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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I actually believe that I have watched all seasons of this show starting from day one.  Everyone in my family and the people that I know are quite impressed with Matt and his accomplishments.  I don't delight in dissing Amy and I think my assessment of her  is pretty realistic, based on what I have seen for all these years.    I don't take pleasure in such things.  I'd like to think that if the parties are at a good place, then maybe, I should be too. 

Wait, who is in a "good place?"  Matt, with his constant whining and his manipulations and the nasty comments about Amy ... made to her own kids, no less?  

If that's a "good place" I think I will stay on the sidelines and continue snarking on the lot of them, thanks! 

  • Love 11

I can't help but wonder if, even though he obviously is impressed with himself for banging an average-size woman, Matt will display a bit of jealously if Amy continues to date Chris.

He may no longer possess a shred of romantic interest in Amy, but he's a territorial little shit with a giant Napoleon complex. Chris may not be my cup of tea, but he's a big guy, and he can do things Matt's not able to do. And I'm sure the thought of Amy with anyone wounds Matt's pride to a degree, too, as she's supposed to be pining for him.

The kicker will be if any of the kids develops a relationship with anyone Amy dates. I can't see Matt taking a bit kindly to that, and quite likely making everyone else's lives miserable because of it.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Amy's take on Memorial Day


I hope everything is okay and that they had a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Does anyone know the timeline we are going to see as this season unfolds?  Like how recently was the finale filmed? If that info is a spoiler, please post in spoiler tags.

2 hours ago, Honey said:

Thanks for dying, while serving.  Due to your sacrifice, I was able to have a super cool pool party.  Unfortunately, there were posts like this all over Facebook yesterday.

Posted this last week on my FB:

We got a notice from our library that a book we had requested was available, so made a quick stop there while out running errands on Thursday morning.

As I approached the door, there was a brightly colored sign proclaiming,

The library will be closed on Monday, May 29th.

After picking up the book they were holding, I went to the Customer Service desk; there was a gentleman there in his 50s, and I said, "May I verbalize a pet peeve?" He said, "Sure."

I pointed out the sign to him - a duplicate of which was sitting in a plexiglass holder right in front of him. I said, "The word 'HAPPY' is really not appropriate on a notice regarding a holiday in recognition of people who served our country who are now dead. Do you agree?"

He got an absolutely horrified look on his face, put both hands up to cover his face, and shook his head no. He said, "I am so sorry. That has been sitting in front of me all day, and it didn't even register how inappropriate that is." He took the sign off his desk and then said, "I will take this back to the administrative area where the sign was made, and will get this fixed for you. Thank you for pointing it out."

  • Love 8

Unfortunately there's a pretty devoted fan base for *Matt* that thinks he walks on water and that Amy's role in live as a married woman was to spread her legs on command, and say "Yes, Matt, I'm nothing without you". Any time she varies from "Matt's dreaming the dreaming and I am shit under him" they attack her. I mean really, their problem currently is that she's whoring around with Chris. Well, she's divorced and Matt's made it clear he doesn't want her... and since they tend to get Biblical, I merely point out that Matt is cavorting with a divorcee himself and all these Christian fans just coo and ignore how Matt was likely cheating on his wife long before,

  • Love 8

I'm not a fan of either one, but in this case if Matt cheated (I would guess he was) and pushed for the divorce, then the hate for Amy is misguided. Actually hate for either is silly. We don't have any skin in the game no matter who did what.

These people not only hate Amy, they seem to hate Chris. While I agree that he isn't that into Amy and I do think he has motives, I don't think he is the scary, serial killer, skin wearing creep they're making him out to be. But I could be wrong. 

  • Love 6

I never thought of it that way, Zoloftblob, but I suspect you are right. It's not so much they're genuinely anti-Amy as they are zealously pro-Matt.

