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"The View": Week Of 9/4/17

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backformore, great post!^^^^No matter what Hillary does, she gets bashed for it. She has been put through hell, and she has the right to write a book about it if she wants to do so.

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The ladies of the view ARE irrational. I would also like to add delusional as an adjective to describe them. I found it incredibly comical that Whoopi was offended by Huckabee's comments. Do these women of The View actually believe that they are objective and unbiased? They all need to give their heads a shake. When you start saying things like "95% of what comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie" you lose all credibility. When you start saying that you don't hate Trump when all you have been saying for the last 2 years is that you hate Trump you lose all credibility. These women (with the exception of Sarah) are completely nuts and full of themselves. This show is beyond unwatchable. I can't believe that I still do.

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8 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

Also, to Paula and Jedi, exactly how many times does Hillary have to admit she made mistakes and take the blame for her loss for you to accept it? What would be enough for you?

There are  never going to be enough times   for these two.  Paula is a   mean conservative -  she loves to get her digs in and Jediblabla  changes her  opinions daily.  

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Really Fannysue. I can't tolerate how Paula likes to "pretend" she is a journalist yet can interview anyone well nor keep her judgements to herself if only because of her expressions or body language.

And Jedi is, imo, trying very hard to make a name for herself - and not wisely.

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I hate Paula....and of course hate Jedda-Bla Bla...but man, I thought Jedda-boob was going to jump across the table today she was leaning so hard, just to knock Hillary. She was just so excited to say how much she hated Hillary. Well, get over it, she lost, YOUR MAN won bitch, so shut up. I'm sorry, but she is a total republican, and you will never ever ever convince me that she didn't vote for that idiot. EVER! She just won't admit it now, right? Oh, and thank you as always Mrs. Joy! Yes, Politifact is a great site, and yes, he lies about 90% of the time. 

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11 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

The ladies of the view ARE irrational. I would also like to add delusional as an adjective to describe them. I found it incredibly comical that Whoopi was offended by Huckabee's comments. Do these women of The View actually believe that they are objective and unbiased? They all need to give their heads a shake. When you start saying things like "95% of what comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie" you lose all credibility. When you start saying that you don't hate Trump when all you have been saying for the last 2 years is that you hate Trump you lose all credibility. These women (with the exception of Sarah) are completely nuts and full of themselves. This show is beyond unwatchable. I can't believe that I still do.

I seriously would never watch a talk show on which every member of the regular panel was irrational. It would be like the Mad Hatter's tea party. I don't find that to be the case, but if it were, I wouldn't watch. Nor do  find them delusional. Huckabee's comments sounded both whiny and dismissive. I do not believe -- had he had the same discussion with four men -- he would have used those words nor that dismissive manner. I think Joy misused the analysis by Politifact, and I agree she shouldn't have. Politifact was referring only to his public statements given (by Trump) as fact. It didn't apply to his private life, for example. I've never heard the woman say they hated Trump. They've argued against him. They've refused to name him. Most of all they've made fun of him. I challenge anyone to find a quote by one of the women using the words "hate" directed at Trump. Yes, they are full of themselves. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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11 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

The ladies of the view ARE irrational. ... Do these women of The View actually believe that they are objective and unbiased?

Having an opinion doesn't make a person irrational. It's called The VIEW for a reason. If Huckabee's ego is that easily upset, maybe he should've only visited the biased and unobjective Faux News outlet he was on in the clip and skipped The View altogether. 

On 9/7/2017 at 5:28 PM, Stacey1014 said:

After watching Hot Topics, I'm convinced that Jedidiah likes to argue for the sake of arguing and to hear the sound of her voice. A few of the ladies had something positive to say about Trump and she couldn't stop disagreeing with them. Between her constant arguing and her distasteful table dancing during the entrance, she is really intent on getting people to dislike her. 

I think it's more that Sunny was saying something positive about Trump. It's clear that Jedi is focused particularly on arguing with Sunny over everything, agreeing and laughing when Whoopi mocks her, etc. My impression is she's playing a similar game to Nicolle Wallace a few years ago, trying to use Whoopi's ego nonsense with Sunny to help damage her likability with viewers because Sunny always calls Jedi on her bullshit.

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7 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

I can hardly wait until next week - we're spending an entire episode (apparently) on the 25th anniversary of Sister Act.  I guess no one said "Hey, let's take this time off and try to come up with very vital, intereting new stories and hot topics!"

And the ass kissing continues. Sister Act was a cute movie but hardly a classic. 

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12 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oooh!!! Cute puppy paws!!!! How'd you do that?!!!

Since I mostly use my computer I copy and past emoticons from here.


10 minutes ago, tvaddict44 said:

I can hardly wait until next week - we're spending an entire episode (apparently) on the 25th anniversary of Sister Act. 

I'm hoping since that's happening next Thursday it means Whoopi won't be there on Friday.

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Whoopi got really worked up over people going to https://www.rottentomatoes.com/  to read reviews before going to a movie.,   She wants people to decide for themselves, instead of relying on someone's opinion.   

Rotten Tomatoes gives a compilation of professional reviews and audience ratings, and is a fairly good way to weed out a stinker movie.   Sure, we can all  decide for ourselves whether or not we like a movie.   But we don't all have unlimited funds to see every new movie that's out - for most of us, going to a movie theater is a treat.  I sure check out reviews first, especially since movies became so expensive. 

I wondered why she was bitching about it.  But then I saw this :  https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/911_2017

Yeah, new movie, "9/11"  is getting a low score - 20% on Rotten tomatoes.  Starring Charlie Sheen and WHOOPI GOLDBERG!    

(granted, it's new, so not a lot of reviews, but WHoopi knows those early ratings will cause potential audiences to see something else instead). 

