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S03.E06: Ties That Bind

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Ethan attempts to diagnose a man with no symptoms while Sarah's paranoia goes to the extreme when she uses pepper spray on an aggressive patient. Will treats a young couple willing to sacrifice anything in order to have a baby. Meanwhile, Natalie must inform a woman that she was sterilized as a young girl without knowledge, and Goodwin and Maggie devise a way to persuade paramedics to bring in more patients.

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So, when I said in the last episode thread that Sarah would bring the pepper spray to work with her, I was really, really hoping she wouldn't be that stupid. But my god, she proved me wrong, there! It also doesn't help that it outright states it in the press release. Hopefully, she's suspended for a while because girl doesn't deserve to work in a hospital if she can't handle her own shit but also tell someone about it. 

I didn't understand the Sharon/Maggie subplot, not gonna lie.

Connor's story was the best for me. Welcome back, Daddy Rhodes! I also didn't mind how Robin left. I felt like they utilized her storyline well, in that they didn't rush it and they really explained why she took off and only left a note for Connor. Especially with the episode ended with him not getting why Robin took off and going to start looking for her. Connor, I love you, but you gotta let her do her thing. The sad thing is that Robin's right with not saying goodbye in person. He would have talked her out of it, because he has been shown to not really listen to her when it counts. I'll still miss them, but it does leave a door open for Mekia Cox to return when Once Upon a Time likely gets cancelled. 

Yep, April annoys me more than Natalie. I was on Natalie's side, though I do appreciate April explaining her POV at the end. I'm not gonna lie, I totally forgot about her miscarriage....though I would have assumed that April would have wanted the woman to know too. 

Ethan is proven to be better without April. 

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It's official, both Natalie and April annoy me equally. It was not Natalie's place to inform the patient that her mother had her sterilized, she could have just told her the scar was from another medical procedure without violating her other patient's trust. How could I forget about April's miscarriage, she became annoying once she got pregnant.

Both Will and Ethan are more tolerable away from their girlfriends. I agreed with Robin 100%, in order for her to heal she needs to be away from Connor. He was overcompensating, because of his mother's unfortunate suicide and ended up being a hindrance to Robin.

Sarah will be a good Psychiatrist once she receives therapy and learns how to manage her emotions. She has not mastered the art of self reflection.

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So Natalie finally wants to do the legal thing? Really why is she only doing things when they work in her favor or her idea of morality or legalities?

Sarah gets to be the hero after pepper spraying someone? Please, are there no original storylines? 

Connor and Robin, well she definitely needs more help than she's getting, and I think at this point she's getting smothered but Connor, so I agree with @Lady Calypso that she was right in not saying goodbye, can't say I'm sorry to see her go, that relationship seemed fake... Connor deserves more than a needy troubled girl with daddy issues. IDK did I miss something somewheres, I didn't know she and her father (Dr. Charles) were talking again.

Sarah... The shrink needs a shrink it's almost funny, don't get me wrong I know it's not easy, but we all saw this coming right?

I'm not sure I understand Maggie and Sharon's idea either, where do they get the money from to buy pizza, if they can't even afford more nurses?

I don't like the Ethan and April romance so this was a nice change from those fluttering caterpillars (as someone else so eloquently stayed before)

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So was Robin the big exit they were teasing? I'm glad she's gone as I never warmed to her and found Connor to be really condescending with her but I'm not overjoyed that this means he'll be saddled with that obnoxious doctor with the accent either.


Is there no way to integrate him with the rest of the cast more?

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9 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

I know it's not easy, but we all saw this coming right?

What I see coming is that right after they persuade her she doesn't need to be concerned... she will get whacked.

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14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Connor's story was the best, obviously. Welcome back, Daddy Rhodes! I also didn't mind how Robin left. I felt like they utilized her storyline well, in that they didn't rush it and they really explained why she took off and only left a note for Connor. Especially with the episode ended with him not getting why Robin took off and going to start looking for her. Connor, I love you, but you gotta let her do her thing. The sad thing is that Robin's right with not saying goodbye in person.

I didn't like anything about this storyline, really. I never saw them as a couple to root for; Colin Donnell has chemistry with almost everyone else except Mekia Cox, I think, and that didn't help. The portrayal of mental illness was overwrought to the point of being a Gothic thriller. The writers clearly wrote themselves into a corner with Robin and had no other choice but to have her bail. I think not telling Connor was the coward's way out. Connor needs to stop at the Clue Store on the way out of town, but she should have told him herself. Yes, he was getting a little White Knight in their relationship, but they're both adults (or at least as close as this show comes). And, of course, Daddy Rhodes shows up just in time to be awful.

