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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

^^^ That's true. I guess I should've said, the presence of Zari in the crossover episodes is a bad sign for Felicity having much of a role.

But how much "presence" is a bad sign though? Winn's crossing over, I don't see that as a bad sign. Zari will probably crossover, I don't see that as a bad sign either. Felicity's biggest role in the crossover last year was on LoT, a show that ignored its own new characters (Nate and Amaya) just to play with the other ones (Cisco, Barry, Felicity, even Oliver and Kara got a subplot in LoT). It's all still up in the air at this point.

4 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I think too many characters is a bad sign for most characters to have a significant role..


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I'm assuming they will have a few scenes where people actually speak like civil beings (the wedding scenes before wedding gets interrupted) and then the rest of the time they are all going to run around fighting things and blowing things up, snippets of each mask punching some other mask or villain, more fighting, a bit of discussion to form a plan, more fighting, montage of masks running around fighting and then civil conversation right at the end at the wedding. Crossover done! 

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Yeah I'm not banking on anyone (except Barry obviously) having a huge role, probably not even Iris and it's supposed to be her wedding. For Supergirl they talked about Alex/Kara being an important part of the crossover yet nothing has been officially mentioned about that, and she's not a mask so she's not on the poster either. It's really difficult to tell right now. People on the poster might not even appear in all 4 parts or only have a few lines per episode. I'm actually a little surprised BS wasn't included on the poster somehow, she's well known and already an evil version of herself. I wonder if/how much she'll be in the crossovers at all?

I suspect there will be some sort of Felicity/Zari meeting though, (and Winn/Cisco) but we've no idea why she's on the poster except she's comics and maybe evened out the female quota a bit more?

It's also possible that since Felicity is crossing over in 4.05 that that will be the majority of her screentime for this whole "storyline" since it seems she shot for a number of days. Or maybe not.

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5 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

I suspect there will be some sort of Felicity/Zari meeting though, (and Winn/Cisco) but we've no idea why she's on the poster except she's comics and maybe evened out the female quota a bit more?

Zari is the only Muslim-American superhero in the Arrowverse (I believe). And Berlanti & Co. pride themselves on their diversity.

Bigger question: Why is Wild Dog above Green Arrow?

Edited by tv echo
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10 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Yeah I'm not banking on anyone (except Barry obviously) having a huge role, probably not even Iris and it's supposed to be her wedding. For Supergirl they talked about Alex/Kara being an important part of the crossover yet nothing has been officially mentioned about that, and she's not a mask so she's not on the poster either. It's really difficult to tell right now. People on the poster might not even appear in all 4 parts or only have a few lines per episode. I'm actually a little surprised BS wasn't included on the poster somehow, she's well known and already an evil version of herself. I wonder if/how much she'll be in the crossovers at all?

I suspect there will be some sort of Felicity/Zari meeting though, (and Winn/Cisco) but we've no idea why she's on the poster except she's comics and maybe evened out the female quota a bit more?

It's also possible that since Felicity is crossing over in 4.05 that that will be the majority of her screentime for this whole "storyline" since it seems she shot for a number of days. Or maybe not.

One of the Paps is saying they haven't heard anything about KC appearing in the Crossover, that same pap is saying Alex plays an integral role in all the shows.

I hate the poster for excluding Diggle and Felicity but I don't think it represents the Crossover. Iris and Barry may be getting married and that may be the event that brings them all together but I don't believe it's the main plot at all. 

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

The CW and Warner Bros. Television announced today that this year’s crossover is entitled “Crisis on Earth-X,” a nod to the numerous “crisis” events held throughout the DC Universe since CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS introduced the concept of the Multiverse.

OK, some intern knows NOTHING about the comics :) .  The Multiverse was first introduced in Flash of Two Worlds, and it was ENDED in Crisis..

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Those 1980s covers were notorious for putting those disembodied heads on the cover, only to have the character barely be in the comic. Ask my small "no, you are not getting more money for comic books!" self how much that hurt. Anyway, my point is, apart from the still very popular Barry, who will presumably be playing a large role in all four episodes, I don't think that this cover tells us much about which characters will or won't be crossing over and/or playing a large role, with one exception: the Ray. 


