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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Someone anyone tell me what Jason has that he is so wonderful;' He is Sonny's lacky. Stole his brothers son .treated the women who raised him, even though he was born on the other side of the blanket. He killed for a living. He ran the mob, and or enforced the illegal things they did. Someone tell me why all these women want him. Is he that good in bed ? He also listened and believed Sonny in all his the Q's are evil, bad and dishonest ? I never could stand Jason, so Sam and Liz are the victims here. 

In Liz's case, it's that he's devoted to her now and had a history of saving her from her pain about losing Lucky (first when he "died" and later when Lucky was an addict) and dangerous situations. Their first real conversation was when he saved her from a pushy guy in a bar, and then talked about what he felt like due to giving up Michael. So Liz never saw the situation as "Jason stole Michael from AJ;Jason hurt AJ." I assume she thinks he made that choice due to his 'twisted' (as she put it today) relationship with/loyalty to Carly.  Liz has always seen Jason through rose-colored glasses; I'm almost positive she has never acknowledged before today that he killed people for Sonny. She told Carly very determinedly that Jason likes the life he has with her now and doesn't want his old life, which included working for Sonny and dealing with all of Sonny and Carly's personal problems. 


Also, IMO, Liz likes that she knows his entire history - no surprises from his past or manipulations to be expected like there would be w/Ric or some other man. No addiction issue like there was with Lucky (and AJ, too). 


In Sam's case, it's because she has low self-esteem. That was established years ago. Her belief, pre-Jason, that she was in love with Sonny tells me she was really lacking in self-love.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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So I saw a rumor on a FB page that Jason does get pissed at Liez, goes to see Scummy for advice (really, show?) and ends up going to Diane to get custody of NotDeadJake. Once again, grain of salt. If true, I would be somewhat happy for BM for finally getting to play something other than his current role of stupid dupe for Liez. From interviews BM gave a while back, he is itching to get something better than this blank slate he's been playing. Makes me wonder if Uncle Frank is the one writing emotions and stage directions into the script. I assumed it was Ron doing that shit, but it does make more sense that it's FV. Micromanaging and all that.


and ends up going to Diane to get custody of NotDeadJake.

No No No a thousand times no. Jason/Jake whatever his name is is not notdeadjake's father he cannot sue to get custody. Jason is not on the birth certificate. Lucky is Jake's legal father and the idiots writing this soap seriously need to understand parental law and rights. You cannot go in and sue for  custody of a kid that you have no legal right to. Jason gave up his rights to Jake. It is why Carly had to go to Lucky to get notnotdeadjake's kidney. Jason suing for custody of Jake is like me suing for custody of Frank's son (if he has one), I have no legal right. If Liz is declared an unfit mother than: Lucky, Laura, Sarah, Steve, Lulu, Audrey, Nicholas and even Luke, Bobbie, Carly and Michael have better legal claims then Jason. (as much as I would like to see Monica end up with Jake, Jason put a fork in that for her)

  • Love 12

He's still working in Africa with needy children, per Laura. I think she's visited him once or twice. Or they've Skyped. At any rate, they are in touch.

So he's not concerned that the children there would be effected by his "darkness," but his concerns are so deep that he can't be around his own children.  Okay, got it.


The show needs to piss or get off the pot where it comes to the Spencers.  Either re-cast Lucky, or finally send Liz, Lucky and their brood off for a HEA. In Colorado. Near Jeff Weber and Nameless Mother.

  • Love 7

He's still working in Africa with needy children, per Laura. I think she's visited him once or twice. Or they've Skyped. At any rate, they are in touch.

Is that what she said when she returned to PC most recently? I know when she left she told Liz and Nikolas she needed 'some time' upon learning their secret and that she intended to go see Lucky. Now yesterday she tells Sam re: Jake she'll talk to "his parents." I wasn't sure if she was referring to Liz and Jason or if it was an acknowledgement that she's in touch with Lucky. 


I wish JJ would come back again to at least establish *some* true, on-going relationship between Lucky and the kids and have real conversations with both his ex and his mom about what happens next. When Lucky took off this last time, I didn't get the impression he was going back to Africa - it was more like he was on an indefinite journey to deal with the "darkness" inside of him that he doesn't want to expose the boys to. 

I thought working in Africa was how Lucky was dealing with his "darkness"? I admit to not paying close attention to that because if its wtfery. But I think Laura is in contact with Lucky. And somewhere along the line I remember Liz throwing out that the boys have talked/Skyped with him. But I don't know if that's happened recently. In some ways he's the male Robin with how he's been treated.

