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S09.E08: The Truth Comes Out

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43 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

It looks like one of his wives gave him a home perm and botched it.   Maybe left the chemicals on for 45 minutes too long or something.....

It looks like someone who was really pissed off at Kody gave him the perm.  I'm old enough to remember the Toni perms I had when I was little.  It was a twofer.  It would burn you scalp and your eyes at the same time.

  • Love 11
27 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But that's the nature of polygamy. Your husband is going to get attention from the other women. That's what she signed up for. They did not sign up for to cheat on the marriage. If she was THAT upset, she needed to address it before it got so far out of hand. But that's not what Meri does. She pouts and expects people to figure out what's wrong. 

Yes, she does.  She should have bailed when she realized she wasn't happy living polygamy.  And yes, it IS the nature of polygamy, but it goes against human nature.  

  • Love 7

Felt bad for Ysabel.  I had a full spinal fusion for scoliosis at 11.   It hurt like hell, the physical therapy was brutal, and I had complications because basically everything in body shifted positions and one of my arteries pressed down on my intestine, causing a blockage.  And then two years ago, one of the metal rods got infected and I got to do it all over again.  And the scar does suck.

  • Love 17
26 minutes ago, Ravenna said:

But what's funny about a woman is she'd rather be right than be loved.  - The Gospel According to Kody the Klown

Yeah, Christine, choose:  "You were right" *or* "I love you."  What an asswipe he is.  And how insecure to be so threatened by being proven wrong by his wife.  I don't know what keeps these women with him.  He must be swinging some major pipe is all I can figure.

And I was reading today about how the mainstream Mormon church does not allow women to have any major role in the administration of the church, that the role of women is confined to being a wife and mother.  Meri not only has fallen short in the child-bearing department, with only one offspring, but that daughter is a lesbian, who will probably not see the error of her ways and get married and have children--so Meri is a failure to the second generation.

I thought Mariah looked great and so happy--I'm really glad for her.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

We should all pitch in and buy it. Then take turns living in it like a time share! Lol lol. We can all sit in front of the windows and watch them live... Like on safari. Lol lol lol I know, I know, I'll see myself out :) the thought is so ludicrous, I cracked myself up! 

Maybe we could get ourselves invited to one of their swell shindigs. I'll bring the boas.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

The Browns' credit ratings were poor when they first got the houses, but creative financing got them in.  Maybe they could just get Meri to do a "quit-claim" on her ownership (which would take her off the title), and the mortgage payments could continue to be made the way they apparently are now - one large pile of money goes to "Kody Brown Family Enterprises" and then meted out to support multiple households.  From Kody's twitter, it doesn't sound like Meri is contributing financially anyway, so all they would lose if she leaves is wear and tear on the front gate to the community.

So let me see if I have this straight...the other wives had to take a cut on their own homes because Meri needed a manse as big if not bigger than the other wives, as well as the infamous wet bar of tears...but now that she's living the high life with LulaNo, she doesn't have to kick in some of that money to the family bank account?  I literally cannot figure out how the other three wives haven't somehow risen up and revolted against Meri and her sad orange tears.  I also cannot fathom how Meri can frolic off to Disney every other weekend when there are still umpteen growing Brownies in the cuddle-sac who need new shoes and possibly surgery.  It boggles the mind and makes my brain hurt.


4 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

I have no sympathy for Meri.  She has put no work into being a part of that family as far as I can tell.  Has she helped Robin with her brood, helped chauffeur kids to practice, etc? An extra pair of adult hands could find plenty to do in support of that family.  They have even said she often doesn't show up for family events.  She wants her queen position back, and until Kody gives it to her, she is on strike.  Buh-bye Meri,  your crap don't work no more!

Well, she used to come over to play with Sol because she knew that Sol was Kody-bait.  Perhaps she tried the same thing with Baby Sister but Robyn said "Nope."


2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm going on record of saying, Meri will NEVER leave Kool and the Gang.

Oh hey now, what did Kool and the Gang ever do to you?  Celebrate good times, yo!  

Just kidding, this made me laugh.  There are so many clever ways to refer to this group of wing-nuts, it's hard to choose a favorite.


10 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Maybe we could get ourselves invited to one of their swell shindigs. I'll bring the boas.

