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S06.E24: Live Semi-Final Results

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I'm very disappointed, but obviously "America" has different taste in music from me.
I am happy that Josh is in the finals, and will be rooting for him.


I swear Gary LeVox was lip-synching again, just like at the ACM awards. Just not right.


Didn't watch Will Champlin's season, but he looks like the little brother of Danny
Gokey from Idol season 8.  I'd definitely love that sparkly tank top Will wore.


Not a good song for Kristen, but a Carrie song is tough for anybody that isn't Carrie. And
Kristen doesn't have the best lower register. 


I didn't mind Kat's song, but hated what Christina did.

Jacqui and Will were horrible.  Jacqui did her typical shrieking, but oh look!  she's grown an affectation!  Couldn't understand a word she sang.  Tessanne's song was better, but not by much.  At least she can actually, you know, sing.


What a shocking semi-final, except not.  Both Kristen and Kat did better than Grimmie, but we knew how it was going down.  Wish Kristen had made it.  


Like every other season, I don't envision an AMAZING CAREER AS A BIG STAR!!! for anyone.  

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Hiss.  America got it wrong.  Guess 2 million you tube followers can't be stopped.  I think I liked last year better - no 'bottom three' and 'top two' - tonight was just total bs.  Reverse that and have the two lowest battle it out. But, that would have probably made Kristen top 3 and no way did they want that outcome.  Their annointed winner sucked last night and got a mercy save tonight.


Tessanne sang about eggs and HBO,  Who's writing her songs now? I ff'd through Will. (I'm petty and still bitter about Cole.)


This season is just a throwaway - NBC milked this cow too much.

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Both Kristen and Kat did better than Grimmie, but we knew how it was going down.  Wish Kristen had made it.


Yep.    I vibing hard for Kristen and I actually got excited and clapped when Carson first started the name KRIS.. because of course it the same as CHRIStina. Then I let out an AWWW! that it wasn't Kristen.    But I already had a bad feeling she wouldn't get in the moment Jake's name was called,because I felt that should have been Kristen's spot. 

But I didn't love her sing for your life song, thought it could have been stronger. Sorry again Shakira. 



Josh better beat the Grimmie!

Edited by Valny
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Was this a set up or what? Grimmie going last? Of course, her minions were going to vote for her in spite of her constipated, lackluster performance.


Both Kristen and Kat out sang Knee on the Floor Girl, but it didn't matter.


As much as I wasn't a fan of Josh, if he doesn't win next week, the show should be called The Fix instead of The Voice. He's been the most consistent singer all season. Also, I want Josh to win just to see Draco Malfoy's head explode when Carson declares him the winner.

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Kay I'm out. See ya next season Carson. Kristen I like you. You may have not been the most amazing voice I've ever heard on the show, but you just deserved better than this. Honestly I will only be happy if Adam leaves the show. Our prayers are with you Kristen on a great future and to you Jake and Josh to beat Team Adam. Also Christina you seem to be a nice girl, but your coach and this show don't paint you in a good light for me. So I guess congrats, Grimmie.

Edited by Lily Adler
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That was just weird...shakira put up to save Kristen earlier in the night on twitter, but when it counted she didn't tweet it until there was only like 30 seconds left. The real slim shady had tweeted several times for blossom (and once for kat) as soon as it was announced we could hashtag.....wth shakira, three minutes is huge. I now wonder if she's part of the conspiracy. ?..

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Tessanne sang about eggs and HBO,  Who's writing her songs now? I ff'd through Will. (I'm petty and still bitter about Cole.)


This season is just a throwaway - NBC milked this cow too much.

Lol....what was that song about making toast that was popular back in the 90s?

Anyway....I couldn't be less interested in the final 3 and this may be the first voice finale that I won't watch. I thought Kat actually had the best sing for your life song. Kristen sacrificed the low notes so she could reach the high notes, but was still better than Grimmie.

At this point I think I'd rather see lovable but vocally challenged Jake win than boring Josh or annoying Grimmie.

Hope they cast the next season better and Adam & Blake really need to take a season off.


Kristen was totally robbed.  Hands down she had the best voice between the 3.  Foolish Games was easily one of the best performances of Monday night -- followed up by Josh Kaufman's first song (I forget the title -- blah blah something about love).


Jake Pitch-Problems Worthington made it through?  wtf?  Did I enter some kind of alternate universe?


I had a feeling Grimmie was going to make it through.  Her voice / song choices are not my style at all.  I don't want to see another Adam or Blake win.


I am rooting for a Josh / Usher win.


The SFYL Twitter save can suck it today.

Edited by MissScarlett
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Just saw this from a poster on Kristen Merlin's Facebook page & thought it was awesome....


Who won American Idol the year Chris Daughtry got kicked off? I don't remember, do you? I bet we will be saying "Who won the Voice the year Kristen Merlin was robbed"?

Really true for me.  And I'm really glad to see all the love & support on her page from real people....as opposed to random tweeters who've never actually listened to her....*LOL*.   

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While I think Kristen is very talented and should have advanced over Jake, her Facebook quote is quite obnoxious and presumptuous. Her stock just dropped a lot for me. I hope her complete lack of graciousness was due only to the heat of the moment and that she'll be supportive of whoever wins. And actually, Kristen, so far no one seems to really remember too many of the Voice participants, winners or not!

