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4 hours ago, albarino said:

I don't know anything about LA geography.  BelAir vs Encino?  I honestly have no idea and would love to know more about the distinction.  I will be able to help with the Potomac franchise.

It's a matter of status. Bel Air is a very exclusive, expensive neighborhood bordering Beverly Hills. Encino is in the valley which mean it's about 10-20* hotter in the summer. It's supposed to be a nicer part of the valley but it's further out of the way, kind of a pain to get to by BH standards and doesn't have easy access to the luxury shops and markets in BH. For reference, the "nice" house Brandi bought was in Encino and LVP joked about it being too far away.

Personally, even if I had all the money in the world, neither of those neighborhoods would be my first choice in LA. Both are super residential. If I wanted to live in the suburbs,  I'd move out of LA.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, albarino said:

I don't know anything about LA geography.  BelAir vs Encino?  I honestly have no idea and would love to know more about the distinction.  I will be able to help with the Potomac franchise.

I continue to be struck by Erika's bad behavior.  She claims to be "street smart."  I don't see it.  If you weren't seeing RED to begin with, why wouldn't you say something along the lines of..."Teddi, my life is pretend; if I say I don't remember, I really don't.  I'm sorry."  Smiling all along...that would have been a way to a happy ending to me.  Has she learned nothing from her lawyer husband?

Don't they all live outside of Potomac MD? It should be the housewives of Silver Springs. Or maybe Gaithersburg!

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 5
13 hours ago, lunastartron said:

For someone ostensibly so fluent in accountability, it's odd to me that she wouldn't realize that a guest in her home would take offense at hearing themselves described in terms of an inherent negative like "weird," even if their behavior could be interpreted as that.

For me, it was a very careful and chosen word ! And I guees that's the reason why Erika hated it.... Because Teddi was talking about/describing the situation itself, not Erika ! as in : "this situation was weird, not you Ericka !" She could also have said something like : "I'm disappointed / sad / perplexated / whatever", but she's chosen the least offensive and polemic (does it exist in English ?) word. And Erika hated that, because, yes, it WAS weird... and had she told Teddi, just after calling her assistant, that she was feeling better going in an hotel for the night, all that would have been avoided.... So yes, Erika was furious....

... And it's kinda the same issue in this ep.... Teddi is factual and correct, Erika don't like it, so... shoot the messenger !

To summarize, Teddi's "accountability" is the worst ennemy of Erika, because it puts on light the cracks in her persona, made of "pretends", without even calling her on those cracks, but she (EDIT : Erika) can't help herself and feels directly attacked... showing to the others what she tries so hard to hide... 

Edited by Diane Mars
some French words here, lol ! ("et" is not = to "and")
  • Love 23
12 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Why do I get the idea that she (maybe they) like the idea of it being Smokey Robinson's former home?  I can see her having superficial reasons for doing just about everything she does.

What was the point of spending so much money renovating her own house in order to just pack up and move a few months later?

I watch Million Dollar Listing LA.  Mauricio appears occasionally on the show.  2 of his agents appear on the show. They did feature homes in Encino this season. It's an up & coming area. I think Beverley Hills is more prestigious area  than Encino.

I find it hilarious that Mauricio always wears clothes with his Agency's logo on it. Is he desperate for business?

  • Love 6
On 3/16/2018 at 4:57 PM, zoeysmom said:

I guess because I have always been a Kyle apologist and never really liked Erika, just because, I am surprised that all of a sudden her "steely resolve" is being equated with violence.  I have seen Kyle lose it and go after her sister, I have seen Kyle while going after her sister push Brandi, I have seen Rinna go for Kim's throat and smash a glass which was caused some collateral damage (mostly it was bad acting on RInna's part).

What I am seeing is if a character is liked or loses their mind with an unlikable character the excuses are endless.  If an unlikable or someone on the borderline defends attacks on their honesty to likable character they are unhinged and took it too far.   There are not many things worse in life than having your veracity questioned and this is the second time Teddi has questioned Erika's veracity.  Second time Teddi has insulted Erika and turned it around to be all about her.  

I agree.  Kyle's attacks on people are intense and unkind.  Erika was being a jerk because Teddi was being a jerk.  Erika is just scary, because of her fierce face and lack of crying.  But when Kyle says horrible things, she's quite physical.  I find her more frightening.  When Kyle is angry, she says things that can't be unsaid.  Erika just looks like an ogre.  I would prefer the silent anger of an ogre than Kyle's punches in the gut.  

On 3/17/2018 at 9:53 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

I think Teddi just looks to be offended.  As a woman of similar age to Erika and whose periods have started becoming hellacious with the amount of bleeding, I can totally see why she'd opt for a hotel rather bleeding all over a friend's sheets in the night. (And I believe she said early on that she was on her period and wasn't feeling super well?)  That's embarrassing. Maybe it is "weird" that she didn't want to explain it in that detail to Teddi and all of the guests and crew but I get it. (If I had Erika's bank account, I would never share quarters with anyone. lol  I like my privacy and alone time.) 

Absolutely!  She's made off-handed remarks about her dad that make it sound like he's hurt her feelings a lot.  She accuses everyone of the same thing.  It's old.  

A host should NEVER make comments about her guest to the other guests.  Teddi annoyed me before she did that and then I wrote her off afterwards.  Erika is a precious snowflake in her own mind and annoys me, but complaining about her to the guests in your home is not cool.  How is that better than complaining about a wine glass or champagne flute or whatever Dorit was complaining about?!?

