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S07.E04: SYSTEM OVERLOAD 2017.12.11

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1 hour ago, citychic said:

I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second.

Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too.

Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.

I can understand that, but i guess my point is....even if you are not dressed up, or have makeup on like us "LA" people, she can still find time to shower and wash that greasy ass hair. Another thing, i can completely understand with any normal Michigan person, but cate is on TV, she has had her hair and makeup done professionally before, and again, she also has the means for it. So i respectfully disagree with u, just because shes from michigan doesn't mean she needs to be such a fucking slob.....jmo

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Cate has no taste and she is surrounded by people who have no taste. The years that I was noticing clothes and hair and style (11-13) she was trying to survive abuse, parental drug addiction and scary toxicity. She can still develop taste, but she's been in survival mode for so long she's still recuperating from that. 

I can be surprised at her lack of taste, but I get it. 

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1 hour ago, SuzWhat said:

I get what you are saying.   However, Cate looks dirty and greasy.   She also wears the SAME hoodie/pants on multiple days.   There is a difference between dressing down and wearing stuff that looks like she has slept in it and worn it multiple days.   She crosses the line and she is ON DAMN TV!  Just my opinion.  


1 hour ago, JuliesMommy said:

I can understand that, but i guess my point is....even if you are not dressed up, or have makeup on like us "LA" people, she can still find time to shower and wash that greasy ass hair. Another thing, i can completely understand with any normal Michigan person, but cate is on TV, she has had her hair and makeup done professionally before, and again, she also has the means for it. So i respectfully disagree with u, just because shes from michigan doesn't mean she needs to be such a fucking slob.....jmo

I completely agree with both of you, she has the money, the means and the time to be cleaner but she's making that choice because she's lazy and in my opinion she's using the mental illness route as even more of an excuse to be lazy.

  If they didn't have money and had to work at the gas station and prioritize how to spend their income they would still choose weed first, fast food second and clothing/hygiene third. In Nathans words their just trailer trash that won the lottery but rarely does money change who you are deep inside. They grew up dirty and in old clothing in older chaotic households and they really don't know how to live any other way nor do they care to change. To much effort and not enough knowledge on how to change, who do they have to show them by example?

I was just pointing out how typical Michigan she and Tyler are right down to the pot smoking. If I had their income and a reality show about my damn life you bet your booty I would improve myself but after all these years they've become comfortable with the cameras and believe their own delusions about being famous.

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Cate and Tyler both are really lazy. But that’s because now they can afford to be, they don’t need to work or go to school but they should. Anyone remember that being their end goal? The reason they placed Carly up was so they could go to college and live a better life? If I had their money,  I would be going to school so many times over, but I enjoy school it’s just a luxury that cost so much and loans are terrible things that come back to haunt you.

Anyways. It’s so funny to think about all four girls original episodes and where they’ve ended up and how different their stories were when they started this show. The only two who haven’t changed at all are Amber and Farrah. Farrah is still annoying and condescending but at the same time, she can hustle. Amber is still a lazy brat, but gary changed a lot.

Maci was presented to us as something totally different than what she actually is. It always seemed like she was a sweet little girl who got caught up in a terrible situation but in the later seasons of TM, that doesn’t seem to be the case. In the first couple of seasons of TM, they never alluded to Maci being a partier herself, which she clearly is, up until Being Maci when she and bentley were living in a free range party house(that it seemed like Maci paid for, even though she lived with four other people) and in the seasons of OG it’s almost comical how we play a scene where she isn’t drinking like where’s Waldo? 

And Catelynn and Tylers edit was so drastically untrue. We were told these were two down in their luck kids because of their parents they couldn’t take in a kid. Cate always did bad in school because her mom moved all the time and then in a later season of TM, she got her report card and it was all Ds and she couldn’t graduate. And that was on her. It’s.. just funny how different the edits were to tell a good story.

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4 hours ago, citychic said:

I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second.

Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too.

Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.

My parents live in northern Michigan and honestly, she dresses like most of the folks I see when I visit. They live in a mixed income area and there are folks who dress exactly as she does from lowest income to upper middle class. Obviously I'm not saying everyone dresses like that, but it's not uncommon. The hygiene is a different issue, but I've stayed unshowered during depressive episodes for sure, so I can't really talk. 

Edited by Lm2162
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47 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

And Catelynn and Tylers edit was so drastically untrue. We were told these were two down in their luck kids because of their parents they couldn’t take in a kid. Cate always did bad in school because her mom moved all the time and then in a later season of TM, she got her report card and it was all Ds and she couldn’t graduate. And that was on her. It’s.. just funny how different the edits were to tell a good story.

And based on that edit, people donated to a college fund that someone set up for them.  We'll never learn.

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1 minute ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And based on that edit, people donated to a college fund that someone set up for them.  We'll never learn.

Yeah. It also always makes me think for a little that’s Catelynn complained about her awful childhood but had no problems leaving Nova with her mom. And I know April is clean now but I feel like on TM original she was clean and still said awful terrible things to Cate when she was a teenager because she was in a bad mood that day and took it on her daughter.

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2 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah. It also always makes me think for a little that’s Catelynn complained about her awful childhood but had no problems leaving Nova with her mom. And I know April is clean now but I feel like on TM original she was clean and still said awful terrible things to Cate when she was a teenager because she was in a bad mood that day and took it on her daughter.

Lets not forget she also leaves nova with butch whos a fucking felon and had recently been released from prison....No offense to anyone who has been locked up, but common sense would be that, that person needs time to recover and adjust to being out....who tf leaves their 2 yr old with them??? THAT alone shows me how fucking clueless these two twats are.

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6 hours ago, Tatum said:

Hey Mack, this be a foreign concept to you, since you left your child for 3 weeks so you could twiddle your thumbs outside of the rehab facility in another state,

NO!  She has a child and that child lives with Ryan too?  What some people will do for money.