1. Official and unofficial spoilers have already indicated that Alex is crossing over to the other shows and will have a relatively large role - and yet she's nowhere on the poster.

2. Since they actually know and occasionally hang out with Barry and Iris, I'm guessing that Felicity and Diggle will presumably have more to say/do at the WestAllen wedding than, say, Sara, who only barely met Barry and Iris during the last season's crossover, or the various Supergirl characters who either have never met Iris (Alex) or only met her in a dream sequence (Wynn).

3. I suspect Zari is on the poster because, along with the Ray and Ralph Digny, she's the one brand new incoming superhero, and DC wants to remind us that she's coming in and may very well have a little action figure that DC is releasing solely for the fans and not, say, for their coffers, if we all tweet enough about her. I don't think this indicates that she'll be playing a large role in the crossovers - if I had to guess, I'd say chances are good that the featured Team Legends characters will once again be Sara, Ray (not THE RAY, but Ray Ray), Mick/Heatwave and possibly Nate.

4. The exception is The Ray (not Ray Ray, and look, DC, I know you're kinda in a bind here, but this is even worse than all of the various Rorys; couldn't you have based your next show on someone like Big Barda where we would at least have been spared the name confusion? Or Zatanna. Lots of us would like a Zatanna show) since it looks like the Arrowverse has decided to use the crossover episodes to introduce him and his new show, since that worked so well with the Hawks.  Yay?

All this said, I suspect the crossovers are going to be basically similar to last year, where almost nobody not named Barry or Oliver got all that much to do, poor Team Legends got sidelined on their own show, I didn't get to see Sara hit on Kara even once (don't fail me again, shows! There's still a chance to show Kara what life can be without Mon-El and with someone interesting instead!*) AND with so many characters, the motivations for the bad guys were honestly never that clear.

(I'm in the minority on this forum as someone who liked the Arrow part of the crossover, but I'm still baffled as to why the aliens felt that creating a fake Star City was the best way for them to Take Over the World.)

In terms of the worst head depiction on the cover, I'm going for a tie between Iris (honestly, it looks to me as if Barry has just decided to marry a random woman who has never been on the show before; in fact, it's just as well that the descriptions are mentioning a Westallen wedding or that would be my main theory, since, sorry, that is not Candice Patton at all) and Supergirl, though the Heatwave head is a solid runner-up. 


*All due apologies to Karamel fans. I'm not against the pairing. I just usually find Mon-El kinda boring.

Edited by quarks
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30 minutes ago, quarks said:


4. The exception is The Ray (not Ray Ray, and look, DC, I know you're kinda in a bind here, but this is even worse than all of the various Rorys; couldn't you have based your next show on someone like Big Barda where we would at least have been spared the name confusion? Or Zatanna. Lots of us would like a Zatanna show) since it looks like the Arrowverse has decided to use the crossover episodes to introduce him and his new show, since that worked so well with the Hawks.  Yay?

I wouldn't put this in the same category as The Hawks. If anything The Ray will probably set up the crossover and he'll be recruiting help where everyone is on even playing ground and he isn't a central focus. 

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

I wouldn't put this in the same category as The Hawks. If anything The Ray will probably set up the crossover and he'll be recruiting help where everyone is on even playing ground and he isn't a central focus. 

Yeah, I agree with you here - I don't think he's going to be a central focus of the show, especially since Freedom Fighters is only going to be a CW Seed show, not a full CW show. But since Berlanti does seem to be using the crossovers to introduce him and his show, I'm expecting him to appear in all four episodes.

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16 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I definitely think he'll be our guide to everything. Isn't Mari supposed to be in the animated show? Im guessing they couldn't get the actress to show up? 

Amaya was originally supposed to be Mari but they couldn't get ME to commit so change the character to her grandmother instead, apparently they are trying to get her to show up this season for an episode.