  • Love 1

The show can't keep waiting on Jonathan Jackson, it needs to invest in a strong Lucky recast now.  The reveal about Liz's mob peen obsession coupled with Jake's issues would have been a perfect entry point for the character's fulltime return.


The idiots in charge are smokin' some serious CRACK if they think they can get Jonathan back as Lucky. The guy is on a successful show in prime time and why would he want to return? So the show can shit on his character even more? They were lucky and fortunate that he returned last summer, and he only did that for Tony Geary.


I thought working in Africa was how Lucky was dealing with his "darkness"? I admit to not paying close attention to that because if its wtfery. But I think Laura is in contact with Lucky. And somewhere along the line I remember Liz throwing out that the boys have talked/Skyped with him. But I don't know if that's happened recently. In some ways he's the male Robin with how he's been treated.



Laura is in contact with Lucky, but Liz's line about him Skyping with Cam and Aiden was during Luke's send-off, and how she hadn't heard from Lucky and that she was worried. Of course, Lucky was involved in finding Jake.  I don't recall if Laura said where Lucky was or what he was doing, but that was months ago. Or it feels that way. It might have been on Genie's last day before she returned again last month.


And WORD, dubbel about Lucky being the male Robin.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4

I thought working in Africa was how Lucky was dealing with his "darkness"? I admit to not paying close attention to that because if its wtfery. But I think Laura is in contact with Lucky. And somewhere along the line I remember Liz throwing out that the boys have talked/Skyped with him. But I don't know if that's happened recently. In some ways he's the male Robin with how he's been treated.

I have no doubt of that.  My comment was more of a reflection on how ridiculous that sounds.  I can't help but imagine:


Lucky:  I can't be around my own sons. I'd rather them grow up without me, and perhaps without any stable father figure, because my presence around them can harm them.  [pause] But THESE kids, ehhh, what do I care if I screw them up?


I get that a lot of it has to do with the long-term presence. He can go coach some sport or spend a few hours with a kid, and they get no expectations. But still, it seems so ridiculous to me.


Ultimately that's on the show though for being so unbelievably unable to script a decent reason for Lucky's ongoing absence in his own childrens' lives.

  • Love 4

I would be perfectly okay with GV as Lucky. For everyone who is "Go JJ or Go Home", there are just as many people who like GV (I like them both for the record). At the end of the day, you aren't going to please everybody, and here there will at least be a group of fans getting what they want. It's kind of a no-win situation no matter what.

  • Love 6

I enjoyed some of GV's work with Becky Herbst and Kelly Monaco. I don't think he is a match for Jonathan Jackson on any level; he's a traditional soap hunk with a good heart and limited skills and he works very hard. I just can't countenance casting another nice hunk for Lucky again, because that's what made the show disenfranchise and dismiss the character in the first place, starting with Jacob Young.


JJ's Lucky is not a hunk - he is not a traditional heartthrob, he's more of a soulful, sensitive guy, a manchild. To me that is the character. They'd have to go outside Frank Valentini's usual crayon box to recast him well and I don't think he is interested. Mark Lawson is sensitive and soulful but he is also built like a brick shithouse; that's not Lucky to me. Josh Kelly, also too much of a jock though I think he could do it. You'd have to get a weirder, weedier guy. And to me recasting Lucky again is pointless. Unless they found like the next Ryan Gosling, everyone's just gonna be Waiting on Jonathan sooner or later.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

JJ's Lucky was always his, just as I thought GV's Lucky was his. The characters shared the same name and history, but because the actors are different, so was Lucky. It's like how Carly changed with each recast. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, unless the recast is miscast (JY and Jennifer Bransford, IMO). And I don't think Lucky has to be a slighter guy just because JJ is. Find the right actor who can give Lucky soul, and you're 3/4 of the way there. That's Lucky's defining trait, IMO, not his physical appearance.

  • Love 7

In my opinion, what someone looks like is a big part of how that person carries himself and projects. If there were another recast Lucky, I would support the idea of "thinking out of the box" and getting someone more in JJ's physical mold and also a good actor. With CARL and NEIL, they didn't do that. They got soap studs you'd cast for any old role. They were nice enough to look at, but it was just weird and wrong, even though the writing tried to cover it with him having been brainwashed by the world's largest cubic zirconia and all.   


