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S07.E06: Beyond the Wall

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Loved the Hound spiking that disgusting wight to one of Drogon's spines.  I laughed at that.  "I bagged that fucker what bit me, and I'm not gonna lose him".

Drogon is one BIG dragon to fit all those guys on his back and you barely see him.

I hated hearing those dragons cry in anger at losing their brother.  And as absolutely spectacular as the CGI dragons have been from the beginning, I don't understand why they can't make Viserion & Rhagel look different than Drogon.

Drogon:  HUGE Black dragon w/red spines

Viserion:  Cream dragon with golden spines and coloring   RIP, Viserion....we only got a good look at him on the ground (left side when Tyrion & Danny walked up).  Goldish.

Rhaegal:  Light green dragon with darker green spines and sides.

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13 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Tyrion has become an idiotic lunatic. No wonder Daenerys doesn't trust his advice. She hasn't won the Iron Throne. How can she name a successor? Who do you would you suggest she designate that the Dothraki, Unsullied, the Lannister bannermen, and her dragons would obey? Anyway, the point of the conversation was to inform the audience that Dany believes that she is barren. She repeats this belief to Jon to reinforce the point. 

I'm no estate planning attorney, but I do know that you don't wait until you make it to the top before you should make your will.  If Dany were responsible, no only should she have a plan in place now in the event she should take Westeros, she also has responsibilities and considerations already.  What if she should die now? She has a Dothraki horde and unsullied followers. She has advisors and others dependent on her.  She has a couple dragons, and to the extent they are intelligent beings, she should try to have plans for them.  Should she die now, all these factions would descend into chaos (well, except for the advisors. They'd jump ship and find a new lead .... hey, what's Jon Snow up to?).

Dany should have contingency plans and she should communicate those plans to her followers should anything happen to her. 

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10 minutes ago, stagmania said:

Okay, more thoughts. Benjen’s death made no sense to me whatsoever. “There’s no time!” No time for what? To climb on the horse and ride away with Jon? Of course there was. What a bizarre way for Jon to meet his uncle again, with not even a moment to pause and understand what he was seeing, and for Benjen’s story to end. That could’ve been done much better, IMO. Jack and Rose and the wooden door all over again.

I thought the Arya/Sansa stuff escalated way too quickly. They are clearly cutting corners because of the reduced episode order, but some development is needed before you just jump into the sisters thinking about killing each other. Arya acting all menacing, Sansa confiding in Littlefinger of all people, Sansa sending Brienne away (seemingly so she could clear the way in case she decides to go after Arya???), Arya going full psycho threatening to cut off Sansa’s face. I mean, what the hell. You have to build to something of this magnitude, you can’t just have it all happen in two scenes because Arya found an old letter that was so obviously planted to manipulate her. And again: why the hell is Sansa trusting and seeking out advice from Littlefinger?!

The continuing Tyrion/Daenerys arguments also boggle the mind. He wants her to do nothing, about anything. He believes in her so much that he thinks she should sit pretty inside a dead old castle and never put herself at risk or make any moves against her enemies. I don’t understand the way they’re writing him at all. I am also not picking up on any romantic intentions from him here, so I’m at a loss to explain his motivations other than writerly contrivance to stall the plot.

Also on Daenerys: those baby anvils are dropping fast and furious. I am not really looking for an aunt+ nephew+ baby Targaryen family ending, but it sure does look like that’s where they’re taking us. Both she and Jon were on the receiving end of commentary about their heirs or lack thereof in this episode, and she explicitly told Jon she can’t have children, which is basically a cosmic dare. Also, I cringed when he called her Dany. A little less meta fan service, show.

The Hound is an asshole and I really don’t get why people ‘ship him with anyone. Poor Thoros died to save him and not only did he let him get thrashed without trying to do something, anything (even calling someone else over to help), he then steals shit from his body the second he goes cold. And no, I don’t care that it’s all a façade to mask his true squishy feelings. I am not impressed.

I think it’s safe to say that the writers of this show have serious daddy issues. All these interesting character pairings with so many connections and so much rich history between them and all they ever talk about are their fathers.

