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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Im not trying to defend these parents, I despise how they've raised those kids....but I really think when the child fell, they were using the flashlight feature on the phone at first. Later when they are taking the child to the ambulance, I think JB was using the camera to get video?

As to Michelle smiling....yeah, she's out to lunch, but do you think possibly she is smiling because she is really upset and she's reacting abnormally?

I've done that more than once. My child was hurt once and I was so scared and upset....but I was laughing. I wasn't laughing because I thought it was funny that my child hit his forehead and had a nasty cut....I was scared to death. (He was ok, by the way, just a nasty cut and he was scared, too).

When my first husband died, at the service, my stepdaughter was laughing and I could tell she was really, really upset. She was saying 'I'm sorry, I can't help it!' I felt so bad for her.

Sorry for the book, it was just an explanation...

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Im not trying to defend these parents, I despise how they've raised those kids....but I really think when the child fell, they were using the flashlight feature on the phone at first.

The screen's are clearly recording video, and the light's coming from the cameraman. Nope.



As to Michelle smiling....yeah, she's out to lunch, but do you think possibly she is smiling because she is really upset and she's reacting abnormally?

She only has one acceptable emotion.


And, WHY are these people going back on the air? I hope the specials flop.

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Im not trying to defend these parents, I despise how they've raised those kids....but I really think when the child fell, they were using the flashlight feature on the phone at first. Later when they are taking the child to the ambulance, I think JB was using the camera to get video?

As to Michelle smiling....yeah, she's out to lunch, but do you think possibly she is smiling because she is really upset and she's reacting abnormally?

I've done that more than once. My child was hurt once and I was so scared and upset....but I was laughing. I wasn't laughing because I thought it was funny that my child hit his forehead and had a nasty cut....I was scared to death. (He was ok, by the way, just a nasty cut and he was scared, too).

When my first husband died, at the service, my stepdaughter was laughing and I could tell she was really, really upset. She was saying 'I'm sorry, I can't help it!' I felt so bad for her.

Sorry for the book, it was just an explanation...


I think that's a really sensible thing to ask .... I'd be inclined to posit it myself if I ever saw anything that I would call concern for or interest in her kids coming out of Michelle. Maybe we are misjudging her on this one, but to me it seems so all of a piece with all of her other behavior -- handing over six-month-olds to other kids to raise, saying the exact same thing about everybody's birthday, never seeming to remember any family stories except the ones about herself, having 19 frigging kids, not doing the homeschooling herself, etc.


I'm an extremely cold fish, so I do often feel like a hypocrite dogging on Michelle for something similar. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure that people can usually tell in some way that I'm demonstrating concern for them. On the other hand, I've seen family members who truly don't have concern for anyone, and they do things that are just -- different. I remember one member of my family really enjoying herself at her youngest brother's funeral, for example, and it wasn't just that kind of out-of-control laugh situation or someone trying to help everybody get through things by lightening the mood or whatever. She'd found a way to get to be the center of attention among one part of the funeral crowd and she was clearly just enjoying the hell out of it, without giving a crap who was in the casket. I get that feeling about Jim Bob and Michelle a lot -- although, as you say, it could be a misreading.


Complicated situation, certainly.

Edited by Churchhoney
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The screen's are clearly recording video, and the light's coming from the cameraman. Nope.


She only has one acceptable emotion.


And, WHY are these people going back on the air? I hope the specials flop.

Oh, I thought they were using the flashlight on the phone. Mind, I'm not defending them AT ALL. Those thoughts just ran through my mind when I saw the clip.

I really don't they should be on the air anymore either. I worry that I'm complicit in keeping them visible because I follow this board and I used to follow a FB page that snarked on them. For some crazy reason, I really like following the posts here.

I feel terrible for the kids, even the older kids, and I know they are just as annoying....but that's all they know. Josh? I'm of two minds concerning him, but I probably went too far off track already...

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Phoenix62, it's not a bad question. Unless I'm 'on,' I have resting Easter Island face, and when I'm in a situation that freaks me out I stiffen up from that. My family just knows my tells. 


The thing with the brother and sister 'rescue workers,' though, all filming to get footage for the TV show? Was seriously creepy.

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Lets get off the Michelle and what happened with poor Jason topic and get back to the Jana, Josiah and Jinger thread. Discussion about Michelle and/or Jason can continue in the Other Duggars or the Jim Bob/Michelle threads. Thank you.

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If Jinger has a crush on anyone, the perfect way to get him to notice her is to stand near him in a picture.