Fire the bastard Jordan. Fire him dead.

Also, please then go to Patrick's house and kick him in the balls for strong arming Sam into divorce.


Sam seems fine with using Patrick, though. She is just as culpable. Move the fuck out, be ALONE, and make a choice. Yeah, Patrick needs to think of Emma and stop being a wuss allowing himself to be used because he loves Sam (even if I'll never buy it) and likely wants to one-up Saint Jasus, but Sam is an adult, too. Patrick is not making her do shit. I don't think he ripped out her tongue if the arguing is any indicator. So she can tell him they're done and buh bye!


Easy, peasy.

  • Love 3

The show can't keep waiting on Jonathan Jackson, it needs to invest in a strong Lucky recast now.  The reveal about Liz's mob peen obsession coupled with Jake's issues would have been a perfect entry point for the character's fulltime return.

The idiots in charge are smokin' some serious CRACK if they think they can get Jonathan back as Lucky. The guy is on a successful show in prime time and why would he want to return? So the show can shit on his character even more? They were lucky and fortunate that he returned last summer, and he only did that for Tony Geary.




Laura is in contact with Lucky, but Liz's line about him Skyping with Cam and Aiden was during Luke's send-off, and how she hadn't heard from Lucky and that she was worried. Of course, Lucky was involved in finding Jake.  I don't recall if Laura said where Lucky was or what he was doing, but that was months ago. Or it feels that way. It might have been on Genie's last day before she returned again last month.


And WORD, dubbel about Lucky being the male Robin.

Agreed. Someone who can act since I don't believe JJ is coming back

Nashville is definitely done.

ABC has already renewed all of its non-freshman, except Nashville & Castle, Quantico is definitely coming back, and the network is committed to adding another hour of comedy and another marvel hour to the fall 2016 lineup.

Jonathan will be back, even if only for brief stints.

  • Love 1

Brief stints aren't good enough, imo. He has to be either in or out.

IMHO, it would relatively easy and solve a lot of problems if Lucky joined the WSB and was 'on assignment' between Jonathan's stints.

It's what I thought they should have with Robin after the original Fonduke kidnapping. Robin could have been recruited to solve some biological weapon crisis, and off she went until Kim was available again. Robin wouldn't have been a continual prisoner, and Jasus would still be dead. Dead dead dead. Dead.

  • Love 8

The WSB never made sense to me for Robin or Lucky, though. These two seem to crave the stability (or Lucky did until he was decimated for...reasons) as a response to their chaotic lives growing up.


Especially for Robin, I think, since she lost both parents (or thought she did) because of that lifestyle.


Where Robin is concerned, since KMc was leaving, Scrubs could have just divorced post-Lisa (and I say this as one who likes them) and she would be free and off screen. A split would not have precluded a reunion if there was decent writing (Ha!) and Patrick atoned somehow...


And at this point, if JJ can't commit full time as Lucky (and why would he go back to GH now?), get a recast (assuming GV is not asked back).

Jonathan will be back, even if only for brief stints.



Do you know something that we don't? I haven't heard, nor read, that Jonathan said he would be back for brief stints. If he didn't do it before, like for the 50th anniversary, I can't see him doing it now. Just because his show is over, that doesn't mean he doesn't have other projects on his plate. And just because Kimberly agreed to come back for brief visits, doesn't mean that Jonathan will.


I understand why those that love Jonathan want him to come back as Lucky (Hell, he is the ONLY Lucky as far as I'm concerned and I love him to death, but I don't want him coming back to this craptastic shitfest unless I have a GUARANTEE that Sri Rao will be penning his dialgoue or that Jonathan himself will and that AIN'T EVER gonna happen), but I don't see it happening. Not unless this show is being cancelled and then he returns to say adieu.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 1

So I guess some spoilers are out over at SZ from the new issue of SOD (Or SID, I get them mixed up)


What I read was Sam confronts Liz, and Jason arrives.  Liz denies it and tries to make Sam look crazy and jealous.  Jason says something "hateful" to Sam (something like "we are never getting back together") and throws her out.  He goes to see Sam while Liz is putting the kids to sleep, and Sam lays out all her info.  Jason arrives home and asks Liz point blank.  She confesses everything.


I hope when this fucker tries to apologize to Sam she kicks HIM out.  Asshole.


Also, I guess there is a rumor that Danny gets sick.  Just a RUMOR right now.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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