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6 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

NO!  She has a child and that child lives with Ryan too?  What some people will do for money.

Nope. She has a son, but he doesn't live with them. Mac gave up custody to chase her MTV dream. Mother of the Year material right there.

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4 minutes ago, Birdee said:

Nope. She has a son, but he doesn't live with them. Mac gave up custody to chase her MTV dream. Mother of the Year material right there.

So the people who think they are the parents of the year consist of a drug addict, his fiance who gave up custody and drug addicts parents who are now going crazy.  When Ryan's dad called Maci the C word it enraged me.  I think that is the worst thing you can call a woman.

[shakes head and walks away]

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1 minute ago, jumper sage said:

So the people who think they are the parents of the year consist of a drug addict, his fiance who gave up custody and drug addicts parents who are now going crazy.  When Ryan's dad called Maci the C word it enraged me.  I think that is the worst thing you can call a woman.

[shakes head and walks away]

What????? I missed that. I thought in the previous episode he called Taylor a cocksucker which I thought was pretty inexcusable, but if he called Maci that, that is downright unforgivable. Whatever her faults may be, she deserves better than that. And Bentley certainly deserves better.

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On 12/12/2017 at 9:21 AM, Tatum said:

I haven't seen last night's episode- was that an option? Did Jen say, Maci can you please bring Bentley over to our house, and I promise I will be on hand to supervise and I will not let Ryan take Bentley anywhere? And Maci said no?


Because if that was suggested, I agree, Maci is being unreasonable. But I thought in the previous episode Maci did bring Bentley over twice- once to give Ryan his father's day gift, and later when Maci texted Jen that she would bring Bentley over once Jen let her know when the cameras were gone.


From the comments here, and the previous show, I got the impression the disagreement was that Ryan wanted carte blanche to take Bentley, with or without Jen to supervise. In that case, I don't think Maci is unreasonable to say no.


So, I guess I'll have to watch the show, but my impression was, Maci had no problem taking Bentley over to Jen's house. She didn't seem to mind last week. Which is ironic in a way because that's been the extent of Ryan's parenting for the last 6+ years- he sees Bentley when he comes over to his mom's house and Jen is watching Bentley. Maybe on a rare occasion here and there Ryan left the house and took Bentley with him, but the last time I remember them in a car together was from several seasons ago when Ryan picked up Bentley and was 15 min late. And I didn't get the impression someone (be it Jen or Maci) discouraged Ryan from driving with Bentley- it just didn't happen because Ryan rarely went anywhere and even less often invited Bentley along. So really, what Maci is offering is the exact same arrangement Ryan has had all along (maybe not the official arrangement, but what ended up happening every single week), and yet now that Maci is telling Ryan he can't have more, all the sudden he wants it, despite being able to from 2009-2016 and not taking advantage of it.


I'm taking the long way around saying Ryan's outrage over Bentley is outrage over Maci trying to tell him what he can and can't do, not outrage over not seeing Bentley. If Maci threw up her hands and said, fine Ryan, I'll drop him off at your house Friday night and pick him up Sun morning, do whatever you want with him, would Bentley actually stay over there? No, Ryan would run him over to Jen's house and tell Maci to pick him up over there, and it would be exactly the arrangement Maci planned on all along. But because Maci told him he had  to do it that way, now Ryan is balking.

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Pretty much. They're a klassy crew. I guess I blocked out Larry dropping the C word. I've used it on here, but I think I've only actually ever said it out loud to one person. She deserved it, but I couldn't believe it actually came out of my mouth.

Re: Larry. I agree with a lot of others here. I used to think he was generally lovable and maybe just enjoyed his beer a little too much occasionally. But his slurring words and drunken angry face paired with his nastiness about Maci and story about him losing his mind at a Little League game makes me think he's an angry little man. 

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1 minute ago, Birdee said:

Pretty much. They're a klassy crew. I guess I blocked out Larry dropping the C word. I've used it on here, but I think I've only actually ever said it out loud to one person. She deserved it, but I couldn't believe it actually came out of my mouth.

Re: Larry. I agree with a lot of others here. I used to think he was generally lovable and maybe just enjoyed his beer a little too much occasionally. But his slurring words and drunken angry face paired with his nastiness about Maci and story about him losing his mind at a Little League game makes me think he's an angry little man. 

Agreed. Listen, Larry, I can call Maci a sanctimonious little snot. But Ryan, and the two idiots who raised Ryan, have absolutely no room to talk.


And even if she was Jenelle or Amber levels of a shitty person, calling your grandson's mother that word on national TV is incredibly bush league.

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Cate is lazy and dirty. Being depressed is her shtick, not what she is truly suffering from. To me, comparing her to people who truly are depressed and can't function, is like comparing her business shtick to hard-working business owners. 

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Another week, another episode of this trash that I can’t stop watching because I am what’s wrong with America.


Maci: I just do not believe nobody knew Ryan was a walking Intervention episode. I just don’t. I also wonder how he ended up on heroin. It’s been mentioned that he had some car wrecks he refused medical treatment for, and we thought maybe he had some kind of untreated TBI because of his bugeyed stupor all the time. If he started with opiates, I guess I just never noticed the symptoms. Mr Isthisok has had multiple back surgeries, and had an opiate abuse problem a few years back. He looked like last season Ryan, nodding off and slurring, and that was just from OxyContin. I never saw him get that weird bugeyed manic look Ryan had in previous seasons, but I guess opiates can have different side effects for different people. My husband went to treatment, and was subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. That medication probably helped him kick it for good, because it sort of eased that crazy depression and the neurotransmitter fluctuations you have when in recovery. I wish Ryan had gotten real help. Three weeks with no outpatient plan is not a good way to get off heroin, especially not if he was using 10k of any opiate per week. That’s insane. He has never seemed to have any drive or passion. He married some psychotic golddigger while high out of his mind, and now he’s a stepdad when he didn’t even want to be a weekend warrior dad to Bentley. This won’t end well. I don’t like Maci, but I’d be forcing drug tests too, although I’m not sure how they plan to make that a formal requirement in this bullshit custody agreement they wrote on a McDonald’s napkin. Mack is too thirsty to make enough pee to pass the tests for him, but I wouldn’t trust any result that didn’t come through an official lab. I expect Ryan will go off the deep-end when Mack has her second season trap baby. 


