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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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I did notice that when the initial BO issue was mentioned one of the ladies (maybe it was Tanya) looked a bit  uncomfortable.  So I do think there is truth to it. Also I heard Jasmine say that she didn't shower due to balance. As for Matt, he looks funky himself so I don't think he would care. 

I hope her kids are at least smelling ok 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I did notice that when the initial BO issue was mentioned one of the ladies (maybe it was Tanya) looked a bit  uncomfortable.  So I do think there is truth to it. Also I heard Jasmine say that she didn't shower due to balance. As for Matt, he looks funky himself so I don't think he would care. 

I hope her kids are at least smelling ok 

Tonya is the one who brought it up. I don't like Briana or any of them but I think it's really mean to talk about it on tv. They've managed to keep this secret for however many seasons and now suddenly they have to humiliate her. I just feel sorry for people sometimes, I guess, even when I don't like them. Especially when it's something that she can't figure out for herself for one reason or another. 

  • Love 3

I think it's hilarious how we are supposed to believe Terra needs permission to write about them for a book when all of their dirty laundry is on TV anyway. Talk about suspension of reality.

3 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I don't like Briana or any of them but I think it's really mean to talk about it on tv. They've managed to keep this secret for however many seasons and now suddenly they have to humiliate her. I just feel sorry for people sometimes, I guess, even when I don't like them. Especially when it's something that she can't figure out for herself for one reason or another. 

If Briana was gross enough to return the clothes without washing them, I think she might need a bit of shaming. That's just rude. But she is rude on a regular basis, flaking out on commitments, lying about her whereabouts, fabricating success stories, ditching her family and friends for a creepy internet romance.... The girl dishes out left and right, it's time to learn to take it. I don't think she will ever be cut out for an industry dying to expose you at any time. If a B.O. story is enough to do her in, she is egg shell fragile.

  • Love 3

On showergate, I wonder if Brianna is one of those people who uses organic deodorant or feels like it doesn't need to be used.  I know in other cultures deodorant isn't really used, and there can be an odor.  Plus, I have heard from other cultures that Americans can have a sour smell of cheese or milk about us.  I know if I eat certain things, like onions or garlic when I sweat, I will smell it.  I have to watch when I eat something with garlic or onions if I know I'm going to be outside on a hot day or working out somewhere.  It sucks, because if I was able to eat things with more onions in them all the time (I LOVE onions) I would eat more healthy, but I digress.  

And Brianna and Matt may not notice the smell.  Like how some people have dogs and don't know their house smells like dog, even if it is clean.  To a person without pets it will be more noticeable. 

My mom always used to tell me that if you smell yourself, then someone else has already smelled you, so stay clean.  

This was the most boring episode I think I had ever seen.  I thought it was because I watched the preview special they had, where they basically showed every interesting part in about 15 minutes.  

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, mothmonsterman said:


On showergate, I wonder if Brianna is one of those people who uses organic deodorant or feels like it doesn't need to be used.


On that note, I cracked up when she said she was all about organic and holistic medicine, because she was such a hippie.... Then after one breath of air at that oxygen bar, she choked and said, "I need medication!" 

  • Love 6

Lifetime really needs to scale her back. She's the EP, great but she's also a megalomaniac to the point where it's really turning off the audience. There was no reason for her to host Dallas and Atlanta's reunions, other than her own hubris; she did an awful job on both. I've noticed that Terra articles and pictures of her and/or her children are posted way more than the other girls on the Little Women Facebook page; the page mod is obviously close with her because you only see the one like, two like comments saying nice things about her on top but when you scroll down to the bottoms there are comments  with 30+ likes eviscerating Terra for being insufferable, perceived neglect of her children (especially Penny), Joe's drunkenness etc. 

She needs to either take a reduced role on LA (and never be even a guest star on Atlanta or Dallas) or she needs her power as an EP reduced; the bias in her favor is becoming too apparent and really turns people off. 

Edited by ChaChaSlide
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I find the whole B.O. situation confounding.  It seems to me that someone who can't (for whatever reason) shower, would over-correct in the other direction and always reek of perfume and body sprays.

But I do agree that everyone's reaction didn't suggest disagreement with the B.O. assessment, but rather surprise that it was brought up on camera.