Natalie appears to be happiest when there is someone for her to judge. Legalities have little to do with it, it would seem.

The fact that Sarah may have saved that patient's life is so convenient it counts as cutesy. I hope Sarah gets the help she needs -- and maybe not from Dr. Charles. She's already kind of dependent on him. (Is she still pursuing therapy, or was that storyline just unceremoniously dropped?)

Edited by Sandman
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11 hours ago, spunky said:

It's official, both Natalie and April annoy me equally. It was not Natalie's place to inform the patient that her mother had her sterilized, she could have just told her the scar was from another medical procedure without violating her other patient's trust.

I am not a medical ethicist, but I don't think "her other patient's trust" was really relevant here. Natalie didn't reveal anything confidential about the mother's health. When asked if the mother knew, Natalie said, "You'll have to ask her that" which is the right response. Patients have a right to know about their own health, and the daughter had a right to know what had happened to her body.


11 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

I'm not sure I understand Maggie and Sharon's idea either, where do they get the money from to buy pizza, if they can't even afford more nurses?

I think the idea is that if the paramedics send more rich patients to them, they will get more money in their budget. I'm not sure it's actually legal to give incentives to paramedics, but we'll see where this goes. Budget troubles are obviously a long-term storyline (and they hit kind of close to home considering that I work in the healthcare system and see far too many people without insurance).

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35 minutes ago, Sandman said:

I didn't like anything about this storyline, really. I never saw them as a couple to root for; Colin Donnell has chemistry with almost everyone else except Mekia Cox, I think, and that didn't help. The portrayal of mental illness was overwrought to  the point of being a Gothic thriller. The writers clearly wrote themselves into a corner with Robin and had no other choice but to have her bail. I think not telling Connor was the coward's way out. Connor needs to stop at the Clue Store on the way out of town, but she should have told him herself. Yes, he was getting a little White Knight in his relationship, but they're both adults (or at least as close as this show comes). And, of course, Daddy Rhodes shows up just in time to be awful.

Natalie appears to be happiest when there is someone for her to judge. Legalities have little to do with it, it would seem.

The fact that Sarah may have saved that patient's life is so convenient it counts as cutesy. I hope Sarah gets the help she needs -- and maybe not from Dr. Charles. She's already kind of dependent on him. (Is she still pursuing therapy, or was that storyline just unceremoniously dropped?)

I think as long as Robyn receives the proper treatment, I'm OK with that.  But just going off to "heal"--exactly what does that mean?  Is she checking into a better facility to get the help she needs or is she going to try to work it out herself, to feel like a person again?    Was she truly going to visit her mother??  Just how long will Rhodes try to find her?   If they wanted to write her off or end the relationship, just transfer her to another hospital which would still potentially leave the door open for her return.   But agree, that mental illness was taken above and beyond reason.  But not telling him she was leaving, to me, was wrong.    I understand Rhodes need to the White Horse Prince since couldn't save his mother (and yeah, his father's an a$$) so Connor wants to help/save this woman in his life.    BTW, previews for next weeks' episode appears to be business as usual (and I realize that's his job) but that annoying dr. has returned.   Looks as if she's supporting him in whatever the operating decision is so that may be a "turning point" for them? (double yuk)

Natalie did seem a bit hell-bent on and judgmental in wanting to tell the woman she'd been sterilized.  I don't believe that was her place at all but yeah, it's TV.   April didn't seem to agree but came around at the end.  Does no one have any backbone?

Reese is a hot mess.  Will she turn to Dr. Charles or into the arms of Noah, since they've both made an error in judgment--the old misery loves company?   I, too, hope Reese gets the proper help,   

I'm not sure where the storyline is going with Goodwin/Maggie ingratiating themselves with the paramedics and pizza??   Someone help me understand that!

As mentioned in the previous episode thread, I thoroughly enjoyed S1; however, this season is on life support.  If they don't make some serious changes to the storylines and characters, it will be DOA sooner rather than later.

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35 minutes ago, Xantar said:

I think the idea is that if the paramedics send more rich patients to them, they will get more money in their budget.

