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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Why is Patrick getting advice from Sabrina? I will only accept this if she laughs in his face for the karmic retribution.


Sabrina should have never spoken to him ever again after the shit he pulled.  But of course Show had to beat us over the head with Patrick Is A Good Man Who So Deserves To Be Happy, so of course she set the land speed record for forgiving him.  (With nary a, "Wait a second here... you dumped me for Robin, fine, I get it, she's your wife, but now you're dumping her...?  What the hell is wrong with you, dude?!?!").


I'm calling it now - Sabrina will say something like, "Don't you think it's kind of odd, your wife leaving the way she did?", and THAT'S why Patrick will conclude that something is wrong with Robin and he should go after her.


The most hilarious thing about these spoilers is that the Patrick haters called it right straight down the line - no sooner would Patrick lose Sam than his replacement slampiece would appear on the scene, because gods forbid he be without poontang for longer than 30 seconds.  The very week the Liz secret comes out and Jasam reunite is when KMc is appearing again on the show!

Edited by yowsah1
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I'm calling it now - Sabrina will say something like, "Don't you think it's kind of odd, your wife leaving the way she did?", and THAT'S why Patrick will conclude that something is wrong with Robin and he should go after her.

I think if it's about Robin, which I'm not even sure it is 'cause I will never trust this show to do the right thing, it should be Sabrina telling him that while she believes that he loved her and that he loves Sam....it's not the type of love he had with Robin and she thinks he was just trying to create insta families to fill the void.

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First of all, I am loving your new icon, TeeVee329. Bring back Flight Attendant!


So Carlos faked his own death.  Who helped him with that?  Sloane?  Neither one of them have the smarts to pull off something complicated.


I'm assuming it was Paul who helped him/set the whole thing in motion.


Lulu tattles on Valerie/Dante to Jordan. Calls Johnny to assist in revenge against valerie


While I think Lulu should want to kill Valerie, it really pisses me off that she's gonna go after her over Dante. She should have Johnny get his goons to kill Dante imo. And then deal with Valerie after that.


so poor put upon Valerie looks good dating her cousin's husband?


It seems abundantly clear now that this whole story is about making Valerie look good and like it's boggling my mind. I thought them trying to make Kiki happen was bad but this is even worse.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Lulu calls Johnny? Isn't he on the run? She has him on speed dial?


Oh well, love them together anyway. So much more better and more history than Lulu/Dillion. I'd enjoy Johnny going after Dante.

Forget Johnny. I want Laura to grab her shotgun, Tracy to grab her animal net, and for them to team up against Dante. Between tucking his wife's cousin and being a Jets fan, I want his bitch ass to suffer.

  • Love 9

After a night of passion, Valerie wakes up next to a happy Dante. Meanwhile, Laura convinces Lulu that she isn’t ready for a formal separation from Dante. Full of hope, Lulu heads out to repair her marriage.




Yeah, Dante can die now. In their bed! Again! What the fuck!


Me and Heatlifer are making daisy chains in a meadow-y field right now, in a psychic plane.


I haven't been watching much lately anyway, but I think I'm just done now.  I may tune in for the Scorpios next month, but that's it.  Dante was the only decent male human being on this show regularly (I mean, there's Mac, but he's invisible).  Now they've completely ruined the character.  From day one, he's been all about Lulu.  While sleeping with Valerie originally was shitty, there was at least some shaky build up to it.  Now he's just going to engage in a full on relationship with her?  While he's still married to her cousin?  Fuck that shit.  I'm done.  There is NO way Dante would do this at all.  They may as well just rename the character and give us a scrolling "Just so you know, Dante is dead now," and call it a day. 


How can I put this . . . Wouldnt people notice the baby wasnt the right 'hue' if Valerie implants herself with a Lante baby?


Really, she could luck out and genetics will work in her favor that the kid takes after Dante.  I have a cousin who has a similar skin tone to Valerie, and her husband is white.  They have two babies.  One looks exactly like her, and the other looks a lot like her, but with Daddy's skin.  So, it can happen. She'd be taking a risk, definitely, especially if the kid came out looking exactly like Lulu.  

  • Love 8

Really, she could luck out and genetics will work in her favor that the kid takes after Dante.  I have a cousin who has a similar skin tone to Valerie, and her husband is white.  They have two babies.  One looks exactly like her, and the other looks a lot like her, but with Daddy's skin.  So, it can happen. She'd be taking a risk, definitely, especially if the kid came out looking exactly like Lulu.  


I don't think it would be an issue, since Valerie herself is half-White. So IF there is a child (I won't know, since I won't be watching), he or she could look white or have an olive hue and no one would question it. To use a real life example, Victoria Rowell's daughter is white as can be and has white blonde hair. At least, when she was a toddler. I remember from some ET interview years ago.


I have nothing to add to the pile on FUCKERY, if true, that is being done to Dante.

  • Love 4

I haven't been watching much lately anyway, but I think I'm just done now.  I may tune in for the Scorpios next month, but that's it.  Dante was the only decent male human being on this show regularly (I mean, there's Mac, but he's invisible).  Now they've completely ruined the character.  From day one, he's been all about Lulu.[ . . . ]  There is NO way Dante would do this at all.  They may as well just rename the character and give us a scrolling "Just so you know, Dante is dead now," and call it a da

Hmmm . . . Well, ya see last February when Luke locked Dante in that basement . . . :goes to Target to do some shopping: . . . and that's the whole story of how the character being played by Dom Zamprogna isnt the real "Dante".

  • Love 9


Didn't feel like typing all that out.

But according to gh happenings, 12/4 might be a big day. Liz realizes that the truth about when she knew what she knew is coming out.