That's certainly how I rolled... back in the 7th grade. But what am I saying? JB and M have "purposed" to keep these kids emotionally stunted at around the developmental age of a middle-schooler, so you might just be right that 21-year-old Jinger hangs around her crush in the hopes of ((eventually)) being noticed by him. 

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I think some helpful light may be shed on the inner lives of these young people by this blog by the wonderful Cynthia Jeub.


It's a blog entry where she comes out as bisexual. A couple excerpts:


"I had my heart broken twice before I realized I’d been in love. That might sound like an exaggeration or melodrama, but it’s actually possible thanks to the wonders of purity culture.

"When I was a teenager, I read and re-read books like Sarah Mally’s Before You Meet Prince Charming, Eric and Leslie Ludy’s When God Writes Your Love Story, and Debi Pearl’s Preparing to be a Help Meet.

"They kept me strong in my dedication to never think about sex, or to think about members of the opposite sex. I had my obsessions and celebrity crushes, but if the image of seeing someone naked ever entered my mind, I’d fight it out with quoting the Bible....


"Blame doesn’t fall on any one person for how I controlled my thoughts....


"Surely I didn’t love my best friend when I started college. He didn’t love me, so I told myself to “guard my heart” and push away all emotions of attachment. At the same time, our late-night conversations kept me going through my darkest depression and most intense stress. I finally told him that I needed space to figure out why the sight of his name gave me such indecipherable pain.


"It would take me months to unlearn what purity culture had taught me to do: conceal all desire, even from yourself.


"So it was that I fell in love with a man, and didn’t realize what had happened until afterward. I just assumed I was straight because I was attracted to men. It never occurred to me that I might make the same mistake twice, equally blinded to my desires toward a girl....."




One can only imagine how contorted this whole mess gets in the minds and hearts of kids like the Duggars who don't manage to flee the way Cynthia J did, who aren't as intellectual and reason-driven or as well educated as she.

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I couldn't agree more. I know CPS has a difficult job but any lingering good will I had about CPS doing the right thing vanished when they returned the Naugler kids. If you aren't familiar with them check it out. The family of 10 children was living in a lean-to, and that's a generous description. There were pictures of the family, posted by the mother, laying outside on the dirt seriously ill after eating rotten food they found laying around in their "house" (no refrigeration or ability to cook). Pictures proudly displaying a third degree burn on her 8 year old son's hand saying how great it was that he tried to start the fire to keep them warm. It went on an on. Not to mention the oldest child who had a different mother. He was taken away from his dad before he had the huge family with someone else because his father was sexual abusing him. But apparently he's ok to have custody of his other 10 kids. Last I heard the father was awaiting trial on charges of menacing his neighbor and stealing water from her. So even Josh's abuse would likely not have done much to get CPS to remove the kids and unless you remove them nothing will really change. 

Omg, I feel sick reading this. Are the kids still with the family?

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The fact that she didn't say 'NYC' but actually just said 'city' is worse than the original thought that Jinger wanted to move to NYC but couldn't. The idea that she isn't even allowed in any kind of city whether because of the things she'd be exposed to in a city or the distance from her parents is just sickening. While I thought it was terrible that Michele "translated" Jinger after her comment and they truly would never let her move to NYC, at least it's true that many parents would be worried about their daughters living alone in NYC. The fact that it's any city or distance from them is just all the more controlling.

What's worse is that after she said she wanted to live in a city, and after Jill chided her with, "but you'd be happy with whatever god gives you". Jinger said, "contentment, I need to work on contentment". 


That is just so sad.  That she thinks there's something wrong with her for wanting more, and that if she isn't happy with the limited life her parents have imposed on her, it's because she's a bad person. Ugh.

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And right there the problem with the way they interpret 'being happy with whatever god gives you' means they're never going to strive for more, because it's going against what god had planned, which is so, so wrong.


If Jinger wants to live in the city, and she has to filter everything she feels through their religion, she should be allowed to believe that god's plan for her is to get herself into a place where she's both mentally and financially able to live in a city, and that's why god laid that wish on her heart in the first place.

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Agreed, I don't know why Jinger couldn't be a "missionary" in a big city.  Don't they know any soup-kitchen-type Christian philanthropists?  Network of approved Christian families she could bunk with?  


Of course, we also have to consider how many American cities JB & M know anything about?  I'm guessing, NYC, DC, and Little Rock.  


First is self explanatory.


Second, well, we/they have some idea of how DC worked on Josh.


And third, Little Rock gave the world the likes of the Clintons, so clearly that's no good either. 