Farrah: I guess she leases out a whole strip mall. You can get some yogurt, some toddler THOT clothes, and a mirror to put over your bed all in one shopping trip! I can’t criticize her hustle. She’s the only one actually making money. I don’t care if she’s turning tricks for some sheik in Saudia Arabia, it’s just nice to see someone not exploiting their terrible fucking life choices as their only means of income. Deb is... unwell. I think she married the wrong kind of doctor. She’s turning into a melted candle in a Halloween wig. Jesus take the wheel. 


Cate and her roommate Tyler: Y’all both so worthless. Really Ty? You didn’t investigate dedicated servers? Did you build this shit on Wix? Your website crashed because you were too popular? WUT. Who told them that they were so popular that they thought the website had been hacked? Seriously, I want this person’s name so I can flame their LinkedIn profile and have them blackballed from the IT world. Who gon hack you, boo? The Russians? YOU WEREN’T LAUNCHED AND HAD NO INFO TO HACK. YOU SELL A COUPLE FRINGE TANK TOPS FOR TODDLERS TO SOME REDNECKS IN ARKANSAS WHO PROBABLY HAVE CREDIT SCORES LOWER THAN CATE’S WEIGHT. This is just a Jenelle-level delusion. I was aghast. And fuck them and their Carly visit. Brandon and Teresa are crazy for not shutting that down, especially after these bumblefucks had fans showing up to their church and Brandon’s place of employment. What’s the status of the Carly Foundation?


Amber: So Amber was at MBC for a week, and met this new dude with his very impressive verified twitter account, and knew AFTER A WEEK THAT I ASSUME CONSISTED OF VERY LITTLE ONE-ON-ONE CONTACT that he was destined to be her next baby daddy. Jesus God, Amber. And she’s quit her bipolar meds, so this should end well. Can all her dogs go live on Gary’s farm? Then I won’t care what happens to her and new Matt. 

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48 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

Lets not forget she also leaves nova with butch whos a fucking felon and had recently been released from prison....No offense to anyone who has been locked up, but common sense would be that, that person needs time to recover and adjust to being out....who tf leaves their 2 yr old with them??? THAT alone shows me how fucking clueless these two twats are.

I remember when Butch was a fan favorite until everyone figured out that he is a total fucking loser.

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I just do not believe nobody knew Ryan was a walking Intervention episode...This won’t end well. I don’t like Maci, but I’d be forcing drug tests too, although I’m not sure how they plan to make that a formal requirement in this bullshit custody agreement they wrote on a McDonald’s napkin. Mack is too thirsty to make enough pee to pass the tests for him, but I wouldn’t trust any result that didn’t come through an official lab.

I don't believe it either.  Larry and Jen are just barely copping to it, but only because Ryan's drug issue was caught on camera. They would have continued their game of denial and cover-up (Maci too) if he hadn't been filmed during that DUI moment.

Regarding your comment about the custody arrangement - love the McDonald's reference - this has been my issue since last season when Maci was all gung-ho about going to court. All of this going back and forth with Ryan's "I'll go to court" and Maci's "A judge won't give you half of what I have given you" threats are just that, threats. Either one of you does it or STFU about it. Ryan won't do it on his own volition, but Mackenzie would likely push the issue. Maci has been the one complaining about Ryan texting her and threatening her. Well my dear, if your proclamation is that the courts won't give him much visitation time, why not follow through? You would not only get those texting threats to stop, you'd also have a formal arrangement for supervised visitation with the courts handling the drug testing. What better way to validate your concerns about Ryan not being clean and sober than to have Ryan's drug-testing be mandated. When he fails, he will be held accountable through the courts. Maci would not be the fall guy as she has been made out to be by Ryan, Mackenzie, Larry, and Jen. All fingers would be directed at Ryan, as it should be. 

I just feel there needs to be court intervention in this situation because there is far too much blaming going around. Ryan needs to be held accountable and who better to hold him accountable than the courts. As long as Maci chooses not to go to court, she can miss me with all her talk about how Ryan contacts her through her phone and is being cruel and verbally harassing her. Take his fucking ass to court! 

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26 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I never liked Butch. He said something funny sometimes but I can’t forget the way he talked to Catelynn when they fought and the things that he said.

I hate Butch. On top of being a wife beater felon who bullied his teenage son for giving up his rights to Carly (I'll never forget Butch telling Tyler he had no respect for him, because a "real man" would have kept his child, like absentee father Butch would know anything about doing right by your kid), it also came out that for all the teeth gnashing and bemoaning Carly's removal from the Baltierra family, Butch has never once bothered to have a relationship with his older grandchildren from Tyler's sister. Only the ones who have MTV involvement are worthy of Grandpa's time and energy, I guess. If Tyler nieces and nephews watch this show and see Butch getting a tattoo of Carly, Christmas shopping for Carly, tearing up over Carly, when he's never once tried to get to know them- that would be so hurtful.


