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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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Swaggy was delayed releasing this “documentary” as part 1 got blocked due to copyright and had to get clips approved. I believe he ended up taking most of it out. Part 1 is pre BB to finale and part 2 is post BB including their version of the BB scam (spoiler alert - not  their fault!). Swaggy said he was going to ghost on social media but that was a lie.

Part 1

Part 2

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15 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Swaggy was delayed releasing this “documentary” as part 1 got blocked due to copyright and had to get clips approved. I believe he ended up taking most of it out. Part 1 is pre BB to finale and part 2 is post BB including their version of the BB scam (spoiler alert - not  their fault!). Swaggy said he was going to ghost on social media but that was a lie.

Part 1

Part 2

Who is this Swaggy that you speak of? Move a long....nothing to see here. LOL!!! Bring on a new season. That said, 3 showmances came out of that and they're still all together. That might be a record.

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Please don't sneak in any returnees.  Now that I've seen the cast, I realize it's slim to none but I don't trust you Grod! *shakes fist*.  

I wonder if Cliff Hogg is related to the large Hogg family of Texas (he's from Houston)?  Bowie Hogg was on season 1 of The Apprentice. 

And holy moly Jessica, are those real?  I'm an ample chest gal myself and if I'm side eyeing you, you MUST have back pain.  

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Swaggy is now in a Twitter feud with BB 15's Amanda

Immediately ran to Twitter (obviously), but Amanda has hers on lockdown. BOO.

26 minutes ago, Evenshorter said:

There are only a handful that I don't immediately despise. Joy!

So I had a write up on almost everyone and then it deleted itself so let's start over!

  1. Analyse: She's someone who I don't think I'll like very much.
  2. Christie: I actually think I could grow to like her. Her bio seems alright so far. Nothing too alarming (besides mentioning Paul as one of her favourites). 
  3. Cliff: Resident old guy in the house. If pattern continues to happen with old guy going out first one season and then making it quite far the next, he should be first out this time (since BB19 Kevin was the last old guy and got far)
  4. David: Nothing that captures my attention quite yet. Nothing alarming either, so I'll keep an eye out for his video interview.
  5. Holly: Um...I think she may be a no in my books.
  6. Isabella: Villain wannabe, predicted flop.
  7. Jack: He has pretty hair. That's all I got.
  8. Jackson: Total douche fratbro. Plus, Paul as his favourite? Nope. Plus, he's in a showmance 100%.
  9. Jessica: First off, 30ish? Why is she allowed to not have her age displayed if not for her probably being significantly older than what she'll tell people? 
  10. Kathryn: Got no opinion yet of her.
  11. Kemi: The issue with BB is that they tend to cast a stereotypical black woman almost every season, and it never works out. Kemi's bio makes it seem like she'll follow that pattern. The only redeeming quality is that her bio doesn't mention the bible like all the others so....
  12. Nick: He'll either go the douchey fratbro route or be the surprising fratbro that isn't annoying. I haven't decided which yet.
  13. Nicole: Raven/Rockstar flashbacks...and she likes Paul. Nope.
  14. Ovi: He's the most interesting for me, which means he's either gone early or he'll be the one that pisses me off the most.
  15. Sam: I have no idea how I feel about this guy. He might be alright.
  16. Tommy: Eh, he'll likely be the guy to annoy me. 

Overall, I have NO idea if I even have a favourite yet. I have to wait until the video interviews, it seems.

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11 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Do we need to start a live feed thread to discuss the interviews (which have just started)?

I have just done so. The Jeff interviews, since they take place on the live feeds, can be discussed in the live feed thread. Any other interviews not on the live feeds should be brought back here to be discussed.

38 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So I had a write up on almost everyone and then it deleted itself so let's start over!

