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S04.E02: Mixed Signals

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19 hours ago, quarks said:

2. Iris, if you're going to insist on everyone doing regular training, I'm going to insist you wear slightly more practical things to the office.


19 hours ago, phoenics said:

I'm loving Candice Patton's hair and makeup this season - it's perfection.  And I hear folks talking about Iris and her pencil skirts, and the need to be practical... but I loved her outfit - the cute little crop top sweater, the deep blue skirt - it looked so great with her skintone... we have similar coloring so Thanks wardrobe!  Gonna get those colors asap!  Although with Iris looking so great - can Barry PLEASE for once just remark about how amazing she looks? 

The Wardrobe/Costume department always does right by Iris/Candice, so please don't take her fabulously inappropriate outfits away from me, please!

  • Love 6

I know the writers are desperate to show that they learned their lesson and are coming back to the tone of season one but there's a fair balance between too gloomy and too silly and it surely wasn't this episode.

Everything about Barry and Iris in therapy was cringeworthy and forced and the little music to tell you it's supposed to be funny? very annoying

Iris is surrounded by genius but she's the one who finds the solution to help  Barry, they don't have to dumb down everybody to prove that Iris has become the super-competent leader of team flash

Gipsy came just to complain that Cisco didn't have time for her and add more couple drama, great use of a guest star.

They went full cartoon with the scenes of Barry and his new suit, all I learned from this scenes is that someone in the writers' room really loved the last Spider-Man

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, Iceman91 said:

Iris is surrounded by genius but she's the one who finds the solution to help  Barry, they don't have to dumb down everybody to prove that Iris has become the super-competent leader of team flash

Well, Cisco figured out the binary thing with their meta that allowed him and Caitlin to create the device to stop him. Without it, Kilgour would still be running around. Iris just happened to help find a solution for the detonation in Barry's suit. 

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Trini said:

Speaking of Earth-19 holidays; they have 'Friends Day' AND '1-1-1 Day'? Boy, they love their love-based holidays on E-19!

OT: I grew up in Pennsylvania, but went to college one state over in Ohio. I get there and everyone is talking about "Sweetest Day." It's basically Valentine's Day in October. I'd never heard of it, but it's a thing in the midwest.


  • Love 5

Something is not right with Barry. Still feels that way. 

You know, Barry, you didn’t have to disassemble the car. Just take off the wheels. 

Loved the Risky Business opening. 

Do cops have actual grenades? Why? Thought it was only flash bang. 

Iris brought the wahhhhhh. “How could you leave me?” Did you not understand what happened, Iris?

Wally’s hair is seriously weird. 

All the jokey stuff and focus on Cisco’s issue with Gypsy while a guy’s life is at stake was bizarre. 

Edited by Ottis
7 hours ago, SevenStars said:

I believe he was Asian. I would need this person to elaborate on this for me to get where they are coming from cause I'm lost.

If you're talking about me, that was sarcasm directed at the Twitter folks who noted what they noted.  Their "reasoning" reminded me of the bit in Bowfinger where Eddie Murphy's character, Kit counted the number of times a certain letter appeared in a script he was sent:

Kit: The letter K appears in this script 1,458 times. That’s perfectly divisible by 3.

Freddy: So what? So what you saying?

Kit: What am I saying? KKK appears in this script 486 times!

Edited by johntfs

The first victim was definitely a white guy. He was such a hilariously over the top smarmy asshole that its amazing they didn't show him stealing candy from orphans before he waltzed into the elevator. 

Gypsy and Cisco looked great on their date. Carlos should consider doing shampoo commercials, look at those curls! Also, Gypsy's Earth doesn't have Christmas, but it DOES have a day celebrating Saint Shaq? What are the traditions? Everyone plays basketball and attempts to rap terribly? I think we need more backstory ASAP. Also, they call each other baby, which is pretty adorable. 

Do you think Joe ever looks at Barry and Iris being all cuddly, and thinks "Man, I am saving SO MUCH money on wedding expenses because two of my three kids are marrying each other!"

Caitlin is honestly being rather selfish in not telling everyone about her Killer Frost split personality. She knows they wont throw her in their prison wing or anything, and that her going into Killer Frost mode could get someone hurt (especially in a high stress situation), and that they could possibly help her, so whats the point? Now that the other characters are all communicating like normal people, its like she has to take on ALL the poor communication skills. Maybe remember what you learned in couples counseling Caitlin? 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Ottis said:

Me, too. And she knows why he did what he did. At most, she could be mad that he didn't talk to her in advance, and he explained that. And now he is back, sooooooo .... let it go, Iris.

