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Season 4 Discussion


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On 1/19/2018 at 6:09 PM, Maharincess said:

@PityFree, I agree about the pills, it's so disgusting that they costume something that has been in someone's mouth. What I don't understand is that every season the inmates doing this with their medication has been a problem, so why haven't they changed the way they distribute them? It seems like they've done nothing to improve the problems  that the previous seasons has pointed out.

I also don't understand how they don't have more deaths related to mixing so many medications together. I'm always afraid that a new medication will interact with something I'm already taking. I Googled the medications they said they were drinking and none of them seem to be recreational drugs that you get high from.  I don't get it. What I really don't get is when my uncle was in prison he said that at least half of the inmates were on meth. Why the hell would someone want to stay awake 24 hours a day in prison?!  

These are drug addicts. they don't care what it is or where it's from. They'll take anything to get some kind of high. Out of someone mouth or worse...whatever it takes.

I don't understand why they don't chae the way the distribute medicatiions either. Why can't they do it the way the do in some hospitals and make the inmates prove that the swallowed it. Like open up your mouth and lift your tongue kind of stuff?

Stephanie taking whippits "It's like candy to me and I can't stop. It's addictive'


Look at her eyes. she looks out of it in her interview pieces.

  • Love 8

I have also had the question of why the women's units have so many women in a room. It seems like this must add to the drama. More opportunities for behind closed door shenanigans - drugs, sex, fights, etc. Also it seems like the men are locked down X hours of every day with only limited time in the main area - is that true of the women, as well?

I also think it's weird that we only ever see the women's unit having drug issues - I don't recall seeing anyone making whippets, etc., in the men's area. 

Surely the production team preps the participants for the drug situation and gives them some tools to handle it. I don't get Stephanie's attitude - toward the drugs or toward Jaclin or any of it. 

I feel like this show has shown us that inmates would do better with things to focus on. It's no wonder everyone is up to no good in there - they are bored stiff. Why not hold classes or lectures or something? Why not show movies? They could do crafts and donate them to local hospitals or something? I mean, I get that you can't put anything into their hands that can become a weapon, but it seems like they can make ANYTHING into a weapon, so?

  • Love 8

I agree. I think the number of women in each cell is a major issue.

There were drug issues in the men’s pod in season 1, if I remember correctly, but I don’t think they made whippets. They just either didn’t take their meds to sell, or they bought stuff to take. 

I think both Jaclin and Stephanie are wrong for this program for different reasons. Stephanie is trying too hard to “fit in”, but I think it may be a little bit of rebelling from being up out from underperform her mother’s thumb. Jaclin just has no idea what she is doing. I can’t believe she thought walking around in a bunch of pink stuff was going to be ok. She complained about the only one being singled out, but she was closest in the line and had the most contriband on. She kept saying “I listened to you” while also talking back. That reminded me of my daughter’s when they were teenagers. So frustrating. 

Emmanuel is acting like a crazy person. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Whimsy said:


I think both Jaclin and Stephanie are wrong for this program for different reasons. Stephanie is trying too hard to “fit in”, but I think it may be a little bit of rebelling from being up out from underperform her mother’s thumb. Jaclin just has no idea what she is doing. I can’t believe she thought walking around in a bunch of pink stuff was going to be ok. She complained about the only one being singled out, but she was closest in the line and had the most contriband on. She kept saying “I listened to you” while also talking back. That reminded me of my daughter’s when they were teenagers. So frustrating. 


I understand why Jaclin was pissed.  She has been looking for something to help her fit in with the inmates and finally found it.  Add to that it was a minor inconsiquencial contraband while she was watching drugs being bought and sold almost under the guards eyes and she gets signaled out for wearing a piece of clothing that is not up to code?   Yes she handled it badly but the guards were signaling her out and were looking for a reason be able to move her out of the unit to where they are going to put it.  Instead of de-escalating the situation which is essentially on the guards to do I have seen nothing but them escalating it when they care to get involved at all.  (For both males and females).    Minor infractions are escalated and major ones are ignored.  

  • Love 10
38 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

I understand why Jaclin was pissed.  She has been looking for something to help her fit in with the inmates and finally found it.  Add to that it was a minor inconsiquencial contraband while she was watching drugs being bought and sold almost under the guards eyes and she gets signaled out for wearing a piece of clothing that is not up to code?   Yes she handled it badly but the guards were signaling her out and were looking for a reason be able to move her out of the unit to where they are going to put it.  Instead of de-escalating the situation which is essentially on the guards to do I have seen nothing but them escalating it when they care to get involved at all.  (For both males and females).    Minor infractions are escalated and major ones are ignored.  

That’s a very valid point. I guess I just think if I were in the program I would not argue back with the guards. Just take the information back through my report. She isn’t getting any info if she’s in solitary confinement. 

  • Love 3
On 1/20/2018 at 8:17 AM, Chaos Theory said:

I think in a weird way the women do have it harder because they have to not only deal with prison life but with girl drama.  Boy drama can be fixed kinda easy.  You disrespected me:  this is how you deal with it.  Girl drama is a lot more complicated.  Plus with the guys they room with a single other person.  The girls are in a dorm which means dealing with several personalities at once.  

Add to it being butch hot and gay and you have a serious problem.

On 1/20/2018 at 1:44 PM, Bridget said:

I wish I could like your post 1,000 times! It's so very true!

I've always wondered about the housing situation and why it is so different between the genders.  It seems to me there are way more females housed together (for sleeping) in the Fulton jail dorms than there were in the Indiana. I think there are six sets of bunks in Fulton? 12 females together is never a good idea! I remember when Gabrielle came in this week, she had an option of three different empty beds, but that math still works out to way too much estrogen in one room!

I think that there's generally an assumption that women are better able to work out their interpersonal issues without violence. That may be true, but I still remember the hall monitor at my stereotypical inner-city middle school talking about how he wouldn't ever break up a fight between two girls because, by the time it gets to the point of getting physical, they hate each other so much that they're out for blood.