11 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Regarding your comment about the custody arrangement - love the McDonald's reference - this has been my issue since last season when Maci was all gung-ho about going to court. All of this going back and forth with Ryan's "I'll go to court" and Maci's "A judge won't give you half of what I have given you" threats are just that, threats. Either one of you does it or STFU about it. Ryan won't do it on his own volition, but Mackenzie would likely push the issue. Maci has been the one complaining about Ryan texting her and threatening her. Well my dear, if your proclamation is that the courts won't give him much visitation time, why not follow through? You would not only get those texting threats to stop, you'd also have a formal arrangement for supervised visitation with the courts handling the drug testing. What better way to validate your concerns about Ryan not being clean and sober than to have Ryan's drug-testing be mandated. When he fails, he will be held accountable through the courts. Maci would not be the fall guy as she has been made out to be by Ryan, Mackenzie, Larry, and Jen. All fingers would be directed at Ryan, as it should be. 

I just feel there needs to be court intervention in this situation because there is far too much blaming going around. Ryan needs to be held accountable and who better to hold him accountable than the courts. As long as Maci chooses not to go to court, she can miss me with all her talk about how Ryan contacts her through her phone and is being cruel and verbally harassing her. Take his fucking ass to court! 

You have a point, but I don't believe the finger pointing from the Edwards family would end if a court stepped in. They would just blame Maci for going to court against their baby boy. At this point, what's best for Bentley and what the Edwards clan believe is best for Ryan are two very different things, and there is no way Maci is going to be able to do what's best for Bentley while maintaining a friendly relationship with Jen and Larry. I mean, one of those things is clearly more important than the other, but still, it sucks that all adults involved couldn't be more mature.


If she doesn't actually file anything with the court, I hope she is at least consulting an attorney regarding practical next steps.

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1 hour ago, Isthisok said:

Three weeks with no outpatient plan is not a good way to get off heroin, especially not if he was using 10k of any opiate per week. That’s insane.

I haven't watched Intervention in some time, so I'm not up to date on the cost of being an addict, but $10K a week sounds like an enormous sum.  Don't people switch to heroin because it's cheaper than Oxycontin? 

Or was Mackenzie just exaggerating?  Because she thought it would make Ryan sound more, uh, something?  Hard core addict?  That's not good.  Overypaying for drugs?  That's not good.  Blowing through $10,000 a week without her realizing it's suspicious behavior?  That's not good.

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@Tatum At this point though (on the show, not present time), it seems Larry is not on good terms with Maci. Jen is trying to maintain a good relationship. I am not clear about what Maci's POV is regarding her relationship with them. I watched the episode, but I usually watch it a second time to get a clearer view on certain scenes that I may have not paid much attention to the first time. 

I am not sure if Maci finds any of the finger-pointing an issue with her. She was definitely bothered when Mack threw it at her at the reunion. She had every right to be upset about such an accusation. But just from what I watched recently on the new season, and what Maci has proclaimed, she is bothered at being told by Ryan about having Bentley, especially so soon after rehab. She is also bothered that the communication through the texts is also coming from Mackenzie disguised as Ryan along with the tone of those texts. She is also not liking how Larry is treating Bentley at his baseball games. She is not wanting none of that, and I can't blame her. Just my POV it doesn't seem the Edwards relationship is her priority. I definitely could be mistaken. I just may have to watch the episode again. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

@Tatum At this point though (on the show, not present time), it seems Larry is not on good terms with Maci. Jen is trying to maintain a good relationship. I am not clear about what Maci's POV is regarding her relationship with them. I watched the episode, but I usually watch it a second time to get a clearer view on certain scenes that I may have not paid much attention to the first time. 

I am not sure if Maci finds any of the finger-pointing an issue with her. She was definitely bothered when Mack threw it at her at the reunion. She had every right to be upset about such an accusation. But just from what I watched recently on the new season, and what Maci has proclaimed, she is bothered at being asked by Ryan if Bentley can visit. She is also bothered that the communication through the texts is also coming from Mackenzie disguised as Ryan along with the tone of those texts. She is also hearing how Larry is treating Bentley at his baseball games. She is not wanting none of that, and I can't blame her. Just my POV it doesn't seem the Edwards relationship is her priority. I definitely could be mistaken. I just may have to watch the episode again. 

I don't think it's her priority per se, but I think Maci is afraid of confrontation and doesn't like it when people don't like her. Her texts to Jen are usually a little more conciliatory than how she acts like she's talking to the Edwards' when she's actually talking to Taylor. 

If I were directly involved with this shit show, I am not sure what I would advise her to do. On the one hand, as other posters have pointed out, she risks coming out of court with a judgment she doesn't like, when right now she has 100% control. On the other hand, it is now an unbiased, professional third party telling both parents how things are going to go, which does take the heat off of her as far as Ryan's family saying she's blocking him from Bentley. Of course, then she does run the risk of them saying she's a bitch for going to court when she could have worked it out in mediation. And I don't know that Maci lies awake at night worrying that they don't like her, but I think she is uncomfortable when she has to deal with people face to face who don't like her.

15 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I haven't watched Intervention in some time, so I'm not up to date on the cost of being an addict, but $10K a week sounds like an enormous sum.  Don't people switch to heroin because it's cheaper than Oxycontin? 

Or was Mackenzie just exaggerating?  Because she thought it would make Ryan sound more, uh, something?  Hard core addict?  That's not good.  Overypaying for drugs?  That's not good.  Blowing through $10,000 a week without her realizing it's suspicious behavior?  That's not good.

I don't think Ryan blew through $520,000 a year. Even with all his TM money, all the proceeds from selling whatever he could scavenge from his parents house- that would not have come close. He probably spent $10,000 in one week stocking up and Mack used that as a weekly number.

If he was buying $10K worth of drugs a week, it was because he was dealing some of that, I think.