Does Amy attract the same kind of obsessive nut case fans who go to Matt's social media accounts and torment him? I've never really noticed that happening.  It just seems like Matt draws out the crazies for some reason and their favorite way of showing their support is by making ridiculous,/endless personal attacks on Amy. It's odd. And a little creepy.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 4

Awfarmington - I agree on Chris. He seems like a nice enough guy who enjoys Amy's company but isn't into proposing. The ones who annoy me are the ones who insist she's disrespecting her children by dating... and never ever throw this at Matt. Celia, there's also a subset of fans who adore Audrey so, that they insist Tory married Zach for an ulterior motive (to be around Jeremy/The Roloffs/to be on tv)

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Awfarmington - I agree on Chris. He seems like a nice enough guy who enjoys Amy's company but isn't into proposing. The ones who annoy me are the ones who insist she's disrespecting her children by dating... and never ever throw this at Matt. Celia, there's also a subset of fans who adore Audrey so, that they insist Tory married Zach for an ulterior motive (to be around Jeremy/The Roloffs/to be on tv)

It's one thing to snark and discuss. But these people who are going to such lengths to defend or attack people they've never met is disturbing. It's not just this show...a lot of other *reality* shows on TLC have some pretty zealous fans that have inserted their own lives into those of the shows. I think there may be some degree of mental illness that comes into play. 

  • Love 9
14 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

 Celia, there's also a subset of fans who adore Audrey so, that they insist Tory married Zach for an ulterior motive (to be around Jeremy/The Roloffs/to be on tv)

Oh yeah, Tori. She's a transparent scheming bitch that one Lol


Seriously, what I don't understand is why people think attacking and tearing down another person on the show is a valid way to show their support for someone else. Ranting about how awful Amy is doesn't make Matt appear to be a better person. I don't get it.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Oh yeah, Tori. She's a transparent scheming bitch that one Lol


If that's the case, she's doing a great job of hiding it. I find her as well as Zach and Molly the most bearable ones in that family. Speaking of Molly, I wonder if her wedding will be held at the farm and filmed by TLC. 

  • Love 5
On 5/20/2017 at 3:33 PM, ginger90 said:

Well, if the interaction Amy and Chris had in the cabin in the morning, was after a night of sex, I'd be out. There was nothing about that morning that made me feel any kind of connection between the two of them. So, I hope they didn't do it!!

That's the same thing I thought! I have more chemistry with my mailman and trust me he's not making any kind of special deliveries.

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

If that's the case, she's doing a great job of hiding it. 

The people in question don't require actual evidence of anything to accuse someone of being evil, they just latch on to the smallest thing and blow it out of proportion.  Or they project their own weirdo hang ups on to other people which is what I think is going on with Tori.

They think the only reason she could possibly be with Zach is because she a famewhore because they can't imagine themselves ever being attracted to a little person. Therefore Tori must necessarily have some ulterior motive. 

It's rubbish.

  • Love 8

I agree. I see more love between Tori and Zach than anyone else on the show. Love, acceptance and compassion radiate between them. Jackson is a very lucky baby to be blessed with them as parents. I suspect Zach will be best equipped to handle any issues that arise socially for Jax and if he's not sure he'll ask his mom. Amy took the news in stride and handled the talk with Zach with grace, the right amount of support and no histrionics. I think she truly just wants Jax to be healthy and he will be loved for who he is, not in spite of dwarfism. 

  • Love 16

Within the next few months, I'll be a grandma for the first time. And I found myself thinking the other day: Prenatal diagnostics show no indication of any genetic abnormality, but say the baby were to be born with dwarfism. Because of the Roloffs -- primarily Amy and Zach, as I'm no Matt fan -- if that were to happen, I would be neither devastated nor afraid. And that's pretty powerful.

Anyway ... I have a bit of a different take on the morning-after scenario. As a divorced mom who dated when my kids were teenagers, I was ultra-conscious of not sharing much with them about my romantic exploits. My guess is that Amy maybe was second-guessing allowing TLC to film the overnight and didn't want to be too touchy-feely for the cameras in the morning. Also, chances are she knew Jeremy and Audrey would be less than supportive, and she likely was reluctant to provide them with even more fuel for the fire.

Edited by Literata
  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:


he's gonna be a little guy :) do they normally reveal these things before the show this way?

Yeah, People magazine usually covers TLC shows heavily and tell what is going to happen. It's a way of getting people to watch the show. 

  • Love 2

They think the only reason she could possibly be with Zach is because she a famewhore because they can't imagine themselves ever being attracted to a little person. Therefore Tori must necessarily have some ulterior motive.

