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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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Which doesn't even make that much sense, since didn't Jason and Robin start having sex when they got back together right before the Baby Michael bullshit really hit the fan?   I feel like there was some accident where Robin thought Jason might be dead (plane crash with Brenda?  Though why were they on a plane together??), and when he was ok, that's when Robin decided she was going to get back together with him regardless of the mob shit and the Baby Michael shit, and she talked to Brenda about the protection she would use.

Although maybe Carly didn't know that, and I'm sure she's always convinced herself she's the best sex Jason ever had.  And it was obviously intended to upset Robin as a swipe at her health status.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
17 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

Which doesn't even make that much sense, since didn't Jason and Robin start having sex when they got back together right before the Baby Michael bullshit really hit the fan?  

Yes. After that plane crash where Jason and Brenda survived, Robin decided that she wanted to be with Jason, no matter what, and they had a GREAT SEX LIFE. As usual, SheBeast lives in her own delusional bubble.

Oh my heart! my HEART! When I was trying to track down Robert Scorpio's "theme" (Turned out to be Axel's theme from Beverly Hills Cop-why did I think it was Herbie Hancock?), I fell down the rabbit hole of 1985 GH when Anna first appeared, and Tony was recovering from being shot by Slater, and Frisco! Tanya! Bobby! Rick! Ginny! Jesse! Audry! Grant! Celia! SEAN! Ramsay! (when he was still good!) Alan! Monica! OGEDWARD!!!!! Holly! RUBYYYYY!!! Aaaand, ❤️❤️❤️❤️???ROBERT!FUCKING!SCORPIO!!!!!!!!! ???❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I couldn't find the clip, only the full episode, but ROBIN and ROBERT!!!!!!!!


"Robin? Is that really you, Robin?"

"Yes, Dad!"





I am NOT ASHAMED of these tears that are falling and blurring me vision!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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7 hours ago, Neptune said:

hella? why did helena want nik to raise aidan? did she know courtney?

That never made any sense at all. I can only guess she intended to wait until Aidan was older and and reveal the truth then (or arrange to have it revealed), for maximum mindfuckery to all involved. Because a Spencer raised permanently as a Cassadine? Helena would be revolted at the thought.

And I don't recall if Helena ever met Courtney, but she certainly wouldn't have approved.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Neptune said:

 hella? why did helena want nik to raise aidan? did she know courtney?

That was stupid because she wouldn't a non-Cassadine tied to her grandson especially as she had little use for Aiden's mother. Now, I believe that Helena would gladly fuck with Lucky and Liz by switching paternity results if only the other baby daddy would have been anyone but Nikolas, e.g. Jake was more likely candidate for this mindfuckery especially as Helena ended up faking the kid's death years later.

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was there really a scene of jason apologizing to aj's grave?

There was.  It was after one of Michael's tragedies - I think when he was shot and ended up in the coma.  He went to the crypt and said he was wrong and then I think he told multiple people that he had been wrong to keep Michael from AJ and the Quartermaines.


I miss AJ.

I do too.  I miss the potential of AJ and the amnesiac Jason becoming close.  It was such a waste to kill him off.


ETA - I found the scene.  It wasn't actually after Michael was shot (although he did say again he was wrong to people - I remember a scene with Robin).  This scene was during Liz's pregnancy with Jake.  The apology starts at 3:11

Jason apologizes

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
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Anyone remember the Brownstone Murders?  I was still a kid then.  It was so ridiculous but utterly compelling.  To this day, I can crack myself up reenacting Terry's drunken stumbling down the road, in full wedding dress regale, slurring, "I am so happy, his way is my way".  Then sneaky grandma Jenny rushes to her side, drags her to the church at which point Terry loses or breaks a shoe, ending with Jenny grabbing the bride's shoes, chucking them into the bushes, and herding Terry in to her serial killer groom, Kevin O'Connor.

Besides that, it's also memorable because Kevin ends up killing Jenny, and his alibi - mousy Lucy Coe, who turns out to be a sex vamp and the alibi for her serial killer boyfriend.  

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@dubbel zout. There was a time in the aughts when it came down to Carly and Sonny, Jason picked Sonny, even though Carly was the one mostly in the right. After Sonny accidentally shot her in the head and Carly fell into a coma, she had dreams about Lorenzo. When she woke up, she secretly had a hard time connecting to her kids and Sonny. Carly, to her slight credit, really did try her best to be loyal to her marriage with Sonny, but the fucking bullet that put into her brain scrambled it up. Despite the fact that a car accident that happened years ago changed from an aspiring, goody goody med student to an unapologetic mob hitman, he couldn't afford that same amount of grace to Carly, whose own brain injury happened mere months before. 