  • Love 8
On 3/16/2018 at 4:57 PM, zoeysmom said:

I thought Erika was a bitch to Dorit last year on the junk boat.  Rinna was just as bad.  They were foul, smug and threatening and Eileen cheering them on wasn't much better.

100%.  It was really uncomfortable to watch.  

On 3/17/2018 at 11:32 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

The only reasonable shot at a re-do she will ever get, is if/when her son has children, and he allows her to be involved in their lives.  That may not be a given.  I would imagine that the guilt and remorse for abandoning him is what weighs on her psyche. 

I thought her son lived with her still?

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

I'm on Team Nobody in this.  I normally like Erika but her reaction to Teddi was way too much.  I was sitting there just thinking how aggressive she was being. However, Teddi needs to learn to let things lie.  It might make her uncomfortable but it was also a conversation for 3 months ago.  Just let it go.  However, I'm thinking Production probably told her to bring it up.  And Dorit...  Oh, Dorit.  "You don't get to be mad!"  Seriously?  

I think the only team I might be on right now is Rinna.  LOL. 

Crazy, right? Rinna is back to being fun again. 

I normally like Erika as well, but her THs (after the fact) were what put me off. But I do get her anger in the moment. It really did seem like Teddi was calling her a liar; and I think the comment she made was such a throw-away, appeasing comment that it's quite possible she doesn't remember. I have the worst memory, so I can relate! 

And Teddi....I don't think she's trying to start trouble, but I think she needs to realize that honesty isn't this badge she needs to strut around with. There is a difference between lying and not telling someone everything someone else said about them. Calm down. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, oakville said:

What was the point of spending so much money renovating her own house in order to just pack up and move a few months later?

I watch Million Dollar Listing LA.  Mauricio appears occasionally on the show.  2 of his agents appear on the show. They did feature homes in Encino this season. It's an up & coming area. I think Beverley Hills is more prestigious area  than Encino.

I find it hilarious that Mauricio always wears clothes with his Agency's logo on it. Is he desperate for business?

Kyle's story is that they only went to the new house to see the floors for inspiration and then despite herself, she fell in love with it. I'm sure there were other factors involved but that's a credible enough reason. In the end, I'm sure upgrading the floors raised the selling point of their home. With 5 dogs in the house, the hardwood would have been scratched to shit.

I have a lot of thoughts about Encino. I used to have to drive there from my office in BH about once a month to meet with a client and it was the most dreaded part of the job. I wonder how much Encino is paying MDL to promote their city because it certainly isn't up and coming anytime soon. All the Encino B-roll they showed on MDL was from Studio City, about 10 miles away. 

I don't think the Agency needs any more publicity. They already list like 75% of the properties in LA. I can't go two blocks without seeing their logo. But I do find it hilarious that he's always wearing his logo on the show. I can't tell if it's stupid or adorable, like if Teddi went around wearing merch from her dad's tours.

2 hours ago, sadiebyuca said:

A host should NEVER make comments about her guest to the other guests.  Teddi annoyed me before she did that and then I wrote her off afterwards.  Erika is a precious snowflake in her own mind and annoys me, but complaining about her to the guests in your home is not cool.  How is that better than complaining about a wine glass or champagne flute or whatever Dorit was complaining about?!?

I'm on the fence about Teddi, on the one hand she knows she's a horrible hostess, seems to hate entertaining, and is totally cringeworthy every time someone steps foot in her house. She was super micro-managey at her house in Dana Point, the complete opposite of the trademarked chill, laid back attitude. And knowing all this about herself, I am baffled at why she would dive head first and host a sleepover after knowing these women for like a week.

If I recall correctly, Erika was also leaning heavy on the chill/relax vibe when she first came on. The first time she had people over there were a bunch of gays for hire in the pool and all she served were cocktails and hot dogs. She's lucky Dorit wasn't around then because her serverware was just gingham napkins.

To me, they're both unlikable in many ways and awful at hosting. Everything would have been fine if Teddi just chilled the fuck out, like she wants everyone else to do, about Erika going to a hotel. I'll give her the slight benefit of the doubt because she was obviously stressed to the max and also because Dorit blew it all out of proportion and what could have been a throwaway comment was beaten to death because Dorit would NOT let it go.

I wonder if that's why Teddi insists on coming clean every time she learns something in confidence, because if she doesn't she fears Dorit will? The drama this season is so weird WTF?

Edited by rho
  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, rho said:

Kyle's story is that they only went to the new house to see the floors for inspiration and then despite herself, she fell in love with it. I'm sure there were other factors involved but that's a credible enough reason. In the end, I'm sure upgrading the floors raised the selling point of their home. With 5 dogs in the house, I'm sure the hardwood was scratched to shit.

I have a lot of thoughts about Encino. I used to have to drive there from my office in BH about once a month to meet with a client and it was the most dreaded part of the job. I wonder how much Encino is paying MDL to promote their city because it certainly isn't up and coming anytime soon. All the Encino B-roll they showed on MDL was from Studio City, about 10 miles away. 

I don't think the Agency needs any more publicity. They already list like 75% of the properties in LA. I can't go two blocks without seeing their logo. But I do find it hilarious that he's always wearing his logo on the show. I can't tell if it's stupid or adorable, like if Teddi went around wearing merch from her dad's tours.

