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S36.E02: Only Time Will Tell

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5 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Nope, blonde. Unless she has that kind of hair that looks different depending on what kind of lighting she's standing in.  (Edited to add: I also found pics of her where her hair looks 100% brown so who knows.)


Her hair was brown on my TV screen and in all the pre-show promo shots of her I've seen. I feel like they must have lightened her hair for some reason in the vid the above cap is from.

Morgan-1.jpg 695f9f3e1ae61b94_svr_mricke_800x1000.jpg

2 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

I'm actually just as bored/confused by the idols as I am by the cast. It's bad enough that there are free idols all over the place, but if each one has a different set of rules associated with it, I feel like I should be watching these episodes in slow motion with a score card.

There aren't any different rules for the HIIs this season. So far at least. The ones Dom and Michael have are just regular HIIs. And the legacy advantage is the same as it's been before with giving the holder immunity when there are 13 or 6 people left.

2 hours ago, NutMeg said:

Young Joan Cusack, anyone?

I have been trying so hard to figure out who she reminds me of and I think this might be it!

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On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 9:42 AM, meep.meep said:

Look!  It's the Quintuple Steps from Ninja Warrior!  Shouldn't they have been in a big pool of water?

They also had the slip wall from Team Spartan.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Her hair was brown on my TV screen and in all the pre-show promo shots of her I've seen. I feel like they must have lightened her hair for some reason in the vid the above cap is from.

Man, I'm already having trouble remembering who's who. This is not helping lol.

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Shallow comment: James and Wendell are nice to look at, also seem smart and not obnoxious so far.

The guy sent away was less annoying in this ep than last. Dominick was more annoying. 

Did Sebastian make some kind of reference to candy again? Last ep it was gummy worms. 

I think Stephanie will win, just bc of the focus on her.

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On 3/8/2018 at 8:08 AM, ProfCrash said:

This episode Dom tells folks how he made a fake idol and fooled Chris only to have James see through it and figure out that Dom has a real idol and just made a fake idol to throw people off of the trail of the real idol.

I can't even understand Dom's plan.  It was smart to tell chris he didn't have an idol, but then ridiculous to then quickly tell him he actually did, even though he showed him the fake idol. You just showed the guy that you're an untrustworthy liar, and for no reason.   And then Dom gets with the new swapped tribe and proudly boasts to them how he fooled chris with his fake idol.  Say what?  That's like going on a blind date and bragging about how you cheated on your ex wife.  All that did was show them also that he's a sneaky liar.  I mean everyone lies on survivor when there's a good reason to, and you have to do it to get ahead.  But this just seemed so stupid and unnecessary to me and I feel I must be missing something here.  

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On 3/7/2018 at 8:51 PM, RedheadZombie said:

I don't know how everyone is keeping track of old tribe/new tribe already.  I never learn the names, but I usually know their colors.  And I'm especially slow on names so far.  I think of them as:  Military Lady (or Siberian Husky Eyes), Douche Face, Stork, Yoga Bun, Black Scraggly Hair, Baby Doll, Teeth, Alpha1, Alpha2, and Domenick and Donathan.  And Ken.

Yoga Bun and Black Scraggly Hair sound like the same person....Stephanie.

Douche face...Sebastian? 


But seriously, is it always this hard to keep track of the names this early on, or are we all having trouble because of the early switcheroo?

As I'm reading this forum, I literally have to pause and do some high-order thinking to figure out who you all are talking about.


16 hours ago, marys1000 said:

Yes, I think that's it.  James, Libby, Donathan and Laurel with neither Donathan or Laurel seeming to have much to say:) 


Well, laurel did speak up to protect Wendell when James brought up that they needed to target either Morgan and Wendell. So there's that. 

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11 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

I can't even understand Dom's plan ...  But this just seemed so stupid and unnecessary to me and I feel I must be missing something here.  

You're not missing anything, Dom is just an idiot. He's basically Tony with even less strategic finesse, which is sad lol.