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3 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I don't think it's her priority per se, but I think Maci is afraid of confrontation and doesn't like it when people don't like her. Her texts to Jen are usually a little more conciliatory than how she acts like she's talking to the Edwards' when she's actually talking to Taylor. 

If I were directly involved with this shit show, I am not sure what I would advise her to do. On the one hand, as other posters have pointed out, she risks coming out of court with a judgment she doesn't like, when right now she has 100% control. On the other hand, it is now an unbiased, professional third party telling both parents how things are going to go, which does take the heat off of her as far as Ryan's family saying she's blocking him from Bentley. Of course, then she does run the risk of them saying she's a bitch for going to court when she could have worked it out in mediation. And I don't know that Maci lies awake at night worrying that they don't like her, but I think she is uncomfortable when she has to deal with people face to face who don't like her.

I don't think Ryan blew through $520,000 a year. Even with all his TM money, all the proceeds from selling whatever he could scavenge from his parents house- that would not have come close. He probably spent $10,000 in one week stocking up and Mack used that as a weekly number.

If he was buying $10K worth of drugs a week, it was because he was dealing some of that, I think.

You just made a point that I forgot to mention. There would be mediation. If they can't work it out, a judge would then come up with a plan. It would be just like what Barb and Jenelle worked out. I can almost see Larry saying Maci "won" the way Jenelle did afterwards. 

I can see your point about the confrontation likely being the underlying reason. 

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8 hours ago, citychic said:

I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second.

Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too.

Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.

I live in rural Iowa, and while many people here aren't super fashionable (or well enough to afford nice clothing), they generally look clean and well put together. I don't care if Cate follows the latest trends, but she really just looks gross and sickly, to me. Being heavy isn't an excuse either. I've known some absolutely beautiful plus size woman. There's a gal at our local dental office is plus size, but so cute and well put together every time we go in. We live in a town of 2000 people. So I don't know that location is an excuse.

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41 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I live in rural Iowa, and while many people here aren't super fashionable (or well enough to afford nice clothing), they generally look clean and well put together. I don't care if Cate follows the latest trends, but she really just looks gross and sickly, to me. Being heavy isn't an excuse either. I've known some absolutely beautiful plus size woman. There's a gal at our local dental office is plus size, but so cute and well put together every time we go in. We live in a town of 2000 people. So I don't know that location is an excuse.

I live in a county of 3,000 people. People here live in actual hollers. (I, ahem, made it up to the ridge which, around here, is kind of like putting a foundation under your trailer-it's high class.) Our biggest store in town is a Dollar Store. We love them so much, we have 6. "Dressing up" anymore consists of wearing pajamas out in public that AREN'T frayed at the bottom. New jeans from Macy's? Somebody's getting above their raising and putting on airs! Someone dyes their hair and DOESN'T show 6 inches of roots within a few months? We all wonder where they got their money from...Typical brands include Carhart, Wrangler, and Joe Boxer. 

With that being said, you could take the straggliest person in town and put them on a national television show and you know what they'd do? They'd dress like they were being awarded "Parent of the Year" at the PTA meeting. We're talking hair curled, the best makeup Rite Aid could buy, and the latest selection from Penney's (something NOT on sale). 

In other words, they may dress and look like they just crawled out from under a rock but my people still care about appearances. Their hairstyles and clothes may be 10 years out of date but they'd work it to be on television. 

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On 12/11/2017 at 7:39 PM, pheebs said:

Sweet baby jeebus - was there a competition to be the most ridiculous looking person on television tonight?

See: DebzOG's expounding on not looking stupid while wearing a spangled newsboy cap some 85-year-old lady sitting on the penny slots at some dumpy casino would be wearing. Cue Alanis Morrisette.

Ambuh's going full-on Ethel Mertz with that whatever it was wrapped around her head.

Farrah - that "dumpsuit" looked a hot mess. Your ass is waaay too big for that.

Maci's ratty, off kilter bun resembled a dog poop plopped on her head. Also, she was channeling the worst waitress at the worst truck stop in Abalama. Alabama.

Mack's micro-expression that flickered across her face as Rhiiine proclaimed his drug-free status was priceless. Homegirl has no pokerface whatso evs.

Cate is a ratchet mess. Love the polyester poncho. Again with the senior-citizen casino gear.

Why, why, why... do they all look ready for support hose and those fold-up plastic rain scarves?

Wasn't DebzOG's new bestie "Matt," a hoot? He was really throwing some side-eye shade!

the scenes with him, deb ogz matt, her new buddy are so odd. i mean who is paying him. he doesnt seem to actually interact with her or like her for that matter. 

On 12/12/2017 at 5:14 AM, ghoulina said:


Interesting that Larry said his triggers were Bentley and Jen, specifically Jen crying. That's a lot to put on your mom. So now is everyone blaming Jen for Ryan using? And I thought MACI was his trigger?

i wonder if it isnt that jen cries about. the more i see larry the more i see him as a harsh person, who like ryan maybe blames things on other and there wrong views and never thinking hmmm maybe im wrong. im guessing ryan would see his parents fight or his dad was mad at him and those things caused his mom to cry. so i think its really sad that they would only make it about her. 

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56 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

With that being said, you could take the straggliest person in town and put them on a national television show and you know what they'd do? They'd dress like they were being awarded "Parent of the Year" at the PTA meeting. We're talking hair curled, the best makeup Rite Aid could buy, and the latest selection from Penney's (something NOT on sale).

I assume you're talking about women who would have their hair curled, makeup on, and some new clothes.  It really bothers me that women are expected to put on makeup and curl their hair to look presentable, while men get to use their regular face and regular haircut in the same situation.  But I know, that's just me.

But I do believe that reality TV people get used to the cameras, and could very well think, "I'm on this show to be myself."  And in fact, as horrifying as the results can be, I think I prefer someone on a reality show who isn't super-conscious of how she's coming across.  