I'm on the fence about Teddi, on the one hand she knows she's a horrible hostess, seems to hate entertaining, and is totally cringeworthy every time someone steps foot in her house. She was super micro-managey at her house in Dana Point, the complete opposite of the trademarked chill, laid back attitude. And knowing all this about herself, I am baffled at why she would dive head first and host a sleepover after knowing these women for like a week.

If I recall correctly, Erika was also leaning heavy on the chill/relax vibe when she first came on. The first time she had people over there were a bunch of gays for hire in the pool and all she served were cocktails and hot dogs. She's lucky Dorit wasn't around then because her serverware was just gingham napkins.

To me, they're both unlikable in many ways and awful at hosting. Everything would have been fine if Teddi just chilled the fuck out, like she wants everyone else to do, about Erika going to a hotel. I'll give her the slight benefit of the doubt because she was obviously stressed to the max and also because Dorit blew it all out of proportion and what could have been a throwaway comment was beaten to death because Dorit would NOT let it go.

I wonder if that's why Teddi insists on coming clean every time she learns something in confidence, because if she doesn't she fears Dorit will? The drama this season is so weird WTF?

I have only been to Los Angeles once for work. The morning traffic commute was shocking. I couldn't believe how many people were on the road at 6 30 a.m. I had to commute from Universal City to Glendale. 

Isn't Encino a cheaper place to live in than Beverly Hills?

I like Mauricio, but I think the decision to move was his. I don't like change, so I wouldn't like to move from a house that I have lived in for a long time.

I like Teddi & think she needs to watch previous episodes of the show so she can deal with the other housewives.

I find the fights on this show to be petty. It's almost always based on some misinterpretation of what was said or not said at a party.

  • Love 1
23 minutes ago, oakville said:

don't like change, so I wouldn't like to move from a house that I have lived in for a long time.

She only lived in that house for six years, so a long time for Portia but not really that long for Kyle and Mauricio which is why I rolled my eyes for a lot of her talk about the house.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 5
18 hours ago, lunastartron said:

For someone ostensibly so fluent in accountability, it's odd to me that she wouldn't realize that a guest in her home would take offense at hearing themselves described in terms of an inherent negative like "weird," even if their behavior could be interpreted as that. 

Just like Teddi stuttered in her apology to Erika at the restaurant in this episode - something to the effect of not realizing that the language she's used would be so upsetting. 

Well ... why not? It doesn't take a psychic to predict that characterizing someone's behavior/words as a pretense might just prove aggravating. 

Maybe Teddi should consider her own pronouncements and "not say things that" would "hurt the feelings" of her coworkers. 

Teddi did not quote Erika verbatim. There was definitely a semantic distinction. 

Erika was aggravated that Teddi suggested she was lying, not at the misquote. 


Teddi didn't describe Erika as weird. She said the departure was weird and only after Erika asked her if that was in fact what she said.  Erika's assuming that Teddi was calling her a liar was exactly why Teddi apologized. The stuttering, to me, appeared to because she didn't realize that was how Erika would take it and she seemed genuinely sincere in apologizing for it. Erika steamrolling over it to keep picking at the bone, to me, seemed like she had been waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And considering the cold disdain and loathing that Erika had shown Teddi all season, she finally got her wish. Which is great for me, because I never got Erika's appeal and thought she was a waste of a housewives slot, and seeing her fans open their eyes to her vapid narcissism and mean girl ways is like a balm to my soul.

The real issue is that Dorit once again brought the whole group into it. Teddi's whole mission was to make sure that both Lisa Rinna and Dorit were clear on what was said without the other women having to offer their opinion or the insults being repeated throughout the group. Dorit had plenty of time to voice her opinion on whether or not Teddi should have brought it up before the entire group was together. Dorit wanted the everyone to weigh in when she could have just said her piece to Teddi one on one and let that be the end of it. 

I am actually one of the few people who actually likes Dorit and even I can see that she came with a mission to make Teddi the odd woman out at that meet up. First by bringing up to the group in the first place, and then by demanding that Teddi share their conversation with the group.

  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

Teddi didn't describe Erika as weird. She said the departure was weird and only after Erika asked her if that was in fact what she said.  Erika's assuming that Teddi was calling her a liar was exactly why Teddi apologized. The stuttering, to me, appeared to because she didn't realize that was how Erika would take it and she seemed genuinely sincere in apologizing for it. Erika steamrolling over it to keep picking at the bone, to me, seemed like she had been waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And considering the cold disdain and loathing that Erika had shown Teddi all season, she finally got her wish. Which is great for me, because I never got Erika's appeal and thought she was a waste of a housewives slot, and seeing her fans open their eyes to her vapid narcissism and mean girl ways is like a balm to my soul.

The real issue is that Dorit once again brought the whole group into it. Teddi's whole mission was to make sure that both Lisa Rinna and Dorit were clear on what was said without the other women having to offer their opinion or the insults being repeated throughout the group. Dorit had plenty of time to voice her opinion on whether or not Teddi should have brought it up before the entire group was together. Dorit wanted the everyone to weigh in when she could have just said her piece to Teddi one on one and let that be the end of it. 

I am actually one of the few people who actually likes Dorit and even I can see that she came with a mission to make Teddi the odd woman out at that meet up. First by bringing up to the group in the first place, and then by demanding that Teddi share their conversation with the group.

Dorit annoys me but Erika, I really dislike.