I call dibs on the blonde wig.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 15
18 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

When Meri and Kodi were discussing buying the house with Utah's newly enacted anti-bigamy laws and possible confiscation of property:

Meri: Can I even buy a house or a business?

Kodi: You can if I am not sleeping with you in that bed in that place

Islandgal to her tv: Meri, you ain't got nothing to worry about because Kody ain't sleeping with you in LV nor at your answer to Mormon Tara because Frankly Scarlett Meri, he don't give a damn.

And I was thinking, If only he hasn’t divorced you for Robyn, there would be no problem!

1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

Yes, she does.  She should have bailed when she realized she wasn't happy living polygamy.  And yes, it IS the nature of polygamy, but it goes against human nature.  

Well, I mean, many people think monogamy goes against nature. Everyone has their different views and I respect that. But if you agreed to something, you live it. If it no longer suits you, you leave. She's playing head games with everyone, including herself. 


23 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Can’t wait for next week. 

Kody: I’m just clarifying. 

Christine: You’re a clarifying ass, is what you’re being. 


I LOVE when Christine calls him out, especially in defense of the other wives. I don't really give a fuck about Meri, but it's just hilarious to see. 

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I used to be on Team Meri and don't doubt that she is lonely, but she needs to shit or get off the pot. She cries and complains about her relationship with Kody, then doesn't DO anything about it (like leave 'cause it can't be fixed, ever). I'm wondering if she's obligated by contract (and income) to hang around and once the show is done she will be, too. 

Meri is waiting to be rescued. Well keep waitin', Meri, it ain't happening. 

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, kicotan said:

Janelle, Christine and Robyn aren't just Meri's friends.  They are her wives.  They don't call themselves "sister friends".  So marital love, attention and affection (sans romance and sex) is something Meri can experience with her wives.

Well, that is true of some polygamists (mostly AUB) and the TV plygs, but most families live apart and sister wives live as separate families that have a husband in common, period. Some SW are openly hostile to each other, others ignore the others, some get along as friends, some are ACTUALLY sisters or related somehow. I've never heard a sister wife say another sister wife is her own wife. I have heard the Brown kids say they think of the other wives as another mother. I asked plyg kids the same question and they were adamant that the other SWs were just their father's wives, not their moms. 

At best, Meri can hope that she gets along with the other wives and are friends. They are all in the multi-family together. But they all have individual marriages with Kody, not one big marriage all together. She shouldn't expect to get non-sexual marital attention and affection from the other wives.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, kicotan said:

I also believe that one of the reasons Mariah was so distant from Meri wasn't just because she disapproved of her sneaking around with "Sam" on the internets/phone/text.  When it came to light that Meri's love interest was actually a woman and Meri freaked out about being "tricked" because she thought it was a man and ewwww it was a woman showing her lovey dovey goo goo attention (how gross) and at the same time, Mariah was coming to terms with her own sexuality as a lesbian and how she was going to tell her family.

I think, if I was Mariah, I'd have pulled back from good old Mom a bit myself and think long and hard about the kind of relationship they could have in the future if Meri was so on board with "Sam" as a man and then skeeved at the thought she was engaging in a loving romantic relationship between two women.

Yeah. I mean how can you get romantic with someone who is that selfish and greedy?  I mean......in addition to that, I'd have trouble getting close to someone is so indecisive.  OMG, she annoys me with all that side talk.  She talks and talks, but, says nothing. 

  • Love 6

Kody in therapy: “I don’t know how monogamists do this.” Well, a lot of monogamist jackasses do just what you did - they ditch their first wife and divorce her and leave her in a financial lurch and move on to someone new. Unlike you, they don’t dress it up in some fake religious dogma. 

Meri grew up in a tradition that makes her believe she has to put up with this situation. But my heart bleeds when I see how young and happy she is in early photos with Kody. Then she had to “keep sweet” while this husband she apparently adored “married” and reproduced with not one, not two, but three subsequent women and left her in the dust. And if she can’t overcome her “petty insecurities” (per Kody), it is her fault! 