I think it might be hard for Iris to let go cause it's not the first time Barry as "left" her and also other people she has love as "left" her. Also, it's emotion/heart, not logic, so while logically she knows she shouldn't feel the way she does, her heart is like "nope, he left, it hurt, so..." lol. I'm just grateful Iris got to express her pain and direct it at Barry, cause a lot of times Iris had to push down her feelings and push through cause the situations required that she kept it moving instead of allowing herself to feel the way she should. 

  • Love 12
10 minutes ago, call me ishmael said:

umm.  Did I miss something or couldn't Wally have zapped over and slugged Kilgore while he and Barry were chatting about how Barry had technology in his suit?  I mean he doesn't have technology in his suit and he is pretty fast.  It made the whole thing seem pretty ridiculous.

Right?  I mean, didn't Barry essentially stick a sort of epi-pen into Kilgore to get rid of his "virus"?  (At least, that is what it looked like to me).  While Barry was making lightning and distracting the guy, it would have been cool for everyone to look down and see that Wally (all but forgotten) had stuck him with the pin.  Callback to what he did with the insulin shock girl.

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, call me ishmael said:

umm.  Did I miss something or couldn't Wally have zapped over and slugged Kilgore while he and Barry were chatting about how Barry had technology in his suit?  I mean he doesn't have technology in his suit and he is pretty fast.  It made the whole thing seem pretty ridiculous.

He had been knocked out. I thought I heard Barry tell him to "run" but Wally just stood there and got zapped by Kilgore/Kilgour(?)

12 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

He had been knocked out. I thought I heard Barry tell him to "run" but Wally just stood there and got zapped by Kilgore/Kilgour(?)

Yes, but Barry and Kigore were jabbering away for awhile before Kilgore actually made Barry zap him.  I don't move super fast but as I was watching I was sitting there going "Wally, why are you just standing there while Kilgore is acting maniacal while discovering all the elements of technology he can control in Barry's suit."

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, call me ishmael said:

Yes, but Barry and Kigore were jabbering away for awhile before Kilgore actually made Barry zap him.  I don't move super fast but as I was watching I was sitting there going "Wally, why are you just standing there while Kilgore is acting maniacal while discovering all the elements of technology he can control in Barry's suit."

Mostly it's because this show is called The Flash.  So the main person who has to save the day is The Flash.  If the showed was called "Kid Flash" then yeah, Wally would have done the smart thing, run over, slugged the dude in the head and stuck him with the Epi-pen of Doom.

  • Love 2
On 10/18/2017 at 0:48 PM, SevenStars said:

It's not just you. I noticed that too and I wonder why the change?  Also it seems like Iris is dressing more "grown" I wonder if it's cause she's "leading" the team now.  

Meh.  Iris always had some badass pencil skirt outfits.

I didn't really like Caitlin's romper.  I liked her look last week better.  Not sure what wardrobe is doing with Cait but Iris' wardrobe is kickass and always has been.  Cait's having a fashion life crisis.

  • Love 6
20 hours ago, Ottis said:

Iris brought the wahhhhhh. “How could you leave me?” Did you not understand what happened, Iris?

Well he did leave without so much as an explanation and he seemed just a little too happy and calm about it.  He just left - with no room for her to protest, etc.. His explanation of why was good but I totally get why she was upset.

Also he continued the "not discussing life altering things with her" when he got back and also wasn't listening to her.  I'd be upset too.  That's no way to start a engagement/marriage.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

This episode was very fun to watch. I do however think they could have given Iris another reason besides you left me thing. Like she should have a million other reasons by now but I enjoyed Iris being a boss and owning up to her feelings. 

