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S06.E01: It Wasn't Enough

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Season 6 opens with most of the squad still trapped inside the warehouse fire and Chief Boden making a risky last-minute decision in an effort to save them. Dawson, meanwhile, continues to deal with her father, who has new plans for himself; Brett's childhood friend Hope visits the Windy City and strikes the attention of someone within the firehouse; Kidd goes head-to-head with her landlord; and a fire at a high school hits close to home for Boden.

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The warehouse fire rescue. I can't even. So many ways that could have gone. So many ways it should have gone, especially if one or two regular cast members had gone out. Mouch going down would have given Trudy some brilliant scenes on PD, for example. I was secretly hoping the warehouse would collapse on top of Gabby, or a helicopter would fall on her, but we all know that'll never happen. Because



But yeah. That "rescue." What a novel idea. They actually put water on the damned fire and put it out. Wow. Who knew you could do that? What a brilliant concept. How many paid professional scribes in the writers room did it take to come up with that scenario. And Cruz's freakout. I was having a divide by zero moment at the whole thing, quite honestly. Yeah, I'm pissed at Show for such a big letdown. Either someone really needed to die, or they shouldn't have amped up last season's finale that high.

As for the rest of it, I'm sick of the Chicago Manwhore, and Hope can go fall off a cliff or something. Please, just no, m'kay.

I'd be good with him and Kidd, IF they could write it as a nice, slow burn and then keep them together for the long haul.

If they had to keep Mouch alive, then I'm good with him going into fitness and getting another kick at the can. I think he's my favourite character in the show, or tied with Hermann, at least. I liked his speech at the end, but really hated the shit with him and Cruz. Gaah. And again, Saint Gabby, First of Her Name, urgh. Talk to the damned padré for heavensakes.

The school fire. Decent premise, but couldn't they have at least shut off the bunsen burner gas lines before going in to do the rescue? And once again, where were the handlines? Even back in the '60s, elementary and high schools had hose cabinets with inch-and-a-half handlines in every school I attended or visited, plus handcans in every classroom. I'm trying to parse how a modern-construction school building could have that heavy a body of fire with teachers and physically-capable high school students everywhere. ArsonBrat lights up a locker or even the gas lines in the chem lab, and nobody has the presence of mind to immediately grab a chemical extinguisher or a hose and put it out before it grows that big? And what in a modern school building is that flammable that you'd see it blowing out the upper floor windows anyways?

What I'm really interested in the the Boden Household dynamic. His wife obviously knows Wallace's own body damage, and now her friend got turned into a crispy critter, and she rode with her in the ambo. You can't help but think that there'll be a Serious Conversation in their home about Wallace's future of entering burning structures.

Edited by NJRadioGuy
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1 hour ago, NJRadioGuy said:

ArsonBrat lights up a locker or even the gas lines in the chem lab, and nobody has the presence of mind to immediately grab a chemical extinguisher or a hose and put it out before it grows that big?

They're all on their cell phones, twittering away about the fire and taking video of everything, of course.  Why so many of them are still in the building is a puzzle, too.  And what was our Incident Commander doing inside the building, anyway?

I knew there was a reason manufacturers put deck guns on top of the engines.  It's so Chiefs can order a "last ditch" maneuver and boil the firefighters alive.  Or something like that.  Putting water on the fire is secondary.

I'm guessing the PTA meeting is cancelled?

What was up with the Little Girl in Distress?  I don't think that was just a random event at the fire department, unless they needed some filler.  Of course, the ambo can't move until someone taps that back door to let them know they're ready.  Actually, I'm glad they did go the route of taking her to the hospital.  Years ago, a city councilman in my town suffered the same fate, but was saved by quick application of the Heimlich maneuver.  However, he declined to go to the hospital for further checks, and died that night because not all of the food was knocked out of his throat.

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Little girl choking hit a little too close to home for me. One of my coworkers, whom I'm particularly close to, sent me a text this morning he was at the ER with his baby, he had swallowed something and was coughing and crying. They didn't see anything in his throat, but they think he swallowed a hunk of crayon or something and it scratched his throat. 

Obviously, shut up Gabby needs to be said. She needs to take her father with her. 

Best part of the show was the little meta comment about how the bar is full of firemen, cops, doctors, and they used to get lawyers, but not so many lawyers any more. I guess I didn't realize Chicago lawyer or what ever it was called was cancelled. 

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52 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:


Best part of the show was the little meta comment about how the bar is full of firemen, cops, doctors, and they used to get lawyers, but not so many lawyers any more. I guess I didn't realize Chicago lawyer or what ever it was called was cancelled. 

