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S08.E00: Being Nathan


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Nathan is a serious asshole to his mom the vast majority of the time.  The source of his chronic issues with women is starting to become clear.  She seems like a typical older women who dotes on her grown son (probably too much) and is in major denial about his domestic violence incidents and substance abuse issues.  He acted like he was put out by her involvement, but he brought her along to take care of all the hard stuff while he either tinkered on his phone in bed, banged some floozy he picked up in the hotel, or competed in that ridiculous bodybuilding contest.  His mom was completely in charge of The Roll in just about every scene, including overnight at the hotel.  Nathan won’t change at all if his well-meaning family continues to coddle him and make things comfortable for him in spite of his terrible conduct.  I’ll be damned if my 30-year-old son would move back into my house and treat me and my husband like shit.  Speaking of dad, he wisely said not a peep the entire time, even when Nathan yelled at his mom for “hassling” him about the girl he left dinner to go sleep with.  If Nathan doesn’t like being treated like a 15-year-old boy in his parents’ home, he needs to find -and pay for- his own place.  If you’re not paying the rent or mortgage, you don’t have a say, period.

Final note: The guy who handled Nathan’s spray tan needs to be fired immediately.  I have never seen such an uneven, crispy-burnt job, even for a bodybuilding competition.  Also, what the hell was he smoking that produced those massive billows of smoke?  Was he vaping?

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I think it was vaping. I love when people vape because it's such a quick and hassle-free way of warning me that they're d-bags. 

At the beginning Nathan said something about how he's tired of everyone misunderstanding him. If you think everyone doesn't understand you? They probably understand you better than you think. 

You win the internet for today. Lol


I feel for Doris because if Nathan goes to jail there is no need for visitation and you know those two assholes will never let her see Kaiser especially now that she has accused Uncle Bad Touch of child abuse.  She has to worry about a son in prison and grandchild living in  a domestic situation that is one bad arguement away from becoming an episode of Dateline.

  • Love 17

If I didn't know who his baby's mother was, I would say Nathan is the biggest douche to ever appear on this show. He's a male Jenelle. I wonder who's money paid for those steaks. He reminds me of my shitty cousin who talks shit to my aunt, but thinks he's doing her a favor by cooking food bought with her money in her kitchen. 

I pray on everything holy, that this fool never ends up on a police force. Not even a mall cop. At least Kaiser has a set of loving grandparents to spend time with when he's not with his POS mother and father and sociopathic stepfather.

He was finished with his bootleg bodybuilding competition, so why would he tell Kaiser to go next door to Nana's room? You're his parent, bitch. He should be in your room and Nana gets to go home and get a break from both of you.

And speaking of that competition, I know nothing of spray tans, but those contestants looked more jaundiced than tanned to me. 

  • Love 9

Oh Nathan.. you are such an ass, but I can't quit you.  Why do I have such a soft spot for him?  Maybe because of Kaiser (cutest & sweetest TM kid EVER), but I really want Nathan to succeed.

Kaiser is so lucky to have Doris!  I want to let her know that we are all pulling for her.  

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 11

The only good thing about this special was meeting Doris and seeing that she is a normal person. She certainly is not afraid to call Nathan out but I think she bit her lip because she knows he's very troubled. To me it seems that Nathan may be borderline suicidal. I truly believe he has untreated ptsd from his time in the marines. She may know just how fragile he is which is why she put up with his behavior a little more. 

Kaiser seemed like a normal happy innocent baby for the first time. I don't know how to describe it but even at that young age he knows he's safe with Doris and can let his guard down to just be a kid. It's like a weight is lifted from his shoulders. I see it with jace too when he goes back to Barbara. What is UBT and instagrams mother of the year Jenelle doing to these kids?!?! It's so f-ing scary! 

If kaiser is ever going to have a chance at a normal life, Doris needs to get custody and I hope they can figure out how to do that before it's too late for kai. 

  • Love 17
9 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

Wow. My take away from this is that Nathan is really dangerous. Maybe even more so than UBT. His temper is so hair-trigger! Plus he's kinda delusional (really? Still thinks he can be a cop after all of his arrests?) and he is huge.

I really think he really could snap and kill somebody some day. 

It scares me that people this dangerous could even be TRYING to become cops. 

Also he should feel horribly fucking ashamed of how he treats his mom, and should be writing thank you notes and checks daily to the other grandma raising his daughter rather than worrying about bodybuilding and his ego. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 3

Nathan's competition was like a bro version of Toddlers and Tiaras. Between the spray tan, glitter, makeup and prancing I almost forgot he wasn't competing for Little Miss Myrtle Beach. He even pitched the requisite hissy fit when he didn't win.

