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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I guess my hate for the SheBeast is just too ingrained and non-ending. I won't give her a pass, just because Anna was spouting how horrible Robin's "death" was for Patrick. I don't give Anna a pass for it, and I fucking LOVE Anna.


But it's all moot, because Robin is not staying. What I wouldn't give to see a scene between Robin and Cujo if Robin were told that Shebeast was going to marry Franco, based on the hate, rightfully so, Jason had for Franco.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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If anything, I think that would make a part of Carly more resentful. But at this point I do think Liz is a bigger point on her radar than Robin. Plus, Carly isn't the most empathetic person but even she would have a little sympathy for the whole "kept captive for years" thing, so I can buy Carly being nice even though underneath she (imo) still wouldn't really like Robin.

I think it would make her resentful if Jason wanted Robin to be his BFF now or be romantically with Robin or wanted to watch Titanic and listen to Taylor Swift with Robin. Other than that, I still think Carly will be grateful to Robin now. I'm certainly not saying she wants to be FRIENDS with her. But co-exist.

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I guess my hate for the SheBeast is just too ingrained and non-ending. I won't give her a pass, just because Anna was spouting how horrible Robin's "death" was for Patrick. I don't give Anna a pass for it, and I fucking LOVE Anna.

Pulls up a chair to ScorpiosRule's table. I feel the same as you regarding Snarly. I've discussed how Robin should have rained fire down on Anna and Patrick, Carly deserves it just because of their history.

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A possibly unpopular opinion - I'm kinda looking forward to Robin and Dr. O squaring off tomorrow.  Kimberly and Kathleen always had fun antagonist chemistry.



I don't mind a square off/confrontation, etc. I just don't want Robin begging for her job back, explaining where she's been, since all of this started with her twu wuv, Faison, and Obrecht wasn't an unwilling accomplice and was part of keeping Robin from her family from almost the beginning.

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You're a lot more generous than I am, because it doesn't matter--she will always hate Robin; it's why I didn't buy her grief over Robin's "death." I didn't expect her to jump for joy, but the way Laura played it, didn't ring true for me. And when it turned out that Robin was alive, what's the first thing she does? Jumps down Robin's throat and gets all judgy for Robin "leaving" her family (Paddy) after everything they've been through.


And from watching the clips, no, every single time, she found Jason and Robin together, she couldn't stand it, and accused Robin of overstaying her welcome in his presence and for her to leave.

Hee! Sorry about that. You would think that she would be grateful and no longer hate Robin for bringing Jason back. But come on. This is you know who we're talking about, and deep in my bones, she will find a way to blame Robin for Jason having lost his memory instead of returning to his loved ones HER the way he was.  Like, if she had told someone, like Sonny, what she was going to do, then they could have saved him.


If she is truly grateful, then I will take the words back. And I will be shocked.  Because there was no gratitude when she came back 10 years ago and with Patrick's help, saved Jason's ass.

It's not in Carly's character (at least where Robin is concerned), but I'm holding out hope that she offers Robin a heartfelt apology for their last encounter and a peace-offering of some type to wrap up their whole complicated past. That's the very least she can do if she's attending their wedding.

When it comes to Carly vs. Robin I am #teamRobin, a thousand times #teamRobin. But I definitely thought Carly was grateful back in 2005 and was sad about Robin's death, albeit briefly and at least the way Laura played it.

And I definitely don't think Carly 'jumped down Robin's throat'. I think it was blatant confusion in a way that Carly didn't really care what Robin did or didn't do, but thought her leaving her family was extremely out-of-character.

As for her being at Robin & Patrick's Wedding and looking genuinely happy for them, I'm not thrilled about it but honestly I buy it. My expectations are so slow that if Scrubs leave the show happy & alive AND make it through their wedding without a duet by Dillon & Dr. O, I'll be satisfied.

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I think it would make her resentful if Jason wanted Robin to be his BFF now or be romantically with Robin or wanted to watch Titanic and listen to Taylor Swift with Robin. Other than that, I still think Carly will be grateful to Robin now. I'm certainly not saying she wants to be FRIENDS with her. But co-exist.

