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S02.E07: I Know My Soul

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Man, for a split second after Vi read the will and Nova and Charley still argued it, I felt bad for RA. For a split second. But then he started on his pity party and I was quickly over it.

But putting aside my annoyance at the family dispute, the way he reacted to Darla was so awful. In the heat of the moment, I can get being upset she'd go and how it would feel like her picking Charley's side. But ordering her she couldn't go? Shut up. I was so glad Darla pointed out that the only reason she had to take that job was because she left her old job the last time he was unreasonable and selfish and "needed" her. The fact that he was still salty about it later was unsurprising, but still ridiculous. Glad Darla stood her ground there, too. Fuck RA.

And fuck Remy! I've never been a huge fan of his for some reason, I think I disliked a character the actor has played in the past probably, but he's really been testing me this season. I get that he and Charley have lived different lives and have different values, but the way he looks down on her for them is beyond frustrating, especially when she's never done it to him. He always acts so holier than thou, that his way is the Right way and anything Charley does or what she values is Wrong and/or superficial. I was really worried at the end there that they were gonna make it out that he was right, but I hope that's not where they're going. Like, damn. Charley is a business woman, a successful one. She knows how to get the job done, and it's not like she's out here hurting anyone or stepping over the little people to get that job done, so who is he to judge how she conducts her business?

Edited by colorbars
  • Love 18

OMG I hate Ralph Angel.  I want someone to slap him. He got out of jail and then proceeded to rob a convenience store, be apart of a electronic merchandise racket (Vi saved him), then had a gun when the parole officers came (Charley saved him). Yet he's gonna yell and scream about how he's great, it's his land and it's what daddy would have wanted. RA's ass should be back in jail for breaking the rules of his parole three times over.  

His ordering Darla to stay then acting like she killed him when went to do her job. She should be the one walking away and pissed at him. 

Charley was right, their father probably didn't file that letter because he was waiting for RA to actually be worthy. It may have been what he wanted, but he also knew RA couldn't do it. 

Charley is also right on asking RA how he intends to run the farm without her backing and smarts? RA has no idea what he's doing. 

I started getting annoyed at Remy when he imposed his views on where she should live, but today just made him look like a bigger ask. Good for Charley for kicking him out.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 12

RA man damn. You don't have to do it on your own. I'm sure that's not even what pops wanted. They are stronger together. In his effort to prove his self worth he's going to fall flat on his face. 

Maybe it's purposely part of the narrative but they could write the men better on this show. The women are coming off balanced and the men are coming off one note.

  • Love 1

OMG I hate Ralph Angel.  I want someone to slap him. He got out of jail and then proceeded to rob a convenience store, be apart of a electronic merchandise racket (Vi saved him), then had a gun when the parole officers came (Charley saved him). Yet he's gonna yell and scream about how he's great, it's his land and it's what daddy would have wanted. RA's ass should be back in jail for breaking the rules of his parole three times over.  

4 times. He was nearly arrested for trespassing when he was dumpster diving for Kenya. If Antoine hadn't been one of the officers who responded, his ass would be grass.

I hate Ralph Angel so much I was physically shaking with anger during this episode.  It's totally because I just broke up with a guy that is just like Ralph Angel (right down to being the youngest boy in the family and growing up mostly without a mother)--textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  They always want to play the victim and blame others for their problems. They are incapable of viewing women as equals. Girlfriends are considered their property and they expect unwavering perfectionism and loyalty or else they discard you like trash. I'm glad Darla isn't buying into his shit and I'm glad she made the right choice by going to work instead of sitting through the family BS.

Dating a Narc while being a recovering drug addict is a recipe for disaster. They do whatever they can to destroy your independence and self-esteem....and we've seen how RA is demanding Darla to live with him, rely solely on him, isolating her to be with him on the farm. She need to say fuck that shit and straight up leave his ass.

And fuck Remy too. He was all fine with Charley last season when she was new to the industry and relying on him for help. But now that she's focused on the business/PR side of things (which is her area of expertise), he can't stand that she's thinking for herself and making her own decisions.  And who the fuck is he to tell her to how to handle her divorce? Like Charley said, GTFO. I do hope they write in another love interest for Charley, because the chemistry between her and Remy just isn't there anymore, IMO.

Charley and Vi's talk in the kitchen got to me also. I can so relate to Charley. Feeling like the outsider in her own family due to the circumstances surrounding her conception (been there).  I'm also all too familiar with people assuming I'm fine when going through tough situations because "She's tough, she can handle it". 

  • Love 3

I’m not a violent person but I really want to be like those wrestlers, grab a chair and smack RA with it!! Every time he was on TV, I was getting angrier and angrier. He’s his own worst enemy.

Run, Darla! Run! I hope she has seen the light and realize RA isn’t worth it and focus on her son and herself.

I was disappointed no one brought up another reason RA can’t run the farm on his own. Landry and Boudreaux. They are still out there and ready to take that farm by any means necessary. RA too dumb and blind to see he can’t run the farm on his own. Look at what running the farm on his own did to Ernest.

I’m glad we finally got some background on the family but I don’t see how Ernest thought RA loved the farm the most. He didn’t learn about the land and sugar cane until after Ernest died. There hasn’t been any indication he worked the farm with his father growing up. I’ll have to re-watch the scene with Nova and Vi discussing how Vi used to own part of the farm, too, but it looks like Vi’s father was more modern than Ernest since he did split the land between his son and daughter but something about Vi selling her part of the land to Ernest doesn't sit right with me.

Bye Remy. He’s not really different from the rest of the men. I'm surprised he didn’t talk to Charley about what happened at the house. Didn’t he suspect something seeing Darla upset and knowing she came from the farm?