Men are more hierarchical. We're not always consciously aware of it, but we always know where we rank among our peers. We use conflict to work our way up the pecking order or to remind someone that they're below us. In the world most people live in, it doesn't always have to be violent, but in somewhere like a jail, that's the only option. But once the guys who are fighting know who wins a fight, we're usually done with it. And when a guy who thinks he should be above someone else gets treated by them like he isn't, it drives them crazy. Matt and his cellmate was a textbook example of that.

  • Love 3

I swear, Stephanie is just an addict, who figured, she can get more drugs inside.  It's sad and a little creepy how clued into the drugs, she is. 

Papa participant is a nut job. I was listening to him and thinking, ok when does he start his cult? 

Love Nate. He seems like a good kid. I hope he's able to give good info to the colonel. 

  • Love 8
On 1/27/2018 at 1:35 PM, PoshSprinkles said:

Stephanie is all kinds of ridiculous. I hope she watches this back and realizes how dumb she sounded for looking her nose down at someone who refused to take drugs. She seems like someone with low self-esteem who is desperate for approval from those she perceives as "popular". Maybe she should have auditioned for Undercover High since that's such a high-school mentality. 

I also think this "relationship" they will develop is what dismantles the program early and sends everyone home.  

I think its either Angele and her relationship with Gabrielle or Stephanie's drug use that puts a halt to the program. 

Wasn't there a similar incident in a previous season where someone partook and the producers pulled them aside and were telling them they might get real charges for doing so? Stephanie is just getting high and having a ball and there hasn't been any mention of it. Or maybe there has and I missed it.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Negritude said:

I think its either Angele and her relationship with Gabrielle or Stephanie's drug use that puts a halt to the program. 

Wasn't there a similar incident in a previous season where someone partook and the producers pulled them aside and were telling them they might get real charges for doing so? Stephanie is just getting high and having a ball and there hasn't been any mention of it. Or maybe there has and I missed it.

I was kind of confused as to why no one has pulled Stephanie out of the pod, producers or anybody else.  I mean they see she's doing drugs and they're not supposed to be partaking in inmate activity.  That confused me.  

If it's Stephanie's drug use that puts a halt to the program, then I call bullshit on the producers for letting it go on in the first place.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Both Matt and Michelle used drugs last season. I doubt they'd cancel the program because of Stephanie doing the same thing. 

True, but they weren't working as drug mules for the inmates the way Stephanie was.  It just seems that Stephanie has become more involved in it than anybody else has been.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

True, but they weren't working as drug mules for the inmates the way Stephanie was.  It just seems that Stephanie has become more involved in it than anybody else has been.

That is true plus I think Matt's cover story was that he was caught growing/selling weed so he was kind of pushed into a corner by the cover story given to him when he got roomed with another person on pot charges who had a stash.

Michelle, I think, was in the same boat as Jacyln when it came to drugs except she went ahead and did it eventually because she felt that was the only way to fit in.  Stephanie doesn't appear to be reluctant to do the drugs and has, in fact, gone out of her way to be a part of it by offering up the co-trade and being the mule.  It's gone past wanting to just fit in.  

I am really curious why there has not been a raid on the girl's section due to the high drug activity.  Surely the police officers are watching the video feeds and see the inmates showing off their drug stash and making whippits pretty much out in the open.  Have we even seen a raid of either the male or female units this season? 

Preacher Matt and Jeremiah (I think that is his name) need to stop mugging for the camera.  It's just weird.  I'm also concerned that the participants are easily able to figure out who all the other participants are but we are supposed to believe that some of the real inmates can't see it.  I'm not sure I buy that.  Outside of Nate and the females, I haven't seen a whole lot of interaction between the real inmates and the participants.  

  • Love 2
On 2/1/2018 at 12:19 PM, Peper81 said:


I am really curious why there has not been a raid on the girl's section due to the high drug activity.  Surely the police officers are watching the video feeds and see the inmates showing off their drug stash and making whippits pretty much out in the open.  Have we even seen a raid of either the male or female units this season? 

Preacher Matt and Jeremiah (I think that is his name) need to stop mugging for the camera.  It's just weird.  I'm also concerned that the participants are easily able to figure out who all the other participants are but we are supposed to believe that some of the real inmates can't see it.  I'm not sure I buy that.  Outside of Nate and the females, I haven't seen a whole lot of interaction between the real inmates and the participants.  

Didn't they shake down 500 when they caught wind of Pancho having a shank?

I saw a comment on Facebook saying that maybe the participants catch on to the other participants because they're looking for them.  It kind of makes sense.   


How far are they going to let Angele's relationship go?  Stephanie is killing me with her  "I want to be the only one standing" but next episode she's changing cells due to "bullying?"  


Matt was too funny with aligning his self with Swole(is that right?) and thinking he has any kind of power.   

  • Love 2

Matt is a ridiculous human being. I can't believe he was trying to teach that dude a lesson about medical emergencies, he clearly wasn't having it. I was stunned to see him telling that man "brother, I love you...". As soon as you started talking to him, and he said "I'm playing, can't you see I'm playing (dominoes) anybody with 2 functioning brain cells wouldve left that man the fuck alone. Then he's trying to spark up a friendship with Swole talking about "that's my boy" (hard accent on "boy") . Then to top it off his was absolutely convinced that his brief show of his MMA chops scared the shit out of Tebow and now his KING OF THE POD.

It's hilarious that he thinks his son is so weak and fragile and gonna get his ass kicked, when it's HIM that's constantly putting himself in danger. People don't understand it, but its true, shy quiet people like Andrew sometimes have the ability to almost always stay out of trouble because they have the amazing power to disappear. No one cares to start trouble with them because the honestly forget some of they exist. The only problem is that because it's prison, a SUPER MACHO environment, he's been pegged as gay in the next episode (which will probably die over soon, like all those times in previous seasons where inmates already had participants pegged as informants), but ordnarily, he'd be overlooked.