No wonder she was ripe for Catfishing. Like most of us, she longs for connection and intimacy and to know she, specifically, matters to someone who matters to her. Kody could give a crap; he had a whole long stretch of sexy time with Robyn and now he is all hit with Christine again. (And how about HER face as she tried to convince us and herself that it was all GREAT when Kody married Robyn. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Kyanight said:

You know what I was thinking?  I wonder if the family might not know the extent of Meri's catfishing adventure.  They are very selective as to what they view/read online... I am thinking it is VERY possible they never saw "Sam" scratched on her thigh and the bathtub pics.... and they might not have seen the banana pics or even the back and forth dialogue.  That would make it easy for Meri to say she just "talked" with him and SHE is the victim, etc. etc.

I think they know--and the reason her relationship with the family is worse than ever is because they know. Meri has never come clean about her part, even though THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS.

Meri was ready to launch herself onto a fencepost she was so into "Sam". She was complimented and "courted".  It was romantic. She was head over heels and when she found out it was a catfish (which she'd been warned about!), she immediately plays victim. Listen to this, she is NOT a victim. 

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

Well, that is true of some polygamists (mostly AUB) and the TV plygs, but most families live apart and sister wives live as separate families that have a husband in common, period. Some SW are openly hostile to each other, others ignore the others, some get along as friends, some are ACTUALLY sisters or related somehow. I've never heard a sister wife say another sister wife is her own wife. I have heard the Brown kids say they think of the other wives as another mother. I asked plyg kids the same question and they were adamant that the other SWs were just their father's wives, not their moms. 

I meant only to comment on the Brown's specific version of polygamy, not the whole of polygamy and every family that practices it.  My apologies if that was how my comments read.

11 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Meri was ready to launch herself onto a fencepost she was so into "Sam". She was complimented and "courted".  It was romantic. She was head over heels and when she found out it was a catfish (which she'd been warned about!), she immediately plays victim. Listen to this, she is NOT a victim. 

Oh I KNOW she wasn't a victim, she had choices.  I am just saying that I wonder if her family ever saw the photos and heard the voice messages.

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, Fredriqua said:

Haven't even finished reading all 5 pages of comments, but I gotta weigh in here! When my daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis, we were freaked out. My first reaction was "Never Surgery." I don't like medical interventions and do think that for a lot of conditions, it's good to start smaller. My instinct for my daughter was to look into exercise and chiropractic. HOWEVER, I quickly learned that despite what so many chiropractors claim, there is literally ZERO hard evidence that anything other than surgery works. Think about it. Chiropractors love them some X-rays. You go to a chiropractor and you will get X-rays. Yet somehow, for all the cases of scoliosis they have supposedly cured, they got NO X-ray proof? None? 

After realizing this, I concluded time was of the essence. My daughter is a strong-willed badass, and I know not every kid is like her, but we never worried about "an ugly scar" or anything like that. Come on! Having a straight spine and no curve crushing her lungs was more important. My girl came through the surgery like a champ, was home in 3 days, wanted to go back to school after a week (but we didn't let her). Her scar healed up pretty good. A couple years later she had a great dress for prom and wore her scar with pride. She did what it took to get better. The Browns drive me batty for a lot of reasons, but this ignorance of theirsfor poor Ysabel tops the list now.

I appreciate that positive story.   You make some good points.  I was a little skeptical with their idea, but, the ortho dr. said it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, so, I suppose they thought it would help her mood. I can see how allowing her to be in charge and have some control over her therapy might be beneficial, but, like the doctor said, it just doesn't work.  I was surprised that Christine would bring up scars.  I find that really odd.  I'm not sure it would enter my mind, when there are so many other things like, pain, disability, function, etc.  Can't you cover scars with makeup?  I hope Christine can pull it together for when the surgery is likely to happen.  

I have a SIL and niece who have this condition.  My SIL has had surgery and it was really tough on her.  But, I do read positive stories too, so, I hope that Isabel may have a good outcome.  She's such a sweet girl. 

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I meant only to comment on the Brown's specific version of polygamy, not the whole of polygamy and every family that practices it.  My apologies if that was how my comments read.

Got it! To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what the Brown's version of polygamy is all about at this point. I'm pretty sure what they put out on air is very different from what they are actually living. Kody tries to hide that he is like every other plyg guy out there and the wives are really just sister sheep underneath it all. 

  • Love 7

I am very late to the party and haven't read all the posts, so probably not saying anything anyone else hasn't already, but I have to say it:


Why the fuck is Meri still in this relationship after her "husband" just announced on national television that he doesn't want to sleep with her?? Does she have any freaking pride or self esteem???