1 hour ago, quarks said:

DC, I know you're kinda in a bind here, but this is even worse than all of the various Rorys; couldn't you have based your next show on someone like Big Barda where we would at least have been spared the name confusion?

Hey next season on Supergirl they have a character named Samantha who is a single mother so they are not great with the names. But I agree with your post @quarks

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From Ask Ausiello:


Question: I’m dying to know — does Maggie say yes to Alex’s proposal on Supergirl?! —Kevin
Ausiello: I’m not going to completely ruin the surprise for you, Kevin, but I will say that the CW drama is casting a reverend to preside over a “ceremony” in Episode 308. Looking for more proof? The network’s official description for the show’s Oct. 9 premiere involves Alex and Maggie discussing their “impending nuptials.” So… you do the math. (ETA: Or, in light of today’s breaking news, it could be this wedding the clergyman oversees.)

The ETA was added after several people went "But...crossover!" in the comments.

Also, in the comments on the crossover announcement, in response to someone who said "And I hope it’s a true 4 show crossover and not a 60 second start at the end of Supergirl", Matt Mattovich said this:


It has been well reported it is a true 4-show crossover. And not as “This is the Flash episode! And now this is the Legends episode” as last year’s was. (I’ve been told you won’t be able to tell what specific Arrowverse show you are watching, it’s a seamless 4-episode event.)

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10 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:
11 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

From Ask Ausiello:

The ETA was added after several people went "But...crossover!" in the comments.

Also, in the comments on the crossover announcement, in response to someone who said "And I hope it’s a true 4 show crossover and not a 60 second start at the end of Supergirl", Matt Mattovich said this:


Huh. The crossovers haven't felt that way to me yet, where there really is no difference between the shows. Be interesting if that really is true this time.

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The first wedding has a reverend (as per the spoiler) and with David's statement that Diggle officiates two weddings, I'm assuming they'll be for two different couples as he'd officiate WestAllen's second, successful wedding and another one (Olicity's probably). 

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13 minutes ago, Xander said:

The first wedding has a reverend (as per the spoiler) and with David's statement that Diggle officiates two weddings, I'm assuming they'll be for two different couples as he'd officiate WestAllen's second, successful wedding and another one (Olicity's probably). 

Yeah that's what I'm thinking.  But I think it (the successful wedding) may still end up being at the end.

Did David say Diggle was officiating two weddings in the crossover, or just two weddings? Because I still think the Olicity wedding will be later, not in the crossover.

Or maybe they have a double wedding at the end! Lol.  Just kidding. ;)

Edited by Starfish35
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1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

Also from Ausiello (sounding more and more like Arrow's last season Big Bad Prometheus)...


Question: What does The Thinker (The 100‘s Neil Sandilands) want with Team Flash on The Flash? —Abby
Ausiello: The Big Bad is motivated by something personal that he experienced” rather than a desire for world domination, per showrunner Todd Helbing, who adds that there’s a “psychological component” to Season 4 (premiering Tuesday, Oct. 10). The Thinker “literally is the smartest guy on the planet, so there’s a lot of chess pieces that he’s moving around simultaneously. As our team is figuring out who he is and what they think the plan is, there’s a lot of fun [as we] show the audience information and then have our team catch up to that information or surpass it. It’s a big mystery.”

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It has been well reported it is a true 4-show crossover. And not as “This is the Flash episode! And now this is the Legends episode” as last year’s was. (I’ve been told you won’t be able to tell what specific Arrowverse show you are watching, it’s a seamless 4-episode event.)

In theory, this could work. But really only for those who love all four shows. If you only watch one, you're stuck watching three additional hours of TV that week. In two days. 

This also makes me think any actual (uninterrupted) wedding will come in the LoT time slot.

Say the WA wedding is then. Will the Flash S4 DVD include the entire crossover or will fans have to buy the LoT S3 DVD for that? Will they release a separate DVD for the crossover? Are they even thinking beyond "hey, isn't it cool that we're doing a two-night, four-hour event?"

I wonder how they're going to promote this as it gets closer to airing - especially since the week before it is Thanksgiving and people may have other things on their minds than TV shows. 