Brianna really seems to be struggling with depression.  I'm assuming it's post-partum, especially if, as I suspect, her baby has special needs.  But Lord knows she has enough in the rest of her life to be depressed about.

And the answer isn't sucking in "flavored oxygen", no matter how big the saleswoman's tits were.  

  • Love 3

We find out tonight that Brianna's body odor problem is a chemical imbalance. Then when the girls ask her if she's been to the Dr. about it, she says No. So how does she know it's chemical? Just another Bri lie? 

Terra really is a narcissistic bitch. Everything has got to be all about her. All the time. She would be a very difficult friend to have. I don't know how Tonya and Elena do it. Oh, that's right. The paycheck. 

Tonya asking the girls to buy her clothes. That they wore. For her. No class. Glad Elena shut that down. 

Jasmine- let your husband go to work, for god's sake.  If you can swing it financially, stay home with your kids for a while or only go back to work part time. You know damn good and well you can afford it with the money you make from the show. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:


Tonya asking the girls to buy her clothes. That they wore. For her. No class. Glad Elena shut that down. 


Tacky as hell. No way would I agree to buy the active wear (drink) I wore for her benefit. 

And how can she "launch" her line and "go live" online when she has no product to sell. 

Jasmine you are not taking up for Brianna. You are using her as the club to beat Terra with. 

Terra you are truly a horrible person.

Elena reminds me of all those not-my-business Kermit the Frog memes. Just keep quiet, sip your tea and enjoy the show. 

  • Love 5

Why did Tonya go from 0 to 85 angry when putting Brianna's body odor on blast.  What a bitch!  That was so unnecessary when Brianna asked to speak to her privately.  Don't get me started on Terra.  I wish for once Brianna would be more forceful in her responses.  I guess it's just not in her.  say a few cuss words Brianna.  They say people do that who have limited vocabulary.  Tell Terra to f$@& off and tell Tanya to shove her sorry ass, no inventory having, savings draining, never going to sell, you model it-you buy it clothes line up her arse.

As you can see I feel sorry for Brianna first being abused by her husband via sexting and then being abused by her so called friends.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, lasandi said:

Why did Tonya go from 0 to 85 angry when putting Brianna's body odor on blast.  What a bitch!  That was so unnecessary when Brianna asked to speak to her privately.  Don't get me started on Terra.  I wish for once Brianna would be more forceful in her responses.  I guess it's just not in her.  say a few cuss words Brianna.  They say people do that who have limited vocabulary.  Tell Terra to f$@& off and tell Tanya to shove her sorry ass, no inventory having, savings draining, never going to sell, you model it-you buy it clothes line up her arse.

As you can see I feel sorry for Brianna first being abused by her husband via sexting and then being abused by her so called friends.  

While I do agree with you that Tonya blew up so quick, I feel that Brianna puts herself in situations like this. She has always chosen to be a victim. She has constantly made poor choices and then tries to blame shift and gaslight others when things don't go her way. She lies so much and so frequently that she is the perfect mate to Matt the Creeper. Then she has a pity party with Jasmine and wants everyone to treat her with kid gloves. I truly believe that she has some kind of emotional or physical trauma in her past that has kept her twice as that little girl who never grew up. 

This is season 6 and I have yet to see her have a significant period where she shows growth, perspective, and accountability for any of her problems. She is not a functioning adult...she really is limited in a lot of ways. It would be exhausting emotionally to be her friend because she is always the needy one, draining your energy and vitality like a vampiric succubus. 

Broken people attract broken people. It's just sad that Maverick and the daughter will have a front row seat to the madness. Then another generational cycle of dysfunctions will probably continue down the line. 

So back to the episode, Briana could have chosen to decline the invitation. She could have gone with wearing regular clothes if she didn't want to wear Tonyas line. She could have called Tonya to talk about it on the phone waaay before this event. She could have chosen the path of a mature, responsible adult. But to then show up in that statement Tshirt when you know this event was supposedly honoring a Tonya, that was acting out like a petulant child, who thinks all attention is good attention, just pretty much  inviting problems. 

