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S22.E07: Week 7

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I definitely had Jacqueline-as-Bachelorette thoughts during that part. I suppose one could do the filming for this show, then start the school stuff and have a really long engagement...It's hardly idea and is probably even less likely to work out than most of these pairings, but it's not completely beyond the realm of possibility.

I thought the same thing. Not idea but possible.

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When Bekah was crying, she looked uncomfortably young...like, a little freckled round-faced boy (yes, boy) having the kind of meltdown that starts with the pouty lips (and not the trendy, fashionable kind), then frowny mouth, then spreads to his whole face, and then he just blubbers.      

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On 2/14/2018 at 11:08 AM, Jaclyn88 said:

I mean look at Ashley I for an example. You think the girl wanted to live on a farm with Chris Soules? No. She wanted her mug on tv a trillion more times.

Chris Soules was an unusual example, methinks: He made a big, big deal out of being a simple Iowa farmer who had no interest in big-city glitz, and stated more than once that he would return to that life after the show was over. So he picks the one girl who seemed to be cool with that, goes on DWTS, decides he wants to be a Hollywood famewhore after all and dumps Whitney in favor of his DWTS partner (who was also named Whitney).

On 2/14/2018 at 1:53 PM, sadie said:

You are so right. Just to make sure I went back and watched some of the old Emily clips they have on Hulu. He was like a different person. He has aged a lot in 6 years but none of the personality he showed with her is present here at all! I can’t tell if he’s sick, bored or what. And yes if race car royalty’s handsome son can’t find a young eager gorgeous girl to find love then this guy hasn’t been at the same race tracks I’ve visited (I live near Daytona Speedway).

Maybe he's doing this to help his real estate business along with increased name recognition. I can tell you for a fact that he is definitely NOT a celebrity here in Scottsdale: at the risk of sounding arrogant, a lot of famous people spend all or part of the year here, so the son of a racecar driver (Arie's primary racing claim to fame is his dad winning the Indy 500) is kind of "meh." I had no idea he even lived in Scottsdale until my wife told me, and she only knew because she remembered it being mentioned during Emily's season.

On 2/14/2018 at 3:31 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I think you're thinking of Nascar.  Arie spent most of his career in Indy cars, and those races are on ovals (turn left), street courses, and road courses. 

And needless to say, it's a lot harder (mentally and physically) than just sitting behind the wheel and steering.  Kind of like everything else in the world--it always seems easy until you really look into it. 

Imagine being cooped up in your car for hours at a time. Imagine not being able to scratch your nose, or change how you're sitting, or go to the bathroom, or even stretch out your arms except during a pit stop. If your attention wanders for even a split-second, you will likely die. If your hands cramp and you take them off the wheel for a split-second, you will likely die. If you try to adjust your cramping legs and your feet come off the pedals when they're not supposed to, you probably won't die, but you will lose valuable position in a sport where split-seconds can mean the difference between winning and losing.

It's stressful and dangerous as hell.

On 2/14/2018 at 9:56 PM, chocolatine said:

I think part of what made Arie stand out on Emily's season is that he wasn't the typical meathead that most of her other suitors were, and he managed to make fun of those guys without being overly mean. This go-around he seems to have lost all his playfulness in favor of the ultra-serious "I'm here to find a wife" demeanor. 

WOW! Where the hell is that Arie this season? No wonder my wife liked the guy: that clip was genuinely witty and funny.

On 2/13/2018 at 12:46 PM, calpurnia99 said:

Obviously he likes Lauren the most because she is SKINNY and has a hot bod. This is all men care about. He just wants to walk around with her on his arm. He wants something pretty to look at. I think they are perfect together.

Speak for yourself. Some of us like women who are a little larger.

On 2/13/2018 at 12:49 PM, Irlandesa said:

That has to happen a lot, right? For people who have watched more of this than I have, has anyone ever gone "you're not the bachelor/bachelorette I signed up for so 'bye?'"