I was really hoping Hollywood would knock some sense into RA because it’s clear RA doesn’t want to listen to any of the women in his life.  Sometimes men will rather listen to a man instead of a woman even if it’s the same advice.

On a personal level, I can’t wait to discuss this episode with my brother. Given our own family issues with land, I’ve gotten him to watch the show. He’s been shaking his head at RA for several episodes. I can only imagine what he thinks of him after this episode.

Edited by Arcadiasw
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

I’m glad we finally got some background on the family but I don’t see how Ernest thought RA loved the farm the most. He didn’t learn about the land and sugar cane until after Ernest died. There hasn’t been any indication he worked the farm with his father growing up. I’ll have to re-watch the scene with Nova and Vi discussing how Vi used to own part of the farm, too, but it looks like Vi’s father was more modern than Ernest since he did split the land between his son and daughter but something about Vi selling her part of the land to Ernest doesn't sit right with me.

I feel like it all comes down to the fact that RA was still living at home while Nova dared to move away and Charley didn't make time to come running home when Ernest finally asked her for help. The worst part is that we all know damn well RA didn't stay home out of love or devotion to his father or the farm, but because he needed his father to provide for him. Which I guess is why he thinks RA needed it the most, but like Charley pointed out, Ernest most likely realized he wasn't ready.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

RA man damn. You don't have to do it on your own. I'm sure that's not even what pops wanted. They are stronger together. In his effort to prove his self worth he's going to fall flat on his face. 

Maybe it's purposely part of the narrative but they could write the men better on this show. The women are coming off balanced and the men are coming off one note.

I wonder if falling flat will open his eyes. He's so stubborn he may blame someone else instead of accepting responsibility. 


If anything, this show emphasizes the importance of having a will and having it detailed. Death can bring out the worst or best of people. 

  • Love 1

And fuck Remy too. He was all fine with Charley last season when she was new to the industry and relying on him for help. But now that she's focused on the business/PR side of things (which is her area of expertise), he can't stand that she's thinking for herself and making her own decisions.  And who the fuck is he to tell her to how to handle her divorce? Like Charley said, GTFO. I do hope they write in another love interest for Charley, because the chemistry between her and Remy just isn't there anymore, IMO.

Charley and Vi's talk in the kitchen got to me also. I can so relate to Charley. Feeling like the outsider in her own family due to the circumstances surrounding her conception (been there).  I'm also all too familiar with people assuming I'm fine when going through tough situations because "She's tough, she can handle it". 

Yeah, Remy showed his entire ass during that conversation. The level of ain't shitness in this episode was next level. I was proud of Charley when she told Remy to bounce. He can have several seats with his negging. 

Charley's line to Vi, "I need help, too. I want someone to fight for me." Got me right in the chest. Such a simple line that's packed with so much. When people don't hear you complaining, when you're not out here fucking up, they think you're good. 

I get why Vi sold her share of the farm, but it's disturbing my spirit. What also bothered my spirit? When Nova said that Ernest didn't commit to her mother until she was pregnant with RA. So, he was out still playing the field until the male heir came into existence? Hmm. 

  • Love 12

How many years are there between Nova and RA? Because I know I heard his spoiled, entitled, thoughtless ass, yell at Nova for leaving him because he thought she was his mother up until he was ten years old. He said he didn't realize that he had lost his mother until he was ten and that entire time Nova had been taking care of him. All that did for me was empathize with Nova, part of her youth was sopped up playing mommy when she was just a kid herself. And it's not like RA had no parent at all. It's not like they were foster kids, out on the street. Once again, he had a dad, a aunt, yet he's yelling at Nova for leaving and trying to have a life. Ugh, why is Ava making him such a pain in the ass with no let up in sight? Why?

I DO NOT like Remy for Charlie and I haven't since he started making comments on her personal life choices, like where she wants to continue raising her son in the state of Louisiana, bye, just bye Remy.  He doesn't like Charlie, and is clearly not interested in getting to know and accept her for who she is. When he started his bullshit, I was too through on behalf of that girl. Brother, soon to be ex, and now this asshole? Really? Damn, how much is she supposed to take, people constantly questioning her motives as if they're sinister.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

How many years are there between Nova and RA? Because I know I heard his spoiled, entitled, thoughtless ass, yell at Nova for leaving him because he thought she was his mother up until he was ten years old.

There's about a decade between Nova & RA.

RA was born in 1989, Nova left St. Joe's at 18 after True died (1999/2000), which puts Nova's birth around 1981/1982.

1 minute ago, Dee said:

There's about a decade between Nova & RA.

RA was born in 1989, Nova left St. Joe's at 18 after True died (1999/2000), which puts Nova's birth around 1981/1982.

Thanks, so she was playing mommy at the age of eight, but no way can we expect that selfish brat to think about that and say thank you giving up your childhood to take care of me. So how did the mother die? Did she die in child birth? Because I know I heard RA say something about not knowing he didn't his real mother until he was ten. Which is weird to me...so Earnest let him walk around thinking Nova was  his mother? 


Because I know I heard RA say something about not knowing he didn't his real mother until he was ten.

I thought he was yelling because she left after their mother died, when he was 10. Which makes sense because Nova would have been 18 and going off to college at that point. How dare Nova put her education over doting on RA all day! For shame!

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

I thought he was yelling because she left after their mother died, when he was 10. Which makes sense because Nova would have been 18 and going off to college at that point. How dare Nova put her education over doting on RA all day! For shame!

OK, I gotta watch it again, but that makes more sense. Not him whining about all these freaking years later, but just when she left, where she went and why.

