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S08.E11: Fauxpology

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7 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Wow, good find. So he's a crooked (ex) lawyer?

He makes good looking sons; won't last though! He's already beginning to beef up and not in a good way! "Deloris; lay off cooking the pasta vasule!" lol! ;-)

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17 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Danielle does this but Teresa has to apologize to Daniell's kids...unreal.

I don't remember which episode in Milan trip the scene came up but Danielle strolling along talking about her "modeling" days and her modeling days in Milan, no less.  There is just no way to keep a straight face over Danielle and her delusions.  I guess she would have been Beverly Merrill back in her "modeling" days or is it Angela Minelli-oh wait that was her paid escort alias.  http://gawker.com/5301433/danielle-staubs-rap-sheet

I guess her kids have lived it but I get so annoyed when I see Danielle being such a victim.  I hope her kids have a happy, healthy safe life.

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Awwww..... from the posts I've read on here it looks like I'm the only one who will miss the show without Siggy.  Not because I like her but because I love to hate her, as pathetic as that sounds!  But a show is always better with a villain, in my opinion.  Look at Dallas, Dynasty, any soap opera, etc.  Siggy is the villain because she's so blatantly jealous of Margaret and downright making up lies about her whenever she feels the need to deflect blame and protect herself .  I've never watched anyone like her!  What an interesting but irritating personality she has!  I watch while shaking my head in amazement and at the same time guiltily snickering to myself as she sticks her tongue out like a spoiled 5 yr old or throws herself on the floor in the middle of her own party or deflects from her own guilt by labeling someone with a slur, then puts her hand up and turns her head to everyone trying to reason with her--- in her own words,'' WHO DOES THAT?!"  A very spoiled 5 yr old child does that--- but what happened to Siggy that keeps her at that level? She uses her husband like a 'daddy' telling her to 'come home now' or 'cut back on the hours' (she works) like a kid would.  Yet she's so sure she's right in every single case.  It's confusing and confounding and amusing to me to watch.  I'm wondering why I'm the only one here who thinks like this now!  I have to admit I'd watch another season with this entire cast to see if (or how) any of them grow emotionally.  Now I see Siggy's quit :(  so that already tells me she would have been the same, I guess....  I actually feel sorry for her.

I'll add a P.S. here that I'd be happy to see Danielle quit-- she brings nothing to the show for me and reminds me of a snake.  I agree with Delores that Danielle is plotting to stick a knife in Theresa's back in some way by 'befriending' her this season-- something's not right there.

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14 minutes ago, stcroix said:

Awwww..... from the posts I've read on here it looks like I'm the only one who will miss the show without Siggy.  Not because I like her but because I love to hate her, as pathetic as that sounds!  But a show is always better with a villain, in my opinion.  Look at Dallas, Dynasty, any soap opera, etc.  Siggy is the villain because she's so blatantly jealous of Margaret and downright making up lies about her whenever she feels the need to deflect blame and protect herself .  I've never watched anyone like her!  What an interesting but irritating personality she has!  I watch while shaking my head in amazement and at the same time guiltily snickering to myself as she sticks her tongue out like a spoiled 5 yr old or throws herself on the floor in the middle of her own party or deflects from her own guilt by labeling someone with a slur, then puts her hand up and turns her head to everyone trying to reason with her--- in her own words,'' WHO DOES THAT?!"  A very spoiled 5 yr old child does that--- but what happened to Siggy that keeps her at that level? She uses her husband like a 'daddy' telling her to 'come home now' or 'cut back on the hours' (she works) like a kid would.  Yet she's so sure she's right in every single case.  It's confusing and confounding and amusing to me to watch.  I'm wondering why I'm the only one here who thinks like this now!  I have to admit I'd watch another season with this entire cast to see if (or how) any of them grow emotionally.  Now I see Siggy's quit :(  so that already tells me she would have been the same, I guess....  I actually feel sorry for her.

I'll add a P.S. here that I'd be happy to see Danielle quit-- she brings nothing to the show for me and reminds me of a snake.  I agree with Delores that Danielle is plotting to stick a knife in Theresa's back in some way by 'befriending' her this season-- something's not right there.

I see your point, and would agree with you if Siggy were a fictitious character (she'd have been great on Seinfeld), but as a real person, in real life, she's too much, imo. 


Totally agree about Danielle.  She's not to be trusted.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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On 12/20/2017 at 6:32 PM, chick binewski said:

"Anti-Semite is a BIG deal. I should know since I'm a total racist which you'll realize later this season."

Do tell ?! is this in reference to Margaret? 

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18 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

i can't stand siggy's voice!!