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8 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah that's what I'm thinking.  But I think it (the successful wedding) may still end up being at the end.

Did David say Diggle was officiating two weddings in the crossover, or just two weddings? Because I still think the Olicity wedding will be later, not in the crossover.

Or maybe they have a double wedding at the end! Lol.  Just kidding. ;)

There was a bit of confusion in the fans' reports but he should have said it not related only to the crossover..

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He gave the answer when someone asked about OTA spoilers though didn't he? So maybe it wasn't entirely crossover related ?‍♀️ But then at another con David did say he was officiating a crossover wedding.


So one in the crossover (WestAllen) one at another time perhaps (Olicity)?

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I wouldn't be surprised if they are both in the crossover. Both in the last episode too. WestAllen first then some minutes later, an inspired Olicity make a quick decision "since everyone is around anyway," and get married too.

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22 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I feel that if Diggle is going to officiate they could have at least had the decency to stick the back of his head on that poster. 

Unbeknownst to us all, Diggle is actually holding the pamphlet in the foreground, but the drawing is framed so closely it cut the back of his head clean out.* Dammit, Jimenez!

*sad sarcasm


22 hours ago, LolaRuns said:

Maybe he doesn't fight in this concrete crossover.

That makes sense, I hadn't considered that. Isn't Diggle going through personal trials when the season returns? Maybe moving toward resolving them during the crossover, and this is why (if) he's not suiting up? Still no excuse for Spartans helmet not being in that top right corner, but...


22 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

Yeah I just noticed that too. I'm pretty sure Nate and Wally will be part of the fight too though since Wally is Iris brother it is a little odd he was one of the people they chose to leave off. 

I still can't wrap my head around it, either. Nate not being there after they put so much effort in promoting his character was odd, and Kid Flash even more so since he's also related to the bride and groom. But it occurred to me that, like Felicity, they are also having their own mini-crossover prior to the big four way (on Legends? The trailer wasn't clear...) - and Felicity will be in an entire episode. Since those three are already being promoted cross-show in the lead up to the two-night, maybe they wanted to use the poster to showcase the newer characters the audience might be less familiar with, though it won't necessarily reflect their screen time? I don't know, I'm still disappointed that Martian Manhunter apparently won't be making an appearance. Why.


3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

For Supergirl they talked about Alex/Kara being an important part of the crossover yet nothing has been officially mentioned about that, and she's not a mask so she's not on the poster either.

                  ---- *snip* ----

People on the poster might not even appear in all 4 parts or only have a few lines per episode. 

Well, now that we've seen the poster, my thoughts are leaning heavily toward Earth-2 - there Cisco had to convince E-2 Killer Frost to help them, and this despite having just lost her Ronnie, and having been terrified of Cisco's own E-2 doppelganger Reverb, and not knowing our Cisco at all. I'm wondering if they might not do the same thing with Alex and Overgirl - sort of playing off the theme of connections enduring through worlds and universes - or simply have them interact in some other small but significant way. Its just a theory, but it's where my mind is going.

In total agreement on the second part - as a poster upthread mentioned, those covers often featured characters who barely appeared in the story. For all we know, the extent of Wild Dog's participation here may be him jumping onto the scene, attack dogging Dark! Oliver, getting an Arrow to the butt for his trouble, and flashing a thumbs up at the camera as he limps off screen. 



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13 minutes ago, Karlophe said:

Well, now that we've seen the poster, my thoughts are leaning heavily toward Earth-2 - there Cisco had to convince E-2 Killer Frost to help them, and this despite having just lost her Ronnie, and having been terrified of Cisco's own E-2 doppelganger Reverb, and not knowing our Cisco at all. I'm wondering if they might not do the same thing with Alex and Overgirl - sort of playing off the theme of connections enduring through worlds and universes - or simply have them interact in some other small but significant way. Its just a theory, but it's where my mind is going.