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What's worse is that after she said she wanted to live in a city, and after Jill chided her with, "but you'd be happy with whatever god gives you". Jinger said, "contentment, I need to work on contentment". 


That is just so sad.  That she thinks there's something wrong with her for wanting more, and that if she isn't happy with the limited life her parents have imposed on her, it's because she's a bad person. Ugh.

Yet it is okay to want to live in Central America. So sad that their 'wants' have to be picked from such a narrow list.

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Yet it is okay to want to live in Central America. So sad that their 'wants' have to be picked from such a narrow list.

Lmfao, right? It was okay to want 20 sets of bath towels for your ridiculous wedding registry, a newly refurbished McMansion, and a tropical Missioncation, but Jinger can't hope to live in the city? Have several seats, Jill.

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And he's only 25 years old, right? And Israel: Now I don't know too much about people in Arkansas, but kid names matter everywhere. I doubt if he'll go to real school, but still, I just feel bad that he has to go through life dealing with a name like that.

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Really? Why? What's wrong with it?

I went to school with a young man legally named Isreal and in High School he started going by his middle name because he was tired of explaining the reasons behind his name. His parents were very religious too. So it could be that baby Iz may not want all the baggage that does come with his name...with his parents intentions.

Edited by Bean421
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This probably isn't politically correct, but for some reason I think Israel "fits" for a Hispanic kid, but it just doesn't work for Israel Dillard. It's like a white kid being named DeShawn or something. I just don't think the Dullards have enough swagger to pull off a non-traditional name.

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For whatever little it's worth (and I think it's most likely kinda little) everyone I've ever met named Israel was either jewish or puerto rican catholic. I don't in any way claim that as some kind of an insight. It's just happenstance for me.

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I always found it poetic that they named their kid Israel because these type of Fundies want Israel to be blown apart so that Jesus comes back - or some shit like that. Why name your kid after something you want destroyed?

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I always found it poetic that they named their kid Israel because these type of Fundies want Israel to be blown apart so that Jesus comes back - or some shit like that. Why name your kid after something you want destroyed?

If I understand it right, and I might not, millennialists believe that a nation called Israel has to rule the world and force everyone to be Christian for 1,000 years before the final battle. I'm pretty sure that the current nation called Israel is expected to make way for it.

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On the Duggar Family FB page there is a photo of Jim Bob and Meredith below one of James and Jana's autumnal display. The display with Jana's name attached to it has nearly 48,000 likes, Jim Bob with baby 32,000. Too many likes for the Boob, but I think it's because of Meredith.

I know that people are liking the display because it is giving glory to God, but I like to think that people prefer Jana in hay form to Jim Bob's smarmy face.

I'm hoping that the good will towards Jana helps her in some way for leverage in that family.

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And he's only 25 years old, right? And Israel: Now I don't know too much about people in Arkansas, but kid names matter everywhere. I doubt if he'll go to real school, but still, I just feel bad that he has to go through life dealing with a name like that.

I just worry about the political implication of the name Israel. I grew up in an area with a sizable Palestinian-American community and I'm not so sure the name Israel would have gone over really well for a kid where I grew up.

It might be an okay name if they only ever interact with other fundie Christians, but in larger society where they might live, work, and study among people who aren't all like them or that has a decent sized Muslim population, that might be another story. I did undergrad at a school that's about one-third Jewish. I never met a Jewish student named Israel there and most of my Jewish friends found the whole Christian Millenialist view of Israel as either laughable or offensive. I'm guessing they might feel similarly about the Dillards naming their son Israel.

I'm also used to seeing/hearing "Izzy" as a nickname for Isabel, so I have to keep reminding myself that baby Izzy Dillard is a boy.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I just worry about the political implication of the name Israel. I grew up in an area with a sizable Palestinian-American community and I'm not so sure the name Israel would have gone over really well for a kid where I grew up.


I live in New York.  It has been said that outside of Israel, New York has the largest Jewish population.  While I've never met a Jewish person by the name of Israel, I know several that are of Hispanic descent. 

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The following post is something that has really been bothering me while reading this forum that I think is really important to say. People here say that they want Jana and Jinger to get married because it would be an escape, and people here worry that they are getting too old. That's wrong, it would never be an escape, not even a little bit.  It would just be putting them in a situation where they are controlled by another man, only instead of their father, it would be the one they're married to. They would still be as much enslaved by their husband as they were by their father, and this time the enslavement would be backed up by the law, and take a lot of painful legal battles to get out of. It would make it near impossible for them to escape. Do you want that for Jana and Jinger? I want them to never ever marry a conservative religious Christian who was raised to believe they are the masters of women. I want them to go as long as they can as single women, until they finally get the courage to leave their family and meet new people, and find a life of their own. It might not come till they're 40 or even 50, but it's better at 40 and 50 than never. I hope it could come earlier though. If they get married they'll never be able to get out even at 40, because they are stuck in a culture that does everything to not allow them to divorce, and their husbands will have total control of all their assets.


