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The Lonely Js Club: Jason, James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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CDAN doesn't fuck around with their Blinds, so I take this reveal as FACT. 

Go Jana!  She must have a little money set aside from the series, books and speaking engagements, as she has been over 18 for a while now.

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JTTH was 10 years ago, wasn't it? It's entirely possible to grow and change over time. It's also possible that Jana was willing to toe the JTT line in order to get out of the TTH for a while.

I also wonder where the money would come from -- Grandma Mary, perhaps? It's possible that the over 18 kids have begun to press for their own money since money is obviously being doled out to Ben and Jessa.

On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that someone with the inner strength to leave the cult, would just trot back when asked. If she has been drinking and dating, I would think she would have to make a great show of repentance to be allowed back into the house -- even if JB and J'chelle begged her to return in private.

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Yeah. Cause you leave a situation like this, and you're a ladylike, beaten down person like Jana. And yet you leave the instant you get your first chance, and in three short months you live entirely on your own, make friends when you've never had an actual friend before in your life, start drinking, gather together your little conservative Republican and formerly Gothard-brainwashed self and step out to meet a biracial divorced father of two who also happens to have a lot of time on his hands, start fucking him regularly and hide 100 percent of this from everyone including your incredibly nosy and widely connected family in a smallish rural community.

Then, when mommy and daddy call, you run right back home, build a treehouse, scooter on the floor with the littles, and  stand smiling in Lowes in your extremely modest outfit. Even though you're still seeing your fuck buddy "every chance you get." And even though some of your sibs, such as your twin and Joseph, for example, have managed some fairly long periods of filming when they were barely seen at all, to the point that the audience doesn't even know whether they live at the house. Somehow, despite everything you've now accomplished, you apparently don't even have the guts to do what they did.

And somehow, though now you're back at the old homestead, you still manage to hide the meat of your recent adventures from your whole family -- although not from this neighbor or whatever who reports it to a gossip website. And, despite the fact that you're apparently quite a different person now from what anybody expects, you remain at home for a year and counting, looking for all the world as if you can't and/or won't get out. When clearly, since you did it once with absolutely no experience to tell you that you could, you could get out now and go and be with your lover -- whose existence or, at least, identity, your family has still not managed to ferret out after all of this, even though they live in the aforementioned southern rural area, where gossip is rife and where, I expect, mixed-race relationships still cause quite a few people to whisper wildly behind their hands.

And somehow even Amy hasn't picked up on the details of this and reported to some of the rags on her speed-dial.

Yeah. Sounds really really plausible to me.

That said, I hope it's all true.

Edited by Churchhoney
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2 hours ago, Buggin said:

It's blind item reveal day on Crazy Days and Nights which means my fingers are crossed this one is true because I'd love to know Jana is getting some.


It reads like tween fanfic. 

Jana hasn't gone anywhere, except to Lowe's. 

eta: With a buddy. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Bentonville and Springdale are about 2% black. The Duggars are okay with Hispanics. I just don't see Jana having found a fuckbuddy that's racially objectionable to her parents.

I also don't think she's interested in parenting even more kids that aren't hers. 

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I would say that as far as marrying prospects go, the Duggars are okay with AMERICANIZED Hispanics. I don't know if they'd be very receptive to a first-generation Hispanic, unless it's someone they can convert. 

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It just seems too implausible, and the timing doesn't quite fit. However, people can change, theres former gothardites who got out of the lifestyle that were previously deep into it and even worked at Gothard HQ. I think Jana went to JTTH so much because at that point she probably was into that rubbish but also beause it was the only acceptable way she could spend time away from the family. I remember her being interviewed by someone about JTTH and she said it was nice to get some quiet time which is rare in her house. Then when she stopped going to that she seemed to spend a lot of time at Josh and Anna's.

But this gossip just can't be true, however much I realllllly hope it is. Also... I know it's different with Josh because what he did was despicable but it shows that some of these kids could be talking the talk but not walking the walk.

Edited by larfs
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30 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

JTTH, like ALERT, is a form of punishment. 

 Not necessarily, if you're one of the leaders or instructors. And those are girls and young women, for the most part, not older people, it seems. Then you get to be the little drill sergeant for everybody else. According to the family and the Duggar girls' book, at least in later years Jana was one of the drill sergeants and not one of the rank and file enrollees. .... And that may or may not have changed the way she felt about it. But for many people, that would at least mitigate, if not completely remove, the punishment aspect, seems to me. The prisoner that gets to lord it over the other prisoners is often quite happy, at least compared to the other prisoners. And sometimes in absolute terms.