I'm not sure about the connection theme (although I'll wait to see how the first halves of all of the seasons to see what they're focusing on before being really sure on judging) or tbh how much Alex is going to feature (although her apparently being on Arrow, Flash, and LoT is very interesting), since I wouldn't know how to connect any character to another Earth's battles except for the Ray. Like, the whole Alex and Overgirl could make sense, but on the other hand it could be just as easily Iris and E-X Flash, or Felicity or Diggle for E-X Oliver, or someone for Sara or someone else on the LoT crew depending on which connection is deemed most important to spend the crossover on. The EPs said that they'll focus some of the season on the Alex/Kara relationship, but I want to see what that looks like a little bit first before thinking it'll be a linchpin for the crossover, though it could "work" if it becomes a big deal for the season like Barry and Cisco's fractured relationship in 3a.

That being said, I totally want some scenes where the good characters interact with the evil versions, be it emotional or even for comedic purposes (and, coming off of finishing the Killjoys season, now I want a moment where one of the bad guys pretends to be a good guy and the other good guys see right through it after like 20 seconds) 

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They really were not going for likeness on that poster, were they. None of those look like any of them. As for the the plot the Legends should be used to it, they fought the evil versions of each other multiple times. 

Edited by Sakura12
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17 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

As for the the plot the Legends should be used to it, they fought the evil versions of each other multiple times. 

That's a good point, I actually think everyone but Team Arrow has fought evil versions of themselves so it really shouldn't be that big of a deal to them. I guess Supergirl only fought Bizarro-Supergirl so it's not quite the same since she wasn't actually Kara but still.

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43 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Technically Team Arrow fought against Evil Oliver when he was Al-Sahim. And Oliver fought against himself when he got injected with Vertigo in 301.

But technically Evil Oliver was faking being evil so they fought against good Oliver. 

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

My Baby! 

I really love Jon Bernthal, I was even one of the few Shane fans on TWD thread, so hard to be a Shane fan.

I'm so ridiculously excited for The Punisher. I'm so excited I even imagined a November start date LOL

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I wonder if one of the wedding involves an Evil version of the characters but the person he is marrying doesn't know it.


To mark the special event, which begins production today, a custom comic book cover by legendary comic artist Phil Jimenez (Wonder Woman) was commissioned by The CW and Warner Bros

I'm not surprised that it's Mask! Masks! Masks!. He's possibly never seen an episode of Arrow or Supergirl

9 hours ago, quarks said:

2. Since they actually know and occasionally hang out with Barry and Iris, I'm guessing that Felicity and Diggle will presumably have more to say/do at the WestAllen wedding than, say, Sara, who only barely met Barry and Iris during the last season's crossover, or the various Supergirl characters who either have never met Iris (Alex) or only met her in a dream sequence (Wynn).


(I'm in the minority on this forum as someone who liked the Arrow part of the crossover, but I'm still baffled as to why the aliens felt that creating a fake Star City was the best way for them to Take Over the World.)

I don't have a problem with the aliens creating a fake Star City as the best way to distract Our Heroes so they can take over the world; my problem is that Diggle and Felicity were so very OOC in both the dream world and the real world.  Shame on you, Oliver, Diggle, Sara, and Ray for creating the bimbo Felicity in your head that squealed and ran to Diggle to protect her when she found Oliver in the lair, and shame on you MG et al. for creating a dummy real world Felicity who needed Curtis to mansplain her to Cisco.

Barry and Iris not knowing anyh of the LoT or Supergirl characters is no guarantee that Diggle and Felicity won't be sidelined so that Alex and Iris can be besties or Zara and Iris compare the wedding customs of their times.

5 hours ago, tv echo said:

Also from Ausiello (sounding more and more like Arrow's last season Big Bad Prometheus)...

I don't get it... it was a good idea on Arrow and everyone who hasn't seen Arrow may be impressed but the Arrow  viewers who also are going to be unimpressed.

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10 hours ago, Xander said:

I wouldn't be surprised if they are both in the crossover. Both in the last episode too. WestAllen first then some minutes later, an inspired Olicity make a quick decision "since everyone is around anyway," and get married too.

You know, I think this would probably make a lot of people mad, so I hope they don't do it, but....I could totally see them doing this.   