I immediately assumed that the "smart idea" to win over the paramedics was something silly like mini-skirts for the nurses.  But I have to admit, free pizza might work better.  And since the hospital probably has a full kitchen, they wouldn't even have to go out and buy!

ETA:  Love how Dr. Wossisname immediately assumed that the TV was for the doctor's lounge.  

Edited by Netfoot
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1 hour ago, cathmed said:

As mentioned in the previous episode thread, I thoroughly enjoyed S1; however, this season is on life support.  If they don't make some serious changes to the storylines and characters, it will be DOA sooner rather than later.

The ratings say otherwise - Med is the highest rated of the 3 Chicagos. Fire has dropped since moving to Thursday so I can only assume it's down to the lead in and not the quality writing. 

Theyll be ace for another year though.

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8 hours ago, Sandman said:

 The portrayal of mental illness was overwrought to the point of being a Gothic thriller.

Robyn didn't/doesn't have a mental illness though.  They were quite clear that she had a physical illness with an effect on brain chemistry that will pass.  It's quit different from an actual mental illness.

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6 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Natalie had to tell that woman about the sterilization surgery. It’s her body. She had a right to know.

I completely agree.  I don't even understand why it was a question for Natalie or anyone else.  She's her doctor. 

Also, how else would she explain why she still had the appendix that burst?

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12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Natalie had to tell that woman about the sterilization surgery. It’s her body. She had a right to know.

Absolutely!  Although, once she has the surgery, she is no longer a patient in the emergency department.  I don't get why Natalie was interacting with her after the surgery and telling her the results.  It's bizarre.  She's a surgery patient now and surgery owns her. Surgery would have told her about the appendix and you can bet the farm that any surgeon would  matter-of-factly explain she had a tubal ligation.  Because it's the truth.  I don't get how this show doesn't understand that these are basics.  

The Reese story was silly - but I was relieved it wasn't a gun.  I don't think Rhodes being a jerk to her earlier re: Robin helped the matter.  And is it bad I ended the episode wanting to see more of Reese's apartment?  It seemed so cutely decorated.

The Robin leaving part was explained, I thought, fairly well.  I'm sure this leaves the path open for Rhodes to play the field with that South African surgeon - however I hope they don't go there.  She's the pits.

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Well, they need to get him a love interest but personally I think they could have done a whole lot better than her, I know in the beginning I was rooting for Natalie and Connor, but right now I can't stand Natalie. So I guess it's that South African surgeon for him. But I'm gonna go with it's only going to be a short affair, maybe even a one night stand with a whole lot of baggage tho.

(Really now we're predicting outcomes? Is that what we've been driven to do? Groans)

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15 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Robyn didn't/doesn't have a mental illness though.  They were quite clear that she had a physical illness with an effect on brain chemistry that will pass.  It's quit different from an actual mental illness.

This is true; but the show's treatment of Robyn's illness has been sensationalized to a ridiculous degree, I find, even so. When she (and the audience) thought her illness was psychiatric in origin, she was giving Mrs. Rochester a run for her money. (Then again, when Robyn's diagnosis was confirmed to be a disease affecting her brain chemistry, shouldn't she have been transferred out of the Psychiatry service? Why is Sarah still her treating specialist, rather than a neurologist or endocrinologist (maybe?) ?)

I still say "Humbug!"

22 hours ago, Netfoot said:

ETA:  Love how Dr. Wossisname immediately assumed that the TV was for the doctor's lounge.  

Heh. He's all about the bottom line, the troll.

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I agree that Nancy should be told about the tubal ligation, but:

1.  As a previous poster said, she would not have been Natalie’s patient, so that was weird except that in TV hospitals, doctors seem to follow patients from department to department in a way that would never happen IRL

2.  Natalie’s rationale of (paraphrasing) “she had no say in her past, she should have a say in her future.”  HUH???  What did she think was going to happen? Nancy would have the tubal ligation reversed and have the children she always wanted???  Looked like she was already well past her fertile years. 

Bye, Robin.  Sarah can go anytime  

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Ugh, this show. When Will and Natalie are the best part, you know something's wrong.

Natalie was absolutely right to tell the woman what had happened to her.  And I have to give the show kudos for making the woman and her mother White.  Involuntary sterilization has been done to Indigenous women and I'm pretty sure to African-American women as well but making the mother and daughter White removes it from the racial sphere and into Powerful and Privilege.