  • Love 10

I'm tired of Jaclyn and her talk of "racial inequality."  No, she's just upset that SHE'S the victim of it.  

I think what's going on (and this is why I can't stand Matt) is because in this jail, the black people are the majority, and they're like, "oh, this is how it feels."  I mean if you're from a country where the majority is black, your psyche is going to be totally different; like you turn on the TV, the news, whatever, and you see black people everywhere.  I remember when I first went to Senegal, turned on the TV and was like "whoa" (this was in 1983).  I think most of the white inmates step back, because they know they're not the majority, someone like Matt though, thinks he's tougher than he really is.  

  • Love 4

It's hilarious that he thinks his son is so weak and fragile and gonna get his ass kicked, when it's HIM that's constantly putting himself in danger. People don't understand it, but its true, shy quiet people like Andrew sometimes have the ability to almost always stay out of trouble because they have the amazing power to disappear. No one cares to start trouble with them because the honestly forget some of they exist. The only problem is that because it's prison, a SUPER MACHO environment, he's been pegged as gay in the next episode (which will probably die over soon, like all those times in previous seasons where inmates already had participants pegged as informants), but ordnarily, he'd be overlooked.

And then he (Matt) admits to also pushing the button for no reason! Meanwhile, his kid is just fine, apparently, haha!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5

Matt is a special brand of crazy.

The women do nothing for me this year which is a pity.  I Jones for women in prison shit.  Really disappointed.  They are all just different degrees of dumbass and not even the interesting kind.   I mean seriously crushing on a girl that fast in prison.  This ain’t Orange is the new Black.  

Is it weird that the cop is the one who is mixing in the best and dealing best even with the bangers.  Dude has cautious respect for them and they see it and respond in kind. 

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 5
On 1/19/2018 at 3:17 PM, ralph said:

Angele? HOT? I don't know man, prison is weird. She looks just as messed up and slightly masculine as some of the other inmates. I get pretty girls like Stephanie wouldn't be all the rage in prison, but I don't get what it is about Angele that is so attractive.

It's because she looks masculine. And she's a pretty masculine.  I'd be 90% of those women aren't gay or bi on the outside but when in jail they'll take the closest thing they can get to a man. 

On 1/20/2018 at 8:17 AM, Chaos Theory said:

I think in a weird way the women do have it harder because they have to not only deal with prison life but with girl drama.  Boy drama can be fixed kinda easy.  You disrespected me:  this is how you deal with it.  Girl drama is a lot more complicated.  Plus with the guys they room with a single other person.  The girls are in a dorm which means dealing with several personalities at once.  

Add to it being butch hot and gay and you have a serious problem.

And the men don't have to deal with other guys hitting on them..... we've seen the women multiple times ask other women to take off their tops. 

On 1/31/2018 at 1:49 PM, Negritude said:

I think its either Angele and her relationship with Gabrielle or Stephanie's drug use that puts a halt to the program. 

Wasn't there a similar incident in a previous season where someone partook and the producers pulled them aside and were telling them they might get real charges for doing so? Stephanie is just getting high and having a ball and there hasn't been any mention of it. Or maybe there has and I missed it.

I'm still leaning on Matt..... but I think he's the most obvious.   He keeps threatening to get into a fight with someone, because they aren't doing what he thinks they should be doing. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

Matt is a special brand of crazy.

The women do nothing for me this year which is a pity.  I Jones for women in prison shit.  Really disappointed.  They are all just different degrees of dumbass and not even the interesting kind.   I mean seriously crushing on a girl that fast in prison.  This ain’t Orange is the new Black.  

Is it weird that the cop is the one who is mixing in the best and dealing best even with the bangers.  Dude has cautious respect for them and they see it and respond in kind. 


I haven't learned anything new from the women, except that they clearly have never seen an episode of this show or were napping during orientation. These ladies this season are boring and/or full of drama.


Alan is the one who will be full of info and I can't wait to see him debrief with the colonel and also watch him on the reunion show! He can speak about "both sides" of criminal justice and will have a ton to say.  He is so smart and blends in so well, especially with his roommate. No one has the slightest inkling about him; not even Nate.

I wonder if he could/would do 120 days like Nate? I really hope Nate has more to share than "gangs run the place & there is a hierarchy system in place." We already know this!

Nate has a better chance of becoming a Pod Boss than Crazy Jesus does. 

  • Love 5

Yeah I heard someone really fucked up this year.  It’s sad that the top two contenders are females Angele (sleeping with an inmate would be considered rape on her part)  and Michelle if anyone gets wind of her increasingly problematic criminal activities (and I am not even talking about the drugs.  Isn’t she playing mule fir one of the inmates?). Running a close third and fourth are Matt and Jaclyn both ready to explode.


The dark horse is is either the cop (Nate?  Or is the cop Alan?  I get those two confused). If he plays too close to the fire he may get burned but he is the long shot. But then he does know the law and how far he can legally go.  So like I said..long shot.

Edited by Chaos Theory
On 2/5/2018 at 4:23 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Yeah I heard someone really fucked up this year.  It’s sad that the top two contenders are females Angele (sleeping with an inmate would be considered rape on her part)  and Michelle if anyone gets wind of her increasingly problematic criminal activities (and I am not even talking about the drugs.  Isn’t she playing mule fir one of the inmates?). Running a close third and fourth are Matt and Jaclyn both ready to explode.


Who's Michelle?

Why would Angele be committing rape?  Is it rape if a man lies to a woman about who he is?  If it is then yes, you're right about Angele.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 1
On 2/5/2018 at 1:23 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Yeah I heard someone really fucked up this year.  It’s sad that the top two contenders are females Angele (sleeping with an inmate would be considered rape on her part)  and Michelle if anyone gets wind of her increasingly problematic criminal activities (and I am not even talking about the drugs.  Isn’t she playing mule fir one of the inmates?). Running a close third and fourth are Matt and Jaclyn both ready to explode.


