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S08.E10: The Big Apple Bites

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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Kyle's biggest problem is she out and out lied. 

You say this in a tense that suggests she only lied this once *insert laughing icon here*. Kyle is a big fat fucking liar. Period, end of story. She lies constantly. She acts out and behaves like a 6th grader who stopped taking her Ritalin prescription. She's awful. I loathe her and wish they'd fire her juvenile ass once and for all. But then again, I just tried to watch the last 4 episodes and FF'd through most of them because it's just become a swampbog of The Real Harpies of BH.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That is a good point. Dorit can start shit at her own husband's birthday party, so why does everyone else have to wait for the right time and place? 

That being said, I try to live by the motto "It's not about what people deserve, but about who YOU are". I think I'd probably try to hold off and let that hag have her night, even if I didn't think she deserved it. Because I wouldn't want to lower myself to her level. (But, of course, if I'd have several cocktails, that might not have been how it turned out!)

But then you might be accused of always holding a grudge like LisaV is. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, gingerella said:

You say this in a tense that suggests she only lied this once *insert laughing icon here*. Kyle is a big fat fucking liar. Period, end of story. She lies constantly. She acts out and behaves like a 6th grader who stopped taking her Ritalin prescription. She's awful. I loathe her and wish they'd fire her juvenile ass once and for all. But then again, I just tried to watch the last 4 episodes and FF'd through most of them because it's just become a swampbog of The Real Harpies of BH.

By the time Kyle landed on Dorit, I was cheering for Dorit to say, "you stole my goddamn house."  I think is use to someone coming back at her and Dorit reaction wasn't one Kyle had counted on.  So she decided to embellish.  She can't possibly explain way her talking head where she claimed it was okay to talk smack about someone but not okay for it to get back to them.  I do believe there is a moral delemma in these women's eyes, they engaged in taped conversation and yet the one to blame is the one who repeats the information?

Just a guess, but I am thinking after the cameras went down and Erika left but before the home videos went up there was probably quite a discussion about Erika.

I may stand alone here but I felt like the after hours high jinks seemed rather forced.  Camille was just in the background dancing by herself and who knows what Teddi was doing-timing them perhaps?   

  • Love 4
On 2/21/2018 at 1:02 PM, AUJulia said:

Probably not, but I think more of us love her. 

I like Teddy. She is a normal person. She tried to get LVP to meet with Kyle to calm her down. Dorit is the best Housewife Villain.

I don't think that Lisa's kids are doing themselves any favors by Face Timing their mom while being on the toilet. Not cool.

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, film noire said:

I think LVP was using "I love you" to shut down an uncomfortable conversation/avoid getting into the nitty gritty of why Kyle was upset.

I think she does that kind of thing whenever Kyle gets messy-intimate and sobby  -- LVP tries to pull it back into a place that doesn't go to eleven - both for her own comfort zone on camera, but also, imo, because she seems gun-shy of explosive emotions (and not just because she's British, but perhaps because she's lived through seeing the worst that words can do). 

And saying "I love your loyalty" might not have worked, but it (or something along those lines) was worth a try, because it expresses something different than "I love you"; it says you've been seen, your actions acknowledged, and the reason for them understood and appreciated, even if the actions themselves aren't agreed with.  Instead, LisaV went into the man playbook   ("I love you" + physical touch = this will make it all better) and Kyle felt unheard/unseen instead of  loved. 

That's often the dynamic between them -- both ways -- I think it's because their relationship (to me) feels a lot like a retro sit-com marriage (at least in how it plays out on camera) and that works well when they're being wacky, but when it gets serious, it makes my toes curl. It's like some awkward pastiche of Russian drama and Bewitched -- all these genuine emotions are being felt, but the dynamic is so comical -- LVP turns into the harried husband with button down emotions ("It's how us British are-- but you know I love you, dahling!") and Mrs LVP, Kyle, is always So Hurt and So Jealous ("And I defended you and defended you and then YOU defended your SECRETARY!!") or LisaV is the Hopeless Hubby trying to express These Things Called Feelings, and Kyle is there to explain what a duffer Mr. LVP is in that department (leave it to the lady in this marriage to handle THAT sort of thing, thank you very much!) and it's often funny but also a little...sad? hollow? -- because they're both feeling things they consider deep and meaningful,  but in roles that are shallow in how they relate to each other, with no give or elasticity to really connect.  