It was responsible of her to ask for a side discussion, but that was so she could then probably have a whole episode arc of going to each of the ladies to cry how Tonya was so mean to me! I've seen this so many times with her that it's just infuriating at this point. ...and she is not even a friend of mine! 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Spiderella2 said:

While I do agree with you that Tonya blew up so quick, I feel that Brianna puts herself in situations like this. She has always chosen to be a victim. She has constantly made poor choices and then tries to blame shift and gaslight others when things don't go her way. She lies so much and so frequently that she is the perfect mate to Matt the Creeper. Then she has a pity party with Jasmine and wants everyone to treat her with kid gloves. I truly believe that she has some kind of emotional or physical trauma in her past that has kept her twice as that little girl who never grew up. 

This is season 6 and I have yet to see her have a significant period where she shows growth, perspective, and accountability for any of her problems. She is not a functioning adult...she really is limited in a lot of ways. It would be exhausting emotionally to be her friend because she is always the needy one, draining your energy and vitality like a vampiric succubus. 

Broken people attract broken people. It's just sad that Maverick and the daughter will have a front row seat to the madness. Then another generational cycle of dysfunctions will probably continue down the line. 

So back to the episode, Briana could have chosen to decline the invitation. She could have gone with wearing regular clothes if she didn't want to wear Tonyas line. She could have called Tonya to talk about it on the phone waaay before this event. She could have chosen the path of a mature, responsible adult. But to then show up in that statement Tshirt when you know this event was supposedly honoring a Tonya, that was acting out like a petulant child, who thinks all attention is good attention, just pretty much  inviting problems. 

It was responsible of her to ask for a side discussion, but that was so she could then probably have a whole episode arc of going to each of the ladies to cry how Tonya was so mean to me! I've seen this so many times with her that it's just infuriating at this point. ...and she is not even a friend of mine! 

Which is probably why Tonya blew up at her.


I'm looking forward to the next episode. Hopefully it will not disappoint. 

  • Love 1

I am far from a fan of Brianna but last night I really wanted her to speak up for herself. Say SOMETHING in your own defense. I do think putting her BO on blast is a low blow on the shows end and I wonder if Brianna takes this BS because she needs a check. 


I also think that since Matt has entered Brianna's life, it's gone significantly downhill. 

Edited by bluvelvet
  • Love 4

How does one have a book launch in two days when they only got a book DEAL a few weeks ago? And once the thing is launched, it's a little late to try and get people to sign a release. The timeline is messed up. I want my reality TV to do a better job of lying to me. 

I don't blame Kristi for not signing. And I like Elena's perspective these days trying to teach Jasmine to butt out of the Terra/Briana  drama. If Jasmine paid more attention, she would see that EVERY one calls Terra out all the time, and she needs to only call Terra out on her OWN behalf, not wussy Briana's. All of these women yell at each other freely, and none of them needs back-up. Jasmine keeps stirring crap up and I can't figure out why. Going after Terra is not going to go well. And Briana was fine until Jasmine riled her up again. Briana is truly an empty shell that can be filled with anyone's thoughts. How many times has Briana started a sentence with "So and So made me realize...." Ugh.

Tonya asking them to buy her clothes was crazy. That is like those scam artist agents who promise to represent you AFTER you purchase a portfolio. You know, the type Briana falls for regularly. However, she is NOT wrong about Briana being unreliable. She has bailed many times on professional commitments she has made with the girls. And chemical imbalance? Please. She is so full of crap. I wish she had stayed away when she ditched everyone over Matt.

Jasmine spends an awful lot of money on events and parties to be worried about finances at home. Now they are all going to Alaska? Good Lord.

Next week looks painful. Matt craps on his own family way too much for me to stomach watching him get all protective about them. Terra might be a b*tch, but at least she is a fighter. The fact that she purchased the domain for fierce is awesome. Go away, Briana. No one would ever call you fierce, unless it was fiercely delusional.

  • Love 4

I think Brianna does have a chemical imbalance.... of the brain. She needs medication and therapy, and then to follow thru. I think there is a reason why her parents opposed her relationship with Matt and it's more than just their concerns about Matt. I think they know their daughter and they know she can't manage on her own for reasons unrelated to her height. 

  • Love 3

I am so lost on what Tanya's original plan was for the used active wear before it got all muddy.  Was she lending the girls the active wear and they were going to then put it back in the package and try to sell it to a customer?  And is that why Tanya didn't want stinky Briana to wear it because she was going to try and resell it?  Who does that?!  Also I just went to Lilbossbody.com, there's like hardly any outfits and they are all stupidly overpriced.  I go to Ross or Marshall's to get my sports bras and shorts and never spend more than $20 total on a workout outfit.

