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S04.E06: Week 3, Night 2

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Ah, so check one in the 'must not have been paying full attention' column for me on the Lacey/Daniel sitch. Thanks.

Come to think of it thought I'd guess they did have a connection of some sort as she did go all 'climb ya like a tree!' on him when he came around the corner. It would also explain that she has his m.o. and knew he was just talking shit, as usual in their convo. He was probably just saying that to give her a hard time that she'd been there before him and not been 'chosen' by the time he showed up. I can see that.

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

Ah, so check one in the 'must not have been paying full attention' column for me on the Lacey/Daniel sitch. Thanks.

Come to think of it thought I'd guess they did have a connection of some sort as she did go all 'climb ya like a tree!' on him when he came around the corner. It would also explain that she has his m.o. and knew he was just talking shit, as usual in their convo. He was probably just saying that to give her a hard time that she'd been there before him and not been 'chosen' by the time he showed up. I can see that.

But for that theory to work all the late coming contestants would have to be holed up in a hotel somewhere waiting for days to get the call. I always thought the late comers were flew in as they were needed.  Or at least the later group would be flown in on a separate flight. I can more understand if she knew he was going to be on the show since the break allowed them to see the cast list and speculation. They could have had telephone conversations before he got there which might explain her familiarity and ease to jump in his arms but I have my doubts about that. I mean come on this girl has done nothing since day one but complain and whine about how no one was into her and then when she did get a date she childishly assumed she had rights to Diggy. She has been in her own Disney Princess world and is embarrassingly naive and immature. So I can definitely believe the bear hug was spur of the moment childish excitement. I might be wrong about the whole thing and she had already spent time with him but I can still see her doing that totally on her own with any prior introduction.  

Edited by yorklee2
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Once again this show makes me hate it for wanting to defend Corrine in any way, shape or form.

I can buy that Corrine got totally blitzed by mixing Rx's and booze.

I can even buy that she didn't know better.  Lots of meds have those warnings, but everyone reacts differently.  Given that she's a relatively light-weight, and may not have consumed that much liquor while taking that med before, and was probably also dehydrated, I could see her going to from zero to blitzed pretty quickly.

What I can't believe is that her level of drunkenness would not have been apparent to those around her.

And that brings us back to the footage of the incident in question.  TPTB have said they have that footage.  Let us see it.  Show us someone who is acting completely coherent and lucid and apparently knowingly getting naked and putting her naked vagina in someone's face in public.  Pixelate all you want.  But show us something to confirms that no one would have suspected that Corrine was checked-out just by looking at her.

Because that's the ultimate issue that the show is avoiding.  Their failure to monitor the alcohol intake and medication consumption of the contestants, while continuing to serve the contestants as much alcohol as they requested.

Just this week I saw an interview with Robby explaining how even after the shut down and the institution of "two drinks max per hour" rules the cast found away around them.  Apparently the rule isn't "two drink per 60 minutes", but rather "two drinks per clock-hour".  So they could order two drinks at 3:55, and then be able to order two more at 4:00 because (new hour!).

I really don't give a fuck about Corrine.  And I care even less about DeMario.  But I do care about the show so blatantly insulting our intelligence about what happened here, using their cast and bullshit audience who are more pliable than Wells' fucking puppets!

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Bequialife posted last page about how no one ever eats on dates. That has bugged me since the beginning of this franchise. But I read an article a while back that said contestants eat dinner before the date and are instructed not to eat while being filmed since the CRUNCH MUNCH SWALLOW GULP would all be caught on the mics, much like all the gross snuffling snotting (and magnified suck kisses) that go on when TPTB get someone to cry on camera. So I'm now good with them not eating those meals, which I guess crew get to eat later. You know ... like scallops in a take-out box!

  • Love 6
On 8/30/2017 at 0:28 PM, seacliffsal said:

I fast forwarded through most of Corrine's interview as I just don't care and don't want to give her any more of my time.  However, I heard one statement-when she said that she knew exactly what Demario was experiencing as she was experiencing the same thing.  I just couldn't...she has no idea what Demario is going through as he had been portrayed as a potential rapist.  As if I need another reason to not like her...

I just watched that whole interview today and the same thing really bugged me. She couldn't say one thing about DeMario's ordeal without pointing out that she had also been through it. Except she wasn't the one being accused of rape, so it's really not the same thing. Yes, people were saying a lot of things about her, but they weren't ascribing any actual criminal behavior to her. So yeah, maybe he was just a bit more eager than she was to get information out there, which I can't blame him for at all. 