I mean no elder in that family explained that his sister was going away to work hard at school so she could get  a good job etc... I can't, I just can't.  Damn he's ignorant, how the hell did that happen? He's bitching about someone, his sibling no less, getting into an institution of higher learning and going to better herself. Earnest and the rest of the elders screwed up royally with RA.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 1

I mean no elder in that family explained that his sister was going away to work hard at school so she could get  a good job etc... I can't, I just can't.

They probably did. But in his mind, all he saw was Nova leaving him behind shortly after their mom died.In his mind, he likely thinks if she had stuck around to raise him, he wouldn't have fell into the trouble he did. She was supposed to give up her future for him SMH.

  • Love 3

Ralph Angel is such a selfish baby. So glad Darla called him out on expecting her to give up everything to support whatever he needs at the moment.

RA is probably going to end up selling or mortgaging off parts of the land to keep running the farm, until he loses it all. If he has any sense he'll turn to Charley before he starts relying on banks or the government because that will lead right back to the Landry/Boudreaux families.

Did Davis expect there'd never be any press about the divorce or is he just mad the story will be coming from Charley and therefore likely slanted in her favor? But it doesn't need to be slanted because he cheated on her in what became a very public way, just because he could. There's no comparable dirt on Charley--that we know if yet, anyway.

  • Love 1

The show really needs to get the Bordelon siblings ages together. RA being in his late 20s is one thing, but it's tricky with Nova and Charley. I mentioned before that I place them both in their early 40s only because of Micah. I always assumed that Charley and Davis married when they were in their mid-20s and had Micah shortly after. Nova and Charley are probably only a year or two apart. My guess would be they were both born in the late 70s.

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

RA is probably going to end up selling or mortgaging off parts of the land to keep running the farm, until he loses it all. If he has any sense he'll turn to Charley before he starts relying on banks or the government because that will lead right back to the Landry/Boudreaux families.

Did Davis expect there'd never be any press about the divorce or is he just mad the story will be coming from Charley and therefore likely slanted in her favor? But it doesn't need to be slanted because he cheated on her in what became a very public way, just because he could. There's no comparable dirt on Charley--that we know if yet, anyway.

You know he won't, his pride won't let him ask for Charley's help if they continue on this path. He's too much of a manchild.

Yeah, Davis's reaction just seemed like a way to pile onto Charley, since every other man in her life except Micah was judging all of her decisions. They had planned to release news of the divorce after it was final, though I can't remember if they ever stated a reason for that. I guess he was just salty that she changed that and made that decision without talking to him about it? But whatever, he sucks, he can get over it.

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I know I'm biased about RA. The writing on this show is so reflective of so many families I know where men are babied and literally fuck up their lives with mistake after mistake  can't support themselves/children and blame everyone else while the women are expected to take care of them at the expense of their lives  when they aren't the one who fucked up. I can't stand RA because he is literally every man in my family.  Charlie is a better person than me because I would have been on the phone with my attorney and would have told RA what he could do with the piece of paper. He is so fucking selfish. He has broken parole a couple times and left his kid in the car to go and rob a store. I think if he had come to Charlie and Nova as soon as he found out and approached them differently I could have had some respect for him but he took Charlie's money and acts like he is always the victim and blames others for stuff he does. Why is he blaming Nova for leaving and going to college? That's what you are suppose to do. I'm glad Nova went in harder than Charlie on RA since she was was there full time . No one knew their father was having financial troubles and it is not everyone else's job to take care of his child because he is locked up in prison nor should Charlie be expected to bankroll everyone in the family. Good for Darla she she is trying to better herself as she obviously comes from a good family with swim lessons and cotillions  in her background so I just assumed her parents washed their hands of her once the drugs started. He is acting like she needs to put him above everything else in her life. 

Charlie and Remy never seemed to be a good match to me and have no chemistry so he can go. Remy is simple and lives and a simple world. Charlie is business savy and is working the divorce to her advantage as it seems people think of her as only being useful for managing Davis's dealings. I always wondered why Vi never had a stake in the farm. I probably would have sold my share too if I had no interest in the farm. I was interesting to hear a little about Ernest and RA/Nova's mother.  Since I've always assumed Charlie's mother was white and got with Ernest during her discover yourself piss off the parents phase  I'm curious to see how he ended up in California while he was running the farm.

On a side note I love Vi and Hollywood we need more of them.

  • Love 7

Charley's speech to Vi, when she said, "I need someone to fight for me," really broke my heart.  I see that as a rallying cry for so many black women who are expected to do everything, cater to the men in their lives and everybody else as well, while nothing is expected of the men, they can just lie around do nothing, and get all the love.

RA is so awful, how could he be nasty to Charley when SHE was the reason his sorry ass didn't get arrested that night, when she lied and said SHE fired the gun when it was RA.  He needs to sit his sorry behind down and think instead of react.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 10

This episode upset me too much.  Ralph Angel constantly berates the women in his life and expects them to support him with no questions asked.  I'm glad Darla followed Charley's request, even though she took way too long to comply.  RA ain't shit for trying to forbid her from leaving, & not even letting her in his house after their fight.  I hope she leaves his pathetic ass for good, although it looks like he already has someone new during next week's previews.

Remy can fall the fuck back too.  Charley can handle her divorce however she pleases.  I'm glad she didn't let him try to run her personal life.

I felt so bad for Nova.  She only had 1 item in her father's lockbox, and that from when she was a child.  It's like she didn't exist past childhood to her father. I'm glad she's flying to Georgia to that cute doctor.

Next week's episode looks like it will be intense.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:


RA is so awful, how could he be nasty to Charley when SHE was the reason his sorry ass didn't get arrested that night, when she lied and said SHE fired the gun when it was RA.  He needs to sit his sorry behind down and think instead of react.  