The "you left me" was the biggest thing among several things.  Barry not only left Iris, he left Iris a big mess to clean up.  She had to explain to all those people why they shouldn't "save the date" after all without saying "Barry is The Flash and he went into the Speed Force to save us all from death."  Meanwhile she also had to coordinate Wally, Cisco and CPD into becoming the substitute for The Flash to protect the city.  So we already have all that and then Barry comes back and pretty wants to act like he hasn't been gone for six months and effectively demote Iris from Team Flash team leader to fiance who is occasionally in distress.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, johntfs said:

The "you left me" was the biggest thing among several things.  Barry not only left Iris, he left Iris a big mess to clean up.  She had to explain to all those people why they shouldn't "save the date" after all without saying "Barry is The Flash and he went into the Speed Force to save us all from death."  Meanwhile she also had to coordinate Wally, Cisco and CPD into becoming the substitute for The Flash to protect the city.  So we already have all that and then Barry comes back and pretty wants to act like he hasn't been gone for six months and effectively demote Iris from Team Flash team leader to fiance who is occasionally in distress.


See, Barry has left Iris a lot of different times which she can't remember but the last time he left, he had to leave her in order to save the city and possible the world. I thought Iris understood the reason why he had to leave. It might have left her a mess but he saved the city. I feel sick defending Barry leaving this one time. But if you think about it, this whole thing happened because Barry created Flashpoint.

Anyways, I think Iris had legit reasons for wanting to communicated with him including him thinking everything is totally fine and doing all the wedding stuff without consulting her. I just wanted her leave the whole "you left me" thing out it because I know how those dudebros would turn this into another thing to hate Iris for and i am sick of it. 

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, phoenics said:

Also he continued the "not discussing life altering things with her" when he got back and also wasn't listening to her.  I'd be upset too.  That's no way to start a engagement/marriage.

This is one reason why I don't think this is "our" Barry. This is a pretty significant change from before he left, and I don't know why he would become this thoughtless. It isn't stuff like keeping the toilet seat up - it's planning a wedding. No groom in his right mind would make all those arrangements, even if he was super fast, without being sure his bride was in on it if not driving it.

48 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

This episode was very fun to watch. I do however think they could have given Iris another reason besides you left me thing.

Like the fact Barry is being thoughtless re: wedding planning? Uh-oh. Oh, no. Now you've made me think that Iris will put Barry Left Meeeeeeeee + Barry is Being Inconsiderate together to = I shouldn't marry Barry. Nooooooo, not again!

48 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:


See, Barry has left Iris a lot of different times which she can't remember but the last time he left, he had to leave her in order to save the city and possible the world. I thought Iris understood the reason why he had to leave. It might have left her a mess but he saved the city. I feel sick defending Barry leaving this one time. But if you think about it, this whole thing happened because Barry created Flashpoint.

Anyways, I think Iris had legit reasons for wanting to communicated with him including him thinking everything is totally fine and doing all the wedding stuff without consulting her. I just wanted her leave the whole "you left me" thing out it because I know how those dudebros would turn this into another thing to hate Iris for and i am sick of it. 

You really don't have to defend Barry.  I'm not attacking him.  Sure, he had to leave and also sure there wasn't time for prolonged goodbye, but Iris is still allowed to feel what she feels and it's also okay that part of what she feels is anger and resentment for Barry's actions both in leaving and in coming back and trying to pick up where everything left off.

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 14
38 minutes ago, Ottis said:

This is one reason why I don't think this is "our" Barry. This is a pretty significant change from before he left, and I don't know why he would become this thoughtless. It isn't stuff like keeping the toilet seat up - it's planning a wedding. No groom in his right mind would make all those arrangements, even if he was super fast, without being sure his bride was in on it if not driving it.


Hmmm I dunno...  He did mail the save the dates in a flash (heh).  I know Iris had already picked them out, but... Barry has made decisions for Iris plenty of times, most notably when he kept the secret from her of him being the flash and even his feelings all those years.  I know both are tough - Joe was pressing him for one and revealing love to a best friend is terrifying (been there), but this might have left Iris with some trust/fear issues where Barry makes all the decisions and she's just the little ole lady...

7 hours ago, call me ishmael said:

Yes, but Barry and Kigore were jabbering away for awhile before Kilgore actually made Barry zap him.  I don't move super fast but as I was watching I was sitting there going "Wally, why are you just standing there while Kilgore is acting maniacal while discovering all the elements of technology he can control in Barry's suit."

Yeah.... They don't know what to do with two speedsters on the show.

I like Wally and Keiynan, but if they must they should just drop him to recurring, and have him visit Jesse, fight crime in Keystone, or they can even say he can only do superhero-ing part-time because he's concentrating on school (you know, if the writers can remember he's supposed to be a student).

