ElectricBoogaloo February 23, 2018 Share February 23, 2018 Quote The eliminated queens return to the competition for revenge. But first the queens must audition for RuPaul's new girl group, the Kitty Girls. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/
noveltylibrary March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) I'm kind of disappointed in the performances. I know the talent is there individually, just not feeling the songs and choreography. And I'm over Ben winning top spot again. I wish they could have picked from the losing team. Ok just saw the end and editing to add WTF??? That was....nice, but kind of annoying. Edited March 2, 2018 by noveltylibrary 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4106684
MizStaken March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 WTF!!!!! Anyone explain this one to me? Ben had it all but wrapped up and she quits? I’m at a loss 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4106966
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) I think this was such a bullshit episode/the season is going downhill that Ben decided to leave the boat (really? your team, the top 5 queens of season win the challenge and you still have to send one home on a challange were everyone was kinda on the same level? shhhshh_... The problem now is that the season sucks even more... Ben leaving and Morgan returning? Its like she trew a bomb behind her like ´´let this bullshit explode``. I dont see a All Star worthy winner now.. They are forcing BeBe but I´m not feeling all of that, Trixie is still tentative in moments, Kennedy very hit or miss and Shangela.. well, shes the most estable I would say, she has a name.. But, I dont even know what to say... I doesnt feel like a fearce competition anymore, at least not one that I bother... The concept of All Stars is killing the respective seasons... Look at that boring Lip Sync again? Geeez... At least last season they took this episode of the returning queens by having the top queens from the eliminated ones battling to stay, giving us the best Lip Sync of the season. I caught myself watching back a couple episodes of season 7 this days, and even being one of the weakest, it hit me on how better it was compared on what we are having now. Now, if this Ben leaving was all setup with producers to create a shocking moment, for me it was just more like a let down/ jump out of the shark moment instead of a shocking one. I was actually expecting that. After the edit she got during the episode and her talking heads saying she couldnt send any of the three top 5 queens home and that have it didnt made sense to her on have to make that decision, I saw she was over it and ask to leave ( I just was expecting her to not show any lipstick for the eliminated queen). Edited March 2, 2018 by CaioF 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107007
cyberfruit March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 *Massive* side-eye at Thorgy nearly calling Bebe the Queen of Zamunda. Whiny-ass brat. I let out a little shriek at Bebe as Jungle Kitty smacking her bottom saying, "C'est bon! C'est bon!" Sad to see that she didn't even nearly turn it out for the lipsync (and that wig reveal was a don't). I'm so meh at Morgan returning. I wanted Aja because 1. She killed it as lil Banjee and 2. Her running commentary saved the episode for me. Milk is exhausting. With Ben gone, who knows, maybe the girls will get a little hungrier in their quest for the crown. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107028
Popular Post HunterHunted March 2, 2018 Popular Post Share March 2, 2018 Wow! Thorgy is still an enormous asshole. Morgan is still clueless about how her Survivor style strategy would have poisoned the game. Milk is still delusional; she is a douchebag. Chi Chi is still a gem. I know which eliminated queen is coming out of this season a winner. Wow!! The eliminated queens' number was not good. It was so bad that I expected Ru to abandon the idea that an eliminated queen would be coming back. Although, I thought Aja was MUCH better than the rest of the eliminated queens. Wow!!! Ben just eliminating herself. That's one way to win. Retire as the undisputed champ. In the top 5 times. Safe once. Whoever wins has to know that their win will always be tainted because the clear frontrunner decided to leave. That's got to fuck with your head. 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107079
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) 1 hour ago, HunterHunted said: Ben just eliminating herself. That's one way to win. Retire as the undisputed champ. In the top 5 times. Safe once. Whoever wins has to know that their win will always be tainted because the clear frontrunner decided to leave. That's got to fuck with your head. IKR? She seemed so ahead of the game that for the remaining queens it will feel like: yaaay, now we have a even competition because the strongest competitor left.. This is sad. Instead of having the queens having to raise their game and try to give Ben a run for her money now the bar was set lower so they can compete with a more easy. They even have Morgan back to probably give the queens a safe week. Again, for me, its like producers forced Ben to be someone she isnt, put her on a situation where she decided to give a fuc%$ you for them. Choosing Morgan, the first eliminated/not at all the most appealing with the fans to return as a top 5 contender? Intentional or not, she screwed with the ´´competition``. Edited March 2, 2018 by CaioF 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107128
