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S04.E07: Hooked

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8 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Here's any idea: Why not put some sticks near the fire and hang your socks and your boots upside down so they will dry out?

In all fairness, there was a scene when it was dark where you could see a pair of boots upside down on sticks near the fire.  Don't know why they couldn't have done something similar with socks.

8 hours ago, Drogo said:

Thought the Baird Bros were going to paddle that boat to The Island Of Misfit Toys.

You've really got a Christmas theme going this season, don't you?  ;-)

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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On 7/29/2017 at 1:24 AM, ramble said:

I've complained far too much about this season already so I'll just say I miss the thoughtful quietness this show often had in the past. Sigh. 

Yeah, it's like Wilderness Big Brotherl

I liked the concept at first, but all the assholes & idiots cast this season, doesn't work with this concept.  They should've gotten more people like Shannon/Jesse, Brooke/Dave and Sam/Pete.  ADULTS with skills.  I don't mind watching them because they've made it interesting and fun.

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21 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Talk about not being able to think yourself out of a paper bag! Here's any idea: Why not put some sticks near the fire and hang your socks and your boots upside down so they will dry out? Yeah, too complicated for the Ginger Bros., eh? Did they ever resolve the baiting of the crab trap? Guess it didn't matter because they lost it the trap anyway. A couple of maroons.

How about a nice shelter with a fireplace that you can hang wet clothes and keep warm. Why are they not using worms for bait?? These 2 are Dumb and Dumber!

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they use limpets which are more readily available. Worms require digging in dirt and luck finding them. Not sure they are readily available in the thicket. And they are using limpets. 

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So happy the show returned to VI, because I'm here and enjoy seeing a setting I'm familiar with. Although I must say I did enjoy last season more than I thought I would. 

So sad about this pairs business. This is the first episode I've watched all of, and my fears are confirmed: too much bottled reality style that I can see in a gazillion other shows. No introspection. Too much whining. Too little backbone. Too homogenized characters. Too few true characters. Too much third party type camera work that took me out of the premise. Too little shaky, first person, right there with you cameras. Too much together. Too little 'Alone'. 
Two doesn't work. Too bad. :(

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35 minutes ago, mythreecents said:

So happy the show returned to VI, because I'm here and enjoy seeing a setting I'm familiar with. Although I must say I did enjoy last season more than I thought I would. 

So sad about this pairs business. This is the first episode I've watched all of, and my fears are confirmed: too much bottled reality style that I can see in a gazillion other shows. No introspection. Too much whining. Too little backbone. Too homogenized characters. Too few true characters. Too much third party type camera work that took me out of the premise. Too little shaky, first person, right there with you cameras. Too much together. Too little 'Alone'. 
Two doesn't work. Too bad. :(

So sad, too bad.  Teevee peeps know how to ruin a good thing, now, don't they?

On the other hand, I'm happy to meet a VI denizen.  I miss my Beautiful B.C., and love any talk about it.  So, if you are inclined to share, what area of the green isle do you call home?

And what's the "local" poop about this show?  Do V. Islanders even know or care enough to comment? (Other than the few who frequent this forum, that is).

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On 7/29/2017 at 11:40 PM, LittleIggy said:

That pissed me off so much last season! Better not happen again.

Yeah, I think that's a major reason for the format change this year.  The medics really decided the winner last year.  They'd probably like to avoid that.

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On 7/27/2017 at 11:38 PM, holly4755 said:

Lucas' boat worked fine he was taking it to another spot and getting clams and things. He wan't trying to fish from it. 

Also, IIRC, Lucas placed his trotlive by boat... which is what I expected to see the Baird Brothers do... but no, instead we got to hear them fight over how to throw it out - uh, why not wait til low tide? ... and they they given up on their gill net?

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8 hours ago, holly4755 said:

they use limpets which are more readily available. Worms require digging in dirt and luck finding them. Not sure they are readily available in the thicket. And they are using limpets. 

Are they the team that had the special limpet knife? (The one that didn't work?)  Or am I thinking of another camper?

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7 hours ago, mythreecents said:

Too much together. Too little 'Alone'. Two doesn't work. Too bad. 

This sums up this season quite well. 

The Bickerson Brothers make for unpleasant tv. While the other two duos I can appreciate in their non-aloneness, those two set my teeth on edge. I work with college age students and many of them use the word like as constantly as the brothers use the word dude. Both like make me want to like punch a dude. 

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Well, they're idiots.  

"Oh, here's a special limpet knife" 

Apparently not.  

