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S10.E04: War and P.O.S

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On 4/29/2018 at 2:28 PM, AnnA said:

They also say "going out east."

If I understand correctly there is even a huge difference between Montauk/out east and the Hamptons areas. Montauk has several ferries bringing in the regular (haha) people for beach days , more college partying and there is more fishing and sport boating. Still pockets of great wealth but not the real estate quite and vibe of the Hamptons. IIRC when Bethenny started on HW she bragged she went to Montauk not the Hamptons. Now, she’s a Hamptons girl. 

On 4/29/2018 at 8:24 PM, noveltylibrary said:

Did anyone else think Dorinda was about to say ball gag?

I would have given Luann 6 million and a Tom voodoo doll if she had said to Dennis “I never said anything about how you met I said you were dating a married man. You’re still technically married right Dennis?” BOOM. 

23 hours ago, BonesMom said:

My take on the Dennis stand by the chair thing is that B was quick to remove her jacket and drape it over one of the chairs smack dab in the middle of the table in order to be smack dab in the middle of the action that night. IMO, Dennis was, in effect, saving that chair for her. A very Type A behavior and entitled behavior that Bethenny displays over and over.

Bethennys comment to him and shit eating grin at the end was something like welcome to my world, this was a lark for her to wind up the table and show off to Dennis what her work Is..... 

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On April 25, 2018 at 9:34 PM, Neurochick said:

Just because Dorinda's husband died doesn't mean she has the right to be a nasty person.

Exactly.  I can't decide if Dorinda is just a drunk or if she's popping Adderal or doing lines as well. 

The clothes these Hos wear . . . sweet baby Jesus.  At least Bethenny realizes how insane they are. 

Carole is one miserable, insufferable bitch. I get she ran the marathon but be appreciative of what Ramona did.  What did she expect?  A banner that says You Did It? TM Aviva.  A casserole? TM Vicki.  Is this the world we live in? TM Sarah W.

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20 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

Ramona talking about renting for less than two weeks and not having to pay taxes on it makes me think that she's using it as an airBnb or something similar. 

I like Tinsley with a backbone, but she is so childlike that on another board someone called her Angelica Pickles and I can never unsee it.

I’m no tax expert and I don’t live in NY, but I wasn’t sure what taxes she was talking about. I’m guessing she meant income tax. If you rent out 2 weekends or less maybe it isn’t considered an income property so you don’t have to pay that tax. I imagine you still have to pay property tax and on a property like Ramona has the property taxes alone are probably enough to rent a house for the summer. 

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On 4/30/2018 at 12:18 PM, ghoulina said:

It didn't necessarily come off as joking, though. I thought she was dead serious, as did many others. So she's either back pedaling now, or she needs to work on her delivery. 

I think it can be both. I think a person can be joking and still be a bitch. It’s not like humor and cruelty are mutually exclusive. And I say this as one of the most sarcastic people alive. I love a dry sense of humor, but I also know it can hurt people. I think in some situations you have to make a choice between being clever and being kind. I think 99% of the time Carole chooses clever. 

I also think Carole uses humor to say things she really feels, but doesn’t want to admit to. Like the party, I think Carole actually did want everyone to make a big fuss about this (totally legitimate) accomplishment and was honestly disappointed that the evening wasn’t completely focused on her. I don’t think she’s comfortable admitting stuff like that because it’s what other, more needy, less cool women do so she pretends it’s all a joke. IMHO, it’s very similar to the way Ramona uses “telling the truth” as a free pass to say whatever hurtful shit pops into her brain (seriously, what does Ramona’s brain look like? I picture a cross between that old movie the Monkeeys did, Head, and an episode of Sex and the City). As long as she’s just telling the truth no one is supposed to get upset. I feel like Carole does the same thing with humor. I find both to be immature, self centered ways of dealing with people.