This is my theory as well. And lately its been rolled up in anger and rage that Audrey's not crapping out the first Roloff  grandchild or even the first boy child.

As much as I don't think it's a good thing for a child to be raised on reality tv, there's a small part of me that is kinda waiting to see the fits thrown as it becomes clear that Matt loves boy children and wants boy children on camera doing boy things with Matt and Audrey and Peculiar Dynamic are shunted off to spend time with Amy because Matt loves boys! And dwarf boys are good tv and average height girls are boring and NOT good tv.

  • Love 4

Honestly Zach and Jer need to live their own lives and not spend all of their time together -- competing on who got married firm; whose wife pushed out a kid first etc. At Jer's gender reveal, Zach seemed visibly "nervous" that Jer and Auj would also have a boy. I'm sure he was envisioning a lifetime of his son having to compete with Zach's son and never quite being good/fast/handsome enough esp. if he's an LP. And for once in his life, Zach has some attention bc he made the first grandchild and that grandchild happens to be a boy and you know his thunder would be stolen if Jer also had a son. Jer seemed disappointed to me, and Matt couldn't even hide it with his -- this is better, now YOUR son will be king of the farm -- comment to Zach. What grandpa comes out and basically says -- my grandson is more important/wanted than my granddaughter but that's nice for Jer and Auj that they're having a girl!?

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, cereality said:

Honestly Zach and Jer need to live their own lives and not spend all of their time together -- competing on who got married firm; whose wife pushed out a kid first etc. At Jer's gender reveal, Zach seemed visibly "nervous" that Jer and Auj would also have a boy. I'm sure he was envisioning a lifetime of his son having to compete with Zach's son and never quite being good/fast/handsome enough esp. if he's an LP. And for once in his life, Zach has some attention bc he made the first grandchild and that grandchild happens to be a boy and you know his thunder would be stolen if Jer also had a son. Jer seemed disappointed to me, and Matt couldn't even hide it with his -- this is better, now YOUR son will be king of the farm -- comment to Zach. What grandpa comes out and basically says -- my grandson is more important/wanted than my granddaughter but that's nice for Jer and Auj that they're having a girl!?

I know that wasn't outwardly nice of Matt to say it--but I was secretly glad because I'm glad Zach has the only boy that won't compete and that Matt is proud of Zach for something. ?

  • Love 4

Ok. About the toboggan heads. Jer really needs to man (grow) up and cut his hair. This phase was cute when he was a teen but now looking at it jutting out from his hat, it just doesn't look manly or his man bun for that matter. Now I finally get why there was so much outrage many years ago in the 60's and 70's when everyone wore long hair. I loved it then. Must be me. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Jaxy said:

Amy is always so disagreeable and unpleasant. Even her new boyfriend doesn't like the anger he sees in her. But I'm happy for zach and tori they really seem to be in love. 

Not to beat the horse further, but Amy's reactions are appropriate, given that her narcissistic dick of an ex-husband tries to manipulate and belittle her and set her off at every turn. We've seen no evidence of a rage issue. I found Chris's criticism extreme, unfair and a little bizarre.

Amy's not perfect, but she shouldn't be expected to repress her feelings, which are more than valid, to please anyone else. 

Edited by Literata
  • Love 14

Is it just me or did it strike anyone as odd that they needed to drag that giant pirate ship across the farm and destroy a ton of grass? Why not build it in place? Also, I'd love to see code enforcement showing up to check that. There's clearly no permit pulled for that thing.

For all of Jer's blather about how they wanted a "low key" gender reveal party, there were way more people there than the 30 he said originally and larger than Zach and Tori's party. Also, I seriously wonder how safe that smoke was when Auj was playing in it.

Matt, perhaps the facepalm when the smoke showed it was a girl wasn't the nicest thing.

  • Love 5

I am absolutely loving Divorced Amy. She was hilarious when she said that Matt spent their whole marriage trying to get his way by saying he is going to die early. I laughed out loud when Amy pointed to her watch and wondered when he was finally going to die. Priceless. Also later at the Reveal when 10 minutes before the party started he wondered if he could bring anything. Typical Matt to make it look like he was being considerate, when in reality as Amy pointed out if she didn't have everything by then, she didn't need it. I love that she basically just laughs at him and lets him know that she sees through his B.S. 

