Lantern7 June 2, 2018 Share June 2, 2018 I can’t see the movie as a fail. Granted, I also take Hulk over Incredible Hulk. I just can’t spell the title “F-A-I-L.” I mean, the prequel trilogy alone . . . 3 Link to comment
benteen June 3, 2018 Share June 3, 2018 I saw Solo again for the second time and I enjoyed it even more. 5 Link to comment
dkb June 3, 2018 Share June 3, 2018 On 5/29/2018 at 2:27 AM, TVSpectator said: Oh, him. I have heard about him but I heard that they never bothered to look at him at all. Expand ^^^That isn't true according to one of the writers of the movie: I thought Alden Ehrenreich was great. (I like seeing people who were on Supernatural doing well) 2 Link to comment
cynic June 3, 2018 Share June 3, 2018 On 6/2/2018 at 5:03 AM, johntfs said: ... That all said, I'd be more interested in an Enfys Nest movie. Or really any movie with Erin Kellyman. She was adorable. Expand I would definitely be interested in a movie about Enfys Nest. I wish there was more of her in this one. I'm wondering if there were script rewrites to her story though. I mean, look, it'd be great if women of color were such a common occurrence in the SW universe that this woman's complexion wouldn't be so striking to me, but her looks kinda made me wonder if her character was meant to be the daughter of Beckett and Val at one point. Like did she grow up in this criminal ring and decided to put her skills to a more noble use? Was Val some kind of a freedom fighter and turned away from that for some reason, like maybe the influence of a man she loved? I guess it's just a coincidence this time around that two major female characters appear to have some black heritage. I'm just a little skeptical that this casting would have happened without a reason given the history of this franchise Hollywood. Then again, considering all the females who star in this franchise are pale brunettes (Leia, Rey, Jyn, Qira), maybe their casting directors just really favor certain types. Speaking of Qira, I feel like they tried really hard to push her story, almost to the detriment of Han's. It was like they wanted to see if they could build a franchise on her. While her story had potential, I just didn't like the execution and feel like Emilia Clarke doesn't have enough charisma to build that kind of thing around. 2 Link to comment
johntfs June 4, 2018 Share June 4, 2018 (edited) On 6/3/2018 at 7:22 PM, cynic said: I would definitely be interested in a movie about Enfys Nest. I wish there was more of her in this one. I'm wondering if there were script rewrites to her story though. I mean, look, it'd be great if women of color were such a common occurrence in the SW universe that this woman's complexion wouldn't be so striking to me, but her looks kinda made me wonder if her character was meant to be the daughter of Beckett and Val at one point. Like did she grow up in this criminal ring and decided to put her skills to a more noble use? Was Val some kind of a freedom fighter and turned away from that for some reason, like maybe the influence of a man she loved? I guess it's just a coincidence this time around that two major female characters appear to have some black heritage. I'm just a little skeptical that this casting would have happened without a reason given the history of this franchise Hollywood. Then again, considering all the females who star in this franchise are pale brunettes (Leia, Rey, Jyn, Qira), maybe their casting directors just really favor certain types. Speaking of Qira, I feel like they tried really hard to push her story, almost to the detriment of Han's. It was like they wanted to see if they could build a franchise on her. While her story had potential, I just didn't like the execution and feel like Emilia Clarke doesn't have enough charisma to build that kind of thing around. Expand That was where I went when the mask came off. Like, "Holy shit! She's Val and Beckett's kid!" Except that there was no real reaction or even recognition from Beckett, and he later betrayed everyone, including Enfys, to the crime lord whose name I can't really be arsed to remember. I don't know. After a bit more thought, I'm not sure I want an Enfys Nest movie after all. Figure it won't be a happy movie for Enfys Nest and friends since they all likely end up getting murdered by the Empire. As for Qi'ra, one thing we can assume is that Han probably doesn't cross paths with her all that much after this. She working directly for Maul. The Force and Force abilities seemed pretty alien to Han in A New Hope. He thought the whole concept was pretty ridiculous. For he'd have been much less skeptical about the Force if he gotten bitch-slapped around by Darth Maul prior to meeting Kenobi. Edited June 4, 2018 by johntfs Link to comment
