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33 minutes ago, hypeman said:
54 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Who was it that got a barbie and then didn't make the cut for training camp this year?  


Also Erin.  Gina was the only rookie candidate who got a Barbie and made the squad.

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11 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Jenna sucked it up and took her lumps. To me that's not extraordinary or praise-worthy, that's what I expect from a mature adult and a veteran of this team. Admittedly, I have a dirty lens on this one - I've never particularly cared for Jenna. But I don't believe in giving prizes for people behaving the way they ought to.

Perhaps her teammates will agree with you. After all, they're the ones who had a front row seat to what happened and how she handled it. They may think she's worthy of it.


For the most part, I agree with the idea that we don’t get rewarded for behaving the way we are supposed to. I give a little extra grace to Jenna for one reason. For most of us, if we are reprimanded in our jobs, we are done so in private. Our colleagues generally do not know of discipline actions taken against us unless it affects their jobs as well. In Jenna’s situation, the only people who should have known that she was in trouble with management were her teammates, and only because it caused them to make a formation change. Jenna’s discretion’s were broadcast on TV. And she responded mostly with grace and humility and continued to do her job for the remainder of the season. She absolutely handled it in the correct way, but she wasn’t dealt a fair hand when her business was aired, and I do think she deserves to be commended for remaining the leader she appeared to be for the rest of the season. 

Edited by sugarplum
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9 minutes ago, Txmomof2 said:
32 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

What has Molly done to her eyebrows????

Looks like microblading. It's the thing to do these days.

Looks like they were colored on with my 2 year olds brown crayon

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1 hour ago, sugarplum said:

For the most part, I agree with the idea that we don’t get rewarded for behaving the way we are supposed to. I give a little extra grace to Jenna for one reason. For most of us, if we are reprimanded in our jobs, we are done so in private. Our colleagues generally do not know of discipline actions taken against us unless it affects their jobs as well. In Jenna’s situation, the only people who should have known that she was in trouble with management were her teammates, and only because it caused them to make a formation change. Jenna’s discretion’s were broadcast on TV. And she responded mostly with grace and humility and continued to do her job for the remainder of the season. She absolutely handled it in the correct way, but she wasn’t dealt a fair hand when her business was aired, and I do think she deserves to be commended for remaining the leader she appeared to be for the rest of the season. 

If she did not want her dirty laundry to be aired on television, she should not have broken the rules over and over again. Like Kelli said, she should be grateful she is still on the squad because other girls in the past were have been given the axe.

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5 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

If she did not want her dirty laundry to be aired on television, she should not have broken the rules over and over again. Like Kelli said, she should be grateful she is still on the squad because other girls in the past were have been given the axe.

She broke the rules. She shouldn’t have. I agree. That horse has been beaten and bludgeoned to death. That doesn’t mean that she should be disciplined in front of the world. But she was, and she kept her smile, and from what we saw, kept a mostly positive attitude. Do I think she deserves a gold medal? No. But I think there’s a lot to be said for not reacting badly when she was given little privacy.  

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8 minutes ago, sugarplum said:

She broke the rules. She shouldn’t have. I agree. That horse has been beaten and bludgeoned to death. That doesn’t mean that she should be disciplined in front of the world. But she was, and she kept her smile, and from what we saw, kept a mostly positive attitude. Do I think she deserves a gold medal? No. But I think there’s a lot to be said for not reacting badly when she was given little privacy.  

Sadly it comes down to ratings. I also think Judy and Kelli wanted to use Jenna, Holly and Erica as examples to the squad and to drive the point that vets can be cut at any time. I do find it interesting how some vets are shown in a bad light like Jenna and Kaitlyn LeGrand from Season 6, but some vets like Courtney Cook who was rumored to have an eating disorder Kelli wanted the reasons why she left not to be mentioned. I often wonder if the real reason why Kelli did not want the subject to come up was the fact Courtney became sick was the fact she was taking dangerous methods in order to keep the weight off, and the perfect image of the DCC Organization might be damaged if the real truth came out.

Now if Jenna, Holly or Erica pulled a Meagan F. and told Kelli and Judy off I definitely hoped it would be aired.

