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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I can believe Jana moves out, dated, was coerced to move back. Boozing and 'hooking up'/sex - I don't believe for a second. She's secretly elope first and alcohol, no way.

jinger - she seems like she could be more easily influenced, and that would explain this weird courtship. Jana, nah.

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29 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I can believe Jana moves out, dated, was coerced to move back. Boozing and 'hooking up'/sex - I don't believe for a second. She's secretly elope first and alcohol, no way.

jinger - she seems like she could be more easily influenced, and that would explain this weird courtship. Jana, nah.

When my daughter was young, 4, 5, or 7 years old or so, she ran away from home.

She walked out the front door, spent a good 30 seconds scoping out our residential street, and crossed to the other side and stood by a tree. She was partly proud, and partly scared to death, because she wasn't allowed to cross streets. And then she realized that to 'return home' she had to cross the street again. The whole defiant adventure of independence lasted about 3 minutes.

Nope, Jana hasn't gone anywhere.

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30 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I can believe Jana moves out, dated, was coerced to move back. Boozing and 'hooking up'/sex - I don't believe for a second. She's secretly elope first and alcohol, no way.

jinger - she seems like she could be more easily influenced, and that would explain this weird courtship. Jana, nah.

Honestly, I buy the booze more than the sex.

I think, though, that they are probably all really desperate for human contact. I was thinking about that when I watched the video of the interpretive dance in Danger America on the Jill and Derick thread (people were touching!!!). They have really gone their whole lives without normal human contact -- no hugs and kisses from Mom and Dad; no hug or even an arm around the shoulder from a friend; no handholding and awkward kissing with teenage boyfriends/girlfriends. Nothing but the occassional side-hug for the cameras.

I can see tryiing a glass of wine, or a super-sweet mixed drink on an evening out with friends. The feeling of being touched in a romantic way, or kissed for the first time, would be sensory overload (I think), and it would take longer to process that than it would -- hey, I'm kind of drunk!

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Interesting. I think sex would be more likely than alcohol, bc these are the types who shun all alcohol, won't go to restaurants that serve it, boycott drug stores and grocery stores that sell it, believe that Jesus turned the water into grape juice etc. Jana most likely believes one whiff will have her feeling like Otis on Andy Griffith. Alcohol is easy to avoid.

Now we need to define what 'hooking up' means - if it's just meeting and some handholding and hugs, worst case a kiss or two, then I believe it. I can't imagine Jana would have intercourse more than once without feeling so guilty that she wouldn't be married before doing it again, and I can't imagine her falling for a guy who wouldn't feel the same. 

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9 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

When my daughter was young, 4, 5, or 7 years old or so, she ran away from home.

She walked out the front door, spent a good 30 seconds scoping out our residential street, and crossed to the other side and stood by a tree. She was partly proud, and partly scared to death, because she wasn't allowed to cross streets. And then she realized that to 'return home' she had to cross the street again. The whole defiant adventure of independence lasted about 3 minutes.

Nope, Jana hasn't gone anywhere.

Reminds me of my brother.  When he was five he packed a suitcase and ran away.  When my mom found him later, in the yard since he wasn't allowed to cross the street, she unpacked his suitcase.  She found a knife, a fork, a plate and two rolls of toilet paper.  Poor kid, if he was allowed across the street, he was prepared.

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Ayayayayayayay!!!  Some of us are snake phobic!  Picking sick heart off floor!!!!

Sorry, Lookeyloo.. It's a spoof of Britney Spears "Slave for You".  Yes, there's a Burmese Python in that vid as well.

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On Tuesday, July 05, 2016 at 0:49 AM, DangerousMinds said:

Does biracial automatically mean "part black?"

This question/comment got me thinking. I believe Frank Sun is biracial (Mongoloid  & Caucasian). We can wish, right?

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From Mongolia. 

He was a cutie. I bet KJB had a hand in having him moved to another assignment; he was the only unmarried guy on the crew, and still in his 20's from the look of him. 

I think he shot the scenes of the older girls in the Kabuki dress while in Japan. Which reminds me, where's Janarella these days? 

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The dictionary defines it as characteristic of people indigenous to East or Central Asia and parts of Russia, but does say it's a rather obsolete term. I just read it as being used in a non-specific way, similarly to Caucasian and making the sentence more cohesive than saying "Caucasian and from Mongolia", especially since we probably don't know his exact heritage. 

