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S14.E15: Old Scars, Future Hearts

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I'm really sick of the insinuation and outright accusations that Maggie/Jackson or Maggie is disliked because of racism. 

I'm sure that is the case with some out there but it certainly isn't with me and it's not the first time I've had to defend this. 

I'm not a Japril shipper either. I liked him with Stephanie. Priya seemed nice too. I would love Maggie and Jackson with someone outside of the hospital. I don't give a crap if those people are white, black, Indian, Hispanic, etc.  I just hate Jaggie. Somehow Jackson looks like a creepy stalker and Maggie comes off as a 12 year old. 


To be fair, I'm inclined to be annoyed with Maggie because the show keeps shoving her down our throats and how amazing she is.  I also don't like Jo or Amelia. 


A weird part of me would like to see a Jackson/Mere pairing but I realize that makes very little sense.

  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, Court said:

I'm really sick of the insinuation and outright accusations that Maggie/Jackson or Maggie is disliked because of racism. 

I'm sure that is the case with some out there but it certainly isn't with me and it's not the first time I've had to defend this. 

I'm not a Japril shipper either. I liked him with Stephanie. Priya seemed nice too. I would love Maggie and Jackson with someone outside of the hospital. I don't give a crap if those people are white, black, Indian, Hispanic, etc.  I just hate Jaggie. Somehow Jackson looks like a creepy stalker and Maggie comes off as a 12 year old. 


To be fair, I'm inclined to be annoyed with Maggie because the show keeps shoving her down our throats and how amazing she is.  I also don't like Jo or Amelia. 


A weird part of me would like to see a Jackson/Mere pairing but I realize that makes very little sense.

Yes to everything... Except I like Jo :)

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Court said:

I'm really sick of the insinuation and outright accusations that Maggie/Jackson or Maggie is disliked because of racism. 

I'm sure that is the case with some out there but it certainly isn't with me and it's not the first time I've had to defend this. 

I think that is the point that actually was made prior; it's not a factor for everyone about Maggie or Jaggie but it is a factor for some. If it's not a factor and it's been clearly expressed already that it's not a factor, then I'm not sure why anyone would upset. Simply expressing that for some people that racism is a factor in how they're responding to Maggie/Jaggie isn't wrong either, IMO.  Intersectionality and all that. 

Anywho, as someone mentioned earlier, I think the issue may be Jackson who is more chemistry-needy and requires either strong writing or an actor who can spark more effortlessly at times. Also mentioned regarding the back and forth toxicity of Japril, that is what turned me off. I think that TPTB took this approach with them cause after all the back and forth melodramatic angst with Japril, they wanted to do something lighter with Jackson & Maggie so they went full peppy rom-com, with very mixed results. While I am still shrugging about Jaggie as a couple overall, it's not making me turn off the TV or keep my remote control close by when they're in scenes together which I have done in the past with a few Grey's pairings. I do wish that they'd write Maggie less flustered around Jackson at this point cause it's been a while that they've been doing this dance they've been doing, but that she's always awkward around men she likes has been a character constant, IMO. The degree that it affects her and how she shows that awkward anxiety varies. I did wince at the dropped cup, though. It's too late in this dance for that kind of stuff. 

  • Love 4

Maggie is supposed to be the genius cardiologist daughter of Ellis and Richard.  She should be chock full of confidence and arrogance.  The clumsy, awkward 12 year old doesn't fit who she's supposed to be.  Lots of people are clumsy and awkward and tongue-tied around their crushes when they are 12.  They outgrow that by the time they are 40 year old genius cardiologists.

I always liked Maggie, except for her relationships.  Despite being beautiful, she comes off as a child rather than sexy, so, to me, that is why she has no chemistry with Jackson.  I can't see her bumbling character having chemistry with anyone.  I didn't see it with De Luca or Nathan.

Having said that, I don't really care if she's with Jackson or anyone or no one.  It won't last, because relationships on this show rarely do, even if they get married.  I just wish, after bringing her on as daughter of Richard and Ellis, that her character's story actually used that in some way!  I have enjoyed the very few talks she's had with Richard.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I think that is the point that actually was made prior; it's not a factor for everyone about Maggie or Jaggie but it is a factor for some. If it's not a factor and it's been clearly expressed already that it's not a factor, then I'm not sure why anyone would upset. Simply expressing that for some people that racism is a factor in how they're responding to Maggie/Jaggie isn't wrong either, IMO.  Intersectionality and all that. 