Speaking of Briana's odor problem.  I don't think it's BO, I think she has BV (aka the fishy smell down there).  I hate Terra but I laughed when she made the joke about "the funky bunch". 

Terra's book cover photo was awful.  Does anyone know exactly what her book is about?  Is it a novel loosely based on her and her friends or is it an autobiography?

I haven't been watching every episode so I must've missed the one where Elena got her son's tested for dwarfism, she said something about Kairo going to have a hard time climbing stairs, does he have dwarfism and the other child doesn't?

Oh Briana,  as much as I dislike Terra, the word "fierce" does not belong to you.   True, Terra likely knew how much you would like to identify as fierce and used the word to show dominance and to get to you but you should have seen this coming.  But don't panic, I have some suggestions for your new word.  How about fearful, feeble, flighty, phony, or featherbrained?  And if you want a hashtag to describe your marriage, how about docile, subservient, mousy, submissive or timid?  I'm sure Terra would let you have any one (or more) of these words for your very own. 

  • Love 4

I am an old, and back in the day (70s), "chemical imbalance" was the publicity department's official diagnosis any time a celeb manifested mental illness/breakdown in public and had to go away for a while (nowadays it's been replaced by "exhaustion," I believe).  Obviously she's too young to remember that, but I wonder if she was consoled about her post partum depression being a chemical imbalance (which it is) and translated that into "that's why I don't clean up."

Tonya suggesting they buy the close was definitely a WTF moment, but she seemed so sheepish about it, it was almost like she was prompted to do so.

More crazy book stuff.  "It's going online in a couple of days, so I need those releases or we'll have to use the alternate version!" "Here we are at a book signing where I have bound copies!"  Yes, there are usually advanced copies for marketing/promotion purposes, but not within days of finalizing a manuscript.  And nobody SELLS them.  So either the timeline was completely wacked and months have passed, or the entire book signing was for show.  And I just looked -- it's not coming out until August (which makes more sense using the show to promote its release).  You can preorder if you like.  

 Like somebody said upthread, I need my reality shows to at least try to fool me that they're real.

  • Love 5

Wow.  What a festival of douchiness!

First off, Joe.  What in the hell is he trying to do?  Is he actively trying to act like a drunken, slovenly jerk at all times now?  If you are going to any kind of business meeting with your wife please put on a clean shirt and comb your hair.  You should shave that crumb trap you call a beard too, but I digress.

Brianna, you are so cool.  Where ever did you find a shirt with that quote on it?  Where is that quote from?  Did you make that up yourself?  You should market that saying on everything, cups, wall hangings, clothes, keyrings, everything.  I think all women would love it.  Oh wait, it's already out there...everywhere.  I think you may be able to buy another shirt if you got mud on yours.  ?It isn't one of a kind.  Dope!  Also, your smell issue is a chemical imbalance?  But you haven't talked to a doctor?  Have you chatted with one of your holistic friends, is it your diet? Oh, right.  It's not REALLY chemical...it is totally hygenic but easier to get people to feel sorry for you if there is "nothing" you can do about it.  Oh, and if I were Christy, I would have clocked you for that look when she asked if you'd seen a doctor and in the snootiest voice you have told her no.  You are a grade A bitch.

I am cheering that Christy didn't sign the release.  And her reasoning was good too.  She can't, and shouldn't, trust Terra.  Good on you girl.  And I am glad to see her and Todd doing things again.  I guess the surgery was what he needed.  Hope he keeps it up!

Tonya was thirsty by asking the girls to buy the clothes she gave them to wear.  Then again, if she launched he website with NO STOCK!!!  What the hell?  I know nothing about online retail but I would think you need some stock to actually fulfill orders, right?

Jasmine, you really do need to stop fighting battles for others.  Sure, you can have an opinion but let Brianna decide to bring it up in front of Terra.  And, if she chooses not to, keep those disappointed Mom looks to yourself.  Let her live her own life.  Fierce obviously isn't as big a deal to her as you think it is or she would have let Terra have it.  Kissing ass and keeping her place on the show is worth more to her.  Let her make those decisions for herself.

Elena, save your friendship with Jasmine and just agree to disagree.  Against better advice, Jasmine has decided to crusade for Brianna.  Let her go down in the blaze of glory if she chooses.  