  1. Analyse: She's someone who I don't think I'll like very much.
  2. Christie: I actually think I could grow to like her. Her bio seems alright so far. Nothing too alarming (besides mentioning Paul as one of her favourites). 
  3. Cliff: Resident old guy in the house. If pattern continues to happen with old guy going out first one season and then making it quite far the next, he should be first out this time (since BB19 Kevin was the last old guy and got far)
  4. David: Nothing that captures my attention quite yet. Nothing alarming either, so I'll keep an eye out for his video interview.
  5. Holly: Um...I think she may be a no in my books.
  6. Isabella: Villain wannabe, predicted flop.
  7. Jack: He has pretty hair. That's all I got.
  8. Jackson: Total douche fratbro. Plus, Paul as his favourite? Nope. Plus, he's in a showmance 100%.
  9. Jessica: First off, 30ish? Why is she allowed to not have her age displayed if not for her probably being significantly older than what she'll tell people? 
  10. Kathryn: Got no opinion yet of her.
  11. Kemi: The issue with BB is that they tend to cast a stereotypical black woman almost every season, and it never works out. Kemi's bio makes it seem like she'll follow that pattern. The only redeeming quality is that her bio doesn't mention the bible like all the others so....
  12. Nick: He'll either go the douchey fratbro route or be the surprising fratbro that isn't annoying. I haven't decided which yet.
  13. Nicole: Raven/Rockstar flashbacks...and she likes Paul. Nope.
  14. Ovi: He's the most interesting for me, which means he's either gone early or he'll be the one that pisses me off the most.
  15. Sam: I have no idea how I feel about this guy. He might be alright.
  16. Tommy: Eh, he'll likely be the guy to annoy me. 

Overall, I have NO idea if I even have a favourite yet. I have to wait until the video interviews, it seems.

Could you post pictures next to their names next time. LOL!!! Great job. It's so descriptive. Now, I need to see if I agree/disagree with your assesments. It's hard being a BB Fan. The struggle is real. Thanks again.

Annnd... we’re off!

2 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Swaggy is now in a Twitter feud with BB 15's Amanda

Now THAT’S a match made in Hell.

36 minutes ago, LuvizBlind said:

Analyse's name is unfortunate.  

Agreed; I’m sure it’s pronounced “Anna lease”, but my brain keeps pushing “Analyze / Anna lies”. 😉 

36 minutes ago, LuvizBlind said:

Yay! No Paul.  

Thank god.  If Raspewtin had made another appearance, I was seriously considering ditching this season.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, gotta correct myself. Technically Steve was the resident old guy last season and he got booted first so Cliff could be the one this season to make it far.

So forgot about Steve. It's funny how a you forget the early boots. He was a nice guy but played a little hard at the beginning and looked too much like a cop which freaked people out. LOL!!!

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Just now, ByaNose said:

So forgot about Steve. It's funny how a you forget the early boots. He was a nice guy but played a little hard at the beginning and looked too much like a cop which freaked people out. LOL!!!

Steve was more of a first week casualty, especially when he was up against Sam for the first week boot. 

Cliff is someone who will probably get on people's nerves and get booted for a reason. At least, that's my impression.

So, there's apparently some speculation about this season actually being a Duo Twist, as a lot of houseguests seem to have a connection with someone else in the house.

So, the rumor about vets coming in as duos may have been semi-true....they could have been cut.

Some houseguests being connected to each other include: Christie and Tommy, Holly and Kathryn, Jack and Isabella, and Jackson and Ovi (I think).

However, still JUST speculation. It may not even be true.

Christie and Tommy are confirmed knowing  each other. There are  pics of them together and she dated his aunt.  Jackson  and  Ovi are both in the same major at the same school and both Greek.  Isabella and Jack both  talked about climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro and she said she did so with  an ex, so very likely that they're a pair.  I am not sure about Holly/Kathryn but I've been hearing about them as well.

So where does that leave the rest of the HGs in terms of pairing? My (100% unfounded) speculation is the Cliff and Sam are a father/son pairing, but that's based on very little.

47 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, there's apparently some speculation about this season actually being a Duo Twist, as a lot of houseguests seem to have a connection with someone else in the house.

So, the rumor about vets coming in as duos may have been semi-true....they could have been cut.

Some houseguests being connected to each other include: Christie and Tommy, Holly and Kathryn, Jack and Isabella, and Jackson and Ovi (I think).

However, still JUST speculation. It may not even be true.

