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"The View": Week Of 04/09/2018

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Tyra Banks, author of "Perfect Is Boring: 10 Things My Crazy, Fierce Mama Taught Me About Beauty, Booty, and Being a Boss"; "View Your Deal" with hot items at affordable prices.

The Political View with Madeleine Albright (author, “Fascism: A Warning”)

Katie Couric (“America Inside Out with Katie Couric”); Dr. Ian Smith (“The Clean 20: 20 Foods, 20 Days, Total Transformation”)

The Political View with Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina and Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, 4th District, (“Unified: How Our Unlikely Friendship Gives Us Hope for a Divided Country”); John Krasinski (“A Quiet Place”)

Nathan Lane (Broadway’s “Angels in America”); “View Your Deal” with hottest items at affordable prices

Edited by Jaded
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Oh great. The "Benghazi! Benghazi!" King will be on. HARD PASS.

1 minute ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Madeleine Albright and Nathan Lane are the only ones I'm interested in. Never liked Tyra Banks or Katie Couric, and Thursday looks like a trainwreck in the making.

Agree whole heartedly.

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17 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh great. The "Benghazi! Benghazi!" King will be on. HARD PASS.

Agree whole heartedly.

Same here, but I will DVR Thursday's episode for John Krasinski.  I'll just FF through 48 minutes of dreck for 4 minutes of JK!

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Boring hot topics for me!

Meghan rambles on with her rehearsed five paragraph essay on Syria, Sunny gets sappy about her son watching the movie Big, Sara just sits there. Even Joy didn't add much.

Had to turn down the volume on the TV. Meghan has gotten so loud.

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Whoopi I have to disagree with you.  You, Joy, Sunny, Sara are multi-dimensional.  Meghan is one -dimensional.

Meghan dear, it's not just Russia who has troll farms.  

And of course Meghan went to a shooting range.  

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I'm going to try not to ramble here, but I was disappointed by the conversation on Syria and the fact that they allowed Megan to basically warmonger her way through that discussion.

She mentioned that we need to arm the troops and go down there without realizing that most of the chemical weapons are being done by the government. Most deaths are caused by Assad. Arming the troops there means arming the government. They should have also spoken about how the US did try to do something by helping the rebels, only that didn't work out. The situation in Syria is a horrible one, horrible, but it's not as black and white as they make it. Mentioning that the US needs to step up is a dangerous thing to say, because that never works out. And I hated when Sunny said that Trump bombed an air field, which was stupid, and Megan said "But no one died." Or something like that. That is disgusting.

Unless the ladies understand a bit more about the situation and don't act like being trigger happy is the way to go, they really shouldn't be talking about this issue.

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1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I'm going to try not to ramble here, but I was disappointed by the conversation on Syria and the fact that they allowed Megan to basically warmonger her way through that discussion.

She mentioned that we need to arm the troops and go down there without realizing that most of the chemical weapons are being done by the government. Most deaths are caused by Assad. Arming the troops there means arming the government. They should have also spoken about how the US did try to do something by helping the rebels, only that didn't work out. The situation in Syria is a horrible one, horrible, but it's not as black and white as they make it. Mentioning that the US needs to step up is a dangerous thing to say, because that never works out. And I hated when Sunny said that Trump bombed an air field, which was stupid, and Megan said "But no one died." Or something like that. That is disgusting.

Unless the ladies understand a bit more about the situation and don't act like being trigger happy is the way to go, they really shouldn't be talking about this issue.

To be fair, the ladies are ill-informed about a lot of topics. 

Megan just used the topic about Syria, to once again blame Obama for something, anything.. 

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6 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

To be fair, the ladies are ill-informed about a lot of topics. 

Megan just used the topic about Syria, to once again blame Obama for something, anything.. 

They are definitely ill-informed about a lot of topics and this was one of them.

I felt like Meghan did most of the talking during that segment. She went on... and on... and ON. She even interrupted Whoopi and threw an apology for doing it in there. Of course she couldn't go the whole segment without mentioning Obama. That wasn't going to happen.