Lantern7 June 4, 2018 Share June 4, 2018 The guys from Penny Arcade take on Solo. In terms of the robot rebellion thing, all I expected was the Voiceover Guy from Honest Trailer to shout “Droid lives matter, you guys!” again. 2 Link to comment
johntfs June 6, 2018 Share June 6, 2018 Lets all take a moment to consider that while this and other Disney movies have their flaws, George Lucas is the one who might have eventually given us this: Link to comment
Lantern7 June 6, 2018 Share June 6, 2018 Is it wrong that I read the post from @johntfs and immediately thought of this? Link to comment
ulkis June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 (edited) I liked it. But then my standards are low. (I didn't like "the Last Jedi", but that was because of emotional fan reasons.) It's weird that they had the dice in "the Last Jedi" though, "Here Leia, the dice Han gave to his ex." The insertion of Maul was kind of weird. At the end of the day, the movies (I think?) are supposed to be able to be watched without novel or tv tie-ins so out of sheer curiosity I wonder how many movie-only people remembered who the heck he was. The funny thing is that people who don't remember him will probably just be like, "oh, okay, a bad Jedi is involved." Glad they had Han kill Tobias but not so glad they had his rush over and hold his hand. I really liked Chewie and Lando's portrayals. I was surprised that the movie didn't have some moment where Han just missed seeing Leia or Vader on the hononet/tv. Not negatively or positively, just surprised either way. At one point when Han said "Beckett" I thought he said "fuck it" for a sec, heh. On 6/1/2018 at 7:51 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said: Han's naming was an all-time great SW moment for me. Expand Oh yeah I liked that. It makes me wonder if they will have Rey take on the name. Edited June 8, 2018 by ulkis 2 Link to comment
ulkis June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 On 5/28/2018 at 7:28 PM, scarynikki12 said: What I loved most about this movie was the treatment of Han's relationships with Chewy and the Falcon. Once he and Chewy started communicating they were pals and I thought they did a good job of showing how quickly they formed their bond so that Chewy choosing to remain with him after freeing the other Wookies felt earned on its own. And when Han first saw the Falcon he fell head over heels. The man was speechless and everything. Love it. Expand I gave an "aw" when he said he and the Falcon were meant to be. 2 Link to comment
Llywela June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 On 6/7/2018 at 7:43 AM, ulkis said: The insertion of Maul was kind of weird. At the end of the day, the movies (I think?) are supposed to be able to be watched without novel or tv tie-ins so out of sheer curiosity I wonder how many movie-only people remembered who the heck he was. The funny thing is that people who don't remember him will probably just be like, "oh, okay, a bad Jedi is involved." Expand Maybe that's the point - fans who do take an interest in the extended universe will understand, so it becomes a little Easter Egg for them, while those who don't know/remember the character don't need to, as the context of his appearance tells them all they really need to know (for now - if this was set-up for future installments, it's safe to say further information will be forthcoming at a later date!) 2 Link to comment
ICantDoThatDave June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 The problem is there's a 3rd set of people which is probably the majority of people. People who watched The Phantom Menace but don't read/watch the extended universe stuff. So a huge chunk of the audience is like "Wait, isn't he dead?" or "Wait, is this set before TPM?" & either way are just confused. 10 Link to comment
Crs97 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 I am part of the third set and was confused. My children explained that Maul was still alive, which induced an eye roll. I know he disappeared, but I half expect to discover Obi Wan is still alive, since he too was only cut in half horizontally. Maybe there is another remote island he is pouting on. 5 Link to comment