The dark horse is is either the cop (Nate?  Or is the cop Alan?  I get those two confused). If he plays too close to the fire he may get burned but he is the long shot. But then he does know the law and how far he can legally go.  So like I said..long shot.

Alan is the cop. Nate is the tall white guy with blonde guy and tattoos on his forearms. He also served in the USMC.

31 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Why would Angele be committing rape?  Is it rape if a man lies to a wo man about who he is?  If it is then yes, you're right about Angele.  

Inmates can't consent to sex.  Its why guards (even female guards) cannot have sex (even consentual) with inmates and since Angele is not technically an inmate the whole consent thing is really in flux here.  I am not sure if it would be outright rape but it would be sexual assault and would get Angele in all kinds of legal trouble.  

I don't know why I said Michelle,  I meant Stephanie.      

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Useful 1
  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Inmates can't consent to sex.  Its why guards (even female guards) cannot have sex (even consentual) with inmates and since Angele is not technically an inmate the whole consent thing is really in flux here.  I am not sure if it would be outright rape but it would be sexual assault and would get Angele in all kinds of legal trouble.  

I don't know why I said Michelle,  I meant Stephanie.      

Interesting point, but Angele isn’t a guard either.  I thought that the issue was more with guards, since guards are the ones who basically have all the power.  That does make you think though.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Interesting point, but Angele isn’t a guard either.  I thought that the issue was more with guards, since guards are the ones who basically have all the power.  That does make you think though.

I agree.  I think it's a matter of the guards being in a position of power.  While it's morally a grey area that Angele is lying about who she is, it's not even on the same level as a guard.  While she is not an actual inmate, she holds no power over anyone there.

  • Love 2

I am not the worlds most aware person.  People say I couldn't read a room if my life depended on it.  But dude!!! Emmanuel or Buchi is it???? Even I know you don't throw yourself in the middle of a gangland thing unless you want to lose an important body part.    And you know its bad when Matt is the voice of reason.

And I just can't with Angele.  Whatever you want to call what she has with the inmate.  It is just wrong.  Its not a morally grey area to me.  It just plain wrong.  

  • Love 4

Matt talking like he knows street law and all that is absolutely ridiculous.  Emmanuel is delusional that he was perfectly safe, but Matt still doesn't know what he's talking about.  Also, I am sick of Matt referencing his MMA fighting.  Did he just take classes at like a little community gym or did he actually fight people in a ring with an audience, etc?  Because I think he is full of shit.

I don't understand why Emmanuel thinks acting like a buffoon is acceptable behavior in there. 

I'm annoyed by Angele & Gabby.  That's not what she was there for.  I really didn't feel like watching porn....

  • Love 4

Matt supposedly taught MMA after he had his thing with the prison Chaplin job.   Matt may be crazy but that doesn’t make him wrong.  I think that part of his story his true.  Although not a fighter himself he coaches them so he can handle himself in a one on one fight.....but as we have seen fights especially gangland fights don’t play out like that.

i go back and forth on whether I like Jaclin.  She is an entitled bitch but she genuinely tried to help Stephanie who turned around and sold her out.  Stephanie would shank Jaclin if Swole told her to so Jaclin is also not wrong.....

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 4

These officers appear completely useless.  Swole "I'm going to spit in her face!" Officer "Please don't do that."  Teaser from next episode Swole "I'm going to beat her ass."  *crickets*


Angele with her Jesus take the wheel, what's going to happen will happen nonsense.    You know it's wrong to enter into a sexual relationship with an inmate.   The producers with their wink wink attitudes are pitiful too.   What else is going on behind the scenes that Stephanie doesn't feel safe?   Did I miss why her cell mates wouldn't have her back any more?  


Every time Matt talks it grates on my nerves.    I still don't understand all this drama about Andrew when he encouraged him to be in this position.  Just stop.   Emmanuel is so clueless it hurts.   And is potentially going to get him hurt.   I say again the officers appear useless.


Alan in the clip for next week. "We can't get hot food but they can get weed in here?!" LOL

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, August79 said:

These officers appear completely useless.  Swole "I'm going to spit in her face!" Officer "Please don't do that."  Teaser from next episode Swole "I'm going to beat her ass."  *crickets*

I wonder if Swole is really all bark and no bite, though.  She's been there awhile and the guards probably know her well enough to know if that's a legit threat or not.

17 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:


And I just can't with Angele.  Whatever you want to call what she has with the inmate.  It is just wrong.  Its not a morally grey area to me.  It just plain wrong.  

I did not like her from the get-go. Also, she is there on behalf of the jail.  Is not a guard but she still there acting on behalf of the jail. The inmate can claim sexual assault,  even though we all know she’s participating willingly,sue the county and get big bucks from the county.  What I don’t understand is, the producers know what she’s doing,  they got on film what she’s doing, why someone hasn’t stopped it and pulled her out of there.

Edited by Kid
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Kid said:

I did not like her from the get-go. Also, she is there on behalf of the jail.  Is not a guard but she still there acting on behalf of the jail. The inmate can claim sexual assault,  Even though we all know she’s participating willingly,sue the county and get big bucks from the county.  What I don’t understand is, the producers know what she’s doing they got on film what she’s doing why someone hasn’t stopped it and pulled her out of there.

I think you explained it a little better then I did.  Plus if things go sour or she gets bored she can just leave.  Gabby can’t.   Gabby is essentially trapped.  Angele isn’t.   There a huge power differential in the relationship that I find uncomfortable.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Whimsy said:

I wonder if Swole is really all bark and no bite, though.  She's been there awhile and the guards probably know her well enough to know if that's a legit threat or not.

I wouldn't think so.   In the inmate interviews they stated that she's a fighter.  So unless they're hyping it up for tv (which is possible I guess)  she will actually beat someone up.