This really was the best part, wasn't it? And IMO, the only good part. What a snoozefest.

What did Casey do to deserve a medal? I must have missed something because the first 5 minutes made no sense. 

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Wow. Just the first episode of the season, and we've already got another random woman ready to drop her drawers for Severide, The Most Handsome Man Alive. Here's an idea for his next medical crisis- a strange rash in his netheregions requiring a secret trip to the STD clinic...

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It really makes zero sense that none of the CFD died in that fire.  Not saying i wanted them to, but after that being the cliffhanger, it's a little too pat.

How many though Casey died? That was the set up for that medal he got.  Showing his pic I thought he was a goner!

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1 hour ago, SuzieQ said:

It really makes zero sense that none of the CFD died in that fire.  Not saying i wanted them to, but after that being the cliffhanger, it's a little too pat.

I totally agree.  How did Mouch make it?  Herrmann was doing CPR on him for like an hour... and why did Casey get a medal and not Herrmann?  Casey did nothing but save himself under a bookshelf or something, right?

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Yeah, classic bait and switch. For a fleeting second I thought Show finally grew a set and offed their lead to shake things up. Of course that would have meant more camera time for "Mary Sue" Dawson. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they didn't kill him off, but yeah, a medal for what. Now, if they'd shown him single-handedly saving Mouch even at the risk of his own life, then yeah, cool. I'd be good with that.

7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

They're all on their cell phones, twittering away about the fire and taking video of everything, of course.  Why so many of them are still in the building is a puzzle, too.  And what was our Incident Commander doing inside the building, anyway?

What was up with the Little Girl in Distress?  I don't think that was just a random event at the fire department, unless they needed some filler.  Of course, the ambo can't move until someone taps that back door to let them know they're ready.  Actually, I'm glad they did go the route of taking her to the hospital.  Years ago, a city councilman in my town suffered the same fate, but was saved by quick application of the Heimlich maneuver.  However, he declined to go to the hospital for further checks, and died that night because not all of the food was knocked out of his throat.

I'll forgive Boden for being in there given that it's his wife's school, and it was her first day on the job (she'd been teaching 4th graders before, if I remember their dialog correctly). Dramatic license that didn't bug me, honestly.

Little Girl In Distress? I'm torn. They rarely do any kind of run that doesn't have future ramifications up the ying-yang, but this one might have been just a little PSA to say don't be afraid to ask for help at a fire station. I'm good with that. In fact, I wish they do more stand-alone runs that didn't turn in to 11 episode arcs.

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3 hours ago, TVForever said:

Wow. Just the first episode of the season, and we've already got another random woman ready to drop her drawers for Severide, The Most Handsome Man Alive. Here's an idea for his next medical crisis- a strange rash in his netheregions requiring a secret trip to the STD clinic...

Yes exactly I'm getting so tired of Severide the Manwhore 

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1 hour ago, NJRadioGuy said:

I'll forgive Boden for being in there given that it's his wife's school, and it was her first day on the job (she'd been teaching 4th graders before, if I remember their dialog correctly).

And of course he knew right where to go in a four story building to find her.  He should teach search and rescue.

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3 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

And of course he knew right where to go in a four story building to find her.  He should teach search and rescue.

That could have been a conversation off-camera. "They put me in a classroom on the fourth floor" or some such. Even before her office moved, my wife knew exactly where she'd be in her company's new building so that one didn't bug me all that much. For an inner-city high school there sure didn't seem to be a lot of kids, but I guess extras cost money, so....

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1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I totally agree.  How did Mouch make it?  Herrmann was doing CPR on him for like an hour... and why did Casey get a medal and not Herrmann?  Casey did nothing but save himself under a bookshelf or something, right?

i thought he dragged another person with him

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2 minutes ago, fifty8th said:

i thought he dragged another person with him

Not that I saw.  I thought Boden just found Casey under the piece of furniture because Casey's alarm started going off.  Severide and New Guy found a stairwell, Casey found the bookshelf, and Herrmann stayed in the middle of the fire to save Mouch's life.  But sure, give the medal to Casey...

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Not that I saw.  I thought Boden just found Casey under the piece of furniture because Casey's alarm started going off.  Severide and New Guy found a stairwell, Casey found the bookshelf, and Herrmann stayed in the middle of the fire to save Mouch's life.  But sure, give the medal to Casey...

Just rewatched he definitely had a civilian with him whoever it was had Casey's mask on which is why he was not wearing it when Boden rolled him over.