I dunno - maybe they need couples counseling ; )

I just wanted to pull this out as a brilliant comment and thank you for it. I'm going to enjoy their future dealings much more with this in mind.

6 hours ago, gingerella said:

You say this in a tense that suggests she only lied this once *insert laughing icon here*. Kyle is a big fat fucking liar. Period, end of story. She lies constantly. She acts out and behaves like a 6th grader who stopped taking her Ritalin prescription. She's awful. I loathe her and wish they'd fire her juvenile ass once and for all. But then again, I just tried to watch the last 4 episodes and FF'd through most of them because it's just become a swampbog of The Real Harpies of BH.

I absolutely agree with everything you say,  but I just can't keep my hate for her going. 

  • Love 2
On 2/21/2018 at 2:44 PM, ezzy4 said:

These girls are coworkers, not friends.  Clearly Lisa brought Dorit on (through her connection with PK) and, I suspect, there was some sort of understanding of what Dorit's role was to be with regard to Lisa; promote Lisa's businesses and be her ally.  This is why Dorit knew about Lisa's jewelry line (and Kyle didn't - cause Lisa doesn't discuss her side businesses with her coworkers).  This is why Dorit was at the photo shoot for the jewelry line.  

But I think Lisa misjudged how THIRSTY Dorit (and PK) are.  They are broke@ss and  will use EVERY opportunity to get some dollars.   That's why Dorit is pushing her bathing suit line ahead of normal limits; push, push, push while there is a camera aimed at you.  Get on the cover of ANY magazine you possible can (wonder how much that cost?).  Push, push, push.  Don't stop talking.  The more you talk, the more likely you will get t.v. time when the episode airs.  Push, push, push.

And, although Dorit and PK should be appreciative of Lisa's efforts to get them a platform, these two are just too thirsty to hold back.  If attacking Lisa gets Dorit more camera facetime, she just can't seem to help herself.

Lisa looked more confused than hurt to me.  She was taken aback.  It was like she was thinking, "This isn't what we discussed AT ALL, Dorit.  WTF?".

Dorit tried to address it in the park, but without addressing the underlying agreements they had (which aren't supposed to be shown to the audience).  It was like she was hinting, winking, hinting.  And Lisa was just confused.  

When Dorit was going to take a separate car, Lisa was jumping at the chance to get her alone.  You could just tell she wanted to be alone with Dorit to straighten things out.  

Dorit is OFF SCRIPT.  Lisa is going to bury her.  I'm going to enjoy watching that happen.

Excellent analysis!. I watch VanderPump Rules as well as this show. LVP is one of savviest reality TV personalities I have ever watched. She is relentless at making sure that her businesses which now include pet grooming are featured on the show. She knows what she is doing to protect her reputation.

Lisa does not like it when other cast members on any show that she appears on go rogue.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, oakville said:

Excellent analysis!. I watch VanderPump Rules as well as this show. LVP is one of savviest reality TV personalities I have ever watched. She is relentless at making sure that her businesses which now include pet grooming are featured on the show. She knows what she is doing to protect her reputation.

Lisa does not like it when other cast members on any show that she appears on go rogue.

