll do an update a year down the road.  Anyone know when this was filmed?



On 09/07/2018 at 8:05 AM, SunnyBeBe said:


 I was a little surprised too at what the hormones actually do to the female transgender.  I NEVER REALIZED that the hormones to cause female characteristics and to halt male traits causes the libido to go down to nothing.  Even the testicles practically disappear.  So, to me, that's huge sacrifice for these people.  How do they eagerly give up sex to live a a woman?  I don't get it.  I guess it's a sacrifice they deem to be worth it. 



 Those are good questions.

Estrogen on it's own has some of those effects, but it is the testosterone blockers, namely, Spirolactone that  kills the male sex drive. Spirolactone is an acne medication, but it is used, off label, to block testosterone. It is a recent discovery, it is used to reduce the amount of Estrogen supplements, which were linked to Breast Cancer. It's use is controversial, although it is  regularly prescribed. I was on it for a month, before, I was prescribed the Estradiol patches. The side effects were horrendous. I couldn't get out of bed for a month, as I was so depressed. My sex drive was nil, and I was a mess, so, I quit cold turkey, and told my Endocrinologist, who told me to stop taking it.  

As for why so many take it, many transistioning persons hate sex, so, they welcome the opportunity to be castrated. Of course they have mental problems and this is why therapy is recommended. 

Edited by Visaman666
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5 minutes ago, Visaman666 said:


 Those are good questions.

Estrogen on it's own has some of those effects, but it is the testosterone blockers, namely, Spirolactone that  kills the male sex drive. Spirolactone is an acne medication, but it is used, off label, to block testosterone. It is a recent discovery, it is used to reduce the amount of Estrogen supplements, which were linked to Breast Cancer. It's use is controversial, although it is  regularly prescribed. I was on it for a month, before, I was prescribed the Estradiol patches. The side effects were horrendous. I couldn't get out of bed for a month, as I was so depressed. My sex drive was nil, and I was a mess, so, I quit cold turkey, and told my Endocrinologist, who told me to stop taking it.  

As for why so many take it, many transistioning persons hate sex, so, they welcome the opportunity to be castrated. Of course they have mental probles and this is why therapy is recommended. 

Interesting information.  

I don't believe that Lucy is only 50 years old either.  More like 60.  How old you think that Cindy is?  She seemed like she was in that age range too.  Certainly past menopause.  Any way that she would still have that high of a libido?  Hmmm.....she sure seemed jazzed up about it. That's for sure. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Cindy and Troy are my favorite couple, what they are going though breaks my heart. I am in no way against someone wanting to change there entire identity and follow their life long dream but Cindy is the one who has to give up her life long dream of finding a man to treat her with love, kindness and respect, exactly what she found in Troy. This man and woman or soul mates and I hope they can find a way to stay together but It appears Troy will complete his transition with bottom surgery. I want to call him the most selfish person on earth, but I can’t because I totally believe in following ones heart and reach for the stars. As for Cindy, I wish that her hopes and dreams can come true. With time, lots of help from therapist and support of family and friends, it might just happen. They have a long journey ahead and I wish them the best.

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3 hours ago, Visaman666 said:

Well, as my gender therapist told me, "You won't look like Sophia Loren.  The truth is that very few trans women look feminine. Not even Jazz, who went on hormone blockers as a child, let alone a 50 something, such as myself. 

Very few transwomen have gender affirming surgery. It is best to imagine your penis  as a large clitoris. The penis was made for peeing after all.

It's not about his look, it's about his mannerisms and the way he moves, the way he carries himself. He totally has extremely  male/masculine mannerisms. I think he is confusing this with wanting to be a cross-dresser. 

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On 7/9/2018 at 7:47 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

Okay, I don't really mean to be mean (heh), but at Leslie's family party she didn't seem to be the only transgender attendee. Stacy's unconditional love is awesome to behold.

I thought Karen was there - had to look twice!

Edited by lizajane
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IF there is another season, I would prefer that they have an all new cast.  This time have some transgender men.  When people are on reality shows for too long, it seems that they continue on with issues for questionable reasons.  The cast may do better to move on with their lives.  

Maybe, one episode of where they are now in a couple of years would be good.  I hate to be negative, but, I just can't envision the orginal wives staying in these marriages, if they are not getting their physical needs met and if their spouses are fully living as women. To me, these wives have talked themselves into how it's going to work out, due to financial and societal reasons.  I suspect that Beverly may have had the most realistic response.  She went with her truth and I respect that.  I fear that for the others.......their journey may end similarly.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 7/8/2018 at 9:30 PM, For Cereals said:

Karen and Cas are assholes.  If I were Beverly, I’d call the insurance company myself and ask them what they needed.  Maybe when you sign up, but I don’t see why Karen has to keep it.  I hope Beverly can become fully independent soon.

Oh and how are implants just thrown in?  You can’t afford to eat or fly to your family but implants?

Karen Full Blown Asshole and Cas, Asshole Jr.  

I thought I was watching Caitlyn Jenner, without the dough.

And what was the destructive driving about (where is a cop when you need one;) she's the one in possession of the birth certificate that doesn't have her name on it.

Horrible person.

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