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S01.E05: Take Shelter

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This was probably my favorite episode so far. Sowande playing the hannibal lector character was lol pity he didn't last a whole episode.  Still waiting for the Hand to get a real victory, because as of now, they're not a real threat. Looks like Alexandra is on her way out. The electra plot still does nothing for me. 

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Aw, I feel bad for Elektra at the end there when she curled up on Matt's bed. It's so sad!

I was starting to go beddy-bye myself for most of this episode. Probably not the episode's fault. I've been watching TV for 5 hours straight since midnight by that point. I thought "hey, it's only 8 episodes, I can binge the whole thing before morning." But apparently I overestimated my endurance.

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Ah, just as I figured after Danny name-dropped in the last episode, Bakuto and his smug ass is still alive.  I know Danny promised he will finish him, but I'm really hoping they continue to have Colleen be the main factor here, considering their history.  And the fact I just find Colleen way more awesome then Danny.

Looks like The Hand lost a figure after Sowande/White Hat guy made the foolish decision to only keep his eye on Matt/Jessica/Luke when he grabbed Danny, and not make sure he knew where Stick was.  Never, ever turn you back on Stick.

The team getting their loved ones and friends into the station is totally just an excuse to get all the secondary characters together, but I'm all for it.  Love seeing the Trish/Malcolm and especially Karen/Foggy pairing again, but I'm curious to see how new interactions they will have.  They already had a big scene with Misty and Colleen, which I heard worked together a lot in the comics.  Setting them up for future episode, I think?

Alexandra might get her ass booted if she isn't careful.  Guy whose name I don't remember is totally after the leadership role and both Bakuto and Madam Gao seem quite OK with that.

Elektra is continuing to become her normal self to the point of even finding Matt's loft and crashing in his bed.  I would love it if he finds out, Matt's reaction is "You put your shoes on my bed!  Now I have to change the sheets, dammit!"

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I'm getting tired of judgemental wet blankets Foggy and Karen are being.  I really can't take it if Foggy and Karen continue to be buzzkills in season 3. I get that they're concerned for Matt but he's doing more good out there then Karen is being a reporter(who fangirls over a sympathetic but still psychotic ex-soldier) and the sell out corporate lawyer.

It looked like Claire was going to walk over to Foggy and Karen in the police station before they cut away. Hope we get a deleted scene.

I love Trish's reaction to seeing Daredevil.

I like Elodie Yung more here than in season 2.

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15 hours ago, Oscirus said:

This was probably my favorite episode so far. Sowande playing the hannibal lector character was lol pity he didn't last a whole episode.  Still waiting for the Hand to get a real victory, because as of now, they're not a real threat. Looks like Alexandra is on her way out. The electra plot still does nothing for me. 

Hahaha. This was the one I found boring! Mid-season move the pieces round the board piece. Did like Daredevil coming to Jessica's aid, although I question a plan that involves everyone publicly rounding up the people they care about and putting them all in one place. 

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So, Elektra is basically the mystical, ninja Bucky Barnes now? Damn, a few more of these "my former loved one who I thought was dead is now back and is trying to kill me, and may or may not remember me but pretty much totally does" run ins, and the MCU is going to need to start a support group! It looks like Elektra still remembers Matt, which is what I expected. Matt is so hung up on her, its not even funny. Of course, we all know who his real true love is: his Catholic guilt!

I loved Jessica and Luke's reaction to finding out about resurrections. "You've now said resurrection three times..." I hope Matt gets it together soon. I mean, I get that he really cared about Elektra, but I'm concerned that his soft spot for her could get people hurt. Besides, its not like Elektra was ever the pinnacle of morality even on her best days. Maybe she wasn't this nasty back then, but I think Matt is looking through rather rose colored glasses when it comes to Elektra.

Misty and Colleen was great, and now I need more! The whole conversation about the katana was hilarious, it really did feel like two genres coming together. Misty is in her 70s era cop drama/blackspoitation plot, and now Collen and her mystical ninja plot is invading her precinct!

Too bad African Hannibal Lecture died so fast, I thought he was a cool villain. But it did show us Stick getting shit done again, and I can always get behind that.