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MM needs some decaff. damn. Slow down with your screaming

ON  another note, Whoopi often makes me cray; then other times I agree with her. And other times I hear her on a podcast and she sounds like a normal person

Edited by ari333
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I have to say that Sara hasn’t been the same since she came back from maternity leave. She’s back to being filler with nothing substantial to say like when she first started. And occasionally she verges on annoying like today, when she brought up Trump’s tweet about Putin/Syria and talked about how “he threw down the gauntlet” for the first time or some bullshit. She can't be that dumb. But even Sunny brought up his “light show” last year as if it meant anything, which for one time only made me side with Whoopi when she shut her down.

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22 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Madeleine Albright and Nathan Lane are the only ones I'm interested in. Never liked Tyra Banks or Katie Couric, and Thursday looks like a trainwreck in the making.

I am a horror film lover, so I can't wait for Thursday's John Krasinski to talk about his horror film - which is getting wonderful reviews!

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For a brief thrilling moment, I thought Whoopi had forgotten to cheerlead "Welcome To The View, y'all!" at the top of her lungs 25 times at the opening.

But nope, Ol' Leatherlungs made an appearance after all.

One of the many delights of the Friday shows is that they begin with an indoor voice saying, "Welcome to The View." Thank you, Joy Behar.

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I am a horror film lover, so I can't wait for Thursday's John Krasinski to talk about his horror film - which is getting wonderful reviews!

I generally don't care about any "horror" films made after 1943, but I loved Jordan Peel's "Get Out" (now THAT was horror!) and I love everything/anything John Krasinski, so I'm looking forward to it too.  His movie has had excellent reviews...even in the Wall Street Journal.

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6 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I have to say that Sara hasn’t been the same since she came back from maternity leave. She’s back to being filler with nothing substantial to say like when she first started. And occasionally she verges on annoying

 I'm quite disappointed in her.  I thought she was great before mat leave.  Hope it's hormonal.


6 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

They are definitely ill-informed about a lot of topics and this was one of them.

Yes.  Their job is to be informed about current events.  How about if they do some reading over the week-end, instead of heading to the Hamptons!

Edited by Tanichka
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12 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I forgot to ask, why does Whoopi not refer to herself as African American?

She wants to be known, as as American, period. She feels that she is not African, since, she was born in the USA. She got a lot of heat for it, for being so obnoxious about it, in the past. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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2 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I have to say that Sara hasn’t been the same since she came back from maternity leave. She’s back to being filler with nothing substantial to say like when she first started. And occasionally she verges on annoying like today, when she brought up Trump’s tweet about Putin/Syria and talked about how “he threw down the gauntlet” for the first time or some bullshit. She can't be that dumb. But even Sunny brought up his “light show” last year as if it meant anything, which for one time only made me side with Whoopi when she shut her down.

I agree.   Maybe she has "baby brain".

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4 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

To be fair, the ladies are ill-informed about a lot of topics. 

Megan just used the topic about Syria, to once again blame Obama for something, anything.. 

This is true and you're absolutely right, but if Meghan is allowed to warmonger then she needs to know her facts. There are tons of rebel groups, not just ISIS. She spoke about helping the Syrian troops, but they are accused of using chemical weapons on kids. The fact that she was able to get away with saying that and just say ISIS ISIS ISIS is disgusting. Even Trump's tweet, that they spoke about, was against Assad (Syrian government), Russia, and Iran. If a war actually happens then is Meghan going to defend anything as long as 'ISIS' gets hit, even though there's tons of groups fighting and the government is causing a lot of problems?

Being ill informed is one thing, but using being ill informed and saying war is the answer and acting like people not dying is a bad thing is disgusting. And the fact that no one said anything is even worse.


1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

She wants to be known, as as American, period. She feels that she is not African, since, she was born in the USA. She got a lot of heat for it, for being so obnoxious about it, in the past. 

Ah. I thought it was just Raven who felt this way. I didn't know it was Whoopi too.

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2 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

This is true and you're absolutely right, but if Meghan is allowed to warmonger then she needs to know her facts. There are tons of rebel groups, not just ISIS. She spoke about helping the Syrian troops, but they are accused of using chemical weapons on kids. The fact that she was able to get away with saying that and just say ISIS ISIS ISIS is disgusting. Even Trump's tweet, that they spoke about, was against Assad (Syrian government), Russia, and Iran. If a war actually happens then is Meghan going to defend anything as long as 'ISIS' gets hit, even though there's tons of groups fighting and the government is causing a lot of problems?