Except that Lisa sold a number of things on EVINE, including but not limited to, jewelry. She has also sold dog products (beds/toys/grooming products), bedding (lux faux throws/pillows) and lux faux plush toys (stuffed bears) for a number of years. Lisa has also talked about her family being typical Brits that didn't say "I love you" but were attentive and that she had a happy/normal childhood. So, none of this should be new to Kyle, including a jewelry line, if she paid attention because, as you pointed out, Lisa makes sure her products are talked about on the show. Which leads me to believe that Kyle only cares about what Kyle thinks/does, not what Lisa or any other HW does. IMO, Kyle is more about making herself look like the victim when it comes to anything Lisa/says/does than actually supporting her.

  • Love 10
On 2/21/2018 at 3:46 PM, KungFuBunny said:

I think LVP is very aware of the cameras and is usually very careful of what she says in front of the cameras.

I think public perception and her image are very important to her. If she does make a wrong move, she's very quick to say it's British humor or she was only joking.

Letting Kyle go off on Dorit, while not doing so herself gave her life

1) It shows her how much Kyle loves her

2) She didn't have to do any of the dirty work

3) I think she gets off when Kyle or any of the women "cry"

Bingo! LVP knows what she is doing. She is very aware of her reputation.

  • Love 7
On 2/21/2018 at 5:11 PM, Juliegirlj said:

Aside from Rinna being rip roaring drunk, this was a boring episode. 

Dorit has obviously been cast as a shit stirrer this season. ( we see you production !!) 

LVP seems too tired and run down to play along with RHOBH storylines. 

Does Erika really think anyone would actually pay money for a book about her?! 

I can't see many people wanting to buy Erika's book. Didn't she meet Tom while working as a cocktail waitress at a club that he went to regularly?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, oakville said:

I like Teddy. She is a normal person. She tried to get LVP to meet with Kyle to calm her down. Dorit is the best Housewife Villain.

I don't think that Lisa's kids are doing themselves any favors by Face Timing their mom while being on the toilet. Not cool.

I'm not into the Hamlets but I think Lisa face timed HER to tell her about a job, and it's possible the Hamlet didn't know she was being filmed.  

  • Love 4

Does Erika really think anyone would actually pay money for a book about her?! 

I can think of 2 people that post on this board that would.

I think there are certainly a few who'd eagerly lap up any book Dorit might write.

"It's not about what people deserve, but about who YOU are."

DING! DING! DING! I believe we have a new tagline for next season.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, film noire said:

I think LVP was using "I love you" to shut down an uncomfortable conversation/avoid getting into the nitty gritty of why Kyle was upset.

I think she does that kind of thing whenever Kyle gets messy-intimate and sobby  -- LVP tries to pull it back into a place that doesn't go to eleven - both for her own comfort zone on camera, but also, imo, because she seems gun-shy of explosive emotions (and not just because she's British, but perhaps because she's lived through seeing the worst that words can do). 

And saying "I love your loyalty" might not have worked, but it (or something along those lines) was worth a try, because it expresses something different than "I love you"; it says you've been seen, your actions acknowledged, and the reason for them understood and appreciated, even if the actions themselves aren't agreed with.  Instead, LisaV went into the man playbook   ("I love you" + physical touch = this will make it all better) and Kyle felt unheard/unseen instead of  loved. 

That's often the dynamic between them -- both ways -- I think it's because their relationship (to me) feels a lot like a retro sit-com marriage (at least in how it plays out on camera) and that works well when they're being wacky, but when it gets serious, it makes my toes curl. It's like some awkward pastiche of Russian drama and Bewitched -- all these genuine emotions are being felt, but the dynamic is so comical -- LVP turns into the harried husband with button down emotions ("It's how us British are-- but you know I love you, dahling!") and Mrs LVP, Kyle, is always So Hurt and So Jealous ("And I defended you and defended you and then YOU defended your SECRETARY!!") or LisaV is the Hopeless Hubby trying to express These Things Called Feelings, and Kyle is there to explain what a duffer Mr. LVP is in that department (leave it to the lady in this marriage to handle THAT sort of thing, thank you very much!) and it's often funny but also a little...sad? hollow? -- because they're both feeling things they consider deep and meaningful,  but in roles that are shallow in how they relate to each other, with no give or elasticity to really connect.  