  • Love 10
21 hours ago, sadiebyuca said:

I agree.  Kyle's attacks on people are intense and unkind.  Erika was being a jerk because Teddi was being a jerk.  Erika is just scary, because of her fierce face and lack of crying.  But when Kyle says horrible things, she's quite physical.  I find her more frightening.  When Kyle is angry, she says things that can't be unsaid.  Erika just looks like an ogre.  I would prefer the silent anger of an ogre than Kyle's punches in the gut.  

Absolutely!  She's made off-handed remarks about her dad that make it sound like he's hurt her feelings a lot.  She accuses everyone of the same thing.  It's old.  

A host should NEVER make comments about her guest to the other guests.  Teddi annoyed me before she did that and then I wrote her off afterwards.  Erika is a precious snowflake in her own mind and annoys me, but complaining about her to the guests in your home is not cool.  How is that better than complaining about a wine glass or champagne flute or whatever Dorit was complaining about?!?

As to the bolded once Teddi was outed about talking about Erika she kind of flipped out and wanted to spread the blame around.  Teddi claims Erika "psyched" them out by picking a room and then after the cameras went down she made off into the night to the DoubleTree Inn. 

I was under the impression at the beach house after Erika tearfully and rather graphically explained to Teddi why she didn't spend the night, Teddi understood.  Then Teddi decided Erika hurt her to the point she had to cancel the day's activities when she asked Teddi to stop petting her.  In NYC at dinner, Teddi reverted back to the "weird" accusation knowing full well why Erika left to stay at the DoubeTree. And that is when Erika stated her position about Teddi and her opinion.  My point is Erika, it would seem would be well within her rights to call Teddi out on "understanding" and then turning around and reversing herself.    Teddi claims Erika "psyched" them out by picking a room and then after the cameras went down she made off into the night to the DoubleTree Inn.  There is pretty much no backing Teddi off her theory. 

19 hours ago, rho said:



Kyle's story is that they only went to the new house to see the floors for inspiration and then despite herself, she fell in love with it. I'm sure there were other factors involved but that's a credible enough reason. In the end, I'm sure upgrading the floors raised the selling point of their home. With 5 dogs in the house, I'm sure the hardwood was scratched to shit.

There was a scene that didn't make the show-you should see the scratch marks from Romeo on the front doors.  The legs chewed off furniture courtesy of Stormy. (Kyle's dog not the kid of Kyle Jenner.)


I have a lot of thoughts about Encino. I used to have to drive there from my office in BH about once a month to meet with a client and it was the most dreaded part of the job. I wonder how much Encino is paying MDL to promote their city because it certainly isn't up and coming anytime soon. All the Encino B-roll they showed on MDL was from Studio City, about 10 miles away. 

Thanks for the LA insight.  I am getting the impression Encino is trying to be included in Calabassas/Hidden Hills orbit.  


I don't think the Agency needs any more publicity. They already list like 75% of the properties in LA. I can't go two blocks without seeing their logo. But I do find it hilarious that he's always wearing his logo on the show. I can't tell if it's stupid or adorable, like if Teddi went around wearing merch from her dad's tours.

Kyle said their kids are pretty much mortified of the Mauricio constant sporting of The Agency ware-Kyle said Mauricio is just really proud of the company he started.  


I'm on the fence about Teddi, on the one hand she knows she's a horrible hostess, seems to hate entertaining, and is totally cringeworthy every time someone steps foot in her house. She was super micro-managey at her house in Dana Point, the complete opposite of the trademarked chill, laid back attitude. And knowing all this about herself, I am baffled at why she would dive head first and host a sleepover after knowing these women for like a week.

At first when Teddi said she was uncomfortable about hosting I felt for her.  It seems it is a ruse-as she she now claims knows what is appropriate she just doesn't care.  Unless of course someone mentions it then she has a meltdown.  Nothing says being a shitty hostess like asking your co-workers to bring a potluck-or gripe about the guest at  the "thank you for inviting me to Las Vegas spa day" who invited her to Las Vegas, chewing her out and saying she would not have invited her had she known she would not get a laser facial from the street esthetician.  Or maybe it was going to the woman's party and drinking the booze and chowing down on the caviar and then telling the host, "we are different people-I wouldn't do this,"  okay. 


To me, they're both unlikable in many ways and awful at hosting. Everything would have been fine if Teddi just chilled the fuck out, like she wants everyone else to do, about Erika going to a hotel. I'll give her the slight benefit of the doubt because she was obviously stressed to the max and also because Dorit blew it all out of proportion and what could have been a throwaway comment was beaten to death because Dorit would NOT let it go.

According to the laws of accountability or at least how Teddi applies them to Dorit, if one has an issue they are to go directly to the person and not bring in a third party.  Given Teddi's inflexible nature, which she immediately broke said commandment after conferring the duty on Dorit on spa day and took the glass issue to LVP, instead of Dorit-who was standing right there, after the Dorit's infraction occurred.

Dorit did bring it up-out of proportion, don't know, but the night of the dinner, Dorit was asked to recount the events of the previous two weeks-I would think Teddi throwing everyone out of her beach house would be a big part of the narrative.  Kyle, after repeated requests by Erika, to shut it down, was the one blowing it out of proportion after the cover party.  I will say I believe what changed the tenor of the conversation is when Rinna sided with Erika and backed her up.   I notice Camille Chameleon then stuck close to Rinna the rest of the trip.  