Finally, Terra.  What a stinking pile of dog shit you were this week.  I am starting to believe that production needed a bad guy this season and she just stepped up to volunteer.  No one can convince me that she didn't know that Brianna was using fierce all over social media.  So, lie #1... Terra knew that.  To keep saying she didn't know is just ignorant.  I am sure she follows Brianna on Twitter and Facebook.  Anyway, Terra dear, use fierce but don't lie about it.  Then, when confronted, a normal person would just say that they thought it sounded like a good title and they are sorry if there are any hurt feelings.  Terra never once even acknowledged that maybe she hurt someone's feelings.  She doesn't give a rat's ass.  Like I said, she is either cast herself as the bad guy this season or has tipped into totally narcissistic behavior.  

Her book cover looks like some bondage thing.  Hey, whatever, if your into that.  I think it is an autobiography of sorts, so is she going to tell about her bondage experiences?  

She gave a party for her daughter's second birthday and had time to "hang out with her girlfriends" and show videos? Man, when I am the hostess at a party, the last thing I have time for is hanging out.  I am greeting, running, shooting pictures, singing, playing...trying to make a great party for my kids.  But, that wasn't the point of the party.  The point of the party was to try and humiliate Christy and it kinda backfired because no one seems to give a damn.

The baby bottle idea is dumb.  They are out there already.  Every brand has a kind of bottle that has handles.  I don't think it is a widespread issue that will sell millions.  It'll cost more to develop than it is worth.  And, with all due respect, how many arthritic people are consistently feeding babies.  Again, not enough to make a viable product.  She trying so hard to ride this wave.  She should slow down a bit and enjoy. Oh, and keep your scuzzy husband at home.

Whew.  And I still think I want to rewatch because I missed some truly snark-worthy moments.  I'll check again later.  ?.

  • Love 5

Elena is over all of it just there to pay for the new house.

Jasmine stirring up trouble trying to keep that paycheck.

Terra acting like an even bigger ass than normal because she depends on the rest of these nitwits to make money because I doubt she's making millions off her musical video of Tonya dressed up as a crab.

Christie's just happy to still be getting a paycheck since Terra tried to ice her out last year. 

Brianna's a damn fool who puts up with EVERYTHING! I would say it's all for the paycheck but she put up with Matt for free so who knows?

If Brianna is Jasmine's chihuahua, Im not sure what that makes Tonya to Terra because  the only time she truly gets pissy with Terra is when Terra dare question Tonya's overpriced, understocked, money pit of an ACTIVEWEAR line.


On a side note every time I see Jasmine's husband he looks like he's ready to break out in laughter at the sheer stupidity of these storylines.  Joe looks completely dishelved and like he's ready to topple over at any moment.  I'm waiting for Todd to shed all his weight and start telling Christie she's the butterball now, Prestons probably thinking can't wait for these cameras to leave so he can go back to talking about trains with Chris.  Kerwin's probably wondering why he left Texas and why Tonya keeps wasting time on flea market ACTIVEWEAR when she could be making him shake n bake porkchops.  Matt's probably just happy his perversion has taken a backseat to Brianna's hygiene as their storyline.

  • Love 10

I know absolutely nothing about patents and such.  But it seems taking another company's product and saying make it just like this but have an opening in the middle is asking for trouble. 

Joe looks like he is the one that has a problem with hygiene. I think he is miserable because when Terra told him she was pregnant the first time he was not happy at all. Then she pretty much brow beat him into marriage. Then a 2nd child so soon after the 1st.

I also think Penny has more problems than they have said. The differences between her and Elena s kids are very noticeable and they are a year younger. Maybe they are the type of parents that prop their kids up here and there instead of working with them. Know a mom like that and both her kids were delayed in walking and talking. 3 year old still rarely talks in complete sentences. 

  • Love 1

If I am not mistaken, Terra is an Executive Producer of the LW franchise.  Her job description probably includes a clause to keep the conflict and drama going.  How else to explain the fact that she needed Christy to sign a release, but instead of approaching her in a polite manner, she tried to humiliate her with the "midget" video.  It doesn't make sense. 