This story really shows the difference between Chicago Med and ER  For Chicago Med, it was April and Natalie feeling sad about what had happened to her. ER would have brought in the aspect of power and the way poor, uneducated people are taken advantage of by systems who think they know better.  (I would have liked more about the mother's feelings of frustration and being intimidated by the powerful judge.)

On 1/10/2018 at 6:54 PM, Ailianna said:

Robyn didn't/doesn't have a mental illness though.  They were quite clear that she had a physical illness with an effect on brain chemistry that will pass.  It's quit different from an actual mental illness.

Yes, Robyn doesn't have a mental illness. So why is marginally competent psychiatric intern Reese her doctor?  Connor was right that Reese should have been doing more tests and following things up given how Robyn was behaving.

I understand that they needed to get Mekia Cox off the show (I'm surprised how much I like Tiana and how annoyed I am with Robyn) but it wasn't handled well. And by well, I mean acceptable medical practice. Yes, Reese got the diagnosis but now it should be handled by an oncologist.  And Robyn should have been given psychiatric support from someone who knows what they're doing.  How did no one catch her on-going symptoms?  How is she so stupid as to not talking to someone when she realized she was stealing?

Charles didn't handle it well either.  If Robyn felt she had to leave, then she should but they shouldn't have blind-sided Connor like that. With his feelings for Robyn and how well he took care of her, he deserved better.

I really like Colin Donnell but his MMA arms keep distracting me.  It's a medical show, not Arrow.

On 1/10/2018 at 10:33 AM, Sandman said:

The fact that Sarah may have saved that patient's life is so convenient it counts as cutesy.

Sarah saved the patient's life in the same way that if I hit someone with my car and the resulting treatment discovers that they have cancer, I saved their life. Sarah was utterly useless as a doctor.  Choi also failed because he assumed that just because he couldn't find the cause, it was mental. Sadly, that all too frequently happens.

Charles' first clue that Sarah should not be in psychiatry should have been when she refused to talk to a  therapist herself.  Even if Sarah believes she doesn't need help (and everyone can use it), she should have agreed to it just to see what it's like on the other side of the desk.  How she feels when the therapist says X, how she reacts when she's told Y. (I also think that every doctor should spend two weeks in a hospital bed as a patient to know what that's like too.)   You're a teacher if once you've had to learn.

Charles' second and third clues should have been Sarah's judgementalism and her lack of empathy. At this point seems like it's Charles' inability to admit that he made a mistake and his desire to save her that's keeping him from finding her a different residency.  Goodwin was right to suspend her.

Edited by statsgirl
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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Sarah saved the patient's life in the same way that if I hit someone with my car and the resulting treatment discovers that they have cancer, I saved their life. Sarah was utterly useless as a doctor.  Choi also failed because he assumed that just because he couldn't find the cause, it was mental. Sadly, that all too frequently happens.

Charles' first clue that Sarah should not be in psychiatry should have been when she refused to talk to a  therapist herself.  Even if Sarah believes she doesn't need help (and everyone can use it), she should have agreed to it just to see what it's like on the other side of the desk.  How she feels when the therapist says X, how she reacts when she's told Y. (I also think that every doctor should spend two weeks in a hospital bed as a patient to know what that's like too.)   You're a teacher if once you've had to learn.

Charles' second and third clues should have been Sarah's judgementalism and her lack of empathy. At this point seems like it's Charles' inability to admit that he made a mistake and his desire to save her that's keeping him from finding her a different residency.  Goodwin was right to suspend her.

Sarah is an intelligent woman who went through medical school. I would think in real life she would have long since figured out that she was in the wrong place and that she would have long since been looking for and hopefully have found other opportunities.

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Sarah is book smart but she's not so good at being people smart, especially when it comes to herself

I can understand why she stays in psychiatry:- she's so smart, she's probably never failed in her life before so maybe she can't see .failing at this; she likes working with people rather than dead bodies which is why she turned down her pathology match; and the puzzles in psychiatry can be truly fascinating.  Also she can't see that she's failing as a therapist when she's making the correct diagnoses. It's a case of "she who knows not and knows not that she knows not".

But while it helps every doctor to know what is his or her stuff and what is the patient's, it's essential in psychiatry.  Emergency medicine or neurology would be a better match for her because it still has the patient contact that she wants but she doesn't have to have the bonding and empathy that psychiatry should require.

