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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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On ‎12‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 4:14 AM, neenyah said:

nothing beats naked Verne Troyer on a Hoveround pissing in a corner. 

This times a thousand.  That may very well have been one of my favorite moments ever on reality TV.  I loved it when, I think, Christopher Knight said something like, "Hey buddy don't you think it's a little strange what you're doing?" and Verne replied, "Strange?  What's strange?"

Did any of the contestants go over to Kevin's house for Thanksgiving?

Edited by BK1978
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7 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Did any of the contestants go over to Kevin's house for Thanksgiving?

Kevin ended up opening it to fans and other guests (for a price; from what I understand, most or all of the money went to charity) for the 19th, so before Thanksgiving. I believe it was just Ramses, Jason, and Josh who showed up. Others probably couldn't make it (or most didn't want to). For example, Paul couldn't make it because of some "family emergency". Maybe it was an actual family emergency, but then I also saw people claiming that Paul was at a concert, and then Paul began to call people idiots in tweets. So...who really knows. I just assume Paul didn't really want to go and maybe there was a minor family emergency that allowed the perfect excuse to get out of it. It didn't seem serious enough if Paul had time to hop on a 45 minute plane ride to "support a friend" at a Backstreet Boys concert. 

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7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Kevin ended up opening it to fans and other guests (for a price; from what I understand, most or all of the money went to charity) for the 19th, so before Thanksgiving. I believe it was just Ramses, Jason, and Josh who showed up. Others probably couldn't make it (or most didn't want to). For example, Paul couldn't make it because of some "family emergency". Maybe it was an actual family emergency, but then I also saw people claiming that Paul was at a concert, and then Paul began to call people idiots in tweets. So...who really knows. I just assume Paul didn't really want to go and maybe there was a minor family emergency that allowed the perfect excuse to get out of it. It didn't seem serious enough if Paul had time to hop on a 45 minute plane ride to "support a friend" at a Backstreet Boys concert. 

Nah, that was "the dog ate my homework" excuse. 

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26 minutes ago, Christi said:

Weird that the 3 couples seem to he making it long term....Cody and Jess are living together,  and so are Mark and Elena AND Mark and Raven...?

Well, I'm not positive on Mark/Elena, but I do know Matt/Raven are definitely not living together, though it befuddles me that they're still together somehow. They spent the holidays together, after all. Raven actually flew to see him, which is mind boggling. I completely expected Matt to dump her way before now. 

I guess love comes in different forms? Or something? I thought that he had no feelings for her, but he still seems to tolerate her. Perhaps she's more toned down in real life and less....Raven. Who the hell knows since he's still with her. 

I'm still waiting for one of the three couples to implode before next summer rolls around. 

On another note, I am very surprised with how engaged Cody is with social media. I totally expected him to drop off of it and let Jess do all that stuff. But either Jess is controlling his account, or he's genuinely invested in posting on various accounts. Surprisingly, Cody/Jess haven't gotten on my nerves.

Marlena, on the other hand? Man, following them is such a pain in my ass that I'm likely going to unfollow both tonight. They're pretty damn annoying on social media.

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I'm just catching up to the drama. Evel Dick is certainly a dick. But yeah, I got no opinion of any of them at this point. Actually, I kind of do. Let me start by saying that I dislike Paul, ED, and Raven quite a bit. ED is one I never saw on his first season, but know his reputation and have glanced at his tweets from time to time. 

To be painfully clear, I don't like people wishing death upon others. I don't care that Raven has constantly used her illness to gain sympathy from people; that says more about her than anyone. But Dick's comments toward Raven are gross, and that says a lot more about his character. I think Raven's delusional and needs some serious help for whatever's going on inside of her head, but I would never think that she needs to die a slow and painful death. Her actions hurt her more than it hurt others (some exceptions aside, of course). 

Paul chiming in is weird because he did praise Evel Dick and it looks like he's flip flopping, or lied about his relationship with Dick (which he obviously has done), but I don't disagree with him calling ED a scumbag. I really hate Paul, but ED is a sick and twisted scumbag. 

Cody also chimed in; of course he's on Evel Dick's side. However, knowing how many lies Raven spread about Cody throughout the summer, I'm not surprised that he might loathe her and not want to come to her defense. Mark also chimed in and...to think I liked Mark as well. He's a very petty and bitter person, even after all these months after the show's ended. First, his spat with Josh, his issues with Paul, and now with Raven. I mean, he doesn't need to like them and they did bully him, but I don't think ranting about it on social media to his fans is the right way to go. It makes him look worse. Just don't acknowledge them at all. It's that simple.

