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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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6 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:

For Amanda, I think it's deeper than just their careers. A lot of twins seem to have a deeper connection than other sibling pairs, to the point of codependence in some cases. Amanda puts Andrea on top of everything else in her life, but Andrea no longer does the same with her, as she puts Chris first, and then their kids. Amanda is clinging to a bond that Andrea is losing grip of. Amanda is having a really hard time transitioning to a life where her identity is independent of being a twin. She needs counseling for that factor alone. 

I agree, she needs counseling.  I guess I am the kind of person that can only take the humming and hawing so long before I say "Screw it."

I wish Andrea would just come out and, in no uncertain terms, tell Amanda she is not going back.  Heck, she never should've left Dallas in the first place.  And I wish Amanda would realize it is over and move on.

I wonder if the LWD franchise is going to make room for Andrea or if she is done indefinitely?

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On 8/28/2017 at 9:52 AM, ChaChaSlide said:

For Amanda, I think it's deeper than just their careers. A lot of twins seem to have a deeper connection than other sibling pairs, to the point of codependence in some cases. Amanda puts Andrea on top of everything else in her life, but Andrea no longer does the same with her, as she puts Chris first, and then their kids. Amanda is clinging to a bond that Andrea is losing grip of. Amanda is having a really hard time transitioning to a life where her identity is independent of being a twin. She needs counseling for that factor alone. 

I totally agree.  Andrea has in her own way told Amanda she's not coming back a few times already.  Amanda is just refusing to listen.  Andrea needs to tell Amanda straight out that she's not coming back.  

Andrea is just like Briana.  Neither one of these women will leave their men regardless of what they do.  

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On 8/28/2017 at 5:06 PM, Destiny74 said:

I agree, she needs counseling.  I guess I am the kind of person that can only take the humming and hawing so long before I say "Screw it."

I wish Andrea would just come out and, in no uncertain terms, tell Amanda she is not going back.  Heck, she never should've left Dallas in the first place.  And I wish Amanda would realize it is over and move on.

I wonder if the LWD franchise is going to make room for Andrea or if she is done indefinitely?

Supposedly Andrea was trying to get. On the Dallas show but it would be a pay cut for her do she balked at that.  We'll see how it goes

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5 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Supposedly Andrea was trying to get. On the Dallas show but it would be a pay cut for her do she balked at that.  We'll see how it goes

At least she would still be getting a paycheck, and still be on tv ( which is what they are all shooting for, to be honest).

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Perhaps Todd would be more adventurous if there weren't always a camera stuck up his ass.  I've noticed it in general in the little women franchises, but especially so with Todd - they deliberately show every awkward, struggling move they make.  They show each and every climb to the top of a bar stool, face planting while climbing the bed, etc.  It just seems worse with Todd, and it bothers me.  I didn't notice this type of thing with Little People Big World, or The Little Couple.  My impression is they are trying to embarrass or humiliate them, versus showing an occasional struggle along with the rest of their lives.

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I like the healing in Christy's and Brianna's friendship.  They seemed like true friends, and Brianna could use a friend like Christy, who seems die-hard and loyal.  Now whether Terra is going to like it, and what she will do to cause problems, I have no idea.

I don't understand what Tonya sees in Kerwin.  Her gut tells her not to trust him, and I hope she heeds that warning.  He's absolutely useless, contributes nothing to household chores or income.  And while Tonya is still healthy and active, he seems like a broken down old man.  Unlike most little people married to average sized spouses, I'm sure Tonya does all the heavy lifting.  He does all the bitching and moaning.

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Everything is hunky-dory now!!!!!   Yay?

I doubt this  warm glow of after-therapy/island paradise will last long--mainly cuz I have watched L.W., LA for a few years now, i.e., constant fighting and back-biting. 

I FLOVED Hasani asking  the group to consider 1-5-10 years from now,  how their relationships will be.....DumbBrianna had better accept--ride or die-- Matt's disrespect, alcoholism, abuse, sexting, and fucking other women--given that he is not in therapy alone to deal with those issues. 

I also loved how Hasani mentioned how their relationship will affect their kids. I think DumbBri lost prime custody of her daughter cuz of Douchematt's actions and shitty attitude toward her ex. 

Re the coverage of Todd's awkward actions?  My take is that these clips are chosen to show the difficulties thst little people have to deal with in an average size world, thereby giving viewers an insight into their issues, and boosting up (ha), our perspectives and empathy. The  medical issues/numerous surgeries  alone were gobsmackingly new to me. My heart goes or to them,  and their babies / children for so much physical pain.  Makes me respect them so much MORE for their perseverance and emo strength. 