How about that telephone voice when she has to call someone she's been arguing with to meet up somewhere and discuss things and it's a whole octave lower and doomed sounding?!  lol!  Sooo dramatic!  I think of it as her The Countess Voice ;)  I'd give a lot to watch her watching herself this season.  (surely it was between her fingers most of the time!)  Can't wait for the reunion, but I know she'll just be in denial and deflect, deflect,deflect.

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On 12/22/2017 at 7:46 PM, zoeysmom said:

There is this weird deal on RHONJ-Margaret has a $9.3 million dollar judgment against her, she is an adulterer, her company is in bankruptcy and we are suppose to bite that she is this business whiz taking lying Melissa (who is now being sued for $30 million because she called her former partner a thief when the partner owned all the merchandise) under her wing to buy eight articles of clothes?  

These people really are deplorable. Almost as bad as the poser's on the Atlanta franchise. 

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On 12/21/2017 at 1:35 PM, BckpckFullaNinjas said:



POSITIVES: I enjoyed every non-Sig scene in this episode! The shoe makers, the food shop and why the cheese is called “horse”, the chef’s tutoring them, biking (except for Sig overtaking the picnic  chatter), the canal tours, the shots of the squares and the streets! THIS is what a Ho’show could be, not 99% ridiculous, low rent fights and conflicts! 

I SO agree with this!  Those are the kinds of things I would love to see all the time.  I also enjoyed the women pairing off and going out on their own.  It was a nice opportunity for one-on-one conversations without the all-too-often mob mentality, shrieking, taking of sides, and drama based on pretty much nothing.  I like at least the illusion of a little reality in my reality shows!  :-)

I think Margaret is a great addition.  She's intelligent, has a good sense of humor, doesn't mind if we see her flaws, and actually knows how to speak to people.  Unlike Faux Relationship Expert Siggy, who is absolutely awful.  And her butt-kissing friend Dolores.  The two of them are bringing this show down.  It could be tightened up and improved considerably if they kept the current cast, minus those two, and gave us more scenes similar to what you referenced above.

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On 12/22/2017 at 6:11 AM, mwell345 said:

And there's this - this is pinned to her twitter page:




Some tidbits:

"The star told DailyMail.com that Margaret Josephs has never apologized for her Hitler comment and that she's mad that producers have supported the 'liar and thief.'"

It's so unfair,' Siggy told DailyMail.com. 'Because the show does not air my side. All they show is me losing my temper. They don't show the interactions I have with people, just the reactions.

'I told Margaret I wanted an apology and she said no. No one saw that."

 'I am being attacked on Twitter and Instagram. I feel like an idiot for doing this show,' she told DailyMail.com"

'I only went on this show to help sell my book. I didn't sign up to be tortured. '

So... now she's being "tortured".  And we all know Margare DID apologize.   Honestly, she's unhinged.

Yes, definitely unhinged.   Margaret's apology was not only filmed and shown - It was heartfelt and lovely, and it happened in front of all the other women.  And we saw plenty of interactions, not just her reactions.  We also saw her shrieking like a banshee in public on more than one occasion, and yet she accused the others of not knowing how to behave in public.  And yes, she's now claiming to have been "tortured".  On a show known for its drama, she has taken overly dramatic to a whole new level.  She brought every last bit of this on herself.  I'm a pretty empathetic person (overly empathetic, actually, and believe me, it's a fault), but I have not one shred of empathy for her.  

I would think that if her reason for going on this show was to sell her book that she would have been focused on that - and remained mindful of how she was representing herself.  She's not only unhinged and completely unself-aware.  She's also not very smart.

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On 12/21/2017 at 10:28 AM, luvgoldens said:

Cringeworthy moment when Joe asked Milania if she would get him an old rag to fix the drain, and she said no, but you can get it yourself.  So disrespectful to her uncle.  I'm glad Joe sat the girls down to have a little talk with them.  I know a lot of us can probably say in the old days if we ever talked to our relatives like that, our teeth would be flying into a pile of rags! 

Especially with my Italian uncles!!!! Tres kids are beyond disrespectful! A good slap on the mouth (as my uncles would say) would do them really good! Especially milania!

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On 12/22/2017 at 4:46 PM, zoeysmom said:

The show is dying because they moved heaven and earth to kowtow to the idiot felon Teresa and her convict husband.  All these franchises will die off if newbies are required to kiss the ring of the OG.  RHONJ use to be the second highest rated show behind Atlanta, now they have short seasons and long hiatuses and the ratings suck.  The first season the other women were actually afraid of convict Danielle and went after her with all their might.