She's clearly really pissed off that DeMario's version of the events is out there, but IIRC, the details were attribute to people who know DeMario, not DeMario himself. So he told those people, who told the media, which is very different from "running to the media." It sounds like she wanted to get their stories straight (read: lie about what happened) and is upset she didn't get the chance, but she should have reached out earlier. 

It was just so striking to see DeMario's statements expressly asking people not to condemn her and defending her at every turn versus her very grudging acknowledgement that he hadn't done anything wrong. And I swear she actually rolled her eyes after they showed the footage of DeMario breaking down over his mother's response to the whole thing. She really came off as a spoiled, self-centered brat to me. 

The one thing I do feel bad for her about is that she made a stupid drunken mistake in a very public forum and that has to suck to have your mistake splashed all over the news. But hopefully she will learn something about not over-indulging to that degree, that's about the only good thing that could come of the whole mess. 




Not sure if this has been noted before - but does anyone kind of think the opening montage of Amanda being chased by what looks to be an "ooga booga" type of tribal man stereotype is a bit uncomfortable? Maybe a small bit culturally insensitive? I'm also not sure what part of her "personality" that's supposed to mock. Just odd.

I thought it was that she was being chased by a pizza, which was a reference to sweaty Josh.


Lol, it is a poorly constructed pizza with dark hair. I literally just noticed that in the last episode, every other time, I've been distracted by Amanda's really terrible attempt at running. I initially thought it was supposed to be sexy Baywatch-type running, but now that I know she's being chased by sweaty pizza, maybe that excuses how stupid she looks running.


I agree that he says the things he says quite deliberately, as bizarre and incomprehensible as they often are. I still don't know quite what to make of him, but despite his going a bit too far sometimes (I did not so much dig his calling all the women leftover scraps), I still feel like he really might be a decent guy under all the weird. Don't know if I'd want to spend time with him in real life, but I continue to enjoy watching him on my TV.

He definitely took it too far with the repeating of the "leftover scraps" remark and even in a goofy Daniel way, there's no way to make that "joke" funny, but it was especially uncomfortable given the running them of Lacey being a sad sack. 


What I do not enjoy watching is Wells and his puppets. WTF is up with that? It's not funny or charmingly snarky; it's irritating and just plain mean much of the time. Please make it stop.

Oh God, those puppets. So not funny. And what is his major issue with Christen? Besides all of the other nasty remarks, the repeated references to her implants were unnecessary. He seems like an asshole. 


Bequialife posted last page about how no one ever eats on dates. That has bugged me since the beginning of this franchise. But I read an article a while back that said contestants eat dinner before the date and are instructed not to eat while being filmed since the CRUNCH MUNCH SWALLOW GULP would all be caught on the mics, much like all the gross snuffling snotting (and magnified suck kisses) that go on when TPTB get someone to cry on camera. So I'm now good with them not eating those meals, which I guess crew get to eat later. You know ... like scallops in a take-out box!

I think it's also an issue of editing. If they eat, you can judge the timeline of the conversation based on the amount of food on the plates so the editors can't remix things to make a story. So full, untouched plates means every shot will look the same so they can better make fools of people by showing things out of context. ;) 

Edited by ljenkins782
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If they aren't going to have them eat on dinner dates, just stop having dinner dates. It's annoying to have them sitting at a table wasting all that food.

21 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

Oh God, those puppets. So not funny. And what is his major issue with Christen? Besides all of the other nasty remarks, the repeated references to her implants were unnecessary. He seems like an asshole. 

I don't hate the puppets in and of themselves. They were cute at first. But I really didn't like him making fun of Christen because it felt too much like picking on the easy target. Had he made fun of the others who were making fun of her it would have evened the playing field a little and felt less mean spirited. I just hate when people are ganged up on. Except Corinne. I never had a problem with them all ganging up on her because she is so far up her own ass she took it as a complement. I can't imagine how Christen feels watching this back and knowing what they were all saying about her behind her back. Horrible people. Just terrible.

Please, someone tell me my adorable Ben Z wasn't participating in all that? I hope he was in his room skyping with h

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I think I might have posted this in another episode, but I have a theory with Kristina and why she hasn't just moved onto someone else.

From what they've said, they bonded and paired up before the shutdown, then DURING the shutdown they went on a trip together to visit Kristina's family. I'm wondering if there was a decent connection at first, but during the shutdown Dean started hearing all the media buzz about how he should be the next Bachelor and getting texts from his bros like, "BRO you're gonna be the BACH!" or whatever, and it got him all excited and zapped the connection he had with Kristina and he probably just figured he could ghost her and nobody would ever be the wiser. Then production is suddenly and unexpectedly back on and they all go back to Paradise, and he's expected to keep up the charade even though he's totally checked out. He thinks he just has to cruise for awhile until his Bachelor gig is official. 