Stardancer Supreme March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Biiiiiiitttch. Ben was over it. I was expecting Morgan to come back because fuck Milk and Thorgy. I just didn't expect Ben to chuck up the dueces! I don't know why they wasted 25 minutes of show time on eliminated queen drama. Adam Lambert is so dreamy! Shangela better take this crown! Her best competition ejected herself from the game. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107146
MKL122788 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Bendela is miles ahead of the rest and, for me, by far the most relatable. I am sad that she self-eliminated, but I kinda saw it coming in the talking heads with all the, "I can't send her home." that she was putting forth. It does feel like Bebe will win out of the remaining girls because she has her presence. I do think it is kind of bullshit to win the crown twice on mostly presence alone, though. I don't know...for me, from a ratings standpoint, this is a disaster for Drag Race. The nicest, best performing queen has swept the competition more or less then left the competition purposefully halfway through. Boo. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107160
Cosmic Muffin March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) I think Dela really doesn't want drama, or the responsibility of sending someone home. I'm impressed she didn't throw the lip sync. I've never like the judges putting it on the contestants to send each other home. And with the rabid fan bases, it isn't good for their careers. This is a pretty lack lustre top five, though. Shannel quit season one, Adore "tapped out" of AS2, and Dela just won and chose to leave. Eventually they'll have enough queens who quit to make a season of it. I guess we'd just watch them play cards, or nap or something. There were rumors that Morgan returned and sent Dela home, and Morgan got what was deemed a "credible death threat" over it. Being Morgan, she offered to send the person who threatened to throw acid in her face her schedule. Dela did an instagram post that gave no spoilers away, but was eloquent saying as gay men, who aren't masculine many are threatened in their lives and this show is an oasis of being accepted for being those things, and that's it's abhorrent that someone is getting death threats over a t.v. show. Good talk, it's on YouTube. And then it wasn't even true that Morgan sent Dela home. PS I think Dela choosing to go home would have happened even without last week's bs from the judges about seeming tired (Dela confirmed that winning and possibly having to send someone home was extra exhausting), and being kinda meh when she only gave 100%, but I think last week's crap from the judges made it even easier for her to decide to leave. PPS Remember the Season 7 finale when Ru had the top three girls, but then called Katya over, a queen many thought should win? And then they did a gag of Katya handing Ru bottled water. I wonder if Ru will go ahead and crown Dela, or pull a similar stunt? Edited March 2, 2018 by Cosmic Muffin 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107248
CheetaraThunder March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) Benis a fucking genius,and I also get her decision. She was already hestitant about coming back because of what this show kind of does to the girls and that’s why most queens don’t want to come back. And this season, proved her point. She goes out as the undisputed Queen ? and an actual legend, cause she just ,axe Emmy worthy reality tv. No one will be able to top what a Ben did this season, win 5 challenges out of 6, win2 snatch games,3 lipsyncs, and gaveabig fuck you to the fuckery and the producers. As much As I wanted Aja back. I get why Ben picked!organ. She felt like Morgan never got a shot and this was like her redemption. Plus, I fully think she felt like Aja already proved her amazing talent.i love Ben’s love for his sisters. Edited March 2, 2018 by CheetaraThunder 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107358
annewithaneee March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Hoooooly shit! Holy. Shit. I really hope Ben just broke this stupid ass "queens voting for queens" twist for good. Bring back LSFYLives! Make Ru the decider again. Unless she's independently wealthy I do think it was silly to walk away from an almost all-but-assured check, but I think Dela feared the fandom and edit more than she wanted the title. And seriously, fuck this twist for putting queens in that position. I think picking Morgan over Aja was a compassionate and thoughtful choice. I don't really see Morgan sticking around for more than another episode or two - I think she, like Alyssa and Coco before her, are built for the traditional format where they can stun with their lip sync assassin ways - but her bookability can benefit from a return far more than Aja, who has already redeemed herself a couple times over, was on just last season, and probably won't win any more fans than she already had when she got kicked off last week. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107470
CheetaraThunder March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 I don’t think none of the queens really need the money. Ben has always been constantly booked, nonstop touring, and he has his merch. But, after what he pulled, shit...he has the gay community in his hands and in their hearts forever. Just give Ben the Emmy cause he won it for Rupaul 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107651
