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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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Allegedly, FV wanted to recast Robin with Budig.

On 7/10/2021 at 11:10 PM, methodwriter85 said:

I kind of hope they'll decide to build it up a teen scene around Hudson West once they phase out the current one.

Nah, I think they'll either let him go or he'll go off and do bigger things. He's also not an ugly tween but he is 'normal'-looking enough that they will go looking for some older twink instead. Dumb, because West has been better than half the cast since he was considerably younger and they should lock him in IMO. 

Edited by jsbt
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16 hours ago, jsbt said:

Allegedly, FV wanted to recast Robin with Budig.

Elizabeth Hendrickson is the only alternative Robin I would accept.

Yeah, this show should lock down Hudson West but you're right- he'll probably go off and be replaced by an older twink who resembles William Lipton at some point.

There were apparently references to Spencer being "about to graduate" so that probably was a graduation picture.


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11 minutes ago, jsbt said:

She was awful on GH tbh. No recast.

That must have been during one of my extended barge trips when she was on.

All this teen scene talk is making me think about Genie Francis, who was a bit teen player on the show but given an increased prominence because Gloria Monty was trying to get the youth audience to the show. I believe she said something along the lines of "put some make-up on her and give her a story!", leading to the storyline where she's seduced by David Hamilton and she kills him when she realizes he only wants Leslie. If there were internet boards back then I'm pretty sure people would have been scandalized by the stores they gave an underaged teenaged girl being played by an underaged teenaged girl. Then again the 70's were different.

Were there any other "teen" stars from the show before Genie Francis? I don't think this show had any real official teen scene until they built one around Robin in the 90's. It looks like they had high school-aged characters but they usually just had them interact with adults, like what happened with Laura. I think Robin is where we first saw the actual Port Charles High.

Funnily enough All My Children did start out with a bonafide teen scene right out the gate with Erica/Tara/Phillip, I believe.

On 7/27/2014 at 3:29 AM, yowsah1 said:

There is also Celia Quartermaine and Jimmy Lee Holt and whatever children/grandchildren they may have had, together or apart. 

Jimmy Lee Holt or his children would be another way to introduce a Q story back to the canvas, since Edward disinherited him in 2013.  Maybe he has a son or daughter who shows up in Port Charles determined to take over ELQ in order to get back what is "rightfully theirs" and after some fussin' and feudin' the Qs welcome their new family member into the circle in their usual way (i.e., with lots of snark).

So many possibilities for ways to bring the Qs back... so little possibility it will actually happen... 

Guess they finally picked up on your idea here. Took them only seven years.

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40 minutes ago, ouinason said:

I'm a little interested in how Jimmy Lee and Celia played out.  Were they related biologically?  

I won't even pretend to be creeped out by the idea.  As a dyed in the wool Jammy fan from GL, that would be deeply hypocritical.

Not first cousins, but her grandpa and Edward were first cousins. According to the family tree I found online. They list her as cousin twice removed. So she and Jimmy Lee were kissing cousins, I guess.

And now I have to take my comment about incesty, because I’d be a hypocrite-one of my favorite books by Linda Howard has the heroine and hero who share the family Matriarch- she’s the heroine’s grandmother, and the hero’s great Aunt on his Daddy’s side. 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

In 2016, there was a minor character named Baxter (played by Hey! It's That Guy!-type Tom Parker). He was the one who ran into Nikolas and Hayden in Vegas and called her Rachel, and she was all "You must have me confused with someone else" to cover in front of Nikolas. But she obviously knew him and was shaken up. She met Baxter privately and gave him a bunch of cash to forget he ever saw her, but he double-crossed her. He immediately called someone (we didn't know) and said, "You'll never guess who I ran into."

Nikolas hired Sam to find out who this Baxter was, and that led to the revelations about Hayden being the daughter of disgraced financier Raymond Berlin, and later a second wave of revelations about her drunk-driving mishap and the husband who took the fall for her. (However, with the complexity of everything that came out about Hayden, I'm still not sure whom Baxter was calling in that first episode.) 

What's weird is that out of all the possible last names they could have given Baxter, they picked "Corbin." He only made a few appearances. In the last one, Sam had drinks with him, pretending to have a lot of money to invest, as that was his occupation, and Hayden walked in on their meeting and freaked out. I wonder if there were plans to connect him, which got scrapped. It was a couple years before the Corbin family came roaring back with recast Mike, then Gladys and Brando.