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6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

My parents live in northern Michigan and honestly, she dresses like most of the folks I see when I visit. They live in a mixed income area and there are folks who dress exactly as she does from lowest income to upper middle class. Obviously I'm not saying everyone dresses like that, but it's not uncommon. The hygiene is a different issue, but I've stayed unshowered during depressive episodes for sure, so I can't really talk. 

Yeah, I can totally relate to them BUT if i were being filmed, I would make much more of an effort.

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3 hours ago, Ashlyc said:

the scenes with him, deb ogz matt, her new buddy are so odd. i mean who is paying him. he doesnt seem to actually interact with her or like her for that matter. 

i wonder if it isnt that jen cries about. the more i see larry the more i see him as a harsh person, who like ryan maybe blames things on other and there wrong views and never thinking hmmm maybe im wrong. im guessing ryan would see his parents fight or his dad was mad at him and those things caused his mom to cry. so i think its really sad that they would only make it about her. 

Larry is starting to come across as a total dick. 

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I assume you're talking about women who would have their hair curled, makeup on, and some new clothes.  It really bothers me that women are expected to put on makeup and curl their hair to look presentable, while men get to use their regular face and regular haircut in the same situation.  But I know, that's just me.


This is an excellent point. 

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15 hours ago, Calm81 said:

You know, there are people in our lives that are so toxic to our growth that they truly do bring out the worst in us and I think we saw that with Farrah and Debra.

Even though Farrah was always RUDE to Michael, she did that when Debra was around annoying the shit out of her so Farrah’s annoyance level meter went off at the smallest things. With Debra out of site, Farrah doesn’t have that annoyance bench mark already being met by Debra so she can tolerate Michael a little more because Debra didn’t prime her patience. Lmao. I think.

There is a member of my family that irks the hell out of everyone. Whenever this person is around people get short tempered QUICK.

I’m one of those annoyingly bubbly people so when this person is around me I’ve had longtime friends look at me like “What the hell is wrong with you today? I’ve never seen you be so short tempered and bitchy!! Please! Are you okay?” Until I realize so and so is around priming my patience with their toxic nonsense (Johnny Raincloud, the woe is me, the I like to speak to your manager type, and the one that nonchalantly makes backhanded compliments of your achievements and home) so I can see that maaaaaybe Debra influenced Farrah’s shitty personality but Farrah needs to take responsibility for a lot of it because there is a thing called self control and one should use it when speaking to strangers and loved ones regardless if someone crapped on your mood.

You are so right! Unfortunately, there are some people in our lives that no matter how much we try  (therapy or whatever) we'r never going to be able to change that.  Farrah and Deb are that case. 

I am by no means Susie Sunshine 24/7 but I CANNOT stand people who are chronic Negative Nancys/Neds. I know people like that, one that I work with and I swear, the constant negativity sucks the life out of everyone else around, myself included. I find myself getting bitter and bitchy the more I am around it.

So, if Farrah grew up having to be surrounded by Debs crazy behaviour/moods, it's no wonder she behaves the way she does around her! But, I also agree with you,  she needs to own up to her actions because I've definitely seen her berate others outside of Deb in a disgusting and uncalled for manner. She gets some slack having grown up around Deb, but she does not get a free pass.

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On 12/12/2017 at 3:02 PM, Brooklynista said:

I truly threw my head back in laughter as Cate filled her two overpackaged Tierra Reign orders and proclaimed that presentation was very important to her. Girl bye.  Sitting there looking like a Tuesday night at the Bingo Hall in that Walmart caftan.

I honestly just choked on my milk and peed in my pants a little. Holy shit. 

All about the presentation, as we watch her shove that stuff into that box and wrestle it shut!

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7 hours ago, Isthisok said:

Another week, another episode of this trash that I can’t stop watching because I am what’s wrong with America.


Have a seat next to me on the couch.  Just bought a bag of Cracker Jack Holiday Sugar Cookie popcorn.....................................................................

7 hours ago, Isthisok said:

happens to her and new Matt.

I have got to stop zoning out during these shows.  Who is new Matt?  Amber has a new person she never met?  

Who is [see quote below]

4 hours ago, Ashlyc said:

deb ogz matt

I can't understand those 3 words.

There is a difference between comfort clothes and being dirty.  I live in Michigan too and even though I live in a city of about 200k we still run around in yoga pants, pjs at the 7 11 etc.  Since I retired I have been substitute teaching at the local high school and my favorite sub job is gym.  I get to wear sweats or yoga pants and xl t-shirt with Tigers/Lions/Red Wings etc.  I have never been one to wear makeup.  I will put on a little blush and lipstick and do my eyebrows but that's on a special occasion.  If you don't wear makeup you don't need makeup.  People that wear makeup with a base coat need to wear it every day because their skin has lost its natural coloring.  I do keep up on my hair - being Italian it is in our blood.  My mother actually got a wash and blow and a manicure before entering hospice - no one was going to see her without her hair done.

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1 hour ago, S86226 said:

I honestly just choked on my milk and peed in my pants a little. Holy shit. 

All about the presentation, as we watch her shove that stuff into that box and wrestle it shut!

And packing the clothes on paper that's laying on her carpet with the dog & small child bouncing around.  Who knows what ended up on those outfits (plus I'm sure they smoke in the house).  We know that they've had random turds on their floor.

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4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I assume you're talking about women who would have their hair curled, makeup on, and some new clothes.  It really bothers me that women are expected to put on makeup and curl their hair to look presentable, while men get to use their regular face and regular haircut in the same situation.  But I know, that's just me.

But I do believe that reality TV people get used to the cameras, and could very well think, "I'm on this show to be myself."  And in fact, as horrifying as the results can be, I think I prefer someone on a reality show who isn't super-conscious of how she's coming across.  