In conclusion, zombie dragon!

I have made peace with the jet pack time travel, marathon running in snow, Jon surviving a plunge in ice water and riding a horse back to Eastwatch, the NK having miles of heavy ice chain or whatever just lying around in case a dragon should fall from the sky... I willfully suspend disbelief. But - I rolled my eyes when Jon called Daenerys "Dany". He goes from "Your Grace to Dany? Not Daenerys? Why Dany? Nobody in her court calls her that. Okay, so they set it up so he could  call her "My Queen", but it was just awkward. That said, I loved that scene. It was a stupid plan to capture a wight, but Daenerys is on board and really knows what the realm is facing. Hell of a price to pay, but if she wants to be "Protector of the Realm" she really can prove herself. 

The Hound... he kicked the wight and the other wights start to hiss. Then he stupidly throws a rock and shows that the lake is frozen. I'd say he provoked them... and it makes me wonder if there's more to the story with the WW than just wanting to destroy all life.

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Since the show is speed reading through any of the character beats that made so many of these characters interesting in the first place, of course we have our rag tag band not only get to see dragons in action but then take a ride on one and not one of them even has time to react to it or mention it.

The plot armor has completely passed the point of ridiculous.  The show even offered what should have been a death that would have had some weight when the white walkers looked to be about to pull Tormund under, and that's not just my annoyance that the show has basically ruined a character I otherwise liked by having him go full Nice Guy talking about one of the few true fighting women on the show like she exists to be breeding stock for him talking.  Poor Thoros.  Good move bringing the one guy who could resurrect the two technically dead men on this misadventure now that Jon and Davos have run off the red witch.

Too much of this episode, from the white hunt to the Winterfell shenanigans, was predicated on the Starks being stupid.

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1 minute ago, Kanner said:

Tyrion needs to thank Dany for saving the mission. If she hadn't this would be at least the third time Tyrion's plans were a disaster this season

I don't necessarily think Tyrion views it this way. Dany destroyed all the food and all the gold got to King's Landing.  She destroyed a good portion of the Lannister soldiers, but their commander got away.   So, now Dany holds an emptied out Highgarden and a burned out crownlands. Congrats? 

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34 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I guess she may try and take arya out... That's the only reason I see to send brienne away... And I really hope I get my Jon/arya reunion next episode

Arya scared the shit out of Sansa, but Sansa must have won the game of faces, her sister gave her the dagger.

The reason, to me: remove Brieene so LF can't use her, a risk for Sansa, maybe a move LF won't expect.

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4 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Arya didn't serve as Tywin's cupbearer because she wanted to, she did it because she had no choice.  She should know that Sansa was in the same position, and she was manipulated into thinking she could save Ned -- which Arya even acknowledges, she just doesn't care.

Yes, but Arya's point is that she did not betray her family and would not have even under compulsion. Which she did not. She was in disguise the entire time, trying to figure her way out of that situation. Meanwhile Sansa says she wrote that letter under compulsion which Arya finds hard to believe because she believes that she would not have done the same had Tywin figured her out.

So again, I am not seeing the comparison or relevance here?  Two different situations.

Edited by anamika
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1 minute ago, anamika said:

The point is that Arya was in disguise under Tywin acting as a cupbearer. Tywin did not have her writing letters to Robb or know who she was. She did not betray her family and write letters asking them to bend the knee. According to Arya, Sansa did. So I don't see the relevance between Arya's stint as Tywin's cupbearer and Sansa's time in KL where it looked like she was actively working against her family by writing the letter. As Arya knows, Sansa has already done this once before.

I think Arya was spying on Tywin (or trying to), and she only realized too late that she SHOULD have asked J'quen Hagar to off Tywin, instead of Biter or whatever that little rat-torture guys name was. 

I, too, am tire of this stupid faux Sansa/Arya drama.

And for that matter, they should have just left Bran at the Wall until next season.  He's about as useful as a potato right now.   What great intel is he passing on to his family?  Or trying to teach the Lords of the Vale what he knows about Wights & White Walkers?  Tactics to kill them, etc.  STUPID, STUPID writing.