. . . and now that that's out in the universe, Uncle Frank will take it way too far and have throwaway lines about Carly getting a Christmas card from Scrubs, and if Laura ever takes a vacation, Carly & Robin will do a girls weekend in Atlanta.

A possibly unpopular opinion - I'm kinda looking forward to Robin and Dr. O squaring off tomorrow.  Kimberly and Kathleen always had fun antagonist chemistry.

The original, villain, version of Dr. O was so much fun. This woman who wears pounds of fake hair and fake eye-lashes, pals around with Franco and acts no more 'bad' then any random hospital admin, is such a loser.

Too bad that's probably KW's episode allotment for the year.

I hate to begrudge John & Kristina work, but I wish they'd write Mac & Felicia out with Scrubs so I could sever ties with this show forever. Now watch them give them an actual story to hook Scorpio fans since they can no longer dangle Robin in front of us.

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Every time I read some spoiler about Anna trying to take Paul or Julian down, it's a eye roll moment. Yeah I know, Anna went *one time* to her "superior" and confessed, so she's supposed to be excused. Yeah I know, her cold bloodedly shooting Carlos was "justified".

I don't excuse her. And yes, I hold her to a higher standard because she's supposedly about truth and justice and fairness, except when it comes to her facing the music for what she did, or tried to do. Her SMILING when talking to Mac about shooting Carlos was the end for me as far as ever taking her seriously again about taking anyone down. Having Carlos be alive doesn't matter, it being a mental break down that caused her to shoot doesn't matter.

She won't face any consequences for what she tried to do, and that is one respect where the show fails. There is no payoff or fallout when people mess up. Part of the drama of a daytime drama, is seeing people either rise from the ashes, and pick themselves back up, or completely fall apart and go even darker.

But we just get people talking about bringing justice to others, when they actively escape it themselves. It's not just annoying and infuriating, it's boring.


The problem is, when the writers do dole out consequences, it's always to the people who have, relatively speaking, sinned the least, while letting the truly depraved monsters off the hook time and again.  I've said before and I'll say it again:  Unless and until Sonny, Carly, Jason*, and Franco get some consequences that stick, and stick HARD, anybody else getting the full weight of consequences laid on them is going to be nothing more than a sick, sad joke.



* - Now would be the perfect time for Show to do a "Redeemed Sinner Confronted By His Sin" story with Jason.  Perhaps he hits it off with some woman he just met and is thinking of asking her out or some such thing, and then he casually mentions that, "Oh, yeah, some people call me 'Jake' but name is actually 'Jason Morgan'", and the woman reacts with absolute horror and revulsion, and it turns out that "Jason Morgan" killed one of her loved ones.  This sends Jason into a downward spiral as he remembers more and more of his horrible crimes and feels intense guilt and remorse for them, which leads to problems in his relationships with Sonny, Carly, and Sam... but that would be a story where the conflict was organic and natural, not artificially caused by trashing the character of a 20-year, popular vet, so of course we can't have that!

Edited by yowsah1
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I saw the preview for tomorrow and it just grossed me out: Robin asking that psychotic, Obrecht for her job back. We all know it won't happen, because Robin, Patrick and Emma will be leaving, but she shouldn't even disgrace herself by even doing so. UGH.


And aside from the fact that Cujo is actually there, her smiling as if she's happy for Robin is just a disconnect for me.  If the smile had been a smug one, I could rationalize it and see it as Robin won't be able to "get her hooks" into Jason, since she's marrying Patrick again. But it's not. Blech.