No, that wasn't what I was saying at all. What I was saying is that people dress to be comfortable here, but if there is an important event then we know how to make ourselves presentable, not because we care what others think, but because most of us around here actually enjoy dressing up from time to time-men AND women. 

Look, I enjoy to snark, which is what I was doing, but like others before me I was making fun of the situation AND myself. I do not enjoy having my words twisted to make someone else's point.

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26 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

No, that wasn't what I was saying at all. What I was saying is that people dress to be comfortable here, but if there is an important event then we know how to make ourselves presentable, not because we care what others think, but because most of us around here actually enjoy dressing up from time to time-men AND women. 

Look, I enjoy to snark, which is what I was doing, but like others before me I was making fun of the situation AND myself. I do not enjoy having my words twisted to make someone else's point.

*slow clap* 

The constant search for sexism really bothers me.

Cate is trashy in so many ways aside from how she looks.

Cate dresses like she has no cares to give, and she probably doesn't.  For all we know, the clothes she is wearing is probably her way of dressing up. She might spend her days not wearing a bra, not putting her hair up, and just lying around in pajama bottoms and sweatshirts, especially since she spends a good chunk of her time napping or in bed. All I know is she looks as if she emits an odor that is worse than where she keeps her horse.

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9 hours ago, Isthisok said:

Another week, another episode of this trash that I can’t stop watching because I am what’s wrong with America.


Oh, honey.  Don't feel bad.  We are the least of this nation's problems.

Catelynn reminds me so much of Dabby from Disjointed.


6 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

The constant search for sexism really bothers me.


Girl, don't get me started.

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3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

No, that wasn't what I was saying at all. What I was saying is that people dress to be comfortable here, but if there is an important event then we know how to make ourselves presentable, not because we care what others think, but because most of us around here actually enjoy dressing up from time to time-men AND women. 

Look, I enjoy to snark, which is what I was doing, but like others before me I was making fun of the situation AND myself. I do not enjoy having my words twisted to make someone else's point.

I got what you meant. It was very clear. The show is supposed to be snarked on, not your comments. You don't have to defend yourself. 


Catelynn reminds me so much of Dabby from Disjointed.

lol  First the Aunt Bee resemblance and now Dabby.  


4 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

And packing the clothes on paper that's laying on her carpet with the dog & small child bouncing around.  Who knows what ended up on those outfits (plus I'm sure they smoke in the house).  We know that they've had random turds on their floor.

So gross. Dog piss, dog shit, beer that has spilled and who knows what else. They not only smoke weed they also smoke cigarettes so just imagine those odors on the clothes. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Cate walking alongside the horse and brushing him but never riding him reminds me of that episode of Friends where Phoebe always walks besides her bike because she doesn't know how to ride it.  I'm not sure if the equine therapy is helping her, unfortunately.  

Oh my, Deb in that outfit and hat!  There is a store near my house that has hats with wigs attached.  That hair was waaaay too long to be her own.  I wonder if it was a hat/wig combo. LOL. 

Watching Starburst buck around in his pen made me happy! 

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23 minutes ago, Teddybear said:


Oh my, Deb in that outfit and hat!  There is a store near my house that has hats with wigs attached.  That hair was waaaay too long to be her own.  I wonder if it was a hat/wig combo. LOL. 


You reminded me of that scene in the movie Friday. That Janet Jackson look-a-like LOL takes off her hat only to reveal her hair was part of the hat.

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In all honesty, I don't think the Cate comments were sexist. I think @StatisticalOutlier was making a general point about how "put together" for women is generally believed to include makeup and hair styling, which is odd because men aren't expected to. I've always found that quite annoying as well. I didn't take it to mean anything about the board. 

I wonder if Tyler is really that much cleaner than Cate. He certainly looks it. I wonder if he really is or if she's just one of those people who tends towards greasiness. 

Edited by Lm2162
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On 12/11/2017 at 9:37 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

The stuff with Farrah makes me sad for her. The scene where she started to cry in the restaurant was sad. Debra refuses to acknowledge that she hurt Farrah and I’ve said t before, I think Farrah jumped the gun by calling the police and causing it to be something it didn’t need to be but Debra refuses to even believe she has problems in her behavior. I don’t quite understand how they could have a relationship when Debra refuses to believe her faults as well. 

I cannot get behind this idea at all. A mother should never hit their daughter in the face. Hell, a person should never hit anyone and not expect that person to call the police. That's assault, plain and simple. I saw the pics of Farrah's face. If you don't want the police called, keep your hands off other people. I know it might have been a physical fight between the two of them but from my understanding, Deborah was acting all kinds of crazy that night so Farrah was probably legitimitly afraid of what her mother was going to do. I think she did the right thing calling the cops. Things went way too far that night, and the police probably needed to be involved for everyone's safety. 


On Cait & Tyler, I hate to defend them but even Kylie Jenner'a site crashed the first time it went up. I'm actually surprised they generated enough visitors to crash it. I didn't really see anything wrong with how they handled the launch. I do agree that they are acting ridiculous in how stressed they are with the launch of their business. Well, Tyler anyway. Cait doesn't seem to care either way. 

And since, I just spent the past two paragraphs defending these people, let's move onto Amber so I can snark again. That thing Amber was wearing on her head. Okay, I guess, maybe, if she was like 85 years old and wearing a dress or something, again maybe, but this bitch was in jeans and a tee with that fancy head wrap. I'm channeling TM2's Roxanne! "I caaaaan't!" And I agree that she was already looking for a new man and not even caring that she spends no time with her little girl. If my daughter had told me what Leah said to her, that would have broken me, and I would've done anything to fix it. You really can see where Amber's priorities are.