I would have preferred Kat  in the final instead of Christina, and I am fairly ambivalent about Jake and Kristen, so either one of them is fine (but I would hope that neither win).


As a person who did not feel the Kristen magic, I will say that Foolish Games was very nice.  Was a great performance that showed the potential that she has if she could get out of her shell when on stage.  


Okay, I'm unclear about something: Do we know who the bottom 2 vote getters were? Was that announced?


If so, please share. If not, someone needs to leak the bottom 2.  Otherwise, I have to infer the Grimmie was going down, and the never-before-used-for-final-3 save was the last-ditch effort to save her.  


Couple that with fans who vote for "he's a sweet kid" over competitors with better voices, and Adam and Blake getting the best contestants and ending up battling each other in the finals, and I think I'm over this show. It's not compelling anymore.


And while I'm here, can I just say that I dislike that whenever Adam talks about Josh--who he had on his team for, what, 2 seconds?--he always has to turn Josh into *his* contestant, who, oh, yeah, later went to Usher, who took him even "further" (after Adam, we can infer, worked his mentoring magic).  I hate that. He's Usher's contestant, Adam. I dare say that Usher spent way more time mentoring Josh than you did, so stop taking the credit for Josh.  Let Usher have the credit, you idiot.

Edited by adhoc
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The hypocrisy of what the show is pretending to be doing and what it did here - changing the rules all of a sudden to benefit a particular person, for whatever the reason - is definitely reason enough for me to give up on it.


I'm not going to even watch the finale.  I'll read the outcome somewhere and hope for the best (Josh).


Really disgusted.

Oh and also?  Adam's big baby snark at Usher.  NO ONE is THAT sexy.  

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I think that Shakira hurt Kristen's chances when she kept playing of her "minority" and disadvantaged status.  For goodness sake, we know that she's gay; stop trying to play that card because she got the votes that she's going to get on that basis.  Shakira should have been emphasizing her voice and her seeming likeability, and trying to garner new votes for her.


I agree with the earlier comment about Jaqui and her shrieking.  I was listening to her voice and was really wondering what we all saw in her last year; that was really a case of her being given songs to sing that suited her vocal style - yesterday's song didn't.  I don't like Grimmie but her voice is so much smoother and better developed than Jaqui's is.  Once again, when Will sang, I tuned him out; he's just not memorable.  I did like Tessanne's singing, but I did find myself wondering how much all those n signs had cost.


I'm a Jake fan, so I'm glad that he made it through.  He may not be the most technically perfect singer, but he's the one that I pay attention to when he is performing.  He manages to hold my interest, probably because I'm hoping he does well.  He is the definition of the underdog.  Kat was another one whom I always watched when she was singing, because her performances were engaging.  Grimmie - meh.  Josh - he seems like a nice guy and I like his voice and he sings well.  I'd rank him above Grimmie.

I think there was no mistake in the percentage of Twitter votes for the Grimmie.  Once her fans saw her in danger, they voted en masse.  There was no way she wasn't going to the finale.  So, next week, she can sing the phone book with laryngitis, wearing a ratty old bathrobe and snowshoes, and her fans will go out of their way to vote for her.  Whether she was truly in 3rd place or not; she won't be, next week.  The producers wanted to be sure they got an encore of that balloon fall, next week. 


I hope Christina doesn't win, and that Josh does.  But the producers are doing everything possible to ensure the Grimmie will "reap" a win.

Sometimes I wish that there was a singing competition where the judges give scores on the singer's performance. Then they would rank them accordingly. The top 3 would be safe from elimination while the rest will be voted safe by America. Then the final four approaches and the judges chooses their pick of the final two, and the audience votes for the remaining three for their pick. It ends up as a the audience vs the judges picks in the finals.

I really think if not for the save, we might have gotten rid of Grimmie. If I recall correctly, Foolish Games sold well on itunes. Grimmie's stuff this week? Not so much. Maybe Grimmie would have gotten through on other voting methods, but really I think her performances Monday might have doomed her under the rules from previous seasons.


I think it's far more likely that stupid Mumbly McMumbleton will mumble his way into a predictable Blake/Country win.

I know Blake winning with whatever cowboy hat and/or pair of boots he can find in a given season should be something I dislike, but I'm ok with it. I'm not even a country fan. I just find Blake 10,000x more appealing than Adam. I might even be under selling that. It's not like winning changes much for the artists anyway, so I'm fine with voting for the more likable coach. Outside of the Voice Usher can annoy me, but I like him here. I'd be ok with an Usher win. 

Both her [Grimmie] and Jake have real glaring pitch problems that SHOULD eliminate them from getting this far, in a world where I was the sole vote.

I'll join you in that dance, and make it a vote de deux.  It's a strange final 3 on a show called The Voice, for crying out loud, when two of the final three have pitch problems and/or shrieky upper register problems.   Josh, though not my genre and lacking charisma, has been pitch perfect every time.  He has good range, and (to my ear) a beautiful tone.  He's the only contestant left that I haven't had to mute or ff through at one time or another because their singing literally hurts my ears.  I'm very sensitive to pitch problems.

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