Because he feels ENTITLED and does NOT have the ability to be INTROSPECTIVE, NONE. He fails to look in the mirror and say, "I am a loser." "I will work hard to prove otherwise, but right now, I am, indeed, a loser." I mean that's the truth right now and that's why he can barely get a half step forward with out taking multiple steps back. His robbing that store almost negates all the hugs he gives his son. I mean what's the point of all your hugging and coddling of your son, if you're willing to RISK going back to jail for some stolen corner store snacks and dollars? And for what? Just so you could give that shit to your honest, humble, hard working father.  And you damn well know that your son's mother is less stable than you are with her addiction, your father is older, tired, yet again, you risk going back to jail. I already posted before that it is hard for to reconcile the two, his love for Blue and his criminal behavior, at this point in his life, I just can't reconcile the two. He's contradicting himself, you love your son, yet you rob a convenient store when you're NOT homeless, and you have tons of family support. Love is about behavior, a series of ongoing choices that you make for the well being of the ones you say you love. 

Look something went terribly  wrong with this child and I want detailed flashbacks and dialogue to explain it all to me. No, losing his mother wouldn't be enough to bring up an asshole like this. What the hell was Earnest doing or not doing?  All kids are different, no one child is going to be the same as the next in a family, but damn WTF happened? I still don't know what he did to land in jail for four years. Does anyone know? Did I miss it?

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Charley's speech to Vi, when she said, "I need someone to fight for me," really broke my heart.  I see that as a rallying cry for so many black women who are expected to do everything, cater to the men in their lives and everybody else as well, while nothing is expected of the men, they can just lie around do nothing, and get all the love.

RA is so awful, how could he be nasty to Charley when SHE was the reason his sorry ass didn't get arrested that night, when she lied and said SHE fired the gun when it was RA.  He needs to sit his sorry behind down and think instead of react.  

Man. This goes back to what I was saying in last week's episode thread--Black womem are expected to show up for Black men in ways that don't happen in the reverse. 

Like, Ernest didnt make it *real* with Nova's and RA's mom until RA came along? What kind is shit is that?!

  • Love 10

The show really needs to get the Bordelon siblings ages together. RA being in his late 20s is one thing, but it's tricky with Nova and Charley. I mentioned before that I place them both in their early 40s only because of Micah. I always assumed that Charley and Davis married when they were in their mid-20s and had Micah shortly after. Nova and Charley are probably only a year or two apart. My guess would be they were both born in the late 70s.

In that case, perhaps Nova was 9 or 10 when RA was born, making her 19-20 when True died. Do we know how True died? Perhaps Nova delayed college for a couple years or took a leave when True got sick and returned after her death. Either way RA is a prick for getting mad at her for leaving to better herself.


Look something went terribly  wrong with this child and I want detailed flashbacks and dialogue to explain it all to me. No, losing his mother wouldn't be enough to bring up an asshole like this. What the hell was Earnest doing or not doing?  All kids are different, no one child is going to be the same as the next in a family, but damn WTF happened?

Nothing necessarily has to go wrong in childhood for someone to be an awful human being. I think Violet and Ernest just plain spoiled RA and kowtowed to him and now he expects his sisters and his "lady" to do the same.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

In that case, perhaps Nova was 9 or 10 when RA was born, making her 19-20 when True died. 

Nova, the oldest Bordelon sib, is 35/36; middle kid Charley (born between 81/82 - 89) had Micah (born in 2001) fairly young, so it's not a huge leap for Charley (and Davis) to be younger than Nova and still be parents to a high school aged kid.

On 7/26/2017 at 10:26 PM, colorbars said:

And fuck Remy!

Absolutely. I have more or less (depending on the episode) liked him - but damn, he lost every ounce of like I had for him. He had no right to talk to her that way - he's not family (and those would be fighting, maybe even estrangement words for family), he's not her husband (which would be divorcing words), or any other relationship that is close enough to say shit like that. Those are nuclear bomb words in any conversation. I liked that Charley told him to leave (though I wish she hadn't said "Please" - I've wiped that word from my vocabulary when I want to be direct - then again I'm a fair bit older).

21 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Did Davis expect there'd never be any press about the divorce or is he just mad the story will be coming from Charley and therefore likely slanted in her favor? But it doesn't need to be slanted because he cheated on her in what became a very public way, just because he could. There's no comparable dirt on Charley--that we know if yet, anyway.

If I recall correctly, Charley had said that they'd planned to announce the divorce together at a specific time (I suppose to manage the message). So I think that was part of what upset Davis (not that I'm on his side or anything).

15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Charley's speech to Vi, when she said, "I need someone to fight for me," really broke my heart.  I see that as a rallying cry for so many black women who are expected to do everything, cater to the men in their lives and everybody else as well, while nothing is expected of the men, they can just lie around do nothing, and get all the love.

I started sobbing.  I am more than a little like Charley (complete with my own divorce and RA). When you take care of things for everyone else, it is rare that they return the favor or even realize how much you do for them. 

Loved that Darla and Charley both stood up to the men. Darla especially. And that Micah could see his mother was struggling, and was sweet (and I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who came up with the ice cream machine idea).

  • Love 6

Like, Ernest didnt make it *real* with Nova's and RA's mom until RA came along? What kind is shit is that?!

This is exactly why I hurt for Nova the most. From her point of view and mine, he didn't think much of her nor her mother. He's coddling his son like he's heir to the throne and complimenting his other daughter with the mistress to Remy. Well I guess she wasn't the mistress if he wasn't married to Nova's mother all those years. I can't get the timing down for any of this backstory. But that is what Remy said before he's started talking out his ass to Charley, he started by talking about how the father use to compliment her. I'm taking a bet right now that he never said jack in the way of compliments about Nova. I'm going with that until I hear otherwise. To top it off, she had one shitty picture at the bottom of his lock box, poor girl, and she was searching too.