Edited by Asp Burger

I'm a few weeks late on this, but:

I just caught up on the News thread, and there were questions about the late Jay Pickett as Det. Harper. I know he was at least around from 2007-2008, because he helped investigate the Text Message Killer story; you see him here in the scenes surrounding Georgie's murder--that's actually him right in the thumbnail! RIP.

(I put it in this thread because I thought it counted as a history lesson, since a few people couldn't remember his character.)


Edited by UYI
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What do we know about Helena's birth family? Wikis list them as Basil and Agatha Romanov, but I've never heard a word about her side of the line on the show. My viewing history is not absolute, so it's easily possible I just never heard of them. I personally always believed in my heart of hearts Helena was a Cassadine herself - incest was their entire line. I know the family was allegedly split between Russia and Greece somehow after their origins were retconned a bit, but I'm not sure on the details.

On 12/3/2021 at 12:48 AM, jsbt said:

What do we know about Helena's birth family? Wikis list them as Basil and Agatha Romanov, but I've never heard a word about her side of the line on the show. My viewing history is not absolute, so it's easily possible I just never heard of them. I personally always believed in my heart of hearts Helena was a Cassadine herself - incest was their entire line. I know the family was allegedly split between Russia and Greece somehow after their origins were retconned a bit, but I'm not sure on the details.

I don’t recall them actually mentioning Helena’s family onscreen but Romanov was the name of the Russian royal family which would imply that her and Mikkos were related somehow. I know in the 90s especially, they hinted a lot at incest or inbreeding with the Cassadines. Mostly jokes but I think we were believe there was some truth in that. 

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See I always thought that Helena was ahem a working girl (at least a very high class one) that managed to catch Mikos' eye and got herself nicely married into the Cassadine family. Of course, I made up that story to fit the pieces for when the potrait of a barely clothes and a much younger Helena got into Luke's hands and it had hanging up at Luke's Place.

Alexis mocked Helena about this in one of my favorite Cassadine scenes ever. She mentioned it at 3:31 in this clip...



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Are there any Baby Boomer fans here who know whether or not Laura was actually a majorette in high school? I thought that was kind of a hilarious line. I remember reading a Newsweek article from 1980-ish that described Laura as a "cheerleader"...funny to think about her being both married and in high school and being a cocktail waitress. LOL. 

Edited by methodwriter85
On 12/20/2021 at 11:31 PM, methodwriter85 said:

Are there any Baby Boomer fans here who know whether or not Laura was actually a majorette in high school? I thought that was kind of a hilarious line. I remember reading a Newsweek article from 1980-ish that described Laura as a "cheerleader"...funny to think about her being both married and in high school and being a cocktail waitress. LOL. 

Not a Boomer, but I have tried to go back and follow the early Laura stuff in online clips ... but I can only really find back to late '79.  By that time, Laura had already accidentally killed a guy and run away, come back to town and then gotten married as a teenager to Scott (in part to avoid being sent to "reform school" for said accidental killing), and was working as a cocktail waitress.   She probably didn't have time for extracurriculars at that point!  No mention that I've seen of her being a cheerleader.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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The more I go down the YouTube rabbit hole, the more convinced I am at what a truly shitty storyteller Guza was. I was watching a video on South Park about what to do when your main characters are truly terrible people, and it isn't have the "good" character blow smoke up their asses and have their victims some how be wrong-you call out when a bad character are doing bad things. Michael needs to called out on how corrupt he has become and if someone starts blaming the Qs and ELQ, then need to point that he grew up as a Corinithios and all the Qs did was supply him the capital to manipulate the system. Maybe Tracy can make an appearance. Get back at Michael for his stupid remark about being fooled by Luke when Luke was going through a breakdown. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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So this was during my extended barge trips, but like during the Ethan era of the show...were there rumors about Nathan Parsons and Tony being....you know...close? You guys made it sound like Luke was lusting for Ethan and it's kind of funny, because there were definitely jokes about that during the Jacob Young days that Luke calling Lucky "cowboy" felt more like a sexual come on between two men at a bar than a term of endearment between a father and his son.

I also remember there being a pretty thinly veiled rumored that Jacob Young and Colton Scott had a scene where they were fighting and they had to call cut because they were getting...umm...interested. Yeah, we'll say "interested." 