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Maybe off topic...but I'm watching the older 2008 episodes. I am not a fan of Ramona's so much...but boy do I respect her ideals about a woman being able to take care of herself financially and sharing that with her daughter when she was young. I Love that!! 

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12 minutes ago, Sherilea43 said:

Maybe off topic...but I'm watching the older 2008 episodes. I am not a fan of Ramona's so much...but boy do I respect her ideals about a woman being able to take care of herself financially and sharing that with her daughter when she was young. I Love that!! 

Agreed.  Hopefully, she doesn't consider pilfering dresses and utilizing random people as unpaid contractors a means of financial independence.   ?

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26 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Agreed.  Hopefully, she doesn't consider pilfering dresses and utilizing random people as unpaid contractors a means of financial independence.   ?

Love this! 

How many dresses has she stolen over the years?

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On 4/29/2018 at 7:12 PM, FozzyBear said:

Jesus, Carole. I actually agree with you in that an actual DEATH is a lot more like a death then a divorce, but could you dial the snot rag  back a notch. I went through a divorce and it was horrible. Not as horrible as a death, but there was more to it then signing a paper. For fucks sake. If you took a day off from being the arbitrator of who’s pain is real you might have time to throw your own marathon party.

It is a really stupid argument in my opinion.  Pain is relative.  Sonja nor Luann have had a spouse die.  Carole has not divorced anyone.  Dorinda has actually experienced both but I don't know if she liked her husband that she divorced (at the end).  I can see that they all have experienced pain.  To get into a pissing contest about who has suffered more is really lame.  It was painful, life changed, you do the best you can to move beyond it and hopefully light comes back into your life.  In thinking about Mr. Natalie, it would be horrible either way.  They just need to call it a day and acknowledge they have all suffered losses.  

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6 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

I’m no tax expert and I don’t live in NY, but I wasn’t sure what taxes she was talking about. I’m guessing she meant income tax. If you rent out 2 weekends or less maybe it isn’t considered an income property so you don’t have to pay that tax. I imagine you still have to pay property tax and on a property like Ramona has the property taxes alone are probably enough to rent a house for the summer. 

So Bethenny noted in twitter today that she rented the house for 6 figures for 6 weeks.  And that that amount covers the cost for the year.  She said we’ll see the renovation at the end of the RHONY season.  Poor Bethenny, she has to pay taxes.

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On 4/30/2018 at 9:19 AM, teapot said:

omg my husband's Nana used to love to go shopping, and Nano would sit and nap and read the paper on the benches.  She would occasionally visit him and deposit the bags she'd accumulated in random intervals.  #goals

These forums are even more fun than the episodes, I swear!!

You are lucky you get yours to go with you!  Mine would be happy if he walked through the store and someone just handed him bags of new clothes.  We had to shop the other day and I told him that we were going to Ross to look for what we needed.  Had a long discussion about how they wouldn't have BBQ and how he thought I was bsing him.  Yes indeed they have them.  He spent the rest of the afternoon musing about how Ross had more than shoes.  I told him he was a novice and to just keep his lips zipped about things he does not know.  I may have yelled amateur at him the rest of the day :).

These forums are so educational!  I learn new words, pick up happenings on the show I didn't notice, learn about all things Hamptons.  I am going to say I have a BS in Reality TV Communication.

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8 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Exactly.  I can't decide if Dorinda is just a drunk or if she's popping Adderal or doing lines as well. 

The clothes these Hos wear . . . sweet baby Jesus.  At least Bethenny realizes how insane they are. 

Carole is one miserable, insufferable bitch. I get she ran the marathon but be appreciative of what Ramona did.  What did she expect?  A banner that says You Did It? TM Aviva.  A casserole? TM Vicki.  Is this the world we live in? TM Sarah W.

To be fair, after running for that many hours she could have probably used a casserole.  HA!