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

In forensic anthropology, a Mongoloid skull is one of three basic skull types. Depending on one's ethnic heritage, one, two, or all 3 types are present in humans.

Yes, thank you. This is what I meant. Sorry for the confusion.  At one time there were supposed to be 3 major races. Now I see that has been expanded to 5.

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11 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Poor John David is the homeliest of the male Duggar spawn. His twin is beautiful. Genetics don't always make sense.

Smuggar's vileness makes him ugly beyond homeliness

He's the least attractive out of the bunch, but it appears that he is the happiest and has the most freedom. If I had to be a Duggar, fug aside, I'd pick JD. 

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JD is so-so on the looks that is genetic.  Where JD falls apart is that he is sloppy looking, overweight and dresses like an old man. The weight and sloppy look he can change and improve but he doesn't. The other boys dress reasonably well. JD is lacking in genes and his own personal choices regarding his appearance. Bad combination.  

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12 minutes ago, Marigold said:

JD is so-so on the looks that is genetic.  Where JD falls apart is that he is sloppy looking, overweight and dresses like an old man. The weight and sloppy look he can change and improve but he doesn't. The other boys dress reasonably well. JD is lacking in genes and his own personal choices regarding his appearance. Bad combination.  

JD could do a lot with his appearance. I think being a 26 year old male virgin who jet skis in jeans would be enough to make anyon in his situation depressed and sloppy.

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This should probably be on their thread, but it wouldn't make sense since it started here - JD entered this planet with a twin sister who's beautiful and obviously spends time on her countenance.  Manages to dress fashionably even with her restrictions.  You'd think said sister would twist his ear a little.  I know in MY family, all the girls take possession of the unmarried males (without stripping them of their masculinity of course).  Just seems like Jana would say, "oh NOOOO you didn't.  You are NOT wearing that hot mess.  Did you look in a mirror today?  Brush your hair!"  And maybe she does - But then that leads to the assumption that he doesn't care one way or the other, which is exactly the vibe I get.  So I wonder...is KJB in charge of procuring mates for the male children as well as the female?

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2 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

This should probably be on their thread, but it wouldn't make sense since it started here - JD entered this planet with a twin sister who's beautiful and obviously spends time on her countenance.  Manages to dress fashionably even with her restrictions.  You'd think said sister would twist his ear a little.  I know in MY family, all the girls take possession of the unmarried males (without stripping them of their masculinity of course).  Just seems like Jana would say, "oh NOOOO you didn't.  You are NOT wearing that hot mess.  Did you look in a mirror today?  Brush your hair!"  And maybe she does - But then that leads to the assumption that he doesn't care one way or the other, which is exactly the vibe I get.  So I wonder...is KJB in charge of procuring mates for the male children as well as the female?

Well, he procured the rather unfortunate Anna for the unworthy slug of a Smuggar. 

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And back to my point about Jinger...how much say did Anna REALLY have in this arrangement between the patriarchs? Smuggar just says, "Pops, I saw this girl at homeschool camp..." and it was done. 

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I kind of get the feeling that JB and Michelle are marketing the singles in their brood for potential mates to keep up with the Bates'.  Who can have more kids - who can marry most of the kids off the fasted and finally who can have more grandkids. It's like a competition.  Get Joy's picture on our sites ( and Jana's ) and the single guys left - talk about how wonderful they are - make them as appealing as possible - good for the show and keeping up with the Bates'.   

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On 7/10/2016 at 7:23 AM, CofCinci said:

He's the least attractive out of the bunch, but it appears that he is the happiest and has the most freedom. If I had to be a Duggar, fug aside, I'd pick JD. 

He's a bit passive-aggressive for a grown man. He's also entranced with guns, evidenced by photos on his siblings' Instagrams.

Not a good combo, IMHO.

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2 hours ago, Defrauder said:

I kind of get the feeling that JB and Michelle are marketing the singles in their brood for potential mates to keep up with the Bates'.  Who can have more kids - who can marry most of the kids off the fasted and finally who can have more grandkids. It's like a competition.  Get Joy's picture on our sites ( and Jana's ) and the single guys left - talk about how wonderful they are - make them as appealing as possible - good for the show and keeping up with the Bates'.   

They can "market" all they want; the only potential spouses they'll attract are famewhores who can't wait to elbow their way onto the TLC gravy train. Let's face it -- who would want KJB and J-Chelle for inlaws? I really don't care for the Bateseses' politics or their devotion to Gothard, but they seem to have figured out their kids have a better chance of meeting and marrying someone functional if they relax enough to let them date outside of the ATI/IBLP bunch.