That guard who dealt with Stephanie leaving her room handled everything wrong. After seeing all the drama that surrounded it, she should've known that this was more than just somebody wanting to room with their 'girlfriend ". To send her back in there, behind a locked door with them and topping it off with jokes and that smartass attitude, was not only unprofessional but neglectful in that she casually sent an inmate into a potentially life threatening situation without even noticing it or considering what she could have done to diffuse it

  • Love 9

I’ve posted before (in the The Rap Game thread) my amusement/ annoyance at kids who constantly refer to themselves as “swag” (there’s a contestant on there who does so; he’s the same age as the students I spent much of my career teaching, and the last five years or so, I saw them spending more time writing “swag” and “I’m so swag” on their backpacks and notebooks (most of which I bought for them) turned-in work, everything) ... like, if you are, why would you have to say it? I often had to remind myself at least it was evidence that they COULD write). OTOH, these were middle schoolers.


I hit that point with Matt and his I’m Alpha (and I’m taking my kid to prison ‘because he needs to be alpha but he’s “soft”: I had thought back then it was code for “I’m afraid he is or makes others think he’s gay,” so that was an interesting addressing (rhymes with aggressing) this epi) back at about episode 1, but this last episode pushed me over the edge with Matt’s self-talk about being alpha, especially in concert with his (iirc) TH about how he could end up “aggressing” [toward Tebow]. Again, maybe it’s my own limited exposure to this particular demographic and I don’t want to extrapolate and stereotype an entire demographic based on such a limited and edited version of television personalities (especially as a) I may have misunderstood/jumped to conclusions that he was also AUB (I think? Or whatever Kody Brown is) and Matt’s actually  a more mainstream sect of Mormon

[my advanced apologies for my ignorance: “sect” probably isn’t the right word. Type? I admittedly don’t even know if there are different “types” of (what I assume is considered the mainstream, monogamy-practicing) Mormons; I’m thinking about whatever we call the different “types” of Judaism (in which I was raised and am obviously comparably clueless, so while I don’t think my ignorance is necessarily excusable, I’ll own the apathy but hope it’s not mistaken for antipathy or bigotry), where, for, example, there’s reform(ed?), conservative, orthodox, etc, and then, even with each type, there’s levels of degree (like, I grew up attending a conservative temple, but it was much closer to reformed ones insofar as issues as (almost) equal treatment of female and male congregants (sole difference I can recall is girls could be bat mitzvahed at 12 whereas boys had to be 13 for their bar mitzvah (some questionable sexism that worked for me because I was ahead in school, and though long over buying into anything I was being taught about religion, was willing to go through with what I saw as a performance to please my mom (who ironically cared more about this Important Religious Right of Passage for me to prove she could pull it off as a newly single mom—my father (the reason we were at this awful temple to begin with) had left a week after we got our Bat/ Bar Mitzvah dates, leaving us not only pretty broke the first “broken family” at the temple, which they dealt with by .,. not only not supporting us but making it clear we were now unwanted trash (uh, I guess there was more sexism, if not of the scripturally interpreted type, than I recalled... ;-)—but I don’t think I would have been willing to play along for a whole extra school year as I’d have had to were I a boy; girls’ and boys’ requirements and expectations for their ceremonies, however, were the same. Whereas, even at another conservative temple that was nearby, girls could only have their Bat Mitzvah on a Friday night as they could not be on the bima (stage) or read from the Torah on a Saturday, which was for the boys/men, and the difference of degree of importance placed on the two ceremonies was markedly different and, even to my 12/13-year-old self, so glaring offensive that I only would attend out of respect for my friends/jr. high social obligation (and then usually tried to spend as much of their kiddish (post-service social hour where tweens get to have pastries and bad wine in the name of religion) not-as- respectfully using my same 12/13-year-old understanding of feminism to express such views to every religious leader I could find. Because I was deferential like that). Ummm...sorry, veered way off-topic there but was trying to express what I meant by whether there were “types” of what I think is mainstream Mormonism (is this the same as FLDS?), as opposed to degree of observance... ANYWAY]

or b) their similarities are better explained by their shared narcissistic personalities with 15-minutes-of-fame-desire-disorder comorbidity than the coincidence of their (maybe) shared religion, but it’s fascinating to me that these two similar (to me) men—with their unkempt, long hair (I understand Matt says he played up the look to aid his prison aesthetic, but he obviously didn’t grow it long in time for the show, maybe just assisted the unvarnished-masses look of it, making it likely it usually looks even LESS ... alpha-y), their self-styled “intellectualism” (I do believe Matt IS quite educated, and probably smart; I also believe he thinks his own belief system, certainly inextricable from his education but also quite possibly well-developed based on little but his own rational and irrational thoughts and fears, make him the smartest man in any room, completely separate from intellect or education), and (although Matt’s MMA experience may in fact make him a true force to be reckoned with in that type of arena, or maybe—though I’m not sure, as I thought it was the type of fighting that required both parties’ respecting the rules of the sport; I admittedly don’t know enough to say, though—ultimately victorious if he truly had to defend himself in hand-to-hand combat in jail but probably less useful with a rock-in-a-sock or shank, which I don’t think he’s SO Alpha to consider; similarly, wasn’t Kody Brown some Southerneastern Northwest Utah wrestling champion who thus had to keep a full gym’s worth of mats in one of the McMansion garages, instead of his alpha sports car that he had for his 57-member family?), neither has the *appearance* of a hardbody or athletic type nor the innate nor false but convincing  machismo of a tough guy that’s going to garner respect from anyone but an inmate who respects [what he believes is] a convict* or a sisterwife who respects anyone with a penis more than anyone with a vagina, and anyone who isn’t herself over anyone who is, I find it both hilarious and unnerving that these are the sole two men I’ve ever heard call themselves alpha, let alone incessantly.