Glade March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) I guess this is Bendela's revenge for how badly the producers treated her during S6. She's also saying a big fuck you to being forced to send other queens home every week and having it backfire/destroy relationships (which is exactly why she refused all stars 2.) But, this does really hurt, just like it did when she was in the #2 slot behind Bianca in S6 but was sent home instead of being given a chance to compete for that crown. It's really sad and frankly fucking insane that she's not going to win now. She has gotten lots of money from winning the challenges, at least... So I guess it's Trixie or Shangela--hopefully Shangela, as she has done better so far. I don't want Bebe to win, she's already won. But still, whoever wins is going to be standing in Bendela's shadow whether they like it or not. I do absolutely hope that they pick a different twist/elimination scheme for AS4; this one was terrible last season and it burnt out a bright star tonight. I really thought Trixie or Shangela would have been in the top 2 tonight, I was surprised by the result--though I was temporarily relieved that it meant Bendela wasn't up for elimination...sigh. I found the eliminated queens lyric's references to Alyssa and Tati to be really lame and unoriginal, I wasn't surprised that they were in the bottom. Thorgy seems pretty unredeemable, and I do wish that Milk/Kennedy conversation was a whole lot shorter, though it did get resolved in the end. I don't think Morgan will go further unless she actually wins next challenge, which is unlikely. Edited March 2, 2018 by Glade 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107665
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) Also, by this point of the competition on her season , they found a way to send her home after her being great all season with not really a poor performance and a lip sync were she clearly won, against a clear weaker queen. Taking in count what she had to heard from Michelle about how they would expect her to do better than others, than this queens returning full of shit, be confronted as a hipocrital personal for a queen that treated to send her home right at the beginning, and at the top of all of that her having to choose a queen from her winning team to leave, People think that producers wanted her to win/she would, but maybe she got signals they wanted to force a turn around on her tragetory with her getting involved on drama and be unfarly eliminated again so probably Shangela, BeBe and Trixie could be their desired top 3. So, pretty much on the same week they kicked her out for no reason on season 6, she decided to turn tables caught producers/Ru by surprise this time Edited March 2, 2018 by CaioF 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107684
Stowaway March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 I don't know how I'm supposed to keep watching without Dela. We can just skip to Season 10 for all I care. 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107713
zulualpha March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 This is the worst season of Drag Race of any by far. And Ben can kiss my ass. If she didn’t want to win she should have declined to be on the show to start with. She made herself the best thing on the show and then eliminated herself. That’s fucked up. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107721
Chelsea girl March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) Banjee Warhol (shout out to the grizzly Kiki podcast!) but when I heard it I was like yup, that's me. Edited March 2, 2018 by Chelsea girl Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107729
Couver March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) Well I was complaining last week that the returning queen reveal wouldn't gag us like the mirror reveal from AS2...and it didn't. But then Ben went ahead and gagged us herself! Even Ru seemed gagged (though I am sure she and the show knew well before Ben's reveal). Her talking heads leading up to the lip sync kind of gave it away. But I still wasn't expecting it until she said this was the easiest decision she has ever made. I don't know if this was all some big inside job to crown Trixie. I hope not and I don't want to be that cynical. I think it was probably just Ben being over it. The show's format in general doesn't seem to fit him and I think the added pressure of All Stars making him send queens home over and over was too much. He's right that he doesn't need it either. He's already beloved and well known, works steadily, and probably is comfortable where his finances are concerned (he won like 20,000 anyway didn't he?). This does turn the season on its head though. I think the win has to go to Shangela now. I love Trixie but I feel she turned it up way too late. A Trixie win would be entirely based on her outside work. Plus Shangela is the only one I feel has a track record and body of work that matches up with Chad and Alaska. I can't see the others in that same sphere yet. Or Ru wants to make Herstory and crown BeBe. I don't think that would mean that much though since previous winners were barred anyway. It's obvious if Bianca and Bob were allowed to they would dominate an All Stars season. I think even Raja could win an All Stars addition (no shade to Raja she's my favorite winner) it's just that she's understated compared to Bianca and Bob. Thorgy and Milk should not have come on this show. They hurt their image BAD IMO. Thorgy came off salty during her season. She is downright nasty now. I don't know what is wrong with Milk? Her behaviour here came off super fake and like it was planned. But maybe she is that delusional? Chi Chi and Aja did wonders for their brands by coming on though. Edited March 2, 2018 by Couver 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107794