Edited by fifty8th
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5 minutes ago, fifty8th said:

Just rewatched he definitely had a civilian with him whoever it was had Casey's mask on which is why he was not wearing it when Boden rolled him over.

Ah, thanks.  I definitely missed that.  That's a rewrite then too, because last season he took his mask off just to say goodbye to Gabby (gag) and was all alone.

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Can anyone say "cop out"?

Right there with you. Now, granted, I did not expect them to kill off Casey, especially since the promo spots for this episode actually showed the giant picture of him like they were having a memorial for him. They wouldn't have given that away in the promo spots so I knew he had to be alive. Even when they cut to the ceremony itself, I thought no - this has to be a dream, or Casey faked his death or something. But when it turned out to be a medal ceremony? Bitch, please! Like they'd have a giant picture of him for something like that! He's standing right there. So dumb.

The fact that they didn't kill anyone off is really lame after the build-up in last season's finale. What a bunch of chicken shits.

I think I may be done with this show. Now that all the other shows are back on my DVR is starting to fill up and something's gotta go. This one is ripe for deleting.

To be fair, it was a nice fake-out when it looked like Severide was texting with Sylvie's horny friend and it turned out he was texting Stella. I'll give it to them, they got me. But . . . I still don't care about Stella. She just sort of came out of nowhere and still doesn't resonate with me as a character. Hell, they could have killed her off, and I might not have remembered she was ever there. I had to go look her up on IMDB because I couldn't even remember her name.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

To be fair, it was a nice fake-out when it looked like Severide was texting with Sylvie's horny friend and it turned out he was texting Stella. I'll give it to them, they got me. But . . . I still don't care about Stella. She just sort of came out of nowhere and still doesn't resonate with me as a character. Hell, they could have killed her off, and I might not have remembered she was ever there. I had to go look her up on IMDB because I couldn't even remember her name.

I really don't care about her either. She's kinda just there but at the same time. I find that the actress is aggressive in the acting choices she's making. Like we're supposed to think she's some cool chick who can hang and is low maintenance and chill. If I could not care less about her and the more she "acts" the more I roll my eyes and laugh. It's overdone.

Shut up Gabby - as per usual. I know there are people in the fandom that  "love" her. Do they realize that the fans who hate her are more intense in their utter disdain for this character than the fans who love her? 

I think other stuff happened. I might be done even with the show even as a hate-watch. I'm like at indifferent-watch. 

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Casey did not deserve a medal for sure but Hermann did. Cruz was annoying the crap out of me and I wonder how long until Mouch tells him to knock it off. I'm betting there will be a baby in the future then a miscarriage, why I have no idea. 

I found it really creepy that Sylvie's friend had put her number in Kelly's cellphone but I hope she wrote it down and put it on it. When she first came, I don't like her at all and I think she was bad news the way she was acting and even at the fire house. 

I like that we thought Sylvie's friend was texting Kelly but it was really Stella. I'd rather have Stella than Sylvie's friend and that's saying alot and wish Kelly didn't hook up so much. 

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I like Stella. After Anna last year, I'd be happy to see Severide fall into a serious relationship. They're already good friends now, and, like Boden's wife's school, they have both history and chemistry (and a minor in biology, IIRC). that's a pretty good foundation to build a relationship on, especially something that might be a Big Ratings Moment at the end of next season.

Ever notice how every time Severide and Casey just get finished lighting up their cigars they get a run or Something Important intervenes? With their luck, they should probably smoke Nubs, Fuente Short Stories or something that size since they'll never get to finish 'em.  I'd be one cranky bastard if tones dropped on me every time I got a $10 cigar going.

That reminds me too, I wonder how many takes were needed to get them both sliding down the ladder the way they did, and how much training the actors required. That was a pretty awesome stunt. I doubt OSHA would be happy to see that on the fireground, but hey, if it saves your ass do what ya gotta.

Edited by NJRadioGuy
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I'm happy that nobody died in the fire.  I personally believe that, when they filmed last year's finale, they didn't know which cast members were going to renew their contracts, so the story line gave them lots of possibilities.  I also liked the comment in the bar about there being fewer lawyers.  After Antonio returned to CPD in its premiere episode, I assumed it meant that Chicago Justice was cancelled.

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Another new season.. And another round of Gabby hate... We get it you hate her.. Evenbif she is one of the leads and gets a ton of airtime like Matt and Kelly stuff abt her rubs you the wrong way... But if she's a Mary sue... Then Matt might be Jesus... How many times has he escaped death... I wouldn't be surprised if this season he doesn't single handedly save a bus full of nuns and kittens on his off day from the firehouse in between building a house for homeless teens and doing Covert undercover work for Voight... What did he even get a medal for tonight??...but no.. No stream of complaints for the golden boy... 