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, johntfs said:

Mostly it's because this show is called The Flash.  So the main person who has to save the day is The Flash.  If the showed was called "Kid Flash" then yeah, Wally would have done the smart thing, run over, slugged the dude in the head and stuck him with the Epi-pen of Doom.

Good point,  maybe they should change the show's name to Flash-Plot Hole so it is clearer.

  • Love 5
On 10/17/2017 at 8:00 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Oh man, that opening scene with Barry mimicking Risky Business was so awesome. It was just so fun and fluffy. 

So, Iris/Caitlin get to talk to each other! Granted, it's about guys, but it's nice just to see more character relationships form that we haven't gotten in three seasons. Hopefully they still do something with them that's on a friendship level. 

The  beginning therapy sessions were pretty hilarious. I groaned at the Laurel mention (like...Iris....did you EVER meet Laurel? Because I can't recall you ever meeting Laurel Lance. Like ever. Unless I blocked that moment out. But I'm pretty sure it never happened on screen. So why the hell is that considered a significant loss for you? Just to name someone dead in the Arrowverse? Right; I just answered my own question) but the other names she mentioned were pretty on point. 

I roll my eyes at the Killer Frost split personality, but I've come to accept that it is what it is, and it's not changing anytime soon. 

I'm surprised at how much I love Wally this season so far. After being ambivalent toward him in season 2 and then disliking him for much of season 3, it's nice to finally see him as part of the team. 

Eileen Stevens from Even Stevens is the therapist! Hello! It's been 13 years since I've seen you on my TV! She definitely had some questioning looks toward Iris/Barry's many problems. I like that he ran out of the therapy session (and I did laugh that he didn't even bother to take the millisecond to put on his suit) and Iris knew what the therapist was probably thinking. But I love that Iris got to say how she was feeling. It's odd that Iris only began to speak about how SHE was feeling around last season, but this season more so. It is really great to see Iris still a leader of the team.  

I loved the Cisco/Gypsy moments. I love that Caitlin had to point out that Gypsy was, in fact, hurt by Cisco cancelling. But hilarious that Gypsy was mad because of the day being Earth 19's version of Valentine's Day. I'm glad they worked it out. 

Somehow, Cisco managed to create a device to stop Kilgour two seconds after figuring out the binary code. 

Also, funniest line I've heard in a while from this show? "You've got a call from *GUYS HELP ME!!!!*

Again, how does it take four seasons for them to allow Iris to be smart and be a vital part of the team? She's been capable of this all along, and they only NOW give her important scenes? 

Out of all four shows, this easily is back up at the top of my favourites list. I never thought this show would be able to redeem itself. I do love that they finally revealed that not just Central City got powers from a particle accelerator explosion. I'm pretty sure we had a meta a couple of seasons ago who also wasn't in Central City, but they simply ignored that when it happened. Now, it looks like we might get more visitors. 

The episode was very fun and had some cool moments watching it a second time. I will say too as well that collect call bit was pretty funny. Also I love how amazing Cisco and Gypsy look. I really hope their relationship grows and maybe we will find out what that connection is between them. I wondering if Cisco had a doppelganger on Earth 19, and that was her partner/love that died.

  • Love 2

Watching the scene again, Iris mentioning Laurel in the list of deaths wasn't out of place. The therapist said that they (Barry & Iris) had been through a lot of trauma, and then Iris started listing off significant deaths for both of them, while Barry was trying to downplay it.

The name that I was surprised they mentioned was Snart, because they were frenemies, at best. And only their last interaction was a net positive.

  • Love 1

I thought it was weird to mention Snart, because they followed it up by saying they'd been to a lot of funerals.  Snart didn't have one and Barry didn't even know he'd died for several months.  The Laurel mention was also weird since it reminds everyone that she and Iris were never on screen together or given a throwaway line claiming off screen friendship (like Caitlin's after Siren showed up).  We didn't even see anyone other than Barry show up for Laurel's funeral and he was late.  They should have kept it to on screen relationships if only to avoid the confusion. 

2 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

They should have kept it to on screen relationships if only to avoid the confusion. 