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38 minutes ago, anamika said:

Who send the letter to Sansa inviting her to KL? Cersei? Why?


34 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

I guess she may try and take arya out... That's the only reason I see to send brienne away... And I really hope I get my Jon/arya reunion next episode

I still stay Sansa and Arya are plotting to trick LF so they can take him down.  The only reason to  send Brienne away is so LF can move more boldly with his plan.  We will see next week if I am right ;)

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1 minute ago, Francie said:
4 minutes ago, Kanner said:

Tyrion needs to thank Dany for saving the mission. If she hadn't this would be at least the third time Tyrion's plans were a disaster this season

I don't necessarily think Tyrion views it this way. Dany destroyed all the food and all the gold got to King's Landing.  She destroyed a good portion of the Lannister soldiers, but their commander got away.   So, now Dany holds an emptied out Highgarden and a burned out crownlands. Congrats? 

Not to mention that they just gave a dragon to the white walkers, that's not a good ting by any means.

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28 minutes ago, anamika said:

Things that confused me:

Who send the letter to Sansa inviting her to KL? Cersei? Why?

Why did Gendry run one way and the suicide squad the other way if they were both going to Eastwatch?

Yeah, pretty sure Littlefinger "sent" that letter just to get Brienne away. After that conversation about the banner men being like weather vanes and being concerned about them sticking around? He knew Sansa would stay and send Brienne in her stead since Brienne is the only one she knows is 100% loyal to her. I am LOATHING this particular plot. And Arya's sociopath interaction with Sansa are nearly as jarring as when Bran suddenly stopped being human when he got to Winterfell. JUST FUCKING STOP WITH THIS SHIT.

In other, less stupid-ass news, I totally loved all the small interactions between the Magnificent 7. They felt authentic and added some nice depth. My favorite was between Tormund and Sandor. He was so delighted with talking to Sandor. "Dick?" "Cock." "Dick. I like it." And then, regarding Brienne, "I want to make babies with her. Great, big monsters." I was so sure for a moment there he was going to end up dead and I was BEYOND ANGRY. Tormund and Davos are on my DO NOT KILL list, so leave them alone D&D!

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15 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

 What I did not understand was why Sansa sent Brienne away, especially when Littlefinger basically said to use Brienne with the Arya situation.

Precisely because LF told her to use Brienne with the Arya situation, IMO. If he wants it done, it's probably the wrong thing to do. Brienne's the best fighter in WF, the only one who could probably take Arya down, and Sansa worried that if Arya plays another mind game with knives in front of her, Brienne might feel compelled to defend her...and probably Sansa's aware how unlikely it is that LF has NO idea how that letter got into Arya's hands.

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Rhaegal is green, Viserion was the more gold one.   As heartbreaking as it is for Dany to lose one of her children, I'm going to find Walker Dragon very interesting.  And yeah, where did they get those chains?  I don't think the Children or the Freefolk left them laying around...

I think Sansa and Arya are playing each other - and LF.  Both Stark daughters are emotionally scarred, and very far away from their original innocent selves.  I don't think Arya would ever hurt Sansa, but I think she wants her to know exactly what's she's capable of.  Sansa the same, unfortunately when Sansa says things such as 'I was a child' it sounds like lame lamb bleats.  She's not explaining herself to Arya enough, even though we the viewers know about Ramsay, and I believe that if that was added into the story, the sisters truly sharing their past years then we'd have no need for the animosity that's built up.  There's some sort of missing plot device here or a conversation that was pared out of the script or something.

Oh and...yeah I'd like to see some Tormund and Brienne babies as well!  

