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55 minutes ago, TheRealT said:


This is totally my image of Maci. And it would be one thing if she was like, "Yeah, I'm basic as fuck! Heehaw!" and didn't put on airs about being so mature, smart, and sophisticated. She does try to affect being "down to earth," but she also presents herself as being somehow exemplary in terms of all she's survived and how accomplished she is. Which, no.

According to what I consider even basic middle class/respectable standards, she is pretty trashy. She had a baby in high school. She has no education to speak of (despite putting on airs for years about being in school while raising her child and working); she had 3 kids out of wedlock; she has no realistic future career prospects; she has zero intellectual curiosity (which informs her lifestyle/parenting choices); etc., etc. I can't see the average middle- to upper middle-class mom in her community embracing Maci as a potential wife for her doctor/lawyer/etc., captain of the football team at UT son (which I think was Maci's original aspiration in life and what is considered the maximum achievement for a woman in her culture).

Yeah, there are people who just own what they like and what they're into. As with everything with Maci, that's what I don't get. She could just be like "you know, I like to have some beers, hang out with the husband and kids, chill in some Tennessee bars, have some wings, go mudding and that's about it" and I'd be like "ok, you do you." But she clearly thinks she's "better" than people who do that. She fancies herself a weird combo of "debutante Southern Christian wife/mom" and a "badass working parent survivor who fought to get an education." That's what I find irritating about her. Just own it! Just be like "yep, I smoke and drink and party and had three kids with two boyfriends, one at 16... deal with it, that's life." But she won't. Reminds me a lot of Kail in that way. 

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On 1/9/2018 at 7:28 PM, TexasGal said:

I think my DVR has revolted, the recording of this episode keeps freezing and garbling.  Maybe I should listen.

I finally got around to watching this last night and mine did the same thing!!!  It was at the beginning with Tyler and Kim talking, it cut out and I didn't hear much.  I was afraid the whole damned thing would be recorded like that, but it wasn't. 

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On 1/14/2018 at 4:08 PM, TheRealT said:

When I first read this I seriously thought you were being sarcastic (not snarking on you). Maci has traveled quite a bit since she had Bentley. I believe that she's home more now, but she used to go on a lot of "spring break" type trips with friends and did the college circuit as a pro-abstinence speaker. She also dated a couple of guys who lived out of town (including Taylor) and traveled frequently to visit them.

I meant travel as more of a cultural experience as opposed to going out of town to visit friends or for work. 

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7 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I meant travel as more of a cultural experience as opposed to going out of town to visit friends or for work. 

Right, but she's had the opportunity to do both, as early as her late teens. She's not interested in traveling for the cultural experiences. Which, her money, her time, her choice, but your post on the previous page:


Yes, provincial.  But she's only 26, and has been saddled with kids since she was 17.  So it's it not like she can just up and travel on a whim.  She's done some TM appearances, but those really are for work. 

She doesn't seem like the type to be interested in experiencing other cultures, other than their beer culture (and there is something to be said for that), but even if she were, it's bound to be more difficult for her than it would be for a regular mid-20s person. 

made it seem like you thought her obligations as a mother and being a young woman precluded her from more sophisticated traveling experiences. That is just not true. In fact, I'd argue that at least up until the last two miracle babies, it was easier for her than the average mid 20s non parent. She had two sets of parents willing to watch Bentley at any time, and far more financial resources than the average 20 something, plus she hasn't held a regular job for much of her adult life so it wasn't like she had to worry about getting time off or anything.

When her parents agreed to watch all three kids for 10 days so Maci could go on her honeymoon, there was nothing stopping her from traveling outside of the country or even within the US to a place she'd never been. She chose a beach vacation (I think in FL) and came right out and said all she was going to do was drink and lay on the beach.


As others have said, not everyone likes traveling to new places. Some people get overwhelmed by the different languages, traffic systems, cultural norms. Some people can't stand flying, especially 15+ hour flights. And that's not a character flaw. The fact that Maci spends all her vacation time visiting the same 3 or 4 places is fine. It's just her attitude that she is so sophisticated and worldly when she is in fact the exact opposite.