I guess what I am not getting, is they can shoot the messenger all they want but LVP, Kyle and Teddi have all been pretty tacky in the talking heads about Erika's beach house visit.  LVP made snarked about Erika's stomach cramps, Kyle said it is okay to talk behind a friend's back what is not okay is for some one to tell them, Kyle also said she was annoyed with Erika the evening in question, Teddi of course will stick to her weird comment until the day she dies.  I never understand when they are being filmed why they collectively spend time finger pointing about who told who about what was said.  It is on film.  

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, rho said:

Kyle's story is that they only went to the new house to see the floors for inspiration and then despite herself, she fell in love with it. 

I have a lot of thoughts about Encino. I used to have to drive there from my office in BH about once a month to meet with a client and it was the most dreaded part of the job. I wonder how much Encino is paying MDL to promote their city because it certainly isn't up and coming anytime soon. All the Encino B-roll they showed on MDL was from Studio City, about 10 miles away. 


Kyle is often full of shit so her house story doesn't surprise me.

I can't stand LA traffic. Last time I was there on business it took us almost three hours to get from LAX to Woodland Hills. We planned for it but still.

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wow, I didn't get that impression at all.  He's a grown man who is a Los Angeles police officer I thought?  Orrr, I've lost my mind.  It's a toss up.

http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/erika-girardi-police-officer-son-update  Yes, he does live with her.  I thought I had heard her say that once, but she really annoys me, so I tend to listen with half of an ear. LOL  But, yes, she addresses their living situation in this interview.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Crazy, right? Rinna is back to being fun again. 

I normally like Erika as well, but her THs (after the fact) were what put me off. But I do get her anger in the moment. It really did seem like Teddi was calling her a liar; and I think the comment she made was such a throw-away, appeasing comment that it's quite possible she doesn't remember. I have the worst memory, so I can relate! 

And Teddi....I don't think she's trying to start trouble, but I think she needs to realize that honesty isn't this badge she needs to strut around with. There is a difference between lying and not telling someone everything someone else said about them. Calm down. 

It could also be argued that Erika called Teddi a liar by saying "I may or may not have said it, I just don't remember" without following through with something along the line of 'but Yes, I would have been upset'. Erika refused to address how she would have felt had someone done that to her, of course, she did get upset at Teddi's house when Dorit told her the others "were talking about her" after she left.

1 hour ago, MatildaMoody said:

Teddi didn't describe Erika as weird. She said the departure was weird and only after Erika asked her if that was in fact what she said.  Erika's assuming that Teddi was calling her a liar was exactly why Teddi apologized. The stuttering, to me, appeared to because she didn't realize that was how Erika would take it and she seemed genuinely sincere in apologizing for it. Erika steamrolling over it to keep picking at the bone, to me, seemed like she had been waiting for an opportunity to pounce. And considering the cold disdain and loathing that Erika had shown Teddi all season, she finally got her wish. Which is great for me, because I never got Erika's appeal and thought she was a waste of a housewives slot, and seeing her fans open their eyes to her vapid narcissism and mean girl ways is like a balm to my soul.

The real issue is that Dorit once again brought the whole group into it. Teddi's whole mission was to make sure that both Lisa Rinna and Dorit were clear on what was said without the other women having to offer their opinion or the insults being repeated throughout the group. Dorit had plenty of time to voice her opinion on whether or not Teddi should have brought it up before the entire group was together. Dorit wanted the everyone to weigh in when she could have just said her piece to Teddi one on one and let that be the end of it. 

I am actually one of the few people who actually likes Dorit and even I can see that she came with a mission to make Teddi the odd woman out at that meet up. First by bringing up to the group in the first place, and then by demanding that Teddi share their conversation with the group.

Once again, Dorit is being allowed to gossip and not be held accountable by the others.

26 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wow, I didn't get that impression at all.  He's a grown man who is a Los Angeles police officer I thought?  Orrr, I've lost my mind.  It's a toss up.

Her son moved in with her after he graduated college (in Nevada) when he joined the LA sheriff's/police department. I believe he has only lived with her for a couple of years, he moved in right before they started filming her second season.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

As to the bolded once 

There was a scene that didn't make the show-you should see the scratch marks from Romeo on the front doors.  The legs chewed off furniture courtesy of Stormy. (Kyle's dog not the kid of Kyle Jenner.

Gee I'd really like to see this! Can you link to the source where I can watch? By the way I am not demanding you show proof for your comment, Im just really interested as I'm having a similar problem with my dogs. TIA.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I normally like Erika as well, but her THs (after the fact) were what put me off. But I do get her anger in the moment. It really did seem like Teddi was calling her a liar; and I think the comment she made was such a throw-away, appeasing comment that it's quite possible she doesn't remember. I have the worst memory, so I can relate! 

I agree.  Erika doesn't like Teddi and hasn't liked Teddi, so I think she made that comment in NYC as a, "Yeah, sure, honey.  Go find your friends.  Leave me alone." I don't think she remembers saying it because it didn't actually mean anything to her.  But EVERYTHING means something to Teddi, which is what makes her so annoying.  

4 hours ago, oakville said:

I find the fights on this show to be petty. It's almost always based on some misinterpretation of what was said or not said at a party.

Because they're drunk at the parties. LOL  They don't eat all day to fit into their party clothes and are hammered after one drink.  I've heard them say that before. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I never understand when they are being filmed why they collectively spend time finger pointing about who told who about what was said.  It is on film.  

It's so crazy, right?  I mean, it's going to come out. The producers LOVE to dig up old footage that proves the housewives wrong or makes them look stupid.