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

It is a really stupid argument in my opinion.  Pain is relative.  Sonja nor Luann have had a spouse die.  Carole has not divorced anyone.  Dorinda has actually experienced both but I don't know if she liked her husband that she divorced (at the end).  I can see that they all have experienced pain.  To get into a pissing contest about who has suffered more is really lame.  It was painful, life changed, you do the best you can to move beyond it and hopefully light comes back into your life.  In thinking about Mr. Natalie, it would be horrible either way.  They just need to call it a day and acknowledge they have all suffered losses.  

I think the reason that Dorinda blew up at Sonja is that Sonja uses her divorce to excuse her bad behavior, Sonja thinks it's a get out of jail free card. She feeds Page Six rumors, gossip and out right lies about these women and when they call her out on it she then boo hoo's about how hard she has had it since her divorce. Never mind that most of her problems since the divorce were of her own doing/bad behavior, like trying to scam a movie studio then trying to bully/threaten them into not holding her responsible for the damage/cost they were left with because of her lie/scam. But her, Dorinda's, point got lost because she got verbally aggressive with Sonja. So, it came across as Dorinda saying that divorce isn't painful.

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4 hours ago, Sherilea43 said:

Alright, I'm just saying the concept of us all taking care of ourselves financially is a good thing.

I know, lol.  

5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Love this! 

How many dresses has she stolen over the years?

Couldn't say.  Two from Bethenny's talk show, beyond that...anybody's guess.

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4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I know, lol.  

Couldn't say.  Two from Bethenny's talk show, beyond that...anybody's guess.

There’s also the Britney Spears costume that she wore for the Halloween party.  She took that from the Lip Sync set.  She claims she begged for it because she didn’t have a Halloween costume but sources from the show said that they don’t let celebrities keep the outfits.  

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16 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

It is a really stupid argument in my opinion.  Pain is relative.  Sonja nor Luann have had a spouse die.  Carole has not divorced anyone.  Dorinda has actually experienced both but I don't know if she liked her husband that she divorced (at the end).  I can see that they all have experienced pain.  To get into a pissing contest about who has suffered more is really lame.  It was painful, life changed, you do the best you can to move beyond it and hopefully light comes back into your life.  In thinking about Mr. Natalie, it would be horrible either way.  They just need to call it a day and acknowledge they have all suffered losses.  

Exactly!  Pain is pain.  I went through a protracted, painful divorce that I initially did not want.  I wouldn't begin to try and compare it to anyone else's divorce or someone who had lost their spouse.  It's just not the same.  Everyone reacts differently.  One of my friends was ready to go out and meet new people on the dating scene a few days after officially separating from her ex; it took me a lot longer.  Doesn't mean either one of us was right or wrong.

Bethenny had a good point, although no one seemed to listen to her.  Divorce is similar to a death but without the same closure.  It's not death, no, but it is the end of a marriage and it shouldn't be discounted.  Dorinda and Carole were incredibly insensitive to put every divorced person in the same box; i.e., you made a choice, you signed papers.  Not everyone wants to divorce, at least not initially.  For some, divorce can be nearly as crushing as death.  JMO, but both Dorinda and Sonja could use a good therapist to speak to.

Both Dorinda and Carole lost their husbands.  Would it be fair for us to judge them based on the fact that Dorinda speaks about her former husband quite a bit and Carole almost never does?  Does that mean that Carole didn't suffer nearly as much?  And for what that's worth, should we argue that because Carole's husband was ill, she shouldn't have hurt as much because she knew it was coming?  

Carole's post on the subject just proves that she's a fucking asshole.

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On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 6:11 AM, psychoticstate said:

Exactly.  I can't decide if Dorinda is just a drunk or if she's popping Adderal or doing lines as well. 

The clothes these Hos wear . . . sweet baby Jesus.  At least Bethenny realizes how insane they are. 

Carole is one miserable, insufferable bitch. I get she ran the marathon but be appreciative of what Ramona did.  What did she expect?  A banner that says You Did It? TM Aviva.  A casserole? TM Vicki.  Is this the world we live in? TM Sarah W.