Edited by CherryMalotte
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30 minutes ago, stagmania said:

Let’s get the timeline out of the way because lololololol. Somehow, some way, in just over the time it takes for the ice around the band of brothers to re-freeze (A few hours? Half a day?), the following things happen:

  • Gendry (who has never seen snow before this or been anywhere in the north but somehow finds his way straight back in a blizzard with no problems) runs to Eastwatch. Remember, they’ve been hiking from there all episode, the implication being they were hours away, but it takes him about 10 minutes to get back.
  • Eastwatch sends a raven to Dragonstone (maybe ravens have learned to teleport?)
  • Daenerys receives said raven, dons her best winter formal combat jacket, and heads out to fly many many miles to rescue them
  • Daenerys arrives with her dragons north of the wall.

Show, that is quite enough. You have taken this joke too far.

Yeah, that totally took me out of the episode. It was awfully nice of the Army of the Dead to just hang out and wait for them to send help (didn't they attack through water at Hardhome? Don't they freeze things and bring cold with them?), and awfully convenient that the ice thawed enough for an attack just before help arrived. There's contrived plot armor and then there's this, which takes it to a whole new level.

I'm not sure why they're even bothering with Cersei now. Though I guess their travel technology might get all the Lannister armies up north in plenty of time now. But with the usual laws of physics and the length of time that trip took in season one in summer, the war at the north might be over before the southern armies could get there. Better to focus their efforts north than bother teleporting to Kings Landing for a meeting with Cersei that will only slow things down.

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2 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:


I still stay Sansa and Arya are plotting to trick LF so they can take him down.  The only reason to  send Brienne away is so LF can move more boldly with his plan.  We will see next week if I am right ;)

Then why would Arya threaten Sansa in private?  I don't think Littlefinger's machinations are working as well as he thinks but they are still somewhat working

Edited by Oscirus
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2 minutes ago, Francie said:

I don't necessarily think Tyrion views it this way. Dany destroyed all the food and all the gold got to King's Landing.  She destroyed a good portion of the Lannister soldiers, but their commander got away.   So, now Dany holds an emptied out Highgarden and a burned out crownlands. Congrats? 

I was talking about his plan to capture the wight. 

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Sansa's default is to act snotty whenever she's threatened. She was incredibly snotty with both Shae and Theon (well she had good reason with Theon) until she needed them, and then she begged for their help. All the characters in GoT revert to an incredibly annoying stance when they're threatened. Dany starts listing her resume again, and bragging about her dragons. Cersei kills people. Arya kills people. Jon Snow launches incredibly noble but stupid plans. It;s just one of those things.

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Just now, Oscirus said:

Then why would Arya threaten Sansa in private?  I don't think Littlefinger's machinations are working as well as they are still somewhat working

To create "drama" for the audience, ie the will of the Force / TPTB :D

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3 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Arya scared the shit out of Sansa, but Sansa must have won the game of faces, her sister gave her the dagger.

The reason, to me: remove Brieene so LF can't use her, a risk for Sansa, maybe a move LF won't expect.

Can't see how Sansa won the game of faces, Arya told her no lies and Sansa didn't guess any. IMO, Arya is resuming their old adverse relationship that they had as children, except now instead of pranking her with sheepshit, she's pranking her with death threats. I can't see what else she's driving at, at this point.

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2 minutes ago, Kanner said:

I was talking about his plan to capture the wight. 

Was that Tyrion's plan? I thought it was Jon's. And exchanging one wight for one dragon is not exactly a great trade. 

Okay, no one here is stupid enough to think that Cersei's gonna change her gameplan upon seeing the wight.  Why are all the people who actually know her even more blind to that? 

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13 minutes ago, mac123x said:

The show dropped another plot time-bomb:  when the Seven Snowmari (plus disposable wildlings) ambushed the scout pack of zombies and Jon killed the white walker with them, most of the rest of them dropped dead.  Later, Beric said that if they killed the Night King, all the others would stop moving because he's ultimately responsible.  So eventually we'll get an epic battle between Jon and the NK.  NK will die and the entire threat will go away.

I almost forgot this.  So apparently this entire thing is going to come down to a plot cribbed from The Lost Boys.  Kill the head vampire, er Night King, and they all die.

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28 minutes ago, Constantinople said:

Arya seems to have forgotten who served as Lord Tywin's cupbearer

AND who had three magic death wishes to ask of Jaqen that could have killed Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey. Seriously, Arya. Fuck off with that noise.