Todd is slso looking very cute in the face after losing weight.  What a nice guy too!  I bet he gets fangirl attention. Hope so. 

Christy is a strong person too. I like her. Got to be tough when you're a little adult, I imagine. 

Still detest DumbBri for staying/defending with an abuser.  Classic and depressing. Move on, girl.

Edited by Tosia
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Andrea and Amanda are really annoying the heck out of me but moreso Andrea. That scene she caused because she woke up "grumpy" was embarrassing.

I do understand where she's coming from when she said how rethinking about things that happened in the past, painful things, ignited some anger and sadness due to the wound not being fully healed but acting like a baby in front of others is unnecessary.

She acted like a whiny ass brat and I felt bad for Chris. I think he's a scumbag for cheating but if Andrea "forgave" him and accepted him back into thr relationship then she can't keep getting mad at him over and over again every few weeks/months or whenever she gets "inside her head" and relives the affair(s) Chris had in her mind.

You either not forgive and leave him or you forgive him and move forward. Starting random fights out of the blue instead of dealing with the root of the problem is not fair to either one of you. You either forgive or you don't ...keeping him around so you can keep RE-punishing him for the affair(s) is not right.

Did I hear correctly that Chris said Andrea cheated on him when she was pregnant? I think I heard that. It was probably out of revenge for Chris cheating, which again, she handles her anger in an immature manner. 

Kerwin can continue to pound sand. ? 

I'm glad Christy and Briana made up. I like Christy and Briana is okaaaaaay when she's with her but when she's with Matt I want to face palm. 

Scenes for the next episode shows Matt overly protective over Todd and even runs in the water to save him. I tell ya, Matt's an all or nothing kinda dude. He either hates you too much or is overly friendly to you.

I think he's just doing damage control and enjoyed all of the positive reinforcement he got from his apology and the challenge he and Christy won that he's trying too hard to be the Saint of the group. I'm fine with that. I'd rather an annoyingly nice Matt over an overly douche Matt any day.

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On 08/31/2017 at 0:10 AM, RedheadZombie said:

Perhaps Todd would be more adventurous if there weren't always a camera stuck up his ass.  I've noticed it in general in the little women franchises, but especially so with Todd - they deliberately show every awkward, struggling move they make.  They show each and every climb to the top of a bar stool, face planting while climbing the bed, etc.  It just seems worse with Todd, and it bothers me.  I didn't notice this type of thing with Little People Big World, or The Little Couple.  My impression is they are trying to embarrass or humiliate them, versus showing an occasional struggle along with the rest of their lives.

I have always felt this way, for the reasons you gave. I'm not so sure they are trying to embarrass them, because frankly, I'm not so sure they are even considering their feelings at all. It's like they are objects of curiosity to the crews, just like a sideshow. I've often wondered how the LP's put up with this, especially after all Terra's outrage over the M word, because I don't that is deliberately offensive, but these unflattering shots seem so to me. A few takes like that every once and again to remind us how difficult the most ordinary things can be are fine, but they never seem to miss a chance at an embarrassing shot. How many times a season does this need to be pointed out? Not several times an episode, IMHO.

Edited by renatae
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I'm trying to stick with this show but between the bleeping of the cuss words and their overall lack of proper enunciation, I cannot understand a thing most of them are saying.  When Kermit (or whoever Tonya's man is), Chris, Jordan and the twins speak, I have no idea what is going on!  

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I don't normally have anything good to say about Matt.  But I'm actually liking this nice guy side of him.  Wish he would show this side more often.  

I am also liking that everyone is getting along without all the screaming.  Could it be because Terra isn't around?

Todd, wow mad props to him.  Regardless of the fears and struggles he may have he is giving his all in trying new challenges.  Way to go Todd!!

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31 minutes ago, PreciousGem said:

I am also liking that everyone is getting along without all the screaming.  Could it be because Terra isn't around?


Even with the manufactured drama this season it's still more palatable without Terra around needlessly stirring shit.

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Matt has really changed.  Looks like he has been given a talking to about keeping his job and paycheck.  It's a little too obvious how he has changed into a caring and thoughtful human being all of a sudden.  Either he is not drinking and therefore not turning into a monster to Briana and everyone else or he has realized that being "regular" Matt may cost him his his job.  I really think we are being played and his new persona is not really genuine.  We must not take all of this at face value.

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This episode was actually pretty enjoyable to watch--no screaming and very few bleeps.  I don't know why the producers think we enjoy non-stop verbal assaults on our televisions every week.   I felt sorry for Todd--he must have felt humiliated not being able to get into the boat, yet he stayed cheerful and encouraged Christy to go on without him.  Stand-up guy!

