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The Lonely Js Club: Jason, James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I think that Jana has some 'freedoms' that Jessa and Jinger would have wanted in their single years.  She actually goes places without her parents or a husband. She is allowed on SM. And it does seem she has a generous allowance to indulge in her hobbies.

So when compared to her siblings and other Fundy women she is given a longer leash. When compared to the real world, not so much.

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9 hours ago, Tasya said:

James, Justin, Jason, Jackson and Jeremiah could be separated out and do just fine in the looks arena. Styling makes a difference. They simply don't have anyone around them with actual non-fundie business sense. Style them as a "down-home" christian male group and the cash would roll in. I'm speaking from experience with this arena from lots of christian music experience. Despite people saying that religion is on a decline, young adults and worship music is really popular right now.  There was a recent Christian New Year's eve event that had 65,000 college age students in attendance. The Duggar young adult males would fit right in. 

Which is why it still boggles my mind that Jed!2020 is running for office - why him, why now?

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3 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Which is why it still boggles my mind that Jed!2020 is running for office - why him, why now?

My guess is JB feels it's his Fundy duty to have one off his offspring in politics. His daughters are out because they're female. Josh is out for the obvious reasons. Joe is shy and reserved and has a noticeable tic which I'm thinking rules him out in JB's mind, probably much to Joe's relief. Josiah seems more the creative type and JB is probably aware of the rumors about him and JB can't have that coming up. Jeremiah is laid back and may have unFundy behaviors seeing as he was sent to Alert more than once.

So that leaves Jed and JD. Not sure why the second born son is not the first choice. Although maybe because he's a little rough around the edges and is preoccupied with marriage.

I have no idea as to the why now. I'm unfamiliar with Arkansas politics, but the current political climate has emboldened some more conservative thinkers to spring forward. Maybe JB thinks this is the best timing to get a son elected?

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17 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Which is why it still boggles my mind that Jed!2020 is running for office - why him, why now?

 The show is not going to last forever,  John David is too weird and homely, Joe seems not to have enough metntal equipment, Josiah is stuck in a punishment marriage, Josh is persona non grata, so he just went on the list.  Strike while the iron is hot and all that. The thing that really mystifies me is why the boy isn’t married yet.  There’s got to be some kind of engagement coming. 



and has a noticeable tic

I don’t normally watch video of them, what kind of tic is it?

Edited by JoanArc
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13 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

 The show is not going to last forever,  John David is too weird and homely, Joe seems not to have enough metntal equipment, Josiah is stuck in a punishment marriage, Josh is persona non grata, so he just went on the list.  Strike while the iron is hot and all that. The thing that really mystifies me is why the boy isn’t married yet.  There’s got to be some kind of engagement coming. 


I don’t normally watch video of them, what kind of tic is it?

He eye blinks and slightly turns/nods his head.

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26 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

He eye blinks and slightly turns/nods his head.


26 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

He eye blinks and slightly turns/nods his head.

Interesting. I assume they never acknowledge it?

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1 minute ago, JoanArc said:


Interesting. I assume they never acknowledge it?

Not that I know of.

That Bates have a daughter who is hearing impaired. They did an episode when she was 10 or 11 discussing her speech impairment. Apparently she was fitted with hearing aids when younger but never wore them. She wears them now and her speech has improved. Never once, that I know of, was her hearing impairment ever mentioned until this episode.

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12 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Not that I know of.

That Bates have a daughter who is hearing impaired. They did an episode when she was 10 or 11 discussing her speech impairment. Apparently she was fitted with hearing aids when younger but never wore them. She wears them now and her speech has improved. Never once, that I know of, was her hearing impairment ever mentioned until this episode.

 Can’t have anything disrupt the perfect image.  I’m really curious if Joe has always had it or if it is a newer thing. Not that it makes much difference or that he is required to divulge anything about his health. If it’s something that could’ve been taken care of as a child, or the result of an injury due to neglect, THAT would piss me off.

Edited by JoanArc
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19 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

Which is why it still boggles my mind that Jed!2020 is running for office - why him, why now?