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14 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

I can't even understand Dom's plan.  It was smart to tell chris he didn't have an idol, but then ridiculous to then quickly tell him he actually did, even though he showed him the fake idol. You just showed the guy that you're an untrustworthy liar, and for no reason.   And then Dom gets with the new swapped tribe and proudly boasts to them how he fooled chris with his fake idol.  Say what?  That's like going on a blind date and bragging about how you cheated on your ex wife.  All that did was show them also that he's a sneaky liar.  I mean everyone lies on survivor when there's a good reason to, and you have to do it to get ahead.  But this just seemed so stupid and unnecessary to me and I feel I must be missing something here.  

I think he's just over-excited and playing too hard.  I remarked to Mr. P that that will bring his downfall!  He can't shut up :)

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I think Dom has a lot of plans and want to play them all. Although, it’s too much and way too fast. I think if he slows down a bit he’ll be fine. I’m still a little confused what his exact plans are for the fake idol & the real idol. When is he playing either? Does he want to fake out Chris with said fake idol? I’m sure we’ll find out in the next few episodes but right now interested to see what he does. Confused but interested. LOL!!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

You're not missing anything, Dom is just an idiot. He's basically Tony with even less strategic finesse, which is sad lol.

But he has Wendell and he is pretty smart.  Why he likes Dom I'm not quite sure.

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There must be a lot more to Dom than we're seeing.  Morgan apparently thought the world of him, too.  Comparing a player to Rob M. is pretty high praise.  

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1 hour ago, marys1000 said:

But he has Wendell and he is pretty smart.  Why he likes Dom I'm not quite sure.

Well, that beautifully planned and executed shelter, and extra fire pit shelter and outdoor living room or I don't know what!, didn't arrive out of thin air. Dom is a construction supervisor, and presumably builder, and Wendell makes furniture, so I guess they bonded over the building of the shelter and have each other's respect from working together and organizing all of that. It is a thing of beauty! Dom seems to me a pretty regular guy, he doesn't bother me so far.

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I think Don has a lot of plans and want to play them all. Although, it’s too much and way too fast. I think if he slows down a bit he’ll be fine. I’m still a little confused what his exact plans are for the fake idol & the real idol. When is he playing either? Does he want to fake out Chris with said fake idol? I’m sure we’ll find out in the next few episodes but right now interested to see what he does. Confused but interested. LOL!!!!!

I think your first sentence nailed it. Guy came into the game with a list, and he's looking to check each item on it. Maybe he'll start looking around and adjusting to the game instead of trying to look at how the game fits into his list?

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I’m still a little confused what his exact plans are for the fake idol & the real idol. When is he playing either? Does he want to fake out Chris with said fake idol? I’m sure we’ll find out in the next few episodes but right now interested to see what he does. Confused but interested. LOL!!!!!

I think the idea is that he'll give Chris the fake idol to make him comfortable and give him a false sense of security, and then Chris will get voted out, while Domenick gets to keep the real one. From my perspective as a viewer, I think it would be more fun if he gave it to Chris, and Chris gave it to or played it for someone else, who then got bounced, confirming to Chris that Domenick cannot be trusted, but leaving both of them in the game.

55 minutes ago, violet and green said:

Well, that beautifully planned and executed shelter, and extra fire pit shelter and outdoor living room or I don't know what!, didn't arrive out of thin air. Dom is a construction supervisor, and presumably builder, and Wendell makes furniture, so I guess they bonded over the building of the shelter and have each other's respect from working together and organizing all of that. It is a thing of beauty! Dom seems to me a pretty regular guy, he doesn't bother me so far.

That's a really good point—Domenick and Wendell were probably a better camp building and maintenance team than most others on Survivor. I agree with your speculation that Domenick probably helps out with the actual labor and/or worked his way up from being a construction worker himself. Certainly, their tribemates who got sent to Malolo seemed to think it was a massive come-down from Naviti and the Malolo who went to Naviti seemed blown away by their new camp.

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On 3/8/2018 at 7:35 AM, Kelda Feegle said:

Wasn't James one of the few that fell and had to run those sideways things again?

Personally, I’m wondering when the lawsuit is coming from American Ninja Warrior for ripping off one of its staple opening obstacles.


On 3/8/2018 at 9:00 AM, SuburbanHangSuite said:

Poor Morgan.  Sweet, little Libby was lying to your face.  

