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S09.E13: A Bronx Tale

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Exactly. She and Lu had fun together. It was light and sexy, banter and dishing over their nights out. Tinsley doesn't get any of that. Tinsley can't even show up at the same events as Sonja. But if she goes solo, Sonja chides her for not inviting HER. She can't win. 

I wonder if Sonja is purposely doing it? Hoping to provoke Tinsley, so they fight, so Sonja gets more screen time...

  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, film noire said:

The abuse is documented; it's not in her imagination or a lie/excuse.

Documented how?  I may have missed it but I've seen her side of the story.   Was she battered and her ex arrested for physical abuse? Not necessarily doubted she was emotionally abused.

I don't know -- something to me seems VERY off about her.  

edited: Never mind -- I found it.  I retract my doubt of her being abused.  Still, she needs serious therapeutic help in my view.  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

There is a bit of irony when Bethenny comments on Luann and her not inviting Bethenny to her wedding.  Bethenny didn't invite Luann to her wedding.  The only current RH to have been invited to a RH wedding are Ramona to Bethenny's and Dorinda to Luann's.  Although Luann has known Tinsley I can't imagine why she would think she should be invited to Luann's wedding.  Just because one didn't go to the wedding doesn't make the marriage any less real.

And how ironic that Ramona was the only one invited to Bethenny's wedding, given where their relationship is at this point.

Another bit of irony that I found - when Bethenny mentioned the skiing trip and Luann asked if Ramona would be invited, Bethenny went off about why would she reach out to someone who basically eviscerated her "in front of everyone" (i.e., the cameras) for everything she ever did in her life.  I found that so ironic, given that Bethenny had done the EXACT same thing to Luann last season, and now, they are on good terms, mostly due to Luann being fairly forgiving.  I somehow don't see that happening between Bethenny and Ramona, unless Ramona gets down on her knees and begs for Queen B's forgiveness.

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, film noire said:

I think she herself would agree with you  - she's said she has PTSD,  is unable to sleep, has nightmares -- I don't think she's in denial about being screwed up.

Good point.

Admittedly, I started to doubt the physical abuse (not so much emotional) because it seems like her whole focus seems to be on reliving her former IT girl life and finding a now non-waspy husband.  Meanwhile, she's making out with young kids in a way that seems so desperate that I started to believe that she was probably obsessed with her ex, desperate to hang on, really did trespass and maybe stalk him.  I started to think maybe she was on some bad drugs and was actually the violent aggressor in the relationship.  It does happen.  

Also, given how absolutely dismissive all the women were to her made me think there's a lot of doubt as well.

If she truly was physically and emotionally abused, it's amazing how fucking cold those women were to her. 

I know she's 41 and she wants a family, but she really needs to find an identity that isn't reclaiming her former "It" girl status first. I think as fucked up as the dismissivness was, Lu's sort of on target about loving yourself first.  It's ironic that Lu is talking about that when she desperately married a cheater, but I do think Tinsley has a lot of self loathing and her focus shouldn't be on landing a man.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, jennylauren123 said:

I am amazed by how much sympathy there is for Tinsley. I don't get it. And I say that as an abuse victim. To me she seems spoiled and vacuous.

Honestly, I saw very little sympathy until Beth used "abuse".   At least part of the overwhelming compassion is a reflection of Beth-hate, IMO.  

Seriously though, it is possible to believe Tinsley was in an abusive relationship, AND that Tinsley knowingly violated the restraining order, and was enraged that a woman was in the house with HER boyfriend.  

It is also possible to believe that Tinsley is experiencing PTSD, but ALSO living with Sonja for SL, versus fear of living alone, and is a victiim, AS WELL AS spoiled and silly. 

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I agree.  Using an obviously private bathroom is rude.

I think that Luann said that "her" bathroom was down the hall from her bedroom (she seemed kind of aghast that she didn't have an en suite bathroom), and she was shocked that the chef used it.

As stated here, Luann was being petty and ridiculous about the whole thing.  As bad, if not, slightly worse than Ramona.

  • Love 12

Am I the only one who thought Lu's bedroom thing was really one of those "let me do something outrageous for reality TV?"  It just didn't feel authentic like Ramona bitching about the room.