I expect JB's been chomping at the bit to get some of his loinfruit into power ever since he started failing big-time in electability all those years ago....but nobody looked to him as if they'd work out......

It was all the way back in 2006 -- four years after JB lost massively in the U.S. Senate primary to Tim Hutchinson (who went on to decisively lose the general to the Dem candidate) --   that he ran in a primary for the Arkansas State Senate....and lost again.... and then stepped back from politics (at least as a potential candidate himself) for some time, although I'm convinced he never abandoned his ambitions in that realm. But much of the Arkansas GOP was pretty fed up with him over the course of those years, and it would surprise me if a lot of people didn't make that clear to him. 

After losing that state primary, I think he may also have been distracted by the Josh stuff and the beginning of the major TLC period for a few years....Nevertheless, I'm  sure he retained hopes for Josh as his eventual political sock-puppet successor for the better part of the past 15 years......and only lost those hopes when the scandals hit in, what, 2015.

Then at that point, he would have had to recalculate and pin his hopes on a different boy -- something I doubt he'd ever really contemplated,  even after the molestations, thanks to the whole Gothard "first son is the leader!" hysteria. .....

But the Duggarling boys who immediately follow Josh may have struck JB as unsuitable in some cases and may have been unwilling in others. ..... JD seems a little too socially awkward to have  been JB's choice. And Josiah was out, obviously. I can imagine Joe just simply demurring because he's a quiet guy, and JB not finding him nearly as compelling as his smugger sons like Josh and Jed who, to me, are much more similar to JB.  

So .... that leaves us with a twin (and an obvious choice between a sinner twin and a smugger twin....)....... 

And in Arkansas, you now have to be 21 to run for a state House seat......So -- guess who just turned 21? 

I do think that probably explains the timing. 

Ultimately, JB didn't wait one minute longer than he had to to try to claw his way back into power. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 1/6/2020 at 11:37 AM, Tasya said:

James, Justin, Jason, Jackson and Jeremiah could be separated out and do just fine in the looks arena. Styling makes a difference. They simply don't have anyone around them with actual non-fundie business sense. Style them as a "down-home" christian male group and the cash would roll in. I'm speaking from experience with this arena from lots of christian music experience. Despite people saying that religion is on a decline, young adults and worship music is really popular right now.  There was a recent Christian New Year's eve event that had 65,000 college age students in attendance. The Duggar young adult males would fit right in. 

Especially if Jason is carrying the load, voice-wise. I seem to remember it being reported before that he has a good voice. 

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17 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

So that leaves Jed and JD. Not sure why the second born son is not the first choice. Although maybe because he's a little rough around the edges and is preoccupied with marriage.

I suspect JD is too useful to Jim Bob in other roles.  Whatever skills Jed might have, JD’s probably had them for longer and had more experience. What would happen if Jim Bob needed to go fly somewhere and JD was out passing laws?

Edited by jennblevins
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1 hour ago, heckkitty said:

Especially if Jason is carrying the load, voice-wise. I seem to remember it being reported before that he has a good voice. 

Maybe they just aren't into it. I've sung in a lot of groups over the years, and I can't say that the Duggar brothers have ever looked very into their singing when I've seen videos of them, despite their ability to sing. It's possible performing just doesn't appeal to them. Or doesn't appeal to a significant number of them.

Becoming an active singing group with a schedule to meet would turn out to be a real pain for all of them if two or three members didn't actually enjoy it. And it's not like they could just change out those members for other participants the way other groups would do, probably. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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10 hours ago, heckkitty said:

Especially if Jason is carrying the load, voice-wise. I seem to remember it being reported before that he has a good voice. 

I watched the video really hoping for Jackson to break in at some point with a falsetto solo

Edited by crazy8s
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4 hours ago, JoanArc said:

 Can’t have anything disrupt the perfect image.  I’m really curious if Joe has always had it or if it is a newer thing. Not that it makes much difference or that he is required to divulge anything about his health. If it’s something that could’ve been taken care of as a child, or the result of an injury due to neglect, THAT would piss me off.

