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Spoilers And Shockers

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Yes. It's really working well for them.

Thanks for the background on Patch's most recent return. For some reason I thought he visited much more recently like 3or 4 years ago...

With Ava's return, and the Aussie doctor, and the vets coming back, and the recast of the kiddies how many people are they adding? Twelve? How is this cheap ass show with its bargain sets and fashion and low ratings affording this?

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I think the network must have open their pocketbook..Plus, the old sets are coming back and Ken Corday said that the lighting and wardrobe have improved...There are more returns on the horizon...

Edited by Apprentice79
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This is one of the many problems with this show.  Ken Corday and the writers don't write for the fans, they write for themselves.


Ken Corday loves Dannifer, therefore, they are on 24/7.


Dena loves Ava, so she will return, and be on 24/7.


The characters the fans want to see, paging Jack D., will stay dead.

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Why the fuck is Ava coming back? 


To remind all who have hope that it will be smashed to pieces? I don't like TB as an actress, be it Ava, Carly, or whomever. So this has definitely dimmed the foolish bud of hope I had for the show. (Although I know...Higley is writing.) I hope to God Ava isn't a Steve/Kayla spoiler again. UGH.

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Amen to that, Wendy -- it's fine with me if Patch and Kayla have a slow process getting back together while Patch tries to make it up to her and have Kayla believe it was all for the greater good (whatever that may be), but I'll have no silly interloper come between them. Nuh-uh. 

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Again, I say UGH. Not to mention the fact the actress then returned to play Nicole's sister who EJ inexplicably fell immediately in love with based on a scarf or something, I don't remember. And I don't want to.

Thanks for clarifying that before I could even ask. I only knew about the Taylor character and didn't know she'd been on previously as Ava, so I was starting to wonder if I had just completely mixed up actresses and some other blonde played Taylor.

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Exactly, we knew Higley was going to put her imprint on the show..I hope Ava is short-term, she serves a purpose and leaves never to return..I think the fact that the woman who was responsible for Shawn Brady's death should not have the right to be free in Salem..It pains me that we get Ava and no Jack in sight....

Edited by Apprentice79
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My biggest fear is that if Dena and Josh have creative differences down the line over the show, that Ken Corday will support her.. We all know what Dena is like when she has full control..God help us all...I think Sherry Anderson and Josh would have made a great team. Sherry like Josh likes character-driven stories and she  knows the history of the show..Plus, she is responsible for most of the legacy children on the show..

Edited by Apprentice79
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I think Dena Higley is the one who changed the script in 2010 from EJ shooting himself, to Sami shooting him in the head.  Alison Sweeney didn't like that change.  I wonder if that is why AS wanted to see the script before she agreed to return for the 50th?

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Well, hand it to them for bringing back people you wouldn't expect them to...


I never saw her on the show, so have nothing against her. I'm just waiting for some more Susan Banks.  Asking for too much?  I hope not.

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Yes. It's really working well for them..........With Ava's return, and the Aussie doctor, and the vets coming back, and the recast of the kiddies how many people are they adding? Twelve? How .....affording this?


There will be plenty of departures (Aiden/Paige/OzarkBoss/ElephantGang/WilsonPaul).  Some are toast, some are just being rested for awhile.


The new teen scene works dirt cheap. The vets are probably working for peanuts since most haven't had regular acting gigs in this decade. The Aussie doctor is likely being subsidized by the Australian network that shows DOOL (and is only a 13-week commitment).  Ava is likely a 6-month arc, sorta like St Melanie.  Some of the returnees are probably on short-term gigs too, although nothing is ever made public about actual contracts.

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That would be the only redeeming thing if Ava is indeed returning.  I liked that friendship.


She's the best thing Nicole could use right now. Someone she can be OLD self with! Instead of this shell of a mess Daniel and Eric has turned her into!

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Ew, not happy about Ava.

I just read that Hope's granddaughter will be sorased--so older than Hope's daughter? That can't be, can it?

Oy, why do I ever have hope for this show.

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I just read that Hope's granddaughter will be sorased--so older than Hope's daughter? That can't be, can it?


Claire is older than Ciara.  She was born on the show before Ciara was.  Though not that much earlier that she's now a teenager.

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Spoilers-Hope prevents abifail from making a big mistake.


Guess she was going to abort the brat.