2727 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 2 hours ago, annewithaneee said: ... I think Dela feared the fandom and edit more than she wanted the title. And seriously, fuck this twist for putting queens in that position. Beyond any worries wrt fan popularity, it seemed like Ben genuinely felt beaten down and damaged by the queens who held grudges and felt like she pissed on their dreams. I hide from conflict myself and sympathized with her, but I wish she would have explained some of that to the judges. I did rewind Ru's range of expressions several times, though. Ha! 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107798
niklj March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 The lipsync was super boring. The song had a beat and they just did the diva arms the whole time. I wanted more Aja commentary :( 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107820
dyanad March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Bendala eliminating herself totally makes sense now. There was an interview with Willam where he said one of the girls had a serious mental breakdown where staff psychologists were brought in and the whole nine, the person in question left the show. There were many people that thought it may have been Trixie, but now it's clear as day it was Bendala. I think this whole thing was too much for her. Add having to choose who to eliminate and Morgan coming at her so hard I think she just felt defeated. 1 1 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107848
Egg March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) That workroom scene with all ten queens. Man, what a mess. Honestly, the only one who came off looking better than before in that scene was Kennedy, who *condoned* herself well, standing her ground but not being unnecessarily rude or dismissive toward Milk. Of course, Chi Chi showed grace as always, and I appreciated having someone there who just wanted to perform and enjoy herself. Thorgy was sure bitter, but the worst was Milk. The fact that she realized that she was an asshole and turned it into "no one told me I was an asshole--I AM OWED AN APOLOGY!" Like, wow, what kind of ego do you have to have to see it that way? I honestly could only hear half of what she said, though, because the bar I was at was booing so loudly whenever she spoke. You are not entitled to having people confront you about how obnoxious you are! It's nice if they do, but you have an obligation to figure that out for yourself. I was spoiled about this gag of the season (I knew Morgan was coming back and Bendela was leaving, I just didn't know how). I loved this lip sync song choice, but I was pretty unimpressed with the performances themselves. I thought BeBe did a bit better, but the producers knew what Bendela was doing, so they gave it to her. I'm not mad at her. For as gross as the term "brand" is, she stuck true to hers. I only wish she had brought back Aja, although I understand why she chose Morgan. Edited March 2, 2018 by Egg 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107857
CheetaraThunder March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, zulualpha said: This is the worst season of Drag Race of any by far. And Ben can kiss my ass. If she didn’t want to win she should have declined to be on the show to start with. She made herself the best thing on the show and then eliminated herself. That’s fucked up. She was hesitant about coming back, but gave it a chance cause she thought it would be different the. From what she heard from the other queens in the past. Ben does seem much happier after taping and girl is booked up for a long time. Some tea I heard at the viewing parties: -Dela/Trixie talked about writing rupauls name in whiteout on one of the lipsticks. - The reason ben kept Chi Chi was because she wanted his dick...(from Chi chi herself) - Morgan and Ben are on great terms, they text each other frequently. - Aja/Ben became like best friends during the taping. Edited March 2, 2018 by CheetaraThunder 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107923
ElectricBoogaloo March 2, 2018 Author Share March 2, 2018 OMG it was EXHAUSTING to listen to the eliminated queens come for the people who eliminated them. The irony that Thorgy was the one whp ended the bitch session by saying they should move forward made me laugh and roll my eyes. I thought that Shangela handled Thorgy well. I wanted to high five her when she told told Thorgy that she couldn't respond to all of her questions if she kept interrupting her. That's a huge pet peeve of mine (overtalking in general but particularly in a situation like this - if you actually want answers, then let the person actually answer instead of interrupting and piling more questions on). Shangela also won points from me when she told Ben to let it all go. As she very astutely pointed out, being a professional performer means putting aside your personal stuff and, you know, performing. I thought it was apropos that Ben ended up channeling that angst into Goth Kitty. I don't think it was the best character Ben has ever done, but I think it was therapeutic. I agreed with Adam - Ben tried to incorporate all of his critiques without complaint while Trixie was fighting the suggestions from Ben and the other music people. When I first heard Bebe's lyrics, I wasn't sure if the judges would love it or hate it. But once I saw her performance, she really sold it. I'm glad that some of them had some kind of reconciliation. I wasn't sure how long some of those would last once it came down for one of the eliminated queens to pick one of the all stars to get the boot. Thankfully that didn't happen! Gawd, Milk. Everyone LET you walk around like a douchebag? It is not everyone else's responsibility to monitor your behavior, alert