Edited by Tatum
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On 1/14/2018 at 7:09 PM, DangerousMinds said:

If she had any real interest in beer (or taste), she wouldn't be drinking Budweiser.

Maci drinks Bud Light because it's easy to drink a lot of them at once. And because Taylor drinks them.  She'd have some trouble forcing down one of those dark German beers served in a boot.


Actually, that I'd pay to see. Maci and Taylor trying to outdrink the German guys like in Beerfest- they'd be laughed out of the beer hall. But I can't see either one of them ever making it there in the first place.

On 1/14/2018 at 8:17 PM, TheRealT said:


This is totally my image of Maci. And it would be one thing if she was like, "Yeah, I'm basic as fuck! Heehaw!" and didn't put on airs about being so mature, smart, and sophisticated.

"Basic as fuck" is an even better term for Maci than provincial. You're killing it @TheRealT!

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On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 7:20 PM, GreatKazu said:

. BK would never be on my list of places to eat in a foreign country. I could eat that shit here in the U.S. anytime I wanted and that is not often.  

Valid point...however, as a born-and-bred New Englander, when I saw a Dunks' in Puerto Rico,  I started screaming for my father-in-law to "STOP THE CAR!!!"

Edited by teapot
it's called Dunkin' Donuts, of course, but *I* don't call it that!
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34 minutes ago, teapot said:

Valid point...however, as a born-and-bred New Englander, when I saw a Dunks' in Puerto Rico,  I started screaming for my father-in-law to "STOP THE CAR!!!"

Ha! I went to Fat Burger in Dubai.  We don't have on in Brooklyn.

But Maci's ass is still basic.

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16 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Ha! I went to Fat Burger in Dubai.  We don't have on in Brooklyn.

But Maci's ass is still basic.

No joke, one of the best meals I had in Italy was at the McDonalds in the Florence train station (had to grab something on the go) and I don't even eat at them here.

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11 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Ha! I went to Fat Burger in Dubai.  We don't have on in Brooklyn.

But Maci's ass is still basic.

Now see, that shit I would stop for and eat because the one Fat Burger we had in our town closed!!!! Nooooooo!!! Damn best burgers ever! The closest one is in Los Angeles which is about a 40 minute drive away. *sigh*

@teapot Dunkin Donuts coffee...*thumbs up* love it!

Fully agree with both your posts @Tatum.  Maci has never been saddled down the way a true young mother would be in her situation when she had Bentley.

The idea that Maci was just relaxing and having drinks in between speaking jobs is laughable. She might have been drinking after giving speeches, but she was doing so as a minor. Those chug-a-lug vacations she took were done many times throughout the year. Her speaking engagements were not in conjunction with the times she went on group vacations with her friends when they were partying it up, and she was still a minor. 

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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

Fully agree with both your posts @Tatum.  Maci has never been saddled down the way a true young mother would be in her situation when she had Bentley.


Hell, she wasn't saddled down the way an average 20 something non parent is! When I was 23 I worked full time and made $31,500 a year at a job that required a 4 year degree. I also only got a week of paid vacation a year. I did not have kids, but I could neither afford a fancy vacation nor take the time off, despite only having myself to support.

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24 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Hell, she wasn't saddled down the way an average 20 something non parent is! When I was 23 I worked full time and made $31,500 a year at a job that required a 4 year degree. I also only got a week of paid vacation a year. I did not have kids, but I could neither afford a fancy vacation nor take the time off, despite only having myself to support.

Many of us know that situation too well. 

Maci can go fuck off. 

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9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

No joke, one of the best meals I had in Italy was at the McDonalds in the Florence train station (had to grab something on the go) and I don't even eat at them here.

I ate at a McDonald's in Switzerland (many moons ago) and it was way better than the McD's food here.

I don't think it makes one "provincial" to set foot in a fast food restaurant outside one's local area. Even someone who exclusively eats at chain restaurants can be very learned, worldly, and sophisticated. I think Maci is extra basic because she is not and is not interested in becoming particularly proficient or knowledgeable about anything. To me, that's sad for her, just as a human being, and even more so looking at her as a mother and/or as a person who has had so much money and opportunity at such a young age.