And I don’t know if Kody Brown has actually ever used the term “aggressing” (nor am I sure it’s any more a word than “conversating”), but I’ve now convinced myself he has as sure as Matt’s convinced himself he’s classy swag alpha, and I’m convinced that they’re, if not doppelgängers, soulmates. 


*I caught an episode of watch-along (where previous cast members provide meta-commentary on last week’s episode as they watch) for the first time this week (da fuq? Why does my DVR pick up every other show’s “super-size” repeat or “social thread” repeat as a new show that I have to notice and manually cancel, but this, which was actually marginally interesting and at a time that wouldn’t bump something valuable from my carefully orchestrated DVR schedule, was never on either of our radar? Now I finally notice it when I have a thousand eleventy hours of Olympics to record and almost as many of Celebrity Big Brother? Not Cool!), and I was fascinated by how all of the Formers not only explained why no one was gonna mess with Matt (old dudes generally get respect, even from young disrespectful-seeming “punks,”  which, yeah, shoulda known, although I always heard about the whole inmate v convict mentality divide relating more to prison than jail, but I guess, esp for someone like Tebow who, young as he is, spent two years in prison), but that THEY (the Formers, themselves) seemed to think quite highly of him (I forgot what term they used. A distinguished man? A gentleman? Something like that).

 I kept trying to figure out if they’d have already had contact with him after filming doing post- wrap interviews or something to affect their POV (because I tried to view him from their perspective, and, save for the “respect the elders” shit, I couldn’t), but they were dragging most of the others, so I don’t think it was just a matter of respect or empathy for the toll they understand from their shared experience.


Then, I had a little conspiracy theory thought, and I had to wonder: remember when a bunch of them  tried (are still trying? Don’t know) to set up that pricey side hustle to prep people who I guess are rich and have warning that they’ll be going to jail? Well, I think that the panel consisted of mostly if not solely members of that group: if so, maybe Mr. Alpha “consulted” with them BEFORE ever entering the jail. (As the CO trainer for the New Mexico prison that had the rookie show, who also became one of the trainers for the faux inmates, was in on their gig, it would make sense that they’d get better hook ups with the commentating gig AND that, either, once Matt was well through the process, he’d “happen” to get connected to them OR he’d connected (or, as a former prison chaplain himself, knew some of) them and then got “recommended” to the show.

Since he didn’t even realize he wouldn’t be in the same pod as his son, despite the fact that a) their cover story had them as co-conspirators in the same crime, and all you’d need to do is watch one episode of Lock-Up to know you weren’t going to be bunkies (nevermind FORMER PRISON CHAPLAIN: ETA: I no longer believe this “shocking twist” in his story) and b) three seasons of this show (even two, assuming they knew nothing of the prior season before entering) suggestes men are generally divided by age, nevermind that he looks like he’s losing his mind in there, they clearly did a shite job prepping him, so, both to cover their asses with him and (if they want any future customers), they have to rewrite the narrative that he’s the success story of the season.


At least, if a single thing I just wrote has a bit of truth. As it’s all entirely based on spec., I guess it’s also possible that they really don’t thing he’s a faux-Alpha,faux-aggressing, narcissistic, devolving lunatic and just respect him, straight up, and that there’s also no conflicts of interest with the business, the consulting of the trading officer, the casting of them for commentary, the hiring of Sheri as a CO, and potential casting. It’s totes possible.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, methadonna said:

I’ve posted before (in the The Rap Game thread) my amusement/ annoyance at kids who constantly refer to themselves as “swag” (there’s a contestant on there who does so; he’s the same age as the students I spent much of my career teaching, and the last five years or so, I saw them spending more time writing “swag” and “I’m so swag” on their backpacks and notebooks (most of which I bought for them) turned-in work, everything) ... like, if you are, why would you have to say it? I often had to remind myself at least it was evidence that they COULD write). OTOH, these were middle schoolers.


I hit that point with Matt and his I’m Alpha (and I’m taking my kid to prison ‘because he needs to be alpha but he’s “soft”: I had thought back then it was code for “I’m afraid he is or makes others think he’s gay,” so that was an interesting addressing (rhymes with aggressing) this epi) back at about episode 1, but this last episode pushed me over the edge with Matt’s self-talk about being alpha, especially in concert with his (iirc) TH about how he could end up “aggressing” [toward Tebow]. Again, maybe it’s my own limited exposure to this particular demographic and I don’t want to extrapolate and stereotype an entire demographic based on such a limited and edited version of television personalities (especially as a) I may have misunderstood/jumped to conclusions that he was also AUB (I think? Or whatever Kody Brown is) and Matt’s actually  a more mainstream sect of Mormon

[my advanced apologies for my ignorance: “sect” probably isn’t the right word. Type? I admittedly don’t even know if there are different “types” of (what I assume is considered the mainstream, monogamy-practicing) Mormons; I’m thinking about whatever we call the different “types” of Judaism (in which I was raised and am obviously comparably clueless, so while I don’t think my ignorance is necessarily excusable, I’ll own the apathy but hope it’s not mistaken for antipathy or bigotry), where, for, example, there’s reform(ed?), conservative, orthodox, etc, and then, even with each type, there’s levels of degree (like, I grew up attending a conservative temple, but it was much closer to reformed ones insofar as issues as (almost) equal treatment of female and male congregants (sole difference I can recall is girls could be bat mitzvahed at 12 whereas boys had to be 13 for their bar mitzvah (some questionable sexism that worked for me because I was ahead in school, and though long over buying into anything I was being taught about religion, was willing to go through with what I saw as a performance to please my mom (who ironically cared more about this Important Religious Right of Passage for me to prove she could pull it off as a newly single mom—my father (the reason we were at this awful temple to begin with) had left a week after we got our Bat/ Bar Mitzvah dates, leaving us not only pretty broke the first “broken family” at the temple, which they dealt with by .,. not only not supporting us but making it clear we were now unwanted trash (uh, I guess there was more sexism, if not of the scripturally interpreted type, than I recalled... ;-)—but I don’t think I would have been willing to play along for a whole extra school year as I’d have had to were I a boy; girls’ and boys’ requirements and expectations for their ceremonies, however, were the same. Whereas, even at another conservative temple that was nearby, girls could only have their Bat Mitzvah on a Friday night as they could not be on the bima (stage) or read from the Torah on a Saturday, which was for the boys/men, and the difference of degree of importance placed on the two ceremonies was markedly different and, even to my 12/13-year-old self, so glaring offensive that I only would attend out of respect for my friends/jr. high social obligation (and then usually tried to spend as much of their kiddish (post-service social hour where tweens get to have pastries and bad wine in the name of religion) not-as- respectfully using my same 12/13-year-old understanding of feminism to express such views to every religious leader I could find. Because I was deferential like that). Ummm...sorry, veered way off-topic there but was trying to express what I meant by whether there were “types” of what I think is mainstream Mormonism (is this the same as FLDS?), as opposed to degree of observance... ANYWAY]