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This would explain why Jana's not courting. If it's even half true I love it. Her family could know, but what could they do? Talk about being on a bind. They have a long history of looking the other way when it benefits them. Jana's probably discreet too. She grew up in a house of spies.

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5 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

This would explain why Jana's not courting. If it's even half true I love it. Her family could know, but what could they do? Talk about being on a bind. They have a long history of looking the other way when it benefits them. Jana's probably discreet too. She grew up in a house of spies.

Isn't she the Head Snitch? Surely growing up in a house of spies teaches one to be sneaky.

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Jill is head snitch in charge. Jana's probably brighter and more hardworking than both parents combined, so it's at least possible. She rocked the cradle, so she runs the world.


I do hope for her sake she's has a drink and gotten nailed nine ways to Sunday.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Joy was on Muffy's buddy team. I imagine she now has Snitch Duty. Watching recent videos of her, she's been fully assimilated into the Borg.

I agree with you about Joy. Also, Jana and some of the others said in the last episode pre-scandal that Joy was the toughest chaperone. The girl has probably inherited some of her sister mom's habits.

Edited by larfs
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2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

 Not necessarily, if you're one of the leaders or instructors. And those are girls and young women, for the most part, not older people, it seems. Then you get to be the little drill sergeant for everybody else. According to the family and the Duggar girls' book, at least in later years Jana was one of the drill sergeants and not one of the rank and file enrollees. .... And that may or may not have changed the way she felt about it. But for many people, that would at least mitigate, if not completely remove, the punishment aspect, seems to me. The prisoner that gets to lord it over the other prisoners is often quite happy, at least compared to the other prisoners. And sometimes in absolute terms.

Yeah, but you can't believe that book - there's already been a clear lie in it.  Paraphrasing but not by much, the western bunkhouse style gendered accommodations came from "Mom and Dad asked us what kind of bedrooms we wanted in the new house... we all chorused we wanted to live together!"  

Sure, because all girls (in the world!) want to grow up to be sister moms instead of wanting respite from toddlers to mature with friends of their own age.  And everybody's gagging to be in each other's back pockets all the time, 'cuz Jill just loves eating food hunkered over in the bathroom, one eye on the door, in and of itself as one of those delightful fun things people just do.

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1 minute ago, queenanne said:

Yeah, but you can't believe that book - there's already been a clear lie in it.  Paraphrasing but not by much, the western bunkhouse style gendered accommodations came from "Mom and Dad asked us what kind of bedrooms we wanted in the new house... we all chorused we wanted to live together!"  

Sure, because all girls (in the world!) want to grow up to be sister moms instead of wanting respite from toddlers to mature with friends of their own age.  And everybody's gagging to be in each other's back pockets all the time, 'cuz Jill just loves eating food hunkered over in the bathroom, one eye on the door, in and of itself as one of those delightful fun things people just do.

Definitely true about the book being full of bullshit!

I'm pretty sure I've seen a picture or two of Jana at JTTH where she seems to be in the overseer position, though, and I think she's been there when she's been beyond the regular age limit for enrollee/participants. So in this case I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that she was there as a "leader" rather than as just one of the schmucks. They do pull the leaders from the former ranks. And given how often the ATI operation has asked various Duggars to speak at events and so on, including the kids, it seems to me perfectly reasonable that she would have been asked. To me it seems kind of unlikely that she would always be sent as punishment, into her 20s, when she's appeared on tv to be pretty damned docile and to have had most of the fight well beaten out of her even before that.

Plus, David Waller has been on hand for the book writing to get the Gothard stuff in correctly, and I wonder whether he would have wanted a flat-out lie about her being a leader to be printed, given that probably a lot of Gothard and ex-Gothard women would have known the truth since they'd been at the same activities and they might well  have blabbed and messed with the credibility. After all, that was basically just a biographical tidbit, not anything that needed to be in the book. They could just as easily have said that young women have sought Jana's advice at book signings and so on rather than at JTTH. 

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The last time we know any of the girls went to JTTH was about three years ago, maybe four. The top age for JTTH participatns is 25, and I have never seen a leader who was older. When Jana was shown as a team leader on the show she would have been about 22. Most of the campers are teens, so this age fap seems appropriate. I believe Joy was on that trip; she would have been about 14 (IIRC, minimum age is 13, maybe 12). I know of SUPPORT staff who worked at Northwoods who helped cook meals, etc, but they were in their mid to late 20's. One girl in particular dumped Christopher Maxwell. LOL 

As a group leader, I wonder if Jana still had to go through the creepy intake interview with Gothard at HQ before heading up to the UP. You know, the one where you basically had to confess all of your "sins" to him. In this time of extreme vulnerability, how many of those girls did he abuse? Of course, the girls silently took it because he was treated as a deity and any improper behavior would therefore be the fault of the girl? Ugh. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:


As a group leader, I wonder if Jana still had to go through the creepy intake interview with Gothard at HQ before heading up to the UP. You know, the one where you basically had to confess all of your "sins" to him. In this time of extreme vulnerability, how many of those girls did he abuse? Of course, the girls silently took it because he was treated as a deity and any improper behavior would therefore be the fault of the girl? Ugh. 