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On 9/6/2017 at 8:58 PM, outtahere said:

Matt has really changed.  Looks like he has been given a talking to about keeping his job and paycheck.  It's a little too obvious how he has changed into a caring and thoughtful human being all of a sudden.  Either he is not drinking and therefore not turning into a monster to Briana and everyone else or he has realized that being "regular" Matt may cost him his his job.  I really think we are being played and his new persona is not really genuine.  We must not take all of this at face value.

He has always been able to turn on the charm. And all I really see is him still being controlling, only he has everyone controlled by his kindness instead of his nastiness. He is still doing everything he can to steal the show.


The women all look so good out on the beach without the false eyelashes and heavy foundation and weird hairdos. They look good more natural.

Edited by Chewy101
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I wish they would have done more to help Todd get onto the boat. The fact that he was trying so hard implies he would have followed through with the parasailing and it could have been a great experience for him. I've been skydiving and it was so empowering; I really wanted to see him conquer that fear. Oh well. 

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On 9/6/2017 at 8:58 PM, outtahere said:

Matt has really changed.  Looks like he has been given a talking to about keeping his job and paycheck.  It's a little too obvious how he has changed into a caring and thoughtful human being all of a sudden.  Either he is not drinking and therefore not turning into a monster to Briana and everyone else or he has realized that being "regular" Matt may cost him his his job.  I really think we are being played and his new persona is not really genuine.  We must not take all of this at face value.

I think he's just like everyone else and has a good side and a bad side. In Little Women: LA, he's a villain so they only show his bad behavior. In this they showed both sides so that they could prove that the super awesome shrink fixed all Matt's problems in a week. In reality he's just a human being. Possibly one on the shittier side of the spectrum but human nonetheless. I don't like him or Brianna. Just saying. 

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I'm going to miss this show. Despite the manufactured drama, it seemed more genuine than what we've come to see as the status quo for these girls and their guys. Seems some of them have actually gained some perspective and hopefully will be making some changes.

I loved the scenery, and I especially loved it at the end when no one was chewing it up, lol. And gee, a therapist who doesn't think a "hall pass" is an appropriate tool in relational therapy. Yay!

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I may be the only one that feels this way but there is something about the tiny twins that irritate the crap out of me. Especially the one that ALWAYS dresses like a skank. There's a time and place for twerking and that one twin that always wears super SUPER short shorts is always twerking. She even wore a ripped up looking outfit to the vow renewals. Ugh. Give it a rest. 

That donut cake scene was staged just for Christy and Jaszmin to "take over" to carry it over into a storyline. 

Matt can spare me his born again persona. I do like this side of him but it's still not genuine. He's being OVERLY protective over Todd for appearance sake. One week he's calling him a mother bleeper then the next week he's getting anxiety over the fact that Todd has to walk on sand carrying his stool. #notbuyingtheact I'm not saying Poole can't change but he did a total 180 in one afternoon and went from a monster to a Mr. Rogers too quick.

I don't understand the two married couples having vow renewals when one couple have only been married 3 years while the other have only been married for five. I get the sentiment of Todd wanting to have a "fresh start" or a "do-over" since most of their marriage he felt like a burden due to his weight but I don't think a vow renewal is necessary but hey - to each their own. I probably would have taken advantage of being remarried to my hubby if i was staying in a beautiful resort for free. I just thought (maybe I'm wrong so I will stand corrected if I am) vow renewals were mostly reserved for  10 year, 20 year or 50, etc.

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2 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I may be the only one that feels this way but there is something about the tiny twins that irritate the crap out of me. Especially the one that ALWAYS dresses like a skank. There's a time and place for twerking and that one twin that always wears super SUPER short shorts is always twerking. She even wore a ripped up looking outfit to the vow renewals. Ugh. Give it a rest. 

I can't stand them either, or the entire Atlanta franchise for that matter. Just can't get in to that one. Or the Dallas one, either. I do miss NYC Little Women, though. 

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I'm in the minority and may be the only one that likes Kerwin - although I started to like Tonya at the beginning - she has to be in control and it's hard living with someone like that. Christy I love and I even like the one twin with Jordan. Todd and David are my favorites and I'm sorry but by the end Matt looked really good - hope he sticks to the game plan/

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On 9/24/2017 at 6:28 PM, tessat said:

I'm in the minority and may be the only one that likes Kerwin

I can't like a guy who sits at home all day and still criticizes his partner for not doing all the housework. Not attractive to me. Even if his reasons for not trusting Tonya's intentions are true, his arguments are arrogant and egotistical. I know Tonya needs a bit of attitude and fire in her choice of men, but "cook me dinner" is likely not one of them.