Anywho, as someone mentioned earlier, I think the issue may be Jackson who is more chemistry-needy and requires either strong writing or an actor who can spark more effortlessly at times. Also mentioned regarding the back and forth toxicity of Japril, that is what turned me off. I think that TPTB took this approach with them cause after all the back and forth melodramatic angst with Japril, they wanted to do something lighter with Jackson & Maggie so they went full peppy rom-com, with very mixed results. While I am still shrugging about Jaggie as a couple overall, it's not making me turn off the TV or keep my remote control close by when they're in scenes together which I have done in the past with a few Grey's pairings. I do wish that they'd write Maggie less flustered around Jackson at this point cause it's been a while that they've been doing this dance they've been doing, but that she's always awkward around men she likes has been a character constant, IMO. The degree that it affects her and how she shows that awkward anxiety varies. I did wince at the dropped cup, though. It's too late in this dance for that kind of stuff. 

I agree. Not everyone who dislikes Maggie and Maggie/Jackson dislikes them because of racism, but some do. To say that there is no racism in this fandom (and other fandoms) is wrong, especially when you look at the reaction from that in January (The One Where Every Patient Died). 

I do find myself muting and fast-forwarding through the Maggie/Jackson scenes though. Especially the more forced ones -- like the helicopter scene and the scene of them in the towels. Those scenes don't come across as natural but instead they come across as awkwardly written and shoehorned in. It's like there's giant neon arrows in those scenes saying "SHIP THIS! SEE THIS? SHIP THEM! AREN'T THEY CUTE? MAKE GIFSETS OF THIS SCENE!".  

Maggie has been around Jackson for a while now*, even if she didn't Like Him, she shouldn't be reduced to a tween around him.

*I have no idea how many years/seasons she's been though, since I was surprised to learn that Owen has been on the show since season five, (especially when I think about the fact that the shooting episode happened in season six), even though I was positive he only showed up like 4 seasons ago... 

Edited by HighHopes
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Chas411 said:

Justin Chambers is nearly 50 so while I could maybe buy them ageing down Joand using the actresses I don't think it would work with him no matter how good he looks at his age.

I don't know about that because Justin Chambers looks really really good for 50.

1 hour ago, Court said:

I'm really sick of the insinuation and outright accusations that Maggie/Jackson or Maggie is disliked because of racism. 

I don't like it either.  For a very long time, I didn't like Meredith with Derek because he didn't tell her he was married when they first got together, and the constant back and forth on again off again stuff.  I get tired of that crap with any couple.  It just gets boring.

It's bad enough that Ellis, and Meredith's father were such lousy parents.  Now her "Aunt Marie" is making Meredith pay for something Ellis did.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

I didn't have an issue with Maggie's back story being included in flashbacks. With Maggie, Alex, and Jo being the doctors for the teen heart patient, it makes sense that all three's pasts regarding first loves since that was the theme of the ep were shown to tie in to the present day epiphanies-of-sorts.  It's no different from when Grey's has used patients in many past eps to tie into the theme of an ep and to make doctors involved with such patients personalize their present day situations/dramas then come to some sort of resolution in their own lives. 

Didn't they already do this with Alex, Jo and April during the HoCoPro episode at the beginning of the season, minus the flashbacks?

16 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Other than not being Jackson.. I really don't see what Clive and Maggie had that was so endearing to ppl.. Now Maggie getting in the way of  japril and getting the wrath of fandom I understand (disagree with because the only reasons  I see are the ever popular "no chemistry" which I've seen attached to way too many actresses of color and the even worse "incest " argument) she had so little time with Clive.. The longest convo they had I think was the dinner she bailed on to go dancing with Richard.. 

I appreciated that Clive didn't work at the damned hospital.  As for Maggie getting in the way of Japril, I never shipped April and Jackson, but I also do not see any chemistry between Maggie and Jackson.  It's got nothing to do with Maggie being played by an actress of color; I actually blame it on the actor playing Jackson since I've only thought he really had any chemistry with Eric Dane.  However, there was more chemistry between Jackson and Stephanie, who was also played by an actress of color, than between Jackson and Maggie.  You see chemistry - a lot of the rest of us don't.

