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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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Fine take it away, but at least give us interesting things to vote on???


Even the HG think the stuff like hula hoop and spin the bottle are ridiculous.  Becky thinks the shark was specifically for her as HOH.  geez.


And why should the voting be only for the live-feeders, anyway?  Let the rest of "America" know what's going on.  (A shark?  Did the cast jump it?)


I guess that's some retroactive shade Julie/the show are sending at the BB16 cast, huh?  "We thought we needed the Takeover to keep things interesting, but this cast is exciting enough on its own!"  Suck it, Frankie!  (Of course, this doesn't excuse wasting a segment on "the Hitmen" last Thursday, then.  Consolation prize, perhaps? [Derrick had been lined up for a Takeover.] Ehh.)

Hehe, I couldn't help playing "Finish the Quote" for Andy:


I always say the last two weeks in the house were the worst of my life. I won part two of the final HoH on a Saturday, but the finale wasn’t until Wednesday. So we had like four days to lay around. At that point, we had exhausted like every possible conversation topic…


"…such as 'vile things to say about Elissa', 'more vile things to say about Elissa', 'even more vile things to say about Elissa', 'vile things we've already said about Elissa, but we're not terribly creative so we'll just repeat them', and 'let's ignore GinaMarie still being racist, and just keep saying vile things about Elissa."  Oh, Andy, you scamp!


"Nice" to see that Eric Stein is still pushing his "being America's Player ruined my game but I controlled the outcome and should be credited for Dick's victory" talking points.  And such class in whining about how all his footage has him with a girl he stopped dating eight years ago.  Yes, it's called "having an ex", get over it.  I'm sure Jessica's just as thrilled to see your fadeaway forehead whenever she feels like a nostalgia-fest.  Oy.


I did feel a little bad for Jason, though.  I mean, the odds of his getting called back for a second go are pretty slim, so to read him talking about how would have liked to have had the Big Wheel and get to put his key back on the Memory Wall when he was safe, only to know he'll probably never get that chance, it's a small bummer.  (Stupid BotB!  Oh, well.)


Dan was supposed to be on Season 6?  Wow.  I know many people love S6 and think it would have been awesome; I think the "secret pairs" gimmick made for very static gameplay and I wonder if it would have killed Dan's game.  OTOH, maybe with Dan spinning those fools (on both sides; I exclude only Maggie) in circles, the Cult of Janelle would never have been born at all.  (He certainly helped get her sent out early enough in S14.)  Oh, dream-weaver…

Edited by DAngelus
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It's good to see that Mike has at least a modicum of remorse about the way he treated Erika. He also realizes that he was "a little bit full of himself." As always, he is too modest. The Mike I saw (three times, for Chrissakes) was a lot full of himself.

I was most fascinated by the interview with Jack, where he described how Arnold Shapiro brought him in to consult on what to do about Scott after he ran off the rails. Andy being warned after he won that there was going to be a lot of questions about the racism in the house was second.

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I haven't read much yet, but two of my favorites so far are Danielle getting her "Carpe diem" and Andy thinking every gay guy cast on the show other than him was "doomed" and had no chance at winning. Lawon I'll give you but Steven? Really? I forgot why he got booted but he was attractive, athletic and wasn't heinous (yes I know, also a future porn star). You know, basically the exact opposite of Andy. Jealous much?

I haven't read much yet, but two of my favorites so far are Danielle getting her "Carpe diem" and Andy thinking every gay guy cast on the show other than him was "doomed" and had no chance at winning. Lawon I'll give you but Steven? Really? I forgot why he got booted but he was attractive, athletic and wasn't heinous (yes I know, also a future porn star). You know, basically the exact opposite of Andy. Jealous much?

Ahh Arnold Shapiro. The good old days. Why did he leave? And can he come back yesterday?

I haven't finished the article yet either (lunch hour should be longer, dangit) but it makes it all worth it to see and read about Kaysar. It's totally creepy but I still just love him to bits and am STILL furious with him for being nice. I don't have a favorite season because six WOULD be it, except for, you know, the outcome.

Edited by mojoween
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I haven't read much yet, but two of my favorites so far are Danielle getting her "Carpe diem" and Andy thinking every gay guy cast on the show other than him was "doomed" and had no chance at winning. Lawon I'll give you but Steven? Really? I forgot why he got booted but he was attractive, athletic and wasn't heinous (yes I know, also a future porn star). You know, basically the exact opposite of Andy. Jealous much?