Why do I have the feeling that only grown men are the only ones who don't have some sick interview? (or at least a sick 50-page intrusive questionnaire, like the one for ALERT.) Heck, maybe they even have one of those for the men. Gothard seems to crave the dominance that goes along with making people confess stuff. Such a creep.

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True. I know they used to have JTTH for wives/mothers, but I don't ever remember seeing a similar experience for Headships. Fucking patriarchal bullshit. I hope against hope that one of the older kids will get away eventually, but boy, KJB and his consort have brainwashed them beyond anything I could ever comprehend. 

My real hope lies with the Lost Girls. Since JSlaves are leaving in droves, and their parents checked out years ago, hopefully their indoctrination won't be as rigid, and they can find the strength to leave this cult behind. I think the best defection of all would be Precious Miracle Josie. What an FU that would be!

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I highly doubt this Jana rumor, as much as I wish it were true. I think she'd be happier with a guy 10 yrs older; she has seen the 19 yr old boy her sister married and may want a grown. In one of those ridiculous episodes a few yrs ago re what all the girls wanted -- her sisters even said she needs a "mature man." And I honestly see her being ok with step kids too. A guy who is 36 could have kids who are 5 or 10 already -- meaning she gets to have a family w/o diaper changing, toilet training, night time wake ups etc. since she has been doing that since she was probably 8 yrs old herself. She and her husband could add to the brood but I could see her having 2 of her own kids and calling it quits with a family of 7.  I see her handling that many happily.

I wonder if there's a kernel of truth to this -- as in this guy is real, it's who she wants, but her parents say no or she hasn't even raised it bc she knows the answer to a 36 yr old divorcee with 3 kids will be no. But bc they won't let her be with who she wants, she then stubbornly refuses to court any of the weirdos who come calling; we have no reason to believe that Jana isn't attracting the same loser fundies that Jessa, Jill, and Jinger did.

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Please be true! It's so outlandish that it would be glorious! Double plus good. It is the perfect scandal, keeps them in the news and even leghumpers would be happy for our lady of TTH. What a great publicity boon for the show. 

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8 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Bentonville and Springdale are about 2% black. The Duggars are okay with Hispanics. I just don't see Jana having found a fuckbuddy that's racially objectionable to her parents.

I also don't think she's interested in parenting even more kids that aren't hers. 

Does biracial automatically mean "part black?"

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

I highly doubt this Jana rumor, as much as I wish it were true. I think she'd be happier with a guy 10 yrs older; she has seen the 19 yr old boy her sister married and may want a grown. In one of those ridiculous episodes a few yrs ago re what all the girls wanted -- her sisters even said she needs a "mature man." And I honestly see her being ok with step kids too. A guy who is 36 could have kids who are 5 or 10 already -- meaning she gets to have a family w/o diaper changing, toilet training, night time wake ups etc. since she has been doing that since she was probably 8 yrs old herself. She and her husband could add to the brood but I could see her having 2 of her own kids and calling it quits with a family of 7.  I see her handling that many happily.

I wonder if there's a kernel of truth to this -- as in this guy is real, it's who she wants, but her parents say no or she hasn't even raised it bc she knows the answer to a 36 yr old divorcee with 3 kids will be no. But bc they won't let her be with who she wants, she then stubbornly refuses to court any of the weirdos who come calling; we have no reason to believe that Jana isn't attracting the same loser fundies that Jessa, Jill, and Jinger did.

Jana is a grown ass woman, though she deserves a wedding, she's well past the age where parental consent is required, so if there is some truth to the divorcé scenario, she should run away and elope.

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The only way I could see this being true for Jana (please God let it be) is if this guy was/is one of the production crew. If he know secrets I can see J and M giving in. But I could also see them using emotional blackmail to get Jana back home. 

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19 hours ago, CofCinci said:

CDAN doesn't fuck around with their Blinds, so I take this reveal as FACT. 

Go Jana!  She must have a little money set aside from the series, books and speaking engagements, as she has been over 18 for a while now.