Edited by Keepitmoving
  • Love 11

Just... shut up Ralph Angel. Just shut the hell up. I swear, I don't even know how to deal with him anymore. I've rooted for him to grow up and get his life together, but this might be his worst episode yet, including the episodes where he robed a grocery store with a gun for a few bucks and a Gatorade (in the first episode!),and when he shoved poor Micah against the wall and threatened him for accidently hurting Blue. His self centeredness, and constant need to be the constant victim (your sisters don't not trust you because your an ex con, RA, its because your an idiot) is just unbelievably grating. Charlie had it totally right when she said that its bullshit that everyone bends over backwards for RA because he "needs the help", especially after getting out of jail, when its his own damn fault he was in jail, and needs the extra help because of crap he did! She said it a lot nicer, but still true. Also, I'm amazed that RA truly seems to think that he can run this farm on his own, with Charlie's money and business savvy, and Nova's common sense and way with people. Ralph Angel cant deal with minor conflicts without threatening to kick the shit out of people or pulling a gun, how the hell does he think he can run a whole farm? I actually thought last episode that he might have told the truth just to get it out in the air, but now it looks like he really wants to kick his sisters out and run the farm himself! What a dick.

I felt awful for Charlie and Nova throughout the whole episode, it must feel like neither of them really "counted" to the father who they clearly loved. I just don't know how to even think about Ernest anymore. I'm pretty sure that Ernest wrote that letter right after RA got out of jail, and he felt like he needed the farm the most, but when he thought about it more, he realized it was a dumb idea, hence Ernest never changing the will of showing anyone the letter, as Charlie and Nova pointed out. BUT, he still wrote the thing, and it certainly makes me retroactively question why he waited so long to marry Nova and RAs mom. Did he really want a male heir that bad? Was it that important? I do also question how he and Vi raised RA, and how he has clearly grown up with this sense of entitlement, that everyone (especially the woman) in his life need to do anything and everything to support him, because he's The Son. Apparently it was assumed that Nova was going to be RAs new mom, instead of going to college and having her own life, which she had EVERY RIGHT TO DO! Nova would have been miserable on the farm raising a kid, why would she do that? Why would she want to? What right does RA have to be pissed off that she didn't?

Poor Charlie. It really is always about stupid asshole Ralph Angel and his drama, and not that her life is falling apart, through no fault of her own. And now Remy is giving her shit for not falling into his "humble country" values, or something like that. I generally like Remy, but I've never thought that he and Charlie are a good match. He has a really narrow world view, all filtered through his "simple farming" sense of morality, which I honestly still don't get, while Charlie is a business woman who sees the world in shades of grey, where you have to occasionally do sort of questionable things to succeed. Although, I'm not really sure what why what she's doing is so wrong, but whatever. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Remy.

I full on cheered when Darla went to do her job, even after RA told her not to go. He clearly just sees Darla as someone to be a mom and wife, and that isn't what SHE wants, and that's pissing him off. I actually said, out loud, "its your fault she lost her last job you dick!" and she said basically the same thing! Yeah it was her choice, but RA was the idiot who told her to leave her job just to hang out with him. At this point, the best thing RA does for the farm is look good in a cowboy hat.

  • Love 7

One of the more interesting things, in this episode, was the distance between Nova and Charley.

Over the past season and a half, the Bordelon sisters have made significant progress in mending their broken relationship, but during the family scenes in this episode they were noticeably distant.

When interacting with Ralph Angel, they weren't ganging up on him, so much as confronting him from their individual perspectives, instead of as a tag team; but also, in the down moments between arguments, when Nova and Charley saw each other, in passing, dwelling within their respective pain, each sister made the conscious choice to let the other be.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Dee said:

One of the more interesting things, in this episode, was the distance between Nova and Charley.

Over the past season and a half, the Bordelon sisters have made significant progress in mending their broken relationship, but during the family scenes in this episode they were noticeably distant.

When interacting with Ralph Angel, they weren't ganging up on him, so much as confronting him from their individual perspectives, instead of as a tag team; but also, in the down moments between arguments, when Nova and Charley saw each other, in passing, dwelling within their respective pain, each sister made the conscious choice to let the other be.

That was interesting - but I think I understand it. They reacted out of pain, hitting back where RA's weakest because the will shredded their beliefs about their individual relationships with their father - where they feel the weakest. My personal take is they need to retreat into themselves before they can come together again to address Ralph Angel as a team. On the other hand, though they don't seem to be people who can easily reach out for help, I was very moved when both of them reached out to Vi.

  • Love 5
On 7/28/2017 at 10:19 AM, Keepitmoving said:

This is exactly why I hurt for Nova the most. From her point of view and mine, he didn't think much of her nor her mother. He's coddling his son like he's heir to the throne and complimenting his other daughter with the mistress to Remy. Well I guess she wasn't the mistress if he wasn't married to Nova's mother all those years. I can't get the timing down for any of this backstory. But that is what Remy said before he's started talking out his ass to Charley, he started by talking about how the father use to compliment her. I'm taking a bet right now that he never said jack in the way of compliments about Nova. I'm going with that until I hear otherwise. To top it off, she had one shitty picture at the bottom of his lock box, poor girl, and she was searching too.

I am so here with you on this.  With all the focus on RA and Charley, Nova and her pain get lost in the mix.  Let's not forget that the one picture was of a pregnant True with Nova in the picture., meaning the picture could have been more about them tan Nova  You mean in thirty-plus years of Nova's existence Ernest never found one thing of her worthy of memorializing? Memorials to True, Charley, RA, Micah and Blue, but nothing that really acknowledged Nova.