FWIW, I don’t believe Libby was intentionally trying to lie to Morgan; rather, I think Libby found herself in a position where going against her original Tribe remnant to save Morgan would’ve irreparably damaged Libby’s own game.  Given the vote, a Libby vote flip would have saved M - but such a maneuver would almost certainly have consigned Libby to the bottom of both sides, and landed her the Long Walk at the next TC.

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10 hours ago, Nashville said:

Personally, I’m wondering when the lawsuit is coming from American Ninja Warrior for ripping off one of its staple opening obstacles.

Which was copied from the original Japanese version of Ninja Warrior AKA Sasuke!  

I was impressed that it seemed most people who couldn't do the single foot wide stride immediately caught on to the two-footed jumping from side to side.  You see both techniques on Ninja Warrior, but you don't see do-overs, ha.

I can see the Elizabeth Hasselback resemblance in Libby, but I also see Kristen Prout Zien (I mainly know her from Kyle XY in which she played Amanda, but also recently saw her in a silly Christmas TV movie).   Glad we heard from her  

Morgan reminded me of Patricia Wettig to a degree, but not as much as did London Kaye from Amazing Race 29 (strangers edition).  


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On 3/8/2018 at 8:37 AM, marys1000 said:

Yes [Chris] is annoying, yes he is bossy and playing hard but its not bothering me.  He has a natural leader vibe to me. 

I agree with your first sentence, but believe it disqualifies your second sentence.  I think his behavior has demonstrated he has no leadership skills.  He has barked at people and presumed tehy would naturally accede to his wishes.  He is the antithesis of a leader.  The person who appears to show leadership qualities is the gym teacher.  He seems to understand the people around him and how to get the best from them.  That's more the mark of leader than chris's nonsense.  I expect he will be eliminated by a large number when the time is right. 

Comparing a player to Rob M. is pretty high praise.  

This made me laugh.  I would think just the opposite.  A multiple time loser who had to have the deck stacked for him to get the gift victory.  He runs his mouth a lot, but has never been good at this game. 

Edited by BarneySays
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12 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

And I disagree with most people. It took him four times to win and he was handed a tribe of sheep that he could totally control so that he could win. He played a great strategic game in All Stars but complete disregarded jury management and lost to Amber. I am sorry, but when it takes you that many times to win it is hard to see you as a great player never mind one of the best players.

That will be like people saying that Ozzy or Coach were great players if they manage to win on their fourth attempt playing against an arrogant asshat that most everyone hated, Russell, and newbies. Rob lost his first season fair and square and then lost two All Star seasons playing against other vets. He is a good player who is a natural character but he is not a great player. That said, I will take him over Tony and Russell and Coach and Phillip and all the other contrived "characters" that they keep bringing on to the show.

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You can't define good player.   Are "good" players just those who just who won?  Is that your definition?  Michelle in Koa Rong? Adam, Aras, Natalie?  Because it sounds like you add in how they won which starts to get real subjective.  You could say something similar about JT.  Won his season but looked like a crap player later.     Yul?  Yes, I suppose, but he only played once.  The argument goes on forever, too many variables.  

Regardless of winning or making a critical mistake along the line somewhere  Boston Rob played a lot of good game.  So did Coach actually.  Better than many of the winners.  

Anyway I root for who I like,  not necessarily  who I think  is going to win.  Trying to predict the winner is a seperate thing as is figuring out who is a consistently good player regardless of wining.  And I think Boston Rob falls in that last category for sure.  

Speaking of semantics

I wonder if I'm mixing up my definition of applicant vs. recruit.  Those are the only two types of casting right?  I think I have the definitions right but get confused because in my mind I want to pigeon hole reality tv wannabe's and mactors as recruits but in actuality they could have applied and gone through that process. 

Applicant is some "normal" just want to play the game fan person (or not actually) who stood in line at a casting event or sent in video tapes.  

Recruit - is someone they went out looking for and asked if they wanted to play.  Probably in response to TPTB wanting some sort of type or eye candy

Anyone know who actually applied this season vs. recruited?

Edited by marys1000
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I don't agree with the entire ranking in that poll, either.  But my only point is when a player compares another to BRob, it's generally high praise.  