I first noticed Joe had a blinking tic during his courtship.  It was also noticable during his wedding.  The camera would quickly pan away during a tic.

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It's hard to look like you enjoy singing if you've been trained to have your normal instincts squashed.

I love singing and listening to music. But all of me does, it lights up my eyes, my heart and every cell in my body.

I didn't watch the video, but I imagine not a foot tap or sway was happening.

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8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

It's hard to look like you enjoy singing if you've been trained to have your normal instincts squashed.

I love singing and listening to music. But all of me does, it lights up my eyes, my heart and every cell in my body.

I didn't watch the video, but I imagine not a foot tap or sway was happening.

One buttoned his jacket after the song had started. "Oh, I'm supposed to button this jacket" is what was in his mind while singing. 

Could mean nothing, of course, but suggests to me that the singing may not be that much fun or that involving for that brother, at least. Just another one of his assignments/jurisdictions, maybe. 


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I thought this seemed as good a Duggar thread as any to post this:


Some interesting insights:

Research suggests that we employ five major belief-enforcing techniques:

We isolate ourselves from people who hold outside beliefs in order to shield our ideas from even the possibility of contrary voices and arguments. Forms of isolation play a role in most group memberships, ranging from strong examples such as military basic training, to subtle examples such as a spouse who tries to exclude one of his or her partner’s unappreciated friends.

We try to reduce our direct exposure to other beliefs and ideas that might challenge our own. We can see stronger examples in hardline nation states with totalitarian regimes that ban media and free speech. At the same time, all forms of education use similar principles, whether in selecting appropriate texts for the classroom or in prescribing the best nutritional advice.

We connect our beliefs to powerful emotions. One approach involves anchoring negative emotions to belief failures. The obvious example is the fear of an unpalatable afterlife as a result of non-compliance to a religious doctrine. On the other hand, we also scare our kids deliberately in order to shape their behaviors and steer them away from risk, whether in the form of electricity or pools, or both at the same time.

We associate with like-minded groups in which we work together to undermine rival beliefs and the groups proposing them. Targeting competing beliefs is common in politics, especially along party and ideological lines. Academics have also made this into a fine art under the rubric of the scientific method by highlighting the weaknesses in theoretical adversaries’ arguments while ignoring their strengths.  

A final technique for immunizing our beliefs relies on repetition. Repetition is, of course, the backbone of all learning (for better and worse), including the essentials, such as grammar; the extraneous, such as sporting allegiances; and the repugnant, such as racism.

These five natural techniques for protecting our beliefs suggest that minds did not evolve to evaluate what is or is not the truth. Our minds were equipped through evolution with an impulsion to create, transmit, and defend beliefs that are useful, whether true or not. Although accurate beliefs can of course be useful, useful beliefs are not necessarily accurate.

Bolding by me above

Edited by queenanne
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19 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


That Bates have a daughter who is hearing impaired. They did an episode when she was 10 or 11 discussing her speech impairment. Apparently she was fitted with hearing aids when younger but never wore them. She wears them now and her speech has improved. Never once, that I know of, was her hearing impairment ever mentioned until this episode.

They had to wait until there was a free payout, of course.

Maybe Jackson and /or Josie will run for something someday. If/when the show stops those two will be desperate to get back into the spotlight.  JB and Mull will forget all about their no women in office rule and shove preemie Josie out there as attention for old brood mare Mull.

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Jana did a video on how to pain your nails. I've actually been doing my own gel nails for years and there are hundreds of better videos out there that are more informative. Also, on her Instagram comments someone asked how to remove the gel and she said she just peels them off 🙄. Huge no no. Your nail beds will be ruined and come off with the polish. 

Edited by Lunera
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5 hours ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

That nail tutorial is terrible. Did she really need to show the whole process again for the other hand? And her nail polish color is so meh; pick something more interesting. 

What is this "interesting" of which you speak?

I do not grok it. 

I grok "boring." Are they similar?

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7 hours ago, Lunera said:

Jana did a video on how to pain your nails. I've actually been doing my own gel nails for years and there are hundreds of better videos out there that are more informative. Also, on her Instagram comments someone asked how to remove the gel and she said she just peels them off 🙄. Huge no no. Your nail beds will be ruined and come off with the polish. 