Also, on another note, as I'm catching up on drama, I read that BB16 Zach kind of went crazy on Twitter and deleted his social media accounts. To think I actually liked the guy during 16. Now, I'm glad I stopped following him ages ago.

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On 12/20/2017 at 3:15 PM, njbarmaid said:

On one hand I think it's so cheesy, on the other I say get it while you can.   It's really just Jody and Marlena though??? I'm not following everyone but I haven't seen product placement on anyone else with the exception of Christmas who is just continuing on with her stuff.

I notice the bachelorette girls promoting lots of clothes from lots of stores.  Do they get paid for that?

Yeah, Zach flipped out. Told the people who were still his fans that they were weird and needed to get lives (he specifically referenced edits...I've seen some recent ones and they were just an old pic of him with a santa cap, odd maybe but nothing creepy like all the Zankie stuff that went on) and that he didn't need or want their support. He said he'd deleted his IG and wasn't afraid to delete Twitter. He lightly referenced haters, called one guy out by name who has been harassing him and his family, but that person had been put on blast several months ago. He said he had no interest in CBS or BB, and when someone replied asking why he still had it in his bio, he changed the bio, then subsequently deleted his twitter after talking about the money he had in his bank account and the home he owns and he doesn't need any of this (after shilling for ID channel not too long ago on twitter).

ED later tweeted that Zach had been contacting multiple people to get his phone number and he told those people to tell Zach to fuck off. 

A typical Zach tantrum. I used to be a big fan and pretty involved, but unfollowed him over a year ago. He's really a piece of trash. Maybe he's over BB because of the bridges he burned with CBS and knows he'll not get invited back. Maybe it was just a tantrum for attention and hoping to emulate ED (hence the contact attempts) and he'll be back online. He loves attention, so I wouldn't doubt the latter. He just did (last month or two) some kind of dinner with Jody and some other folks in LA and the whole thing was snapped and shared on SM by various folks. 

On 12/30/2017 at 10:36 PM, Lady Calypso said:


On another note, I am very surprised with how engaged Cody is with social media. I totally expected him to drop off of it and let Jess do all that stuff. But either Jess is controlling his account, or he's genuinely invested in posting on various accounts. Surprisingly, Cody/Jess haven't gotten on my nerves.


I don't for one minute believe that it's Cody posting on his social media.  Unless Jessica is sitting next to him and telling him what to type.  The stuff he posts doesn't sound like him at all.  

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11 hours ago, gunderda said:

I don't for one minute believe that it's Cody posting on his social media.  Unless Jessica is sitting next to him and telling him what to type.  The stuff he posts doesn't sound like him at all.  

It is all Jessica but Cody is going along with it and seems to be pretty comfortable with the videos that they have been posting. I suspect that we are going to see a very different person on the Amazing Race then we did in Big Brother. I think he is far more adaptable then folks are giving him credit for. I also think that he is more open to new experiences and has probably grown a ton since leaving the Big Brother house. I suspect that Jessica has introduced him to many experiences and people he has not had a chance to meet before and he has not been the asshole people thought that he would be. I don't doubt that he is using this experience to make some money that he desperately needs but he is either a really good actor, and Jessica is willing to put up with a ton of behind the scenes bullshit, or he is more receptive to new ideas then people thought.

  • Love 5

The square table is my fave part. I hope they keep it for BB20. I joked that they'll probably just keep this whole house for BB20 because they're cheap and lazy, but honestly I wouldn't even care because it's really nice.

ETA: Oh, also, I noticed that there are 10 chairs/place setting at the table, so I assume 10 HGs.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The square table is my fave part. I hope they keep it for BB20. I joked that they'll probably just keep this whole house for BB20 because they're cheap and lazy, but honestly I wouldn't even care because it's really nice.

ETA: Oh, also, I noticed that there are 10 chairs/place setting at the table, so I assume 10 HGs.

Or 11 because they'll probably send someone home right away.... (which i really REALLY hate)

4 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was surprised to see the wine glasses on the set table. I wonder if they are going to be supplying them with copious amounts of booze so that they loosen up and become more "real". 

They always get champaign the first night so I wouldn't get your hopes up too much!

  • Love 1

*jumps up and down excitedly* House tour! There's a house tour! YAY!

I actually like how they re-dressed the house for the Celebrity version. The kitchen is pleasing to the eye, very soothing. The living room looks decent. The mint bedroom is to die for

I thought of y'all when the story came across my Facebook about a Big Brother FIRST - OMG SO EXCITING WE'RE MAKING HISTORY!!!1... we gave them a square table. And then I snorted because ooh, the table is square. Typical Big Brother. 

I like how they gave the ants a roof this year. Oh, God. The celebrities and the annual ant invasion. I can't wait!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate how excited I am for this.