you when your behavior sucks, continue to counsel you, and keep on top of you until you become a better person. It is YOUR responsibility to be self aware enough not to be a douchebag. Trixie's nerd kitty was a fun character. I didn't totally love her costume, mostly because if you removed the pi sign from her jumper and the glasses, it didn't scream nerd. What really sucked about this episode was that the existing all stars team won but one of them still had to be eliminated. Awww, Chi Chi saying that she didn't want to be the one brought back because she didn't want to be the Roxxxy of AS3 was sweet, endearing, honest, and funny. I was not surprised that Ben eliminated herself. Let's be real - if she was THAT upset by Morgan confronting her about being eliminated, she was not cut out to be put in the position of continuing to choose who to send home. She was clearly shaken and preoccupied after all the eliminated queens attacked who eliminated them. I'll be interested to see how Ru reacts to this. Will she take it as an insult? Or that Ben was giving up? Thorgy's reaction to Ben eliminating herself just goes to show what an utter asshole Thorgy is. So glad that's the last of Thorgy being on my tv. The constant bitterness, paranoia, and general dickishness is exhausting to witness. On a shallow note, Adam Lambert was looking hot as fuck. 8 hours ago, HunterHunted said: Thorgy is still an enormous asshole. Morgan is still clueless about how her Survivor style strategy would have poisoned the game. Milk is still delusional; she is a douchebag. Chi Chi is still a gem. I know which eliminated queen is coming out of this season a winner. Ha, perfect summary. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4107992
rlc March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 I’m ready to never, ever listen to Thorgy and her giant sense of entitlement whine again on my tv. 1 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108004
goodbyeglittergirl March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 I hope Ben has not burned any bridges with RuPaul with this move. I couldn't tell from Ru's expression at the judge's table if she was mad, sad, upset, surprised. I totally understand Ben's motivation, but selfishly now we are left with a bushel of lackluster queens in comparison. I guess I'm now team Shangela. Going in I was all for Trixie but I don't think she's performed well. I cannot stand Morgan (sorry) so I was bummed that she was the one brought back, but as I suffer from many of the same issues as Ben, I knew that's who would be brought back b/c she was the one Ben sent home. Now Ben can look at it as a neutral - she sent Morgan home, she brought her back - and not have any guilt. Morgan is so abrasive and I just don't like the harshness of her looks/performances. I was hoping for Aja - she really stepped it up this season - or for Thorgy b/c even though I know she has issues I find her really entertaining in talking heads. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108029
Cosmic Muffin March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Out of ten five remain, and they are not the best of the best. Lacklustre is right. I guess I'll root for Trixie, but she just isn't bringing it to this show. I don't mind Kennedy and Shangela, Bebe is just there. I hope Morgan gets a chance to prove that she really isn't All Starts top four material, and goes home while clearly deserving it. This is no longer must see t.v. I'll watch it, but maybe not ASAP on Thursdays. Instead of squatty potties and square space, they should be giving some of the queens ten sessions with a really good therapist. In the city they live in, unlike giving Hamberger Mary's to vegetarians and people who don't live where they have the HM franchise. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108078
vixenbynight March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) I am so glad that I watched the episode this morning. I would have been up for most of the night, trying to process what just happened. I get why Dela eliminated herself from the competition. She has struggled with knowing that with winning the challenges, that she also has to eliminate someone else from the competition. I think it got to be too much for her, especially after hearing how upset and hurt Morgan was in how Dela made the decision to eliminate her from the very first challenge. I do not think that she made a mockery of Ru's choice to have her on the show. Just like how Chi Chi realized that she really wasn't at the level that she needed to be in order to compete on the show and told everyone to "be fair" and eliminate her from the show. It shows a difference in how certain competitors see themselves and their talent. Like Thorgy. It is still everybody else's fault, but her own. Milk is still deluded to think that the other queens should have informed her that she was being an asshole. Really?! Come on through Shangela!! Edited March 2, 2018 by vixenbynight 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108083
Fake Jan Brady March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) So what 'Game of Thrones' storyline will Shangela liken Dela's actions to next week? I don't watch GoT so she's already lost me with that whole analogy, but I may not even tune in to hear it - the air has gone out of the season for me now Dela's departed. I fast forwarded through the drama at the beginning of the episode and was surprised at how long I had to keep holding the button down. Edited March 2, 2018 by cousin oliver 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108120