I can't believe that I actually liked Jer is a couple of scenes. I love that they did not invite Caryn to the party. Good on them! I also thought that his description of picturing his daughter with wild red hair running on the farm was pretty cute. 

I am not a much of a kid person, or a baby person, but Tori and Zach's son is just adorable. 

  • Love 17

She was hilarious when she said that Matt spent their whole marriage trying to get his way by saying he is going to die early. I laughed out loud when Amy pointed to her watch and wondered when he was finally going to die. Priceless.

The best part was how genuinely pissed he was that she called him on that shit. I've had this bitch point about Matt sagely noting how he was destined to not live very long and... forgive me but he's been doing that since season one and he's now what, 56? With nothing so wrong that it's not unreasonable that he will live another 10 years but he's *dying* dontcha know so he needs to be catered to.


Typical Matt to make it look like he was being considerate, when in reality as Amy pointed out if she didn't have everything by then, she didn't need it. I love that she basically just laughs at him and lets him know that she sees through his B.S. 

I like this sassy new Amy who cuts Matt off as he plays a passive aggressive ass move.

Also am I the only one who noted that Matt told Jeremy he would be happy to create some drama in order to have the gender reveal where Matt wanted?

  • Love 12
35 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Also am I the only one who noted that Matt told Jeremy he would be happy to create some drama in order to have the gender reveal where Matt wanted?

Yeah, what the hell was that about?  He literally offered to shit-stir in order to manipulate the situation on camera.  That shameless muffucah! 

Tonight Matt really showed that he is the source of the "messiness" and awkwardness that is making everyone so uncomfortable.  He was doing everything he could to pressure Jer and Odd into having their reveal party in that cold, no-toilet-having barn just so he could feel more in control of things.  I am so glad they didn't cave in and let him have his way.  You could see how uncomfortable Jerk was when he said they would rather have the party at the big house.  I am *thrilled* they didn't invite Caryn to the party.  And surprised, to be honest. As much as they have been complaining about how they don't like all the drama at the farm, I still expected them to kow tow to Matt and throw an invite to his mistress girlfriend just to make him happy.  But they didn't.  And I think that is just awesome! 

In honor of this impressive behavior on their part, I shall refrain from insulting them for one full week!  Enjoy your Celia Rubenstein Reprieve kids!

  • Love 16

I've skimmed and skimmed - has anyone commented on Audrey (EVIL B*TCH) smirking when Tori/Zach were talking about their baby potentially being a LP?  I could not believe my eyes.  Jeremy and Audrey are horrible.  I hate them.  I was never a Zach fan but my opinion of him is changing.  He's grown up a lot and his emotion when he was talking to Amy in the kitchen really tugged at my heart.  And Amy in that moment is why I like her.

  • Love 11

First of all, I think gender reveal parties are the most rediculous thing I have ever heard of! 

Second of all, Matt making a thing of it being held at the "big house". Is everything an effing competition with him? I'm surprised Amy is dating at all after living with this man for 20 something years. I would be exhaused. 

And last but not least, do we really need to hear about every.single. feeling. Jer and Aug have about her miraculous pregnancy? I'm exhausted. I'm excited. I'm scared. Moving will be so hard. Because I'm PREGNANT! Shut it, Aug. Just shut it. 

  • Love 10

I don't see that the adult kids dislike Caryn more so than Chris.   By not inviting either, it was fair.  That's a good approach, imo.  Not sure how that will work long term, especially, if either couple gets engaged or married.  I do think the super sensitivity expressed by Jer and Auj is a little disingenuous.   I mean, with the years of blow outs between their parents.....I can't imagine it being much worse than that.  

I'm trying to figure out how Amy and Lisa are going to make a profit on those cakes/bread.  I've been interested in doing something similar, so I hope it works out.  I may proceed with my venture too. Having the bakery already set up, staff, equipment, etc.  is a huge plus.  So they will have to pay that lady too.  I wonder how much you really have to sell, in order to make it profitable.   The setup they are proposing, means that Amy doesn't really cook the food though.  Are they still going to serve food in that little room next door to the bakery?  I didn't understand what they decided to do on that.  