Or sleep with Chad again.


I love this spoiler from http://www.dayscafe.com/weekly-spoilers.html:



Abigail is a wreck!


And from http://www.dayscafe.com/sneakpeek.html



Aiden and Chase leave town in November.

Paige ends up LEAVING Salem for good.


Nadja Bjorlin will be coming back in the fall.


I guess Claire is too close a blood relative to hook up with JJ.

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No denying Abigail sucks - which pains me since I liked Jack and believe his kids wouldn't be such horrible people. But, and I know this is unpopular, as much as Abby's shit with EJ was nasty, Sami really has no room to make Abby's life hell since, basically, Sami was Abby before Abby what with her schemes to bed Austin and best her sister, etc.


Maybe because I've never cared for Alison Sweeney/Sami, but I'd be just as down with Sami and Abby having a cagematch to the death. For both of them.

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NBC's preview for next week shows Abigail visiting Kayla, who confirms to her that she's pregnant, and Abigail then asks her to run a paternity test.

Wonder if Kayla will kiss the side pieces' behind like she always does.

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Of course, Kayla will.  That's one of the problems right there.  Sami, Nicole, Theresa, etc., get smacked down for the things they do, even when they aren't the ones who did something wrong.  Ken Corday's pet characters like Jar Jar, get a free pass.

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Nicole and Sami got free passes galore. Nicole kidnapped Sami's child from her, tried to pass her off as her own. Nicole never paid for that really and even had fond farewell scenes with Sami at the end. Sami's committed so many illegal crimes and never paid for it either, the things she did to her own family and her own sisters, she got pass after pass. 

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Monday July 20:
Kate offers a sympathetic shoulder to Justin, who’s reeling over his divorce.


Tuesday July 21:
Daniel proposes to Nicole

Eric attempts to start over – and makes it clear to Serena she is not a part of his future.

Abigail tells Will she’s prepared to take extreme action if her baby turns out to be Chad’s.

Will and Sonny have a heart-to-heart about their marriage.


Wednesday July 22:
Kayla offers a heartfelt apology to Hope.

Paul bonds with his new family


Thursday July 23:
Jennifer is stunned when she learns the truth about JJ


Friday July 24:
Serena eavesdrops on Eric’s confession
Chad decides to admit his true feelings to Abigail



Chabby is sounding like an Ejami-lite redux without the rape. 


I don't know what Kayla has to apologize Hope for. Shading her for dumping Bo and dating Aiden?


The Wilson marriage? Is there any blood let in that stone? Hasn't that horse been beaten into dust? 


I am sure Eric makes it clear to Serena in his usual shouty mcshouterson petulant way. 


Justin is reeling now? Perhaps if he hadn't have been playing hide the souvlaki with Elsa in Dubai and had bothered to call his wife or visit on occasion he wouldn't be reeling. No sympathy. Justin better not be stupid enough to lay his head on Kate's immaculately shoulder padded shoulder. That woman hasn't got a sympathetic bone in her amazingly tiny body. 


Why is it when I picture Paul bonding with his new family I picture John, Brady and him all standing around in overly tight tees in the largest size that Baby Gap carries, nipples erect, flexing their pecs, John & Brady compete squint while Paul flashes that Colgate smile and they only discuss the manliest of manly things? Oh, because that is what usually happens. 

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Why is it when I picture Paul bonding with his new family I picture John, Brady and him all standing around in overly tight tees in the largest size that Baby Gap carries, nipples erect, flexing their pecs, John & Brady compete squint while Paul flashes that Colgate smile and they only discuss the manliest of manly things? Oh, because that is what usually happens. 


Don't forget that Jawn would also gather his nipply erect, shiny-smooth manscaped manchildren at his feet - straining in their one-sixe-too-small manpants while he read them his favorite story, "The Gas We Pass".

Who can blame him for hoping one of his boychicks will carry the tradition.

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And Sami was forced into saying that because Kayla wouldn't fire Jar Jar after she pointed out it's against the rules to sleep with a board member.  Nevermind on hospital premises.  Didn't she even bring a copy of the rules? 

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Sami wasn't forced into anything, she went there to hurt and destroy Abigail, and when Kayla wouldn't do what she wanted she resorted to blackmail. Using of innocent sick children and their health. Saying she'll take money from a children's cancer wing if she didn't get what she wanted and that was Abigail's firing.