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

We should all pitch in and buy it. Then take turns living in it like a time share! Lol lol. We can all sit in front of the windows and watch them live... Like on safari. Lol lol lol I know, I know, I'll see myself out :) the thought is so ludicrous, I cracked myself up! 


3 hours ago, kicotan said:

I love this idea!

We could pitch a show to a rival network, set up a website with a 24 hour live streaming "Brown-de-sac" cam for fans to subscribe to with exclusive content...do interviews with the other neighbors.  I wonder if the Brown's have a non compete clause in their contract...

Great idea!  Plus when none of us are using it we could rent it out as an air b and b, and use the Brown zoo next door as a draw.  Our b and b would be better than Meri's!

  • Love 9
48 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Oh I KNOW she wasn't a victim, she had choices.  I am just saying that I wonder if her family ever saw the photos and heard the voice messages.

I think it's a pretty sure bet that once Robyn caught wind of the tapes (through Kendra?), she avidly listened to every sordid detail  She would then feel it was her wifely duty to share this knowledge with Kody and the other wives.

She would then firmly set her square, little jaw and declare herself "there" for Meri, portraying herself as a true supporter, but secretly gloating.

  • Love 16
46 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Kody actually say something along the lives of monogamous couples would split if there were problems, but polygamists don't because "it's about a family, not just two people"? 

Because yes, I just have one husband, but we do have a family.  Granted, we have one child and not 18, but I still consider us a family.

Kody is an asshat with a bad perm.

But the above statement drives me nuts - so if a wife is unhappy and not legally married and there's nothing to keep her around...and if the husband makes it clear that there will be no more sexytimes because of trust or because he's got someone hotter down the street...what is the point of her sticking around?  Her misery is clearly going to affect the rest of the family dynamics.  Meri's desperation and sadness practically emanates off of the tv screen (or maybe that's just the patterns on her LulaNo sweaters giving off visible vibes, who knows).  But why - when Kody has three other wives who are currently pretty chill - would be really want Meri to stay and make everyone's lives miserable?  Even his kids are aware that she's no longer interested in being a part of the family.

I mean, it's just so twisted - if Meri is staying because Kody wants her to "for the family," but she's no longer really part of the family, then what the hell is the point?


3 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I think it's a pretty sure bet that once Robyn caught wind of the tapes (through Kendra?), she avidly listened to every sordid detail  She would then feel it was her wifely duty to share this knowledge with Kody and the other wives.

She would then firmly set her square, little jaw and declare herself "there" for Meri, portraying herself as a true supporter, but secretly gloating.

I love this post so much I want to marry it.  But I won't share it with a sister wife.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 8

It's my understanding that their (Kody and all his wives)' marriages are celestial.  That means they are for eternity, right?  No matter if there are any legal papers.  I suppose it has to be unsealed for them to no longer be bound for eternity.  If anyone here is LDS, chime in.  I'm basing it on my readings of the Morman faith. And, I'm not trying to be funny, by saying this, but, I think in their faith, the woman needs the husband to help open the gate to the celestial kingdom.  Once again, Mormons chime in if I'm wrong.  Maybe, Meri is afraid that if she gets her celestial marriage absolved, she won't be able to enter the celestial kingdom after death.  Seriously......

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

So let me see if I have this straight...the other wives had to take a cut on their own homes because Meri needed a manse as big if not bigger than the other wives, as well as the infamous wet bar of tears...but now that she's living the high life with LulaNo, she doesn't have to kick in some of that money to the family bank account?  I literally cannot figure out how the other three wives haven't somehow risen up and revolted against Meri and her sad orange tears.  I also cannot fathom how Meri can frolic off to Disney every other weekend when there are still umpteen growing Brownies in the cuddle-sac who need new shoes and possibly surgery.  It boggles the mind and makes my brain hurt.


Meri did not have a choice but to build that big house. Kody had to have the lot with a view. The lots had minimum building requirements. It is a huge pet peeve of mine , I tried to build and every lot I could find (in the good school districts) had to have a minimum sq ft on the first floor (for appraisal) and a bedroom on the first floor and then a minimum second floor. Meri of course could have lived in a nice casita or shared a house. I have a neighbor with a brown stucco box house. It looks like every other stucco box house, but her parents live there in an apartment within the home. It is a very nice apartment, kitchen, living room, bedroom bathroom and private. The family has 8 kids and the grandparents say the apartments is quiet and private. 