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Brenda hasn't made much of an impression on me tbh. I think he had a confessional in this ep that was funny to me. He was talking about the Purple people whining about the Yellow camp. 

I think James showed nice leadership skills in this ep actually.

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I always wonder about the game knowledge level of people who volunteer (or let their tribe volunteer them) to be leaders on day one.  That's not a particularly desirable thing in this game.  Brendan I believe at least kind of knew that, but perhaps didn't think it was worth really shrinking back more in that moment.  With Chris, I think he really was thrilled and had no idea that it's a risky place to be.  

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1 hour ago, marys1000 said:

Yes, and I agree with the leadership qualities although we haven't seen much of him after ep 1

We saw Brendan talking with the three other tribe mates while looking for the idol. He is well aware that they need to find a way to challenge the numbers and they need to stay united. He was at the center of those conversations. He was with Michael, or near by enough that Michael called him over, when Michael found the idol. Brendan was also the one introducing their camp to the new tribe members and who was annoyed with the bitching that the new tribe members were doing regarding the camp.

That tribe was not the focus of the episode because they won immunity and did not go to tribal. But Brendan probably got the most screen time of any of the four minority tribe members on the new tribe. He has a calm presence and seems to do a good job of mixing in with all the various personalities.

Brendan and James are probably two of my favorite players this season. They are both pretty clued in and see what is happening around them. They are quietly strategic. Exactly the type of player that I like.

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It’s funny. I see Brenden but I don’t necessarily hear him. I thought he would be a bigger (obnoxious) character. I thought he would be more like Andrew Savage. That’s probably not a compliment to some people but it’s who I thought Brenden would be like. I didn’t count on Dom & Chris getting  up more airtime and being the louder characters. It’s still early and we could still hear more from Brenden.  It’s surprising for a big alpha male he’s pretty vanilla. Good looking but vanilla. 

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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

It’s funny. I see Brenden but I don’t necessarily hear him. I thought he would be a bigger (obnoxious) character. I thought he would be more like Andrew Savage. That’s probably not a compliment to some people but it’s who I thought Brenden would be like. I didn’t count on Dom & Chris getting  up more airtime and being the louder characters. It’s still early and we could still hear more from Brenden.  It’s surprising for a big alpha male he’s pretty vanilla. Good looking but vanilla. 

These are the only alpha male options - obnoxious or vanilla?  :)

IMHO Brendan has apparently been playing MUCH better than I expected.  Brendan is the oldest male (41) in this season, and the second-oldest player of the entire cast - only Angela is older, by a year.  Brendan was also immediately selected as First Leader by his Tribe, which is usually synonymous with First Target.  Given past history, both the age and the Leader designation should combine to create a target on his back roughly the size of Yankee Stadium.  

Yet even though Brendan’s Tribe was treating TC like a second home for the first two evictions running, Brendan has yet to receive a single eviction vote - so he must be doing something right.  Kinda pisses me off TPTB aren’t showing us what.  Is Brendan’s game THAT subtle?

Edited by Nashville
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I think it points to Gonzalez and Jacob being that obnoxious. Brendan was in on the conversation regarding Jacob and if he was looking for an idol. I think Brendan is very active but is not loud and understands that it is better to have a conversation and not order people around.

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Obviously, Brenden is doing something right. They haven't shown anyone say anything about him. I agree that his type is usually a big target but he isn't on anybody's radar....yet. He appears to get along with Michael but even that hasn't been shown or built up that much. I'm 12 years older then him and I feel like a senior citizen. It cracks me up that he's this season old person. It will be interesting to see if and win if he makes the merge if he's a challenge threat or not.


ETA: I didn’t mean to curse Brenden. I didn’t even have to go to Ghost Island ? to do it. That said, I’m very surprised.

Edited by ByaNose
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I do think Dom showing the old Malolo his "fake" idol was a bad idea.  And Old Malolo should have stuck together for one vote.  Sucks that of course a woman, Morgan, is picked, instead of Wendell.

I think part of the reason the last 2 GI players have gotten "no game" is because HII have been found at the camp areas.  I had heard prior to the show that a 'prize' for winning a GI game may be a clue to where the HII is hidden back at camp.  since the HIIs were found without clues, they took out the games to win the clues.

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