Being ill informed is one thing, but using being ill informed and saying war is the answer and acting like people not dying is a bad thing is disgusting. And the fact that no one said anything is even worse.


Ah. I thought it was just Raven who felt this way. I didn't know it was Whoopi too.

When Meghan discussed her orgasmic happiness at John Bolton's hiring, she revealed her true war-monger feelings.

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6 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I have to say that Sara hasn’t been the same since she came back from maternity leave. She’s back to being filler with nothing substantial to say like when she first started.

I noticed that also. When she first started I thought her to be a bit of an airhead , but as time went on I learned she was anything but. She was always making good reasonable points and I always liked hearing from her ,  something I can't say about everyone on the panel. Hopefully she just needs a bit of time to get back in the swing of things. She strikes me as the most down to earth person on the show.

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I'm going to give Sarah a lot of slack - working and a new born and a terrible two? 

Seems to me MM wants attention and not respect for her brilliant political analysis  (sarcasm) what with her bringing up shooting at a gun range. She took crap for that on twitter yesterday and doubled down today, imo. I have no problem with anyone doing so but I think she chatted about it for sparks today.

I expected more from today after last week being so insane. Yet even I can barely remember what happened with all the bombshells and am not coming off vacation.

Edited by maggiemae
2 little words....
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7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I am a horror film lover, so I can't wait for Thursday's John Krasinski to talk about his horror film - which is getting wonderful reviews!

Yes - Stephen King himself tweeted how great the movie is.  

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Meghan was having a good hair day today. She needs to stay away from braids, permanently. 

She was rude, screechy, and kept interrupting everyone, especially Joy -  but her hair looked decent for a change.  And when she said Trump was "Just as bad as Obama" I wanted to throw something at her.  AS BAD as Obama?  She can't even criticize trump without throwing Obama under the bus.  

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I wished someone, Joy?, would have thrown Trump's words back at him. He is criticizing Obama now, but back then, when he was citizen Trump, he tweeted against Obama going into Syria.  

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

Meghan was having a good hair day today. She needs to stay away from braids, permanently. 

She was rude, screechy, and kept interrupting everyone, especially Joy -  but her hair looked decent for a change.  And when she said Trump was "Just as bad as Obama" I wanted to throw something at her.  AS BAD as Obama?  She can't even criticize trump without throwing Obama under the bus.  

I deleted the episode without watching after reading the descriptions of RBM's behavior. I just wasn't in the mood for her attitude and those ugly faces she makes while breathing fire. She could be better prepared if she spent the time she wastes on Twitter looking into things she'd like to discuss the next day. 

All of their poor preparation and lack of knowledge when discussing so many topics makes the show a chore to watch at times. It's also something that's gotten them in hot water more then once.
If The View has writers like the late night shows do why can't they do some of the sourcing and research so the hosts that represent the show don't come across so ill prepared? 

Edited by Jaded
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2 hours ago, Jaded said:

If The View has writers like the late night shows do why can't they do some of the sourcing and research so the hosts that represent the show don't come across so ill prepared? 

Because they don't care?  They don't have late night writers, they have a PA who checks the internet for the "hottest" stories of the previous day which they discuss at the 9am meeting.  It's my guess that Whoopi sleeps through this,  Joy plays solitaire on her phone, and Meghan searches for "Obama" and "Clinton" on every subject.  Sarah is too exhausted to pay attention.  Only Sunny listens and comes prepared.

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17 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I have to say that Sara hasn’t been the same since she came back from maternity leave. She’s back to being filler with nothing substantial to say like when she first started. And occasionally she verges on annoying like today,

She just seems to sit there.

9 hours ago, maggiemae said:

I'm going to give Sarah a lot of slack - working and a new born and a terrible two? 

I'm not giving her slack. She is paid a lot of money  to sit there for one hour. I doubt she works 40 hours a week and there are lots of people with a newborn and a terrible two that aren't given slack at their jobs.

Nothing against her but the rotating co-hosts made the show more interesting.