What I hated most this episode was Dorinda going on and on about Dear Dead Richard and John is sitting right there. I've wondered how often it's happened. 

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2 hours ago, Giselle said:

What I hated most this episode was Dorinda going on and on about Dear Dead Richard and John is sitting right there. I've wondered how often it's happened. 

In that vein, here's a photo of their Dubai trip.  They look happy here to me.  

Screenshot (339).png

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4 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

In that vein, here's a photo of their Dubai trip.  They look happy here to me.  

Screenshot (339).png


Yes they do and that's great to see, but in that moment I felt for him and wondered how often it's happened.

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23 minutes ago, Giselle said:

in that moment I felt for him and wondered how often it's happened.

No question.  I will say that I think they each know the role they play in each others lives.  I would imagine he knows that Richard was a great love of hers (or at least that is the legacy his death has created), and so far anyway, he's satisfied with their relationship as it is.  

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I wonder (Be warned, I've had some wine and may get philosophical...) about Dorinda beating up on Sonja for not being able to let go of the past. imo, Dorinda is still actively grieving Richard, whether she's aware of it or not and from what I can tell (admittedly we aren't shown much of their lives) she is trying to live in the present and knows she has to move on from his death. Maybe Sonja's complete disregard for the present (John-John's been dead a long time) strikes a nerve with her because she's trying and barely coping (else why all the alcohol?) and Sonja's living, seemingly, happily in the delusions of some fantasy world of what used to be. 

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22 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Bravo finally updated their on demand cue so I could watch this one! Dorinda is pretty nuts. I have a bit of a soft spot for her, but she has some real emotional issues. Her hair trigger is scary.

i almost spit out my drink when Carole tried to act innocent about what started the grudge match between her and Luanne. You don’t like Luanne! I mean come on! Carole came on the show her first season gunning for Luanne. She’s just doesn’t like her, which fine there is plenty to dislike about Luanne and she hasn’t been innocent in the Carole V Luanne showdown, but you started it Carole! You did! This complete lack of ability to take any blame for her own actions is why I don’t trust Carole. I was also reminded that we really only have Carole’s word on some of her worst accusations (the pedaphile comment) so until I see tape I’m giving it the side eye. I think Carole is a little weasel and i wouldn’t trust her recollection of much of anything.

Although, I don’t really get Bethany’s objection to bringing her to PR. I would think Carole would be bending over backwards to show how deep and woke she is. I doubt she would pick that moment to play giggly teenage Carole. So I’m not sure what’s that’s about unless she had just been dismissive or uninterested in the project in general. 

Tinsely is so weird. We’re about the same age but she acts like a not terribly  mature 20 year old. I don’t dislike her, but I do think she’s a bit off.

im starting to feel bad for Sonja. I mean she’s bat shit, but the others are going for her so hard. I’m with Bethany and Luanne that no matter who is right or wrong about the semantics of pain ownership, the group dynamic is starting to get very uncomfortable. 

Even the "pedophile" comment came second hand to Carole, it was relayed to Carole by some unknown person and none of the HWs heard Luann say this either.

IMO, the bad blood between Dorinda/Tinsley and Sonja stems from Sonja feeding page six/tabloids gossip/lies about them every chance she gets, and by all accounts, it appears Sonja is still doing it. Maybe if Sonja stopped doing it, they would back off of her on camera.

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45 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Even the "pedophile" comment came second hand to Carole, it was relayed to Carole by some unknown person and none of the HWs heard Luann say this either.

IMO, the bad blood between Dorinda/Tinsley and Sonja stems from Sonja feeding page six/tabloids gossip/lies about them every chance she gets, and by all accounts, it appears Sonja is still doing it. Maybe if Sonja stopped doing it, they would back off of her on camera.

Huh. I don’t really pay close attention to the off the show stuff so I’ll take your word for it. It is something I can see Sonjia doing. 