VCRTracking June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 (edited) On 6/7/2018 at 3:34 PM, Crs97 said: I am part of the third set and was confused. My children explained that Maul was still alive, which induced an eye roll. I know he disappeared, but I half expect to discover Obi Wan is still alive, since he too was only cut in half horizontally. Maybe there is another remote island he is pouting on. Expand Maul's whole story in the Clone Wars and Rebels is actually pretty awesome. I love his personal hatred toward Obi-Wan for robbing him of his "destiny". And I actually prefer how he finally dies in Rebels to his "death" in The Phantom Menace. Comic book writer Gail Simone was one of those who wasn't interested in seeing Solo on opening day, but saw it eventually and was surprised how much fun it was. Hopefully her followers will also give it a chance: Edited June 7, 2018 by VCRTracking 3 Link to comment
Llywela June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 On 6/7/2018 at 3:34 PM, Crs97 said: I am part of the third set and was confused. My children explained that Maul was still alive, which induced an eye roll. I know he disappeared, but I half expect to discover Obi Wan is still alive, since he too was only cut in half horizontally. Maybe there is another remote island he is pouting on. Expand I'm part of the third set myself, and it didn't bother me at all - I just took it as an intriguing hook to whet audience appetite for the next installment, in which I'm guessing all will be explained. I could be wrong about that, but it really didn't worry me. Of course, the fact that I barely remember the prequels may have factored into my blase-ness! 2 Link to comment
Sakura12 June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 I wonder if Solo would've done better if it came out before the Last Jedi. I know people were boycotting it because they didn't like the Last Jedi. I liked this movie and am going to see it again. It was probably the must fun I've had watching a Star Wars movie since the originals. I don't even mind how they gave Han is name. If he was a poor orphan he probably didn't have a last name or remembered it (depending on how young he was when he was orphaned). Poorer people didn't often have or use surnames back in the day, that was more of the rich. They would usually use their occupation as a last name or in Scandinavia it would be adding son to their father's first name. Han being given a last name makes sense to me. Then he would keep using it because that's what he was called while in the military so it became his name. I didn't know about Darth Maul surviving so I looked it up on my phone while still sitting in the theater. It's not that hard anymore, that's what Google is for. For one off movies I would expect them to tell me things, for movies in a series or connected universe I do expect to have to look things up if I didn't watch the rest of the connecting series. These movies are not just made for one group that watches everything about the series or the other group that doesn't. It's supposed to be made for both groups to enjoy. The fans that knew probably enjoyed the surprise and I enjoyed a majority of the movie and was confused for about a minute with Maul until I looked up. Not a big deal. 4 Link to comment
ulkis June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 On 6/8/2018 at 1:00 PM, Sakura12 said: I wonder if Solo would've done better if it came out before the Last Jedi. I know people were boycotting it because they didn't like the Last Jedi. Expand I think a combination of things. Maybe people didn't want to watch someone else play Han, or they didn't feel the need to see it in the theater because you really can't be spoiled for it in the way you can for a trilogy movie. And while I liked it it wasn't amazing so that simply could have been a factor as well. I feel there must have been something more to Lando's line about his mother. They probably cut a scene there, it was pretty random. Link to comment
ursula June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 On 6/8/2018 at 1:00 PM, Sakura12 said: I wonder if Solo would've done better if it came out before the Last Jedi. I know people were boycotting it because they didn't like the Last Jedi. Expand Yes, I definitely think that TLJ contributes to the bad outing of this movie. I remember reading once that the true metric to an installation's success is not its own installation because that is based on the anticipation caused by the success of its predecessor - but by the reception of its successor. Basically TLJ did well because TFA did well financially and TFA made people interested in the sequel. (And even though they aren't technically part of the same "series", Rogue 1 also did well for the same reason - TFA had set a good precedent for the new Disney Star Wars franchise.) However, Solo's outing, especially so close on the heels of the disappointment of TLJ is a sign that that film made people lose faith in the production. On 6/9/2018 at 3:06 AM, ulkis said: I think a combination of things. Maybe people didn't want to watch someone else play Han, or they didn't feel the need to see it in the theater because you really can't be spoiled for it in the way you can for a trilogy movie. Expand Rogue One technically had the same factor but that didn't hamper its success. Although I agree that Han Solo's treatment in the sequel trilogy would have soured people off investing in his character. 4 Link to comment