The basic issue was Kody had to have that stupid view of the lights. They claim they could not find a lot to build one big house. How did Penn Gillete build his HUGE house in Vegas? or the many others that have 15,000 sq ft homes. 

I still wonder how much of the system they are taking advantage of because of the single family homes? How are they applying for financial aid for college, health insurance, loans? 

I felt bad for Ysabel. One reason I would never move to Vegas with 18 kids is medical care. While Salt Lake is not perfect it does have most medical care needed for kids. Las Vegas is so limited. I can understand Christine who has always seemed afraid of doctors and hospitals of wanting second opinions especially outside of Vegas but why not Phoenix. I drive my son who has medical issues to Phoenix (and I live 100 miles farther then the Browns) between Phoenix children's . Barrows and the Mayo Clinic my child has gotten the best care and I have always been presented with may options and not all drugs and surgery.  Just like watching them give Truely LIV water to cure her when she had kidney failure , I don't understand why they aren't at least interviewing different surgeons and talking to patients that had the surgery over going out of state for unproven treatments. I hope Ysabel is properly informed and not just by her mother. 

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It's my understanding that their (Kody and all his wives)' marriages are celestial.  That means they are for eternity, right?  No matter if there are any legal papers.  I suppose it has to be unsealed for them to no longer be bound for eternity.  If anyone here is LDS, chime in.  I'm basing it on my readings of the Morman faith. And, I'm not trying to be funny, by saying this, but, I think in their faith, the woman needs the husband to help open the gate to the celestial kingdom.  Once again, Mormons chime in if I'm wrong.  Maybe, Meri is afraid that if she gets her celestial marriage absolved, she won't be able to enter the celestial kingdom after death.  Seriously......

I'm no Mormon, but the way I understand it is technically, according to the LDS, these folks aren't sealed and won't go to Mormon Celestial Kingdom because they aren't members of the mainstream LDS any more than you or I are.  So I'm pretty sure the current mainstream LDS rules don't apply.

4 hours ago, toodles said:

It looks like someone who was really pissed off at Kody gave him the perm.  I'm old enough to remember the Toni perms I had when I was little.  It was a twofer.  It would burn you scalp and your eyes at the same time.

Also, didn't they stink like hell?  No doubt that was the ammonia part.  Like the oven cleaner my mother used.  Horrible shit!

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, kicotan said:

 When it came to light that Meri's love interest was actually a woman and Meri freaked out about being "tricked" because she thought it was a man and ewwww it was a woman showing her lovey dovey goo goo attention (how gross) and at the same time, Mariah was coming to terms with her own sexuality as a lesbian and how she was going to tell her family.

... think long and hard about the kind of relationship they could have in the future if Meri was so on board with "Sam" as a man and then skeeved at the thought she was engaging in a loving romantic relationship between two women.

If Mariah thought this, that would be pretty unfair and immature of her. You can’t help who you are/are not sexually attracted to. Mariah of all people should understand that.

A straight woman isn’t automatically homophobic just because she’s  uninterested in another woman. I’m straight and I would be “skeeved out” in that situation, too. (I wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place, but hypothetically...) Likewise, I wouldn’t blame a lesbian for being grossed out if she fell for a man posing as a woman. If she finds men as sexually unappealing as I find women then I wouldn’t judge her for not magically changing her orientation to accommodate a catfish. 

6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

 They say they are Christian (and I believe them, if they believe in Jesus as savior), but then they need to man to bring them into Heaven?  

Mormon theology is technically not even monotheistic*, which is a pretty indisputable  tenet of Christianity, so even though “Christ” is in their religion, paradoxically Mormonism doesn’t fit the most basic definition of Christianity. 

*”As man is, God once was. As God is, man can become.” Elohim is just the God of Earth, not the universe. 

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But that's the nature of polygamy. Your husband is going to get attention from the other women. That's what she signed up for. 