  • Love 13
33 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

*I have no idea how many years/seasons she's been though, since I was surprised to learn that Owen has been on the show since season five, (especially when I think about the fact that the shooting episode happened in season six), even though I was positive he only showed up like 4 seasons ago... 

I just checked and she's been on since the end of S10.


9 minutes ago, Layne said:

Didn't they already do this with Alex, Jo and April during the HoCoPro episode at the beginning of the season, minus the flashbacks?

I wouldn't be surprised, though I can't recall off the top of my head. Grey's isn't shy about repeating arcs between characters. 


46 minutes ago, izabella said:

Maggie is supposed to be the genius cardiologist daughter of Ellis and Richard.  She should be chock full of confidence and arrogance. 

Not necessarily, IMO. 


39 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

I do find myself muting and fast-forwarding through the Maggie/Jackson scenes though. Especially the more forced ones -- like the helicopter scene and the scene of them in the towels. Those scenes don't come across as natural but instead they come across as awkwardly written and shoehorned in. It's like there's giant neon arrows in those scenes saying "SHIP THIS! SEE THIS? SHIP THEM! AREN'T THEY CUTE? MAKE GIFSETS OF THIS SCENE!".  

Perhaps. It doesn't bother me much and it's not like Grey's hasn't done similar with other pairings over the last 14 years. The writers have laser focused on varying pairings over the years, given some entire eps as well really hyped them up with the media (Looking at you, TVLine!). I don't see these two together as any worse or more forced by the writing than some other pairings over the past almost decade and a half. I think, though, that it becomes a matter of bias/perspective cause if you like a pairing, they could get tons of writing - good or bad - and onscreen time along with gif-set moments & it's all squees (this is me with Barry x Iris on The Flash) but flip it to a pairing you don't like and every interaction, no matter how minute, becomes the writers trying to force something to work (e.g. for me is Lee / Jim on Gotham) and thus an irritation. I tapped out of a lot of S13 of Grey's cause I didn't think anything was working  and hated most of the storylines but this season, while not perfect, I've found a lot more entertaining overall. I think it also helps that I am not really a shipper so I've been open to more things in how they play out. I already learned from Shonda that being a shipper with her shows is asking for pain.

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

This may apply to some people, but I haven't seen it here.  Everyone whose posts I've seen have been quite specific about it being the lack of Jackson/Maggie chemistry.

I have. In the last episode thread alone someone literally said Jackson is too hot for Maggie. And there’s a lot of coded terms you wouldn’t see or understand if you’re not used to then being used towards you.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, doLLish said:

I have. In the last episode thread alone someone literally said Jackson is too hot for Maggie. And there’s a lot of coded terms you wouldn’t see or understand if you’re not used to then being used towards you.

People say the same thing about Jackson being too hot for April. And too good for her in general, with him being rich and cultured and her being a working class farm girl. There are a lot of shallow and snobby people. There are a lot of racist people. And there's probably a good bit of overlap between the two. 

  • Love 11

It's so weird that it was Meredith's storyline I found myself being the most interested in for a change. There's no doubt in my mind she'll get that polymer eventually or make one of her own or whatever, but it's very refreshing that for at least once she didn't get to be The Sun. Her meeting with Marie played out like it most likely would in reality and I appreciate that. For the record, from what we know about her, I absolutely don't think taking all the credit for someone else's work would be beneath Ellis Grey. And while I get why Richard would want to defend her, his explanation was extremely stupid. "Somone said something that ended up inspiring my research" is nothing like "Me and this other person were working on a research and were going to publish it together, except that the other person published it under their name only and shut me out completely". Come on.

I also enjoyed April and dr Koracick together. I'd be really curious to see where they take it from here, 


except for you know what.

Those flashbacks were mostly nice, but I don't really see why they needed to go all "This is Us" on us. It's not like we got to learn anything new. Maggie has always been a dork, Jo used to live in her car, yadda yadda yadda. And while I did enjoy the flashbacks with Alex, for someone who's also grown up with mental illness in family, the scene with that girl at the party hit way too close to home.