One thing that struck me during this episode is how fucking good Lu looks.  Her and Dorinda I'm sure have had botox and fillers, but their faces look relatively untouched.  Dorinda isn't a beauty without make-up, but when she's dressed and made up, she can really look smashing.  Lu has great cheekbones and she looked very elegant again to me (she's had a lot of hit or misses lately).  Sonja has been looking really sloppy lately and not her usual attractiveness.  Carole's face was channeling Mama Elsa's again.  Beth's face looks too tight, but I looks great in the talking head with the pink outfit.

I did chuckle at Beth's safari comment about Carole.  And appreciated that Carole laughed it off.  I do believe they are good friends off air now.  

And can we get one show where Beth doesn't say something vulgar when she doesn't have to?  I think she's hilarious and I'm no prude but I think she goes to shock value too often and she's gone too often to that well.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 13

Even though Bethenny's divorce is public and horrible with the notary and trust for apartment and paps following them through the city, another layer of horrible was added when Jason started with the emailing, texting and stalking.  The difference is Bethenny fought back legally, through surrogates and social media.  I feel like Bethenny's wolf upbringing prepared her to fight this fire with fire and not become a classic abuse victim whereas Tinsley's did not as mine did not either.  Her situation looks to me how it unfolds with most women sans the arrest/mugshot, though that's not really that uncommon.  He abuses, she stays, they break up but she goes back.  I can believe that he had a woman there when he told her to come and get her purse.  Abusers are sick bastards.        

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, sasha206 said:


Admittedly, I started to doubt the physical abuse (not so much emotional) because it seems like her whole focus seems to be on reliving her former IT girl life and finding a now non-waspy husband.  

Yes -- it's like she thinks she can have the same life, but this time, it will work out if it's with a non-waspy man -- a man not like her father, but still the life her father gave her -- such a convoluted mix of co-dependence and grief and yearning (that was such a sad confessional - so raw.)


If she truly was physically and emotionally abused, it's amazing how fucking cold those women were to her. 

Between last night and Bethenny putting the word abusive in scare quotes last week, every last one of them feels like an enabling, alcoholic jackal competing for attention (except Carole, who - to be fair, as much as it makes me gag -- has spoken in the past about believing her future would involve raising children with her best friend by her side, all four of them spending Christmas holidays and family summers together  -- so at some point, she saw herself in that life.  But I think she saw that Tinsley was feeling hunted, and just let the comment go.)

Edited by film noire
  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Luann, Sonya, and Ramona share men but are uptight about sharing rooms. ?

And Lu could have avoided the supposed "servant's quarters" by bunking with Tinsley. That room had separate beds, as well as its own bathroom.  Maybe privacy was worth the help choosing to use "your" bathroom instead of squatting in the bushes.  

Am I the only slob who's let a repairman use her bathroom?  It's incomprehensible to me that the chefs are expected (by some) to relieve themselves in the wild.  Nothing like a little E. coli to make a trip more fun. Nothing like stepping over human shit to get to your car.   What if the chefs' grew thirsty?  Go out and eat some snow?  Watch out for the yellow parts!

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, jaync said:

She probably scored it when she was throwing out Bryn's stuff.

I don't know how made up it was, given Dorinda didn't deny John's involvement, and how she lost her everloving shit at the mere accusation.

Except, she KNOWS IT ALL, so obviously it's everybody else who's incorrect. Plus, she is the Bronx's official fashion police, after all.

Tinsley pretending she was drinking the rosé was also funny.

Right? Maybe one needs to drink the SkinnyKoolAid to understand.

I found that funny, as well!  We saw Tinsley adding cranberry juice to her glass, which presumably held vodka.  Interesting that there was Skinnygirl wine there, but there was a big ol' handle of Tito's.  Bethenny also makes a "naked" vodka - wonder why that wasn't there?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:


He kept having her come around?    She came around.   Let me put it this way.  My dude, ex dude who doesn't/won't take me out in public and, even though he's been beating me and has a retraining order out on me calls and tells me to come get my purse.   He tells me to come within 800 feet of him (not sounding set up-ish yet?) okay how about it's an event I must've spoken to someone at the police station about because in advance they tell me not to go over there without an officer.    Yo I think I might detest this girl for making me sound supportive of a domestic abuser.   Wtf?