During Kaitlyn's season, the first episode was a competition between her and Britt to determine who would be the Bachelorette and who would go home. Right after the guys voted in Kaitlyn, one of the Britt voters came up to Kaitlyn and respectfully said he liked her but had really come on the show for Britt. She thanked him for his honesty, let him leave and he ended up dating Britt for awhile.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
Ashley and Whitney are different names
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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I don't think it's that these bachelors don't have personalities .. it's just that the show doesn't allow that . They make the bachelors into robots who say the same things season after season 

This. We've seen over and over again everyone being all psyched because their favourite contestant is now the lead, and then by the end, everyone hates them because they appear to have no personality beyond wanting to make out with everybody and have their contestants tell them how great they are. Honestly, I have less idea why anyone would want to come on this show as a lead than I do why anyone would want to be a contestant.

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29 minutes ago, kingshearte said:

Honestly, I have less idea why anyone would want to come on this show as a lead than I do why anyone would want to be a contestant.

I wonder how many of them regret becoming the lead. I just feel like it probably sounds great in theory, having a bunch of hot chicks/dudes fighting over you, but would pretty much suck in reality.

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3 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Chris Soules was an unusual example, methinks: He made a big, big deal out of being a simple Iowa farmer who had no interest in big-city glitz, and stated more than once that he would return to that life after the show was over. So he picks the one girl who seemed to be cool with that, goes on DWTS, decides he wants to be a Hollywood famewhore after all and dumps Ashley in favor of his DWTS partner (who was also named Ashley).

I thought Chis Soules' "winner's" name was Whitney.

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Bekah grosses me out. She has bad skin (I still did too at her age!) and her hair looks greasy. Also when Arie was consoling her i could really see their age difference - she looked soooo young, so it was creepy. 

I do think Arie is hot but I'm 47 so he looks young to me, lol. I'm pretty certain he wants Lauren to win, because she has the best body and looks the most like Emily. I think the only reason he likes Tia is because she sounds like Emily. I think Tia will be the next Bachelorette though. 

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would someone please make an alternate version of the bachelor so that when watching it, the viewer would hear no vocal fry, no one saying “like” a hundred million thousand times, and everyone would pronounce the word “feel” as it is written, rather than saying it as “fill”. Do they not hear themselves or do we have to just accept this from the current generation of young girls? Because to quote one of their favorite phrases, “I can’t”. 

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I think this season has been spectacular in a very suddle way for me as a 70/30 wrong/right reasons viewer. There is just so much I can take of the villains, and having them win is the worst, so when he sent Krystal home it was amazing because she had already solidified her standing as the most awful and funniest person on the show ever. I couldn´t really take any more of Becca, I didn´t want to see her cringy and awful hometown visit, so even though a part of me loves that stuff, there´s always the 30 % who want´s it to go right. It might seem like we´re in for total dullness now but I´m not sure, I think the fact that Arie is "falling madly in love" with horrifyingly boring Lauren is even funnier than Krystal´s nonsense. I mean, wow, she is so boring, yet the show decided to torture us with her on two 1 on 1 dates back to back! I was mesmerized by her dullness but purked up when Arie left the table and then gave her a rose. My favorite is Kendall, I like her personality and looks but I think Tia and Arie look really great together. So basically I´m either rooting for him picking Tia or that he´ll pick Lauren and I´ll be totally dumbfounded and happy in a wrong reasons way.

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For someone who, for a long stretch of time, engaged in risky behavior in which the only way to compete and win was to take even more risks than the competition, Arie is seeking safety at all costs.  In this case, the costs include someone he had the strongest and most natural physical attraction to in Bekah and someone with the personality, mystery and intellect to keep him interested for years to come in Jacqueline.  Seinne may have also offered the latter combination but he was intimidated by her and said as much.

I must amend last week's remarks to say that Arie may be looking for a trophy but he is hedging his bet by choosing some seriously safe options AND because parting ways with three of them won't bother his conscience one bit.