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, sadiebyuca said:

http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/erika-girardi-police-officer-son-update  Yes, he does live with her.  I thought I had heard her say that once, but she really annoys me, so I tend to listen with half of an ear. LOL  But, yes, she addresses their living situation in this interview.

I stand corrected.

After reading that piece, this photo is shown, with the caption "What Kind of Mom is Erika Girardi? The RHOBH Newbie Reveals Her Parenting Style".  The photo doesn't leave much to the imagination now does it?  How all of these offspring aren't damaged is a mystery of life.  Or, maybe they are.


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, sarivon said:

Gee I'd really like to see this! Can you link to the source where I can watch? By the way I am not demanding you show proof for your comment, Im just really interested as I'm having a similar problem with my dogs. TIA.

Here you go:m  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-8/episode-6/videos/unseen-moment-cesar-millan-pays-kyles

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:


Once again, Dorit is being allowed to gossip and not be held accountable by the others.


In the world of RH I think Dorit has been held accountable to the highest of standards. These women are on tape talking about Erika, they have admitted to doing so and even gone after Erika a little bit in their talking heads.  It wasn't really gossip.  Dorit has apologized and she had quite the roasting and toasting from LVP and Camille been screamed at by Kyle.  I remember Erika's first season when she jumped all over Kathryn for relaying to LVP what Erika said.  Erika was very upset and claimed it would prevent she and LVP from becoming close.  This season it is Kyle blaming Dorit for coming between she and Erika.  Whatever happened to honest Kyle? 

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

In the world of RH I think Dorit has been held accountable to the highest of standards. These women are on tape talking about Erika, they have admitted to doing so and even gone after Erika a little bit in their talking heads.  It wasn't really gossip.  Dorit has apologized and she had quite the roasting and toasting from LVP and Camille been screamed at by Kyle.  I remember Erika's first season when she jumped all over Kathryn for relaying to LVP what Erika said.  Erika was very upset and claimed it would prevent she and LVP from becoming close.  This season it is Kyle blaming Dorit for coming between she and Erika.  Whatever happened to honest Kyle? 

Kyle is doing what she has always done, throw stones and then hide her hands. As for Dorit, she said things about Lisa then tried to make it sound like Kyle said worse things than she did, she is borrowing Kyle's style. LOL Also, Dorit hasn't apologized to Lisa for what she said about her, she hasn't even been honest about what all she did say (on camera). So, No, I don't think Dorit has been held accountable for her mouth with either Lisa or her game play passing on gossip to Erika.

As for their THs. they have all jabbed at Erika and at each other just as Erika has jabbed at all of them, it is part and parcel of a TH and is in direct response to a producers unknown question, which is why I give them, THs, very little weight. 

  • Love 1

If anyone is keeping a tally, put me firmly on the side of Teddi was indirectly calling Erika a liar.  She finally got her ass chewed as the result of her annoying little habit of accusing others of being less than honest.   

Do I think Erika went a little overboard in taking exception Teddi's use of the phrase "pretend amnesia"?  Sure, a little.  But damn, don't be calling someone out in front of the group without choosing your words somewhat carefully.  ( And didn't Vanderpump look silly running after Teddi?)

Practically the next scene, we have Teddi tattling to Rinna about things Dorit and PK said to Teddi about her (only for Rinna to blow it off).  Dorit hit the nail on the head when she said Teddi's hands are not clean when it comes to the fallout that's been raining down on her.  

Teddi has a bad habit of employing seriously tortured logic when justifying the problems she makes with her mouth.  Things like she'd feel like a liar if she didn't stir the Dorit & PK shit to Rinna, or that Erika "succeeded" in hurting her feelings when Teddi called her a liar.  She had another crybaby breakdown and canceled the plans for the day over Erika not accepting her caress when Teddi repeatedly said Erika was "weird" for leaving the sleepover the night before without saying goodbye.

What's with Dorit not being able to make it up the stairs to the second floor?  Doesn't she work out like all the other ladies, or was it the stupid shoes?  She is such an infant, she has to wrest credit away from PK for choosing gold and rose gold for the swimsuits, and then she asks "Am I brilliant too?"  Her need for such little pats on the back are pathetic, really.

Really love Kyle and Mauricio's new house!  Kyle says something like, "There were plenty of houses you wanted me to look at, but this is the first one I've wanted".  Yeah.  Mauricio probably never asked her to look at an $8 million house before, either.

Oh joy!  Next week we get another crackpot psychic who gets phone calls from heaven.

  • Love 6

Well... When the whole thing went down in NYC and Teddi asked Erika how she would feel, Erika wouldn't answer.  Teddi called her out for a non answer.  Erika said yeah.  I would be a little bit pissed.  Yes, I would.  Without any knowledge of this week's episode, I took it to mean that Erika would be hurt.  Erike didn't say that she wouldn't be hurt.  Just pissed.  The problem for Erika is that she has this new found alliance with Dorit.  Also in the mix, we have Erika being all hurt about leaving Teddi's beach house being called weird. 

And Dorit wants to help Teddi with her issues.  Well, both Dorit and Erika need help with their own issues...and hypocrisies.

I think why so many viewers are disturbed with Erika's reaction to Teddi is that Teddi apologized but Erika didn't stop.  And even LVP told her to calm down and that it was enough.  Erika and Dorit discuss Teddi like she isn't even there.  And then we have the Erika comment to Dorit outside the  restaurant about leaving 'that' (Ok, I don't remember the exact comment but I inferred that it was a diss).  Lastly, Erika calls Teddi a crybaby in her TH. 