Duh. So stupid. Another example of them trying to “teach” us morons as if we don’t know how to do basic stuff. And she and Jessa just did YouTube videos so it seems copycat. 

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So I broke down and watched it. How much does the lamp set one back? 

eta: Checked Amazon, and lamps can be had for $20. I can only imagine how soon that starts to chip. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

So I broke down and watched it. How much does the lamp set one back? 

eta: Checked Amazon, and lamps can be had for $20. I can only imagine how soon that starts to chip. 

I'm sure she got it at a thrift store.  lol

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6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:


6 hours ago, Zella said:

He is truly Jim Bob's child. 

OMG @Sew Sumi, all but $60 came from 5 donors! Bahahahahahaha he's really raking it in. 

Looks like he's filed two reports so far. The second one shows a running fund balance of about $12,500, but as @Sew Sumi noted, he had more expenses than contributions in the reporting cycle. 

I pulled up the first report. It shows that the fund was started with two LOANS from Jed! himself, totaling $15,050.00. Probably not a big deal since I suppose any candidate needs at least seed money to start a campaign and he can get his money back from donations if the campaign fund is in the black. I wonder if he'll see that $15K again.

ETA: I got curious about the details of the contributions and expenditures so I pulled up the second report. It lists addresses and occupations of donors of more than $50.

It also lists information on expenditures. It shows the campaign paid "Abundant Design LLC" of Big Sandy Texas $1800 for website design. Actually, it's Abundant Designs, LLC, the business of a guy who's part of the ATI/IBLP world. His most recent project listed on his website: the Dillard family website (in 2018). He's also done the Duggar family store and ATI and IBLP websites and online store. 

IOW, nothing surprising. Jed! is getting contributions so far almost entirely from locals including people in the RE and automotive world, and spending it within ATI/IBLP circles or Arkansas conservative GOP circles (the consulting group listed on the second report). Nothing surprising. Just another day in Duggarworld. 

Edited by Jeeves
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7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Not surprising, but his second biggest donor, Bart Hester, has accomplished this: 

"In early 2015, Hester (a state Senator) sponsored the Intrastate Commerce Improvement Act, intended to supersede local gay rights laws which varied by region; it became law."

How sweet. Jed!'s following in godly mama's footsteps. "Crush teh gays! Don't let anyone give them any rights! They're hurting my children! And besides -- businesses and our state economy will be damaged if people give rights to gays!" 





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34 minutes ago, queenanne said:

*also connotes last time spirited toddlers allowed outside without pants


37 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

No comment.


Interesting that these happy and carefree childhood photos obviously came before JB and Michelle lost their everloving minds.  I don’t think we’ve ever seen any of the 19 showing baby thighs and diapers. As it turns out, I’m not that scandalized. 🙄

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

No comment.


I think we've seen this before where the child is supposed to than J'chelle for giving birth to them. The humpers must love this because I can't imagine they would keep doing it if they weren't getting positive feedback, but I find it really depressing.

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Jinger sent out a birthday greeting for Jana and JD. Laura can't send one to Jana because, well because she "moved" and isn't Jana's girlfriend. Come on JD and Abbie, wish your sister a Happy Birthday.

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5 hours ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

Jana gives praise to her twin for "thinking outside the box"?!?!  Sure Jan(a). 

Well, I don't think any of them actually knows where "outside the box" is....So there's that....

3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Jinger sent out a birthday greeting for Jana and JD. Laura can't send one to Jana because, well because she "moved" and isn't Jana's girlfriend. Come on JD and Abbie, wish your sister a Happy Birthday.

I choose to believe that JD and Abbie prefer to communicate to people they know through private channels. 

Call me hopelessly naive. 😏

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Ironically, I don't see Jill doing anything to buck the patriarchy, and she's keeping herself at home, not realizing her full potential. By those metrics, Boobchelle should still love her "unconditionally." What Derelict has done is far worse to them than Jill wearing pants and getting her nose pierced.

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