I liked Siggy last year, this year I thought she was trying way too hard to make a statement.  Then I started thinking, there is something majorly wrong with production, they try way to hard to make stuff happen.   Not telling Siggy and Delores there was going to be a memorial, at Siggy's club no less, the fake Danielle set up claiming Delores claimed Teresa is all about the money (read her interviews-all she talks about is making money to support her girls and of course pay restitution and fines).  

I do think Siggy should quit, I have gone to watching this show on reruns because it so staged and fake.

There is this weird deal on RHONJ-Margaret has a $9.3 million dollar judgment against her, she is an adulterer, her company is in bankruptcy and we are suppose to bite that she is this business whiz taking lying Melissa (who is now being sued for $30 million because she called her former partner a thief when the partner owned all the merchandise) under her wing to buy eight articles of clothes?  

This show cannot continue with fake set ups like the Kim D. one.  Fake Margaret reacted to the idea that all Kim D. wants to do is destroy Teresa and Melissa.  Actually what Kim D. was doing was having a benefit for children whose fathers were murdered.  The storming of the fashion show was an all time low.  

As to Margaret taking some sort of high road for her apology-just no.  From Entertainment Weekly:

The title of this week’s episode, “Fauxpology,” is clearly meant to reference Siggy’s wishy-washy mea culpa to Margaret. But I think it could also reference Margaret’s apology, which the group widely held to be THE BEST AND BRAVEST APOLOGY IN THE HISTORY OF APOLOGIES but to which I say “meh.” We’ll get to that in a bit.

Oh god, I take it all back, because what Siggy says next actually makes sense: “From the time I was a young girl, the Holocaust was part of who I am. I gave [Margaret] an opportunity to say, ‘Maybe I used that in poor taste,’” she says to Melissa and Danielle. Siggy’s parents are survivors, and even if they weren’t, we can all agree, again, that Margaret should have never brought up Hitler in a dumb fight about a Posche fashion show. So I understand that. And I also understand why Siggy feels like she’s not quite getting what she needs from her friends, which is for one of them to stop worrying so much about Siggy and Margaret meeting halfway and instead stand up and say, “Margaret, that was a stupid thing to say. Apologize to Siggy.” The problem of course is that Siggy’s now The Jersey Girl Who Cried Wolf: She spent so much time carrying on about cake and manners and SexEchef (remember him?) that now that she has an honest grievance about something that hurt her deeply, nobody’s really listening.

It’s dinnertime, and Margaret and Siggy can barely look at each other (presumably because of their feud but possibly because Margaret is wearing a blindingly ugly yellow slip that I wouldn’t want to look at either). Margaret has decided she’s not going to say a word during dinner, and Siggy just wants to get through the meal “without any confrontation,” which…sure. Let’s see how that goes.

When they rejoin the dinner, Siggy is trying to explain to the group why Hitler is such a trigger word for her (that this needs explaining to anyone makes me worry), and Teresa says that she gets it because for the longest time she didn’t want to hear the word “jail.” Remember: Teresa only ever speaks of “going away” or Joe being “away,” as if he is on the world’s longest business trip. So this is a big moment for her. Whether it rises to the level of Hitler…I guess it’s not for me to judge what a word means to another person, so I won’t. And bless her, at least she’s trying to relate. “Teresa saying her trigger word is jail makes total sense to me,” Margaret says in her confessional. “It was so horrific what she had to go through.” Pay attention to this next part: “Siggy saying ‘Hitler’ is her trigger word — even though I can’t understand it [bolding mine] — she says that word hurts her, so I’m never going to use it in her presence again.”

Where do I begin? First, great, never use it in Siggy’s presence again. Good idea. Second, let’s clear something up: Hitler is a name, not a word. It is the name of a person who annihilated 11 million people, including 6 million Jews. Two of the Jews he was trying to annihilate? Siggy’s parents. But you don’t understand why Siggy reacts to that word, Margaret? YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND? I am swiftly moving over from the side of thinking Siggy is a bit bonkers and out of line and starting to understand where she’s coming from. Mostly, I AM REALLY ANGRY THAT A SHOW I WATCH PURELY FOR THE HILARIOUS ACCENTS AND TERRIBLE CLOTHES AND NONSENSE FIGHTING HAS MADE ME USE ALL CAPS AND TALK ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST.

Here’s the problem with Margaret’s “even though I can’t understand it.” She lobbed the mention of Hitler at Siggy as an example of someone very bad, as a parallel to Kim D. “Hitler wouldn’t have killed me, does that make him a good person?” is what she said. That is, she used an example that she knew would resonate to make a point. Now suddenly she doesn’t understand why Siggy is so upset? Nope. Margaret used that example precisely because she understands it.