The "blind items revealed" stories about celebrities being yacht whores in the Middle East are literally unbelievable. Both Emilia Clarke and Sophie Turner earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per GoT episode. Clarke got $7 million for that awful Terminator movie. 

Plus the website has a disclaimer stating that some of the gossip is complete fiction. 

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3 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

The "blind items revealed" stories about celebrities being yacht whores in the Middle East are literally unbelievable. Both Emilia Clarke and Sophie Turner earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per GoT episode. Clarke got $7 million for that awful Terminator movie. 

Plus the website has a disclaimer stating that some of the gossip is complete fiction. 

But, if you read the item you see how cleverly it's crafted.  It never said that Clarke or Turner signed up, only that they were requested or desired.  (And as for a quick digression, Clarke's contract may have been for $7 mill, that doesn't mean she got it.  Depending on how the contract was structured, if she took cash on the barrel head or residuals, and how big a cut her agency had, if any of it goes toward any future projects, etc. etc. etc. could have walked away with about $6 mill or nothing.)

Back to Jana, didn't see "go to college" for like a hot minute there?  Or was that something I imagine?  (I know Joe went for a year.)

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13 minutes ago, Lemur said:

But, if you read the item you see how cleverly it's crafted.  It never said that Clarke or Turner signed up, only that they were requested or desired.  (And as for a quick digression, Clarke's contract may have been for $7 mill, that doesn't mean she got it.  Depending on how the contract was structured, if she took cash on the barrel head or residuals, and how big a cut her agency had, if any of it goes toward any future projects, etc. etc. etc. could have walked away with about $6 mill or nothing.)

Back to Jana, didn't see "go to college" for like a hot minute there?  Or was that something I imagine?  (I know Joe went for a year.)

I thought the desired celebrities had ****** marked against their name.

Yacht whore customers wanted Jessa! 

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29 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

I thought the desired celebrities had ****** marked against their name.

Yacht whore customers wanted Jessa! 

Lmfao, that's the best laugh I've had all day! Uptight, boring stick-in-the-mud Jessa working the Dubai escort scene?! Gotta love their creativity.

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It could be true. Jana was the one with internet access all along, right? Don't tell me in all that time she never took a gander at material that was verboten which might have opened up her eyes.  Who knows what kind of stuff she may have read that made her curious about the outside world. I for one don't believe she is the meek, terrified little flower some think she is. She's quiet, that's all I see. And still waters run deep.  I think there is more to Jana than a lot of people suspect.

Plus I can see her being so trusted that there were times she was out (at Lowe's?) unchaperoned. She might have met someone. She did say she wanted a man who worked with his hands, someone she could work with. I wonder if she wasn't actually hinting at something already going on in her life.  

The idea that it's improbable any Duggarette who managed to chew through her leash and escape would ever voluntarily return home does not give me pause.  I can see Jana returning home when the Counting On show started simply because she is still loyal to her family and wouldn't do anything to hurt their interests or bring more scandal on them. And having it revealed she was living alone and dating a bi-racial divorced man could do that with their "leg humper" fan base (although it would actually be awesome TV in my opinion). Plus Jana is over 18 and may well get her own check for participating in the show.  That could be a hell of a lure to someone who has her eyes on eventual independence one day - especially given Jana's career potential, which I think she realizes is likely involve the words "would you like fries with that." She may be giving up some freedom now to insure greater freedom in the future.

People have long speculated about which Duggar might be the one to reject the future Jim Bob has selected for them.  The name usually mentioned is Jinger and now Joy.  Jana has always been skipped over.  But who better to venture out of the paddock than the one who has had the most burdens put on her and was left to languish as a servant, year after year, thinking about what she was missing? Watching her sisters and brother court and marry and breed while she is stuck at home raising her mother's children? Who better to make a run for it than the one who was on a slightly longer leash, at least compared to her sisters, and maybe had tantalizing little tastes of freedom from time to time in her role as overseer?

It could be true about Jana. Please let it be!

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I don't know if this has been discussed before but why do they keep running out of gas?  On their FB page they show whatever Duggar guy going to 'the rescue' of a family member running out of gas in the car.  Like twice in 2 months or something.  So I'm thinking either JB doesn't allow the girls cash to get gas, or they aren't allowed at a gas station in case they run into a male, or they attempted to make a run for it and ran out of gas.  If Jana's a home flipper and Jinger restores cars who is running out of gas?  Or maybe JB doesn't give anyone cash for gas.  