TheLukeP March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 I still don't know how to process what happened last night. I'll say I was spoiler-ed, but it definitely didn't go down the way the spoiler had it... and there are a lot of children out there who were spitting vitriol at Morgan who very clearly knew the spoiler too, but now double dog definitely owe Morgan an apology. I was gagged. I was gagged when only 3 handmaids showed up last week.... I was gagged when the shady producers just had the other two handmaids be late... I was gagged at how super uncomfortable the confrontations were... if I would have been in the room, I would have been hiding under the table like I was freakin Laganja Estranga herself. I haven't gagged this much since I was a young and very inexperienced homosexual, let me tell you that.... I was GAGGED when I realized that what I had been spoiler-ed on was going to go down SO. VERY. DIFFERENTLY. I loved the skits, I thought the returning queens "Sitting on a secret" was a lot more fun that "Drag up your life" Adam Glambert is forever my boo... hey boo... call me! I hope Morgan wins everything at this point. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108142
TheLukeP March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 To the person who referenced Willam talking about the season. I never saw what you referenced. But this was something. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108158
Eliza422 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 I have never seen season 1 of Drag Race, but someone needs to explain to me what the hell I'm missing in BeBe. I do not see what any one else is seeing in her - she's the most boring queen out there. Maybe I'm spoiled by never having seen her, but I just don't get it. I would have sent her home weeks ago. Even last night, the judges were fawning all over her, and I can't figure out why! I'm sad Ben is gone, I was really hoping he would win. On the other hand, I can see how tough it was getting for him. I guess now I'm team Shangela to the end. As much as I like Trixie (mostly from the Trixie & Katya shows, but that could be my adoration of Katya spilling over to Trixie), she has been up until now boring as all get out. And the others? Pointless. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108168
annewithaneee March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 10 hours ago, Cosmic Muffin said: There were rumors that Morgan returned and sent Dela home, and Morgan got what was deemed a "credible death threat" over it. Being Morgan, she offered to send the person who threatened to throw acid in her face her schedule. Dela did an instagram post that gave no spoilers away, but was eloquent saying as gay men, who aren't masculine many are threatened in their lives and this show is an oasis of being accepted for being those things, and that's it's abhorrent that someone is getting death threats over a t.v. show. Good talk, it's on YouTube. And then it wasn't even true that Morgan sent Dela home. That is horrifying if true, and it seems likely true since queens being swarmed with post-elimination-of-faves death threats has been a thing since at least Season 7. And that was for perceived "sending their fave home" via winning a lip sync, not eliminating them. I feel like this shitty twist just further provokes the crazies. Again, imo, let's call it a day with queens eliminating queens. It's not good for the show for a myriad of ways, and at this point production should realize it's actually fanning the flames of the most unhinged and obnoxious corners of the fandom. Ru and the rest signed on for being judges, the girls didn't, and most of the judges can afford security (Ru certainly can) and aren't weekly at publicized events in crowded night clubs. 20 minutes ago, cousin oliver said: So what 'Game of Thrones' storyline will Shangela liken Dela's actions to next week? I don't watch GoT so she's already lost me with that whole analogy, but I may not even tune in to hear it - the air has gone out of the season for me now Dela's departed. I fast forwarded through the drama at the beginning of the episode and was surprised at how long I had to keep holding the button down. I kinda feel like Shangie also hasn't seen Game of Thrones, but Dela just (spoiler alert, if you're almost a year behind?) Tommen-ed herself on out of there. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108170
annewithaneee March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 9 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said: I don’t think none of the queens really need the money. Ben has always been constantly booked, nonstop touring, and he has his merch. But, after what he pulled, shit...he has the gay community in his hands and in their hearts forever. Just give Ben the Emmy cause he won it for Rupaul I don't really follow all the queens off-season, but Ben was reintroduced to us as having been doing drag less and experimental theater more. Of course, someone who was staging plays and could still afford to bring along a bunch of looks (presumably a lot of it new, as most girls get things made custom after hearing the litany of potential challenge/runway briefs ahead of time), may have a non-drag-related fount of personal wealth. I know these queens, at least the ones doing all the RPDR-related tours (again, not something Dela's been doing really that I'm aware of) and grabbing all the bookings, are financially way better off than drag queens who haven't had exposure and are still performing for little to no show pay and $20 in tips -- but I can't imagine any of them are affluent enough that $100 G's even heavily taxed wouldn't be a huge windfall. You'd have to be potentially RuPaul rich for that to only be pocket change. I'm sure all of them can afford rent, food, and some fabulous outfits now, and don't need the extra cash to survive, but they could easily put it to very good use. And the check basically already had Dela's name on it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108223