Lauren B is the new Lauren B as in Bushnell as in Ben's Lauren B.  Crikey, the Laurens could be twins except for the eye color and the inconvenient fact that Lauren Bushnell had/has a warehouse full of personality compared to this year's Lauren.  Ben had the classic choice between Betty & Veronica.  He chose safety and a constant 72 degrees over JoJo's mystery and the potential for a blazing fire of lust that might provide life-giving heat or might simply burn him up like kindling.  He chose poorly, as later events demonstrated.  Arie has, by accident or design, mostly sent his Veronicas home already - or they've left him.

Arie also seeks the white picket fence and I ain't talking about Lauren's admirable orthodontics.  And so, despite her dial tone personality and entire paragraphs uttered in Vocal Fryese, she is a clear F2/F1 candidate.

Becca K may be the only genuine one in the bunch ie someone who wants to kick in her front door and say 'Look what I found!'  She's almost certainly the kind of girl who would do a tacky raising of arms and victory dance wiggle at her wedding after the exchange of vows as if she'd scored a touchdown.  Major pet peeve of mine.  She has the primacy AND recency effects on her side but there just might be too big a gap between the first date and the last (as one of them alluded to).  She's safe too but is she a little too needy?  And is she tempting fate by counting her bridges before she crosses them?

Tia just wants a ticket out of the Ozarks but someone should tap her on the shoulder and let her know that a passport isn't required to travel to the other states in the union and that if her professional credentials are as advertised she could snaffle up a job tomorrow in just about any city she likes.  She did manage to break precedent in telling tales out of school about the other girls and intruding on Arie's naive 'everyone loves me for me' fantasy.  But...she still got a rose despite dripping poison in his ear.  Usually it's the other way round.  She may have kicked Bekah M into touch but her status as provocateur will only grow in his subconscious.

Call it irony or foreshadowing or both but Kendall is on her way to being stuffed & mounted as a souvenir.  She was a waste of a rose, especially at this stage, except to give Arie an easy means of winnowing the field and to avoid making the hard choices simply to protect his fragile ego.

It's a shame because this season and this Bachelor actually overcame or minimized his flaws thanks to the parity and determined competition among the Bachelorettes and his plan, or at least his willingness, to throw every flavor of candy in the store into his basket and to try them all, unlike many past Bachelors who have kept their distance until the later stages, even if they sabotage their 'journey' by doing so.  Unfortunately, he's going to end up like Augustus Gloop and not Charlie Bucket due to his rashness.

Edited by Rainsong
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I think the only reason he likes Tia is because she sounds like Emily. I think Tia will be the next Bachelorette though.

Please no. If she's not his F1, (and we all know the chances of that are extremely high given how besotted he seems with Lauren), then unless she has a redemption arc at the WTA I can't or don't want to see her as the B'ette. After she tattled to Arie I think it really hurt her chances. She would have to make a sincere apology to Bekah at the WTA, (and those are always doubtful) for me to see her as the B'ette. I would much rather see Kendall get it. Or even Becca, Jacqueline or Seinne for that matter.

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I always thought a bachelor or bachlorette had to be a real catch to be the lead. Arie, boring tho he may be, is a racecar driver with $. Trista was a beautiful heartbroken cheerleader.

Tia?? blech. I wish they would get fresh new leads. 

(ive been saying this for years. ashley the dentist as a lead?? terrible) andrew firestone? awesome. and who could forget Deanna?? Oy) 

Edited by nlkm9
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On 2/14/2018 at 10:06 AM, yorklee2 said:

Of course everyone has their opinions but to me she is not as pretty as JoJo. I think her hair has people drawing comparisons to Andi and JoJo but to me she doesn't look like them in the face at all. Honestly I don't think she's that pretty. Her nose is too sharp and pointed. She barely has any lips and she needs more body in her hair. And the way she brings it all to the front looks awful when they show her from the back. Shallow I know but that's JMO.