Steven was the Week 2 casualty of a temporary 8-person alliance looking to clean out the remnants of Brian "I run this house" Hart's Week 1 allies.  Dan was on the block against him, but made a quick and effective "I'm weak" pitch to Jessie and was swiftly downgraded to "pawn" status; Ollie had already defected in Week 1, and Steven completely missed that Angie, his fellow "outcast", was actually in a secret alliance with HoH Jessie (and Memphis and Michelle).  He also snubbed Jessie by not going up to the HoH room when Jessie got his key, and missed most of the cues as to what was going on after nominations because he'd been on the winning team during the food comp (Libra/April/Keisha got stuck with Jerry and Renny, Libra bitched about it, there was a big fight) and was pretty much the only one who drank the beer. (Ollie didn't drink, and everyone else who wasn't on slop preferred the wine.) Killing a six-pack all by yourself doesn't exactly keep your head in the game.


So an early target, somewhat clueless, and petulant and slow to respond under pressure.  Not "doomed", per se, but never a serious threat to win the way that Marcellas, Beau, Joshuah, or Kevin were. (Okay, Joshh had probably alienated too many jurors, but if he'd managed to drag Sheila to the end, he would have had a shot. And Kevin would have needed the sense to take Natalie, rather than Jordan, and he was leaning the wrong way, even had he won the final HoH.)  Still, on the more general "Andy can shove it" principle that I usually rely on in situations like this, Andy can shove it.

Edited by DAngelus
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Me too! "Wah wah wah wah wah" from Vanessa and the "Oh myyy Gawwwwddd" were both pretty funny, but my favorite was Meg on the block shaking her head around and looking as if she'd just been hit upside the head with a mackerel.

I haven't read much yet, but two of my favorites so far are Danielle getting her "Carpe diem" and Andy thinking every gay guy cast on the show other than him was "doomed" and had no chance at winning. Lawon I'll give you but Steven? Really? I forgot why he got booted but he was attractive, athletic and wasn't heinous (yes I know, also a future porn star). You know, basically the exact opposite of Andy. Jealous much?


And he didn't even mention Bunky, who has been one of my favorites. Not a huge game threat, maybe, but he was just an average nice guy.

Ahh Arnold Shapiro. The good old days. Why did he leave? And can he come back yesterday?

I haven't finished the article yet either (lunch hour should be longer, dangit) but it makes it all worth it to see and read about Kaysar. It's totally creepy but I still just love him to bits and am STILL furious with him for being nice. I don't have a favorite season because six WOULD be it, except for, you know, the outcome.

Same here. The thought of Kayser always cheers.

The bits from William of Season 1 were also illuminating. While they didn't advertise him outright as Token Angry Black Guy, they sure came close. I remembered that we the home viewers did the voting for that season, but I had forgotten that there was no HoH. So weird to think about now.

I was glad to see Nakomis and her six-finger plan mentioned. There is no other player that I can recall whose exploitation of the rules caused production to change the rules in such a clear-cut way. Well, Danielle, of course, who got shafted by the evicted houseguests being able to see her DRs, but that was production's fault. Weasels.

  • Love 2

I was glad to see Nakomis and her six-finger plan mentioned. There is no other player that I can recall whose exploitation of the rules caused production to change the rules in such a clear-cut way. Well, Danielle, of course, who got shafted by the evicted houseguests being able to see her DRs, but that was production's fault. Weasels.


Actually, it was Mike Lubinski (the first evictee) who devised the plan while he and Nakomis were on the block together.  Jase had nominated them after seeking the first HoH, his theory being that you make two enemies but everyone else becomes your friend.  As Nakomis and Mike were aware that Jase was not, in fact, making a truckload of friends, Mike devised the 6-Finger plan as a way to use the rules change (in Seasons 3-4, the entire House played Veto; S5 was the first time it was only six players) to get rid of an unpopular but skilled HG.


Didn't Kaysar, Janelle, Howie and James manipulating the chess game also lead to the rules changing?

"No, I sealed your partner's fate." Purrrrrrrr.


Not so much; Maggie was nominated, and could have chosen Eric ("Cappy") to play in that Veto, had she wished.  However, later in the season the House united to six-finger James Rhine out the door.  (April was the HoH.)


This led to a certain amount of bonding between Jase and James during All-Stars, and thus it was ironic that James ended up evicting Jase as a renom.  (But he felt pressured into it by his allies, and that was part of the reason he moved away from the S6 group…not that he ever even voted against them or anything.)