I'm also willing to bet that more of the Bateseses kids will still be married to their original spouses in five years. I wish I could say the same about the Duggar offspring.

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Being that JB and Michelle are the most famewhores of anyone and 'courting' is always good TV - for them, they are probably pressuring the still singles to marry asap.  Plus it diverts attention from lowly Josh.  Gil Bates is Gothard royalty at the moment so he's probably trying to make the family appear more mainstream than they truly are.  Both families were poor before TV came along so they'll do what they have to do to keep the money coming in.  That's what it's about.  I think before Bates TV they were stricter and Gil and Kelly tried to lighten it up for the cameras to keep them rolling.  It's all about appearances and what sells better. 

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14 hours ago, Defrauder said:

I kind of get the feeling that JB and Michelle are marketing the singles in their brood for potential mates to keep up with the Bates'.  Who can have more kids - who can marry most of the kids off the fasted and finally who can have more grandkids. It's like a competition.  Get Joy's picture on our sites ( and Jana's ) and the single guys left - talk about how wonderful they are - make them as appealing as possible - good for the show and keeping up with the Bates'.   

But the bates still have their own tv show. At least their kids choose their own dating rules.

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An oldie, but goodie. Grandpa Ruark is a dead ringer for JD, down to the receding hairline.


Ah, so this is how good JD could look, if he put some effort into it. Pity he won't.

Is that an army uniform Grandpa is wearing?

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29 minutes ago, Vaysh said:


Ah, so this is how good JD could look, if he put some effort into it. Pity he won't.


True. Though I also think that Grandpa looks better because he doesn't have the dead eyes and the lackadaisical, drawn look of a young person whose life has been eternally sat on by Jizm Bob's fat ass. Grandpa has the life and enthusiasm of a young adult who calls his soul his own.

Edited by Churchhoney
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He's not entirely a lost cause...but he will be until he gets a makeover....and gets the hell away from this toxic family of his...until then, it's NOPE.

Knowing you live in a soul crushing Duggarverse and having any prospects damaged by Joshley would make anyone glum and dead behind the eyes. He really looks dead behind the eyes.


Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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2 hours ago, Vaysh said:


Ah, so this is how good JD could look, if he put some effort into it. Pity he won't.

Is that an army uniform Grandpa is wearing?

Yes, he fought in WWII. 

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If JD gets married who is going to trash the car and pretend to lose the wedding ring considering that is usually his role. Also... I know they joked about it but I keep thinking they will really push for Jana and JD to have a double wedding. I can see the dollar signs in Jim Bob's eyes now.

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

He's not entirely a lost cause...but he will be until he gets a makeover....and gets the hell away from this toxic family of his...until then, it's NOPE.

Knowing you live in a soul crushing Duggarverse and having any prospects damaged by Joshley would make anyone glum and dead behind the eyes. He really looks dead behind the eyes.


He's most likely has never been able to therapeutically explore the guilt/shame experienced by being unable to protect his sisters from repeated sexual abuse.  Dude can't even share this thoughts and feelings with the family.  He gets to reenact the "protector" role through his volunteer police work.

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4 minutes ago, larfs said:

If JD gets married who is going to trash the car and pretend to lose the wedding ring considering that is usually his role. Also... I know they joked about it but I keep thinking they will really push for Jana and JD to have a double wedding. I can see the dollar signs in Jim Bob's eyes now.

We know his best man won't be Smuggar. JD pretty much wrote him off in the JJ:CO series. 

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Agreed. It's just so sad that JD actually had to reflect on Smuggar's crimes and come to the conclusion that he couldn't look up to him any longer and that he would have to set the example for his younger brothers. Fuck you, Smuggar. My heart hurt for JD when he said that. If Smuggar had any close siblings in the family before Joshgate I, and I don't really think he did, he certainly lost them all. Well, maybe Josie licks him; she's a bit young to understand it all. 

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JD was always the better example for his younger brothers anyway but he didn't see that because Josh was put on a stupid pedestal for being the first born son and getting married to a dutiful wife who popped out multiple blessings.

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22 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

An oldie, but goodie. Grandpa Ruark is a dead ringer for JD, down to the receding hairline. 



Wow. I see Josh as well as Jessa... Now we know where her pointy chin comes from. 

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