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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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6 hours ago, KateHearts said:

If you drag a TV crew with you, I'd say your chances are greatly improved.


And even better if a production assistant first goes around said bar to get as many as she can to sign the permission/disclosure forms that allows them to appear on the show as she explains why they are filming in the first place. 

  • Love 4

I disagree that there isn't anything new to see, but the hour-long show every week isn't justified anymore.  Matt and Amy are both starting new chapters in their lives.  Grandchildren will probably come soon. The farm continues to grow and change.  There are still new stories to be told, but they could easily condense the show down to 30 minutes.  Or even just a special every few months.  Then we wouldn't have to see thrilling scenes of Zach fixing his broken gate and Matt/Amy Fight #2756.

  • Love 2

I think, barring someone getting pregnant, there's just not much to see. Although I do think the family dynamic would change a lot if Zach and Tory had a child first. I genuinely don't think Jeremy (or Auj) would like playing second fiddle and they are very very unlikely to produce a dwarf child. I mean, they can play up the concern but unless Auj has dyastrophic dwarfs in her family, she's unlikely to be a carrier.


I guess I am in the minority because I am not really interested in watching what happens with the kids, even if they all get pregnant at once and spit out The Seven Dwarfs.  I just don't care.  And I am not really keen on watching yet another generation of Roloff children be sacrificed to the Reality TV gods, either.  It might be fun to watch Amy date, fall in love, and walk down the aisle with a new man ...  if only to watch Matt have to suck lemons the whole time.  Or I might watch Matt trying to date.  He is THE most charmless man on earth, and that might be good for a few laughs. But I think both those subjects could be well-covered in a one hour/ninety minute special.  I don't think the Roloff family shenanigans merit and hour a week of TV coverage any more.  Not when it means watching one of the twins' wife's friend try on bridal gowns to fill time.  Just NO. 

Didn't this show used to be half an hour?  I recall that being the case and it was fine.  Why the change?  Is TLC that desperate to fill the void left by the Duggars or something? 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 9

I think I could get sucked into the Tell All season from Molly and Jacob where they air all the dirty laundry of the family. What did it feel like to be forced to be around a toy that almost took his life? When did Matt and Amy forget that they had 4 children? Was Muller even more douchey in real life? Inquiring minds want to know.

Count me out on watching the vapid wunderkins at all. While Zach isn't my favorite, at least he and Tori have actual jobsand plans outside of taking all the farm for themselves.

  • Love 3

Sadly there is no Duggar gap.  They were on in the spring and will be back in the fall.  I won't mind if the Roloffs never come back.  They seem to have run their course.  My two episodes a year was meant more to say if they insist on showing us Roloffs two episodes would more than cover anything new they have going on.  Anything else is manufactured.

  • Love 3

I see Zach & Tori being the ones to produce the first grandbaby only because Oddj seems to have way too good of a relationship with the spirits as of late. Just about every scene she has been shown in she was sporting a drink. I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking but usually the others are drinking for dinner, around a campfire, she's her own little party I guess. 

  • Love 1

Congratulations to Molly on her graduation!  How many reality show kids can you name who went to an accredited four-year college/university and obtained a real degree?  And it sounds as if she is working towards a real job with her CPA.  It would be all too easy to live off of the TV money and fail to prepare for the rest of your life.  

  • Love 9

I assume its the little person issue and while I think Matt is like, an arrogant ass and also something of an attention whore, I won't begrudge him traveling to a doctor he feels comfortable with. I will note that there's a reason the soon to be exwife he walked out on didn't run to his side, and that there's a reason his kids were pretty nonchalant about his paralysis talk.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Is there a reason Matt had to go all the way to LA for his shots? Was it so it could be filmed? Or because he was a little person? My mom had cortisone shots in her neck and hips at our local rural pain center. I would think Portland has plenty of options for Matt.

It was possibly to find a place that would comp the treatment or would allow filming.  I can't think of a good reason for him to do it normally.

2 hours ago, MegD said:

It still bothered me that the cat was wandering the counters with open food out and that the counters were full of so much debris. It ruined the pretty kitchen for me.

Ewwwww I know! I kept thinking "cat hair in the cupcakes" Gross. My cat was never allowed on the counters. While I was home, anyway. lol

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, MegD said:

It still bothered me that the cat was wandering the counters with open food out and that the counters were full of so much debris. It ruined the pretty kitchen for me.