It isn't sad that Jana hasn't gotten married or courted. It's a sign of strength. She's resisting. She doesn't want to be controlled by a man who believes she's inferior to him and will  take away her free will, because that is what all marriages are like in their culture, and Jana doesn't want that. I applaud her for not giving in, for not being guilted into it, for not allowing herself to be brainwashed. There is an incredibly strong and intelligent woman in there, who I truly truly wish can find the will to break free one day. And I hope that Jinger can resist the will to give into the brainwashing too.


I hope they never get married. 


This is certainly what I hope is true. Who knows what any of them are really like inside or what's gone on they we haven't been privy to? But this is definitely my best-case scenario. And it may well be the case. Well stated.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Waiting for Jimchelle to die isn't really a good strategy. Jana and Jinger will be 50 and 45 when JimBob is 75. God only knows when Michelle's worn out body gives up the ghost. Waiting for daddy to die before they start living their lives is hardly a good life plan. I want JimBob to think he needs to find them husbands ASAP to save his tv show and that he needs to find good and decent husbands to salvage his image. If they never had a tv show, Jana and Jinger would have ended up married to the first guys who showed any interest.

Edited by Kokapetl
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 if he's aiming to win back some public favor, he will chose suitors that prove plenty of "FU Internetz!" moments (i.e. a guy with an education, job, home, etc.) JB can't afford another Ben who offends people with his religious rants or Derick who has been accused of missionary grifting. JB needs to pick a suitor with a halo who, even us on the snark boards, can't help but love. He needs to find a Chad Paine, if you will. I would be happy if Jana or Jinger ended up with a Chad Paine-type who genuinely adores them as Chad does Erin as a "silver lining" of this situation. 


I agree that this would be great. But then I think about a kind-of-normal guy, and I wonder. How would you find one of those who would a) be okay with having Michelle and Jim Bob as his incredibly intrusive in-laws -- and incredibly grifting in-laws who might well have their hands in his pocket if he had any money -- when he b) couldn't possibly be sure, given their histories and the way they present themselves, that Jana or JInger would willingly flee with him to a distance of several thousand miles -- permanently? 


Seriously. How many anywhere-near-normal guys would sign up for that? I mean, Jana so often seems to be such a wilted flower, and Jinger has literally told us that she's believed since about age seven or something that she's a hideous damaged sinner.


While it's possible that, somewhere in there, they have those backbones of steel that you need to escape one of these control-freak families. But as a regular-person suitor, you'd really have to take that on faith. I know I'm personally biased on this point. But it's largely because I've seen people refuse to leave and I've also seen people -- including one who reminds me a lot of Jana -- promise a new spouse that they would leave the influence and then go back on that promise. And when would the prospective spouses even get a chance to have the very private conversations needed to learn that the Duggarling would indeed be willing to stand up to JB and M? ... Because Jana or Jinger would never get away with this if they didn't at least pretend to go through the required Duggar courtship ritual, seems to me.


Makes me sick, but I just don't see this being much of a possibility.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I completely agree with you. It would be HARD to find a nice, normal guy and talk him into joining The Duggar Circus.


However, I am holding out a faint glimmer of hope because I have known nice, normal guys who suffer from White Knight Syndrome and they could probably be convinced to join The Duggar Circus if they thought they were "rescuing" Jana or Jinger and would be celebrated as the hero on boards such as these. 


Sounds good. We'll hope for a White Knight then!

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I've got my fingers crossed for a nice middle-aged widowed preacher with a few well-behaved kids. If you think about it, Jana is probably one of the few people on earth who would see preacher's wife as an upgrade in terms of privacy, amount of work and judginess.

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I think I want Jinger or Jana to marry just because it would be some kind of progression. These girls don't work, they don't go to school, they don't have hobbies, they don't go to the gym or meet friends for coffee or do any of a million other things typical for women their age.

I just can't buy that they're happy sitting in the TTH, washing their brothers' underwear and opening thirty cans of Campbell's condensed soup mix every day to make a meal while Michelle lazes about, Starbucks in hand.

Edited by BitterApple
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I think we are all wishing & hoping within the Duggar parameters, which doesn't offer much beyond marriage, to hopefully a decent guy and in a different state.