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1 minute ago, screamin said:

Can't see how Sansa won the game of faces, Arya told her no lies and Sansa didn't guess any. IMO, Arya is resuming their old adverse relationship that they had as children, except now instead of pranking her with sheepshit, she's pranking her with death threats. I can't see what else she's driving at, at this point.

I believe this was supposed to be some sort of tense scene where we should be worried about Sansa's safety. unfortunately they killed all that momentum with their season opening scene.

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4 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Then why would Arya threaten Sansa in private?  I don't think Littlefinger's machinations are working as well as he thinks but they are still somewhat working

Well Littlefinger is following Arya around and probably has other spies too watching them including that girl we saw in the previous episode.

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1 minute ago, screamin said:

Precisely because LF told her to use Brienne with the Arya situation, IMO. If he wants it done, it's probably the wrong thing to do. Brienne's the best fighter in WF, the only one who could probably take Arya down, and Sansa worried that if Arya plays another mind game with knives in front of her, Brienne might feel compelled to defend her...and probably Sansa's aware how unlikely it is that LF has NO idea how that letter got into Arya's hands.

Yeah, no. In the inside the episode, they mention that LF is expertly manipulating her by stoking her fears that Arya is going to harm her. She sends Brienne away because she thinks that Brienne would side with Arya against her. Just the opposite of what you are saying.

Besides, why the hell does she not confide in Brienne about the situation, tell her about the letter and ask her to go talk to Arya about the situation. Why not tell Brienne, who continues to be wary of LF, that LF gave Arya the letter?

It's a shitty plot that makes both Arya and Sansa look like selfish idiots who can solve this in one episode with Bran and Brienne's help.

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1 minute ago, Francie said:

Was that Tyrion's plan? I thought it was Jon's. And exchanging one wight for one dragon is not exactly a great trade. 

Okay, no one here is stupid enough to think that Cersei's gonna change her gameplan upon seeing the wight.  Why are all the people who actually know her even more blind to that? 

Which is why I think he more or less was willing to give those guys up. It was a one in a million chance even if they got one.  Might as well just finish out the war.

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3 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

Don't you mean he didn't Dickon?

Nope, Drogon didn't Rickon.   Rickon ran a straight line, and Ramsay nailed him with an arrow during the battle of the Bastards. 

Dickon stood still like an idiot to be french fried with his daddy.  Different move, different battle.

Edited by Blonde Gator
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8 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

Since the show is speed reading through any of the character beats that made so many of these characters interesting in the first place, of course we have our rag tag band not only get to see dragons in action but then take a ride on one and not one of them even has time to react to it or mention it.

And then Dany takes a boat back to Dragonstone... umm why?  Other than to spend time with Jon that is. 

7 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:


I still stay Sansa and Arya are plotting to trick LF so they can take him down.  The only reason to  send Brienne away is so LF can move more boldly with his plan.  We will see next week if I am right ;)

I'd like that too, but it isn't going to happen.  They'll be at each other's throats (literally) and it'll take some deus ex machina (Bran) to end it.  Alternatively, Winterfell is going to decend into chaos just as Jon / Dany / Cercei are joining forces.

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43 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I want to know where the dead got those heavy chains from to lift Viserion from the icy waters.

The WW aren't zombies, they're living thinking beings, they could have brought them from Hardhome, they planned and lured the 7+redshirts to that spot.

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1 minute ago, britesongs said:

AND who had three magic death wishes to ask of Jaqen that could have killed Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey. Seriously, Arya. Fuck off with that noise.

Ah, the Arya and Tywin scenes. I remember them fondly. Some of the best writing the show ever did. A completely organic relationship that was so compelling and well-acted.

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So Dany's objection to marrying Jon is that he's too little?  (Yes, I get the joke, Kit is short).  But  was she really making a comment about his physical size or what is she really saying?  KitN is not royal enough for her?  Who would be?  If that comment had no double meaning, then I am super unimpressed.