Onto Maci and Ryan. I'm glad Larry finally got real and admitted they knew something was up with Ryan. And a lot of you called it already. Heroin. I do wonder if it started out a pain pill addiction from his wreck like some of you wondered. But probably not since he already went to rehab in 2012. I think Ryan is already using again. He wants to see Bentley so bad then go take the stupid drug test, and you can see him. I guess he doesn't want all the control in Maci's hands, and I could see not wanting to take a test from someone you don't trust.

Maci should've done this through the courts. Then the courts could administer the tests, and no one could argue with the results. With her doing it on her own, Ryan could argue she messed up the tests somehow to make sure he didn't test clean. I mean what does Maci know about administering those kinds of tests anyway? I wouldn't trust my ex with a test like that. Maybe the urine test but the hair follicle one? What if she's buzzed on bud light and contaminates the samples? Just thinking about it like that does make the whole situation more absurd. Maci get your ass down to the court house and demand drug testing before visitations! Why is she so opposed to going to court? I think some of you might be right, and she's afraid of her skeletons coming out. There's no other explanation as to why she won't do this the legal way. 

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On 12/12/2017 at 9:06 AM, ginger90 said:

From what I just read with the help of google, in Tennessee,  if one parent claims the other is a drug user, the court will order both parents to be tested. That could be interesting.

I commented before reading the whole thread but this could be the very thing Maci is afraid of. Interesting.

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On 12/13/2017 at 0:00 PM, Tatum said:

I know you're being facetious here, but I find that hilarious picturing Maci intending to administer the drug tests herself, right down to watching Ryan pee in the cup so she knows he's not using Mack's pee or something to pass the test.


I would imagine though she meant she'd pay for him to go to one of those drug testing places large companies send new employees to- you go to a center, pee in a cup, and then the lab runs the test.


I think she was bluffing about paying for it though, because she knows Ryan would never agree to do the drug test in the first place, and now she looks like she's the one trying and he's the one refusing, even at a financial cost to Maci only. And really, those testing centers aren't cheap, Plus, she'd have to do it with some regularity. I think I read once that the harder drugs actually leave your system sooner than drugs like pot, so Ryan could theoretically be using and still pass the tests if he was lucky on timing.

This is why I should read the whole thread before posting. I was really thinking Maci might be buying some  diy home test for Ryan to take. I mean why pay 400$ every time Ryan wants to see Bentley instead of going to court and having the court order them. Then I'm sure Ryan would be made to pay for them or, at least, half. There has to be some reason Maci doesn't want to involve the courts. Maybe it is just that she wants to maintain all control. That's not a good enough reason though. 

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On 12/13/2017 at 2:24 PM, lezlers said:

I'm here!  Since there's no court order in place, I think Maci would be kind of dumb to go to court, tbh.   Without an order, she has all of the power when it comes to visitation.  She wouldn't have to be afraid of someone coming at her with an endangerment charge for allowing Bentley to be with Ryan if she doesn't allow Bentley to see Ryan, you know?  Or if she insists that visitations be at Jen and Larry's and gets that in writing.   If those things are done, her ass is covered plus she still maintains total control over visitation.  The minute she walks into court, she puts herself at the mercy of the court and will have to comply with whatever the court orders.  The person who needs to go to court is RYAN but we all know he'll never do it since all he does is talk a big game but never actually follow through with anything.   Now, if Ryan DOES ever go to court, THEN Maci can respond with a request for drug testing and supervised visitation.  But until he takes that step, she makes the rules.

This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining! I wish they would explain things better on this show. Would it have killed Maci to explain this? Idk what to think really. I guess Maci is doing all she can to keep Bentley safe. 


I wanted to add my thoughts to the Cait's appearance discussion. 

On her weight: I think she's overweight, obviously, but I do think the size of her chest makes her look way bigger than she actually is. If she were to get a reduction, people would be shocked at how much weight she lost, when really it was her massive boobs making her look the same size as Gary. Her big loose fitting shirts don't help matters any. 

On Cait appearing dirty: I just don't really see it. She and Nova always look clean to me. Maybe, I'm just missing something. 

On the way Cait dresses/her overall appearance: 

I don't see anything wrong with it. It's not like she's Amber and proclaiming she's some fashionista complete with online boutique. Cait and Tyler's boutique is for children's clothing so not the same imo. 

I just hate focusing so much on someone's physical appearance. She's on a reality show about her life. I'm glad she doesn't decide to present a different person than who she is.

If she is going out somewhere nice or going to a job interview (wait! Let me stop laughing before I continue!), then I could see snarking on her appearance. But if she's just sitting around her house or visiting her horse, why does she have to be all dressed up?

And she may not be physically attractive according to society's standards but she cannot help that unless you want her to go get plastic surgery so she can look like Farrah or somebody? I just really don't get all the appearance hate. But this is a snark site so I understand people snark on what they want. That's fine with me. These are just my opinions on the matter. I'm sure many will disagree with me, and I don't mind that. And I'm not trying to attack anyone with my comments or anything like that. Just wanted to share my thoughts. 

Edited by AmandaUnbidden
Added Cait stuff
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9 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Larry is starting to come across as a total dick. 

Does anybody happen to know what Larry's real job is?

5 hours ago, Teddybear said:

Cate walking alongside the horse and brushing him but never riding him reminds me of that episode of Friends where Phoebe always walks besides her bike because she doesn't know how to ride it.  I'm not sure if the equine therapy is helping her, unfortunately.  

Oh my, Deb in that outfit and hat!  There is a store near my house that has hats with wigs attached.  That hair was waaaay too long to be her own.  I wonder if it was a hat/wig combo. LOL. 

Watching Starburst buck around in his pen made me happy! 

I still have nightmares thinking about Deb's rapping video!!!!

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