The problem is, because of Kristina's tough past in which she was bouncing around Russian orphanages as a child, she probably took his trip to meet her family as a VERY important and meaningful step in their relationship. Her family rightfully means a lot to her.

So now Dean is thinking "I'm not interested in a real relationship anymore because I'm going to be the Bachelor" and he just wants to lay on pillows all day/night and have sex with D-Lo, but he's too immature to break it off with Kristina because he wants her as backup. Or best case scenario he's just non-confrontational to an extreme. And for Kristina, even though all the signs in the world are telling her "he's playing you, he's an immature idiot" she went through something with him that had her convinced he was a great guy who was going to be in her life.

Obviously now the irony is that Dean is showing his true colors and most likely cost himself the Bachelorship (is that a word?) by behaving like a 7th grader.

  • Love 13

I still think Wells is using the puppets to make fun of the mean-girls much more than Christen.  It's Shark-girl who was getting the screechy voiced puppet lines of exaggerated, "OMG! Her SCALLOP FINGERS were on my bare SHOULDER!"  I think that was Wells's assigned role this year -- listen to the gossips as he pours the drinks, then make fun of them later. 

Not that he's been half as funny as Clare with her raccoon, or Ashley with her crying jags,   but he was that designated funny commentator this year.  I don't think he was ever in the running for Bachelor -- too small.

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, huskerj12 said:

So now Dean is thinking "I'm not interested in a real relationship anymore because I'm going to be the Bachelor" and he just wants to lay on pillows all day/night and have sex with D-Lo, but he's too immature to break it off with Kristina because he wants her as backup. Or best case scenario he's just non-confrontational to an extreme. And for Kristina, even though all the signs in the world are telling her "he's playing you, he's an immature idiot" she went through something with him that had her convinced he was a great guy who was going to be in her life.

Obviously now the irony is that Dean is showing his true colors and most likely cost himself the Bachelorship (is that a word?) by behaving like a 7th grader.

Dean is one of those people who "doesn't want to hurt someone" by being honest and actually talking to them about how he feels and he just conveniently ignores the way he's hurting them more by the things that he does. Somehow it doesn't bother him to hurt someone as long as he doesn't have to actually see the results and discuss them.

Also, for all his talk about how allegedly interesting D-Lo is, his real feelings slipped out in at least one conversation when he talked about how great Kristina is...but that "D-Lo is just so hot." 

That being said, I'm not really sure how many more signs Kristina needs to get it. Yes, we're seeing the edited version and maybe they are having deep conversations regularly, but we are also watching her see him openly get after D-Lo, so it's not like she just didn't know it at the time. 


I still think Wells is using the puppets to make fun of the mean-girls much more than Christen.  It's Shark-girl who was getting the screechy voiced puppet lines of exaggerated, "OMG! Her SCALLOP FINGERS were on my bare SHOULDER!"  I think that was Wells's assigned role this year -- listen to the gossips as he pours the drinks, then make fun of them later.

i wouldn't say he's mocking them much more. He is mocking them too, but he seems especially zeroed in on Christen, down to calling her one of the weirdest people in paradise. The editors are also doing her no favors, she's clearly intended to be the butt of many jokes so maybe she is that annoying in real life, I don't know. 

Amanda and Sarah laughing hysterically in front of her was one of the meaner moments in the recent episodes too. I feel bad for her watching this shit back. I'm glad they didn't have her on the episodes where they watch the show back, that would have been uncomfortable (though why they bother having dull as dirt Amanda on is a mystery. What does she contribute to any conversation? I realize she'd show up to the opening of an envelope, but so would most of them and the others actually speak once in awhile.) 

Watching the teaser for the upcoming episodes...I swear to God, if Amanda gets engaged AGAIN after about 10 days of knowing someone, I will throw things at my television.  

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 8
17 hours ago, Alapaki said:

And that brings us back to the footage of the incident in question.  TPTB have said they have that footage.  Let us see it.  Show us someone who is acting completely coherent and lucid and apparently knowingly getting naked and putting her naked vagina in someone's face in public.  Pixelate all you want.  But show us something to confirms that no one would have suspected that Corrine was checked-out just by looking at her.