I don't particularly care for Briana, but what they are doing to her is wrong on so many different levels.  She may not be the best looking or has the highest of self esteem, but she has feelings.  Pull her to the side and voice any concerns.  It seems that everyone has to kiss Terra's ass in order to keep their job.  I don't think it's a coincidence that the cast of LW NY has been MIA since Lila kicked her out of her apartment.  I cheered when Christy stood up to her, raspy voice and all. 

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 5

Production has worked so hard to make Christy look like the bad guy for years and now she actually has my sympathy.  

I hate how Terra is constantly so childish about Christy.  Grow up.  Christy had surgery with serious complications and Terra is still eye rolling when Christy's recovery is brought up.  But it is totally ok for Terra to claim to be "cancer free" when she never had cancer.  Who's the real drama queen.

I think Christy is a nice woman (now) who is doing her best to get her own life back in order.  She lost her best friend over some stupid ass shit, was totally villified last season for getting mad that someone she was having words with threw water on her and escalated a situation, lost most of her screen time which equates to her livelihood, and then had complications during surgery she is still trying to recover from.  And Terra and Brianna are still acting like Christy has nothing better to do than plot their demise.  

She needs to toughen up.  She tried to be mature when telling Terra why she wasn't going to sign the book release (not being able to trust Terra at all) and Terra turned it into a name calling fight.  She needs to tell Terra that she's not taking her shit anymore.  She also needs to tell Brianna that she could care less about Brianna and Matt's marriage or family crisis.  Brianna still seems to think she is relevant in Christy's life, and Christy needs to spin the truth on that one ASAP.  In fact, Christy is the only one not giving Brianna shit about her life.

All in all, I didn't want to like Christy but I have found myself having a lot of sympathy for her.

Edited by Destiny74
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The Bonnie and Clyde thing really irritated me, still does.  Why would someone want to aspire to be THAT couple?  They were criminals and killers.  "Ohhhhhh honey, let's be just like that.  Let's be so in love that we both go down in a blaze of glory because we are two stupid, ignorant, amoral people."  Hell, just aspire to be Hitler and Eva Braun then.  They were horrible people who were supposed to be so in love they died together too.  Ughhhhh.  The stupidity.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, Mosspack1970 said:

Joe looks like he is the one that has a problem with hygiene. I think he is miserable because when Terra told him she was pregnant the first time he was not happy at all. Then she pretty much brow beat him into marriage. Then a 2nd child so soon after the 1st.

I was thinking he is miserable because Terra wanted a family, but then doesn't want to be home with them. She cannot sit still, and is endlessly trying half hacked ideas to feel relevant for the show, and all Joe wants to do is stay at home and enjoy the down time.

  • Love 1
On 6/9/2017 at 11:09 PM, Adeejay said:

If I am not mistaken, Terra is an Executive Producer of the LW franchise.  Her job description probably includes a clause to keep the conflict and drama going.  How else to explain the fact that she needed Christy to sign a release, but instead of approaching her in a polite manner, she tried to humiliate her with the "midget" video.  It doesn't make sense. 

I don't particularly care for Briana, but what they are doing to her is wrong on so many different levels.  She may not be the best looking or have the highest of self esteem, but she has feelings.  Pull her to the side and voice any concerns.  It seems that everyone has to kiss Terra's ass in order to keep their job.  I don't think it's a coincidence that the cast of LW NY has been MIA since Lila kicked her out of her apartment.  I cheered when Christy stood up to her, raspy voice and all. 

The bolded makes ALOT of sense. New York both seasons did just as well as Atlanta and FAR better than Dallas ratings-wise, but they're not coming back. I've noticed that the other little women on the spinoffs tread very carefully with Terra, Emily mouthed off at her a bit on the Dallas finale episode and I wouldn't be surprised if there was fallout from that. 


 It astounds me to think that Terror has the power behind the scenes to discontinue a relatively successful show but maybe she does? The question is why, why has Lifetime given her so much power from a production standpoint. 

  • Love 3

Where do I even begin.  Terra has officially lost her mind/needs to keep the lifetime paycheck rolling in. Joe says twice he's afraid of Terra.  Brianna probably still stinks but this week nobody cares.  Preston has a real job that's probably why he couldn't go.  Even Tonya couldn't explain Terra's insanity.  Matt is presumably trolling hotel bars for (fill in the blank as anything is possible).  Little anythingbutFierce Mama pretends to grow a backbone but will probably accept whatever Matts excuse is.  