1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Ewwwww I know! I kept thinking "cat hair in the cupcakes" Gross. My cat was never allowed on the counters. While I was home, anyway. lol

It grossed me out!  I have had cats and none of them walked on counters or funiture that wasn't "theirs"..

Jeremy saying happy birthday - how else would he get the camera on him when the focus of the episode arrived?

  • Love 1

There was some legit fear in Man Bun's eyes when he was told about the cortisone injections. As in "holy crap, he's going to get paralyzed and we might have to take care of him here on the farm." Because that would ruin his plans for taking over the farm.

Can I point out that if Matt is so fragile, perhaps he doesn't need to be operating heavy machinery or driving that mule all over their farm? Or am I just overthinking this and being practical.

  • Love 4

Just watched this episode.

Omg! Jer's face when Matt was talking about them needing to take care of him! What was that?

And Audrey wondering who would take care of Matt was telling, I think. "I mean obviously, we'll be back but like day-to-day?" It told me she has no interest in taking care of him and has no idea how to express it.

I think Amy would've gone to support Matt if he'd asked but he didn't. A wife would go without question, but not an ex-wife/neighbor/business partner. I'm sure she'll help out with his post-op care when she can but I don't know about the "day-to-day" as her daughter-in-law so eloquently put it.

It's no wonder Jer almost spoiled the surprise party; the whole time Zack was telling him about it via video chat, he looked like he was bored and not really listening.

Molly graduated from college? Good for Molly!

Edited by sucker4reality
  • Love 2

I thought it was very interesting that Amy didn't offer to travel with Matt to the appointment. He was doing his sad puppy-dog act but she stood firm. She's not responsible for anything he can manage on his own, and she's only responsible for things he can't manage if she wants to be. Matt has grown children, friends (I think), and money for private transportation and a hotel. If he wants someone to feel sorry for him about everything, he should have thought about that before he asked for a divorce.

  • Love 4
On July 13, 2016 at 9:59 PM, kat165 said:

I thought Amy's hair looked exactly the same except in a darker color. Am I the only one who thought so? I didn't see it as any great big change.

Same here.

They made a big fuss about Amy going to support her friend's band, but I don't recall if they mentioned its name once (they named the venue many, many times).  They certainly didn't let us hear them.


On July 15, 2016 at 7:20 AM, kat165 said:

I liked her top too

Amyshould pamper herself a bit, like go to a spa and get a facial. 

I thought her ensemble was "on point" ( or is it "fleek" now?).

Based on the post above about "special day", I think Jerk is the one who'd enjoy a good facial..,

  • Love 1
On July 20, 2016 at 0:43 AM, silverspoons said:

Is there a reason Matt had to go all the way to LA for his shots? Was it so it could be filmed? Or because he was a little person? My mom had cortisone shots in her neck and hips at our local rural pain center. I would think Portland has plenty of options for Matt.

I figure to drink, party and bang a groupie. 

About Matt going to LA, maybe he knew already he'd have to have surgery and wanted to find a surgeon with whom he was comfortable before even getting the shots. He knew the cortisone would be temporary so he at least knew something more serious would have to be do done later. You can't really fault him for that.

  • Love 1

I actually choked when the cat was traipsing all over the counter with the cake and cupcakes. There were other things open too. Even if some things are closed and had lids it's still yuky. I've had cats and I love them, but their fur is everywhere and sticking to everything. The last place they should be is on counters. When they had the actual party and everyone was eating around the counter, I wondered if anyone had even bothered to clean it off. EWWW. Of course, not the first time to watch cats dance around food in that house.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, sucker4reality said:

Just watched this episode.

Omg! Jer's face when Matt was talking about them needing to take care of him! What was that?

And Audrey wondering who would take care of Matt was telling, I think. "I mean obviously, we'll be back but like day-to-day?" It told me she has no interest in taking care of him and has no idea how to express it.

I think Amy would've gone to support Matt if he'd asked but he didn't. A wife would go without question, but not an ex-wife/neighbor/business partner. I'm sure she'll help out with his post-op care when she can but I don't about the "day-to-day" as her daughter-in-law so eloquently put it.

It's no wonder Jer almost spoiled the surprise party; the whole time Zack was telling him about it via video chat, he look like he was bored and not really listening.

Molly graduated from college? Good for Molly!