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) 43 minutes ago, annewithaneee said: That is horrifying if true, and it seems likely true since queens being swarmed with post-elimination-of-faves death threats has been a thing since at least Season 7. And that was for perceived "sending their fave home" via winning a lip sync, not eliminating them. I feel like this shitty twist just further provokes the crazies. Again, imo, let's call it a day with queens eliminating queens. It's not good for the show for a myriad of ways, and at this point production should realize it's actually fanning the flames of the most unhinged and obnoxious corners of the fandom. Ru and the rest signed on for being judges, the girls didn't, and most of the judges can afford security (Ru certainly can) and aren't weekly at publicized events in crowded night clubs. I kinda feel like Shangie also hasn't seen Game of Thrones, but Dela just (spoiler alert, if you're almost a year behind?) Tommen-ed herself on out of there. ´´Ru and the rest signed on for being judges, the girls didn´t``. Preach! And yes to all of that... Some queens talk so easily about ´´oh, this is just a game, we have to do what we are supose to do blahblahblah`` but let them face the fans while the show is airing (with all those edits and all) and not complain about backlash/death threats etc. And who knows about crazy people as fans of the show... After that one psychopath murdering a ex The Voice contestant at one of her concerts, it should be a concern. And while Its no sense for me for queens to get this level of hate, Morgan should think: Had Ben kept her on week one and she somehow started to win challenges and send the favorites/best queens home one after the other like she planned, how well it would have done to the show and for her?! Queens complainned about Ben worry too much about having to make those decisions, but she had a point/she was thinking outside the Drag Race bubble. Ben kept saying (specially about her choice on send Morgan home) that she was thinking about the group best interest (with caused some queens asking for not be included on that or like Morgan, call her a hypocrital), but it seems she had two things in mind: - Not want to be part of a season remembered as he one that the weakest queens stayed. You want to win as the best of the worst? Okey, thats how you set the bar low for yourself. - The crazyness with the fandom. Edited March 2, 2018 by CaioF 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108263
TheLukeP March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 34 minutes ago, annewithaneee said: That is horrifying if true, Totally true... if you'd like I can Nancy Drew up Morgan's insta post where it all went down. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108270
ClareWalks March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Okay I am super pissed because my cable doesn't have VH1 so I buy this show on iTunes, and the episode SKIPPED THE FINAL SEGMENT. So I saw Ben and Bebe pick out lipsticks, then cut to "commercial," then "next time on All Stars." WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED. I come here and find out Ben fuckin' quit?! And the episode I PAID FOR didn't even have that entire final segment? I am pissed. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108330
CheetaraThunder March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Shangela loves to pull out her Game of Thrones references, well Ben outdid her in more ways then one without a talking head. Knowing Ben suffered through depression when he was younger and was very hesitant about coming back after what he has seen and experienced, I totally get the move. It was such a boss ass move and honestly, he just made himself the winner without the crown ?? . Cause there will always be that what if... They better have some kind of reunion special. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108401
2727 March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 1 hour ago, annewithaneee said: And the check basically already had Dela's name on it. Did it? I still kind of feel that Ru is determined to hand it to BeBe. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108444
littleB1rdy March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) I know it’s heavily edited so it’s hard to tell what exactly Ben responded to Morgan with. But when Morgan called her a coward I wanted so badly for Ben to say “and you’re a coward for planning to eliminate the strongest competitor”. Edited March 2, 2018 by littleB1rdy 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108453
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said: Okay I am super pissed because my cable doesn't have VH1 so I buy this show on iTunes, and the episode SKIPPED THE FINAL SEGMENT. So I saw Ben and Bebe pick out lipsticks, then cut to "commercial," then "next time on All Stars." WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED. I come here and find out Ben fuckin' quit?! And the episode I PAID FOR didn't even have that entire final segment? I am pissed. Ouch! I already felt robbed of my time by watching this episode fully/from free. They should pay you back. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108527