Jason & Carly Fight Over Alcazar

When Sonny caught Lorenzo kissing Carly (which was a good bye kiss), he immediately went to have an affair with Sam, and Jason refused to tell Carly where Sonny was so Sonny to could revenge screw Sam, despite the fact Sonny had chased after Brenda not too long ago.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I remember that period. TB and TK had such great chemistry, but because Sonny always had to win, Alcazar was OMG TEH EVUL, and of course got terrible writing. I'd never expect Jason to choose Carly when she's with a rival. 

It's too bad Jason Burton wasn't around for the Morgan stuff and Carly and Sonny weren't more at odds in how to handle him. I'd have liked to see who's side Jason would have taken.

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7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

No. Her first scene was about 10 seconds when Robert came home and found this wee girl in his home. He said hello. She turned around and said hi, “My name is Robin” when Robert asked who she was. Cue opening credits.

The freeze frame on the clip makes it look like it's the Felicia-meets-Robin scene, but the video does actually start with Robert walking in to find Robin in his house.   So, yes, it includes Robin's first adorable scene!

Kind of funny that it's interspersed with scenes of Frisco and Felicia seeing Anna (unaware that her secret kid has been deposited at Robert's house) off at the airport.  Um, Anna, don't get on that plane! 

I also love that it includes the clip of Robert trying to get answers out of Robin, and she's just completely unconcerned, has no idea what her address is, has no idea what summer camp she was at, has no idea who picked her up and left her at Robert's place ... and then after about 3 minutes of questioning, she's like "welp, I'm tired now!"  

In retrospect, the fact that this kid is staying with a woman named Philomena, is named Robin, looks kind of a lot like his ex-wife, is exactly the right age to have been conceived during his first marriage, and was specifically deposited in his home should've maybe clued Robert in much faster, LOL.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I'll try to find the clip but it was part of the same conversation JnR were having about how she told AJ about Michael. Sam, of course, swooped in to save the day to tell us that AJ was an evil kidnapper!


"Jason's going to remember that you could never accept him for who he is. You would have been thrilled if he stayed Jake Doe forever. Because you can't handle Jason Morgan." LMAOOOOO.


  • Love 1

Sam. To Liz. 2015. 

"You have never loved Jason. You loved the man you created in your head. You convinced yourself that you could change him into something that he wasn't. This white knight on a horse. Someone who came home at 5 and had dinner. Someone who is safe and settled. That's not Jason. Never has been, never will be."

Edited by HeatLifer
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I wasnt watching then and my main question is ....who paid for Liz's first class seat? That's first class right? All that elbow room, super nice drink holder, and leg room. I mean Sam's been living off the mob money for years but Liz is a nurse with money problems still right?  Was this before or after her house burnt down? 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I'll try to find the clip but it was part of the same conversation JnR were having about how she told AJ about Michael. Sam, of course, swooped in to save the day to tell us that AJ was an evil kidnapper!


"Jason's going to remember that you could never accept him for who he is. You would have been thrilled if he stayed Jake Doe forever. Because you can't handle Jason Morgan." LMAOOOOO.



Yeah, Sam always, always ~prided herself in being Jason's ride-or-die, so if she reverts to that, it's totally in character.  

Pathetic, but that's Sam.

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47 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Yeah, Sam always, always ~prided herself in being Jason's ride-or-die, so if she reverts to that, it's totally in character.  

Pathetic, but that's Sam.

And that's the thing. I get that people don't like it about her, but that is Sam. It is what it is. She has always been cocky as hell about the fact that she's better for Jason than any other woman, specifically Liz. Now we're apparently supposed to believe she's the sweet mother hen who wants the ~safe life~ It makes me laugh.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

And that's the thing. I get that people don't like it about her, but that is Sam. It is what it is. She has always been cocky as hell about the fact that she's better for Jason than any other woman, specifically Liz. Now we're apparently supposed to believe she's the sweet mother hen who wants the ~safe life~ It makes me laugh.

This is true. I have a vague memory of her implying to Patrick when he first joined that he shouldn't hit on her because of who her boyfriend was. And she didn't play it like she was kidding. She was proud and basically all "

back off or my boyfriend might kill you and I'd like it."  I could be remembering incorrectly though. But I don't  think so. Always felt like any violence from Jason earned a big "shrug" from Sam.

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9 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Someone who came home at 5 and had dinner. Someone who is safe and settled.

There is a considerable distance between ^^ and Someone who leaves his wife and son the day he brought them home from the hospital to run a mob errand. 