Words cannot describe how much I don't care about Alex and Jo at this point, but having lasted this long, they do deserve some happiness, so it's OK. And I've resigned myself to Jaggie being a thing, so I didn't even pay attention to it. However, what I absolutely can't get over is Amelia and Owen going at it for the 175th time,


and I'm still furious that some characters who still have much to contribute to the show are leaving, while

 these two trainwrecks are going to be around to endlessly impose their nothingess on us.

Edited by kariyaki
Added tags for spoilers
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

After suffering through two seasons of shitty emo cover songs, THANK FUCK we got an episode with Kelly Clarkson and TLC.

PREACH. I *knew* there was a reason the songs in this episode actually stood out to me, and it's exactly what you said. These are known songs with known artists and not shitty covers. Also, I called that they were gonna use that Kelly Clarkson song the very first time I heard it.

I cannot stand how they write Maggie around Jackson, and I like Maggie! The reason I'm so uncomfortable with the pairing right now is that she acts like a teenager whereas Jackson acts like an adult. It's awkward, and I think that's a large part of what is hurting their chemistry. 

I agree with others who've said it's refreshing to have the female lead of the show have a plot line that doesn't involve romance. This show is infinitely better when that's the case. 

I loved April and Koracick together. I want him to stay so badly. That scene where he talks about his boy dying? That was well done.

  • Love 10

However, what I absolutely can't get over is Amelia and Owen going at it for the 175th time,


and I'm still furious that some characters who still have much to contribute to the show are leaving, while

 these two trainwrecks are going to be around to endlessly impose their nothingess on us.

This! This should have been the last season for them. Especially if they were going to hook up again. They could have just gotten knocked up and then left. The Emd. Everyone is happy.



I cannot stand how they write Maggie around Jackson, and I like Maggie! The reason I'm so uncomfortable with the pairing right now is that she acts like a teenager whereas Jackson acts like an adult. It's awkward, and I think that's a large part of what is hurting their chemistry. 

This and I think it's just dragged on too long. I think in these kind of things you should either just go for it straight away - like the did with Maggie/DeLuca or actually invest in a proper friendship before hooking them up - like Jackson/April before they became toxic. But this over the top, will they won't they dance with Jaggie has never worked and I think that they've dragged it on for so long that it's lost any momentum it could have had a few episodes ago. The writing is too weak to support this and I don't think either actor is strong enough to carry the other or the story. 

Also I've seen bad pairings ie Arizona/Minnick, Derrick/Rose but this is the first one I've seen that they're trying to force as a BIG SHIP! It reminds me of Callie/Penney but that only became an end game because Ramirez left. It just does neither the actors any favours.

I don't want Japril back together FYI as the ship has sailed 


to the point where I see why they thought it was time to lose one of them but I can't for the life of me understand why it wasn't the boring, chemistryless Jackson. Had we lost him and gained Greg Germann as a regular I'd have happily shipped him with April.

Edited by kariyaki
Added tags for spoilers
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Amelia who won't shut up about sex, whether she's taking a five minute break from boning or if she's complaining about not having sex. She just will not shut up about sex EVER.

Someone's gotta take up the slack with no Carina in the episode.


7 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Meredith was so off to me talking to Marie. If you are trying to get someone to agree to something you need, it's very odd to aggressively respond to their story. At least fake some empathy. You don't say tell them maybe they shouldn't have given Ellis that much power. You empathize/ tell them you need to process this some, etc. Instead she was swinging from the get go.

Meredith's stance was warranted since Marie was being deceitful from minute one.


I'm sure there was a lot of hate for the line, but I loved when Koracik listed "death of a beloved TV character" as one of April's possible reasons for being so disturbed.  Even better how April reacted to it.  It's ridiculous how worked up some people get about TV characters and I loved the show poking fun at it.  It is especially timely with all the hysteria lately.

Edited by Starscream
  • Love 7
On ‎3‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 9:03 PM, Court said:

I hated most of the episode..I liked getting more of Alex's backstory but why did Maggie's have to be shoved in there? Can't Alex get his own episode? Love getting a little bit of Alex/Mere friendship too. 

I did enjoy April and German together. That's it. The rest of it sucked. 