And so does Siggy. Margaret apologizes to her by saying that she didn’t realize Hitler was a trigger word for Siggy and would have never used it if she’d known. But here’s the thing: “Trigger” word was merely an easy way for Siggy to explain her pain, and Margaret’s apology completely misses the point. Siggy is silent in the face of Margaret’s mea culpa because it isn’t really one. Siggy could never possibly be friends with someone who doesn’t understand that tossing off Hitler as if he were just some random example of a bad dude and not one of the absolute WORST dudes in the history of the world (with particularly personal resonance for the daughter of survivors) is simply not okay. And that right there is why they can never be friends. I finally get it. And if I have to choose a side right now, then I choose Siggy’s.

The rest of the women do not. Danielle Staub thanks Margaret for being brave (OH MY GOD SHUT UP, DANIELLE), and Teresa says the apology “brought friggin’ tears” to her eyes. I really wish Siggy had taken Michael Campanella’s advice and gotten the hell out of there. But the next day she acknowledges to Danielle that she thought Margaret said a nice thing to her, which makes Siggy a bigger person than I am. And which sets Danielle off on a tangent about Margaret’s courage and how it would have been nice for Siggy to also apologize. (Cue the biggest eye roll you’ve ever seen from Dolores. God I love this woman.) 

And finally, we are there: the last supper, and likely where (as we know from previews) Margaret is going to ask Siggy point blank if she really thinks she’s anti-Semitic. First Siggy thanks Margaret for the apology, which is nice, but then we quickly get to it: DoesSiggy truly think Margaret is anti-Semitic? Margaret’s biggest worry is what an accusation like that could do to her, and of course it should be: No one who isn’t an anti-Semite should be branded one (and for the record, I still don’t think Margaret’s anti-Semitic, I’m simply starting to see the lack of empathy Siggy so often talks about). So what gives: casually tossed-out insult or actual belief on Siggy’s part?

Her answer? Hedge. “I want to believe with all my heart and soul that you are not anti-Semitic,” Siggy says. “Where I came up with that was not out of the sky. All these moments of me feeling attacked by Margaret and then the Hitler statement, I said well, maybe you’re just anti-Semitic. That’s where it came from. But if I hurt your feelings, I apologize for that.”

“Don’t apologize for the way I feel,” Margaret fumes in her confessional, “apologize for what you’ve done. That’s Apology 101.” BUT SHE DID THE SAME EXACT THING OH MY GOD. I get it, truly I do. She’s worried about her livelihood. (I thought this Vulture piecethat went live ahead of last week’s episode, wherein Margaret casually drops into conversation that all of her many Jewish friends come over on Christmas, spoke to that. And she again mentions tonight that all of her friends are Jewish, which I believe. She should ask them if “Hitler” is a trigger word for them.) Siggy is telling Margaret that she’d felt bullied by her for a while, and then when Margaret casually mentioned Hitler, something coalesced in her brain, something along the lines of, “Maybe she doesn’t like me because I’m Jewish.” Nevertheless, Siggy finally says it: “I don’t think that you’re anti-Semitic.

Bottom line-Siggy and Margaret gave qualified apologies.  

I don't know about the future of this show other than they will be bringing the new producer of RHOA and Don't Be Tardy in to try and sort this mess. 

The key to a successful RH franchise is the women do not need the money from the show to survive.  This franchise has Teresa, her brother Joe and Melissa, Danielle and now bankrupt Margaret all needing the revenue the show produces for their survival.  BH, NY (with the exception of Sonja)  all seem to have their own revenue stream.  OC is iffy with Tamra and Vicki (who does have a JOB) needing the revenue.  It is pretty easy for production to create scenes when in the case of RHONJ the stormers of the Kim D show are all broke and need the money from the show.  I am quite sure next season we may see broke Margaret finally finishing her home.   I am asking Bravo-aren't there any women in New Jersey that aren't bankrupt and desperate to be on the show?  I would be all for bringing Theresa and Rino back.



WOW!  Full agreement with EW's synopsis of what went down.

Hey Margaret.  Just because Melissa is nice to you, doesn't mean she won't eventually call you a thief too......

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12 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

Yes, definitely unhinged.   Margaret's apology was not only filmed and shown - It was heartfelt and lovely, and it happened in front of all the other women.  And we saw plenty of interactions, not just her reactions.  We also saw her shrieking like a banshee in public on more than one occasion, and yet she accused the others of not knowing how to behave in public.  And yes, she's now claiming to have been "tortured".  On a show known for its drama, she has taken overly dramatic to a whole new level.  She brought every last bit of this on herself.  I'm a pretty empathetic person (overly empathetic, actually, and believe me, it's a fault), but I have not one shred of empathy for her.  