ulkis June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 On 6/9/2018 at 9:31 AM, ursula said: Rogue One technically had the same factor but that didn't hamper its success. Expand True, although it was all new characters so maybe people felt like there was more to find out than with a Han movie? Link to comment
VCRTracking June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 Maybe the fans who hated TLJ stayed away but that doesn't explain the the public at large who made it the number one movie last year not being at least interested. Personally I think it's because the Guardians of the Galaxy movies already offered a more colorful alternative to the same kind of story and subject matter. It's like even though the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies were successful, there weren't a lot of pirate movies that came out trying to copy it because they'd have to be just be about regular pirates without the supernatural element of POTC that made it different. Another answer may be in The Cleveland Show episode where they go to comic-con and Cleveland Jr. made this very astute critique of Firefly: "You can't have a whole ship of Han Solos! Then no one is Han Solo!" The Future ‘Solo’ Films: Ron Howard Teases More for L3-37, Qi’ra, Lando and More For those concerned L3-37 was living a nightmarish "Black Mirror" existence as the Falcon navicomputer after the movie Ron Howard said this: Quote “Is there some way that Lando could rebuild L3? One would hope, wouldn’t you? Maybe the Falcon gets to keep a bit of that super-intelligence but Lando could maybe, somehow, someday find his way to reconstructing L3.” Expand 1 Link to comment
ursula June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 On 6/9/2018 at 6:27 PM, VCRTracking said: Maybe the fans who hated TLJ stayed away but that doesn't explain the the public at large who made it the number one movie last year not being at least interested. Expand The same public stayed away is my point. They watched TLJ because they had watched R-1 and TFA and liked it. They stayed away from SOLO because they had watched TLJ and disliked it. People underestimate how many people became SW fans through TFA and were turned off because of TLJ. 5 Link to comment
VCRTracking June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 On 6/9/2018 at 7:18 PM, ursula said: The same public stayed away is my point. They watched TLJ because they had watched R-1 and TFA and liked it. They stayed away from SOLO because they had watched TLJ and disliked it. People underestimate how many people became SW fans through TFA and were turned off because of TLJ. Expand Interestingly I just came on this recent interview of Steven Spielberg talking about Raiders of the Lost Ark and at the 12 minute mark, he talks about how the grosses for it on the first Friday when it premiered were less than expected and actually underperformed that weekend. This was a movie from the makers of Star Wars and Jaws and starring Han Solo but people weren't rushing to see it on it's opening day. Realize that Empire Strikes Back despite it's reputation in the past 38 years improving to being considered the best Star Wars movie, at the time was disappointed a good portion of audiences who didn't like the dark tone and cliffhanger ending. Spielberg's last movie 1941 was a bomb. So Raiders was this unknown property from two people who made movies that let down the general public. But then it had a surprisingly huge Monday turnout and on the second Friday it barely dropped off from the previous week. It's only through word-of-mouth of people who did see it that weekend that the movie suddenly became a hit. Raiders is the kind of movie if you see it once you tell friends "YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVE! IT'S AMAZING!" so people are going to see it right away Solo is the kind of movie where most would tell their friends "It was good. You should check it out." so their friends would go out and see it eventually or maybe rent it when it comes out on video. 