Why would there be confusion?  We see 42 minutes of these people's lives once a week for 22-24 weeks during a typical TV season.  We don't see everything they do.  We don't know everyone they know.  Granted that I doubt Iris and Laurel were best buddies, but it's at least conceivable that Iris met the woman once or twice.  We know Cisco met her (and scored an autographed picture).  Even if Iris never actually met Laurel, Cisco met her and liked her enough to get the photo, so he probably felt kind of bad when she died and Iris likely felt bad for Cisco because he was feeling bad.  We don't know that Iris ever met his brother in this new Flashpointy timeline but she probably cared about him because of the effect his death had on Cisco.  Snart and Barry were clearly moving closer to the friend aspect of frenemy during their final meeting in season 3 and he also died heroically saving people Barry and Cisco at least cared about (Jax, Stein and Kendra).

I mean, is it really that confusing or problematic that Iris listed people that she and Barry at the very least knew of who had died, mostly in a violent manner?

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, Ottis said:

Like the fact Barry is being thoughtless re: wedding planning? Uh-oh. Oh, no. Now you've made me think that Iris will put Barry Left Meeeeeeeee + Barry is Being Inconsiderate together to = I shouldn't marry Barry. Nooooooo, not again!

Wait. No. Barry and Iris will marry. So there is no drama from that side of thing. 

23 hours ago, johntfs said:

You really don't have to defend Barry.  I'm not attacking him.  Sure, he had to leave and also sure there wasn't time for prolonged goodbye, but Iris is still allowed to feel what she feels and it's also okay that part of what she feels is anger and resentment for Barry's actions both in leaving and in coming back and trying to pick up where everything left off.

I am not saying Iris is not allowed to feel resent toward Barry's actions. i just wished it was worded better than it was. Something like "I understand why you had to leave but you made that decision with out consulting with me knowing it effected me as well." Something a long those lines instead of the "you left me Barry" which is what everyone would jump on and as someone who had to suffer through second half of of Arrow/Felicity hate. I clenched my teeth knowing how everyone would jump on Iris's throat for being in the right. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, TwistedandBored said:

I am not saying Iris is not allowed to feel resent toward Barry's actions. i just wished it was worded better than it was. Something like "I understand why you had to leave but you made that decision with out consulting with me knowing it effected me as well." Something a long those lines instead of the "you left me Barry" which is what everyone would jump on and as someone who had to suffer through second half of of Arrow/Felicity hate. I clenched my teeth knowing how everyone would jump on Iris's throat for being in the right. 

Sure, but that particular moment wasn't about calm, reasoned discourse.  It was about those four words burning a hole in Iris' soul and she either had to spit them out or her head would explode.  I understand where you're coming from, but if the standard for writing something becomes "We have to be careful not to write anything that might cause someone on the internet to feel less than comfortable for reasons not even specifically related to our show" nothing will get written for anything, anywhere.

  • Love 4
On 10/20/2017 at 0:44 AM, Trini said:

Watching the scene again, Iris mentioning Laurel in the list of deaths wasn't out of place. The therapist said that they (Barry & Iris) had been through a lot of trauma, and then Iris started listing off significant deaths for both of them, while Barry was trying to downplay it.

Yeah, this was my take.  In context it wasn't out of place at all especially followed up with the "i guess we've been to a lot of funerals" line.  Even if Iris never met Laurel it isn't inconceivable to believe they went to her funeral to pay respects to friends and family.

  • Love 8

This is like, season one level of stupid.

 Oh, we’re fighting a technopath? Better send Barry into the field in a tech-filled suit. Yep, yesiree that’s a good idea.

 Next week, Barry fights a monster powered by prescription painkillers and for some reason takes Collette Reardon with him. Watch as Barry fucks everything up, again!


Edited by SodaforceMaster
joke needed improvement
47 minutes ago, SodaforceMaster said:

This is like, season one level of stupid.

 Oh, we’re fighting a technopath? Better send Barry into the field in a tech-filled suit. Yep, yesiree that’s a good idea.

 Next week, Barry fights a monster powered by prescription painkillers and for some reason Collette Reardon with him. Watch as Barry fucks everything up, again!



I'm letting that stupidity go since it was a new suit and they might not have remembered it was new suit full of technology,  not like the old one, in their hurry to sent Barry out to stopped the guy. 

  • Love 2

This episode made me like Iris so much more than I already did but I also felt very sad for her.

Also puts me a weird place with Barry since I adore GG's portrayal but but I am completely TEAM IRIS in this debacle.