What happened that made him go to court and get a restraining order?  

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And Lu could have avoided the supposed "servant's quarters" by bunking with Tinsley. That room had separate beds, as well as its own bathroom.  Maybe privacy was worth the help choosing to use "your" bathroom instead of squatting in the bushes.  

Am I the only slob who's let a repairman use her bathroom?  It's incomprehensible to me that the chefs are expected (by some) to relieve themselves in the wild.  Nothing like a little E. coli to make a trip more fun. Nothing like stepping over human shit to get to your car.   What if the chefs' grew thirsty?  Go out and eat some snow?  Watch out for the yellow parts!

Oh no! Poor Ramona, they told her that it was a Pinot Grigio Slushy

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And Lu could have avoided the supposed "servant's quarters" by bunking with Tinsley. That room had separate beds, as well as its own bathroom.  Maybe privacy was worth the help choosing to use "your" bathroom instead of squatting in the bushes.  

She didn't know that though, I mean she is ridiculous, but Bethenny showed her to her room, she didn't tear through the place like Sonja and Ramona examining the various amenities of each room.

  • Love 6
17 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Bethenny contended that she herself has been enduring "the equivalent" of Tinsley's brutalization for "the last five years" so Tinsley should thus "stop right there."

How is instructing someone literally in tears clearly voicing that they suffered both emotional and physical abuse to desist crying constructive?

There is no record, evidence, or even claim by Bethenny that Jason ever put his hands on her let alone gave her a black eye, sent her to the hospital with head injuries that required staples, knocked her down in view of neighbors before pushing her face into the ground, and/or shattered the windshield on a car while she was inside. 

Bethenny's statement - like that of LuAnn with "we've all been there" - was baldly sick IMO. 


  • Love 6

There is no record, evidence, or even claim by Bethenny that Jason ever put his hands on her let alone gave her a black eye, sent her to the hospital with head injuries that required staples, knocked her down in view of neighbors before pushing her face into the ground, and/or shattered the windshield on a car while she was inside. 

Bethenny's statement - like that of LuAnn with "we've all been there" - was baldly sick IMO. 

Bethenny never claimed that. She and the other women were merely stating that most of them had gone through messy, public break-ups, each of a various nature. But they have been public. And each, in their own way, was not easy to go through, for all of them.


Honestly, I saw very little sympathy until Beth used "abuse".   At least part of the overwhelming compassion is a reflection of Beth-hate, IMO.  

Definitely some truth to that...

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, BBHN said:

Bethenny never claimed that. She and the other women were merely stating that most of them had gone through messy, public break-ups, each of a various nature. But they have been public. And each, in their own way, was not easy to go through, for all of them.

I bet that the wolves that raised Bethenny probably bit her all the time.

What? Her stepfather used to take her to the track and great mobbed up Italian restaurants where they really treated her great?

Never mind.

(Bethenny is really full of shit)

  • Love 4

Does Beth ever say "please" or "Thank you" when asking "the help" to do things?  Her staff, the servers that serve her.  She directs them but rarely seems to treat them with gratitude

Yes, and she tips crazy good. Very specific in her requests etc. but it comes at the end of the job. She also notes individual things like thank you for cleaning up after Ramona's dog. So sorry. Servers like her. 

And speaking of, Dorinda said that John could not get Ramona's gravy out of the Fortuny fabric.  It had gone too deep in the cushion.  She said for now she put it in the basement and luckily she has 16 chairs. She did a wonderful imitation of the Fortuny man saying by the yard.  Fredric was horrified at the story.

  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Yes, and she tips crazy good. Very specific in her requests etc. but it comes at the end of the job. She also notes individual things like thank you for cleaning up after Ramona's dog. So sorry. Servers like her. 

And speaking of, Dorinda said that John could not get Ramona's gravy out of the Fortuny fabric.  It had gone too deep in the cushion.  She said for now she put it in the basement and luckily she has 16 chairs. She did a wonderful imitation of the Fortuny man saying by the yard.  Fredric was horrified at the story.

Well good to hear because she comes off so incredibly rude.   It is actually possible to tip well AND be courteous in your specific requests.

  • Love 10
47 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

And Lu could have avoided the supposed "servant's quarters" by bunking with Tinsley. That room had separate beds, as well as its own bathroom.  Maybe privacy was worth the help choosing to use "your" bathroom instead of squatting in the bushes.  