Edited by Chewy101
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What is it with all these "special" repeats of Terra's life that my DVR keeps picking up as new episodes? Hey, LIFETIME, Terra is not that interesting. Nobody wants to see her pregnancy episodes replayed for our viewing pleasure. All I can say about Terra is that she is a hustler and very shrewd business woman. She's going to plaster her face where ever she can for as long as she can keep collecting checks. Bet Brianna Elena are seething with jealousy. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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 TMZ "has learned" Brianna is divorcing Matt. No hope of a reconciliation. They are still living together but in separate rooms. Guess the certain somebody who told TMZ this news forgot to mention they have been doing the cheat/divorce dance their entire marriage. 

Hahaha! Just noticed the description of the next rerun episode is "Brianna tells Matt she wants a divorce after another major fight". The episode title is "The girl who cried divorce".  

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3 years of marriage? in which she’s basically screwed her life up, disowned her parents, disowned several friends, and tied herself to Matt forever because of the baby.  No idea if she still has custody of her daughter.  I hope she practices better judgement from now on. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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Is this the forum for the Terra& Joe house renovation episodes?

1)I have a real estate question:when a house is listed/sold doesn't somebody check to make sure all past work is up to code? They are fixing joist, plumbing and electrical - major fixing. Sounds like they would have been better off custom building from scratch.

2) when you do major renovation projects - esp. kitchen/ bathroom, don't you ,as the customer, signoff on what fixtures you want before hand? I don't understand how the wrong fridge, countertop burners, bathroom sink-fixture was ordered in the first place. It's like they are focusing being ADA as opposed to what is wanted/needed. I find it hard to believe you can't buy a 32 inch side-by-side fridge.

3) Terra is hell-bent on no stool in the kitchen. Maybe an compromise would be get a custom built strategically placed stool/step for key work areas. I've seen a lot of those cheaper plastic stools in flashbacks. Start an upgrade from that...

Edited by sATL
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On 1/7/2018 at 8:53 PM, bluvelvet said:

Anyone see the Matt and Brianna divorce article and the accusations.

Yes, it is very disgusting!  I hope social services and the police investigate to make sure the kids are ok and to check the veracity of the situation.  I feel bad for the children involved in the situation because either the allegations are true about one of your parents or the other parent is making up the sickest allegations possible, either way the kids need to be protected.

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On 1/7/2018 at 8:37 AM, sATL said:

1)I have a real estate question:when a house is listed/sold doesn't somebody check to make sure all past work is up to code? They are fixing joist, plumbing and electrical - major fixing. Sounds like they would have been better off custom building from scratch.

I don't know about California but where I live if you pay cash for the home, then it is the buyer's decision to get an inspection or not. If you are applying for a mortgage, the mortgage company will require an inspection in order to approve the loan. I sincerely hope if Terra paid cash she was smart enough to get an inspection on her own. 


On 1/7/2018 at 8:37 AM, sATL said:

2) when you do major renovation projects - esp. kitchen/ bathroom, don't you ,as the customer, signoff on what fixtures you want before hand? I don't understand how the wrong fridge, countertop burners, bathroom sink-fixture was ordered in the first place. It's like they are focusing being ADA as opposed to what is wanted/needed. I find it hard to believe you can't buy a 32 inch side-by-side fridge.

Yeah, this is what I'm not understanding. Terra always acts so shocked that the designer and contractor didn't do what she asked and then has to pay to get it fixed. If it's in writing and signed by all parties, then why the surprises? And why should she have to pay to switch out the stove and refrige and the screw up in the bathroom? The contractors should have to pay for their mistakes. If it was agreed to and signed off and not just some stupid made up for TV drama. 

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I'm guessing that famewhore Terra had very little to do with the financing, purchase or payment for renovations of this house.  If everything went smoothly there'd be no show.  This is just for show.  

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I can’t even think of watching this version of the show because terra annoys me so much and this show is all about her and Joe.  I’ll tune in again when the other ladies are back on.

although,  bet I could hate watch this monstrosity like nothing else.

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I know Terra can be a pill, but I'm really on her side on this show.  Stephanie has horrible taste, in my opinion.  If she tried to put wallpaper in my kitchen, she'd be told to fuck on down the road.  Why not put it in the bathroom, too, and we have a little contest about which will mold and/or fall off quicker due to moisture.