I really like Zach now, but, I have to wonder how in the world you ignore headaches and nausea when you have a shunt and have had trouble with the shunt.  I would think that the surgeon who did the procedure would have a list to things to seek medical attention if you experience it.  To ignore his symptoms long term boggles the mind.  His wife and parents were a lot nicer about his delay in seeking medical advice that I would have been.  I hope they have figured out what the problem is by now. (Tori called Matt at 4:00 a.m. about Zach's pain.  WHY would you not go to the ER when something is that serious? I don't understand having that kind of situation and just doing nothing for so long. )

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1

Hello, I haven't posted in a long time but I really enjoy reading this forum.  A few things:

Audrey completely shit the bed with that post about praying forever for (adorable) little Jackson. She spoiled the People story and the TLC reveal.  I bet Matt went off on her.

I love how Tori and Molly are still close friends, you can tell by how pleasant and natural they are together, as opposed to certain hipster mopheads.

The Roloffs have money and they have access the best doctors in the country due to the cash and fame.  Plus cameras with film crews (actual humans) are with them for long periods of time.  There's no way Zach didn't get medical care when he needed it.  (Amy:  "You need to find a neurosurgeon."  Yeah, that's a casual conversation you have in front of a film crew.)  He looks great now, proud papa and husband.

I think Chris is getting a paycheck, nothing more.

  • Love 3

Yeah, what the hell was that about?  He literally offered to shit-stir in order to manipulate the situation on camera.  That shameless muffucah! 

I love it. First he's at Amy, demanding to know how it's going to be different from Zach and Tory's and Amy is like "Wha?"

Matt then says "I don't think it's fair that you've got a nice big house that accommodates everybody and I don't have anything..."

Amy is all "Gee whiz, welcome to divorce"

Matt says "I gotta build a house..."

Amy cuts him off with "That's for you to decide with your own funding. I can't see me investing in something I don't get any benefit out of" - which btw means Matt has been trying to get Amy to pay for his new house with her money.

Matt then pulls the "I'm not gonna last forever" line and "You're going to live longer than me" - In other words, he's a poor widdle dwarf so he needs to be given his way, and mean Amy is ignoring how *he's dying* - a pure sympathy ploy to the audience. Point - they are *divorced* - Matt walked out on her. Amy no longer has to give two shits that he is going to die sooner (and there's little evidence of that anyway)

Amy says "don't give me this cruel pity baby thing" - Matt frowns and rolls his eyes and sighs. Amy continues with "Since I married you, you've said you're dying and I'm like god when is time up?" Admittedly that's harsh but in context its also really fair as I do recall Matt doing the "I'm dying" whine for years.

Matt is pissed but controls it, laughing. He says "That's downright mean." He whines as Amy gets into her side.

"How do you think it is for a woman, living with someone whose always saying I'm dying I'm dying so let me do what I want right now cause I'm dying."

Matt then chimes this piece of assholery - "It's worked so far"

What a fucking peach he is, admitting on camera that he uses his condition to manipulate his family and get his way!

I couldn't believe he admitted it.

  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, luvbadtv said:

Amy's hair was such a mess when she was in the kitchen at the sex (not gender) reveal party.  Girl does not own a brush?

she was a mess and always just looks dirty....remember back to when she was getting ready for Chris and was bathing in her perfume, made me think of some dollar store spray on someone that just smells dirty and cheap.

On 5/30/2017 at 10:56 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:

She seems to have a devoted following of trolls who call her dirty names and insult her and attack other posters.  It's kind of nutty and extreme. Even the Duggars don't get the kind of senseless hate that Amy does. 

The Kate Trolls need something to do with the Gosselins not on TV at the moment. And I say this NOT being a big fan of Amy OR Kate. The trolling is over the top. 

Last night's exchange between Matt and Amy, regarding Matt's whining about Amy having the "bigger house," and her tossing it back in his face with a "welcome to divorce," retort. Who am I supposed to be siding with here? The whiner, or the one who got the house with a pool that the other one also worked just as hard for?  Such a dilemma. 