3 hours ago, SRTouch said:

and they they given up on their gill net?

And the bow and arrows, and the wire for trapping.  A big fat "YOU IDIOTS" for those choices, you know, because they've worked so well in the past.  

I'm almost missing a good old fashioned mouse-squish using rocks and a stick.  ugh.  

I can't even begin to rant more about their tarp 'shelter'.  Are you fucking kidding me???  And then you sit there and complain because it's 'cold' and putting on your wet socks is the worst part of the day?  I'm almost hoping their wet toe flesh peals off in spectacular fashion.  

Okay. rant off.  <grin>

So because of the previews, we know Brooke and her Husband have a fire to deal with next week.  Not surprised.  As soon as I saw Brooke using wood to build a chimney I posted and asked the board if maybe a wood chimney might catch on fire.  Weeks ago.  I did not know if it would?  But I thought it might.  

Upthread someone asked if anyone knew how many episodes were left this season.  I googled it and found nothing, but on Wikipedia (because they're always right and all lol!) the next episode has a title that refers to the fire, the one after that is something like 'My brother's keeper', the one after that has no title, and the one after that seems to be the reunion.  Dates are listed but I'm too lazy to go back and look.  :)

I'm just hoping that they pull their head out of their ass next season.  

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6 hours ago, SRTouch said:

and they they given up on their gill net?


2 hours ago, MostlyContent said:

And the bow and arrows, and the wire for trapping.

Ted is using the gill net to wrap up his hair each night so it looks good for the cameras the next day.

Jim is using the arrows to hold his socks near the fire to dry them, so his feet will be comfy.

The wire is being reserved to kill whichever brother pisses the other one off the most.


If they are using that fishing net they found, as seating comfort or a divider in the boat..... well.....

Edited by cooksdelight
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If the other 2 teams tap quickly, I can see Brooke and Dave winning it easily. 

If this goes another 6 weeks like previous seasons have, Brooke doesn't have the body mass to lose another 40-50 lbs.

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On 7/30/2017 at 6:11 PM, walnutqueen said:

So sad, too bad.  Teevee peeps know how to ruin a good thing, now, don't they?

On the other hand, I'm happy to meet a VI denizen.  I miss my Beautiful B.C., and love any talk about it.  So, if you are inclined to share, what area of the green isle do you call home?

And what's the "local" poop about this show?  Do V. Islanders even know or care enough to comment? (Other than the few who frequent this forum, that is).

WalnutQueen, I've only lived on the island 3 years, having moved from the East Coast. You can't beat the trees and the seas out here, I see why you'd miss it.
I'm down in Victoria so missing the Up Island gossip. I do have several friends that live up that way but none have ever even heard of the show--they must have kept a pretty low profile!

And yes, TV peeps do a great job of ruining a good thing! In this case, for sure. 

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I'm having a hard time getting into the show this season.  My husband recently started working afternoons, so we don't get to watch the show live, and it sometimes takes a few days to get to.  I find the brothers irritating, so I just laughed my head off when the one hooked himself.  I also find myself waiting for the next bad thing to happen to them with some anticipatory glee.  I don't feel bad about it either.  I would like Brooke and Dave to win, but I don't know if she's gonna slow down and coast now, or if she'll burn herself out.  Sam seems sweet, but a little out of his element.  Pete is what every dad should be like, but unfortunately, aren't.  I miss the Island.  And right now, with all the smoke and the middle of the province on fire, I miss the rain.

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10 hours ago, muffkins said:

I also find myself waiting for the next bad thing to happen to them with some anticipatory glee.  I don't feel bad about it either.

Come sit by me. :)

Sam is not showing off his fisheries degree with any amount of skill so far. 

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Thinking that Sam is happily dismayed that his book learning/college degree doesn't make him the best  fisherman of the duo..that Pete's decades of fishing is keeping them fed and in the competition.

However, if Sam was catching then they would have fish to smoke and store.

 Pete has bragging rights that he was the star angler on VI sure to be retold over and over with Sam grinning the broadest...

The Brockdorffs have not suffered from Sam losing the axe during his trek.

Anticipating the Bumble Bros. shooting an arrow into one another at some point...

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4 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Anticipating the Bumble Bros. shooting an arrow into one another at some point...

Maybe stabbing each other with arrows.  I can't see them as capable of actually SHOOTING an arrow with a bow.  It takes coordination.

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35 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Maybe stabbing each other with arrows.  I can't see them as capable of actually SHOOTING an arrow with a bow.  It takes coordination.