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4 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Sadly it comes down to ratings. I also think Judy and Kelli wanted to use Jenna, Holly and Erica as examples to the squad and to drive the point that vets can be cut at any time. I do find it interesting how some vets are shown in a bad light like Jenna and Kaitlyn LeGrand from Season 6, but some vets like Courtney Cook who was rumored to have an eating disorder Kelli wanted the reasons why she left not to be mentioned. I often wonder if the real reason why Kelli did not want the subject to come up was the fact Courtney became sick was the fact she was taking dangerous methods in order to keep the weight off, and the perfect image of the DCC Organization might be damaged if the real truth came out.

Now if Jenna, Holly or Erica pulled a Meagan F. and told Kelli and Judy off I definitely hoped it would be aired.

You’re right, and that’s what’s sad. 

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In Miranda's video there's a girl to her right who looks familiar but I can't be sure. She looks like Jessica the former AAIA who had to leave MDC finals because of an injury.

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Caila’s dancing is so heavy IMO. To be clear, I’m not referring to her weight (i think she has a great, womanly figure) but nothing comes off as light or easy when she dances. 

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4 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Caila’s dancing is so heavy IMO. To be clear, I’m not referring to her weight (i think she has a great, womanly figure) but nothing comes off as light or easy when she dances. 

Yeah. It's so heavy. Not graceful at all.

4 minutes ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

I'm so tired of the Jenna discussion, it's been beaten past death by now

Most of us are, but there are a few who like to resurrect it. 

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5 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Caila’s dancing is so heavy IMO. To be clear, I’m not referring to her weight (i think she has a great, womanly figure) but nothing comes off as light or easy when she dances. 

The videos are much more telling if you mute the music.  Caila isn't going to be a DCC again.  That leg spread thing was sort of yucky.

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7 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

Who did it better?

I think they both look gorgeous, looks wise!  Obviously Caila doesn't have the body they want for DCC but I think for normal humans she looks incredible. Agree with others tho that her dancing is just kinda stompy.  But I do like that she still continues to dance because she loves it so much. 

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2 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

In Miranda's video there's a girl to her right who looks familiar but I can't be sure. She looks like Jessica the former AAIA who had to leave MDC finals because of an injury.

It is Orora.

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Caila is about my size IRL. I'm a little bustier, but a size 8 dress. She's just 'thicker' for DCC, but with height factored in, smaller, more fit, and looking pretty good for any other team.

I can't say she's stompy outside the choreogrpahy, she may be, but that is AWFUL choreography. Dead boring, slow, gaps of nothing in several places. The whole thing looks like whoever made the dance was thinking "Oh, HEELS class, lets go super slow so nobody falls in these goofy booties, and stomp the floor because HEELS". Any legit dancer can maneuver in character heels, but these tall, non flexible booties are just banking on the latest trend.

My gut honestly says they liked Caila because she's gorgeous and was a Jr. DCC, so they thought they knew they could expect her to already know the rules and be reliable. Glad to see her dancing and doing what she loves, despite not being on a team. 

Miranda is stunning, but that choreo is so boring, she doesn't have much to work with. 

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6 minutes ago, DancingNurse said:

Miranda is stunning, but that choreo is so boring, she doesn't have much to work with. 

It really is boring, I agree.  I do think, though, that Miranda did a great job with it.

Edited by ByTor
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13 hours ago, Txmomof2 said:

Looks like microblading. It's the thing to do these days. 

If it is microblading, its supposed to fade after awhile. The first few weeks the ink is still on top of the skin so it looks super dark. So either that or she’s just using too dark of a pencil/shadow. 

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20 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

Brianna and Erin that I can recall off the top of my head...

I think I asked the wrong question.   Maybe it was veteran of the year and then got cut at finals?  I was really surprised.  I need to look at reruns.

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Caila looks better with this style, not great but she definitely favors more softer choreo better. Surprised I like Miranda, the way she moves is sexy but not overly so. 

2 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

I think I asked the wrong question.   Maybe it was veteran of the year and then got cut at finals?  I was really surprised.  I need to look at reruns.

Veteran of the year? Don’t think anyone’s returned (and cut) after that award. Do you mean vets with barbies? Allie and little Heather were cut and they received barbies in previous years. 

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2 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

Caila looks better with this style, not great but she definitely favors more softer choreo better. Surprised I like Miranda, the way she moves is sexy but not overly so. 

Veteran of the year? Don’t think anyone’s returned (and cut) after that award. Do you mean vets with barbies? Allie and little Heather were cut and they received barbies in previous years. 

Okay it must have been Allie.  Thank you!!  I'm going to have to start keeping a spreadsheet on all this....