He always looks bored on those video chats...I think it's a result of not having much between the ears, you know?

  • Love 1

Just watched the episode. It was kind of underwhelming, not that tlc shows usually aren't. However, it just felt like they were grasping at straws. I mostly felt it in the scene with Zach trying to plan Tori's party and her taking forever to get off the farm so he could resume. I was so tempted to fast forward. 

Also, bless their little souls, Zach and Tori really do seem to love each other and I prefer them over Jerk and Oddj on my screen, but (beware of snark coming) I honestly don't know what she sees in Zach. Granted, I don't know him in person and I promise it's not about looks because Jerk doesn't even warrant a comment from me and I couldn't say no to Peter Dinklage if he asked me out (Peter if you're out they, dm me!) but...He just seems to...not be the sharpest tool in the shed? The whole scene where he thought the surprise party would be her present and then Amy telling him to get her earrings and his response being that she'll notice the bank statement just reminded me of conversations I would have had as a teenager. 

  • Love 3

The place where Matt went for his shots is in Beverly Hills and has been filmed other TV shows so I'm leaning towards that is why he choose there. There is nothing about cortisone shots that would make even a little person have to go to Beverly Hills to a surgery center that specializes in fertility and dermatology procedures. In fact this is the same place Kim Kardashian went for some of her filmed fertility ob/gyn services.

I do think it is harder to find any place to let any filming go on. Even home videos or cell phone cams aren't allowed in some clinics. I took my son to the dentist a few weeks ago and they had new signs plastered everywhere no cell phone filming and they were serious. I was holding up my phone in a stupid attempt of thinking I would get better internet signal to download an insurance form and the dental assistant quickly told me no phones out. I knew hospitals were stricter but I had never seen dentists be like this.


It was nice to once again hear the long, tragic tale of how much time Matt spent in the hospital as a child.  Yaaaawwwnnnn.

I mean it IS sad, I realize that.  But jeebus cripes how many times are they going to have him deliver the same speech about it?   It's this endless cycle that's gotten really tiresome.  They spend all season making Matt look like an asshole, then they roll out the hospital narrative in order to create sympathy for him.  Wash, rinse, repeat.   Enough already.

Did anyone else notice when they pulled the camera way back and showed Matt propped up in his big scary hospital bed, there was this subtle expression of satisfaction on his face?  Like he was more than happy to be shown as this sad little creature, in pain and all alone, once again ....  He seemed even more satisfied than he was when he was telling the twins about the dangerous ordeal he was facing.  Boy, Matt really gets off on playing the sick dwarf card.  

Well, hmph.  It clearly seems to work on Zach and Jeremy.  But Amy not so much.  I am guessing it's because she has told him the same thing I was saying to my TV as I watched the show - when you know you are going to face certain kinds of health problems as you age, you might want to consider not being so hard on your body.  It's frustrating to watch someone do harm to himself and it's hard to die of pity when it catches up with the person.  But there was no acknowledgment of maybe having made some mistakes by Matt, of course not.  Instead of expressing any regret about battering his delicate skeleton, all Matt could do was list the ways in which he was "so active" with "all his activities" as if he had no choice but to go skiing and parasailing and riding around like a maniac on bumpy farms roads on his ATV for decades.  Then in the next shot they show him bouncing along in the Mule to tell Amy what bad shape he is in.  It's hard to have sympathy for a guy like that.  I'm not saying he should have lived his whole life covered in bubble wrap and never doing anything fun, but when you know you are setting yourself up to one day have your neck go SNAP and sever your spinal cord and punch that one-way ticket to Paralization City, you MIGHT want to be a little bit more cautious in your choices. 

And if these people don't stop zipping around in motor vehicles with dogs of all shapes and sizes romping alongside them, I'm going to stop watching.  It's a tragic accident waiting to happen.  That little white dog was running alongside the mule when Matt was going to the house to visit Amy (then they cut to Matt and there she is sleeping behind him in the seat, nice editing).  Then another dog was running alongside Amy as she was pulling into the garage with Molly hidden away ... even seeing Sully romping and chasing Zach and Tori in the opening credit makes me uncomfortable.   People always say their dog is fine and knows to stay out of the way.  Until that one split second when they DON'T.  