1 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo June 10, 2018 Share June 10, 2018 I saw Solo the weekend it opened, so Mr. EB said we should get to the movie theater at least an hour before the movie started. He was sure there would be a huge line of people waiting to be let in and that we would have to be fast if we wanted to get good seats. We got lucky and found a parking spot right away so we were there a little bit more than an hour before the movie started and there was no line to get in. We thought maybe everyone had already been let in. Nope, we were the first ones in the theater. More people showed up before the movie started and although there were definitely a lot of people in the theater, but it wasn't packed (not every seat was taken). We were both surprised, especially because we were in one of the smaller theaters at this location. I thought it was a fun movie. Even though there was drama and action, it was less angsty and more light hearted. Although I am a Star Wars fan, I have not watched the Clone Wars (film or animated series) or other supplementary stuff. I watched the original trilogy a zillion times as a kid. I hated the prequels (I watched each of them once and have had no desire to ever see them again). I liked the other movies (The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, Rogue One, and Solo). If you had asked me how I felt about Star Wars before I saw the prequels, I would have told you how much I loved the original trilogy. But those prequels sucked so hard that they soured me on the franchise. Thankfully, The Force Awakens was much better than the prequels (to be fair, the prequels set the bar pretty low) which pulled me back into the habit of going to see these movies while they're still in the theaters (I'm lazy so most of the time, I'll wait until it's on Netflix so I can watch from the comfort of my own sofa). It would be hard for any of the new movies to live up to the original trilogy. I doubt that I will ever watch any of the new stuff as many times as I watched the originals. I've liked the new movies but so far I haven't loved any of them enough to watch them obsessively and repeatedly. Maybe part of that is due to the fact that I saw the originals when I was younger. It's hard for me to be totally objective so maybe the new movies are just as good as the originals. All I know is that Solo was entertaining and fun to watch, but not necessarily something I will rewatch multiple times. I had a good time while I was watching it and I liked some of the characters, but as was pointed out by a previous poster, since it's a prequel, you know that Han, Chewie, and Lando definitely aren't going to do which relieves some of the worry/pressure/mystery about the outcome that you would have with a non-prequel type of movie. To whoever suggested switching Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson in their roles, I would love to see that! I thought Thandie Newton was so underused. I was totally fine with this Han not being the cynical Han we know from the original trilogy. Most people aren't born that way, so this was showing us the seeds of how he eventually became that man. We all make choices every day, not always knowing where they will lead us. Sometimes you have to get pretty far down the road before you can clearly see where you veered off in one direction. The Han of this movie didn't intend to become the Han we saw in Star Wars, but that's where his choices slowly took him. 6 Link to comment
Joe June 10, 2018 Share June 10, 2018 On 6/10/2018 at 8:44 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said: To whoever suggested switching Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson in their roles, I would love to see that! I thought Thandie Newton was so underused. Expand While I agree that she was underused, look at Beckett at the end. Betrays everyone and gets himself killed. It wouldn't have been a good look on a black woman. Lucasfilm got slammed pretty hard from some people for TLJ, another group of people would slam them for that. Link to comment
afterbite June 10, 2018 Share June 10, 2018 (edited) On 6/10/2018 at 9:18 AM, Joe said: While I agree that she was underused, look at Beckett at the end. Betrays everyone and gets himself killed. It wouldn't have been a good look on a black woman. Lucasfilm got slammed pretty hard from some people for TLJ, another group of people would slam them for that. Expand I can see the danger of that, but the counterbalance is that she would have been a real, fully realized character. As is, she was pretty striking in her intro. She and Beckett seemed to be equals who supported one another, and I was kind of getting into them being partners in crime who were apparently also partners in life and then (literally) boom. She kills herself for no apparent reason and without much effort put toward ensuring her own survival. On what appears to be a thieving job, she lays down her weapons in glorious sacrifice. For what reason? I surely