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12 minutes ago, babs1226 said:

I'm happy that nobody died in the fire.  I personally believe that, when they filmed last year's finale, they didn't know which cast members were going to renew their contracts, so the story line gave them lots of possibilities.  I also liked the comment in the bar about there being fewer lawyers.  After Antonio returned to CPD in its premiere episode, I assumed it meant that Chicago Justice was cancelled.

Yep, that was announced in the spring.  

12 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Another new season.. And another round of Gabby hate... We get it you hate her.. Evenbif she is one of the leads and gets a ton of airtime like Matt and Kelly stuff abt her rubs you the wrong way... But if she's a Mary sue... Then Matt might be Jesus... How many times has he escaped death... I wouldn't be surprised if this season he doesn't single handedly save a bus full of nuns and kittens on his off day from the firehouse in between building a house for homeless teens and doing Covert undercover work for Voight... What did he even get a medal for tonight??...but no.. No stream of complaints for the golden boy... 

Then I guess you didn't read my posts?  I've commented several times on how I have no idea why Casey got a medal for doing nothing.  

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Bitch, please! Like they'd have a giant picture of him for something like that! He's standing right there. So dumb.

The fact that they didn't kill anyone off is really lame after the build-up in last season's finale. What a bunch of chicken shits.



Edited by SuzieQ
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50 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

Because Matt has to put up with Gabby... That alone earns him his medal.

Also, he saved a civilian.

Not the what Herman did was less heroic, but Herman knows Mouch.  Casey saved a stranger.

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44 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Yep, that was announced in the spring.  

Then I guess you didn't read my posts?  I've commented several times on how I have no idea why Casey got a medal for doing nothing.  

I did .... I meant from other posters on a few diff boards... it's not as bad as it was on the old IMDb boards... But the dislike of her character is strong

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4 hours ago, msani19 said:

I really don't care about her either. She's kinda just there but at the same time. I find that the actress is aggressive in the acting choices she's making. Like we're supposed to think she's some cool chick who can hang and is low maintenance and chill. If I could not care less about her and the more she "acts" the more I roll my eyes and laugh. It's overdone.

Shut up Gabby - as per usual. I know there are people in the fandom that  "love" her. Do they realize that the fans who hate her are more intense in their utter disdain for this character than the fans who love her? 

I think other stuff happened. I might be done even with the show even as a hate-watch. I'm like at indifferent-watch. 

I'm still trying to figure out how Stella and Kelly ever were a thing. Like you, I not overly loving the direction the actress is going and the too cool for school, one of the guys vibe is tiresome and boring. I've also reached indifferent watch too. It like I've gone this far, I might as well watch to the bitter end. 

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Just thinking about how often schools do fire drills and how they are typically filled with fire detection devices how the hell were there still a ton of kids in the school when the whole place was filled with fire and smoke. 

Also as much as Gaby bugs me, her dad was even more annoying. Why did he say she needed to talk to a counselor about problems with her marriage. He acted like her husband almost dying and her being upset about that wasn't a normal reaction.

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1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Just thinking about how often schools do fire drills and how they are typically filled with fire detection devices how the hell were there still a ton of kids in the school when the whole place was filled with fire and smoke.

Exactly. In my grade school and, to a lesser degree in my high school back in the '60s and '70s, the drills were unannounced, and critiqued by the staff and administration afterwards. Punishments were given to anybody who ran, or spoke about anything other than where and how to exit or where to assemble. In my grade school they liberally applied corporal punishment for those who misbehaved in drills, too. A different era, but we sure as shit understood what was at stake from an early age. One of my earliest memories from my first primary school had the local FD present at a drill, and we all got the meet the firefighters at the end of the day. My parents told me afterward that there had been a big fire in a movie theater the year before that killed and injured a number of kids at a matinee, so the schools were taking fire safety very strictly as a result. I don't know what it's like now, but in this paranoid age, I can't help but think fire (and, sadly, school shooter) drills are commonplace. Even later on in high school, when the buzzer went off we silently got up, walked single-file to our designated exit and about 50 feet beyond. Thankfully we never had the real thing happen.

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16 hours ago, Waterston Fan said:

How long ago did Donna give birth? I was thinking, I bet next time we see their son, he will be in grade school and notice no mention of him. I know they can get a sitter while she is in school and he's at work but it is interesting for sure. 

The show is only in its sixth season, and he was born in season 3? He's only about 3 years old. 