This will never happen.  Now that Corinne has said she is out of her mind intoxicated by booze & drugs, her ability to consent to filming (much like her ability to consent to sex) is just not there.  This footage is buried in an offline ABC vault somewhere.  We will never see it.  I kinda want to see it, for ALL the reasons you mentioned (and because, damn it, I love to hate Corinne and would love to see her get her comeuppance for lying), but ABC knows that have some responsibility for her being incapacitated and so they will never ever ever air this footage.  

Edited by fib

What is wrong with this cast?! This used to be somewhat fun and cheesy, but these people are awful. Between Jasmine, Raven, and Alexis we have some of the most disgusting, disturbing, violent, and abusive behavior the show has ever seen. And for some reason the producers are promoting them as stars (or at least giving them too much air time). Half the girls are just mean girls making snide comments. Amanda is insufferable. Lacey thinks WAY too highly of herself. Most of these women seem to think its ok to berate, insult, and yell at men. And the men are too weak minded (or scared by what happened to DeMario) to stand up for themselves. Honestly, if any of the guys acted like Jasmine, would they still be there?


Dean seems like an @ss. Daniel was funny last season, this year he's just rude and a total jerk. I used to feel sorry for Kristina, but it's pretty clear she's just physically attracted to Dean. If she had self respect, she'd move on, but it seems like she just wants sex. 


They keep dragging out the DeMario situation (I didn't even watch Corrine this week). And the show is half over and they've only had two rose ceremonies? And one of those doesn't really count since they brought in Daniel and Matt to keep more women. Idk, maybe after the situation, a lot of the backup contestants dropped out. 


Shouldnt this be fun?

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I don't want to rewatch, but how many times did Corinne deflect any sympathy towards DeMario to herself?  I only half-heartedly listened to her segment and anytime mention of the fallout on DeMario came up, she'd state she was going through stated fallout herself.  [Not exact words]  She lost sympathy with me on that one.

In my youth, I have had incidents where I drank too much and didn't remember.  I'm not proud of it and it was a long time ago.  Didn't Corinne state that she doesn't remember "anything" about that day?  I wish Chris had asked up to what point did she remember?  Did she remember jumping in the pool with her clothes on?  etc.  Certainly she must remember walking in and greeting Chris H with a glass of champagne!  It would be more believable if she stated she didn't remember anything after such-n-such.  Because in my blackouts, I could sort of recall at what point things left my memory.

I think her entire interview was rehearsed by her legal team.

If they had to do live interviews with the two and they both are pleading innocence, no fault, no blame....why not do the interview with both of them at the same time? If nothing happened, this shouldn't be a problem.

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11 minutes ago, deSchenke said:

 I only half-heartedly listened to her segment and anytime mention of the fallout on DeMario came up, she'd state she was going through stated fallout herself.  [Not exact words]  She lost sympathy with me on that one.

I wouldn't be surprised if she is pissed at how people are saying DeMario was victimized in the aftermath of what happened. I can just see her stomping around Daddy's office "but I'm supposed to be the victim Daddy! He's taking all the attention away from meeeeee!!!!"

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Bequialife posted last page about how no one ever eats on dates. That has bugged me since the beginning of this franchise. But I read an article a while back that said contestants eat dinner before the date and are instructed not to eat while being filmed since the CRUNCH MUNCH SWALLOW GULP would all be caught on the mics, much like all the gross snuffling snotting (and magnified suck kisses) that go on when TPTB get someone to cry on camera. So I'm now good with them not eating those meals, which I guess crew get to eat later. You know ... like scallops in a take-out box!

Ah...so that's why!  

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I still think Wells is using the puppets to make fun of the mean-girls much more than Christen.  It's Shark-girl who was getting the screechy voiced puppet lines of exaggerated, "OMG! Her SCALLOP FINGERS were on my bare SHOULDER!"  I think that was Wells's assigned role this year -- listen to the gossips as he pours the drinks, then make fun of them later. 

Not that he's been half as funny as Clare with her raccoon, or Ashley with her crying jags,   but he was that designated funny commentator this year.  I don't think he was ever in the running for Bachelor -- too small.

This is exactly my impression of Wells puppet show. I thought from the very beginning that he was more making fun of the gossipers than he was Kristen. And your explanation of why they made him the bartender this year makes perfect sense.

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For anyone who is feeling sorry for Corinne/Demario, they were filmed by paps leaving an LA nightclub together last night, hugging, kissing, hanging on each other. Demario even remarked his "PR was going to hate him" tomorrow. So, they're still in LA, still famewhoring for cameras, still working on their own reality series now that BIP has kept them both in the limelight and "redeemed" them in America's eyes. (Not my eyes though.)