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On 1/11/2018 at 9:07 AM, Lyanna19 said:

Well, they need to get him a love interest but personally I think they could have done a whole lot better than her, I know in the beginning I was rooting for Natalie and Connor, but right now I can't stand Natalie. So I guess it's that South African surgeon for him. But I'm gonna go with it's only going to be a short affair, maybe even a one night stand with a whole lot of baggage tho.

(Really now we're predicting outcomes? Is that what we've been driven to do? Groans)

Why does everyone need a love interest all the time? The whole franchise has shown they can't do them well.

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I didn't understand the point of the "paramedic pizza party room".  If the EMT's bring more patients to Med, then they can hang out and eat pizza, watch TV and play video games? Ummm...don't they have to go back to work??   Also, don't paramedics usually bring patients to the CLOSEST hospital?  I find it hard to believe that someone who needs life threatening medical attention is going to be taken out of the way to a different hospital so the EMT's can have a slice of pizza!  

Glad Robyn is gone.  She brought nothing to the table.  Now they need to get rid of the S. African Dr!  If she and Connor hook up, I'm definitely done with this show!

Choi and April have NO chemistry.  At all.  I used to like Choi, but they've made his character pretty unlikeable lately.  Same goes with Reese.  I liked her in the beginning, but now she's a complete mess!  She needs to go and she can take Noah with her.  

Will someone please explain to me why most of the patients that come through the ED, NEVER goes up to a regular room?  They either get treated and released (which is fine) or they spend their entire stay in the ED.  Why did the IVF patient have open heart surgery and then get returned to the ED?  She should have went to ICU or a regular patient room.  And if they are brought to a different floor, why are the ED drs still taking care of them?  

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20 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

life threatening medical attention


22 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

I didn't understand the point of the "paramedic pizza party room".  If the EMT's bring more patients to Med, then they can hang out and eat pizza, watch TV and play video games?  Ummm...don't they have to go back to work??

I guess the paramedics have to have a pee and a cuppa tea from time to time, between callouts.  I suppose if they want to spend that time where the big-screen TV and free pizza is, they will bring their patients to that hospital.  As for getting back to work, sure, if there is another call.  Otherwise, they will eat pizza and watch "football" until there is another call.

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On 1/9/2018 at 11:57 PM, Lyanna19 said:

Sarah... The shrink needs a shrink it's almost funny,

Hey, don't forget, Dr Charles has his own psychiatrist...so I guess it only follows that Reese should too...

7 hours ago, Reiki said:

Why does everyone need a love interest all the time? The whole franchise has shown they can't do them well.

Only poor Maggie has never had anyone, except the very recently shown Barry...and even that has barely scratched the surface of their history thus far.

On 1/12/2018 at 0:53 PM, Texasmom1970 said:

Halstead to Choi how did you keep it under wraps. Well here is a tip don't kiss as soon as you enter the hospital in front of your coworkers!

YMMV, of course, but I never had the impression that Halstead and Manning were trying to hide their relationship, just keep it low key and not in anyone's face as it's their personal business. They are relatively equal status in the hospital, so it's a whole different thing than Choi and April.

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Did I imagine things, or did Will and Connor put on their big boy pants and treat each other like adults and colleagues in their scene together?  Has that been going on for a while and I just didn't notice?  Because they were dangerously close to friendly, and considering the way their interactions began with territory-marking, it was refreshing.

I can't help but thing that Charles has at least a little bit of blame in the situation with Sarah.  He's clearly noticed that she's having some PTSD/Acute Stress Disorder issues, and rather than--as her supervisor--insist that she get some help, he seemed to just let her try and fail to push through it.

18 hours ago, Netfoot said:

I guess the paramedics have to have a pee and a cuppa tea from time to time, between callouts.  I suppose if they want to spend that time where the big-screen TV and free pizza is, they will bring their patients to that hospital.  As for getting back to work, sure, if there is another call.  Otherwise, they will eat pizza and watch "football" until there is another call.

I work for a county hospital, so perhaps the rules are different, but a lot of the paramedics hang out in our ED between calls.  They also have their own small lounge, but not with a 70" TV and free pizza.  Again, county hospital.  We're also the hospital that does medical services for the county jail (it's next door), so there are usually a bunch of cops and sheriff's deputies hanging out too.

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On 1/9/2018 at 10:57 PM, Lyanna19 said:

 Sarah gets to be the hero after pepper spraying someone? Please, are there no original storylines? 

I missed it.  Was something in the previews for this next episode?  How is she the hero?  She's suspended, right?  