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23 hours ago, mamadrama said:

No joke, one of the best meals I had in Italy was at the McDonalds in the Florence train station (had to grab something on the go) and I don't even eat at them here.

I've seen recommendations that people make a point to check out the McDonaldses in other parts of the world to see what items they offer that are tailored for local tastes.


13 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I don't think it makes one "provincial" to set foot in a fast food restaurant outside one's local area. Even someone who exclusively eats at chain restaurants can be very learned, worldly, and sophisticated. I think Maci is extra basic because she is not and is not interested in becoming particularly proficient or knowledgeable about anything. To me, that's sad for her, just as a human being, and even more so looking at her as a mother and/or as a person who has had so much money and opportunity at such a young age.

I would give her a pass and think she simply wants to be a mother, but she seems to need to project an air that she's more than that, and I don't see it.

But I will give her a pass because of her age, which was my original point.  She seems old to me because she she's been a mother since she was 17 and now has three kids at 26, which is about the average age for women's first births.  I think that put her in a mindset where she wouldn't take off on a European vacation on a whim, even though she has babysitters available. 


23 hours ago, Tatum said:

Hell, she wasn't saddled down the way an average 20 something non parent is! When I was 23 I worked full time and made $31,500 a year at a job that required a 4 year degree. I also only got a week of paid vacation a year. I did not have kids, but I could neither afford a fancy vacation nor take the time off, despite only having myself to support.

I was thinking of college kids who travel during the summers, or during a gap year.  Or going to Europe after taking the bar exam, before settling down in a job.  People from my law school class were bumping into each other over there.

Maybe they don't do this anymore because kids do everything with their parents these days. 


23 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Ha! I went to Fat Burger in Dubai.  We don't have on in Brooklyn.

I was going to send you over to Jersey City, but I looked it up and that one has closed down.  Sorry.

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1 minute ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


I was thinking of college kids who travel during the summers, or during a gap year.  Or going to Europe after taking the bar exam, before settling down in a job.  People from my law school class were bumping into each other over there.

Maybe they don't do this anymore because kids do everything with their parents these days. 


Well, I guess those that can afford to might do this. I wouldn't necessarily consider "traveling Europe" the norm for late teens and early 20 somethings.  Most of the people I knew in college needed to work in order to pay for school. Taking time off and spending money traveling would have been out of the question. And I think in this day and age, most kids graduate with so much student debt that prohibits recreational travel, at least right away.

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5 hours ago, Tatum said:

Well, I guess those that can afford to might do this. I wouldn't necessarily consider "traveling Europe" the norm for late teens and early 20 somethings.  Most of the people I knew in college needed to work in order to pay for school. Taking time off and spending money traveling would have been out of the question. And I think in this day and age, most kids graduate with so much student debt that prohibits recreational travel, at least right away.

As a 20 something: we're poor out here y'all. We need to graduate early to save a little $$ on monstrous loans, not study abroad or take gap years. Sad state of things! I don't think I knew anybody who didn't work through college and still graduate with five figures or more of debt. 

Edited by Lm2162
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When I first read this I seriously thought you were being sarcastic (not snarking on you). Maci has traveled quite a bit since she had Bentley. I believe that she's home more now, but she used to go on a lot of "spring break" type trips with friends and did the college circuit as a pro-abstinence speaker. She also dated a couple of guys who lived out of town (including Taylor) and traveled frequently to visit them.

Bolding mine: You got that right. 

Maci didn't have Bentley in her care 24/7. She shared visitation with Ryan, although we know a lot of that time was spent really with the Edwards. Still, it wasn't as if she was this single parent who was struggling at home with her child and was working or going to school. She also had an open door with the Edwards. She knew they were happy to have Bentley at their home so they made it easy for Maci to just leave Bentley with them beyond visitation time, no questions asked.

It is really a sore spot with me when the mothers on this show declare how they are stressed, and how they are these badass mothers with no help or support whatsoever. They are doing it all on their own (except Chelsea). Please declare them the best mothers ever! They so deserve it for the 50% of time they spend with their kids. They need to go on their 128,961,289 vacation for the year because they need to relax for all the tiring and hard work they do when they film this show for three weeks maximum per year. 