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Considering how often Casey has almost died on these rescues (I think my favorite was that time he randomly got hit by a car during a rescue), I figure his medal was for his 1,000th near-death experience.  That seems like it's worth celebrating.

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I'm ok with all of them surviving, because I do like all of the characters. But the kept saying that one of them is dying and that's completely stupid. And excuse me, but how did Casey not only survive but has no health problems at all even though he inhaled all that smoke? Seriously? I can accept all of them miraculously surviving, but at least let him spend some time healing.

As for Gabby... first of all, why wasn't she wearing her uniform during Casey's medal presentation? That was random. Plus, she was fine the rest of the episode but did they seriously need to make Casey's near death experience all about her? He thought he was going to be toasted and he is fine, no need to see a therapist. But Gabby is having a meltdown because he wanted to say goodbye to her? Which again was stupid. She wasn't upset he almost died in there, she was upset because she didn't want to hear his last words. I'm sorry but most normal people would love to have the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones instead of losing them out of the blue.

As for Kelly, of course they went that way with him AGAIN. I didn't even notice he was texting Stella at the end. If they do decide to put them together again, I hope it's for real this time because I'm tired of seeing Severide going from manwhore to the greatest bf even to manwhore again.

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On 9/30/2017 at 10:46 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

The show is only in its sixth season, and he was born in season 3? He's only about 3 years old. 

Okay, he's 3. 
I admit, from the things I see on other shows, I do expect him to skip a few ages if they show him again. 

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I hate watch this show, but every week it's getting more and more difficult because it's just awful!  First of all, I didn't want anyone to die, except for Gabby, but there should have been at least one fatality.  They are all seconds from death and yet they all survived without a scratch!  UGH!  I would have liked to see Mouch laying in a hospital bed or one of the others with bandages on due to burns, but nope.  Nothing.  Everyone is fine except for poor Gabby.  She's pissed ! I can't believe she has the audacity to be mad at Casey because he was telling her goodbye?  Seriously?!  Maybe she should be thrilled that he survived and still wants to deal with her BS and leave it at that instead of being a total b!tch!  I didn't understand Casey getting the medal either.  I'm surprised the medal didn't go to Gabby since she is basically the STAR/HERO/GOD of the firehouse!  

It's Donna first day at a new school and she's already BFF's with the chemistry teacher?  And how does Donna know that it wasn't an accident?  And why did all these dumb teenagers need to be told to head for the exits?  They have experienced fire drills since kindergarten, but yet EVERY SINGLE PERSON had to be helped out or told to leave.  UGHHHHH!!!!!

I'm already over Silvie's slutty friend.  She's in town for a couple of weeks to do what?  Get laid?  Hopefully, this storyline will be a one and done next week.  And why does Severide always have to be a man whore?  Why can't he just find someone and settle down?  He's getting chicks left and right, yet Otis and Cruz who are both good looking, nice guys NEVER have girlfriends or even dates....except for the 2 weeks Cruz dated Sylvie.  I don't know why they can't be dating off screen.  

I don't understand either why it's so difficult for all them to find a place to live.  At one point or another, each of them (except for Hermann and Boden, I think) needed to live with someone from the firehouse.  None of these people have other friends or family outside of 51?  

I wish this show would be cancelled already.  I can't give it up on my own!

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On 9/29/2017 at 3:02 PM, Chas411 said:

Because Matt has to put up with Gabby... That alone earns him his medal.

Times 100. Then she can compliment herself again for being part of it. Like Casey tells her he might make captain and her response was “I’ll be a captain’s wife” (she said the same thing when he was running for alderman, that she would be Mrs Alderman or something). Because it’s 1955, I guess. Go away, Gabby.

Boden gained a lot of weight over the hiatus—he’s pretty thick; he should join Mouch on the fitness kick.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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He's getting chicks left and right, yet Otis and Cruz who are both good looking, nice guys NEVER have girlfriends or even dates....except for the 2 weeks Cruz dated Sylvie.  I don't know why they can't be dating off screen.  

I don't understand either why it's so difficult for all them to find a place to live.  At one point or another, each of them (except for Hermann and Boden, I think) needed to live with someone from the firehouse.  None of these people have other friends or family outside of 51?  

I can believe it's hard to find an affordable place reasonably close to the fire station. Chicago is expensive. I don't get why Herrmann couldn't have just kicked his son out of the garage apartment and made him move back into the main house for awhile. And yeah, I don't get why Cruz and Otis have such a hard time finding dates. Firemen don't usually have much trouble finding dates. Long term girlfriends, maybe, but the way they both jumped up to "compete" with each other over Sylvie's friend was childish and embarrassing.

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