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I think it was that Choi told Goodwin that Sarah saved that patient's life because if she hadn't attacked the guy with pepper spray and they had to do full CT scans, they wouldn't have caught the problem.  On the other hand, if Choi had done his job and approached it from a medical point of view instead of bumping the guy to psychiatry because he thought it was all mental, he would have caught the problem too.

On 1/15/2018 at 5:52 PM, juliet73 said:

I didn't understand the point of the "paramedic pizza party room".  If the EMT's bring more patients to Med, then they can hang out and eat pizza, watch TV and play video games? Ummm...don't they have to go back to work??   Also, don't paramedics usually bring patients to the CLOSEST hospital?  I find it hard to believe that someone who needs life threatening medical attention is going to be taken out of the way to a different hospital so the EMT's can have a slice of pizza! 

Where I live in Canada, if it's urgent the paramedics have to take the patient to the nearest hospital or facility that treats this kind of problem (e.g. first time strokes go to St. Michael's). Otherwise they can take the patient to whichever hospital they choose.

But because the paramedics can't leave until the patient is processed and has been taken over by the hospital staff, they end up on busy days spending considerable amount of time at the hospital.

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14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I think it was that Choi told Goodwin that Sarah saved that patient's life because if she hadn't attacked the guy with pepper spray and they had to do full CT scans, they wouldn't have caught the problem.  On the other hand, if Choi had done his job and approached it from a medical point of view instead of bumping the guy to psychiatry because he thought it was all mental, he would have caught the problem too.

Ah, okay...thanks.  I'm not a fan of Choi so I may have missed the follow-up on the guy's CT.

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On 1/10/2018 at 0:32 PM, Chas411 said:

The ratings say otherwise - Med is the highest rated of the 3 Chicagos. Fire has dropped since moving to Thursday so I can only assume it's down to the lead in and not the quality writing. 

Theyll be ace for another year though.

You're right; I've seen too many shows that have a strong lead in but the writing quality is abysmal.   Sometimes, people are too lazy to turn the channel!   BTW, I don't watch the other Chicago's.   I thought Legal may have been interesting but it died a quick death!

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4 hours ago, cathmed said:

You're right; I've seen too many shows that have a strong lead in but the writing quality is abysmal.  

agree with this.

Also chiming in late to say the main thing I noticed on this episode was Natalie actually worked a patient up by herself. There was not a second doctor involved side by side with her the whole time.

Short doctor (I don't know his name) who is a bit of a jerk and always focused on money---saw him last week on a Season 11 episode of ER. He's a guy who works at a store all his life, gets fed up with his boss, fires a gun but ends up getting shot himself and is just entertained watching the doctors work. I guess I could link the 2 shows together and imagine after getting patched up, he gets inspired to go to medical school.

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On 1/16/2018 at 0:29 PM, starri said:

Did I imagine things, or did Will and Connor put on their big boy pants and treat each other like adults and colleagues in their scene together?  Has that been going on for a while and I just didn't notice?  Because they were dangerously close to friendly, and considering the way their interactions began with territory-marking, it was refreshing.

Yes, they definitely were. It's been going on a while, at least since last spring when Connor went with Will to his dad's house to treat the heart problems...not only did Will not hesitate to ask Connor for the favor (which he wouldn't have done in S1) but Connor did not hesitate to extend one, as when he offered Will his car keys (which he wouldn't have done in S1). Their relationship has definitely evolved.

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I've been catching up on Chicago Med, missed first season and binge watching on weekends.  I was confused with Robyns exit, she just leaves? Wasn't she back to work? They made it seem like she snuck out overnight.

I love Dr Charles's character the most but he seemed a little out of it himself with his own issues. I find his approach and personality very endearing.  His patience with Reese, even more so ;) Choi saying her anxiety caused them to find the patients cause of illness was kind of lame, sure, but that can't take away from what she did and why she did it, which is as important.

Working in a hospital a number of years (clerical/ER) the tampering with clinical studies, the ignoring DNR's etc is made to make you feel like doctor's like Will are heros  but it was scary to watch. He would have been in a lot of trouble in real life.

I felt for the woman who had her tubes tied and she should know, that's her body. It reminds me of when my Gyn told me when a woman needed her husband's permission to do that, even after 5 children. When he started out in the 60's., things were so different than now. He had so many stories that would make you shake your head now.

Edited by debraran
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