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5 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

I think I asked the wrong question.   Maybe it was veteran of the year and then got cut at finals?  I was really surprised.  I need to look at reruns.

There was a girl yearssss ago who was a GL and then got cut at auditions the next year? 

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

It really is boring, I agree.  I do think, though, that Miranda did a great job with it.

She did a Great job because she didn’t have to really do anything but step step pose ina man or of speaking .

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7 hours ago, ByTor said:

Not to be mean, but each video Caila posts makes it more clear why she was cut.

I agree... she is WAY clunky... I believe Miranda took this one.

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1 hour ago, Slate said:

Miranda and Christina were so much fun to watch on the podcast yesterday. Both were very engaging, relatable, and funny. 

Why are they repeating guests? Unless some of the girls might not want to do the show.

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20 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Why are they repeating guests? Unless some of the girls might not want to do the show.

They probably would need a real good excuse not to do the show. I cannot imagine turning it down more than once.

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10 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

They probably would need a real good excuse not to do the show. I cannot imagine turning it down more than once.

I can’t imagine it’s actually manditory, depending on schedules not everyone can make it, and maybe they’re just choosing whoever wants to or who’s interesting enough to talk to. (I say this, yet Tess has done it like three times and she has the personality of a shoe) 

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8 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Caila’s dancing is so heavy IMO. To be clear, I’m not referring to her weight (i think she has a great, womanly figure) but nothing comes off as light or easy when she dances. 

She reminds me of Victoria-although at least Caila is more in control of her body.


5 hours ago, HowdeeDo said:

Caila looks better with this style, not great but she definitely favors more softer choreo better. Surprised I like Miranda, the way she moves is sexy but not overly so. 

Veteran of the year? Don’t think anyone’s returned (and cut) after that award. Do you mean vets with barbies? Allie and little Heather were cut and they received barbies in previous years. 

That's exactly what i was going to say about Miranda!

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20 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

What has Molly done to her eyebrows????

They are seriously bad! Too square. 

This pic made me realize what bothers me about Gina. She does that cheesy, toothy smile that little kids do. It just never looks real. It's like when someone tells you to smile when you are seriously pissed and you just grit your teeth together like that. She could be 100% genuinely smiling and it just looks like a fake smile. Maybe she's a pageant girl? it's a pageant girl kind of smile. 

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2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

They are seriously bad! Too square. 

This pic made me realize what bothers me about Gina. She does that cheesy, toothy smile that little kids do. It just never looks real. It's like when someone tells you to smile when you are seriously pissed and you just grit your teeth together like that. She could be 100% genuinely smiling and it just looks like a fake smile. Maybe she's a pageant girl? it's a pageant girl kind of smile. 

She has a very thin upper lip with a very thick bottom lip.  If you look back at her pictures on Instagram--college days having fun with her friends--it's the very same smile!  I don't believe it's fake; THAT is her smile!!

Her smile reminds me of Reba McEntire...

Edited by Tootie
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According to the podcast this week, calendar shoot will be a week and a half to two weeks after auditions are over. Going to be interesting. Christina said they are working towards are the vets trying out again make it back to TC . I did chuckle when they brought up the fact the "crazy fans" find out who will be trying out again before finals start. Someone said 11 rookies will be trying out again. A person could figure out all the rookies will be trying out again.

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Unpopular opinion, but Cersten's dancing does nothing for me.  Even watching snippets of her solo from last year's auditions, I couldn't figure out why she was given a Barbie.  She dances too aggressively (similar to how Lauren was described during her audition) and carries herself while dancing like she's the best one in the room (and she's not).  It's not pleasant to watch.

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10 minutes ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

Unpopular opinion, but Cersten's dancing does nothing for me.  Even watching snippets of her solo from last year's auditions, I couldn't figure out why she was given a Barbie.  She dances too aggressively (similar to how Lauren was described during her audition) and carries herself while dancing like she's the best one in the room (and she's not).  It's not pleasant to watch.

May I join you because I do not see what is so great about her.

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1 hour ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

Unpopular opinion, but Cersten's dancing does nothing for me.  Even watching snippets of her solo from last year's auditions, I couldn't figure out why she was given a Barbie.  She dances too aggressively (similar to how Lauren was described during her audition) and carries herself while dancing like she's the best one in the room (and she's not).  It's not pleasant to watch.

Agreed! Not a fan of her dancing or her look. Great body but...

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