God!  Having to deal with adult bumbling/awkward about guys Maggie to young bumbling/awkward about guys Maggie was too much for me.  Over dose.

Also love April and German, but not how they're having her devolve while Jackson - who just went through a buy me a yacht and party phase - looks like super dad.  I am not here for that.  If Callie wouldn't leave without her daughter, April sure as hell wouldn't.  Don't destroy this character.

  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Also love April and German, but not how they're having her devolve while Jackson - who just went through a buy me a yacht and party phase - looks like super dad.  I am not here for that.  If Callie wouldn't leave without her daughter, April sure as hell wouldn't.  Don't destroy this character.

Your really  comparing buying a yacht and having some  beers with the fellas to what April is doing??..  Having meaningless sex with ppl she seems to not be able to stand... Being drunk or hungover half the time?... They're both good parents and  I don't think either if them have done  anything that would make me think otherwise... But there isn't a comparison between their behaviors one is worse.. That one is April.. I'm sure there will be some resolution to it soon tho

2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Your really  comparing buying a yacht and having some  beers with the fellas to what April is doing??..  Having meaningless sex with ppl she seems to not be able to stand... Being drunk or hungover half the time?... They're both good parents and  I don't think either if them have done  anything that would make me think otherwise... But there isn't a comparison between their behaviors one is worse.. That one is April.. I'm sure there will be some resolution to it soon tho

No, I'm not "really" comparing the behaviors, but if I did I'd certainly have the right to.  I meant exactly what I said - nothing more.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Starscream said:

I'm sure there was a lot of hate for the line, but I loved when Koracik listed "death of a beloved TV character" as one of April's possible reasons for being so disturbed.  Even better how April reacted to it.  It's ridiculous how worked up some people get about TV characters and I loved the show poking fun at it.  It is especially timely with all the hysteria lately.

Ha, I loved that line. Even though I'm totally guilty of that behaviour and felt called out by it, haha. I know I'm taking my fictional characters way too seriously, but I always have and I'm not one of the crazies who will send death threats or endless accusations to writers, so I don't feel bad about it.

April really shines this season. I'll be sad to see her go.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, PepSinger said:

I cannot stand how they write Maggie around Jackson, and I like Maggie! The reason I'm so uncomfortable with the pairing right now is that she acts like a teenager whereas Jackson acts like an adult. It's awkward, and I think that's a large part of what is hurting their chemistry.

I agree - for the most part, Jackson acts like an adult (both at work and in his relationships) while Maggie acts like a flustered sixth grader. The disparity in their maturity level is not enjoyable for me to watch. I had the same issue with Jackson and April. Even before all the issues with their religious differences, the baby, etc. her reaction to anything that didn't go her way was often to get high pitched and start babbling nonstop. I do not need frantic, screechy, overwrought monologues at top volume. I didn't like Jackson with April then and I don't like him with Maggie now.

If we're going to talk about Jackson being too hot for either of them (or any of the other women he's dated on the show), let's be real. Few people, male or female, are as pretty as he is. He's going to be hotter than 99% of anyone he dates, works with, or bumps into on the street. That's the curse of being really smoking hot. YMMV of course but I think that short of dating a supermodel, he's always going to be hotter than anyone else he dates, anyone else who's in the room (or on the planet), etc. For the record, I think that both Maggie and April are attractive.

ETA: I don't think Jackson is TOO hot for either of them though. It's not like he's a 10 and either of them is a 2. They're all conventionally attractive and appealing.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 8
On 3/16/2018 at 3:35 PM, izabella said:

Maggie is supposed to be the genius cardiologist daughter of Ellis and Richard.  She should be chock full of confidence and arrogance.  The clumsy, awkward 12 year old doesn't fit who she's supposed to be.  Lots of people are clumsy and awkward and tongue-tied around their crushes when they are 12.  They outgrow that by the time they are 40 year old genius cardiologists.

I always liked Maggie, except for her relationships.  Despite being beautiful, she comes off as a child rather than sexy, so, to me, that is why she has no chemistry with Jackson.  I can't see her bumbling character having chemistry with anyone.  I didn't see it with De Luca or Nathan.