  • Love 8
On 6/11/2017 at 8:07 PM, ChaChaSlide said:

The bolded makes ALOT of sense. New York both seasons did just as well as Atlanta and FAR better than Dallas ratings-wise, but they're not coming back. I've noticed that the other little women on the spinoffs tread very carefully with Terra, Emily mouthed off at her a bit on the Dallas finale episode and I wouldn't be surprised if there was fallout from that. 


 It astounds me to think that Terror has the power behind the scenes to discontinue a relatively successful show but maybe she does? The question is why, why has Lifetime given her so much power from a production standpoint. 

Welp, this episode ALL the women feel Terra is wrong, but they all seem to be tip-toeing around her as if their paycheck depended on it. Except Christy. So, now that she is 100% anti-christy, I wonder if Christy will be "allowed" to return if there is another season. 

Christy also called her a homewrecker and in a preview for the next episode (I think), she calls her a slut.  

Does anyone know what that's all about - maybe something from previous seasons that I just forgot about - or is this a new delicious secret about to be revealed about Terra.  

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Tonight's episode was really horrible.

Repulsively out of control Terra.

Tonya playing both sides.  

Jasmine was stupid enough to get involved ....again. 

Christy earning her screen time by joining in on the insults even though she can hardly speak.  

Elena not caring. 

Idiot Brianna doesn't have the brain cells to respond when people are blatantly insulting her.  I don't care abt her or her scumbag spouse. Who's watching her baby at home?

Preston was the smartest one for staying home. 

  • Love 7

Terra, calm the fuck down. We get it. You are the star of the show. Nobody is going to get one up on you, you're gonna make sure of that.  The yelling and screaming tonight was way over the top. I don't understand why she was attacking Joe, they were having a conversation and he didn't agree with everything she said so I guess that's enough to make her go from 0 to 100 in no time.  I really don't expect Terra to forgive Christy for what she did to her but she has to learn to co-exist with her on the show or remove Christy from the show. 

  • Love 4

Terra just likes to start crap.  She wants to bring something Christy did years ago.  Really?  She has nothing better to do than to go out of her way to try and shame Christy for an old video nobody cares about.  I blame Tonya for all of this nonsense with the video.  Terra is just pissed Christy didn't sign the release form. As for Briana she's too whiney.  She needs to grow some balls and fight her own battles.  Tonya needs to stop trying to defend Terra's actions when she knows Terra is wrong for stirring shit up once again with Christy.  Elena needs to shut up trying to say Christy is attacking Terra to get in good graces with Briana.  Did Elena forget how Terra ruined her boys christening party?  Did Elena forget she has said herself Terra always has to make everything about herself and was tired of it?  Now she's on this Terra can't do no wrong crap?  GFOH with that Elena.  Christy isn't defending Briana she's defending herself.  

Edited by PreciousGem
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These ladies are such horrible actresses, that it’s no wonder Jasmine couldn’t keep a straight face while “confronting” Terra.  I believe Terra and Tanya are the ones responsible for bringing conflicts, in a good cop/bad cop kind of way.  The targets are Christy and Briana.  It’s so transparent.  At least, Elena and Jasmine seem to realize that something isn’t quite right. 

Let me see if I understand this.  In the coming attractions, Matt is seen flirting with a lady in a bar.  Coincidentally, Terra just happened to have a picture of the same woman on her phone.  I smell a set up.  It would also explain why she was so quick to apologize to Briana and buy her a web site.  She wanted them on that trip.

Executive Producer Terra is busy stirring the pot for story line purpose and Tanya is complicit. 

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It's interesting to me that Brianna is so touched that Terra gave her the website.  It was a power move, Brianna -- she was pointing out what you SHOULD have done (but didn't) and tossing you something she had no use for but demonstrated she was able to pull right out from under you.  

I actually do think something more is up with Terra than just pot stirring.  In the scene with Joe and then the Alaska scene she's off her rocker, and I don't think she's that good an actress. I think Jasmine was laughing because normally none of this means all that much to them and Terra was being so completely over the top that Jasmine THOUGHT it was bad acting, when really Terra's having some kind of genuine breakdown.  I wouldn't necessarily have thought this unless we'd just had the scene of her being so upset with Joe (and I think her frustration was 100% real there, if not about the topic at hand. ) 

There's just a manic energy to Terra in the last couple of episodes that's above and beyond her ambitious, aggressive normal.  And nobody in the cast seems to be picking up on it yet -- they're still trying to argue with somebody who's hysterical (and Senator, THAT'S what hysteria looks like, in case you were wondering) --  that woman needs a hug and a "what's this really about, honey?" talk from somebody.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, kassa said:

I actually do think something more is up with Terra than just pot stirring. 