Maybe I’m remembering wrong or confusing them with one of the other 673 polygamous families on TLC, but is it really what Meri signed up for? I thought she believed they would be monogamous and then Kody sprung it on her after they were sealed and she had to go along with it to keep him. Why she stayed the past few years is a whole other matter since it’s obviously not working. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, silverspoons said:

The basic issue was Kody had to have that stupid view of the lights. They claim they could not find a lot to build one big house. How did Penn Gillete build his HUGE house in Vegas? or the many others that have 15,000 sq ft homes. 

I still wonder how much of the system they are taking advantage of because of the single family homes? How are they applying for financial aid for college, health insurance, loans? 

I had totally forgotten about Penn's house - I saw it on an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap.  It was ginormous and had 2 full kitchens for a family of 4.  They should have been able to get one piece of property and then build like a cross shaped house - each wife gets a wing with their own kitchen/living room/bedrooms/bathrooms, and then have a central connecting area that is accessible through each wing, and from outside as well.  And in that area they could have a huge kitchen/dining/living area for all the family get togethers and holidays.  Put in a fitness room in the central section with weights and some cardio machines and floor space for doing yoga or other exercise and Janelle could STRIVE from home and save $ by having a trainer come to her and not also paying for the gym membership.  Have an upstairs game/media room for all the kids and to watch movies or whatnot with a large part of them, and give Kody his own room, or at least closet and bathroom for his clothes instead of this stupid, oh I wanted to wear that, but it's over at Robin's house, and a place for him to sleep when the wives are sick of him.  And then all 5 of the adults give the same amount monthly for the mortgage, plus only 1 garbage bill, etc, etc.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I appreciate that positive story.   You make some good points.  I was a little skeptical with their idea, but, the ortho dr. said it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, so, I suppose they thought it would help her mood. I can see how allowing her to be in charge and have some control over her therapy might be beneficial, but, like the doctor said, it just doesn't work.  I was surprised that Christine would bring up scars.  I find that really odd.  I'm not sure it would enter my mind, when there are so many other things like, pain, disability, function, etc.  Can't you cover scars with makeup?  I hope Christine can pull it together for when the surgery is likely to happen.  

I have a SIL and niece who have this condition.  My SIL has had surgery and it was really tough on her.  But, I do read positive stories too, so, I hope that Isabel may have a good outcome.  She's such a sweet girl. 

The thing to keep in mind is, they are constantly improving surgical techniques. Spinal fusion now is different than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. It's still a very hard surgery with risks and potential complications, but if you find a good surgeon who has done a lot of them, at a good children's hospital with a good orthopedics department, your odds of a positive outcome go way up. The Browns have resources for other stuff. Living in denial and hoping the voodoo works on such a drastic curve is only going to make it harder when they finally do the surgery. The younger the kid, the quicker the recovery, usually. The longer they wait, the worse it is. Around the same time my daughter was diagnosed, one of her friends was too. The friend's mom was hardcore against surgery and took her girl to the chiropractor three times per week for over a year. (Lucky for them, they could afford to pay out of pocket. Our insurance wouldn't cover chiropractic treatments for scoliosis...BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK.)  After all that fooling around and all the time and money wasted, the poor girl ended up having surgery anyway, a year and a half after my daughter had had hers. Friend's recovery was harder and since she was older and taking more advanced classes, missing school was harder too. 

I will stop obsessing over the scoliosis now.  It's just that it hits close to home for me. 

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

I had totally forgotten about Penn's house - I saw it on an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap.  It was ginormous and had 2 full kitchens for a family of 4.  They should have been able to get one piece of property and then build like a cross shaped house - each wife gets a wing with their own kitchen/living room/bedrooms/bathrooms, and then have a central connecting area that is accessible through each wing, and from outside as well.  And in that area they could have a huge kitchen/dining/living area for all the family get togethers and holidays.  Put in a fitness room in the central section with weights and some cardio machines and floor space for doing yoga or other exercise and Janelle could STRIVE from home and save $ by having a trainer come to her and not also paying for the gym membership.  Have an upstairs game/media room for all the kids and to watch movies or whatnot with a large part of them, and give Kody his own room, or at least closet and bathroom for his clothes instead of this stupid, oh I wanted to wear that, but it's over at Robin's house, and a place for him to sleep when the wives are sick of him.  And then all 5 of the adults give the same amount monthly for the mortgage, plus only 1 garbage bill, etc, etc.