I imagine they will spend several hours making a bow and then just throw the arrow into the air with their hands and accidently stab themselves.  They will then go into their awesome shelter, which consists of a tarp suspended over the cold hard ground, and wonder why they are cold

Someone should put together a youtube

montage to these two, using Benny Hill   music.

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I pretty much see Brooke/Dave winning this. The editors will make it suspenseful, but if they weren't winning, they wouldn't have been in every single episode. I don't think Sam/Pete even showed up until episode three. The Baird brothers are the comedic relief. They only win if packs of crazed predators or natural disasters take out the other two teams in the next week or so.

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They might be in every episode because Brook did a better job of filming what she was doing and was actually doing something during the first few weeks. How many week one tap outs did we have? Three? Of those three one was due to injury with the only person of the group actually trying to do anything. Our fourth tap out was from the team were the one brother checked out on day 3 and had done nothing round camp. So there is no footage from four of the seven teams. The Dad admitted that he was not building a shelter until son arrived and the Butthead brother who threw a tarp over a branch.

Then you had the hikers. They discussed how hard the hike was and how they were hungry and their footage was hard to use because it was so bouncy because of the hiking.

That means we saw lots of Brook because she was doing stuff and having success and not in a bad mood the entire time. So they might win it all, I don't have a clue if they do or don't, but it could simply be that they were the only ones with decent footage.

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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Bumble Bros. shooting an arrow into one another at some point...

OMG now I envisioned one of them shooting himself in the face with a bow and arrow and I cannot stop laughing. "Eh, bro, ya okay bro?"

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On 7/28/2017 at 9:23 PM, ClareWalks said:

I also noticed the first time they took the boat out they put both their giant asses (their words, not mine) in the damn boat, hello, test it with ONE of you bitches, hot damn y'all cray AF.

I don't understand why they even built a boat for two. Why not have a boat that fits one, allowing one person to fish while the other does some other task, like improving that incredibly flimsy looking shelter? Or gathering other sources of food in case the fishing doesn't pan out, like bull kelp or limpets? Putting both in the boat seems like doubling down on the risk of getting dumped into the drink for no greater reward.

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19 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

Who would like a survival duel between Alan and Brooke? It would be worth watching to me just to see all the projects and survival techniques they make and use.

Alan did not make much. He was popular because he was good on camera and funny. But his shelter was very basic and he was not one of the project kings of his season. I suspect that Brooke would win that match up because she is willing to make the extra effort to build the thing she needs to be able to thrive and not just survive. Alan was very much in the outlast mode at the end of that game. He wasn't doing much to make the experience more pleasant for himself.

I want to say Lucas was the one person who built a really good shelter in the first season. He built a teepee type structure and I think had a fire place in it or was planning on putting one in. I don't remember too many of the names of the contestant once the season is done. Sam and Alan both seemed to have adopted the do as little as needed and conserve energy strategy. Neither had a great shelter.

Honestly, I think Alan only wins the first season. He does not have the same skill set and his strategy was based on outlasting not working the land. Brooke vs Fowler would be awesome to see

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2 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Alan did not make much. He was popular because he was good on camera and funny. But his shelter was very basic and he was not one of the project kings of his season. I suspect that Brooke would win that match up because she is willing to make the extra effort to build the thing she needs to be able to thrive and not just survive. Alan was very much in the outlast mode at the end of that game. He wasn't doing much to make the experience more pleasant for himself.

I want to say Lucas was the one person who built a really good shelter in the first season. He built a teepee type structure and I think had a fire place in it or was planning on putting one in. I don't remember too many of the names of the contestant once the season is done. Sam and Alan both seemed to have adopted the do as little as needed and conserve energy strategy. Neither had a great shelter.

Honestly, I think Alan only wins the first season. He does not have the same skill set and his strategy was based on outlasting not working the land. Brooke vs Fowler would be awesome to see

I see your point but I still think Alan had an interesting approach to his game plan. And his competitors didn't just wimp out which would allow him to win. So the differences would be interesting to me.

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12 hours ago, Scaeva said:

I don't understand why they even built a boat for two. Why not have a boat that fits one, allowing one person to fish while the other does some other task, like improving that incredibly flimsy looking shelter? Or gathering other sources of food in case the fishing doesn't pan out, like bull kelp or limpets? Putting both in the boat seems like doubling down on the risk of getting dumped into the drink for no greater reward.

ITA... unless of course they take turns acting as a trolling motor.  ?

Edited by SRTouch
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46 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

I see your point but I still think Alan had an interesting approach to his game plan. And his competitors didn't just wimp out which would allow him to win. So the differences would be interesting to me.