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Someone else on another forum made this observation, but do you guys suppose Sowande a.k.a "White Hat" could be that unnamed commander who hacked a village elder and his family to pieces in front of Father Lantom when he was in Africa? Father Lantom told Matt this story way back in Daredevil season 1.

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I guess Sowande is gone for good now. Btw, I love that Danny's idea of torturing someone is asking him questions with a very angry face, I really want to pinch his cheeks. 

All the side-kicks together in one room? I want to see what happens there!

Loved Jessica and Luke dealing with the resurrection stuff XD

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So, Elektra is basically the mystical, ninja Bucky Barnes now? Damn, a few more of these "my former loved one who I thought was dead is now back and is trying to kill me, and may or may not remember me but pretty much totally does

This is my problem with this plot too. Ive see it before.

Matt is being all angsty and only thinking of Elektra and not anyone else. S2 DD redux.

I dont get Foggy/Karen being so anti DD. 

Matt saving Jessica was amusing.

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I get that they were trying to make fun of failure of Iron Fist but them keep saying that Danny's a dumb 10 year old that has the patience of a 5 year old isn't helping me think of him as a hero. Then they still showcase how awful he is at fighting anyone above a nameless goon without his magical fist. They really don't need him.

Why are Karen and Foggy so anti-DD? I get that they are worried about their friend, but he's been doing that for awhile without their knowledge and was fine. He has abilities and wants to help. They are also the complete opposite of Trish and Malcolm who want Jessica to be a hero. 

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I understand them being anti-DD, because he was getting beaten so badly in Daredevil. Even if they're past the resentment when it comes to his hiding such a big part of his life from them, they would still worry about him getting killed, since he isn't bulletproof. 

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13 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Besides, its not like Elektra was ever the pinnacle of morality even on her best days. Maybe she wasn't this nasty back then, but I think Matt is looking through rather rose colored glasses when it comes to Elektra.

This is what I don't get. When sad piano was playing as she was lying down in Matt's bed, I was all "WTF? She was a terrible human being when alive, don't use tired music cues to try and make me feel sympathy for her now."

The Matt/Elektra stuff is dragging this down the same way it dragged Daredevil S2 down, sadly. I hope she dies and stays dead this time (which given the Hand talked about 'the last of the substance' being used up, I'm guessing she would).  Either way, just RESOLVE it already show or I'm going to start FFing Elektra bits in the final episodes.

I did like Matt saving Jessica, even if the snark was spoiled in the trailers.

18 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

"You must be the dumbest Iron Fist yet."

Heh,, yeah, that was funny.

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I would be ok with Danny being played as a twerp -- it's good for a chuckle or two -- but it makes no sense for the character.

We have this ancient order of monks who spend years training and testing Danny, and then Danny undergoes this great mystical test that only some great once-in-a-lifetime warrior can pass -- I would expect Danny to show some tactical smarts, some stoicism, some gravitas. More like Stick, and less like a goofy 10-year-old.

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6 hours ago, pootlus said:

When sad piano was playing as she was lying down in Matt's bed, I was all "WTF? She was a terrible human being when alive, don't use tired music cues to try and make me feel sympathy for her now."

Now, now. You're forgetting about the TRUE LOVE!

I did feel a little bad for Elektra being used, resurrected, mind-wiped and indoctrinated by an evil cult. Not that she wasn't an assassin before...

Maybe I just have some residual sympathy for the actress having to do that birthing scene covered in goo and slipping around the floor on her knees for hours.

In general, I want my heroes to be smart and able. Somewhat flawed, sure, but I don't respond well to protagonists who constantly screw up, are too depressed to function, or otherwise act like bleeping idiots. Danny and Matt. I'm not saying heroes can't make any mistakes, but I definitely prefer my escapist fictional characters to be clever and do things I can't rather then reflect my own neuroses back at me.

Edited by 2727
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On 8/19/2017 at 3:01 PM, tennisgurl said:

Damn, a few more of these "my former loved one who I thought was dead is now back and is trying to kill me, and may or may not remember me but pretty much totally does" run ins, and the MCU is going to need to start a support group!

Well if the Kilgrave survivors can have one . . . 