or b) their similarities are better explained by their shared narcissistic personalities with 15-minutes-of-fame-desire-disorder comorbidity than the coincidence of their (maybe) shared religion, but it’s fascinating to me that these two similar (to me) men—with their unkempt, long hair (I understand Matt says he played up the look to aid his prison aesthetic, but he obviously didn’t grow it long in time for the show, maybe just assisted the unvarnished-masses look of it, making it likely it usually looks even LESS ... alpha-y), their self-styled “intellectualism” (I do believe Matt IS quite educated, and probably smart; I also believe he thinks his own belief system, certainly inextricable from his education but also quite possibly well-developed based on little but his own rational and irrational thoughts and fears, make him the smartest man in any room, completely separate from intellect or education), and (although Matt’s MMA experience may in fact make him a true force to be reckoned with in that type of arena, or maybe—though I’m not sure, as I thought it was the type of fighting that required both parties’ respecting the rules of the sport; I admittedly don’t know enough to say, though—ultimately victorious if he truly had to defend himself in hand-to-hand combat in jail but probably less useful with a rock-in-a-sock or shank, which I don’t think he’s SO Alpha to consider; similarly, wasn’t Kody Brown some Southerneastern Northwest Utah wrestling champion who thus had to keep a full gym’s worth of mats in one of the McMansion garages, instead of his alpha sports car that he had for his 57-member family?), neither has the *appearance* of a hardbody or athletic type nor the innate nor false but convincing  machismo of a tough guy that’s going to garner respect from anyone but an inmate who respects [what he believes is] a convict* or a sisterwife who respects anyone with a penis more than anyone with a vagina, and anyone who isn’t herself over anyone who is, I find it both hilarious and unnerving that these are the sole two men I’ve ever heard call themselves alpha, let alone incessantly.


And I don’t know if Kody Brown has actually ever used the term “aggressing” (nor am I sure it’s any more a word than “conversating”), but I’ve now convinced myself he has as sure as Matt’s convinced himself he’s classy swag alpha, and I’m convinced that they’re, if not doppelgängers, soulmates. 


*I caught an episode of watch-along (where previous cast members provide meta-commentary on last week’s episode as they watch) for the first time this week (da fuq? Why does my DVR pick up every other show’s “super-size” repeat or “social thread” repeat as a new show that I have to notice and manually cancel, but this, which was actually marginally interesting and at a time that wouldn’t bump something valuable from my carefully orchestrated DVR schedule, was never on either of our radar? Now I finally notice it when I have a thousand eleventy hours of Olympics to record and almost as many of Celebrity Big Brother? Not Cool!), and I was fascinated by how all of the Formers not only explained why no one was gonna mess with Matt (old dudes generally get respect, even from young disrespectful-seeming “punks,”  which, yeah, shoulda known, although I always heard about the whole inmate v convict mentality divide relating more to prison than jail, but I guess, esp for someone like Tebow who, young as he is, spent two years in prison), but that THEY (the Formers, themselves) seemed to think quite highly of him (I forgot what term they used. A distinguished man? A gentleman? Something like that).

 I kept trying to figure out if they’d have already had contact with him after filming doing post- wrap interviews or something to affect their POV (because I tried to view him from their perspective, and, save for the “respect the elders” shit, I couldn’t), but they were dragging most of the others, so I don’t think it was just a matter of respect or empathy for the toll they understand from their shared experience.


Then, I had a little conspiracy theory thought, and I had to wonder: remember when a bunch of them  tried (are still trying? Don’t know) to set up that pricey side hustle to prep people who I guess are rich and have warning that they’ll be going to jail? Well, I think that the panel consisted of mostly if not solely members of that group: if so, maybe Mr. Alpha “consulted” with them BEFORE ever entering the jail. (As the CO trainer for the New Mexico prison that had the rookie show, who also became one of the trainers for the faux inmates, was in on their gig, it would make sense that they’d get better hook ups with the commentating gig AND that, either, once Matt was well through the process, he’d “happen” to get connected to them OR he’d connected (or, as a former prison chaplain himself, knew some of) them and then got “recommended” to the show.

Since he didn’t even realize he wouldn’t be in the same pod as his son, despite the fact that a) their cover story had them as co-conspirators in the same crime, and all you’d need to do is watch one episode of Lock-Up to know you weren’t going to be bunkies (nevermind FORMER PRISON CHAPLAIN: ETA: I no longer believe this “shocking twist” in his story) and b) three seasons of this show (even two, assuming they knew nothing of the prior season before entering) suggestes men are generally divided by age, nevermind that he looks like he’s losing his mind in there, they clearly did a shite job prepping him, so, both to cover their asses with him and (if they want any future customers), they have to rewrite the narrative that he’s the success story of the season.