I do like that the show is starting to give us better insight to the siblings and it used Ernest, who only appeared in the first episode to do it.  Ernest really wasn't that great a guy, his treatment of; cutting out of his life and then taking adavantage of her poor situation in life to gain full ownership of the land, tells me he is being remembered a little too fondly by those he left behind.

I hate the pussyfooting the show is doing around the very blatant issues of gender-bias and colorism that mark far too many black men and continue to plague the black community. Nova, unfortunely is the victim of both in this family.  I think it is clear she loves her siblings, but some of the resent,nets she clearly has for them became more understandable in this episode.

  • Love 2
On 7/27/2017 at 6:23 PM, Neurochick said:

Charley's speech to Vi, when she said, "I need someone to fight for me," really broke my heart.  I see that as a rallying cry for so many black women who are expected to do everything, cater to the men in their lives and everybody else as well, while nothing is expected of the men, they can just lie around do nothing, and get all the love.

RA is so awful, how could he be nasty to Charley when SHE was the reason his sorry ass didn't get arrested that night, when she lied and said SHE fired the gun when it was RA.  He needs to sit his sorry behind down and think instead of react.  

YEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I was crying. I downloaded the song that was playing during Charley's monologue. ("Scars," by My Brothers and I.)

I've said many times on these boards that I am in therapy, and I started going because I went through three major losses in the same year and I couldn't cope. And I have wonderful family and friends, but I am the person that everybody sees as OK, "she'll take care of it," "she's strong." And when people perceive you that way, you tend to want to live up to that perception. And then you feel like you CAN'T admit that you need help, and that leads to trouble because EVERYONE needs help. Me starting therapy was me asking for, and receiving, help. Charley is so clearly that person - I mean, look at what she's been through in such a short time! She found out her husband had been sleeping with prostitutes for years and was involved in facilitating a gang rape, is getting a divorce, moved away from the place she'd called home for years, lost her father, AND started a new business. Anyone would be driven to distraction. Of COURSE she needs someone to fight for her.

Neither RA nor Remy are worth a damn. RA in particular. I'm so glad Charley told Remy to leave. She sure was shooting daggers at him when he walked away. RA wasn't SHIT for making Darla stand there on his porch and beg to be let in. That was disgusting. When he was like "Oh, so this is how it is? Whatever you want, never mind my feelings?" I was like "ALL ANYBODY DOES IS THINK ABOUT YOUR DAMN FEELINGS." He is a petulant spoiled child. I hope Darla dumps him for good. I LOVED her pointing out that she was in a position to work for Charley because she lost her job running around after him.

On 7/28/2017 at 10:19 AM, Keepitmoving said:

This is exactly why I hurt for Nova the most. From her point of view and mine, he didn't think much of her nor her mother. He's coddling his son like he's heir to the throne and complimenting his other daughter with the mistress to Remy. Well I guess she wasn't the mistress if he wasn't married to Nova's mother all those years. I can't get the timing down for any of this backstory. But that is what Remy said before he's started talking out his ass to Charley, he started by talking about how the father use to compliment her. I'm taking a bet right now that he never said jack in the way of compliments about Nova. I'm going with that until I hear otherwise. To top it off, she had one shitty picture at the bottom of his lock box, poor girl, and she was searching too.

I was glad Nova went to Atlanta to do something for herself. It looks like being Nova Bordelon was a pretty thankless job.

Sidebar: Micah is too cute. Said it before, say it again: 16-year-old me would have the BIGGEST crush on him. Also the three Bordelon siblings are all so beautiful.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I've said many times on these boards that I am in therapy, and I started going because I went through three major losses in the same year and I couldn't cope. And I have wonderful family and friends, but I am the person that everybody sees as OK, "she'll take care of it," "she's strong." And when people perceive you that way, you tend to want to live up to that perception. And then you feel like you CAN'T admit that you need help, and that leads to trouble because EVERYONE needs help.


Edited by Clanstarling

How does Remy *start* to fix his mouth to say literally any of that shit to Charley? He's up in his feeling for Charley *daring* to question his word by having the cane farmer sign paperwork and pay up front when she's sunk how many millions into this mill? Nah, boy, get out. 

Davis has clearly been hoping to run out the clock and have Charley forgive him so they can get back together. Her leaking their impending divorce to a big publication means the likelihood of that happening drops to < 1%. I like how Micah clearly orchestrated the whole thing too. You know he barely got in the door before dragging Davis off to Bed, Bath & Beyond.

So Ernest only forgave Vi due to his guilt over failing to perform his job as 'protector'. No, Ernest Bordeleon was indeed not a good man. Charley didn't eve have a room at the house when she came down? Nova was stuck being a mom to RA, throttling her own potential? No, he drove those girls out with his own toxicity. If Charley hadn't married a famous baller he could brag about, he probably wouldn't keep shit from her either. 

RA's self-loathing has eaten him up, inside and out, and he's projecting it on literally everyone. He's mad everyone is pointing out he can't run the farm because, deep down, he knows he can't run the farm. He knows he can't execute his father's hopes for him. He knows he's stunted and is worried if he'll ever grow into the man he'd hoped he'd be. And when he crashes and burns, he'll blame it on the women in his life for not dropping everything to support him. 

Bianca Lawson is killing it as Darla. Every time she has to decide between being stepped on, or standing up for herself, you can see her, like, physically shaking under the weight of the possible repercussions of what she's about to do. And then she does it anyway. I'm starting to fangirl for Darla a little, not going to lie. Hopefully she and Charley can turn into a powerhouse together. 