9 hours ago, clack said:

I would expect Danny to show some tactical smarts, some stoicism, some gravitas. More like Stick, and less like a goofy 10-year-old

Oh, I don't know.  It looks to me like the elders of K'un Lun thought it was not necessary to teach Danny anything but fighting skills.  Their theory seemed to be along the lines of that old song, "How ya gonna keep 'em down on the mystical plane after they've seen Paris?"  Danny's role in K'un Lun is not that far removed from Hodor in Game of Thrones -- his job was to "hold the door!"  Now, having abandoned his post -- the role he was groomed for his whole life -- he's a bit of a mess.  Aaaaand he's the designated "damsel-in-distress" of this season in that the Hand seems determined to kidnap him for some yet-to-be-explained nefarious purpose.  I look forward to the day in some future season when Danny (possibly alongside Luke) just gets to be heroic -- kicking ass and taking names -- instead of having to struggle with adjusting to life in NYC and dealing with his guilt over the fate of K'un Lun.

4 hours ago, 2727 said:

In general, I want my heroes to be smart and able. Somewhat flawed, sure, but I don't respond well to protagonists who constantly screw up, are too depressed to function, or otherwise act like bleeping idiots. Danny and Matt. I'm not saying heroes can't make any mistakes, but I definitely prefer my escapist fictional characters to be clever and do things I can't rather then reflect my own neuroses back at me.

But . . . isn't that the sweet spot for The Defenders?  Aren't they are all "damaged" individuals who also happen to be super-heros?  Okay maybe that generalization doesn't apply to Luke Cage -- he seems to be psychologically pretty stable and physically he's practically flawless.  But he's also an ex-con, which is unusual for a comic book superhero.  My favorite of the four is Jessica Jones and she is a MESS psychologically.  She was even before she got Kilgraved.  Now she's worse.  But I still love watching her.

Meanwhile, back on the topic of the action in this specific episode, I scoffed at the bad guy holding a knife to Danny's throat since it's been made abundantly clear that the Hand needs Danny alive.  I rather enjoyed Stick's stealthy decapitation maneuver but it was a missed opportunity for Danny to show some smarts and point out that threatening his life was just so much bullshit.

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I feel bad for Elektra, since as far as I can tell, she was maybe about to turn her life around when she was killed. Now it's back to square one!

I can understand Matt abandoning the super-team to go after Elektra, too. I mean, he just met these people (with the exception of Stick - but of course Matt would choose Elektra over Stick, her death had been weighting on him this whole time).

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Looks like The Hand lost a figure after Sowande/White Hat guy made the foolish decision to only keep his eye on Matt/Jessica/Luke when he grabbed Danny, and not make sure he knew where Stick was.  Never, ever turn you back on Stick.

That's definitely true. I had a feeling that was going to happened when Stick wasn't in view range. Glad of it, he was annoying.

I love the scene with all the supporting characters in the police station. But isn't it a bad idea to have them all in one place? I liked the scene between Foggy and Karen, even if it was quick. They both knew it was a matter of time before he relapsed anyway.  And the scene with Jessica's friends talking about how she knows Daredevil.

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This was quite a fan servicey episode, with stuff like Daredevil saving Jessica and Luke saving Colleen, and with all the secondary characters being put together. I imagine that the writers were well aware that a lot of people want more Trish and Malcolm and Foggy and Karen (well, I like Karen, even if some like to hate her). And I do like the idea of a larger support network for these heroes, instead of each of them being very closed off, with their own small band of friends.

Love that Trish fangirled a little over Daredevil. Because she totally would. And Danny being impressed with Daredevil's gear, while Luke pretends he isn't... and Jessica makes fun of his hat. Meanwhile, everyone calls Danny stupid, because he pretty much is.

The stuff with Matt, Karen and Foggy was infuriating, because Matt really could have explained all this in a way that didn't leave them in the dark, thinking he was ignoring their wishes that he leave vigilantism alone. I hate it when people are written as overly obtuse and secretive, just to fuel drama.

It is a bit annoying that Colleen, who is apparently an ex-Hand member (I didn't get that far with Iron Fist), is relegated to the 'needs to be protected' gang. Shouldn't she be as capable a fighter as Matt, at the very least?

The different fingers, apart from Madame Gao, still seem very thin as characters. I don't know any of their names, or what their powers are. I was briefly excited when I thought Colleen's old sensei was played by Hernando from Sense8... but it's some other guy. A guy who seems rather out of his depth, acting alongside people like Sigourney Weaver. But I do like the Yutaka Takeuchi's voice (looked him up, because he's impressive in this). There's a lot of richness and age to it.