Am I the only slob who's let a repairman use her bathroom?  It's incomprehensible to me that the chefs are expected (by some) to relieve themselves in the wild.  Nothing like a little E. coli to make a trip more fun. Nothing like stepping over human shit to get to your car.   What if the chefs' grew thirsty?  Go out and eat some snow?  Watch out for the yellow parts!

Nope.  Right there with ya.  I even offer them a snack ON MY OWN PLATES and they can sit in my house!  People are people and the sooner we stop thinking of others as 'less than' the better.  Think about this Luann.  When you are at a restaurant, the staff use the same bathroom you take boys to fuck.  

  • Love 20
1 minute ago, Natalie68 said:

Nope.  Right there with ya.  I even offer them a snack ON MY OWN PLATES and they can sit in my house!  People are people and the sooner we stop thinking of others as 'less than' the better.  Think about this Luann.  When you are at a restaurant, the staff use the same bathroom you take boys to fuck.  

OMG! Bahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 7

I'll give Bethenny a little credit, she does say please & thank you.  Most of the others do as well.  Ramona's the one I cringe watching.  Not only is she terrible to the help, he's ridiculously demanding of everyone around her.  Why should Carole pour you a drink?  Why should Sonja bring you water? Get up and get it yourself. 

On a certain level, I thought both Luann & Bethenny were trying to make Tinsley feel better with their comments.  We understand where you're coming from, we've been there.  However, I always find it a bit rich when Bethenny gets exasperated with other peoples issues and is quick to simplify the situation and their options.  There's a total lack of self-awareness with her.  Does she not realize how much dramatizes her own life & issues, and how she carries on & on about them??  Why does always seem to trivialize what other people are going through?

Other than that, this was a great episode, I laughed from start to finish.  

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

How long a sentence are you giving her for not dating men? One year, ten years? 

Just curious because at the time they filmed this trip  Tinsley had her record expunged,  she had moved to NYC far far away from the abuser.  Why let the abuser win?

She got a job RHONYC and seems to be moving forward.  And yes she will ever be the debutante with the mug shot..

Ask any victim of even a purse snatch how powerless they feel without their wallet and credit cards.  I heard the same tape and never once did she mention another woman.  She blithered on about her wallet and credit cards.  Maybe I heard an edited version.

She didn't get her record expunged. I heard her misuse this term and another one of them I think. Her case was more like continued without a finding. That means if you don't do it again within a certain time period, you go back to court and the case is dismissed. The judge ordered her to stay away from the ex until the next court date and she did. She didn't commit a serious offense so it's not surprising they handled it this way. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Bethenny was reacting to the notion that no one has been in the public like Tinsley.  That they don't know what its like to have their info all out in the public because EVERYONE read about Tins but no one else has had their shit in the papers.  Tins, you are barely on anyone's radar any longer, seriously.  B wasn't saying her situation was worse than beating, she was saying google me because she can guarantee that she has been in the news as much if not more than Tins. Since NY started  They ALL have.  That was Tins making her situation being public worse and more prominent than everyone else shit being public. 

But this is not the order of the dialogue.

Tinsley: The abuse was physical and emotional. For me, it was the most traumatic experience of my life.

Bethenny: For the last five years, I've lived through the equivalent of what you went through so stop right there because you don't even know. 

Tinsley: But mine was made public, like maybe yours wasn't.

Bethenny: Google me.


Bethenny very clearly situates her divorce as "the equivalent" of physical abuse. Tinsley doesn't even bring up the "public" nature of her humiliation until the last two lines of the episode: 

  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, Lemons said:

She didn't get her record expunged. I heard her misuse this term and another one of them I think. Her case was more like continued without a finding. That means if you don't do it again within a certain time period, you go back to court and the case is dismissed. The judge ordered her to stay away from the ex until the next court date and she did. She didn't commit a serious offense so it's not surprising they handled it this way. 