I agree that Tia is not as attractive as JoJo. That gigantic arm tattoo alone disqualifies Tia from wining that battle. It's an enormous tattoo that really narrows the field of potential suitors to people who absolutely love tattoos. You mention how she looks from the back, and all I saw from the back was her arm ink. Of course, JoJo's best (fake) assets couldn't be seen from behind either.

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Why the hell is Laurent there if she is "so scared to get hurt again"?   Bitch, don't go on a TV show if you aren't sure.  At least Bekah seemed like she would have given it a shot.

On ‎2‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:57 AM, Aim123 said:

Bekah: Teri from "Just One of the Guys".... 


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On ‎2‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:43 AM, Jaclyn88 said:

I don't think it's that these bachelors don't have personalities .. it's just that the show doesn't allow that . They make the bachelors into robots who say the same things season after season 

Yes, and this season it seems that the editors think we want to see Arie kissing all the women, all the time.   There's a lot more kissing than conversation, and it makes it seem like there's no connection between Arie and anyone.  I'm bored with it, I liked the seasons where I felt I had some sense of who the women are, beyond the stereotypes. 

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On 2/16/2018 at 12:42 PM, Mabinogia said:

I wonder how many of them regret becoming the lead. I just feel like it probably sounds great in theory, having a bunch of hot chicks/dudes fighting over you, but would pretty much suck in reality.

I think while they definitely want to go on as the bachelor and have 25 women/ men fighting for them , the biggest reason people want to be the bachelor/ette is because of what happens after the show .. dwts, modeling , potential hosting of shows , instagram paid ads , etc . That's why the couples never last after . they don't care about focusing on their relationship . They want to focus on their fame 

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I miss the sleazy innocence of earlier seasons, before spin-offs and Instagram gave more chances for further famewhoring.  And although there have been nice Bachelors, creepy Bachelors, and boring Bachelors, my favorite was Horndog Charlie.  He was just there for the partying and sex, but he was good-natured and fun, with a good mix of normal-to-crazy chicks.  And damned if he didn't fall in love, against everyone's expectations!  They eventually split, but lasted much longer than most couplings from this show.  I think the show has gotten overly scripted and over planned now, with much less spontaneity.  Most recent seasons are pretty interchangeable, with just slightly different faces.  In a month or so, I probably won't remember who was the most recent Bachelor.  Harry?  Gary?  Oh, yeah, that Arie guy.

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On 2/14/2018 at 11:56 PM, chocolatine said:

I think part of what made Arie stand out on Emily's season is that he wasn't the typical meathead that most of her other suitors were, and he managed to make fun of those guys without being overly mean. This go-around he seems to have lost all his playfulness in favor of the ultra-serious "I'm here to find a wife" demeanor. 

Yes! I remembered someone kind of witty with a big personality. It was his personality and not his looks, that made me excited for the season. Sad to see that gone.

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20 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I forgot to add how shitty it was when he was holding the rose out to Sienne and then didn't give it to her.  The producers told him to do that no doubt, and they are all sleazy as hell for it.

Yeah, I don't know if some lead did that once of their own volition (absent-mindedly maybe? I like to believe that whatever else these people are, most of them are probably not outright malicious) and the producers latched onto it, or if it was a diabolical idea hatched by a producer in the first place, but either way, they've been doing it for several seasons, at least, and it's just so freaking mean. That said, by this point, anyone going on this show should probably know that they're not homefree just because the rose is in the lead's hand. Until it's actually offered, it could still go either way.

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On 2/20/2018 at 2:18 PM, Kbilly said:

Thank you StatisticalOutlier for schooling me on Indy Cars! I know nothing of car racing either & was being snarky ;)

Yeah, well, I dated a gymnastics coach for a while, and one day at the gym I spotted the pommel horse and pictured those guys swinging their straight legs to and fro on it and thought, "I can do that."  I managed to get up there with straight arms, and tried to gracefully sling my leg up and over and the most I could do was kind of slam it into the upper part of the pommel horse with a bent knee and drag my leg across it, and even that took superhuman effort. 

It taught me a valuable lesson.

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