There's just a manic energy to Terra in the last couple of episodes that's above and beyond her ambitious, aggressive normal.  And nobody in the cast seems to be picking up on it yet -- they're still trying to argue with somebody who's hysterical (and Senator, THAT'S what hysteria looks like, in case you were wondering) --  that woman needs a hug and a "what's this really about, honey?" talk from somebody.

Terra has completely lost it recently. It made me wonder if it were some kind of delayed post partum because that kind of anger over this same old crap seemed so over-the-top. Her argument with Joe and the breakdown on vacation were beyond the norm. I just hope she's not pregnant again. That would be a major stressor. She's already got two kids who are still in diapers and can't walk, and I can't imagine her dealing with a third. I think this may need more than hug therapy. It seems to be progressing exponentially every episode.

  • Love 6

"We need a.........spa day/trip to Alaska/baby shower/weekend in Palm Springs/Mexico/dance class/luncheon/BBQ/etc etc........to bring "the girls" together and bring us back as friends."  Does this EVER work for these hooligans?

If I had friendships like "these girls" I would run for the hills and find new friends.......FAST!

Edited by gigiann
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Why do I feel like Terra is going to come out with... "My doctor saw signs of bipolar( or some other psychological disorder) and did some tests on me.  I'm bipolar free!!!!!". {lifts arms in victory stance}

Seriously though, she just can not stand for people who are supposed to be kissing her butt to give her any flak at all.  These are supposed to be her minions, they aren't supposed to think she ever does anything wrong.  

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Zanne said:

Terra has completely lost it recently. It made me wonder if it were some kind of delayed post partum because that kind of anger over this same old crap seemed so over-the-top. Her argument with Joe and the breakdown on vacation were beyond the norm. I just hope she's not pregnant again. That would be a major stressor. She's already got two kids who are still in diapers and can't walk, and I can't imagine her dealing with a third. I think this may need more than hug therapy. It seems to be progressing exponentially every episode.

Oh gosh I really hope not on her being pregnant again.  They don't seem to be able to handle the two they have now.  I actually kind of liked how all the girls were against Terra for once.  Obviously Terra didn't like it.  She likes to dish out but when the tables are turned she can't handle it.  I really hope Matt didn't do anything stupid.  If he did I hope Briana has enough respect for herself and kicks him to the curb.  

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Brianna dug herself in a hole by alienating friends and family for her unreliable douchey-husband.

 Think about it: Brianna will have an extremely difficult time on her own with the baby, and her daughter.  Driving to Dr. appts, getting him in and out of the car,  checking his oxygen frequently, plus her daughter's schooling,  and Bri's own self-diagnosed anxiety issues.  Basically it's everything that Jasmine was concerned with if her hubbie is working away from home, except, times 100, not to mention divorce and custody fighting if Scumbag Matt has strayed again. 

Brianna's fucked herself. 

She is certainly a needy little thing,  isn't she?  Fierce, my ass.  

Don't like her cuz she never seems to care about anyone else.  

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, renatae said:

Terra's talking head hair was so appropriate tonight! She looked like she has sprouted horns.

I wish Christy had not caved in to Tonya's pressure to go to Alaska. No one needed the extra drama, least of all, me.

I dunno.  Free trip to Alaska courtesy of Lifetime TV?  Especially when I (Christy) am totally in the right and everyone knows it?  I'd probably go.  

Terra did look like a demon with her hair tonight. ??.  She really needs to knock off all these ridiculous hairstyles. 

  • Love 4

When Brian and Matt were arguing, Terra was literally salivating. Matt may be a low life, but in this case I smell a set up.   I can imagine the production meeting.  "Do whatever it takes to get Briana and Matt on the trip.  Invite them out for drinks.  After Briana leaves, get Matt inebriated and introduce him to the hired escort. It's that simple."  I am not a violent person, but I just want someone to punch Terra in her big head. 

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