Edited by rozen
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

I am so here with you on this.  With all the focus on RA and Charley, Nova and her pain get lost in the mix.  Let's not forget that the one picture was of a pregnant True with Nova in the picture., meaning the picture could have been more about them tan Nova  You mean in thirty-plus years of Nova's existence Ernest never found one thing of her worthy of memorializing? Memorials to True, Charley, RA, Micah and Blue, but nothing that really acknowledged Nova.

I hate the pussyfooting the show is doing around the very blatant issues of gender-bias and colorism that mark far too many black men and continue to plague the black community. Nova, unfortunely is the victim of both in this family.  I think it is clear she loves her siblings, but some of the resent,nets she clearly has for them became more understandable in this episode.


It must've been rough for Nova growing up after True died.  There was obvious sexism Ernest had that he passed on to RA. RA says it all with his, “You want to talk about people not doing what they’re supposed to do?” Then RA rants how he was ten when True died and his sister left as soon as she could. When True died before Nova turned 18 did it fall on her to do ‘woman’s work’ keeping house and raising RA? Did Ernest expect Nova to stay home and take care of RA and not have a life of her own like attending college? Ernest had to have instill that in RA because at ten RA couldn’t have thought that on his own. With Vi coddling RA with Ernest, did she say something in passing to RA to make him think that, too? Ironically, with Ernest asking for grandchildren from Nova and how he treated True and Nova growing up, his own actions influenced Nova and her relationships; her struggle to get too close or her reluctance to take a chance on what could be a good relationship. At the end, she seem to have realized this and decides to see Dubois.



I do like that the show is starting to give us better insight to the siblings and it used Ernest, who only appeared in the first episode to do it.  Ernest really wasn't that great a guy, his treatment of; cutting out of his life and then taking adavantage of her poor situation in life to gain full ownership of the land, tells me he is being remembered a little too fondly by those he left behind.


That’s the part that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It leaves me with more questions than answers. Even though the land was split between Ernest and Vi was Ernest working on all acres by himself and forced to split the profits with his sister since she owned half the land? Did Vi or Jimmy help at all on the land? If not, I can see Ernest taking advantage of his sister in a bad situation. He came to his sister’s rescue but at a price. ‘If you divorce Jimmy, he’s gonna fight for a portion of our family land. To avoid that, sell your portion of the land to me and buy out Jimmy.’ If Ernest really wanted his sister to have her part of the land back, he could’ve sold it back to her after the divorce but he didn’t. In 1984, the land was only in his name. 

So, while Ernest was in California when Vi’s marriage was falling apart, I guess he was with Charley and her Mom. I can see True and Nova feeling some way about that.

I agree Ernest wasn't the best guy when he was alive but when people die, especially a family member, there's a tendency to gloss over the bad and look fondly on the happier memories. If RA suddenly died, the family will tell Blue only the good things about him. Charley and Nova may voice frustrations with RA to each other privately  but thinking about him, they will talk mostly of the good things.  Even Vi and her years estrangement from Ernest, his refusal to speak to her at their mother's funeral, only looks fondly on her brother because of his apology and helping her with her divorce.  


On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 5:42 PM, yoyo926 said:

I know I'm biased about RA. The writing on this show is so reflective of so many families I know where men are babied and literally fuck up their lives with mistake after mistake  can't support themselves/children and blame everyone else while the women are expected to take care of them at the expense of their lives  when they aren't the one who fucked up. I can't stand RA because he is literally every man in my family.  Charlie is a better person than me because I would have been on the phone with my attorney and would have told RA what he could do with the piece of paper. He is so fucking selfish.

Charlie and Remy never seemed to be a good match to me and have no chemistry so he can go. Remy is simple and lives and a simple world. Charlie is business savy and is working the divorce to her advantage as it seems people think of her as only being useful for managing Davis's dealings. I always wondered why Vi never had a stake in the farm. I probably would have sold my share too if I had no interest in the farm. I was interesting to hear a little about Ernest and RA/Nova's mother.  Since I've always assumed Charlie's mother was white and got with Ernest during her discover yourself piss off the parents phase  I'm curious to see how he ended up in California while he was running the farm.


IA. I would've been on the phone with my attorney to contest the will and go to court if necessary to make sure Ernest's first will stands where all three kids share the land. Not so RA can hog the land for himself but so the family doesn't lose the land which they will if RA claims it's solely as his. 

Remy wanting to get involve with Charley last season was the main reason why I wasn’t fully on board with them but at the start of this season when he advised Charley to mourn her marriage before moving on with him, I had a change of heart because I thought he got it. However, when she takes his advice, that's when Remy change and he becomes critical of her.  When he gave that advice,  maybe he expected her to say, “It’s you I want. Let’s get together now even though I’m not legally divorced yet."  Given Ernest’s story, I see why Remy moved so fast (to me) with Charley last season. Ernest bragging about Charley probably started Remy’s feelings for her. He had this image of Charley that he became attracted to though he never met her or knew her until Ernest died. As they got to know each, he saw more of what Ernest said and was even more drawn to Charley. When he saw there was more to Charley than what Ernest said (a part Remy doesn't like), he began to withdraw and turned into a jerk.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, rozen said:

How does Remy *start* to fix his mouth to say literally any of that shit to Charley? He's up in his feeling for Charley *daring* to question his word by having the cane farmer sign paperwork and pay up front when she's sunk how many millions into this mill? Nah, boy, get out. 

RA's self-loathing has eaten him up, inside and out, and he's projecting it on literally everyone. He's mad everyone is pointing out he can't run the farm because, deep down, he knows he can't run the farm. He knows he can't execute his father's hopes for him. He knows he's stunted and is worried if he'll ever grow into the man he'd hoped he'd be. And when he crashes and burns, he'll blame it on the women in his life for not dropping everything to support him. 