The best part of this mess is the camera crew not being able to contain their laughter while they film this joker.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 23

Nathan is SCARY AS FUCK. He is also a douchebag for his violent and abusive behavior. If only vaping was his only issue, there wouldn't be females being hurt by him.  Domestic violence is no joke and I detest these fucking abusers for these crimes. The way Nathan just smirks and talks about his DV crime, as if it was just another day for him. No conscience whatsoever. I really felt for Jessica for ever being hurt by this jerk. I am so sorry she had to endure abuse. When she mentioned him having PTSD, his drinking and how he could be a nice guy, it seemed she had felt bad for him and likely told herself he is only abusive because of those mental issues. She sounded like so many abuse victims who think they are wrong for leaving a violent relationship because the abuser only needs help, not be incarcerated. 

This was not entertaining to watch.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 15

This special made me remember how much I really don't like Nathan. He is a delusional, whiny, abusive POS that can't even take responsibility for his actions. And yet he is still the better parent. Poor Kaiser. I really liked Doris. She seems like she would put Kaiser's needs in front of Nathan's. I hope she gets custody of the roll. The little guy was so happy and comfortable around them, it was like watching a completely different kid.

  • Love 18

Nathan has PTSD+TBI. The VA has a specialized 8-week residential evidence-based treatment program. The help is out there if he wanted it. https://www.va.gov/directory/guide/PTSD.asp

Further, the VA also offers a program called Strength at Home for those with PTSD+IPV (intimate partner violence).   https://www.va.gov/HEALTH/NewsFeatures/2017/January/VA-Giving-Strength-to-Couples-in-Crisis.asp

Too had Nathan's arrest(s) weren't in counties with a Veterans Treatment Court, where he would be mandated to attend treatment in exchange for reduction of charges.  https://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/community/keeping-PTSD-vets-out-JS.asp


Disclaimer: I am a VA clinician.

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Nathan has PTSD+TBI. The VA has a specialized 8-week residential evidence-based treatment program. The help is out there if he wanted it. https://www.va.gov/directory/guide/PTSD.asp

Further, the VA also offers a program called Strength at Home for those with PTSD+IPV (intimate partner violence).   https://www.va.gov/HEALTH/NewsFeatures/2017/January/VA-Giving-Strength-to-Couples-in-Crisis.asp

Too had Nathan's arrest(s) weren't in counties with a Veterans Treatment Court, where he would be mandated to attend treatment in exchange for reduction of charges.  https://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/community/keeping-PTSD-vets-out-JS.asp


Disclaimer: I am a VA clinician.

I wish more of these guys would accept the help! My ex was very ashamed of his ptsd. 

I think that's Nathan's problem. He has to be such a tough guy. He doesn't need help it's all these "bitches" nagging at him until he snaps! It can't be his fault no Way! I mean what a bitch his mom was being for loving him so so much and expressing her story and opinion!  ::sarcasm:: 

Edited by KittyKat133
  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:


I think that's Nathan's problem. He has to be such a tough guy. He doesn't need help it's all these "bitches" nagging at him until he snaps! It can't be his fault no Way! I mean what a bitch his mom was being for loving him so so much and expressing her story and opinion!  ::sarcasm:: 

He is definitely very obsessed with proving his masculinity. A few years back he was insulting gay people. I love how Jenelle's boyfriends think being gay is so wrong because it's "not manly" but domestic violence is somehow NBD or proof of your alpha maleness...

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, lgprimes said:

Wow. My take away from this is that Nathan is really dangerous. Maybe even more so than UBT. His temper is so hair-trigger! Plus he's kinda delusional (really? Still thinks he can be a cop after all of his arrests?) and he is huge.

I really think he really could snap and kill somebody some day. 

One of his charges was for threatening a cop. I don't know that they'd be all that endeared to him seeing that on his record, 

  • Love 5

My DVR didn't record it. I'm not even upset I missed it.  

1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

One of his charges was for threatening a cop. I don't know that they'd be all that endeared to him seeing that on his record, 

Did he ask the cop "Why am I a guy?" I might have tuned in for that one. Lol

5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

So, uh, Jessica's hair...was that a wig? I couldn't take my eyes off it.

From what I remember of her past appearances, yes.  It is a wig. 