And whenever they talk about 'the Fingers of the Hand', I just want to ask, 'which if you is the thumb?' The Hand are lame villains. They were the worst part of Daredevil season 2, and they're no better here.

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On 8/23/2017 at 11:15 AM, Danny Franks said:

And whenever they talk about 'the Fingers of the Hand', I just want to ask, 'which if you is the thumb?'

I get the impression that Aelxandra is the opposable thumb, since the others seem to defer to her.  Tho I'm not sure who is the pinky finger - - the one most people feel is the least useful. 

It seems as if Stick is the only one ready to get things done. I am completely burnt out on scenes where the 'heroes' capture some 'villain' and allow them to taunt with with non-answers and then eventually escape so the whole chase can start over again. It's been done to death.
(At least Stick knows how to make death 'stick' .)

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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On 8/19/2017 at 8:07 PM, Sakura12 said:

Then they still showcase how awful he is at fighting anyone above a nameless goon without his magical fist. They really don't need him.

Billionaire. Every super hero team needs one. :). I like that Luke and Jessica seem genuinely working class and Matt slightly better although his apartment is still suspiciously spacious for a new lawyer.

On 8/23/2017 at 10:15 AM, Danny Franks said:

Love that Trish fangirled a little over Daredevil. Because she totally would. And Danny being impressed with Daredevil's gear, while Luke pretends he isn't... and Jessica makes fun of his hat. Meanwhile, everyone calls Danny stupid, because he pretty much is.

I wish Matt wore the DD suit more but it does look better in the dark. Inside a restaurant in full light...a tad silly. But Trish was right to fangirl. Charlie Cox is attractive.

On 8/20/2017 at 7:07 AM, clack said:

We have this ancient order of monks who spend years training and testing Danny, and then Danny undergoes this great mystical test that only some great once-in-a-lifetime warrior can pass -- I would expect Danny to show some tactical smarts, so

I am beginning to wonder if Danny was chosen to fail. Everyone keeps commenting how unlike all other Iron Fists he is and how stupid he is. Maybe someone rigged the results.

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On 8/25/2017 at 8:38 AM, jeansheridan said:

Billionaire. Every super hero team needs one. :). I like that Luke and Jessica seem genuinely working class and Matt slightly better although his apartment is still suspiciously spacious for a new lawyer.

Back in DD season 1, wasn't there something about how Matt got his apartment cheap - there's a giant neon sign or something that shines in his window all night?  Still an excuse to give him a big NYC-on-TV apartment, but at least that would try to explain it.

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4 minutes ago, angora said:

Back in DD season 1, wasn't there something about how Matt got his apartment cheap - there's a giant neon sign or something that shines in his window all night?

Yes.  It's like a TV billboard or something that got installed in the wrong place.

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21 hours ago, angora said:

Back in DD season 1, wasn't there something about how Matt got his apartment cheap - there's a giant neon sign or something that shines in his window all night?  Still an excuse to give him a big NYC-on-TV apartment, but at least that would try to explain it.

Jessica asks him about it and he gives that explanation in the next episode.

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I will say, everyone calling Danny an idiot makes me smile every time. He really is a dumbass who should know better, but doesn't. 

Oh, please no, Defenders, don't turn Matt back into the Elektra-obsessed Matt in DD season 2 that made me dislike him. I like Elektra, but she makes Matt an asshole. I mean, I understand that Matt's always been this brooding, secretive vigilante, which is why I can understand Karen and Foggy's frustration with him continuing to go out and be this vigilante. Matt needs to be more open and honest at some point, because it hasn't fared well for him in his two seasons of DD nor so far here. 

It was nice to see all of the Defenders' closest loved ones in a room together. 

And, just like last episode with the group being the most curious by Matt, they are also the most impressed by his skills as Daredevil. I'm all for it. But yeah, he deserved to be yelled at for the Elektra secret. This better bite him in the ass....again. Seriously, I really do like Elektra but since she's making Matt be a total lovestruck idiot, she does need to die permanently. 

Well, Sawonde lost his head, so I guess the hand also lost a finger. I'm going to guess he was the pinky? If not, then the Hand are in trouble. Heh. 

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