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A-list shows are like Game of Thrones, Grey's Anatomy and Downton Abbey, right? Like even Kathy Griffin considers herself a D-lister. Aren't all or most reality shows D-list?

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6 minutes ago, Defrauder said:

I don't know if this has been discussed before but why do they keep running out of gas?  On their FB page they show whatever Duggar guy going to 'the rescue' of a family member running out of gas in the car.  Like twice in 2 months or something.  So I'm thinking either JB doesn't allow the girls cash to get gas, or they aren't allowed at a gas station in case they run into a male, or they attempted to make a run for it and ran out of gas.  If Jana's a home flipper and Jinger restores cars who is running out of gas?  Or maybe JB doesn't give anyone cash for gas.  

I'm assuming those are auction cars. Most cars sold at auction are on E. But the auctions around here either have a gas station onsite or are in throwing distance of one.

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8 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

The "blind items revealed" stories about celebrities being yacht whores in the Middle East are literally unbelievable. Both Emilia Clarke and Sophie Turner earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per GoT episode. Clarke got $7 million for that awful Terminator movie. 

Plus the website has a disclaimer stating that some of the gossip is complete fiction. 

That was for the WISH list.  The list a broker works from. We all know Jessa isn't going to bang any brown people/Muslims for $$$$$$.  

Clarke got $7 million for that awful Terminator movie.

The billionaires will "invest" in a film and production will funnel the sex work cash into the actresses inflated film salary.  Not that I'm saying Emilia is a yacht whore....

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4 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

It could be true. Jana was the one with internet access all along, right? Don't tell me in all that time she never took a gander at material that was verboten which might have opened up her eyes.  Who knows what kind of stuff she may have read that made her curious about the outside world. I for one don't believe she is the meek, terrified little flower some think she is. She's quiet, that's all I see. And still waters run deep.  I think there is more to Jana than a lot of people suspect.

This 100%. There is definately a lot more to Jana than meets the eye. She never wanted to be filmed, and she isn't stupid so she always said the minimum she had to say on camera, and gave as little of her personality away as possible, and who can blame her. However there are a few moments where the real Jana seems to shine through but it's very rare. Also, if she was that meek and terrified she would have let herself be forced into marriage by now, because we know there have been a number of suitors, all of which she turned down. I think the blind item is far fetched, but if she was rebelling a little bit, it makes sense that she would do this as disecreetly as possible while still appearing to tow the party line.

This 100%. There is definately a lot more to Jana than meets the eye. She never wanted to be filmed, and she isn't stupid so she always said the minimum she had to say on camera, and gave as little of her personality away as possible, and who can blame her. However there are a few moments where the real Jana seems to shine through but it's very rare. Also, if she was that meek and terrified she would have let herself be forced into marriage by now, because we know there have been a number of suitors, all of which she turned down. I think the blind item is far fetched, but if she was rebelling a little bit, it makes sense that she would do this as disecreetly as possible while still appearing to tow the party line.

My hope is that at least a smidgen of the 'rowdy' and 'outgoing' child she was described as has not been beaten out of her. 

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On Monday, July 04, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Kokapetl said:

Bentonville and Springdale are about 2% black. The Duggars are okay with Hispanics. I just don't see Jana having found a fuckbuddy that's racially objectionable to her parents.

I also don't think she's interested in parenting even more kids that aren't hers. 

I wonder how they feel towards blacks. We all know damn well if a black couple had 19 uneducated kids people would shame them

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We can dream! Seriously though, I wonder why she is the only one they couldn't think of anything to put in the Future Plans section. You'd think they would just put 'To be a wife and mother some day' like they wrote for Joy.

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I'm not familiar with Jana's favorite bible verse so I googled it. Here's one part:


Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

Explains so much about this woman. 

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25 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I'm not familiar with Jana's favorite bible verse so I googled it. Here's one part:



Explains so much about this woman. 

Kind of sad.

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(tried to quote Jana's verse then type, didn't work, so just imagine it's here)

I'd bet this particular verse was drilled into the indoctrinees at JTTH. Jana has certainly taken it to heart, poor thing. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

Whoa. Jana. DUDE.

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17 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

A-list shows are like Game of Thrones, Grey's Anatomy and Downton Abbey, right? Like even Kathy Griffin considers herself a D-lister. Aren't all or most reality shows D-list?

I think a gossip rag might call pretty much any show it's writing about "A-list." Cause I doubt they want to announce that they write about "C-list celebrities"!

You could justify it easily -- Each network's top-rated reality shows are the "A-list" reality shows. Similarly, top local weather broadcasters in each metro area are your "A-list" weather people. And so on. Duggars would count.

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