Maci and her fanatics can spare me about her struggles.

I came across this old article where Maci discusses her teen struggles:


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23 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

As a 20 something: we're poor out here y'all. We need to graduate early to save a little $$ on monstrous loans, not study abroad or take gap years. Sad state of things! I don't think I knew anybody who didn't work through college and still graduate with five figures or more of debt. 

As a fellow 20-something, I cosign this. I don't imagine ever being able to pay off my uni debt.

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33 minutes ago, monicageller said:

As a fellow 20-something, I cosign this. I don't imagine ever being able to pay off my uni debt.

Yeah, it'll be decades for sure for me & my husband. And I had scholarships whenever I could (my undergrad gave only need scholarships, not merit, but for grad school), so I'm guessing it's even worse for other people.

Anyway, Maci probably has a bit of debt from all that journalism AA coursework she never finished.

Edited by Lm2162
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On 1/16/2018 at 1:55 PM, teapot said:

Valid point...however, as a born-and-bred New Englander, when I saw a Dunks' in Puerto Rico,  I started screaming for my father-in-law to "STOP THE CAR!!!"

Lmao!!! Growing up in Boston people would solely give directions based on “dunks” or “dunkies”

ex: What you want to do is go down Adams st until you reach the dunks then make a left and you will see both a dunkies on the right and another dunkies on the opposite side of the street then keep going straight then will want to make a left yield once you reach the round a bout and make your next right at dunks you’ve gone too far if you see a honey do donut shop. If you still get lost go inside dunkies and ask the workers inside for directions. ????

When I took my husband up there to visit family he was like “there are more Dunkin’ donuts here than there are gas stations!!” And my Uncle was like “Don’t call it that! It’s dunks!” ?


I couldn’t find a Dunkies in Puerto Rico!!!! This was in 2005, so maybe they finally added one, as I remember getting super excited, way too excited perhaps, that the flight on JetBlue to go back home served Dunkies coffee - the designer cup and all. 

Edited by Calm81
Holy typos!
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32 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Lmao!!! Growing up in Boston people would solely give directions based on “dunks” or “dunkies”

ex: What you want to do is go down Adams st until you reach the dunks then make a left and you will see both a dunkies on the right and another dunkies on the opposite side of the street then keep going straight then will want to make a left yield once you reach the round a bout and make your next right at dunks you’ve gone too far if you see a honey do donut shop. If you still get lost go inside dunkies and ask the workers inside for directions. ????

When I took my husband up there to visit family he was like “there are more Dunkin’ donuts here than there are gas stations!!” And my Uncle was like “Don’t call it that! It’s dunks!” ?


I couldn’t find a Dunkies in Puerto Rico!!!! This was in 2005, so maybe they finally added one, as I remember getting super excited, way too excited perhaps, that the flight on JetBlue to go back home served Dunkies coffee - the designer cup and all. 

Best part about flying back home and going into Logan airport?  Dunkin' Donuts in the terminal!!!!

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On 1/17/2018 at 1:37 PM, Tatum said:

Well, I guess those that can afford to might do this. I wouldn't necessarily consider "traveling Europe" the norm for late teens and early 20 somethings.  Most of the people I knew in college needed to work in order to pay for school. Taking time off and spending money traveling would have been out of the question. And I think in this day and age, most kids graduate with so much student debt that prohibits recreational travel, at least right away.

Yup- we are POOR!

I took trips to Europe etc in college but I could only do that because my Mom paid my way.

I took a trip after taking the bar exam, which again was a graduation present from my Mom. I didn’t take another vacation for a few more years because I was up to my ears in debt, thank goodness for IBR. Now at 32 I’m able to travel more than my peers because I’m childfree. I would assume most 18-24yrs olds going to Europe had the support of family to do so. 

22 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, it'll be decades for sure for me & my husband. And I had scholarships whenever I could (my undergrad gave only need scholarships, not merit, but for grad school), so I'm guessing it's even worse for other people.

Anyway, Maci probably has a bit of debt from all that journalism AA coursework she never finished.

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40 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yup- we are POOR!

I took trips to Europe etc in college but I could only do that because my Mom paid my way.