I get that Teddi wants people to be accountable.  And I get that sometimes you need to leave stuff alone as well.  However, Erika is showing more and more of her mean girl side and she is, for sure, a mean girl.  That's why she gets all bent out of shape over some things - she likes to portray herself in a certain way but underneath, she's very insecure.  I would really like to know Erika's 'real' problem with Teddi.  It seems she's disliked her from the beginning.  I don't know.  Is it about Teddi's dad?  I do think there's something there.  I just don't know what it is.

Dorit has the attitude of I'm up here and you're down there (can't take credit for that.  Another poster stated that.  I wish I could remember who).

On another note:  I love the vibe of the Encino house and I do like the foyer floor.  It looks like that floor was wood and was painted.  BTW,  Revenge watchers may remember that they painted the foyer floors in the mansion the second, or maybe the third, season with black and white squares.  I also think the decision to buy that house was an equal decision.  And...from what I've seen, Mauricio doesn't always wear The Agency clothes.  And I also don't think he's promoting anymore than LVP's rose or Beth's Skinnygirl. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 12
14 hours ago, oakville said:

What was the point of spending so much money renovating her own house in order to just pack up and move a few months later?

I watch Million Dollar Listing LA.  Mauricio appears occasionally on the show.  2 of his agents appear on the show. They did feature homes in Encino this season. It's an up & coming area. I think Beverley Hills is more prestigious area  than Encino.

I find it hilarious that Mauricio always wears clothes with his Agency's logo on it. Is he desperate for business?


I find it more to be a marketing tool.  What better (and free!) way to market your company?  Bethenny does it for SG all the time (and people bash her constantly for it) so it apparently works. 

  • Love 8

For Erika Jayne, sung to Ringo Starr's 'It Don't Come Easy'"

This shit ain't cheap now
You know this shit ain't cheap now.
This shit's expensive
You know this shit's expensive.

Got to show your tits if you wanna sing the hits,
And you know this shit ain't cheap now.
You've got to pat your puss and shake it all about
'Cause you know this shit ain't cheap now.

Forget about the past and all your sorrows
Let's move on out to L.A.
We can start afresh tomorrow.

I don't ask for much, I only want your dough
Cause you know this shit ain't cheap now.
And this fame of mine keeps growing all the time
And you know this shit ain't cheap now.

Get your makeup on, let's dance together
Pat your little puss
And we will make life so much better.

Got to  show your tits if you wanna sing the hits
And you know this shit ain't cheap now.
You've got to shout and strut it all about
'Cause you know this shit ain't cheap now.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

I find it more to be a marketing tool.  What better (and free!) way to market your company?  Bethenny does it for SG all the time (and people bash her constantly for it) so it apparently works. 

They shouldn't really be bashed for it.  It is pure marketing.  They'd be fools not to do it.  It is the reason the RH shows exist...to enable people to sell the crap they do in real life.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Well... When the whole thing went down in NYC and Teddi asked Erika how she would feel, Erika wouldn't answer.  Teddi called her out for a non answer.  Erika said yeah.  I would be a little bit pissed.  Yes, I would.  Without any knowledge of this week's episode, I took it to mean that Erika would be hurt.  Erike didn't say that she wouldn't be hurt.  Just pissed.  The problem for Erika is that she has this new found alliance with Dorit.  Also in the mix, we have Erika being all hurt about leaving Teddi's beach house being called weird. 

And Dorit wants to help Teddi with her issues.  Well, both Dorit and Erika need help with their own issues...and hypocrisies.

I think why so many viewers are disturbed with Erika's reaction to Teddi is that Teddi apologized but Erika didn't stop.  And even LVP told her to calm down and that it was enough.  Erika and Dorit discuss Teddi like she isn't even there.  And then we have the Erika comment to Dorit outside the  restaurant about leaving 'that' (Ok, I don't remember the exact comment but I inferred that it was a diss).  Lastly, Erika calls Teddi a crybaby in her TH. 

I get that Teddi wants people to be accountable.  And I get that sometimes you need to leave stuff alone as well.  However, Erika is showing more and more of her mean girl side and she is, for sure, a mean girl.  That's why she gets all bent out of shape over some things - she likes to portray herself in a certain way but underneath, she's very insecure.  I would really like to know Erika's 'real' problem with Teddi.  It seems she's disliked her from the beginning.  I don't know.  Is it about Teddi's dad?  I do think there's something there.  I just don't know what it is.

Dorit has the attitude of I'm up here and you're down there (can't take credit for that.  Another poster stated that.  I wish I could remember who).

On another note:  I love the vibe of the Encino house and I do like the foyer floor.  It looks like that floor was wood and was painted.  BTW,  Revenge watchers may remember that they painted the foyer floors in the mansion the second, or maybe the third, season with black and white squares.  I also think the decision to buy that house was an equal decision.  And...from what I've seen, Mauricio doesn't always wear The Agency clothes.  And I also don't think he's promoting anymore than LVP's rose or Beth's Skinnygirl. 

I can appreciate Teddi standing by her words "weird" and theory Erika had never intended to stay the night at Teddi's beach house but with great assertions come the responsibility that one's opinion may be hurtful to another.  Erika being offended and disagreeing with Teddi may seem harsh, and Teddi needs to understand reducing herself to tears while standing up for her words or theories doesn't make what she said any less offensive to Erika.  Erika is just as entitled as Teddi to express her opinion on the situation.