At least, if a single thing I just wrote has a bit of truth. As it’s all entirely based on spec., I guess it’s also possible that they really don’t thing he’s a faux-Alpha,faux-aggressing, narcissistic, devolving lunatic and just respect him, straight up, and that there’s also no conflicts of interest with the business, the consulting of the trading officer, the casting of them for commentary, the hiring of Sheri as a CO, and potential casting. It’s totes possible.


  • LOL 1
  • Love 7

I dot get Swole.  She is supposed to be tough, but she's always the one who runs to the guard.  Watch the fight between the two young women in the pod.  Swole ran to the guard to tell them to stop it, she ran to the guard when Stephanie was moving out. 

Why is Swole constantly running to the guards?

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 9
On 2/10/2018 at 8:49 PM, PityFree said:

 I’m concerned that Angele is going to get an addict girlfriend as a souvenir from doing the show.  When her jail girlfriend realizes that she makes a very nice income from being an electrician, she’ll want to start spending that money on her habit.  I just hope she doesn’t influence Angele to use heroin herself. 

I remember when Gabby first arrived, Angele initially had a sincere plan of talking to other inmates to find out their stories and how they ended up in jail.

Gabby specifically told both Angele & the production team (in a TH) that she doesn't have the strength to try to get clean and that drugs always override her choices in life because she's not strong enough to walk away from them. 

Then Angele popped up in a TH in the same damn episode and specifically mentioned one of the things that she liked about Gabby was "her strength."

 WTF?!?! What is this strength Angele speaks of? Gabby is in jail because she doesn't have any strength.

Now Angele is too busy making jail porn and having a girlfriend, so she has  excluded herself from even talking to anyone else, or even being sociable with others to get any information for Colonel Adger. (I'm no prude, but I thought that the scene with her & Gabby behind the sheet went on for way too long!)

She is utterly useless as a participant, just like CrazyJesusMatt. He paces around the dorm and says the same thing each and every week. He talks about how the dorm is turbulent, Tebow is dangerous, someone could get seriously hurt and telling the cameras in his room (and the ones in the hallway outside the 600 dorm) about everything and anything.

Was the candidate pool really that bad for this season?

  • Love 8

I may have had issues with Jackie from the start but she turned out to be a whole lot more real then Stephanie who is nothing but a fake ass fake psychopath who must think there is a cash prize at the end.   Even Angele who is acting more and more like an inmate was willing to come to Jackie's aid.  But seriously, Angele needs to leave as well before she does something she gets charged for.

Matt needs to either tap out or not but he also needs to stop blaming it on his son.   Does anyone else want him to just get into that fight with Tebow because seriously it needs to go down.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • LOL 1
  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

I may have had issues with Jackie from the start but she turned out to be a whole lot more real then Stephanie who is nothing but a fake ass fake psychopath who must think there is a cash prize at the end.   Even Angele who is acting more and more like an inmate was willing to come to Jackie's aid.  But seriously.  Angele needs to leave as well before she does something she gets charged for.

Matt needs to either tap out or not but he also needs to stop blaming it on is son.   Does anyone else want him to just get into that fight with Tebow because seriously it needs to go down.  


I agree about Jackie and Stephanie. At first I was irritated with Jackie when she asked to leave because I was thinking she was only worried about her safety. But, when she said she was leaving in order to avoid possible additions to the other inmates sentences, I actually admired her a little bit.  Although, it’s probably just a matter of time before a similar situation comes up and they’re fighting with Swole anyway (not the participants, the other inmates). 

I didn’t like Stephanie prior to this episode but now I straight out loathe her. It was her fault Jackie was in that situation to begin with!  Stephanie is a weak person who only thinks about herself. 

Matt’s concern about his son, while somewhat understandable, annoys the crap out of me. I’m sick of hearing about it. I wonder how many of the inmates even know his son is there anyway. Although, with every other word out of Mat’s mouth is about his son, so I guess they probably do. I personally think Matt’s just itching for a fight with how much he’s talking about it.  I really think there’s something wrong with him mentally. He does realize that when he “says goodbye” to Andrew the guards weren’t taking him somewhere to shoot him dead, right?

Those guards need to conduct their rounds completely randomly. To be able to plan your criminal activities around the scheduled rounds is ridiculous. 

Ever since the first season, the “trustees”have annoyed me. First, they’re not trustworthy at all. What, is the criteria to become a trustee?  It needs to be stricter, they need to be reassessed frequently and they need to be searched before entering the pod. 

I don’t know what it is about this season’s cast, but I am so annoyed by almost all of them. I guess Johnny’s ok and Alan. I probably wouldnt mind Andrew except that’s all I hear about from Matt. 

Angele is completely out of control. I actually hopes she picks up charges so those weren’t empty threats from the Colonial. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Whimsy said:

Those guards need to conduct their rounds completely randomly. To be able to plan your criminal activities around the scheduled rounds is ridiculous. 

Ever since the first season, the “trustees”have annoyed me. First, they’re not trustworthy at all. What, is the criteria to become a trustee?  It needs to be stricter, they need to be reassessed frequently and they need to be searched before entering the pod. 

After college my first job was working in residential program for teen age girls.  I worked the night shift and did bed checks every 30 minutes.  I used to vary my "schedule" so sometimes I would be doing checks at different intervals, sometime 45 minutes and sometimes 5 minutes.  I would catch a lot of stuff that way and it kept the girls safer.  The girls complained to the director that I was not keeping a 30 minutes routine.  When he asked me about it I told him why I was doing it.  He told me that my actions showed the girls that I did not trust them and that I needed to show them that I did trust them.  I told him that I did not trust all of the girls and the reason they were in our facility was because they could not be trusted.  I went on to list all of the shady things I had caught the girls doing and that the reason they were mad that I varied the checks was because they wanted to be able to time their shenanigans.  What did I know he had a PhD and I only had a B.A..

As far as prisons and other institutions have "trustees" is because they don't have money to hire the people they need to do those jobs.

  • Love 10

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