Every spoiler implies Creepy Jake tells. Liz may have not noticed that just because kids are quiet doesn't mean they aren't listening.

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I especially love how that site is emphasizing SAM using a traumatized child.....First of all, I am sure she doesn't strong arm the kid.  Second, his own MOTHER has been manipulating him for months, but Sam is the bad guy for asking him what secret he was talking about?  GMAB.  That site is horse shit.  Always has been. 


ETA;  The "spoilers" from that site a few weeks ago straight out said the "bulk" of Jake's memories were of Liz...which was just not true.  He had 1 or 2 of her, the rest were pretty much all Sam.  So I take anything they say with a grain of salt.  It always reads like fan fiction from a Liz/Liason fan.  Which is fine, but at least have accurate information to back up your claims.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 12

That sounds like Jiz fanfic.


Yeah, color me skeptical any of those spoilers will come to pass.  TPTB have invested too much into dragging out building up this story, and have spent too much time villianizing Liz to have the Big Reveal be followed by Jason going, "Hey, it's cool, Liz" and shrugging it all off.  The only way I could see a scenario where he yells at Sam is as part of a "pox on both your houses" type speech where he tells BOTH women to back off, and then goes off to figure things out on his own.

  • Love 4

There's a Jasam fan site on FB that's saying the secret starts coming out on the 9th, that Sam confronts Liez and Jason hears the truth on the 10th. Grain of salt and all that but if true, part of me is glad and hopes Sam gets to pop her in the choppers when Liez tries to throw bitchface. And I want Jason to hear how Liez talks to people who aren't him. I would like it if he overhears her confessing and Sam isn't shown begging him to believe her. That will piss me off right quick. He needs to see and hear Liez in all her lying, crazy ass glory.

  • Love 9

There's a Jasam fan site on FB that's saying the secret starts coming out on the 9th, that Sam confronts Liez and Jason hears the truth on the 10th. Grain of salt and all that but if true, part of me is glad and hopes Sam gets to pop her in the choppers when Liez tries to throw bitchface. And I want Jason to hear how Liez talks to people who aren't him. I would like it if he overhears her confessing and Sam isn't shown begging him to believe her. That will piss me off right quick. He needs to see and hear Liez in all her lying, crazy ass glory.


Then Dead Now Alive Jake appears from nowhere and confirms Sam's claims. Then pulls a knife on Liez.

  • Love 9

I assume this is Andre…because all black people know each other, right?

The spoiler on GHH2 says "someone unexpected," not someone familiar so I assumed it's Carlos, because she thinks he's dead and there was the conflict between Anna and Paul about the autopsy of "Carlos' (really Sloane). I figured Carlos' text to Sabrina was supposed to confirm for the audience he is indeed alive because GH has so far only allowed ghosts to talk to/torment people, not use electronics. 


I assumed that spoiler was about Jordan in the context of her work because the show already had Jordan and Shawn as past illicit and then current lovers. But they could go the predictable route and have the shrink be yet another man from her past.

IDK I think she's been looking awesome lately. I loved her sweater on Thanksgiving. I love all her sweaters. 

I agree, between that sweater and her hair, BH/Liz looked gorgeous on Thanksgiving.

Edited by Bringonthedrama

This week's promo: https://twitter.com/GeneralHospital/status/671389642797682688


GH PTB: Three strong women!


Me: ...two of those strong women are in a story centered about a woman so dickmitized by mob peen that she basically sacrificed every shred of integrity she ever had.  Maybe don't pat yourself on the back quite so hard.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

I think Sam's bluffing. She's not nearly angry enough

If/when Sam learns that Liz blah blah blah Jason blah alive blah Jake blah cheese, she should just kick the door in and throw stuff. Why? Because it might be entertaining. Plus, I'm sure 2 of the 3 are "at Disneyland", while the other can bend objects with his mind.

  • Love 4

NGL, if SOMEBODY don't knock Liez the fuck out, and I don't get to see her triflin, lying, crazy ass laid out on the floor? Bruh, I will make it my mission to get blocked on Twitter by Nathan, Shelley, Jean, and Uncle Frank.

It's a lil bit surprising I haven't been blocked already. I haven't been kind, to say the least. This clusterfuck has been going on for over a year. A YEAR, man, damn!

  • Love 6

This is the third fuckin time this jackass has lost his memory. Has anyone talked to him about the last time?

I get that the two medical professionals involved don't actually want Jasus to regain his memory but why hasn't Sam hopped on a plane to find Robin? Why didn't her name come up when Jakeson started whining because he didn't magically get his memory back?

Why is the writing such shit?

Edited by Oracle42
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Sneak peek of Sam/Patrick.


I'm hoping this is the start of the break up scene because this waste of time needs to end.

And, again, Sam is the one who brings up Robin's name in context to Patrick not understanding her situation and Patrick, again, gets to say noooothing.

I give JT credit, though, because Patrick always has a visible reaction when Robin is brought up. He always looks down and away. I noticed this in scenes with Anna, too.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Someone anyone tell me what Jason has that he is so wonderful;' He is Sonny's lacky. Stole his brothers son .treated the women who raised him, even though he was born on the other side of the blanket. He killed for a living. He ran the mob, and or enforced the illegal things they did. Someone tell me why all these women want him. Is he that good in bed ? He also listened and believed Sonny in all his the Q's are evil, bad and dishonest ? I never could stand Jason, so Sam and Liz are the victims here. Wake up ladies..The winner of the borg will be the big loser.    Patrick needs to remember, Jason is alive, where's Robin.? The so called writers have also done it again. Lulu needs to dump Dante, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Laura has turned into a fool, nick needs a swift kick in the arse.Robins return, Roberts return, and Patrick and Emma all four LEAVE ! I will watch that on YT.

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