I see Demario is also working on a deal to be on DWTS. Geesh.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

For anyone who is feeling sorry for Corinne/Demario, they were filmed by paps leaving an LA nightclub together last night, hugging, kissing, hanging on each other. Demario even remarked his "PR was going to hate him" tomorrow. So, they're still in LA, still famewhoring for cameras, still working on their own reality series now that BIP has kept them both in the limelight and "redeemed" them in America's eyes. (Not my eyes though.)

I see Demario is also working on a deal to be on DWTS. Geesh.

Even they can't sustain their "famous for being famous" tour forever. I'd give them the rest of this year and by 2018 when fresh bachelor nation faces come out they'll be old news.  This entire episode was weird.  Between the cut out face of Jorge at the wrestling match (WTF?!) to Lacey nearly stepping on other people to get to Daniel at the rose ceremony, just plain stupid.  I have list all respect for Lacey; I hope she is getting paid a TON of money to behave this way

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I see Demario is also working on a deal to be on DWTS. Geesh.

I saw on one of those entertainment/news shows (think it was Entertainment Tonight) that DeMario would not be on DWTS. That he had been in consideration but the show had decided to not cast him. That was within the last couple of months so unless they've changed their minds since I don't think he will be part of the cast.

22 hours ago, huskerj12 said:

I think I might have posted this in another episode, but I have a theory with Kristina and why she hasn't just moved onto someone else.

From what they've said, they bonded and paired up before the shutdown, then DURING the shutdown they went on a trip together to visit Kristina's family. I'm wondering if there was a decent connection at first, but during the shutdown Dean started hearing all the media buzz about how he should be the next Bachelor and getting texts from his bros like, "BRO you're gonna be the BACH!" or whatever, and it got him all excited and zapped the connection he had with Kristina and he probably just figured he could ghost her and nobody would ever be the wiser. Then production is suddenly and unexpectedly back on and they all go back to Paradise, and he's expected to keep up the charade even though he's totally checked out. He thinks he just has to cruise for awhile until his Bachelor gig is official. 

The problem is, because of Kristina's tough past in which she was bouncing around Russian orphanages as a child, she probably took his trip to meet her family as a VERY important and meaningful step in their relationship. Her family rightfully means a lot to her.

So now Dean is thinking "I'm not interested in a real relationship anymore because I'm going to be the Bachelor" and he just wants to lay on pillows all day/night and have sex with D-Lo, but he's too immature to break it off with Kristina because he wants her as backup. Or best case scenario he's just non-confrontational to an extreme. And for Kristina, even though all the signs in the world are telling her "he's playing you, he's an immature idiot" she went through something with him that had her convinced he was a great guy who was going to be in her life.

Obviously now the irony is that Dean is showing his true colors and most likely cost himself the Bachelorship (is that a word?) by behaving like a 7th grader.

The only problem with this is immediately after Rachel's season ended there were magazine articles and interviews with Dean where he stated he didn't want the bachelor gig and thought he wasn't ready for it. So unless he was lying or has changed his mind in the last few weeks I don't think this theory would work.

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7 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

The only problem with this is immediately after Rachel's season ended there were magazine articles and interviews with Dean where he stated he didn't want the bachelor gig and thought he wasn't ready for it. So unless he was lying or has changed his mind in the last few weeks I don't think this theory would work.

Ahh gotcha, I didn't realize that. I also just cynically assume anyone who puts out statements like that are just playing hard to get or covering for themselves if they don't get picked haha.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, huskerj12 said:

Ahh gotcha, I didn't realize that. I also just cynically assume anyone who puts out statements like that are just playing hard to get or covering for themselves if they don't get picked haha.

That could be true. I see your point. But if his statements are true he must have had a flash of self awareness because he's definitely not ready. And if he doesn't grow up he never will be.

I did not enjoy Wells and his puppets, utterly ridiculous. They were trying so hard to humiliate Kristen over the stupidest thing, she likes seafood so what omg the immaturity of this bunch...

Daniel was alright I guess but I cannot wrap my head around Anyone taking him seriously for a long term relationship. If Lacey thinks things with him will go beyond paradise she is sorely mistaken.

as a side related note, Dean is getting real hate on social media yikes. No way he will be considered for the bachelor. Peter is def in the running, women are basically begging him to take the gig. Abc would be silly not to cast him because he really has tons of fans. I'm watching either way, although I don't think I could ever stomach Wells as the bachelor, but that crashed and burned quick thankfully.

Edited by infinitewanderer
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