I dunno - maybe they need couples counseling ; )

I would agree about couples counseling, they should consider it, haha. As I said somewhere else in this thread, their friendship is a strange one but you've explained their dynamic well - their great together when it's all fun but when things get serious, it's really awkward to watch because it's so real. They both handle their emotions in completely opposite ways and even after over a decade of knowing each other, they have yet to figure out how to effectively communicate with one another when they hit a snag. I thought they handled the beach house incident well but that's because after the confrontation, they both avoided each other until they felt calm and measured enough to discuss...all the more reason why I think trying to encourage continued dialogue was the wrong move. I don't blame Teddi because it's not her job and I do think she was trying to help in the best way she knew how in that moment, but I don't think it was the most effective strategy, and that can be because she also doesn't know either woman well enough to know their history and their tendencies. 

  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, AntAnn said:

That is the story she tells. I think her character on the howives is interesting, but not interesting enough to buy her book.

Agreed. I don't hate Erika. It seems to me that she fell in love with an older man who was very wealthy. This is not an original story.  I don't like her "Glam Squad" but

  • Love 3

I don't blame Teddi because it's not her job and I do think she was trying to help in the best way she knew how in that moment, but I don't think it was the most effective strategy, and that can be because she also doesn't know either woman well enough to know their history and their tendencies. 

I do think Teddi definitely came from a good place in trying to help Kyle and LVP.

  • Love 7
On 2/22/2018 at 7:33 PM, Natalie68 said:

Let me know what you think.  I realized I need to watch this week again.  I must have been spacing because I am seeing a lot of stuff I missed in these posts!  Geez, must not have been riveting TV!  

Just watched it again - wondering what was edited between them knocking on the door and walking away. It was odd that Camille touched Dorit’s arm (thought that the first time I watched) because Camille had been calling Dorit out for her shit stirring. But yeah, Dorit wiped her nose and took a big ol’ sniff. Could be - but who would have joined her? Rinna wasn’t there.

  • Love 4

Just on the "wearing sunglasses indoors" = asshole thing...

I suffer from chronic migraines and have significant light sensitivity that really increases my pain level. I frequently need to wear sunglasses indoors. If I'm with people, I briefly let them know why (i.e it's not because I'm an asshole.)

As someone else noted, Erika said she had them on because she has "terrible allergies".

Oh, and Dorit is full of shit.

  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Not sure LVP like to take in younger cast members per se; like some of her animals, she likes to taken in broken people.

People who will be sufficiently grateful and she can manipulate into being her fresh supply.

4 hours ago, KSerenaK said:

Just on the "wearing sunglasses indoors" = asshole thing...

I suffer from chronic migraines and have significant light sensitivity that really increases my pain level. I frequently need to wear sunglasses indoors. If I'm with people, I briefly let them know why (i.e it's not because I'm an asshole.)

As someone else noted, Erika said she had them on because she has "terrible allergies".

Oh, and Dorit is full of shit.

Good point. My eyes are super sensitive to overhead lights so I often keep my baseball-type hats on in public places - no doubt some people think I’m being rude. Too bad.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, oakville said:

I tell my kids no to answer their cellphones when they are on the toilet. It's rude. Facetiming while being on the toilet is rude.

Yeah, it's gross too.  I was in a public restroom recently and heard a woman in the next stall talking on her cell phone.  How does one hold a cell phone, then wipe, then flush the toilet, then pull up your drawers, all with one hand?  I don't understand the need to have the phone in one's hand 24/7, especially while in the bathroom. YMMV.


Brandi turned on LVP.

Well, that was no big loss for the VanderPumps!  IMO, she was a user. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, oakville said:

I can't see many people wanting to buy Erika's book. Didn't she meet Tom while working as a cocktail waitress at a club that he went to regularly?


37 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, she's quite the empowered woman.  Thanks to Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.


That would be thanks to Human League, n'est ce pas?