Having said that, I don't really care if she's with Jackson or anyone or no one.  It won't last, because relationships on this show rarely do, even if they get married.  I just wish, after bringing her on as daughter of Richard and Ellis, that her character's story actually used that in some way!  I have enjoyed the very few talks she's had with Richard.

Maggie’s social awkwardness is why I love this character.  She’s fierce in the surgery room, but she’s grown up with little confidence in herself when it comes to dating.  I think the flashbacks really showed her history of grand gestures that fell flat and made her a subject of ridicule.

I just love her scenes with Jackson.  To me, she’s denied her feelings for him because of the complicated link of their parents but also because he just flusters her.  When she’s been vulnerable in the past, she’s gotten burned.

  • Love 3

So Sarah Drew really showed why she should be staying on until the very end, with Greg Germann playing her love interest. I'm officially on board with this pairing once she, you know, gets sober and healthy and all that. Greg Germann's character seems to be the only one willing to put in some work to get to the bottom of her issues, or that even cares to a larger extent (perhaps because he sees another person in pain, perhaps she's just temporarily caught his attention, whatever it is it's working for me). Arizona would have been a good option, but it seems like that ending scene from a couple weeks ago meant nothing. Jackson, Owen, and she should be working together on some sort of intervention. 

Maggie was dumb, but at least she stood up for herself at the end of the episode and made Jackson admit he also felt "undone" by her (which, Jesus Christ, show. Just stop. That "undone" nonsense just made them even more awkward and eye-rolly). I liked the idea of Maggie with Clive because there was an immediate demeanor change when Clive was first introduced. She went right from a super dumb, uncomically awkward, forced Jackson conversation to a more natural walk down the hall with seemingly lively conversation with Clive. When they were together, she looked comfortable and in charge. Watching their scenes didn't make me want to turn off my television. The contrast between that and whatever it is I am being shown with Jaggie is just weird. This is the couple I'm supposed to be rooting for? Why is that again?

Seriously though, Alex's and even Jo's stories were so sad, and then we have to get Maggie's ridiculous, relatively playful storyline shoehorned in. Why again? More "hilarious" awkward scenes that endear her to so few people? Come on, show. We get it.

It feels like Meredith and Cerone's storyline should loom larger in my mind, but I'm kind of just passively paying attention. I get how she couldn't just give Cerone credit because she can't know definitively what happened, it's just shitty and weird for Cerone to put that on her. And so dramatic to just move to another country and give up on her surgical practice!

I never really gave a shit for Jo until this season. Her backstory is crazy, but it totally sounds like an amazing romance novel or Lifetime movie to me. Now all she needs is for the ex to come to the hospital needing her lifesaving skills, and they ride off into the sunset. I'm kind of blah on Alex and her, so I wouldn't mind that one bit.

Edited by mehtotheworld
  • Love 14
49 minutes ago, mehtotheworld said:

I never really gave a shit for Jo until this season. Her backstory is crazy, but it totally sounds like an amazing romance novel or Lifetime movie to me. Now all she needs is for the ex to come to the hospital needing her lifesaving skills, and they ride off into the sunset. I'm kind of blah on Alex and her, so I wouldn't mind that one bit.


I still don't give a shit about Jo and I've never been a fan of Jo + Alex, so her riding off into the sunset sounds fabulous to me! 

Edited by Fireball
  • Love 7
On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 6:57 PM, Starscream said:


Meredith's stance was warranted since Marie was being deceitful from minute one.


I'm not saying it wasn't warranted; I'm just saying it was stupid. If Marie had already signed the paperwork, Mere needed, then fine let her know what you think. but if I'm trying to convince someone to do me a favor and to separate me from feelings towards my mom, it's not a good idea to come out swinging before the paper is signed. It's honest but not good tactics.

20 hours ago, mehtotheworld said:

Maggie was dumb, but at least she stood up for herself at the end of the episode and made Jackson admit he also felt "undone" by her (which, Jesus Christ, show. Just stop. That "undone" nonsense just made them even more awkward and eye-rolly). I liked the idea of Maggie with Clive because there was an immediate demeanor change when Clive was first introduced. She went right from a super dumb, uncomically awkward, forced Jackson conversation to a more natural walk down the hall with seemingly lively conversation with Clive. When they were together, she looked comfortable and in charge. Watching their scenes didn't make me want to turn off my television. The contrast between that and whatever it is I am being shown with Jaggie is just weird. This is the couple I'm supposed to be rooting for? Why is that again?


completely agree with this.