Our true hopes and dreams are that Jana does what makes her happy, which to most of us includes college, roommates, a job or career, travel, and then maybe marriage and a family.

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Yes. Thank you for putting that into words. There truly is a sense that these girls are just stuck in their current place in life. Not moving forwards, not moving backwards. Just stuck. It makes me want to throw popcorn at the picture screen and yell, "Just do something! Anything!"


Only in reality television would a "character" be allowed to develop so little over so many years. We need a new story arc! We need character development and growth! Where are the character plot twists?!


Yep. You've hit in the nail on the head, IMO. Their arrested development character-wise probably has a lot to do with why I want them to marry, too. I'm waiting for some kind of new depth of character to be revealed, because surely their true character isn't this one-dimensional... right?


I'd love to see this, too.    


But I think we may be a bit misled because these people are on television. I'm pretty sure that, in real life, there are some people whose lives actually are way more boring and development-free than we'd ever find acceptable in a fiction. Truth is sometimes stranger and deeper than fiction, but not always. .... Some people are pretty damn limited. Some people just barely ever get off of square one. And unfortunately these may be some of those people. ... They've certainly been groomed for that. 

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Jana, like John-David, doesn't seem to feel the need for VSEs the way Jill and Jessa do.  Maybe Jim Bob won't release her without her agreeing to have a reality show "courting" and wedding.  Maybe she's digging her heels in and refusing to play.  Of course I don't know her, but my observation is that she wasn't meant for reality tv and would prefer a quiet life.  

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 Maybe Jim Bob won't release her without her agreeing to have a reality show "courting" and wedding. 


The fact that we can even entertain this as a possibility is tragic and horrifying, isn't it? And yet I'm sure most of us can pretty easily envision him being this kind of a jerk.

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Unfortunately, I can easily imagine JB wanting to pimp out the next courtship for every ounce of positive media coverage possible. IMO, Jana seems like she would be highly uncomfortable with that kind of spotlight focused on herself, but it's much harder for me to read Jinger. 


Didn't he already try that with Josiah?  I have zero doubt in my mind that he's pressuring the older kids to have a mate "settled on their heart" or whatever BS euphemism they use.  Hope these three stay resolute to do as they please and don't acquiesce. 

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I think the next courtship will be John David, honestly. Too bad for JB that no one really cares about guy courtships, especially when the guy has all of the charisma and personality of a fence post. 

Pretty much.  One of the reasons why Josiah's announcement sparked interest is that he doesn't come off as some personality-free lump of Duggar dough. 

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Several months ago there was a little flurry of stories linking Jana to Tim Tebow - although they had never even met and he had another girifriend. It seemed to have started when Boob and Michelle met Tim's mother Pam Tebow and posted about it online. Hard to know, but I think JB made some herk-jerk joke about it, and it gathered a little steam, and finally Tim Tebow actually issued a statement that no he'd never met her, thank you very much, nothing to see here so move right along. 


I suspect it was JB trying to get something going, aided by Bin and maybe Amy. And falling on his smarmy face. Heh.


I think it might be JB's or even Mechelle's wet dream, but the reality is Tim would easily supplant JB as patriarch of that family as well as media headliner.  Also, Tim, for all his wrong-headedness on insisting on playing quarterback and only quarterback, is savvy enough to know that getting himself involved with the Duggars, even pre-Josh Gate I and II, was a bad bargain.

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I know Amy said that she and Jana were laughing about the rumor, but honestly, I would've been embarrassed if someone wanted to deny dating me so badly that they released a press statement about it.


That never should have happened IMO. JB should have issued his own press release to like, you know, save his daughter some embarrassment.


So no Marjorie and Josiah? What happened there? 

Edited by mizkat
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John David seems sorta normal. Do you suppose he is close to Jana?  I like the 'Izzy' name.

I get the sense that JD is probably one of the few of the bunch that will be ok, he works for the township, doesn't he? He seems to actually work at being productive and I get the sense he just 'humors' his father (I'm recalling one show where his father goes on patrol with him and didn't listen to his son AT ALL...the son just laughed it off and said not much happens around the area, anyhow) and may not take him too seriously. I'm guessing he's closer to his twin that it may seem. I'm hoping so, anyhow....perhaps I'm projecting my hopes on these kids. I dunno.

I suspect he's rather reserved and that may come off as being rather dim witted. I couldn't tolerate a camera following me, no way. I would look like a complete idiot, I keep to myself. I get mentally wiped out going to visit close friends. I can't even imagine growing up in a family like that.

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