Alan had a good number of competitors tap out or be pulled early in his season. His main competition was Sam.  Six of the competitors tapped in the first 8 days. Lucas and Mitch were the two who most people thought would win, and the two with the best developed camped, tapped on days 39 and 43 because they "had done what they needed to  do" and they wanted to take care of real life issues. Mitch had built a boat and set up fishing lines in the bay area itself and was catching fish regularly. I think Mitch's Mom had been diagnosed with brain cancer before he left for the show and he decided it was more important to be with her then out in the wilderness. Lucas looked to be bored after building an awesome shelter and a bunch of other stuff. Lucas gave the impression of someone who used the time to get work through some big life questions and get perspective on things. When he was done processing, he left. Honestly, if Lucas or Mitch had decided that they wanted to say, Alan loses. Lucas and Mitch didn't wimp out so much as they decided they had better things to do with their life and they knew they could thrive out there so what was the point. Their departures were frustrating because most everyone thought they would be the final two. Alan and Sam had the same approach, do little to nothing and conserve energy. Alan filmed himself in his shelter and pretty much said just that. Sam quit on day 55. Yes, I looked at Wikipedia for names and dates.

Season 2 only had three taps in the first week. Jose, the person most people thought would win, was the third to last to tap and he tapped on day 59, three days after Alan won. Fucking Larry, second place, tapped on day 64. Honestly, David was set to go a long time because he figured out the fishing, had a solid camp and was in a pretty good place. we didn't see much of Jose, except for his ridiculous boat, but the few images we saw of his camp looked like he had a nicely developed place.

Season 3 puts them all to shame. Two taps in the first 8 day and then the next one taps at day 35. Five people went longer then Alan and the winner was decided by medical. With the shelters that they had built and the early success that they had with fishing and the like, Alan would have been crushed. Dan, the contestant that played the conserve your energy game, lasted 51 days but was not prepared for the real hardship that was to come. Fowler lasted 87 days. Alan, playing Dan's conserve your energy strategy, would have been out well before that. Never mind the boredom, Alan's conservation strategy would have left him starving far earlier then day 87.

I like Alan, he was fun to watch, but he would be lose in every other season. His conserve energy tactic is 1) boring (he made it ok by being able to quote plays and poetry) 2) would lead him to have to push long before the folks who have built shelters, fireplaces and fishing lines and traps for long term survival. Fowler had a dock for fishing and had built a duck hunter for goods sake.

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On 30/07/2017 at 2:16 PM, holly4755 said:

they use limpets which are more readily available. Worms require digging in dirt and luck finding them. Not sure they are readily available in the thicket. And they are using limpets. 

Lots of rotting wood and damp soil- lots of worms. I live on Vancouver Island and we have worms.

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there is zero reason to bother with more than a tarp shelter, unless you've fed yourself adequately for 6 weeks. If you have not, then you'll win only by being fat and lucky. The "heavy duty shelter', built early on, is ruinous. You only have about 6 weeks before the fish are driven to deep water by the cold. It takes about 2 weeks to get all of the 2000+ sq ft of 1.5"mesh netting made and set. So you need to catch 600 lbs of fish in about a month.  You can't be blowing 3+ weeks of that making a shelter, cutting a lot of firewood, making a canoe, etc. Half an hour to set up a tarp shelter, which you can move to where the squaw wood is,  Use dakota fire pits wo warm rocks and water, so that little wood is wasted. Feed in logs from the end, so that you dont have to process much wood. If you haven't caught at least 300 lbs of fish/game the first month, you might as well just go home, cause you'll win only by being fat and lucky.

On 7/30/2017 at 11:34 AM, roamyn said:

Yeah, it's like Wilderness Big Brotherl

I liked the concept at first, but all the assholes & idiots cast this season, doesn't work with this concept.  They should've gotten more people like Shannon/Jesse, Brooke/Dave and Sam/Pete.  ADULTS with skills.  I don't mind watching them because they've made it interesting and fun.

WHAT "skills" are you talking about ? making wooden chimneys that catch fire? wasting all day, every day, holding a fishing pole, out in the cold, dampness, and wind? You're losing more calories than you're getting back, doing that.

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make NETTING. Make treblehooks out of the snarewire and the 4-tined fishing arrowheads. To go with the treblehooks, make bait bags, out of tarp and tape and springy forked sticks as "engines" to se the hooks. Have half of the baited hooks on land, catching birds and mammals. Once the netting is catching more fish than you can eat, move all of the trotlines  onto the land.

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