Edited by crowceilidh
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16 minutes ago, Francie said:

I'm no estate planning attorney, but I do know that you don't wait until you make it to the top before you should make your will.  If Dany were responsible, no only should she have a plan in place now in the event she should take Westeros, she also has responsibilities and considerations already.  What if she should die now? She has a Dothraki horde and unsullied followers. She has advisors and others dependent on her.  She has a couple dragons, and to the extent they are intelligent beings, she should try to have plans for them.  Should she die now, all these factions would descend into chaos (well, except for the advisors. They'd jump ship and find a new lead .... hey, what's Jon Snow up to?).

Dany should have contingency plans and she should communicate those plans to her followers should anything happen to her. 

This is medieval fantasy Westeros, not 21st America with estate attorneys.  In any case, how does someone who hasn't won a throne make plans for someone to inherit? LOL at her making the plans for the dragon though. Again, the purpose of the conversation was to inform the audience that Daenerys believes that she is infertile.

Edited by SimoneS
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2 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

Don't you mean he didn't Dickon?


Just now, Blonde Gator said:

Nope, Drogon didn't Rickon.   Rickon ran a straight line, and Ramsay nailed him with an arrow during the battle of the Boltons. 

Dickon stood still like an idiot to be french fried with his daddy.  Different move, different battle.

Bronn is out there, somewhere, laughing at your joke, Ocean Chick

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Does anyone else think NK did not immediately kill Jon & co because he was waiting for the dragons???  We saw in episode 1 he had at least 2 wight giants that could easily cross the frozen/unfrozen lake to crush Jon & co.

Instead he was waiting with ice spears ready to shiskabob the dragons

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11 minutes ago, screamin said:

Precisely because LF told her to use Brienne with the Arya situation, IMO. If he wants it done, it's probably the wrong thing to do. Brienne's the best fighter in WF, the only one who could probably take Arya down, and Sansa worried that if Arya plays another mind game with knives in front of her, Brienne might feel compelled to defend her...and probably Sansa's aware how unlikely it is that LF has NO idea how that letter got into Arya's hands.

There was nothing on screen to indicate that Sansa was onto Littlefinger. He pointed out that Brienne is not strictly loyal to her, and is honor bound to defend Arya, too. Which to me means she wouldn't let them hurt each other-and Sansa's response was to send her away. 

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1 minute ago, crowceilidh said:

So Dany's objection to marrying Jon is that he's too little?  (Yes, I get the joke, Kit is short).  But  was she really making a comment about his physical size or what is she really saying?  KitN is not royal enough for her?  Who would be?  If that comment had no double meaning, then I a super unimpressed.

Sadly, I don't think it had any other meaning. And it's a tired joke. Wish they had kept Vanessa Taylor and not promoted Dave Hill.  The inner circle of four in charge are becoming more and more dude bro/AWG. The only stand out episode they've had this season is Spoils of War. 

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3 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

So Dany's objection to marrying Jon is that he's too little?  (Yes, I get the joke, Kit is short).  But  was she really making a comment about his physical size or what is she really saying?  KitN is not royal enough for her?  Who would be?  If that comment had no double meaning, then I a super unimpressed.

Girl has a type and Jon ain't it.  Simple as that :P

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1 minute ago, anamika said:

Yeah, no. In the inside the episode, they mention that LF is expertly manipulating her by stoking her fears that Arya is going to harm her. She sends Brienne away because she thinks that Brienne would side with Arya against her. Just the opposite of what you are saying.


The only way you could know that for sure is if you know what Sansa is thinking...so how do you know that?

If Brienne witnessed how Arya came up to Sansa with a knife talking about cutting off her face to add to her collection...do you think she'd side with Arya over Sansa? She's a bodyguard. Which sister is more likely to be capable of being a physical threat to the other, and need Brienne's physical protection from the other? Brienne sparred with Arya herself - in a physical face-off between the sisters, which one do you think she'd consider more of a threat to the other? IMO, she'd side with the one who appears to be in greater danger from the other - that's undoubtedly Sansa.

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