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Sara said she developed postpartum depression after the birth of her first child and I'm wondering if that's what's going on now. She doesn't seem like the same person personality wise that we saw last December before the show's holiday break. It could be the depression hitting her hard or the meds to treat it if that's what's going on. Maybe she needs time to get comfortable again? 

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12 hours ago, backformore said:

Meghan was having a good hair day today. She needs to stay away from braids, permanently. 

She was rude, screechy, and kept interrupting everyone, especially Joy -  but her hair looked decent for a change.  And when she said Trump was "Just as bad as Obama" I wanted to throw something at her.  AS BAD as Obama?  She can't even criticize trump without throwing Obama under the bus.  

She said IF Trump did.....can't remember what, he would be as bad as Obama.  I wish I hadn't deleted. Wouldn't it be grand if Trump was as bad as Obama!  

I cut Sarah a lot of slack.  I didn't get a full nights sleep for months.  She is waking to feed her at least once at night and tending to an infant is exhausting.  

Edited by Wings
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2 hours ago, Haleth said:
4 hours ago, Jaded said:

If The View has writers like the late night shows do why can't they do some of the sourcing and research so the hosts that represent the show don't come across so ill prepared? 

Because they don't care?  

If it was me I would care.  They are the face of the show.  When one of them says something wrong or stupid or offensive it's them who has to deal with the fallout, not whoever wrote something on a blue card.  I know they make a lot of money but my reputation would matter to me.

11 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

When Meghan discussed her orgasmic happiness at John Bolton's hiring, she revealed her true war-monger feelings.

How anyone can be happy about the prospect of going to war is disgusting.  People die. Enough said.

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17 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

She wants to be known, as as American, period. She feels that she is not African, since, she was born in the USA. She got a lot of heat for it, for being so obnoxious about it, in the past. 

i agree with her. most of us born here don't call ourselves irish-american, italian-american, spanish-american, etc.

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Ladies and gents, I think my time watching this show has come to an end.

I've said this before but at this point I'm hate-watching and the nastiness of the bitch with the blonde hair next to Sunny at the end of the table is making my blood boil. 

Edited by Alexis2291
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1 hour ago, Wings said:

She said IF Trump did.....can't remember what, he would be as bad as Obama.  I wish I hadn't deleted. Wouldn't it be grand if was that bad!  

I cut Sarah a lot of slack.  I didn't get a full nights sleep for months.  She is waking to feed her at least once at night and tending to an infant is exhausting.  

sarah is getting paid to do her job, she should do it. or get a nanny, take a leave. seems her husband is  controlling so maybe she wouldn't be allowed.

2 hours ago, OnTime said:

She just seems to sit there.

I'm not giving her slack. She is paid a lot of money  to sit there for one hour. I doubt she works 40 hours a week and there are lots of people with a newborn and a terrible two that aren't given slack at their jobs.

Nothing against her but the rotating co-hosts made the show more interesting.


Edited by msrachelj
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19 hours ago, Alexis2291 said:

They are definitely ill-informed about a lot of topics and this was one of them.

I felt like Meghan did most of the talking during that segment. She went on... and on... and ON. She even interrupted Whoopi and threw an apology for doing it in there. Of course she couldn't go the whole segment without mentioning Obama. That wasn't going to happen.

I realized after a week off (and having tried, periodically, to watch with MM & WG on mute), I just can't watch these 5 idiots blather. So much stupidity and mis(wrong)information being spewed. Yes, even JB and SH. Too much equivocating & lack of facts and understanding of implications & ramifications of events they're discussing.

Edited by AdeleDazeem
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Just now, AdeleDazeem said:

I realized after a week off (and having tried, periodically, to watch with MM & WG on mute), I just can't watch these 5 idiots blather. So much stupidity and mis(wrong)information being spewed. Yes, even JB and SH. Too much equivocating and lack of facts. 

I just changed the channel. Not even 5 minutes in and Meghan is being a bitch and going completely unchecked for it. I can't take it anymore.

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They don't need one lone republican on this panel.  A guest on occasion provided they can offer an intelligent point of view would work.  Hot topics is MSNBC light.  They have an occasional GOP and that is enough.  OR sign on a conservative who can offer their view without attitude.   Choose one! 

Edited by Wings
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