I don't think Erika cares any more about Teddi's dad than she did Dorit's connection to Boy George or Eden Sassoon's legendary father.  I liked Teddi in the beginning because she seemed pretty down to earth and either through the magic of production or maybe her misguided sense of accomplishment she comes off as very judgmental.  One thing there is no shortage of in the editing of this show is the numerous references to a person saying one thing and doing another.  I also think it is a given with the cast that Erika is frequently late, she is pampered by her glam squad and Andy and the producers just love Erika Jayne and knock themselves out to promote her.

Last season we had recovering addict Eden with a famous dad, this season recovering eating disorder Teddi with a famous dad.  Maybe Erika sees that both these women are pretty big on their own personal dogma, and does need to hear about it let alone follow it.  I think everyone wants to see someone overcome behavior that is damaging to them.  How they get there and what they practice is another story.  Rinna wanted to hear all about Eden's process until she didn't.  

My guess is Teddi doesn't realize that she comes off sanctimonious to some of the others.  I do believe Dorit was being facetious when she offered to "help" Teddi.  When someone holds themselves out to be superior they kind of have to expect a little clap back when they screw up.  

When LVP left, Dorit said, "she needs a lot of attention," which then became Kyle saying Dorit said "needy" and Kyle saying, "maybe it is because it wasn't about her."  In all fairness to Camille and Teddi-they didn't hear either the dinner conversation or the conversation LVP had with Rinna and Erika where she explained her side of leaving because Dorit and Kyle in essence weren't paying attention to her.  Kyle has mentioned we see them congratulating LVP and making a toast.  By the time the NY fight broke out, Kyle and LVP had already had an argument and Kyle declared herself the victor and LVP apologized.  This was all in front of Erika.  Teddi is always folding bags.   Teddi blindly defending LVP and Kyle and pointing the finger at Dorit may not be entirely merited in Erika's eyes.

  • Love 3
On 3/15/2018 at 4:01 PM, islandgal140 said:

Yep, this is the fight that needn't have been.  It wasn't even about Erika. Now not only could it potentially cost her coins but I summarize what she most wants from this is to be able to tout herself as a NYT bestselling author. Like Tiffany Pollard said:


The above meme could be on EVERY Housewives and Housewives-like forum in the world.  It would be so nice if that [just sit there and eat their food] ever happened.

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 8

Now not only could it potentially cost her coins

Most HWs backlashes tend to be all bark and no bite (unless someone really crosses the line, like Phaedra from RHOA, and even then the behind-the-scenes aspect of it all probably played a part in her being fired).

There was a backlash when Bethenny called Luann a slut on RHONY, and calls for a boycott of her business, and people wanting her off the show, etc. Fast forward and she is still there, her business is still going strong, and she also got a spin-off.

There was a backlash when Rinna called Dorit out for doing coke in her home on this show last season, and calls for a boycott of her ever appearing on QVC again, and people wanting her off the show (this website even had a thread about that), etc. Fast forward and she is still here, her business association with QVC is still going strong, and her kids have even managed to book a few modeling gigs here and there.

Most people probably already made up their minds about whether or not to buy her book. A few dozen people, or even a few hundred, venting on the internet probably isn't going to a be a huge change for Ericka's book sales either way. The book would have been a hit or a flop regardless of what happened in this episode.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

The above meme could be on EVERY Housewives and Housewives-like forum in the world.  It would be so nice if that [just sit there and eat their food] ever happened.

Right now someone is getting paid a helluva lot of overtime trying to remove negative comments from Erika's twitter. It looks like they can't quite keep up.  

It's one thing to have backlash. It happens every season to many housewives, but to have this level of backlash just as your new book is coming out is just not good for marketing. The timing is TERRIBLE. It could not be worse. Her handlers have lost control. 

I don't know how successful her book would have been without this "mess", but a quick glance at her twitter and instagram pages is indicative of the disgust. All you have to do is look at the comments and the number of people saying that they are cancelling their pre- orders. It's too late for her to back pedal now. Sales are diminishing.

I find the timing of this very interesting. I find it hard to believe that it's coincidence. She must be beyond pissed. Brian must be very unhappy as well. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Yes, those were last weeks news. The new posts on Twitter have just as positive comments as negative ones, and her newer instagram posts are also have quite a few positive comments. So it does seem like the backlash is dying down.


Or maybe this....Right now someone is getting paid a helluva lot of overtime trying to remove negative comments from Erika's twitter.

  • Love 4

The funny thing, it looks like the same people posting negative comments on the different tweets, which I find laughable ("I hate you so much, Imma post on a dozen or more Twitter posts telling people how much I hate you!"). So is it a backlash if is the same 100 or so people posting every damn place they can about how much they hate her? Again, maybe, maybe not.

Much more telling is that the S&S post of Ericka got over 200 likes...while most of the other posts from the same day could barely crack a dozen.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, BBHN said:

The funny thing, it looks like the same people posting negative comments on the different tweets, which I find laughable ("I hate you so much, Imma post on a dozen or more Twitter posts telling people how much I hate you!"). So is it a backlash if is the same 100 or so people posting every damn place they can about how much they hate her? Again, maybe, maybe not.

Well it's good to see that Brian Moylan is so excited about promoting his/Erika's book on the release date. Simon and Schuster as well. 

Maybe not.

  • Love 2

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