Dr O is a character like Franco and Nina that TIIC keep trying to make work because of the actors but they keep doing so without any real effort to redeem the characters. Dr O is actually in some ways the easiest, there is some small sympathy for her due to her obsession with Fasion and she is a good doctor if a hard person. All they need to do is recast either Steven Lars or Tom Hardy Jr and have either of them fight for Steve Hardys COS seat since it is a family legacy. At first Dr O fights hard and unfair and then slowly while learning about the Man Stave Hardy was she realizes she is not worthy of the spot and steps down, vowing to become the kind of doctor that would make Dr. Hardy proud. She takes a staff position and becomes GH's "House"  brilliant but not too nice. It gives her a story and redemption arch and it gives long time fans one last round of Steve Hardy saving the day due to his innate goodness and kindness even decades after his death. There would not be a dry eye in the house. Instead though TIIC keep shoving her down our throats and shitting on the memory of Steve (and Alan) and making us older fans sick

Edited by Fylaki
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I saw the preview for tomorrow and it just grossed me out: Robin asking that psychotic, Obrecht for her job back.


Ok, someone hold my drink and purse. I have some ass whipping to do.


It's not in Carly's character (at least where Robin is concerned), but I'm holding out hope that she offers Robin a heartfelt apology for their last encounter and a peace-offering of some type to wrap up their whole complicated past. That's the very least she can do if she's attending their wedding.


Can I have whatever you're smoking or drinking?  Maybe I shouldn't have given up that drink I just mentioned so quickly.

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Ok, someone hold my drink and purse. I have some ass whipping to do.



Can I have whatever you're smoking or drinking?  Maybe I shouldn't have given up that drink I just mentioned so quickly.


To be fair, with Robin leaving for good and having just left years of captivity, anything is possible. Maybe it's too optimistic to hope for from Carly, but it could happen.

TPTB haven't stated when it is. I think they believe we are stupid enough to to be watching in February still looking for Scrubs to appear onscreen.


They absolutely believe we're stupid.  Pretty much every episode of this show over the past several months has been a testimony to how stupid they think we are. 

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To be fair, with Robin leaving for good and having just left years of captivity, anything is possible. Maybe it's too optimistic to hope for from Carly, but it could happen.


I don't want to be fair.  I sure as hell will never feel optimistic for that SheBeast. She never pays. Always comes out smelling like a rose. She has no fucking business being at Robin and Patrick's marriage. I would watch her scenes if she were at home, drinking, getting drunk and filled with self-pity for being barred from attending, and consoling herself with the fact that Robin will be gone and she will have Jason all to herself. Again.


As for my earlier statement about her getting all judgy toward Robin back when Robin was forced to leave, I saw no confusion in her manner. If there was genuine confusion and not understanding, then Robin would not have said that she would "get down on your knees and kiss my feet" in gratitude.  If Cujo were being truly genuine, Robin would not have said that.  Robin deserves to have no blemishes on her wedding day, on a day for her. Cujo's presence mars that day for her, as far as I'm concerned. That heinous creature has never, never been truly gracious to Robin or nice to her. All because she had Jason first and Jason loved her first. 


Just the look of jealousy on her face when Jason carried Robin off the stage after the Nurses' Ball was enough to tell me, she didn't give two figgedity fucks about Robin, her HIV status; and she was a big fat Liar when she told Patrick (after Robin bitchslapped her) that she had "plenty of compassion" for Robin's HIV status, when just moments ago, she taunted Robin that due to her HIV, she, Robin was jealous because she could never give Jason a child.


So, no calls for fairness, or defenses of that SheBeast will make me ever see her in a positive light.

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Oh, I definitely don't think she should be there, either, I was just trying to be optimistic and think of finding closure. Maybe it's because I haven't watched in so long, but I just feel very calm, I guess, about it being over now (OTOGH, I was pretty calm when I did watch, so maybe not). I feel like I should be more angry/passionate here more often like everyone else here, LOL.

Oh, I definitely don't think she should be there, either, I was just trying to be optimistic and think of finding closure. Maybe it's because I haven't watched in so long, but I just feel very calm, I guess, about it being over now (OTOGH, I was pretty calm when I did watch, so maybe not). I feel like I should be more angry/passionate here more often like everyone else here, LOL.

No, we need all kinds of temperaments!

I didn't like Robin telling Carly she was good for Sonny and Jason, but Robin is free, so whatever. Robin has a job at a hospital where Obrecht is not COS and Carly is married to Sonny and she has Morgan for a son. I'm fanwanking it as Robin throwing her a bone out of pity lol.