Please, no. LORDT, no. I cannot have my designated eye candy connected to Miss "I am my favorite Big Brother winner."

3 hours ago, Nashville said:
3 hours ago, LuvizBlind said:

Analyse's name is unfortunate.  

Agreed; I’m sure it’s pronounced “Anna lease”, but my brain keeps pushing “Analyze / Anna lies”. 😉 

You're much kinder than me here. I keep seeing Anal Ease. Which is indeed terribly unfortunate.

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3 hours ago, LunaSoma said:

Isabella and Jack both  talked about climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro and she said she did so with  an ex, so very likely that they're a pair.

Ummm, not necessarily; Kilimanjaro is a VERY popular climbing excursion, as (IIRC) it’s the only one of the Seven Summits a person can climb without a significant degree of reliance upon supplemental oxygen.  Something like 25K-30K people ascend Kilimanjaro every year.

(A group I’m in did Kilimanjaro about 2-3 years ago; I’d planned to go, but got derailed by family issues.)

2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

You're much kinder than me here. I keep seeing Anal Ease. Which is indeed terribly unfortunate.

Hey, different strokes for different folks.  But just remember:


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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm not sure I love the idea of them just recycling the BB6 twist but we'll see.

They may not outright recycle it. They could have their own twist to it (as you know BB loves its twists) but I'm not fully convinced there's a Duo Twist.

However, the Christie/Tommy connection with them being mutual friends and Christie having dated Tommy's aunt has to be more than a coincidence. Or that connection really fell through the cracks. 

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4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

You're much kinder than me here. I keep seeing Anal Ease. Which is indeed terribly unfortunate.

 I thought it was French for anal lice. 

8 hours ago, Nashville said:

Annnd... we’re off!

Now THAT’S a match made in Hell.

Agreed; I’m sure it’s pronounced “Anna lease”, but my brain keeps pushing “Analyze / Anna lies”. 😉 

Thank god.  If Raspewtin had made another appearance, I was seriously considering ditching this season.

 Oh Robyn, I don't have to know you to know you do a crap job.  At please don't act all butt hurt that strangers are critiquing your work...when your work is directly for the benefit of, and supported by, said strangers.  

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2 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

Haha!! That is how I read it too! 

Yes, that was unfortunately why I called it unfortunate.  I did see on Twitter that many are reminded of Brett's "anallice" moment from the Hacker competition and  I cracked up all over again.  Let's just hope "Ah-na-lease" (her pronunciation) isn't anal retentive...   

45 minutes ago, LuvizBlind said:

Yes, that was unfortunately why I called it unfortunate.  I did see on Twitter that many are reminded of Brett's "anallice" moment from the Hacker competition and  I cracked up all over again.  Let's just hope "Ah-na-lease" (her pronunciation) isn't anal retentive...   

Well... at least now we’ll all know who someone is talking about when they refer to Anallice....  😆

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14 hours ago, LuvizBlind said:

Analyse's name is unfortunate.  

10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

You're much kinder than me here. I keep seeing Anal Ease. Which is indeed terribly unfortunate.


ETA: C'mon, y'all. I'm hours behind everyone and I'm the first one to use the actual GIF? 

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

You know, despite being the most boring season in years, BB20 did provide some great moments.

BB20 started off super strong but around the time of Bayleigh's eviction, of all things, the gameplay really teetered off. I think, for me, once Tyler got distracted by Angela and (IMO) threw his gameplay out the window in favour of laying around with her, that's when the game got boring.

Thank god for Brett for keeping the energy up that second half, though. That's why Brett was my favourite houseguest last season. 

I feel embarrassed to admit that Tyler and Angela's jewelry company isn't that bad. I could actually buy their stuff, because I'm a simple person. I mean, I won't, but I could.

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It looks really nice, I just lol at how fame hungry they've become.

Heh, they've always been somewhat fame-hungry...but at least it's not Swayleigh-level fame hungry (those two dumbass scammers created a two part documentary series about them....blech). At least their jewelry company is somewhat legitimate and doesn't have anything to do with their time on Big Brother. You wouldn't even know it's their company on first glance.

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