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Maybe something happens to WA's reverend and Diggle steps in (though I still have no idea why) but things get interrupted. Then he officiates their wedding for a second, successful time? IDK. Anything would be better than a rushed last minute Olicity wedding. Please no. 

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I think the reverend is for WestAllen's first attempt, which gets crashed by the Earth-X people.  Then at the end they want to still get married anyway, so Diggle officiates.  Whether or not Olicity also decides to get married then - I could see it both ways.  I was figuring that Olicity would get married later, maybe during February sweeps, but when @Xander suggested it, I thought, "you know, I could see them doing that too and thinking the surprise was the best idea ever."

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1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

I think the reverend is for WestAllen's first attempt, which gets crashed by the Earth-X people.  Then at the end they want to still get married anyway, so Diggle officiates.  Whether or not Olicity also decides to get married then - I could see it both ways.  I was figuring that Olicity would get married later, maybe during February sweeps, but when @Xander suggested it, I thought, "you know, I could see them doing that too and thinking the surprise was the best idea ever."

Oh no don't put that out in the universe please and thank you ?Reading this just made me think of how they probably also would think how clever they were openly promoting and using WestAllen as a diversion to hide the fact that the real surprise of the crossover was Olicity getting married. 


Hate it burn it with a fire ?

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MG and WM (grin at each other): Twitter will explode at this SURPRISE wedding!

Twitter explodes but not for the reasons they expected.

MG: Ungrateful sh*ts!!!! I gave them what they wanted

Twitter: We waited 6 ffing years! You could have done it any other way. 

Oh gawd the horror of it all!

*channels happy 620 wedding thoughts*

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I'm thrilled the crossover will be a seamless, 4-hour event! Much better than trying to make the episodes feel like a "regular" episode of that show with the other characters shoehorned in. Thus this'll be not so much 4 episodes of television as more of a miniseries. (Heh - if it got submitted and nominated for the miniseries Emmy...a girl can dream....)

As for how to package it afterwards: I can see the regular episodes on each show's home viewing package for that season skipping over the crossover, with that show's following episode written to mention any events viewers of that show would need to understand to continue watching. Ideally the crossover would be included on each show's HV package, with an option of either skipping over it or including the entire thing on binge-viewing. Cynically, the crossover will be another HV package that viewers will have to purchase separately.

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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

MG and WM (grin at each other): Twitter will explode at this SURPRISE wedding!

Twitter explodes but not for the reasons they expected.

MG: Ungrateful sh*ts!!!! I gave them what they wanted

Twitter: We waited 6 ffing years! You could have done it any other way. 

Oh gawd the horror of it all!

*channels happy 620 wedding thoughts*

I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happens. Guggenheim seems to have no freakin' idea how to read his audience. And his interview with Wendy just solidifies my thinking that when he writes, he doesn't write for story, he writes for audience reaction, he writes for the "gotchas," which is why the reasoning or motives behind the characters' actions fall apart. So yeah, quickie wedding for Olicity during crossovers is very much a possibility, IMO.

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Transcribed from watching SA's panel at Salt Lake Comic Con on Sep. 23 (video posted on page 7 of New Spoilers thread)...

-- SA: "I don't know if you guys saw the announcement yesterday, but the title of the crossover this year is called 'Crisis on Earth-X,' which is based off of a very well-known DC Comics storyline, 'Crisis on Infinity Earth.' And, um, when I read the crossover this year, the only thing I will say is that - you know, when we first did the crossover back in our third season, Flash first season, it was very much like it's an episode of Flash where I show up and it's an episode of Arrow where he shows up. And even last year, it was like, you know, Flash showed up on Supergirl, but then it was an episode of Flash, an episode of Arrow, and then an episode of Legends. This year it's just a four-hour movie... Technically, it goes, Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, Legends. But you're not supposed to be watching the Supergirl hour and going, 'okay, this is the Supergirl hour.' It's just the first hour of the crossover. And when I - I don't know, I can't spoil it, other than to say - when I read the crossover scripts this year, I felt compelled to e-mail the, uh, sort of the - the original team of Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim, and the e-mail just simply said, 'guys, thank you very much for this opportunity, 'cause it's going to be really, really cool.'"