I would think that if her reason for going on this show was to sell her book that she would have been focused on that - and remained mindful of how she was representing herself.  She's not only unhinged and completely unself-aware.  She's also not very smart.

It's not even so much her reactions as much as her OVER reactions.  I get that she put a lot of thought and money into that damned cake, and I'd have been a bit hurt too, if someone threw my thoughtful gesture on the ground. I would not, however, been so distraught that I'd be unable to make the planned yoga session the next morning (I might be grumpy, but I'd go). If I did opt out of the yoga, I would not have felt personally attacked by Margaret because I missed her memorial for Tre's mom, I might feel hurt or left out, but if I didn't respond to their texts earlier in the day, it's my own fault.  Nor would I have publicly singled out and humiliated the person(s) who I felt hurt my feelings, complete with flailing toddler tantrum on the floor -ever- let alone weeks later.

So, yeah, maybe we didn't see as many of her actions, but her reactions dug her own grave, imo, and would be pretty hard to balance out.

Edited by SweetieDarling
missing words
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Gia and Milania have always been out-of-control, disrespectful brats. I don't know why Teresa never disciplined them even before she went to prison. Somehow Gabriella managed to turn out okay (so far) and Audriana is too little to tell.

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7 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

It's not even so much her reactions as much as her OVER reactions.  I get that she put a lot of thought and money into that damned cake, and I'd have been a bit hurt too, if someone threw my thoughtful gesture on the ground. I would not, however, been so distraught that I'd be unable to make the planned yoga session the next morning (I might be grumpy, but I'd go). If I did opt out of the yoga, I would not have felt personally attacked by Margaret because I missed her memorial for Tre's mom, I might feel hurt or left out, but if I didn't respond to their texts earlier in the day, it's my own fault.  Nor would I have publicly singled out and humiliated the person(s) who I felt hurt my feelings, complete with flailing toddler tantrum on the floor -ever- let alone weeks later.

So, yeah, maybe we didn't see as many of her actions, but her reactions dug her own grave, imo, and would be pretty hard to balance out.

Yes, most definitely she over-reacts.  The screaming, the sulking, the crying, the flinging of herself onto the floor, the attention-getting high drama that was so out there (even for a HW show) that it was laughable. 

And she's completely unwilling to even consider that she might be bringing her troubles onto herself  The beach yoga session is a perfect example.  She pulled away, sulked, and wanted to be sought after.  And the end result was that life went on without her, the other women shared a meaningful experience, and she missed out.  The other women did nothing wrong.  It was 100% her own fault.  But in her mind nothing is her fault.  Ever.  And that's unlikely to change because she's convinced she's so damn superior and that she possesses special gifts.   All that everyone is supposed to care about is how things impact Siggy.   She's an entitled, nasty bitch who doesn't give two figs about anyone other than herself.  I never liked her, but this season she was out of control.  Not interesting, not entertaining, just awful.  I'm so glad she'll be gone.

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On 12/27/2017 at 6:08 PM, Ashlyc said:

Do tell ?! is this in reference to Margaret? 

No, I was actually referencing Danielle - sorry that wasn't clear. Apparently she had a racist rant on a toilet bowl (naturally) which her boyfriend recorded (of course). 

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Since Frank Catania was disbarred in November I hope his Gucci overnight bag is roomy enough for more nights at Delores's house.  I read that one if the things he did was misappropriate client funds into his fitness business.    I predict in a last gasp for Bravo relevancy, those two will remarry.   She was dissing her doctor boyfriend (who apparently has the sense to stay off the show) to Melissa in this episode as not attentive enough. 

Speaking of fitness business what ever happened to Dolores and her gym?  

I can't quite believe that Danielle's horrible outburst at the restaurant went largely uncriticized by the others.   That was cray and psycho.  and if she is going to be shoved on our screens every episode why isn't she a regular cast member this season?

Siggy is unwatchable and ridiculous.  She can't reason her way out of a paper bag and has fewer relationship skills than my six year old, so her delusion that she is some kind of Oprah Live Your Best Life guru for others is exquisitely ironic. 

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Speaking of fitness business what ever happened to Dolores and her gym?  

Not only did Dolores' gym take off, but she opened a second location earlier in 2017. (Have we really seen her working this season? I know that was a point of contention with her business partner last year, that she wasn't putting the time into being there.)

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