I took a trip after taking the bar exam, which again was a graduation present from my Mom. I didn’t take another vacation for a few more years because I was up to my ears in debt, thank goodness for IBR. Now at 32 I’m able to travel more than my peers because I’m childfree. I would assume most 18-24yrs olds going to Europe had the support of family to do so. 

Yeah, I traveled in undergrad and grad school with a combination of work study, scholarships, and family help. I travel a lot for work now.

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On 1/10/2018 at 2:27 AM, Rebecca said:

Debra’s hair is beyond ridiculous and I just can’t stand her nasally fucking baby voice any longer. Debra Danielson, EMBA is the biggest whack job. I honestly feel for Farrah. I feel like as fucked as Sophia’s life has been, Farrah’s had to be worse with that thing (Debra) as her mother. She’s far crazier than Farrah.

Back in 16 pregnant days she seemed like a pretty serious woman, but now after the divorce she looks like a total fruitcake.

Debrah looks and behaves like she's got Legally Blonde Hoku's "Perfect Day song" running in her head on repeat.

Sometimes I look at her and wonder wtf is up. Other times I look at how oblivious she is to everything and I'm having a bad day I think - I want whatever drugs she's taking!

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On 1/9/2018 at 5:16 AM, AirQuotes said:


On 1/9/2018 at 5:16 AM, AirQuotes said:

I'm writing my observations in Haiku form:


Hair smooth nice and neat

Drag queen modeling lessons

Crawl in back of car


The only other thing I have to say for now ~ Debz OG, EMBA

THIS!  Is the best thing ever!  

Edited by katbirdy
Because I rarely post and messed up quoting. Sorry!
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I've always seen young adults backpacking around England and Europe (I haven't been able to get to Scotland and Ireland...yet).  My preferred place to stay in London (about 2 blocks from Earls Court tube station) has a youth hostel directly across the street and every evening there is always a group of young people out front smoking and getting to know each other.  Of course, the Canadian backpackers are the easiest to spot because of their ubiquitous maple leaf prominently on display.

To keep it on topic, I would think Maci would enjoy England; especially the pubs.  lol

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Wow! So Amber got knocked up already! I guess everything about Matt is lazy. Do his sperm spend all day laying on a sofa too?  Either that or his sperm got all used up in his younger years...OR Matt's sperm finally just revolted and decided that they'd do humanity a favor by not allowing Matt to procreate. 

Awkward! Why would Ryan and Mackenzie bring mom and dad to the Vegas bachelor/ette parties? Don't get me wrong, I'm 47 and I think I'd enjoy having a few drinks with Larry--I still like him, but not if I were 20-something. 

The only thing  I like about Maci are the kids.  They sure are cute!

Farrah honestly needs to leave her mother be. I get that she's trying to work on the relationship, but it's just not healthy. I, myself, can only do my mom in small doses.  Anything more, and I make myself  "busy." Some would say I'll regret it and I'm losing valuable time with my mother, but sometimes it's just too toxic. Small doses. That's what Farrah needs, and a trip to a foreign country is not a small dose. 

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2 hours ago, zenme said:

Wow! So Amber got knocked up already! I guess everything about Matt is lazy. Do his sperm spend all day laying on a sofa too?  Either that or his sperm got all used up in his younger years...OR Matt's sperm finally just revolted and decided that they'd do humanity a favor by not allowing Matt to procreate. 


Amber is pregnant by Baby Huey (Andrew) not Matt.

That we know of. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 1/21/2018 at 6:42 AM, AirQuotes said:

I've always seen young adults backpacking around England and Europe (I haven't been able to get to Scotland and Ireland...yet).  My preferred place to stay in London (about 2 blocks from Earls Court tube station) has a youth hostel directly across the street and every evening there is always a group of young people out front smoking and getting to know each other.  Of course, the Canadian backpackers are the easiest to spot because of their ubiquitous maple leaf prominently on display.

Back in the day, it was a "thing" for Americans to put maple leaf patches on their stuff, so people would think they're Canadian and not American. 