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12 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Huh. I don’t really pay close attention to the off the show stuff so I’ll take your word for it. It is something I can see Sonjia doing. 

She got called out on it the prior 2 seasons by Luann, Dorinda and Tinsley (last season) and she kept it up this off season with going after Tinsley. And, Sonja hasn't apologized to any of them for doing it.

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On 4/26/2018 at 12:20 AM, Linderville said:

I'm sorry if I'm not posting this correctly. I'm kind of new at posting.

My husband left me a year ago on Christmas. We had been together 25 years. I had no clue anything was wrong. I thought we had a good marriage; friends told me they were envious. I loved my husband with all my heart and I would have died for him without hesitation. Thru our marriage, I had great anxiety about him dying and couldn't bear to think about losing my best friend. Now I realize, It would have been so much easier if he had died. I would not be suffering the rejection, that at 58, after cancer, I was no longer desirable to him. I get to live knowing he is now with somebody quite a bit younger. Worried I am going to see them together. It's really difficult not to picture all the things my husband said and did to me, he is now saying and doing to someone else. I am just as alone as if he had died.

Carole said you just go into court and sign a paper. Not exactly. My heart is truly broken. It's excruciating to know the person who was always on your side is now working against you. I lost my health insurance. He got half of my inheritance from my parents, half of the house I had paid off, before we were married. If he had died, I would be financially stable. I spent my whole life making sure I would be financially set in my older years, and now I'm not. At all. He is still fighting for more and I'm afraid to even open my email or listen to my phone messages. My best friend is now cold and heartless to me. I have spent a year in therapy, I've tried many antidepressants, I have been suicidal for the first time in my life. I can't even express to you the darkness this last year has been for me. I have lost his family, and I wouldn't have if he had died. I am just as alone as any widow, but I have to deal with a whole lot more. And I can't look at photographs for comfort, or think about sweet memories. They're all tainted and I'm not sure what was ever real now. I do not wish ill upon my husband, but no one is going to convince me that it wouldn't have been easier for me if he had died.

I'm editing this to say, I forgot the most important thing: if he had died, rather than left me, our love would still be intact.

Linderville, I am so very sorry for all of this.  Please don't give up.  I hope that you have other people in your life besides your best friend who doesn't really seem like a best friend.  Again, please don't give up.

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On May 2, 2018 at 7:53 AM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

If I understand correctly there is even a huge difference between Montauk/out east and the Hamptons areas. Montauk has several ferries bringing in the regular (haha) people for beach days , more college partying and there is more fishing and sport boating. Still pockets of great wealth but not the real estate quite and vibe of the Hamptons. IIRC when Bethenny started on HW she bragged she went to Montauk not the Hamptons. Now, she’s a Hamptons girl. 

I would have given Luann 6 million and a Tom voodoo doll if she had said to Dennis “I never said anything about how you met I said you were dating a married man. You’re still technically married right Dennis?” BOOM. 

Bethennys comment to him and shit eating grin at the end was something like welcome to my world, this was a lark for her to wind up the table and show off to Dennis what her work Is..... 

Now I'm going to really confuse you.  "Out East" could mean Montauk, The Hamptons, or "The North Fork", which is on the other side of Montauk & Hamptons.  Less crowded and more wine country and peaceful.  Also, a ferry that goes to Connecticut.  Plus, you could take a ferry from the North Fork across to the Hamptons.  Confused?  What say you Ann A?  ?

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On May 14, 2018 at 3:54 PM, Gem 10 said:

Now I'm going to really confuse you.  "Out East" could mean Montauk, The Hamptons, or "The North Fork", which is on the other side of Montauk & Hamptons.  Less crowded and more wine country and peaceful.  Also, a ferry that goes to Connecticut.  Plus, you could take a ferry from the North Fork across to the Hamptons.  Confused?  What say you Ann A?  ?

Sorry Gem - I just saw this!