can't say. Perhaps you could argue that she knew that Beckett would be on the hook for his life with the cartel and wanted to try to make sure the theft played out so that wouldn't happen, but it was such an iffy proposition at that point. Why not go on the run with him and use their combined resources to evade the cartel? It's hard to compare because who knows what I would have thought after watching the reverse if I didn't know this was the alternative, but I think I would have taken it over 3 minutes of screen time and a dumbass move, especially if they'd kept WH as Beckett. That would have pointed a little more firmly to 'look - we've subverted your expectations. WH is dead, TN is the mentor, and she might prove untrustworthy in the end, but at least we didn't default to some tired old trope'. Edited June 10, 2018 by afterbite 5 Link to comment
voiceover June 16, 2018 Share June 16, 2018 Finally saw this w/Nephew de Voiceover (who chickened out of A Quiet Place on the way to the theater?)...At one point, he leaned over & whispered, "I'm just gonna watch you, watch this part!" Which was the first meeting between Han & Chewie. Pretty sure my reax gave him his money's worth. Because even though I guessed at who that was, coming down the stairs, I whooped and laughed my ass off...40 years' build-up, paid off. And their whole relationship? Worth the price of admission. As it should have been. Every time it was the two of them onscreen, I wasn't watching anyone else. Woody was reliable, Thandie was perfect, and Donald was charming (loveloveLOVED that he was dictating his memoirs!!). Other than that, it was a fucking video game. And I hate video games. I understand there's buzz about a Lando film. I think this is a mistake. Lando's attraction is that he's NOT the hero. He's so many other things! Which is why I think there should be a Lando *series*. Use the memoir-dictation as the thread. Every week: 30 minutes of LandoTime...his gambling, his cons, his weirdo collection of friends... I would watch the hell out of that. 1 Link to comment
ursula June 16, 2018 Share June 16, 2018 (edited) On 6/16/2018 at 4:43 AM, voiceover said: I understand there's buzz about a Lando film. I think this is a mistake. Lando's attraction is that he's NOT the hero. Expand He goes from con-man to lawful ruler of Bespin to hero of the Alliance to logically, one of the leaders of the New Republic. Basically, Han - only he gets (and stays) "legit" faster. Just the first arc - con-man to Bespin President - would be, as they say, a hell of a yarn. Edited June 16, 2018 by ursula 2 Link to comment
voiceover June 16, 2018 Share June 16, 2018 Eh. His memoirs look like more fun. Plus, you're referencing a Lando that's Billy Dee. Not Donald G. 1 Link to comment
ursula June 16, 2018 Share June 16, 2018 On 6/16/2018 at 8:25 AM, voiceover said: Eh. His memoirs look like more fun. Plus, you're referencing a Lando that's Billy Dee. Not Donald G. Expand His memoirs also includes him becoming a hero and I was responding to your assertion that Lando was not a hero, and a "heroic" movie about him would be impossible. Link to comment
voiceover June 16, 2018 Share June 16, 2018 It wouldn't be "impossible". Obviously, you've given a construct for it. *In my opinion*, this movie hinted that Lando had some intriguing stories to tell -- stories that I'd enjoy more if they weren't smooshed into a 120-minute one-off. Perhaps it would be less offensive to express it thus: neither man is a typical hero. They're way cooler. I didn't think the Solo origin movie was a good idea either. Link to comment
tennisgurl June 19, 2018 Share June 19, 2018 I finally got to see this, and I thought it was a lot of fun. I appreciated that it was a Star Wars movie without the stuff with the Rebels vs the Empire or an Empire stand in or the endless Skywalker family drama, and was basically a heist movie that happened to be set in the Star Wars universe. If they continue to add in more and more movies, I would like it if they continued to expand the universe beyond what we have already seen. That being said, I did like the references to the later movies, I thought they didnt get too annoying, and it was a decent backstory for Han Solo, especially his relationship with Chewie. I LOVED seeing the start of their friendship, and how they found the falcon and setting up what would happen to them later. Also like how they started with Lando and Hans relationship. I can see how they would spend years running into each other, working together, and sniping at each other, and how we got to the point where we get to know them in the original trilogy. Plus, we get Landos amazing cape collection, AND his autobiography! Thats