  • Love 6

I accidently stumbled onto this, after watching a rerun of the latest Teen Mom episode.  I think Nathan thought this show would put him in a better light.  Wow, was he mistaken.  I feel so sad for his mom.  She is clearly upset by his behavior (and I'm not just talking about the behavior directed towards her).  But, he is an adult, and she knows he has a short fuse.  And, she avoids conflict when interacting with him.  It was pretty hilarious how there was no one in the crowd at that bodybuilding competition, tho. 

I missed the beginning.  Who was the other woman with Jessica, when they were discussing the abuse at that little restaurant?  Her hair was also too thick, dark, and shiny to be real.

  • Love 3

I finally watched this morning and some of the quotes really got me.

- Producer: she's not like you know who. Nathan: which one? (Like he's got so many women that hate him.)

- Who doesn't have a DUI these days? (Umm, lots and lots of people don't.)

- I've been single six months! (Yeah, like that's a record for a stud like you.)

- Lunch date's voice dripping with sarcasm after hearing his charges: What a catch. (Yeah, a real catch. Run, lady!)

- Doris on bodybuilding: I think the whole thing's stupid! 

He seemed terrorized that his Mom was going to spill the beans on him and make him look bad. No idiot, you did that already all by yourself. He said he wants some kind of a career but its definitely not looking good for him with all his criminal behavior. 

His Mom is an enabler. Making excuses for him and blaming "the military" for all his problems. But she probably pays for a lot of his booze. 

I found it interesting he said he was never in love with Jenelle. So much for The Notebook. 

All in all, it's depressing to see he's such a scuzball. It's too bad he doesn't avail himself of as many counseling programs as he can (including AA) to try make the best possible improvements in his life.

The only bright spot is that he does genuinely seem to love Kaiser and Kaiser loves him. But Doris is driving that bus. He's just the passenger. She's the major caretaker, he's just the fun uncle. 

  • Love 14
15 hours ago, KittyKat133 said:

The only good thing about this special was meeting Doris and seeing that she is a normal person. 

Seriously! How did Barb & Doris raise Jenelle and Nathan?! Barb at least seems to have some issues and a temper...Doris seemed like a normal, somewhat enabling/spoiling mom. The dads must have been real doozies to churn out Jenelle & Nate.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, AirQuotes said:

I think Nathan's big back tattoo is what kept him from placing.  None of the other contestants had tattoos.  That may prevent him from having a body building "career." lol

I agree 100%. First of all, it's distracting and secondly it's so solidly dark in places that it completely covers up the muscle definition. There's a reason the winning contestants didn't have any visible. 

  • Love 7

Nathan, a Law Enforcement Officer? Are you kidding me?!?!? Sorry, beef cake, your record is enough to have the recruiter slam the door to your face.

That would be an injustice to the many women and men that take pride in that career and lead by example on how to be a civil member of society. He's got what, 2 or 3 D.U.Is? That's an automatic disqualification. He's also been arrested several times and resisted arrest on one occasion on film.

I'm sure there are a few red flags I'm forgetting that would prevent him from being hired. Maybe after a few years of being good, cleaning up his record they MIGHT give him a shot but not for a few years. That just burned my butt hearing that. We don't need his type with a badge and gun. NOPE!

I couldn't stand how he was talking to his mother. I admit she was kinda annoying about not knowing how to shave but seriously?!?! The woman is taking care of YOUR SON and letting you live in HER HOME and you're going to be disrespectful??? Even if she wasn't doing those things for you, it's your mother, treat her with respect!!!

Kaiser hardly sees his dad and Nathan couldn't put the phone down for a second to entertain him because he wanted to rest for 5-15 minutes because posing on stage uses so much energy. Pfft. Then he tells his mom he's going out for the after parties, entitled much?

How about first asking your mom if she could babysit Kaiser for you instead of expecting it?? I'd be damned if I just sat there while my mother was taking care of my kid so I can pose for a competition then assume she would continue so I could go out and party. He doesn't spend time with Kaiser!!!

Who paid for those steaks he was eating so ungratefully? 

Nathans mom has her son's number. She may have looked like she was a crayon short of a full crayon box but I think she was putting Nathan on the spot with things he wanted private as sweet revenge for the way he treats her. Good for her for calling Nathan out on cheating on some girl he really cares about down in Florida for a one night stand hook up.

I like Nathan's mom. I'm tired of seeing these sweet ladies that stepped up to raise their grandkids (because you know Nathan doesn't watch Kaiser) get yelled at constantly from their ungrateful spawn. I wish Nathan's dad stuck up for his wife!!!!