I didn't like that either with Remy. Both Remy and the farmer were jerks. Instead of joining up when the other farmers did and going through the proper procedures, this farmer decides at the last minute to do business with Charley and because he's friends with Remy, thinks he can cut through the legal tape for a speedy process and has the nerve to complain about waiting to sign paperwork and put down a deposit. He's acting like he had to wait the whole day when it was probably an hour or two because of his bad decision.   

RA can't run the house let alone the farm. He was complaining about the refrigerator two or three episodes ago. Since he's on Charley's payroll, couldn't he have bought a new fridge instead of keeping one that's breaking down. No offense but the house still looks a mess. RA has been in that home for months now and it doesn't look to different from the start of the series. It took Nova who was only visiting to find that paycheck from their father's job and RA has been  in that house for months. 

  • Love 4
On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 1:13 AM, Artsda said:

Charley is also right on asking RA how he intends to run the farm without her backing and smarts? RA has no idea what he's doing. 

No kidding.  Ernest--with all his years of experience, his old farmer friend network and know-how--couldn't make the farm pay off.  He had to hang it up and take a job with a steady paycheck.  Now Ralph Angel think he's going to succeed where Ernest didn't?  Ha.  Every time RA said he'd take care of everything, I added on, "There's still a hundred convenience stores I haven't hit yet." 


I wasn't really crazy about Vi's explanation that the land didn't matter to her, because she got her brother back and that's what's really important.  Umm, yeah, her brother that now owns both halves of their mutual inheritance.   Somehow I can't imagine a Bordelon man ever saying, "Well, another family member owns the entire property now, but the relationship between us is restored, so it's all good."

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, candall said:

I wasn't really crazy about Vi's explanation that the land didn't matter to her, because she got her brother back and that's what's really important.  Umm, yeah, her brother that now owns both halves of their mutual inheritance.   Somehow I can't imagine a Bordelon man ever saying, "Well, another family member owns the entire property now, but the relationship between us is restored, so it's all good."

That's true, though I'm not sure it's a male/female thing, but who feels more connected to the land. On the other hand, sometimes an inheritance (whether it be land, or otherwise) is a burden because it comes with too many strings attached. There is a freedom in letting go, and my take was that was how Vi felt. It's not like she would have chosen to make a quick buck off of the land, or wanted to work it herself. I had a similar situation where letting go of "my half" of property was well worth it for my peace of mind and freedom. I've never regretted it, never looked back.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

That's true, though I'm not sure it's a male/female thing, but who feels more connected to the land. On the other hand, sometimes an inheritance (whether it be land, or otherwise) is a burden because it comes with too many strings attached. There is a freedom in letting go, and my take was that was how Vi felt. It's not like she would have chosen to make a quick buck off of the land, or wanted to work it herself. I had a similar situation where letting go of "my half" of property was well worth it for my peace of mind and freedom. I've never regretted it, never looked back.

I can appreciate that, because I went the opposite way.  There weren't any co-owners, so it was "all in or goodbye forever," and every time I had a choice, I chose "hold onto the land" over the other option.  Now the land supports me financially and the beauty nurtures me emotionally, but I often struggle with wanting to be somewhere else.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, candall said:

I can appreciate that, because I went the opposite way.  There weren't any co-owners, so it was "all in or goodbye forever," and every time I had a choice, I chose "hold onto the land" over the other option.  Now the land supports me financially and the beauty nurtures me emotionally, but I often struggle with wanting to be somewhere else.

One of the things I love about this, and other forums, is that we all respond through the filters of our own experience. More than once, it has, if not actually changed my opinion, then given me food for thought and insight into other views. PTV is such a respectful place to discuss, disagree, and appreciate other points of view.

  • Love 6
On 7/27/2017 at 3:01 AM, AgentRXS said:

4 times. He was nearly arrested for trespassing when he was dumpster diving for Kenya. If Antoine hadn't been one of the officers who responded, his ass would be grass.

I hate Ralph Angel so much I was physically shaking with anger during this episode.  It's totally because I just broke up with a guy that is just like Ralph Angel (right down to being the youngest boy in the family and growing up mostly without a mother)--textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  They always want to play the victim and blame others for their problems. They are incapable of viewing women as equals. Girlfriends are considered their property and they expect unwavering perfectionism and loyalty or else they discard you like trash. I'm glad Darla isn't buying into his shit and I'm glad she made the right choice by going to work instead of sitting through the family BS.

Dating a Narc while being a recovering drug addict is a recipe for disaster. They do whatever they can to destroy your independence and self-esteem....and we've seen how RA is demanding Darla to live with him, rely solely on him, isolating her to be with him on the farm. She need to say fuck that shit and straight up leave his ass.

And fuck Remy too. He was all fine with Charley last season when she was new to the industry and relying on him for help. But now that she's focused on the business/PR side of things (which is her area of expertise), he can't stand that she's thinking for herself and making her own decisions.  And who the fuck is he to tell her to how to handle her divorce? Like Charley said, GTFO. I do hope they write in another love interest for Charley, because the chemistry between her and Remy just isn't there anymore, IMO.

Charley and Vi's talk in the kitchen got to me also. I can so relate to Charley. Feeling like the outsider in her own family due to the circumstances surrounding her conception (been there).  I'm also all too familiar with people assuming I'm fine when going through tough situations because "She's tough, she can handle it". 

Now watching season two. I can't stand Remy. He is very critical of Charlie. Hate that she begs him to be with her. Girl wanted her huge house he criticised that now she lives in a mill. Rah is a baby and Earnest went "son"crazy like so many men do.

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