I'm stoked... but I'm also wondering how I'm going to match it all up with my Olympic watching. I guarantee that some variation of "Oh, Big Brother is on tomorrow. And so's the Canada-Sweden hockey game. With the time difference, if I get up at 3 A.M. to watch the game live and then take a nap from..." is going to be said by me at least once twice countless times. Because the world will end if I don't see the semi-finals women's curling live but it will also end if I miss out if/when a celebrity I really don't like shows their ass spectacularly. 


2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I hate that I planned to not care about CBB, only to feel my heart leap in excitement when I saw the link to the house pictures.

I had kinda forgotten about it, tbh. Until the Square Table of Doom appeared on Facebook. Then I got excited (and ran here first). 

Imagine if Raven were in the house when they got a square table. How many times would she run into the sharp corners to try to puncture a major organ so that Cody would give her some attention? Missed opportunity, BB. 

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I'm stoked... but I'm also wondering how I'm going to match it all up with my Olympic watching. I guarantee that some variation of "Oh, Big Brother is on tomorrow. And so's the Canada-Sweden hockey game. With the time difference, if I get up at 3 A.M. to watch the game live and then take a nap from..." is going to be said by me at least once twice countless times. Because the world will end if I don't see the semi-finals women's curling live but it will also end if I miss out if/when a celebrity I really don't like shows their ass spectacularly. 

Fucking right! I am assuming I will not sleep at all for a couple weeks.

  • Love 3
On 1/17/2018 at 8:18 AM, peachmangosteen said:

The square table is my fave part. I hope they keep it for BB20. I joked that they'll probably just keep this whole house for BB20 because they're cheap and lazy, but honestly I wouldn't even care because it's really nice.

ETA: Oh, also, I noticed that there are 10 chairs/place setting at the table, so I assume 10 HGs.

They hired a new designer, that is VERY clear.  The last one was terrible: it lacked good design, colors were bad in RL I am sure but worse for TV.  It was depressing in some areas and just hideous in others.

This incarnation is excellent.  I suppose higher end furniture was used because they are celebrities.  We'll see about that.  Love the square table and dining chairs.  The kitchen looks warm and welcoming, great stools, too. 

16 minutes ago, Ananayel said:

I read somewhere that the roof wasn't necessarily for privacy, but because weather caused a problem in the other winter season they'd done. That could have been BS though.

I haven't seen this yet but this makes sense.  LA can get nippy so maybe they have heaters under it like they do in restaurants. 

Edited by Wings
9 minutes ago, Wings said:

They got a new designer, that is VERY clear.  The last one was terrible: it lacked good design, colors were bad in RL I am sure but worse for TV.  It was depressing in some areas and just hideous in others.

This incarnation is excellent.  I suppose higher end furniture was used because they are celebrities.  We'll see about that.  

I just figured the set designers wanted to be a little daring this year, so they went to IKEA instead of Wal-Mart for a change.  

And I have to say, it looks pretty good.  That particular shade of green would probably set the mental patients to shrieking down the ward halls, but I wanna sleep in that damn bed for about a week.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I just figured the set designers wanted to be a little daring this year, so they went to IKEA instead of Wal-Mart for a change.  

And I have to say, it looks pretty good.  That particular shade of green would probably set the mental patients to shrieking down the ward halls, but I wanna sleep in that damn bed for about a week.

Or the mental patients would feel it familiar and behave.  It makes me queasy. 

Nah I am thinking Target.   Dining chairs could be from the CBS commissary.  I do think everything looks much better. 

Edited by Wings
Just now, Wings said:

Or the mental patients would feel it familiar and behave.  That color makes me queasy. 

“They say taupe is very soothing.”  —  Brad Pitt, Ocean’s Eleven


Just now, Wings said:

Nah I am thinking Target.   

They already get the supplemental clothing from Target; I was just trying to share the love a little.  ;)

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On 1/18/2018 at 8:04 AM, peachmangosteen said:
On 1/17/2018 at 7:14 PM, Callaphera said:

I'm stoked... but I'm also wondering how I'm going to match it all up with my Olympic watching. I guarantee that some variation of "Oh, Big Brother is on tomorrow. And so's the Canada-Sweden hockey game. With the time difference, if I get up at 3 A.M. to watch the game live and then take a nap from..." is going to be said by me at least once twice countless times. Because the world will end if I don't see the semi-finals women's curling live but it will also end if I miss out if/when a celebrity I really don't like shows their ass spectacularly. 

Fucking right! I am assuming I will not sleep at all for a couple weeks.

I cancelled my annual mamogram and pap smear in Feb for this.  I am ready!  Appointments canceled- check-Scotch supply freshened- check snacks planned-check, Unisome on night stand- check.  I am ready.  

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