Sami pulled out some sort of morality clause which doesn't seem to apply to Sami's cousin Theresa having a very public relationship.  sleeping and now even having a child with board member Brady. 

Edited by Artsda
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I still don't have a problem with Sami threatening to take her money from the Salem hospital. Those kids weren't the only sick kids, and she was going to donate it to another hospital with sick, innocent children.

Edited by drtslim
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I still don't have a problem with Sami threatening to take her money from the Salem hospital. Those kids weren't the only sock kids, and she was going to donate it to another hospital with sick, innocent children.


On this issue I don't see why Sam should have been vilified at all, but especially by Kayla.  Why did it matter - why did Kayla even bring it up, that she thought Sami was doing this to get revenge on Abigail?  Of course she was.  And why was that such a sin in Kayla's eyes anyway?  Abigail had pursued Sami's guy, who she was engaged to, taken Sami's kindness when she thought she was pregnant, involved herself with Sami's kids - how Abigail behaved was the height of betrayal.  Yet Kayla was, once again, kissing those Deveaux behinds.  Which made no sense.   She'd already, during the rape reveal to JJ, practically taken the blame on herself so Jenn and the kids didn;t feel bad.  Okay, she wants to sacrifice her feelings for those morons, that's her choice.  But for her to get indignant at Sami for wanting some payback on that lying side piece was despicable of  Kayla.  

And if Sami had pulled the funds from the Horton Hospital and Family Employment Agency, other kids at other hospitals would have benefited.


Kayla has been very badly served by this team of writers for far too long.  The character deserves SO much better.

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To be fair Boes, everybody has been badly served by Tomsell's poison pens under the tutelage of Ken Corday. Jennifer, Will, Sonny, Theresa, Maggie, Abifail, JJ, Eve, Brady, Kate, Eric, Nicole, Victor, EJ, Sami, Hope, Bo, Steve, Kayla, Adrienne, Justin, Lucas have all been destroyed in some way, shape or  form by these fools. I have never seen the show in this bad shape..Never....

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Point is, Sami gave Kayla every chance to enforce the rules like she's supposed to as an administrator of the hospital - she only put the pressure on once Kayla made it clear that she didn't plan to enforce hospital policy. Sure Sami's motive was to make Abifail pay, but I had no sympathy for Kayla since that was just straight nepotism. She shouldn't have to be blackmailed into doing her job. Abifail made her bed, so why shouldn't she lie in it?

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I miss Sami.  We're still talking about her.  Asking Kayla to enforce hospital rules is a pretty benign payback in my humble opinion.  There's only blackmail if she had something personal on Kayla.  It wasn't blackmail it was business.  I'll never forget when Jar Jar marched herself to the DMansion and walked in (what the hell is with her walking into people's houses?) and told Sami how she and Eej were kindred spirits or whateverthehell she was saying, and Sami was this close to slapping the stupid out of her.  But she didn't do it and as much as I wanted to see it, I feel that tension every time I see the the Jar Jar Jaw hanging open because it's apparently too heavy to keep shut.

Edited by QuelleC
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And Sami was forced into saying that because Kayla wouldn't fire Jar Jar after she pointed out it's against the rules to sleep with a board member.  Nevermind on hospital premises.  Didn't she even bring a copy of the rules? 

She got them but then thought they do not apply to me.

Had any other hospital employee humped a board member Kayla would have fired them so quick.  She certainly would fire her niece Theresa if she knew she was humping Brady.

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She got them but then thought they do not apply to me.

Had any other hospital employee humped a board member Kayla would have fired them so quick.  She certainly would fire her niece Theresa if she knew she was humping Brady.

Everyone knew she was with Brady, Theresa and Brady even got married and I'm sure Tate didn't come from a stork. Theresa still has her job and never even got spoken too by Kayla.  There also wouldn't be an issue if Chad dated Theresa or Abigail or anyone else at the hospital. There was no issues with employee Jen/Dan. 


There was only an issue with this because Sami made it one by wanting revenge and using what ever she had to, in order to get it.

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Whatever Sami's motive is Abifail still broke the rules of employment at that hospital.


As for Theresa and Brady Theresa would lose her job too if Theresa had been screwing someone else man and they pushed her being fired.

Edited by bobcat1946
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