Edited by tv echo
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Greg Berlanti Developing 2 New Series For The CW
Posted by Dan Wickline September 23, 2017


I’m starting to think I know what the CW stands for: “Can’t We” as in “Can’t we just run Greg Berlanti shows all the time?” The extremely prolific producer has just set up two new series at the network where he has at least one show on each night from Monday to Thursday. Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Riverdale right now, with Black Lightning debuting later this year and the recent announcement of a Chilling Adventures of Sabrina series would put Berlanti at seven hours of television on a network that only broadcasts 10 prime time hours a week.
*  *  *
The first of the new series is an untitled high school football drama based on the life of NFL linebacker Spencer Paysinger. It will be written by April Blair (The Shannara Chronicles) and focuses on a rising high school football player from South Central L.A. that gets recruited to play for Beverly Hills High.

The second series, Hold Fast, is a reincarnation love epic set during the Reconstruction-era South and present-day Charleston. The show tells the love story in two timelines about a injured Union soldier who is reincarnated in the modern day. His new life is already in progress and includes a fiancée he doesn’t remember. But the memories of his past life start to fade as he desperately tries to find what happened to his past love. This will be written and executive produced by Dana Stevens (Reckless).

Berlanti is also a producer on the NBC series Blindspot, the upcoming Titans series for the DC branded streaming service, and the two upcoming animated series Freedom Fighters: The Ray and Constantine. Turns out, it’s Greg Berlanti’s universe — and we’re all just watching it.

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6 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

I think the reverend is for WestAllen's first attempt, which gets crashed by the Earth-X people.  Then at the end they want to still get married anyway, so Diggle officiates.  Whether or not Olicity also decides to get married then - I could see it both ways.  I was figuring that Olicity would get married later, maybe during February sweeps, but when @Xander suggested it, I thought, "you know, I could see them doing that too and thinking the surprise was the best idea ever."


(I could actually see them doing this too which is the worst thing ever and would probably annoy everyone. WA fans won't want their thunder/special day stolen from them, which I understand, and a lot of Olicity fans don't want a rushed wedding in the crossover so of course these writers/EP's are gonna do something this dumb.)

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Yeah, NOBODY wants a double wedding. I don't see how the showrunners would want that either. On the other hand, I don't think a quickie ceremony for another couple would steal thunder from the primary wedding, but that's just me.

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I find double weddings painfully awkward. 


On the other hand, I don't think a quickie ceremony for another couple would steal thunder from the primary wedding, but that's just me.

I don't think it would steal the thunder from the primary wedding. Though would it really be that satisfying for the second couples fans? 

Edited by Oreo2234
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I'll be livid until they bring out the heart eyes and then I'll squee! Olicity always delivers, ALWAYS.

Lol wasn't it SA who said "You can't always get what you want"? 

Don't rage at me I couldn't resist adding that =p

Besides we got 2 sex scenes and one mini-ish one (does the one where she straddles him  inn s4 after they argue count?) while some ships don't have enough chemistry to warrant a sex scene at all. 

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It depends on how the scene is done for me..I prefer intimate and spontaneous over flashy in general and if they write a good scene and the actors do a good job (I have no worries here given their great chemistry) it will feel special and satisfying. The only problem is that they have to write it well and that's always a gamble, lol

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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3 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happens. Guggenheim seems to have no freakin' idea how to read his audience. And his interview with Wendy just solidifies my thinking that when he writes, he doesn't write for story, he writes for audience reaction, he writes for the "gotchas," which is why the reasoning or motives behind the characters' actions fall apart. So yeah, quickie wedding for Olicity during crossovers is very much a possibility, IMO.

I don't think he even cares about what kind of reaction it is, he just wants a reaction, so I think giving the audience what they want in the worst way possible is something he would totally do. 

CW needs to just change their name to ABATT, "All Berlanti All The Time". 

Edited by leopardprint
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