The green was horrible, the metal gray counter suggestion was horrible.  I think Steph wants to go with the latest trends, and that's always a guarantee that you'll be outdated in a year or two.  Cory's not much better.  Why is it so hard to listen?  Can they tape record what Terra says?  Because it can't be this impossible to convert homes for LP needs when the Roloffs have done it, and The Little Couple have done it now in two different states.  They hand wave the fact that Terra can't reach the knobs on the stove, and pooh-pooh the fact that a bottom freezer means most of their refrigerator is useless.  Even to promise a stool that can be folded in and out, and then just forget about it.

And if this entire show was scripted, those designers disturb the damage that is done to their reputations.  I wouldn't want them if they were offering free services.  They should start their own Trading Spaces, where half of the designers sadistically did horrible things (gluing hay on the wall), or wall off a fireplace because the owner said she wanted it untouched.  Paging Hildi and Doug.  The designers said 150,000 was a healthy budget, then ran and whined together that it wasn't enough.  

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I can't believe a designer can't get two simple things right. The refrige and the stove. It was the easiest part of the entire kitchen reno. Get a stove with the knobs in the front and a friggin' side by side frige. WTF is so hard about that? Especially since Terra had already explained that is what she wanted. Even I was getting pissed off and I usually can't stand Terra! Oh, yea, this was all manufactured BS drama for TV. 

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I’ve only caught part of a couple of these episodes. That being said- I’d never let anyone decide my colors or    anything  else for me sight unseen. We will decide on colors, brands, models together, along with placement and everything else.   I’d better not be surprised on any of that when the reveal is done. If I want a sink where I can reach the handles and you say you can deliver and don’t- you are fixing it for free. 

Furthermore, I hate Stephanie’s taste in decor. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I must have missed something. What article are you all referring to? What happened with them? 

ETA: Never mind, I found it. Yikes!! I knew the guy was an asshole but that is a whole different level. 

Edited by Maharincess
I got off my lazy ass and Googled it myself.
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I think there's more than meets the eye going on with the kitchen reno. Full disclosure: I am short-statured and use a manual wheelchair for mobility, and I **love** to cook. But I've never had the "luxury" of a kitchen adapted to my needs (can't afford it). Imagine trying to cook a meal in your own kitchen while standing on your knees the entire time (if you're of average height, that's the closest approximation to my situation you can get). But, in the event at some point I win the lottery or some kindly soul takes pity on me and offers to pay to have my kitchen renovated, I'm ready because I've done considerable research to learn what's available.

In this latest episode, in one of Stephanie's TH's, she said "Cory and I worked so hard to do this house specifically to their needs, AND VIKING WAS OUR BEST BET." That makes me think Cory and Stephanie (perhaps even working with the production company) made a deal with Viking to get the appliances free or at a huge discount in exchange for promotion. Otherwise, there would be NO reason for all the major appliances to come from the same manufacturer. Honestly, the fridge/freezer conundrum could be easily resolved as there are a couple of companies that make modular, under-counter refrigerators AND freezers (not just the under-counter refrigerator drawers they're having installed). No need to have a full-size combination fridge/freezer at all in their kitchen!

There are also plenty of companies that make stovetops with the controls on the front. Maybe Viking doesn't make one of the correct size, but other manufacturers DO.

I suspect Stephanie got fixated on the French door wall oven made by Viking (French door ovens are made by other manufacturers, too), and the refrigerator drawers, and because of that, chose Viking as the supplier of all the appliances based on a deal they were able to make - at the expense of all of Terra's other appliance-related needs.

Of course, the question is do Terra and Joe know about the deal? I suspect they do. From the very beginning, I thought their budget for what they wanted to do was pretty low. I've priced out the appliances I'd want for my needs (which are basically the same as what Terra wants) and you're looking at $25,000.00+ JUST for the appliances. The French door wall ovens cost around $5000.00! So their total budget of $150,000.00 for the entire house was far too low. Because of this, I'm sure Terra would leap at the chance to get free or discounted top-of-the-line appliances - but I suspect she didn't do her homework to see whether accepting such a deal would allow her to get the specific type of appliances she needs all from the same manufacturer.

Honestly, were I in Terra's shoes with the same budget, I would have begun with the kitchen and gotten that just the way I wanted it. Any money left over would go next to the bathrooms - because there are definitely issues relating to accessibility/safety there. Only after the kitchen/bathrooms were done would I do anything to the bedrooms/"public" areas (living room/dining room). Yes, it's nice to have those rooms all pretty and stuff, but it's not necessary to their safety and well-being to tackle those rooms right away - it's mostly aesthetics.

The whole project just screams "poor planning" to me.

Plus, I'm jealous!

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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