There was a reason there used to be a ton of Lucky/Nikolas slashfic back then, just saying.

I'm assuming Tony never had that deal with Real Lucky because he had known Jonathan Jackson since he was 10. There was no such problem with that when it came to Jacob Young, and apparently, Nate Parsons. LOL.

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I still think Colton Scott and Jacob Young were having some sort of fling. They really only had chemistry with each other and no one else. 

The rumors I heard about Geary were that he was insistent on elevating Parsons and having a lot of scenes with him. I did not enjoy whatever form of chemistry they had. Geary was always best, IMO, with JJ and with JMB.  I’ve been watching the arrival of Nikolas/Stefan from the 90s and the family dynamic btwn GF TG and JJ in those days was just perfect.  

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While I've heard that Geary had what I'll call a crush on Nathan Parsons, I never heard the same about Jacob Young. If anything, it seemed to me that he actively resented both Young and later Greg Vaughan for not being Jonathan Jackson. Which, admirable loyalty, but also, be a professional.

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4 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

While I've heard that Geary had what I'll call a crush on Nathan Parsons, I never heard the same about Jacob Young. If anything, it seemed to me that he actively resented both Young and later Greg Vaughan for not being Jonathan Jackson. Which, admirable loyalty, but also, be a professional.

Which is soooo ironic, because when Jonathan Jackson left, I had read how both Geary and Genie were the final word on who would replace him. They both approved of Yeller McYellerson Young. And I thought he was HORRIBLE.

Yeah, Young has been pretty good in other roles. And my husband thinks he's the sexiest man alive. But he was wrong for Lucky. I think a recast could work now that he's been off the canvas for so long. But coming so soon after Jackson, who was so atypical for young soap actors, it was an impossible task to replace him cleanly. But Young was still too far off the mark.

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TG was in what I think was the last full blown GH at the end of course. In the opening before it which was called the Siren theme (with the annoying flashing light scenes) he got up from a chair like he was walking off the stage in the last scene. At the end of the one below which came after Siren where they have TG kind of slide offscreen quickly.

The joke at the time was that TG slid offscreen so quickly because he was in a hurry to jet off to Amsterdam where he could be himself more freely.  I remember thinking more than once back then that I wished he would just stay there. 


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On 2/18/2022 at 6:10 PM, dubbel zout said:

Jacob Young was miscast. He was pretty good on AMC.

It helped that he didn’t have the dreaded frosted tips by the time he got to AMC. I loved him as JR, he was the most sympathetic part of the horrific Babe storyline. 

I definitely don’t think TG had a crush on JY, and Genie was equally vocal in her disdain for him playing Lucky. And he truly was wrong for the role. I don’t think I’ve heard Genie quite as vocal about what she thought of Colton Scott/Martinez, though. 

Edited by racked
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Genie has said in an interview or two (pre-Coloma) that she felt it was a mistake to recast Nikolas, IIRC. I can't recall any specific comments about CSM but I wouldn't know.

Jacob Young basically went from a terrible actor to an outrageously hammy overactor IMO. I still don't consider him exactly Olivier, but he went very far in the other direction on AMC and fans mostly loved it and J.R.'s demented antics. I myself will never get over the scene where he peed on a romantic rival's shoes and leered, "surf's up!"

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13 hours ago, Jaded said:

TG was in what I think was the last full blown GH at the end of course. In the opening before it which was called the Siren theme (with the annoying flashing light scenes) he got up from a chair like he was walking off the stage in the last scene. At the end of the one below which came after Siren where they have TG kind of slide offscreen quickly.

The joke at the time was that TG slid offscreen so quickly because he was in a hurry to jet off to Amsterdam where he could be himself more freely.  I remember thinking more than once back then that I wished he would just stay there. 


This reminded me of the era when all the ABC soaps had the character names in the credits.  I can't remember which one was first, maybe "Port Charles"?

4 hours ago, racked said:

I definitely don’t think TG had a crush on JY, and Genie was equally vocal in her disdain for him playing Lucky. And he truly was wrong for the role. I don’t think I’ve heard Genie quite as vocal about what she thought of Colton Scott/Martinez, though. 


4 hours ago, jsbt said:

Genie has said in an interview or two (pre-Coloma) that she felt it was a mistake to recast Nikolas, IIRC. I can't recall any specific comments about CSM but I wouldn't know.