  • Love 3

I just watched this episode, due to Comcast not saving it on their OnDemand service. Whatever. Thank you, Hulu, but your commercial breaks are a p.i.t.a.

So, Jolex. About damn time they got engaged. I just hate that it was dragged out for three seasons before one said yes to the other. Did we really need the two-year build up to Jo's confrontation with Paul and the resolution? What was the point of all that, this is the Jolex we saw at the end of season 11! Whatever. I'm happy they're engaged, let's hope they walk down the aisle and have little Jolex spawns. But knowing Shonda (probably not KV) they will probably call it quits before "I Do" next season. Typical Grey's. Although, I do have to wonder if Jo's still going to apply for fellowships outside Seattle, and now she's engaged to Alex, will he go with her? This means Meredith is the last of M-A-G-I-C. I hope not.

That would be bittersweet, because while my current favorite pairing get their happy ending, it will all happen off screen. I've grown to really like Alex over the past few years.

Younger Alex looked just like Justin Chambers! I wonder if that was his kid. Younger Jo looked just like Camilla Luddington, with a bit of Mandy Moore. I think it was the hairstyle. Speaking of younger Jo, I am kind of disappointed she walked away from Chris. He seemed to really care for her, and if she'd stayed with him, then Paul never would've happened.

As you can see, I did a heavily Jolex centric post here. That was really the only defining point of the episode. And the little Meredith/Alex talk. I'm glad we're getting appropriate brother/sister vibes from them, even though they aren't related either consanguineous or through marriage. Now hey, how about the writers do that for Jackson/Maggie, hmm?

Don't even get me started on Jackson/Maggie. Let's just say I am glad I waited until the episode was over to through my empty ice cream carton away!

But stepping away from the incest, either legally (by their parents) or consanguineous (by blood, which they aren't) I have to give my firm two cents of Jaggie. When I watched Jesse Williams interact with Chyler Leigh and Sarah Drew, he had chemistry with them. They worked off one another, that actually showed me Jexie and Japril were a plausible couple. Of course, I wanted Lexie with Mark, but whatever. I think he worked the best with Sarah Drew, and not because I love Japril. I think whoever the showrunner then was tried to put the new characters (being Jackson, April, Reed, and Percy at the time) together platonically and romantically, and see how they interacted with the cast members/characters who have been around longer.

Jesse and Chyler definitely had chemistry. The beautiful thing about Jackson/April is that we knew they were friends even before their first appearance in "Invasion" season 6 episode 5. I've always wondered if Jesse and Sarah had some practice scenes together before filming their first episodes, and the writers saw their strength together on and off screen. I wasn't really in the fandom at the time Sarah and Jesse came around, but even looking at them today, they seem to be inseparable. They brought Jackson and April to life.

I won't argue that Jesse and Kelly are appealing to the eyes. But I don't think they got enough time to work together, like Sarah and Jesse did before that final episode in season 8 where April and Jackson had sex. It took two years of trying to gauge Sarah/Jesse's chemistry and tweaking April/Jackson just so so that it'd actually make sense when they got together. I think the fact that I love Jackson/April and Jesse/Sarah's chemistry might hinder a better argument as to why I don't like Jackson/Maggie. Maybe if they waited a few more seasons, long after Sarah and April left the show, and worked up their relationship, I could get on board. But right now, they're like a bunch of awkward teenagers.

I think what bothers me even more about the whole thing is that the writers have actually acknowledged it is incest in some form. That is a major turn-off for me.

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On 3/16/2018 at 1:19 AM, NUguy514 said:

Amelia's Orphan Black shoutout made me love her unconditionally for an entire scene.



I’m finally caught up and when I heard “sestra” myself, I decided it was one of the best moments of the seasons, hands down! 

Speaking of Tatiana Maslaney, how great would she be as a doctor on the show? I know Orphan Black is in a league of its own, but I’d love to see her on my TV again soon! 

Can I tell you how thrilled I was when she won her Emmy?!?!

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