I've taken  the ferry from Orient Point to Connecticut.  It's beautiful. 

Edited by AnnA
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On May 25, 2018 at 7:16 PM, AnnA said:

Sorry Gem - I just saw this!

I've taken  the ferry from Orient Point to Connecticut.  It's beautiful. 

Mystic, Mohegan or Foxwoods, haha.  Just saw this too.  ??

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14 hours ago, AnnA said:

Mohegan ?

My husband travels to Connecticut almost weekly and stays at Mohegan Sun, (he just returned with a sweat shirt for me, not sure why he missed the jewelry store but whatever, lol) and I have gone a few times, it's lovely.  Mohegan often hosts Bravo reality stars, just the other day my husband was playing craps with the Long Island Medium.

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42 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Love the cheesecake at buffet.  I eat two!  ? ☕️


22 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My husband travels to Connecticut almost weekly and stays at Mohegan Sun, (he just returned with a sweat shirt for me, not sure why he missed the jewelry store but whatever, lol) and I have gone a few times, it's lovely.  Mohegan often hosts Bravo reality stars, just the other day my husband was playing craps with the Long Island Medium.

It is lovely.  Next time you go check out the spa. 

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41 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My husband travels to Connecticut almost weekly and stays at Mohegan Sun, (he just returned with a sweat shirt for me, not sure why he missed the jewelry store but whatever, lol) and I have gone a few times, it's lovely.  Mohegan often hosts Bravo reality stars, just the other day my husband was playing craps with the Long Island Medium.

Wow .. Theresa Caputo .. Did she read him, haha?  

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25 minutes ago, AnnA said:


It is lovely.  Next time you go check out the spa. 

I could use the spa.  My daughter is a licensed massage therapist.  Do I get a message?  Noooooooo !!!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

Wow .. Theresa Caputo .. Did she read him, haha?  

She should have read the dice.   LOL

1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

I could use the spa.  My daughter is a licensed massage therapist.  Do I get a message?  Noooooooo !!!!!!!!!

I share your pain.   My younger son is a mechanic but I had to pay for rear brakes when I brought my car in for an inspection.  Go figure!

Edited by AnnA
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11 minutes ago, AnnA said:

She should have read the dice.   LOL

I share your pain.   My younger son is a mechanic but I had to pay for rear brakes when I brought my car in for an inspection.  Go figure!

Kids.  Pftt

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2 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Wow .. Theresa Caputo .. Did she read him, haha?  

Apparently she did not get the urge to read anyone without a TV camera in her face, she won $100 and left the table.

3 hours ago, AnnA said:


It is lovely.  Next time you go check out the spa. 

Only if the hubs is a winner, lol.

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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Apparently she did not get the urge to read anyone without a TV camera in her face, she won $100 and left the table.

Only if the hubs is a winner, lol.

I wonder if she was with the husband or a new boyfriend.  I don't watch her .. But she's in the papers.

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I got my mom to sit down and watch this episode.

The first major reaction of the night came when Ramona had the artists moving furniture and setting up her TV. My mom's jaw was on the floor, she didn't say anything though.

She loved the house Bethenny was fixing up.

She lost her shit during the party when:

She noticed the wires from the TV Ramona directed the artists to hide were still hanging out all over the place.

Dennis said, "I was told to just stand next to this chair..."

Dorinda sang, "LIAR LIAR HO ON FIRE!"

She lost her shit and threw in a "JESUS!" when:

Sonja was rambling about getting off antidepressants AND stopping her hormones.

Ramona read Sonja's text and Dorinda says, "Sonja's been divorce for 12 years now.." Mama WhoaWhoKnew said, "OK she should really be over that by now."

Surprise of the night:

When she saw Carole's tattoo jumpsuit she said, "I kind of like that..."

After the episode cut off, she yell, "IS THIS EPISODE TITLED WAR AND PIECE OF SHIT?!"

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