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1 minute ago, greendog78 said:

No one should be skating to Schindler's List. German or otherwise. It never looks good.

The music is beautiful and haunting, but I always feel like the skaters are banking on its evocative nature and the emotion that is part of the film. I've felt this way since Katerina Witt skated to it back in the 1990s.

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I decided to see if I could find anything about the reaction to a German skater using this music. I found this quote:


Schott is not intimidated by other recent skaters who have had great routines to Schindler’s List, such as Russia’s Julia Lipnitskaia’s program in 2014.

“I think she (Lipnitskaia) told a different story,” the 20-year-old pointed out. “She was the little girl in the red coat and I am not a little girl anymore.” However, she admitted that it was not so easy for her to interpret the music. “At the beginning it was hard for me to get into it. This (history) is far away from me. I know it only from movies and from school.”

The comparison to Lipnitskaia should not be her biggest concern. I also found Lipnitskaia's use of the music to be a poor choice. She admitted she wasn't good at portraying emotion in her skating, so evoking a tragedy to supplement that was distasteful.  

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1 minute ago, LadyKenobi said:

I've been waiting four years for Lipnitskaia to not be the Olympic champion anymore after those ridiculous homer scores.

She didn't win though. She bombed the individual event. 

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Let's add Schindler's List to the banned music. I just find the movie so powerful, and so specific, it's weird to see it used in a skating competition. And yeah, by a German. Bizarre.

Edited by Moxie Cat
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My dislike of Med stems primarily from her use of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.  I thought that was in very poor taste.  Any program that the announcers basically have to read a trigger warning before should not be skated.

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Schindler's List is the music I'd like to see permanently retired. It's just too emotionally manipulative. It's like skating to a funeral dirge or something. It just screams "this song is about DEEEEEEEAAATH!!!!"

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4 minutes ago, Omeletsmom said:

I think they are resurfacing.  They have been showing other stuff when they do that.

Which makes sense for NBCSN, but NBC is behind that feed so they should still be showing the next skaters, Hungarian and Australian I think, rather than also cut over to Hockey.  Maybe they are supposed to sync up on features and commercials with each other?

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3 minutes ago, Minneapple said:

Oh my God, Sasha's tweet is priceless. So much passive-aggressiveness in one little tweet. I can't take it. I'm dying with laughter over here.

I know. I love her for it <3 I talked earlier about how all those ice dance drama queens have settled into nice quiet middle-aged moms. Yet here we have Sasha Cohen still throwing shade all these years later.

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Just now, COESpiral said:

I said the exact same thing.  I can't even with this.

What are they doing?  Another puff piece about it?  I'm sticking to the online feed with the Aussie announcer.  I like it so much better.

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1 minute ago, Shaynaa said:

What are they doing?  Another puff piece about it?  I'm sticking to the online feed with the Aussie announcer.  I like it so much better.

Tara was doing some fluff piece about rivalries and showed Nancy/Tonya, Katarina/Debi, and then went to Michelle/Tara and Tara snidely comments about how SHE knows how well that can turn out.  Eff her.  I'm still convinced had the skating order been switched, she'd be singing a different song.

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1 minute ago, COESpiral said:

Tara was doing some fluff piece about rivalries and showed Nancy/Tonya, Katarina/Debi, and then went to Michelle/Tara and Tara snidely comments about how SHE knows how well that can turn out.  Eff her.  I'm still convinced had the skating order been switched, she'd be singing a different song.

Yeah, I've thought for 20 years that Michelle was robbed and never much cared for Tara.  Lovely girl indeed.

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4 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I can't be the only one who thinks Zagitova's tutu skirt looks ridiculous. It looks like it's made out of crepe paper.

I like it. It’s something different, and why not go full-ballerina since she’s using ballet music.

Now the tights halfway over her skates? Ugh.

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7 minutes ago, COESpiral said:

Tara was doing some fluff piece about rivalries and showed Nancy/Tonya, Katarina/Debi, and then went to Michelle/Tara and Tara snidely comments about how SHE knows how well that can turn out.  Eff her.  I'm still convinced had the skating order been switched, she'd be singing a different song.

Oh, Tara. yes. You got the Olympic gold but Michelle is more popular. Sorry about that.

ETA: Even as a Kwan fan I thought Tara deserved the gold in Nagano. Michelle never really pushed herself technically and it hurt her both in Nagano and Salt Lake.

Edited by Minneapple
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