While I liked Wil's latest (and I enjoy his Meg so much more than the actual one), his thesis that double-evictions never lead to two guys going home (which statistically should only be about a 25% occurrence, anyhow) isn't quite true.  S12 saw Mensa Matt and Brendon hitting the bricks in sequence, for example. Ironically enough, the other exception to this "rule" came in Wil's own S14, when Frank and Joe got sent to Jury back-to-back.  (I think Jeff Alexander's recap said something about "a bad night for the Hardy Boys", IIRC.)




S7-Danielle/Chicken George


(none in S9, since they didn't know how long they wanted the season to go, due to the writers' strike)


(none in S11; Chima's expulsion cancelled the plans)



S14-Mike/Ashley, then Frank/Joe

S15-Candice/Judd, then Amanda/Elissa

S16-Jocasta/Hayden, then Nichole/Christine



So that's 2 m/m DEs, 3 f/f, and 7 mixed-gender DEs.  Seems close enough to a normal distribution curve for me.

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I liked what James said that it is not about how smart you are, but about how dumb everyone else is. It's interesting in light of this season to me because most "smart" people benefit from the stupidity of the other contestants, but as a Vanessa stan, I think she's been most undone by the irrational behavior of the her fellow players, it boggles her mind and breaks her spirit that even if they don't trust her, that they can't anticipate what is obviously in her interest and why she would or would not be targeting them. Heh.


And I loved Eric and Jesserica, but I love hearing him bitchabout being America's Player, dude it was glorious to see you handcuffed, it's BB you are being watched and you are being *controlled*, plus AP was I think an attempt to capture what they wanted in the initial season, for the audience to feel fully a part of the experience.

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The huffington post article is really good. The author was on Rhap and he said he reached out to Dr Will who declined. He also reached out to Nakomis, Alison Irwin, Monica, Dani Donato and Janelle. I thought his comments on Boogie, Dan and Chima were interesting. I'm glad they seemed people out who had different experiences and not just the same people that are Cbs mouthpieces.

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I finally got around to reading the Huffington Post article. Very interesting. One thing that stuck out to me was Andy's little rant about the game and gay men. He mentioned Cowboy as one of the gay men. I thought Cowboy was married to a female during the game. Has he come out as gay? Not a big deal and it really doesn't matter but I'm just curious.

I finally got around to reading the Huffington Post article. Very interesting. One thing that stuck out to me was Andy's little rant about the game and gay men. He mentioned Cowboy as one of the gay men. I thought Cowboy was married to a female during the game. Has he come out as gay? Not a big deal and it really doesn't matter but I'm just curious.

I think he was talking about the gay cowboy (wasn't called Cowboy, but I forget his name, he was a pre-jury evictee) from Dan's first season.

  • Love 1

Wow. The Boss Man is NOT happy with the casting this season. He claims that five or six were casting mistakes. I'd bet that Steve, Austin and the twins were four of them...

Personally, I think casting people like Meg, Jeff, Becky, etc. (a.k.a. recruits) are the worst casting decisions. If they're going to cast smart, competent gamers like Vanessa and Austin, and then cast people who are going to get run over by them, then yeah, those are bad casting decisions IMO.

  • Love 2

Without a doubt Audrey is one of them. Even her meltdown was lackluster. It's hard to turn someone curled up in a ball into interesting TV. Clay was another. No doubt he was meant to be the hottie that America was supposed to be panting after and routing for. And instead he landed like a cast iron football. The Amazing Racers are another given--Jeff at least. Jackie emerged as a personality a bit after the dullard was gone but Lea may not have seem it that way. Vanessa was clearly cast to be the second coming of Derrick, the cool player hanging back and pulling everyone's strings. While hysterics have provided some entertainment I think it's been more to the feed watchers and its been harder to craft that narrative on the shows.


Personally, I think casting people like Meg, Jeff, Becky, etc. (a.k.a. recruits) are the worst casting decisions. If they're going to cast smart, competent gamers like Vanessa and Austin, and then cast people who are going to get run over by them, then yeah, those are bad casting decisions IMO.


Yeah I take less of issue with individual casting decisions and more the mix of personalities they ended up with, because I think they did cast people with strong personalities they believed would be shit stirrers (Audrey, Jason, Da'vonne, Jeff, Liz, Vanessa, Austin, and even Shelli, but half of them were out before Jury, which can all be laid on BotB. 


But over half of the cast were people who had no interest in the game, and who's personalities weren't going to light the night on fire (Jace, Julia, John, Jackie, James, and Meg), and then they had good strategy contestants but otherwise kind of boring people ( Becky, Steve, and Clay). And for fucks sake someone in casting obviously loved the idea of so many hammies having J names. 


So yeah recruits + BotB leached this season of most of it's fireworks potential.

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