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

Yeah, it's gross too.  I was in a public restroom recently and heard a woman in the next stall talking on her cell phone.  How does one hold a cell phone, then wipe, then flush the toilet, then pull up your drawers, all with one hand?  I don't understand the need to have the phone in one's hand 24/7, especially while in the bathroom. YMMV.

Well, that was no big loss for the VanderPumps!  IMO, she was a user. 

Lisa, a user? Sounds about right. 

  • Love 2

I don't know what anybody would read in Erika's book that we don't already know about her. She's so guarded that I can't imagine her revealing anything particularly borderline scandalous or remotely eyebrow-raising.  For starters, I think that she's under subtle pressure to keep it at least R-rated (I'm thinking more for "strong language") as to not to embarrass Mr. Girardi. (Not that she hasn't pushed that to the max already...) Secondly, I just don't think her story seems very unique or interesting. I am sorry that she had a less than perfect childhood but so have millions of other kids and the rags-to-riches trophy wife to sugar daddy story has been retold/relived repeatedly. As well as the struggling dancer/actress theme ... especially in L.A./BH. Unless ... there is some bombshell that will come out after publication ... that can be used as a weapon to propel Erika to a front-burner storyline next season. I can't think of anything. I and I highly doubt that.

If I can obtain the book for dirt-cheap for Kindle after it has been out for a while (and sales reflect it) I'll bite. Hell, I read Ramona Singer's book for grins.

Teddi was definitely trying to demonstrate/validate her skills as an accountability coach in trying to broker a resolution between Kyle and LVP.  I believe that her intentions were in the right place but she's just too green with this group to intuitively know that her approach wasn't going to work. I like Teddi OK. I see her as a less glam Eileen, kinda there and a bit uptight. Eileen would have thrown a hissy-fit if Dorit had left her waiting alone in a bar for nearly an hour. However, Elieen wouldn't be the one to let it drop. Right now, Teddi's carefully-crafted "chillness" is dull but a needed undercurrent to all of the histrionics dished up by Dorit and Kyle. I see her as a "one and done," for this season. She's not a good fit and to me, she clearly looks like she's not enjoying herself one bit.

Kyle was just drunk and being stupid. I'm no fan of Dorit but agree that Kyle's timing was poor. Let the narcissistic hag have her night and hit her in the morning when she's coming down from the high (leave that to your own interpretation.)

I'd love a NYC vs. BH cross-over episode. Drunk Dorinda and Dorit would be comedy gold. I also love to see Luann and Erika try to interact.

Note to the poster who is contemplating eye surgery: My sister had overly watery eyes and had the little tubes inserted. The procedure wasn't really that bad. Done locally and in a short period of time. The problem was that they really didn't help the condition, so it ended up being a wasted effort.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, dosodog said:

Don't you want me baby

Don't you want me oooooo ooh

Now I have a craving for a chocolate chip cookie.

You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up
And turned you around
Turned you into someone new
Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too.

Edited by walnutqueen
reasons ...
  • Love 12

She said it at either Erika or Dorit's birthday party last season.

Sorry, my bad, she said it in the first episode of season 7. From the Trashtalktv recap:


Flaming poo dress and fish face aside, Dorit is very promising. She has an unplaceable fake accent and it’s amazing. Basically, she’s a flapper from the Bronx in the 20’s trying to talk like the Queen imitating Charo. Vanderpump loves her, of course, because anyone that splintered phonetically is broken, and LVP is obsessed with broken people. She knew PK’s original wife, and considers Dorit an “upgrade”. Who the hell was the man married to before? Balki?

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, BBHN said:

She said it at either Erika or Dorit's birthday party last season.

Sorry, my bad, she said it in the first episode of season 7. From the Trashtalktv recap:

Trash Talk is a funny recap but they don't quote the HWs accurately as Lisa never said that Dorit was an "upgrade" at any time. This was nothing more than the author, Miss Red, making a joke and nothing more. 

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