I can't find it now, but she did a long interview about GH many years ago, like the early part of the '00s. She said she thought Tyler Christopher had made a mistake leaving when he did (the first time), unlike Jonathan Jackson's exit to try other things, which made sense. When Coltin Scott/Stephen Martines was brought up, she said, "That actor was not a favorite of mine" or words to that effect. Very cool on the topic. 

Becky was interviewed by Soap Opera Digest about her 20 years on GH. When Coltin and Jacob Young were brought up, she said the period was "like a blip in Elizabeth’s life that’s been forgotten," and that Tyler was the only Nikolas for her. It stood out because she was complimentary and affectionate about every other actor brought up in the interview: Amber, Jonathan, Tyler, Steve, Natalia, Greg, Kelly M., Rick, Billy, Roger.

Edited by NotMySekrit2Tell
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It wasn't really a great time for Liz, period, so I can't say I blame her.

Genie's diss of CSM is great.

5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

While I'm up, just a reminder that Kevin has mentioned not having a daughter named Livvie, but referenced children, plural, he was raising with Lucy:


Pretty sure he meant both Serena and Christina, the daughter Lucy adopted from Julie Devlin on PC. I did find it a bit odd that they would refer to Serena that way since she was absolutely raised largely by Scott, but it makes sense in a joint custody situation where Lucy and Kevin were together on and off during and after the run of PC.

Edited by jsbt

Becky was interviewed by Soap Opera Digest about her 20 years on GH. When Coltin and Jacob Young were brought up, she said the period was "like a blip in Elizabeth’s life that’s been forgotten," and that Tyler was the only Nikolas for her.

Are you referring to this interview? Because Coltin and Jacob aren't mentioned in the article at all...nor is Amber.

On 2/19/2022 at 10:51 PM, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

I can't find it now, but she did a long interview about GH many years ago, like the early part of the '00s. She said she thought Tyler Christopher had made a mistake leaving when he did (the first time), unlike Jonathan Jackson's exit to try other things, which made sense. When Coltin Scott/Stephen Martines was brought up, she said, "That actor was not a favorite of mine" or words to that effect. Very cool on the topic. 

I was peeping on Young's IG earlier and saw that  Coltin Scott/Stephen Martines was in his comments more than once. I could have sworn I looked on JY's IG a year or two ago and saw some out there kind of stuff. Now it's all about his podcast, family, mentioning workout stuff and the Boys Town organization which is known for helping young people in troubling situations.

Edited by Jaded
58 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

Are you referring to this interview? Because Coltin and Jacob aren't mentioned in the article at all...nor is Amber.

No, another one. It was SID, not SOD.


  • Useful 1
6 hours ago, jsbt said:

Pretty sure he meant both Serena and Christina, the daughter Lucy adopted from Julie Devlin on PC. I did find it a bit odd that they would refer to Serena that way since she was absolutely raised largely by Scott, but it makes sense in a joint custody situation where Lucy and Kevin were together on and off during and after the run of PC.

Oh agreed, he's to me talking about both Serena and Christina.  The dialogue is vague, probably because they hadn't decided how much of "Port Charles" if any actually happened, but it's noticable that he doesn't say that he doesn't have any daughters, but that he doesn't have a daughter named Livvie.

It remains such a missed opportunity that one or both of said daughters aren't in town, starting with it allowing for more interaction between Kevin and Lucy while still maintaining the Laura/Kevin relationship.

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh agreed, he's to me talking about both Serena and Christina.  The dialogue is vague, probably because they hadn't decided how much of "Port Charles" if any actually happened, but it's noticable that he doesn't say that he doesn't have any daughters, but that he doesn't have a daughter named Livvie.

It remains such a missed opportunity that one or both of said daughters aren't in town, starting with it allowing for more interaction between Kevin and Lucy while still maintaining the Laura/Kevin relationship.

There's a lot to do with them and the varying dynamics with Lucy, Kevin, Scott, Laura, etc. I'm just not sure who you could pair at least one of them with. Michael is a spent cell at this point who needs either a long break or a dramatic recast, but in either case Chad ain't cutting it. Chase is, well, people like him but I still don't see the point and he can only be paired with one woman at a time, and people seem to like him with Blazers.