To keep it on topic, I would think Maci would enjoy England; especially the pubs.  lol

There's a lot of beer culture to be had, with hipsters drinking their mico-brews.  But I get the feeling Maci is more of a gourmand than a gourmet when it comes to beer consumption.

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On 1/9/2018 at 8:31 AM, Chickabiddy said:

Been lurking on this board for a while and have been loving the snark. It's helped fill the void now that 90 Day Fiance is on hiatus. So many things about these people drive me crazy..since like 2009. However, today I have a bone to pick with Debz OG and her whole EMBA. As someone who managed EMBA programs, this drives me nuts. There is no such degree as an EMBA. The E stands for executive - as in the type of program she was in to earn her MBA. She could have also earned her MBA in a professional MBA program or a full-time program. Now matter the route you tale to an MBA, it's all just an MBA degree in the end.

Seriously, Debz, OG, if you are gong to flaunt your academic credentials (and I use the term loosely in her case) in all the wrong places, for the love of Christ, please get the name of your fucking degree correct. 

Thanks, y'all.  I feel so much better now. 

YES!  Higher ed administrator over here too and that drove me nuts!  

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On 1/9/2018 at 8:31 AM, Chickabiddy said:

Been lurking on this board for a while and have been loving the snark. It's helped fill the void now that 90 Day Fiance is on hiatus. So many things about these people drive me crazy..since like 2009. However, today I have a bone to pick with Debz OG and her whole EMBA. As someone who managed EMBA programs, this drives me nuts. There is no such degree as an EMBA. The E stands for executive - as in the type of program she was in to earn her MBA. She could have also earned her MBA in a professional MBA program or a full-time program. Now matter the route you tale to an MBA, it's all just an MBA degree in the end.

Seriously, Debz, OG, if you are gong to flaunt your academic credentials (and I use the term loosely in her case) in all the wrong places, for the love of Christ, please get the name of your fucking degree correct. 

Thanks, y'all.  I feel so much better now. 

Word to this. I giggle every time she talks about her “EMBA” and how it’s superior to a regular MBA

I have one of those stupid degrees. Mine is Masters in Real Estate (yes - that actually exists) from Johns Hopkins. It’s a fucking joke. Didn’t have to take a GMAT and never studied. Went to local satellite classes after work a couple of times a week. 

I went to a good undergrad (Tulane) but my grades would have never gotten me into a regular program (see college in New Orleans). 

In my defense - I did have a good job and the program is geared to getting people into my specialty. Institutional Acquisitions/Development - it’s pretty much what everybody aspires to do in commercial RE. 

Not in my defense - I’m not that special, it’s pure happenstance I ended up in Acquisitions. I’m also one of the very few senior level females in this field (see age, pure happenstance and not that special or brilliant). 

I only got the stupid degree cause my company at the time offered to pay for the entire thing and I guess it looks good on my resume (the only time I ever mention it).

Rant over...counting the days until 90-Day Fiance starts again. This show is like watching cement set...yet I still watch.

Edited by Jennifersdc
Edited to add - similarly qualified men make a whole lotta more money than I do. Even without bullshit degree.
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On 1/21/2018 at 9:42 AM, AirQuotes said:

I've always seen young adults backpacking around England and Europe (I haven't been able to get to Scotland and Ireland...yet).  My preferred place to stay in London (about 2 blocks from Earls Court tube station) has a youth hostel directly across the street and every evening there is always a group of young people out front smoking and getting to know each other.  Of course, the Canadian backpackers are the easiest to spot because of their ubiquitous maple leaf prominently on display.

To keep it on topic, I would think Maci would enjoy England; especially the pubs.  lol

I first did a solo backpacking trip to Europe when I was 20. I didn't have a license back at home, had never driven a car or been anywhere alone, but I spent 3 months traveling through Austria, Germany, Ireland, England, Belgium, France, and Italy. I loved it so much that I became a travel writer for Rough Guides and spent the next 4 years backpacking Europe, reviewing youth hostels and budget restaurants. :-) I eventually made it to Bosnia, Croatia, and Slovenia (LOVE, love, love Bosnia) and wrote a book about my travels. It was my first. 

I really hope that my own kids take up backpacking and hosteling. It totally changed my world. 

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