And for once in his life, Zach has some attention bc he made the first grandchild and that grandchild happens to be a boy and you know his thunder would be stolen if Jer also had a son. Jer seemed disappointed to me, and Matt couldn't even hide it with his -- this is better, now YOUR son will be king of the farm -- comment to Zach. What grandpa comes out and basically says -- my grandson is more important/wanted than my granddaughter but that's nice for Jer and Auj that they're having a girl!?

This makes me sad. I fell asleep before this part. WHY in the fuckity fuck, should Jer or Matt be disappointed? And why should Zach be "relieved?" Zach and Tori have the "first" grandson, but Jer and Auj have a first, too. The first granddaughter. Sounds like a draw to me. Are girls inferior? Is that what you're all implying, Roloff Family? Take a look at Molly. She ran circles around her brothers academically. 

Who am I supposed to be rooting for again, besides Tori?!

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 6

ChicksDigsScars, if it helps in your decision, consider this.

The farm was divided 50/50 between them.

One of the couple made the decision to leave the marriage and made sure, well ahead of time, to use marital assets to position an entirely new manufactured home on the property so that they would have a comfortable place to live ON the farm. There was no genuine business need for the farm to add a manufactured home. The claim made at the time was that they needed a "bridal suite" for the "wedding business" and rather than temporarily repurpose the office barn (Matt's office that has electricity, a kitchenette, and a bathroom) for one day, Matt insisted on a new manufactured home and on spending the money for a new manufactured home (he sure as fuck wasn't calling it a double wide when he was insisting on how necessary it was back in the day)

He also did a little dance of glee on camera when he separated from Amy and had HIS friends over for a party of JUST HIS FRIENDS and how much he loved HIS house and LOVED living there alone!

SO when Matt puts his pitiful "I'm a sad widdle boy" puss face on and goes on about how he's the fucking victim and how he's so goddamn put out because per his own words, he gave Amy the big house, then yeah, Matt's a little bitch boy bitching about the bed he was fucking delighted to make for himself. Funny how Jer-Bear isn't standing by Daddy, happy to show his displeasure with Mom by insisting he and Audrey stay in Matt's extra bedroom and not the big house,  and funny how Jer's not willing to support Dad by insisting HIS gender reveal be in the shitty "crap in an outhouse" party barn just to please Daddy Matt.

Maybe when Matt was carefully planning his exit from the marriage, complete with setting up housekeeping ahead of time, he should have considered the long term consequences.

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, Jaxy said:

Amy is always so disagreeable and unpleasant. Even her new boyfriend doesn't like the anger he sees in her. But I'm happy for zach and tori they really seem to be in love. 

Jaxy, you remind me of someone.  I can't quite put my finger on it.

The best part of this episode, was Amy asking Matt when he's going to die already.  I loved it.  When Matt was suggesting that Amy should help to pay for his house because he doesn't have long to live.  I thought that he meant that the house would end up as farm property, so she eventually would benefit from it.

Did Matt want the party in the wedding barn so that he would have felt free to invite his paramour?

Edited by Honey
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I've skimmed and skimmed - has anyone commented on Audrey (EVIL B*TCH) smirking when Tori/Zach were talking about their baby potentially being a LP?  I could not believe my eyes.  Jeremy and Audrey are horrible.  I hate them.  I was never a Zach fan but my opinion of him is changing.  He's grown up a lot and his emotion when he was talking to Amy in the kitchen really tugged at my heart.  And Amy in that moment is why I like her.

Yup.  A lot of people commented on that a few pages back.  She wasn't just smirking, she was outright SMILING.

ETA: Jeremy looks as though he stinks.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 8

Are girls inferior? Is that what you're all implying, Roloff Family? Take a look at Molly. She ran circles around her brothers academically. 

Yeah, and take a look at how Molly got herself an education to avoid living under her daddy's thumb and moved away.

Point - they wanted boys. They really really wanted the cousins to be "lil Zach" and "lil Jer" and now Jeremy has to accept that he's coming in second forever. Zach has produced the male grandchild while Jeremy has failed.

*point, as a woman, I really hate this mindset that girls are less than boys but since the Roloffs clearly do embrace it, I hope Jeremy has nothing but baby girl disappointments.

  • Love 10

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