But again that requires business acumen, something they have repeatedly proven they do not possess.  Too bad they don't have a financial advisor.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

A straight woman isn’t automatically homophobic just because she’s  uninterested in another woman. I’m straight and I would be “skeeved out” in that situation, too. (I wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place, but hypothetically...) Likewise, I wouldn’t blame a lesbian for being grossed out if she fell for a man posing as a woman. If she finds men as sexually unappealing as I find women then I wouldn’t judge her for not magically changing her orientation to accommodate a catfish. 

I can't imagine being romantically involved with someone I've never seen/met.  If she took ANY responsibility for her part in being such an awesome catch for a catfisher, including the convenient excuse of not verifying the sexual orientation or gender of her romantic interest, who knows, she might discover something about herself.  Her aversion to the situation and subsequent denial of her role in it seems to be more than just being upset that she was duped.

Mariah herself said in an interview with People :

"...growing up as a devout fundamentalist Mormon led her to struggle with her own sexuality. Mariah revealed that she was so terrified of being gay that she pushed herself to become a homophobe..."

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I realize I am the odd man out, but I feel pity for Meri.  Not that the new house demand isn't crazy, but still...she's lonely.  She THINKS Kody is who she wants but I think she just wants to be loved...with a man completely her own.  I don't understand why she can't see that she should leave.  He already divorced her!!!   Meri, read the tea leaves and do better for yourself.  I wish I could shake her!!!!!      


Low self-esteem and fear. All she's ever known is Kody. When she finally stepped out and thought she'd found someone to love and be loved by, it turned out to be a very public lie. 

  • Love 4

I have like 15 minutes left...

Every single commercial break was at least 4 minutes long. This show could easily be an hour instead of 2. 

Kody looked miserable when the wives were discussing Mariah and Aubrey


I feel badly for Ysabel. I get that it’s hard. But Christine needs to chill. She isn’t helping. The brace is ugly, a scar is ugly. She may not be saying this to Ysabel, but she’s not a stupid girl, I’m sure she know full well what her mom is thinking. And stupid Kody talking about the other girl at boot camp being a warning story for Ysabel to do her exercises properly and not slack. Talk about pressure. If it doesn’t work it isn’t Ysabel’s fault! 


Kody talking about therapy, and during therapy is an ass. He acts like he’s not part of the problem. His holier than thou attitude is infuriating. He’s so condescending. Meri and Kody will never repair their relationship until they frame the catfishing as cheating and work on the damage that did. Meri is a mess of denial. And why the hell is Nancy so giddy??

Kody treats his wives like crap. Always has. It’s wrecked their relationships with him, with each other, and their self esteem. 

Maddie talking about birth... yes, women have been giving birth for thousands of years and are still here, except those that aren’t. American home births are a very privileged mindset (from the perspective of some one who has attended births in rough parts of Africa.)

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Meri reminds me of some people who just won't allow themselves to be happy.  They keep getting in their own way.  I wonder if they are scared of being content or just like to whine and cry a lot. 

I wonder myself why the hell she stays.  I wonder if she truly believes she needs Kody to get into Heaven.  

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Still watching this show...I don't know the timeline for everything, but Meri looks even worse when her whining is followed by Ysabel's difficult situation.  She's ragging on Kody for a better marriage that he is long over, and Kody has a daughter with a serious health concern that he is trying to figure out.  I don't know if the situations were going on at the same time but it's pretty clear how stupid it would be to invest in a boondoggle house when there are still tons of children to care for and raise.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:


Great idea!  Plus when none of us are using it we could rent it out as an air b and b, and use the Brown zoo next door as a draw.  Our b and b would be better than Meri's!

I can sit outside and watch them shuffle their broken down jalopies all day long. Then watch kody climb a ladder and string his stupid lights for the finale. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Kody in therapy: “I don’t know how monogamists do this.” Well, a lot of monogamist jackasses do just what you did - they ditch their first wife and divorce her and leave her in a financial lurch and move on to someone new. Unlike you, they don’t dress it up in some fake religious dogma. 

I love this.  In fact, I responded too quickly when I read your first paragraph.  I love your whole post.  Meri is NOT cut out for polygamy. 

Edited by Granny58
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