Delete March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 BeBe slayed the lip sync over Ben, and was surprised Ben got win. I'm disappointed she chose to leave but understand why after reading some of the comments in this thread. By Ru giving the queens the heavy responsibility of eliminating each other is not only unfair, but it leaves them potential victims of the angry social media crowd. OH, and I cannot STAND THORGY. What a passive aggressive nasty queen. I don't care for Milk or Morgan either but Thorgy wins crown as most bitter. At this point, I don't really care what happens, but if I have to choose, I'm rooting for Shangela. 10 hours ago, Couver said: Chi Chi and Aja did wonders for their brands by coming on though. I also liked sweet Chi Chi, but Aja really turned things around. Wow. What a big difference in attitude, performance, and styling. I'm a Aja fan now. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108594
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 (edited) 21 minutes ago, Ravenna said: BeBe slayed the lip sync over Ben, and was surprised Ben got win. Producers knew what she had under her cleavage/noticed Ru somehow. Usually you dont leave a show like this without notice producers first.. They try at first to make the contestant change their mind. Than they see the chance for a schoking moment and make sure that it will happen in front of the cameras on a very dramatic way. The idea of write her name on the lipstick could probably be their idea. In other cases they even see a breakdown potential with a contestant and make sure to manipulate stuff to trigger that breakdown. After the other two All Star seasons people complainning about obvious winners/frontrunners, having a clear front runner colapse and leave like this probably made them very excited. Just look at how Michele was anticipating a Ben´s downfall.. Maybe she also caught up to that and didnt want to see how much further they would go to make her break (look Alaska last season). Edited March 2, 2018 by CaioF Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108617
veronicamers March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 3 hours ago, cousin oliver said: I fast forwarded through the drama at the beginning of the episode and was surprised at how long I had to keep holding the button down. Yep. I hate confrontation soooooo much. Like to the point that my husband and I went to therapy to learn how to disagree in a healthy way because we are both so conflict averse. There was no way I was going to spin myself into an anxiety attack watching that mess. Seeing Ben go made me really sad. I think it was the right decision for her, but I found myself sort of annoyed that the show has gotten to this place where its format is driving the best queen on the show to peace out. I'll just really miss her. I am ride or die for Shangie now I suppose. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108658
CheetaraThunder March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 16 minutes ago, CaioF said: Producers knew what she had under her cleavage/noticed Ru somehow. Usually you dont leave a show like this without notice producers first.. They try at first to make the contestant change their mind. Than they see the chance for a schoking moment and make sure that it will happen in front of the cameras on a very dramatic way. The idea of write her name on the lipstick could probably be their idea. In other cases they even see a breakdown potential with a contestant and make sure to manipulate stuff to trigger that breakdown. After the other two All Star seasons people complainning about obvious winners/frontrunners, having a clear front runner colapse and leave like this probably made them very excited. Just look at how Michele was anticipating a Ben´s downfall.. Maybe she also caught up to that and didnt want to see how much further they would go to make her break (look Alaska last season). Ben said at his viewing party that only two people knew about him writing his name, the director and cameramen. The director didn’t try to stop him, he instead made a head explosion ? motion. 1 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108664
Glade March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 3 hours ago, cousin oliver said: So what 'Game of Thrones' storyline will Shangela liken Dela's actions to next week? I don't watch GoT so she's already lost me with that whole analogy, but I may not even tune in to hear it - the air has gone out of the season for me now Dela's departed. I see Bendela as Tyrion, who, given the chance to quietly escape from prison under the cover of night, chose instead to assassinate her father and leave chaos behind in her wake. 1 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108678
CaioF March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 6 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said: Ben said at his viewing party that only two people knew about him writing his name, the director and cameramen. The director didn’t try to stop him, he instead made a head explosion ? motion. Director knew= Ru knew. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108684
Richard March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 Where'd the white-out come from? I think Ru's reaction was left somewhat ambiguous on purpose so that she could wait and see how the fans reacted and then respond accordingly at the reunion. Thorgy can fade back into obscurity. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108750
TheLukeP March 2, 2018 Share March 2, 2018 5 minutes ago, Richard said: Where'd the white-out come from? According to the watch party T, the white out was Thorgy's and Ben borrowed it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/67051-s03e06-handmaids-to-kitty-girls/#findComment-4108775
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