hard to beat. I wasn't sure about them giving Han a childhood love, but I thought it worked pretty well. I liked Qo`ra, and she grew on me throughout the film, and her survival instinct. I spent most of the movie waiting for her to betray Han, and be revealed to be pissed about leaving her when they tried to leave their crappy city, or she would die sacrificing herself for Han for him to angst about, but I thought their ending was pretty good. She was a survivor, and while she cared about Han, and tried to cover his involvement up so he wouldn't be hurt by Maul (!) she put his survival first in her criminal organization. She also really didnt begrudge Han for running off to escape when she got caught. Like I said earlier, she is a survivor, and she would be happy that Han had survival instincts too. I also liked getting a bit more of a look into life in the Empire, complete with army recruiters and recruitment adds, the start of the rebellion, and how the underworld seemed to explode with the empire holding onto control so hard. 9 Link to comment
absnow54 June 19, 2018 Share June 19, 2018 On 6/16/2018 at 6:08 AM, ursula said: He goes from con-man to lawful ruler of Bespin to hero of the Alliance to logically, one of the leaders of the New Republic. Basically, Han - only he gets (and stays) "legit" faster. Just the first arc - con-man to Bespin President - would be, as they say, a hell of a yarn. Expand I would watch a movie about Lando accidentally conning his way into the highest office of Bespin, having to lead them through some crisis, and then realize he's kind of good at it and that he'd like to keep the gig. 4 Link to comment
Crs97 June 19, 2018 Share June 19, 2018 Isn’t that the storyline to A Bug’s Life? Link to comment
Browncoat June 19, 2018 Share June 19, 2018 Princess Atta didn't have to con her way into the highest office of the ant colony. Link to comment
VCRTracking July 23, 2018 Share July 23, 2018 (edited) Edited July 24, 2018 by VCRTracking 17 Link to comment
Joe July 23, 2018 Share July 23, 2018 I'm not normally into memes, but that's a good one. 3 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 23, 2018 Share July 23, 2018 That is kind of perfect 2 Link to comment
VCRTracking September 14, 2018 Share September 14, 2018 3 Link to comment
Joe September 14, 2018 Share September 14, 2018 Number 4 is offensive. Let's take away one of Leia's best moments and give it to some boring idiot. 1 Link to comment
WritinMan September 15, 2018 Share September 15, 2018 Just watched this and thoroughly enjoyed it. A lot of fun with some good laughs. My favorite exchange: "I hate you." "I know." I thought Ehrenreich did a very good job as Han. Very charismatic, and I didn't really think about the character not being played by Harrison Ford. I'll probably watch it again this weekend and check out the extras. 3 Link to comment
voiceover September 15, 2018 Share September 15, 2018 On 9/14/2018 at 11:28 PM, Joe said: Number 4 is offensive. Let's take away one of Leia's best moments and give it to some boring idiot. Expand He got one thing right: the movie isn't interesting until Chewie shows up. Link to comment
Joe September 15, 2018 Share September 15, 2018 On 9/15/2018 at 7:57 AM, voiceover said: He got one thing right: the movie isn't interesting until Chewie shows up. Expand Absolutely. I should not be bored by any part of a Star Wars movie. Any movie, really. But especially Star Wars. Link to comment
VCRTracking September 15, 2018 Share September 15, 2018 On 9/14/2018 at 11:28 PM, Joe said: Number 4 is offensive. Let's take away one of Leia's best moments and give it to some boring idiot. Expand I don't know if it was one of Leia's "best" moments(her best moment in ROTJ was killing Jabba) but the thermal detonator didn't need any explanation either. "Give me more money or I'll blow you up!" is easy to understand. Also Han was pretending a rock was a thermal detonator, knowing it won't fool anyone but using it to break a window instead. It doesn't take away from Leia was using a real one! 1 Link to comment
WritinMan September 16, 2018 Share September 16, 2018 After watching the deleted scenes, I think they should have kept the snowball fight. I thought that was pretty funny. 1 Link to comment
Sakura12 September 17, 2018 Share September 17, 2018 (edited) Got this on streaming to watch again. Still liked it, probably more than TFA. It was a fun adventure in the Star Wars universe. I liked getting to see a younger more optimistic Han. It wasn't a groundbreaking movie, but it wasn't supposed to be. It was some adventures in the life of a character we know. Edited September 17, 2018 by Sakura12 4 Link to comment