I have a few ideas of guys to bring on, but I think ultimately to support many of the characters we've talked about the show integrating, including the Baldwin/Collins/Coe/whatever girls, you'd have to overhaul the overall tired ensemble and focus of the show, and I don't think GH is at all interested in doing that. So characters like these, or Tom Hardy Jr. or Annie Donely or whoever else stay perpetually in limbo.

7 hours ago, jsbt said:

There's a lot to do with them and the varying dynamics with Lucy, Kevin, Scott, Laura, etc.

I just always think back to a conversation Scotty and Bobby had maybe a year or so ago, that Scotty thinks Serena takes after Lee and Gail and that's why he thinks she keeps him and Lucy at a remove.  I just think that dynamic would be so interesting to see play out on-screen, and then have Christina be more of the wild child always tripping into messes to her older sister's exasperation.

7 hours ago, jsbt said:

Annie Donely

I'm sure it's more about Caitlin Reilly not being available or interested, but I thought she was well-received and they should do more with her.  Why not have her be the WSB agent in Europe who's assisiting Anna et. al at the moment.


1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm sure it's more about Caitlin Reilly not being available or interested, but I thought she was well-received and they should do more with her.  Why not have her be the WSB agent in Europe who's assisiting Anna et. al at the moment.

IIRC Caitlin Reilly is a popular social media star; I'm pretty sure she only did that show as a tribute to her father. I liked her a lot but I assume they'd naturally have to recast the part.

On 2/18/2022 at 12:38 AM, racked said:

I still think Colton Scott and Jacob Young were having some sort of fling. They really only had chemistry with each other and no one else. 

I mean, I did like Colton Scott with OG Gia, but I really wonder if that was because of the actress. Marisa Ramirez did make the leap to primetime, after all- that charisma wasn't for nothing. Oh my god though- speaking of yelling, I just remember Colton's yelling at Laura when she didn't pick Gia as the new face of deception in the summer of 2000 despite her rocking photo shoot to "Independent Women" by Destiny's Child.  Maybe he was taking acting tips from Yeller? LOL

In any event, yeah. Like I said, there were some pretty hot and heavy B.I.'s about how CS and Jacob had a hard time filming fighting scenes because of how passionate they were. I believe it.


Edited by methodwriter85
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Did Stephen Lars/Steve II a.k.a. Leathery Scott Reeves ever discuss Jeff much with Liz? Or was it the usual 'good old Mom and Dad in Africa' tossed-off lines? Steve was the firstborn who Jeff went through so much trying to find, I wondered if the relationship was notably different.

Edited by jsbt
3 hours ago, jsbt said:

Did Stephen Lars/Steve II a.k.a. Leathery Scott Reeves ever discuss Jeff much with Liz? Or was it the usual 'good old Mom and Dad in Africa' tossed-off lines? Steve was the firstborn who Jeff went through so much trying to find, I wondered if the relationship was notably different.

I don't ever remember any discussions about their parents. (Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but it has been so freaking long that I don't recall any chats about familial issues.)

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9 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

I don't ever remember any discussions about their parents. (Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but it has been so freaking long that I don't recall any chats about familial issues.)

I dug up their first scenes with Reeves and didn't hear any discussion, but I'll keep poking around.

If you're curious what was going on 20 years ago this week (from Soap Central):  

The Scoobies all moved in together at Wyndemere, where Nikolas hoped to keep a close eye on both Elizabeth and Sarah. Sonny and Sarah were both very suspicious about the true events surrounding the car accident. Alexis learned that Kristina had told Sonny that her elder sister had feelings for him. Luke and Laura returned to town, where they shared the news of their impending marriage with their family. A night of passion was halted when Lulu's Sunshine Girls troop had a sleepover. Carly and Jax's club opened, but Carly was startled to see Zander with a date. After Jax gave her a lecture on being honest, Skye told A.J. that his plan to woo Courtney was wrong. A.J. was unable to go anywhere in Port Charles without Sonny's men causing trouble for him. Sonny told Courtney half-truths when he promised that his men had not harmed A.J. Jax gave his shares of ELQ to Lila. Roy and Felicia became friends.

"The car accident" was the red light/green light saga involving Gia driving under the influence and getting into an accident with Liz as passenger, for which Nikolas was pinning the blame on Courtney. That story had been going on for more than a month (and never really amounted to anything). I think Zander's date was just some day player. "Kristina," of course, was Alexis's doomed sister. Lucky and Nikolas were being played by Jacob and Coltin, and this was during Sarah's brief return as a doctor.

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