I don't know that Sam has chosen anti-mob so much as she's chosen the guy who makes her and their kids his first priority. I don't think she wants a 9-5  bank manager, she'd probably be fine if they were doing PI work together, but Jason doesn't value his life enough. That doesn't work as a parent

  • Love 3

I hated all the same behavior about Sam that everyone else did re: Jason over the long years. I despised her for a long, long time. But whatever she blustered about Jason she made the choice to change things for her kid; I respect that. Sure, I thought what she said about Jason then was annoying just like I found it annoying ten years ago. But I'm not going to get mad about her hectoring Liz in 2015 when Liz certainly had no moral leverage in those scenes herself after what she pulled. At that time Sam was full of fury over what she saw as having her husband stolen from her - how it played out in the aftermath was, "Jason" did not go back to the mob life so Sam did not have to reconcile those statements with her new post-Danny life. She has now and she's made it clear what she feels. I'm sure she'll reverse herself soon enough to keep Steve Burton in the catbird seat onscreen, but as it is I respect her behavior and admitting things have changed. She doesn't owe anyone else an apology tour for things fans attribute to her as larger statements from a vindictive writer's room - not when Sam didn't act on that attitude in a measurable way, like for example Carly. She certainly doesn't owe an apology to Elizabeth, who is lucky to have custody of a potted fern at this point - and I used to really empathize with Liz over Jake and how Jason treated her and that child.

Also: If we stoned every woman who took a turn at the pulpit to crow about the greatness of Jason there'd be pretty much no one left on the show. The women are not the problem. Jason is the problem. Jason has always been the problem. The names and faces will change as they have before (hi, Alicia Leigh Willis, Sarah Brown, etc.) and Jason will still be there, staring into the middle distance, letting the women degrade their own moral centers to validate and articulate his behavior and alleged nuances, making no active choices beyond killing something and lining Burton's pockets.

Edited by jsbt
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15 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

There is a considerable distance between ^^ and Someone who leaves his wife and son the day he brought them home from the hospital to run a mob errand. 

Sam told Liz she can't handle Jason. Which means Sam can. Sam can handle the mob and Jason's mob duties. That was her point and has been her point for OVER a decade.

4 minutes ago, jsbt said:

The women are not the problem. Jason is the problem.

No, Sam is equally the problem. Blame the writers, blame the execs. She was not his victim. She spent her time bragging that she was >>>>>> the rest. Nothing will change that. It aired.

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Really? Sam (or Liz, or Courtney, or Robin, or hell, even Carly who they have recast three times) is the problem as much as Jason? Sam's going to drive story as much as Jason has for 20+ years? Sam is played by an actor who can commute from the Midwest, dictate her story and love scene rotation based on whether she wants to eat Krispy Kreme this winter? Who can launch a acai juice pyramid scheme to scam fans and avoid being fired by ABC? Okay. Different strokes.

No woman - fictional or otherwise - is equally the problem as much as Jason as a character and Steve Burton's primacy as a performer (and to a lesser extent, Benard) have been for GH. It fundamentally altered the fabric of the show in a way that is probably never going to change. I'm not talking about whether Sam pissed me off in Scene 33 on Tuesday seven years ago, although she did many, many, many times when talking about Jason. The larger issue I'm talking about here is that they all go in the barrel for Jason and Steve Burton on GH. They are all used as mouthpieces and skewed moral compasses to validate this character and his centralized narrative which drives the show, while retaining virtually no demonstrable inner life of his own. They are gamepieces to validate him. Before it was Sam it was Liz, it was Courtney, Robin, Carly, and none of them have ever shaken him. To me getting annoyed about which one of them postured in a passive way is immaterial at this point - if it's not Liz raping a dude or Carly spending her days talking about how Robin has AIDS it doesn't really register anymore. What matters is that they all are still being filtered through Jason and that's much bigger to me than whether Sam has been appropriately penitent to... someone for wanting something else for the relative nanosecond she will be allowed that.

Edited by jsbt
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I'm making this about a lot of things at once and I think they're all relevant to the schematic of how these characters interrelate, who puts the words in their mouths about what and why - because ultimately all it is is promoting and validating Jason and Steve Burton - but you're right, we can agree to disagree.

Edited by jsbt
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10 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Sam is played by an actor who can commute from the Midwest, dictate her story and love scene rotation based on whether she wants to eat Krispy Kreme this winter? Who can launch a acai juice pyramid scheme to scam fans and avoid being fired by ABC? Okay. Different strokes.

Well, at this point? None of the women are going to be allowed to gain an extra pound, but the other stuff she would probably have a decent shot at if she tried. But she's Kelly Monaco, so she's never going to want to commute from the midwest and she doesn't give a shit what her scenes are about for the most part. I think she prefers to work for BM, but as to what they're doing in the scenes, she probably doesn't give a damn.

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