Sarah 103 September 19, 2018 Share September 19, 2018 On 5/29/2018 at 12:45 AM, TVSpectator said: Now, I am aware of some of the EU stuff but I have never gotten into the comics, nor the books. I have also never watch Clone Wars nor Rebels so I have no idea how Maul survived. So, this came as a big surprise and I was a bit confused because as far as I knew he was dead at the TPM. Expand On 5/28/2018 at 8:47 PM, absnow54 said: I don't mind that they flesh out the universe with supplemental material, but you should be able to watch the films on their own without 100 hours of advance research. Expand On 5/29/2018 at 2:25 AM, cynic said: When making a $200M+ film, is it really a smart strategy to include major plot twists that will be super confusing to people who have only seen the films? Sure, Star Wars has a huge, dedicated fanbase, but it needs casual fans and new viewers if it wants to continue being hugely profitable. Expand On 6/7/2018 at 3:14 PM, ICantDoThatDave said: The problem is there's a 3rd set of people which is probably the majority of people. People who watched The Phantom Menace but don't read/watch the extended universe stuff. So a huge chunk of the audience is like "Wait, isn't he dead?" or "Wait, is this set before TPM?" & either way are just confused. Expand I agree. I watch the films and that's it. If you want to have random references and throwaways/Easter Eggs for people who watch and read everything, that's great but don't make them crucial plot points that confuse people who only go to the movies. On 5/28/2018 at 10:18 PM, wingster55 said: I always thought that whatever bad thing that happened between them wasn't the Falcon bet. So Lando could be in the sequels where they could become friends (I don't think they were friends in this movie). There's also the fact that Han knew Lando ran Cloud City. Expand Yes. I really want a Han and Lando movie that's the two of them working together for some kind of con/caper/heist. Give me Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid or The Sting. Include a montage of Lando buying capes and I will be very happy. I always figured Han knew that Lando ran Cloud City more by reputation and word of mouth. The two of them clearly had a falling out and were not close when they met again in the Original Trilogy. On 5/29/2018 at 12:39 PM, benteen said: It was always clear to me that he was a ladies man and had been with a lot of women Expand When it comes to Han and women before Leia, I always got the impression that it was more "legend in his own mind" and it was all exageration/bragging. On 6/2/2018 at 5:03 AM, johntfs said: Actually, I have no problem with Han and Chewie going to Tatooine and going to work for/with Jabba. The indications made in A New Hope were that Han had done a lot of work for Jabba but recently screwed up and failed to deliver a really expensive shipment of glitterstim and also failed to compensate Jabba for the cost of that loss, which is why Jabba had a price on Han's head/body. Figure working for Jabba would be somewhat spiritually corrosive, grinding Han down into the somewhat amoral person we meet in A New Hope. Expand This works for me. Maybe this could be the plot of another Han Solo movie, if they do another one that is. On 6/16/2018 at 4:43 AM, voiceover said: I think there should be a Lando *series*. Use the memoir-dictation as the thread. Every week: 30 minutes of LandoTime...his gambling, his cons, his weirdo collection of friends... I would watch the hell out of that. Expand I would love for this to be a real thing Every so often Han could appear. This would a great way for Disney to get people to buy DVD/digital copies. Include an episode of LandoTime on particular DVDs/digital copies of Disney/Marvel/LucasFilm movies. Link to comment
BetterButter September 25, 2018 Author Share September 25, 2018 Link to comment
Unusual Suspect September 25, 2018 Share September 25, 2018 Okay, it wasn't the theatre, this movie is unwatchably dark. Link to comment
Joe September 25, 2018 Share September 25, 2018 On 9/25/2018 at 6:43 PM, Unusual Suspect said: Okay, it wasn't the theatre, this movie is unwatchably dark. Expand I haven't watched it at home yet, but my theatre had no problems. Apparently the DOP was doing something fancy that required work on the partof the cinemas, and not all of them did what needed to be done. Link to comment
Sakura12 September 25, 2018 Share September 25, 2018 I watched in the theater and at home and didn't think it was dark. It's too bad this movie got such a bad rap being after the Last Jedi. It's not an amazing movie but it was a decent movie and was still good after a second watch. 1 Link to comment
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