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3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I've really enjoyed movies that I found out later was panned by Rotten Tomatoes, OTOH, I've hated &/or walked out of movies that were recommended, so ....

SO, maybe you will like Whoopi's new movie?

I just think it's funny that she chose the week her movie came out to rail against movie critics, but not mention that she has a movie out, and that it's getting bad reviews. 

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1 hour ago, tribeca said:

Not loving the new format of the hot topics on the side of the screen.  

It's driving me crazy. The View is a talk show on ABC not a news show on CNN or MSNBC. Hopefully they'll drop it soon. 

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10 hours ago, Jaded said:

It's driving me crazy. The View is a talk show on ABC not a news show on CNN or MSNBC. Hopefully they'll drop it soon. 

I'm sure it will be dropped. Many times I notice that they don't cover topics that are announced in the opening. I'm sure they'll have a hard time sticking to this list too. 

Joy was so rude when she said "I don't know what other kinds of miners there are" in response to jedi's comment. She said it with so much disdain, instead of using humor to soften the blow. I get it that people hate Jedi but I expect the co-hosts to maintain a level of friendliness and respect. Jedi and Sunny are usually the targets of Joy's and Whoopi's ire. Jedi and Sunny argue their points but they don't make personal attacks towards Joy or Whoopi. And they don't show disgust towards them.

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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

I'm still trying to figure out why they really moved Sara and Sunny...

All last year, Joy complained about Sara hitting her arm. Sara giggled and didn't stop.

I'm sure that was the major reason... Joy got sick of being hit and even telling Sara about it repeatedly didn't stop it. So they moved Sara. I'm sure she's afraid of Whoopi and won't be smacking her.

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On 9/9/2017 at 4:14 PM, Medicine Crow said:

I've really enjoyed movies that I found out later was panned by Rotten Tomatoes, OTOH, I've hated &/or walked out of movies that were recommended, so ....

Which was exactly the point of the discussion....at least that was the plan.

Whoopi made an excellent point in that we are living in a time where few people seem to think for themselves, instead relying on what social media, cable TV, and panelists on The View tells them what to think/like/watch.  OK, so she didn't cite The View.  Yet it is an excellent point that she has made many times over the past few years: think for yourself, believe what you want....just don't force your thoughts/beliefs on others.

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9 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I'm still trying to figure out why they really moved Sara and Sunny...

It sure seems like the constant Joy beat-downs were part of the reason.  I do love that they made it the Lead Hot Topic one day.

What does seem odd is that Sara is presumably on maternity leave by December for an extended absence.  Joy's bruises would have healed well.

Also, they loaded the new season cast photo on the ABC app.  Joy is front and center.


The app image is somewhat different, and looks more photoshopped.....The pic seems to be from April, maybe before Whoopi re-signed (?)

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5 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

It sure seems like the constant Joy beat-downs were part of the reason.  I do love that they made it the Lead Hot Topic one day.

I haven't been watching. Did they give a reason for the seating switcheroo?

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17 hours ago, backformore said:

I don't know.  I wonder if there was another reason, and that Sara slapping Joy was what they decided to use as a cover story.  

It was really obvious as last season went on that Joy was getting increasingly irritated by being hit all the time, she brought it up, and Sara treated it like a joke. She didn't stop. Joy is 70something and a pretty straight shooter. I think she requested it. I think if I had a co-worker who kept hitting me, DAILY, and didn't stop, I'd make sure she wasn't next to me as well.

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What I don't understand is why Sara didn't stop when Joy complained about her hitting her.  She seems like a very sweet person who would not want to hurt anyone so would just learn to control herself.  I bruise easily too and my husband jabbed me early on and I told him I didn't like it and he stopped. I would hate it too.  Maybe they could put her on the end and let her jab away at Jedi.  Yeah, that I could tolerate.

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21 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

It was really obvious as last season went on that Joy was getting increasingly irritated by being hit all the time, she brought it up, and Sara treated it like a joke. She didn't stop. Joy is 70something and a pretty straight shooter. I think she requested it. I think if I had a co-worker who kept hitting me, DAILY, and didn't stop, I'd make sure she wasn't next to me as well.

On one of the behind the scenes videos late last season Sara told Paula that when she hits Joy she doesn't really mind it. Paula said I think she does. Sara said nah. I knew then something was up and now Sara has moved. There might be another reason but that is definitely one of them.

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On 09/09/2017 at 8:28 AM, Haleth said:

And the ass kissing continues. Sister Act was a cute movie but hardly a classic. 

I hated it, didn't care for it then, wouldn't watch now. Thumbs down

On 10/09/2017 at 8:05 PM, Medicine Crow said:

Maybe Sarah asked to be moved because she was afraid she'd punch Jedi in the mouth!!!

I think Sara is the most likable on that panel. She's at least open to others opinions. Sunny has a stick up her butt, Jot loves Joy, and Whoopi just takes anything and plays the race card. I use the FF until the guest is on I like. I think Nichole was a great host, but far to clever for this panel.

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I like that Joy doesn't seem to give a shit abt pop culture, laughs at herself, is smart, aware, and easy going...not aggressive in holding her own informed opinion. 

Sarah does her homework, but does not come off as intelligent. She is a nice person that i would like as a friend. 

The other three I agree with HelloLady, and I would veer away from them at any gathering. 

My condolences for Jerry Lewis. 

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On 9/9/2017 at 11:14 PM, tribeca said:

Not loving the new format of the hot topics on the side of the screen.  

I like it.  I know when I can run and make a snack.

On 9/13/2017 at 1:47 PM, Hello Lady said:

I think Nichole was a great host, but far to clever for this panel.

So true!  Even though I am on the other side of the aisle, so to speak, I am enjoying her on MSNBC.

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