That would be the day my father would allowed myself or my siblings to yell at our mother that does everything she could to help us out. He's almost 30 and lives at home verbally abusing his mom. Sure Nathan, MTV manipulated your scenes. Uh huh.

And thanks for the close ups of the bottom of his toes with the messy spray tan job. ? 

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 19
5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

See, that was what I mentioned up above. I have never seen body builders with tattoos. Even body builders who are not competing, when they are walking around shirtless or with a tank top, you don't see any tattoos on them. I always assumed they were distractions of some kind when competing. 

I worked as an artist's model (nude) in my younger years. I got more work than any other model in the pool-sometimes working 4 or 5 hours a day. There were several artists I ended up "musing" for and I did this for several years. When I finally retired (it is a lot more difficult to stand around in the same position, naked, than people think) I asked one of my favorite artists why he only worked with me. "Because you know how to keep a pose and you don't have any tattoos." So yeah. In a situation like this, where muscle definition and visible skin are important, you definitely don't want any distractions. 

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, butterbody said:

I hope there's a sequel to this shitshow:

Nathan snaps, pulls an OJ and murders Jenelle and UBT,  goes to prison where that big 90's tribal back tattoo will serve as a lovely spooge target, and Kaiser gets to live with Doris, who never misses her weekly visits to be verbally abused. "Moooooom, not in front of the inmates!"

You did it again. Made me laugh until my sides hurt and I scared the cats. Thank you!

  • Love 4

Nathan is an asshole.

For some weird reason, I wanted to like him, but this special ended that. Doris specifically agreed to be on camera in order to highlight the situation of vets returning from combat needing help, and Nathan wouldn't let her speak on it!

It makes so much sense that Nathan is the youngest. And his calling Jenelle trailer trash makes more sense after seeing that he comes from a better socioeconomic background than I thought.

Nathan looks better with more body fat. Still reppin' the mall version of Val Kilmer.

Poor Jessica. First beaned by a mason jar by Jenelle and then tortured by Nathan. Glad to hear she did that DV course.

How the hell does Nathan have a booty call on speed dial? So disrespectful to FL girl (and his mom!) to make that arrangement on camera and within earshot.

Why doesn't he get Dustin the Miracle Worker to defend him in these charges that "just came up"?

Wedding/bodybuilding competition hookup should read PTV or Twitter. Seems she knew who Nathan was pre-hookup but apparently she didn't have the up-to-date info.

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, nikita said:

Nathan is an asshole.

For some weird reason, I wanted to like him, but this special ended that. Doris specifically agreed to be on camera in order to highlight the situation of vets returning from combat needing help, and Nathan wouldn't let her speak on it!

It makes so much sense that Nathan is the youngest. And his calling Jenelle trailer trash makes more sense after seeing that he comes from a better socioeconomic background than I thought.

Nathan looks better with more body fat. Still reppin' the mall version of Val Kilmer.

Poor Jessica. First beaned by a mason jar by Jenelle and then tortured by Nathan. Glad to hear she did that DV course.

How the hell does Nathan have a booty call on speed dial? So disrespectful to FL girl (and his mom!) to make that arrangement on camera and within earshot.

Why doesn't he get Dustin the Miracle Worker to defend him in these charges that "just came up"?

Wedding/bodybuilding competition hookup should read PTV or Twitter. Seems she knew who Nathan was pre-hookup but apparently she didn't have the up-to-date info.

Dustin the miracle lawyer is in North Carolina. Nathan and Doris live in South Carolina. Poor Doris has a helluva drive to pick up Kaiser. I just checked. It's a 78 mile drive from Myrtle Beach to the swamp.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 11

If Justin still works with Jenelle, I think he does, because it looked like her family law attorney was one of his associates/ partners, it would likely be a conflict of interest for him to also represent Nathan since their interests have often been in direct opposition to each other. Justin knows where his money is coming from so will always stick to Jenelle as long as MTV is around.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

Dustin the miracle lawyer is in North Carolina. Nathan and Doris live in South Carolina. Poor Doris has a helluva drive to pick up Kaiser. I just checked. It's a 78 mile drive from Myrtle Beach to the swamp.

Oh, I thought Dustin was Jenelle's lawyer when she lived in SC.

6 minutes ago, evilmindatwork said:

If Justin still works with Jenelle, I think he does, because it looked like her family law attorney was one of his associates/ partners, it would likely be a conflict of interest for him to also represent Nathan since their interests have often been in direct opposition to each other. Justin knows where his money is coming from so will always stick to Jenelle as long as MTV is around.

I was wondering about that. Yep, makes sense.

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