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I don't know if this is a verified spoiler or not, I saw it on twitter but apparently Liz and the boys stay with Jason because of this whole stalker thing.


Ugh, I hope that's not true.  And if it is, she'll probably only bring Jake with her.  I guess Cam and Aiden will have to live on the streets.

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I don't know if this is a verified spoiler or not, I saw it on twitter but apparently Liz and the boys stay with Jason because of this whole stalker thing.

Haven't posted a lot lately because my Liez rage has reached its zenith. My eyes get twitchy and start to roll right out of my head whenever she pops up onscreen. But I have noticed a lot of the supposed spoilers have not been panning out. There was one saying Liez would catch the bouquet at the wedding, and then wasn't Sam supposed to be looking into the Jason/Nic fight this week? That hasn't happened either. There's rumors there are tons of rewrites happening, so I'm praying to the soap gods that this one is just some dumb Jizzer wish list. Which wouldn't surprise me - do y'all know there are Jiz fans on social media who actually want Liez's rapist to get paroled and come after her so Jason has to save her? What kind of insane troll logic is that?? I am so thankful that Sam has had little to no contact with Freako after he made her believe he'd raped her. Why the FUCK would anyone want their favorite character to be traumatized like that again? Just to win Jason's dick? REALLY??? Sick fucks, man.

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That is just beyond horrible. I refuse to believe it. Oh, who am I kidding, it's happening.


In other news, there's apparently a blind item going around that a female character from Days, Y&R, or GH is going to have a 'sexual fluidity' story and apparently people are speccing that it's Kristina or Kiki. Honestly I am down for that type of story, but not on this show lol. The writers suck. And honestly I doubt it's GH anyway. It seems more like something Days would do.

In other news, there's apparently a blind item going around that a female character from Days, Y&R, or GH is going to have a 'sexual fluidity' story and apparently people are speccing that it's Kristina or Kiki. Honestly I am down for that type of story, but not on this show lol. The writers suck. And honestly I doubt it's GH anyway. It seems more like something Days would do.


If it was Kristina, the story would be about Sonny and how he suffers.


If it was Kiki, the story would be about Morgan and how he suffers.


A hard pass from me.

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I think Nikolas trying to blackmail Jason today is what prompts Sam's investigation, so I don't think it's dropped.  And another spoiler said Sam comes to tell Jason she found an eyewitness (or something) and she finds Liz there.  I guess we'll see when the tvsource spoilers come out later.   Even though they will probably say that "Sam is rocked to her core" to see Liz with Jason, when onscreen Sam just shrugs and says "ah ,well....ok." and goes on with her day.


Sexual fluidity....could be interesting on a different show, but I have NO faith in this one to do it justice.  None. 

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I've said it before,  I'll say it again: Sam, Liz and Jason-I'm tired of all three of them. None of them are all that, certainly not enough to justify this stupid "triangle" continuing. If Sam wants her hitman back, give him to her. Put all three of them on the back burner for a bit, and give some other actors some time to shine. I'm at the point, IDC. I'm gonna root for the serial killer to take them all out.

Rumor has it that the "stalker" in Liz' house is little Jake as a way of keeping hero daddy Jakeson around...and away from Sam and with his Mommy.



Somehow Franco sees some drawings that lil' Jake has done  and is "disturbed" by them. Oh.Kay.Then. If Franco is disturbed....guess Helena's chip is working then.


Love Roger Howarth but hate hate hate Franco.What in the hell was RV or FV thinking when they wasted him on the disgusting character of Franco?

And then I have to put up with him being with MS as Neeeena? Sure makes it easier to FF.

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Well the fact that Jake overheard Liz say that Jason and Sam will probably get back together, I am assuming those Jake hurting Sam rumors might actually be true.  How fucking stupid.  That child cannot carry a storyline like this, I am sorry.


"Hurting" as in putting his dirty psychotic zombie hands on her?

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