The whole thing between them was sad and even though Iris did get to voice how she felt I personally felt like it wasn't strong enough. It was just a faint protest in comparison to all the sh@t Barry put her through and all the shit she went through last season. I don't think she was allowed to feel enough anger and resentment towards Barry and this is in keeping with tradition in the way they write the Flash. Barry is the golden child while Iris is downtrodden and pretty much as to lump it and put up with his crap. 

Barry breezing back, trying to call the shots again, taking over the wedding, while Iris patiently suggested counselling and then got to vent just a bit. I was hoping they'd let her rage more just like I soooo badly wanted Felicity to burn Oliver's stuff on the lawn (and burn down the loft). Lol this is probably just the way I roll and clearly the Arrowverse ladies are sweeter than me! 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, SevenStars said:

I'm letting that stupidity go since it was a new suit and they might not have remembered it was new suit full of technology,  not like the old one, in their hurry to sent Barry out to stopped the guy. 

That theory is fully supported by everyone's "Dude, WTF?  What the hell were you thinking??" reaction to learning just what kind of technology Cisco had put into the suit upgrade.  They knew it had some new sensory technology, but they had no idea that it had things such as an inflatable raft, built-in ray emitters similar to Iron Man's, or -- worst of all -- a self-destruct mechanism in case of the suit being worn by another "evil" Barry (and by the way, exactly how was that supposed to work in such a situation, Cisco -- was the "evil" Barry just supposed to recognize that he was evil and activate the self-destruct mechanism himself, or were you planning on doing that via remote control?).

  • Love 6
On 10/26/2017 at 10:15 PM, legaleagle53 said:

If memory serves, Metron is a hero in the comics, not a villain.



As a New God I think that he can sometimes come off as a villain to humans who don't have his expansive view of time/the universe etc. Like, he might see the death of one of the show's main characters as necessary, because it will be prevent the destruction of something greater, yet our heroes are going to see him as a villain becasue he wants to kill one of their friends.


To date we have not seen him do anything bad, he has just watched and cataloged the metas created by Barry's return portal. Perhaps you could say he did a bad thing by creating the Samuroid, but its purpose was to spur Barry's return, which is not a bad thing.

On 19/10/2017 at 0:21 AM, benteen said:

Good lord, that annoyed the hell out of me.  I know these shows use all the same sets (Smallville constantly did this too back in the day) but that set was so obviously Oliver's apartment that it took me completely out of the scene.  Get a different set there, guys.

I know people gripe about the set thing but it's never bothered me. Sets cost money so redressing them makes sense.  

Having said that, this was insane. It was bad enough when Barry and Iris moved into what was clearly Oliver and Felicity's loft. But that meant I couldn't work out which character's loft in which city they were selling off or why they were selling it off. I wondered what I'd missed. And then I realised it was supposed to be a completely different third loft. By the time I worked that out, the scene was over and then I couldn't remember if we were in Central or Star City or even what show I was watching.

The only other time I've seen something this bad was when I watched the Taiwanese drama Just You and then I watched What is Love and they re-used the same external and internal set for the main character's house. I  kept expecting the characters from the other show to be living there.

  • Love 2
On 11/24/2017 at 6:43 PM, AudienceofOne said:

I know people gripe about the set thing but it's never bothered me. Sets cost money so redressing them makes sense.  

Having said that, this was insane. It was bad enough when Barry and Iris moved into what was clearly Oliver and Felicity's loft. But that meant I couldn't work out which character's loft in which city they were selling off or why they were selling it off. I wondered what I'd missed. And then I realised it was supposed to be a completely different third loft. By the time I worked that out, the scene was over and then I couldn't remember if we were in Central or Star City or even what show I was watching.

I don't look for stuff like that so I didn't tend to notice it and even when I do notice it, I really just don't care.

I mean, I suppose they could do a particle accelerator Implosion which removes everyone's powers and kills all the cast except Barry, Ralph and Caitlin, then revamp the show into CSI: Central City.  Ralph and Barry could be CSIs/cops (like in CSI: My How Hammy) with Caitlin as the doctor/medical examiner (and Barry's love interest).  With all the money they'd save on special effects and cast member salaries, I'll bet they could to build an absolute crapton of sets.  Or, and this is my preference, we keep the show we have and overlook the recycled sets.

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 2

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