ETA:  I just have to add one thing because it was so funny.  In the scene where Zach and Tori encounter Jerk and Odd at the farm (and Jerk blurts out "happy birthday!"), Sully the dog takes off in a mad dash toward them.  Odd claps her hands and bends down to pet the approaching Sully, but then you notice this other dog off to the side of Jerk and Odd and it is clear that Sully is excited and running to meet this other dog and not those two dimwits.  lmao!  

Well played, Sully.  Well played.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 11

Why would Amy be required or expected to accompany Matt or take care of him. HE left her, HE is divorcing her.  That means they are no longer each others' personal responsibility. Business partners, yes, but he lost all rights to leaning on her personally the day he moved out, and definitely the day he filed for divorce.  

  • Love 8

Can I point out that if Matt is so fragile, perhaps he doesn't need to be operating heavy machinery or driving that mule all over their farm? Or am I just overthinking this and being practical.

Nope, not overthinking it. And between you and me? I think Matt doesn't do anywhere near the rough riding and freewheeling and heavy equipment operating that he wants the public to believe. I think a LOT of that is for show.


Why would Amy be required or expected to accompany Matt or take care of him. HE left her, HE is divorcing her.  That means they are no longer each others' personal responsibility. Business partners, yes, but he lost all rights to leaning on her personally the day he moved out, and definitely the day he filed for divorce.  

Because Matt's a passive aggressive, manipulative little bitch, that's why. Amy clearly didn't want or expect the divorce, you're absolutely right about who left who. Matt walked out. Matt had the fucking audacity to plot his escape from the marriage publically. The whole 'Oh we have to have a manufactured home installed to replace the bridal suit because I can't give up my office for even one day! It makes more sense to spend 60k on a home we will use for three afternoons of filming!" - Bull fucking shit, Matt wanted a convenient and pleasant place to live where he could live separately and comfortably and still keep a close eye on the farm. Amy is clearly pretty traditional in her views and Matt nicely fucks her over publically - he leaves her, publically noting in part that its because she keeps a slovenly house that he doesn't feel welcome in, publically shaming her as a bad wife, and then proceeds to publically note how much happier he is in his brand new man cave, throwing parties with his buddies where she has to watch how he excludes her.

And Amy, to give her some credit, manages to handle this with a little bit of dignity, not pointing out his obvious flaws or how he's always made it clear she's shit compared him (seriously think about how many times Matt ran her down on the show, or did the "Well, fuck me, folks! Amy actually managed without my help! I NEVER thought she could manage becayse you know, Amy thinks small, and is small, and isn't very smart or able....") and then... Matt starts to clue in that she's taking the divorce seriously. That since he's walked out, she's not coming running any more.

Good for her that she's not such a lapdog to his whims that she doesn't drop everything going on in her life to nurse him back to health after he pointedly left her and crowed like the cock on the walk how nice it was to be free. What irks me is Matt playing to the cameras with the "poor pitiful Matt, no one cares I'm in pain, no one offers to help me" because he's never going to acknowledge that he's being a total prick, walking out on his wife and then acting like a pathetic whining bitch when she doesn't come running to tend him. Hey Matt, you left your wife, she's no longer obligated to tend you. Maybe it's time you told Jeremy that his role is now to be your bitch... oh wait, Jeremy would gnaw his own arm off rather than do anything that isn't fun. It's funny how that Cats in the Cradle song really does exemplify Matt's relationship with Jeremy - Jeremy's a selfish ass like his dad. Matt, your boy is just like you - that's why he's not dropping everything to be at your side.

  • Love 13

Wow, I sure was impressed that Zack pushed the issue and went with his dad to his surgery! That on top of Tory making a platter of goodies for Matt to eat on the way to the graduation in the van.[funny observation; Zack says he is the pilot and Tory is his first mate, then he says he's the Capt. of this ship later, lol] Zach may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but he sure knows how to be a good son. I am sure Tory is a big part of it, but "Mr. man-bun twin" may need to take a few lessons here. This is NOT how you inherit the farm Mr. too busy to be bothered to attend Molly's graduation because you had a prior speaking engagement for your attention hog of a wife! Zach does probably feel for Matt because he is also a little person and the only other little person in the family is now an ex wife. It did make me tear up a bit when they showed all the proud moments with Molly. Especially his sending her off to college and then him choking up again at the party. I wonder why her boyfriend was not on camera at the party? Didn't Matt even mention him by name once? I have to assume Molly will not be on the show much at all if she works in Washington. Possibly this is her plan and we will never hear about her boyfriend.

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