Former reality TV star Tinsley Mortimer has signed an agreement to 'defer prosecution' for trespassing charges

Mortimer, 40,  must stay away from her ex-boyfriend, Palm Beach billionaire Alexander 'Nico' Fanjul

If she fails to abide by the conditions, the Palm Beach County State Attorney will continue its prosecution which could send Mortimer to the county jail for a year

She was arrested in Palm Beach on April 16 after police found her crying hysterically in Fanjul's front yard after calling 911

The trespassing charge against Mortimer will be officially dismissed at a hearing inside the county jail on December 30 

Until then, she is also banned from visiting his El Dorado Drive home in Palm Beach as well as the mansion belonging to his parents 

Additionally Mortimer cannot be arrested, get cited for a traffic infraction or be convicted of any new crime

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, ButterQueen said:

Does the ski trip continue next week?

Yes because Tinsley skis in Ramona 'line'.  Ramona seems to be a intermediate cautious skier.  I recognize myself.  So people whizzing around her will make her fall.  Tinsley is just having a gay old time.  I'm hoping that Vermont slopes allow skis and boards on the same runs so we can see Bethenny buzz her as well.  I believe Luann is pretty smooth on the slopes too.  Didn't we see that somewhere?

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

 I even offer them a snack ON MY OWN PLATES and they can sit in my house!    

I don't offer snacks but I do offer coffee, soda or water (I sound like an air stewardess from 1983 -- "Sorry sir, recent changes in federal regulations mean you cannot smoke during this flight -- would you like a little Taster's Choice, the coffee preferred by Mr Anthony Head in over twenty commercials using a groundbreaking narrative structure?")

15 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Bethenny very clearly situates her divorce as "the equivalent" of physical abuse.


1 hour ago, Jel said:

No matter what the details, and who was the aggressor, (and assuming she didn't punch herself in the eye, and kind of even if she did),  it's clear to me that Tinsley was in an abusive relationship.  

Well said (as usual) Jel.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 12

Bethenny very clearly situates her divorce as "the equivalent" of physical abuse.

Not very clearly. It could be interpreted as Bethenny situating the divorce as the most traumatic experience of her life, the way the abuse was the most traumatic in Tinsley's life.


Ramona seems to be a intermediate cautious skier.

That's because she has to adjust to non-Aspen trails...oh the humanity of it all.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Former reality TV star Tinsley Mortimer has signed an agreement to 'defer prosecution' for trespassing charges

Mortimer, 40,  must stay away from her ex-boyfriend, Palm Beach billionaire Alexander 'Nico' Fanjul

If she fails to abide by the conditions, the Palm Beach County State Attorney will continue its prosecution which could send Mortimer to the county jail for a year

She was arrested in Palm Beach on April 16 after police found her crying hysterically in Fanjul's front yard after calling 911

The trespassing charge against Mortimer will be officially dismissed at a hearing inside the county jail on December 30 


Deferred prosecution must be a Florida thing, same idea as continued without a finding.  I thought she was done, she was talking like it was over. But she needs to stop saying her record was expunged. Her arrest will always be part of her record and it will show that the charges are dropped if she makes it to December 30. 

After December she could seek to have it expunged but I doubt she'd get it.  There's no reason for it to be expunged. 

She also has to stop saying she was "wronged" regarding the arrest. She called 911 because she wanted her purse back. Misusing 911 was bad enough but when they told her to go to the police station and the police will retrieve her purse for her, she didn't. If my goal was to get my purse and credit card back, I would follow their instructions.  

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Yes because Tinsley skis in Ramona 'line'.  Ramona seems to be a intermediate cautious skier.  I recognize myself.  So people whizzing around her will make her fall.  Tinsley is just having a gay old time.  I'm hoping that Vermont slopes allow skis and boards on the same runs so we can see Bethenny buzz her as well.  I believe Luann is pretty smooth on the slopes too.  Didn't we see that somewhere?

Ramona's only chance at staying upright is if someone holds a glass of Pinot Grigio above her head.


  • Love 9
44 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I just realized how random it was that Dorinda didn't bring her luggage with her to John's so she didn't have to drive back into Manhattan, I mean I doubt she took the subway so why not just bring her luggage in the cab/car service?

Didn't she say she left it forgotten on a front porch or walk?  I read somewhere that Production had to go back and get it.

6 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Didn't she say she left it forgotten on a front porch or walk?  I read somewhere that Production had to go back and get it.

She said in front of her house but she was talking about her NYC apartment and not even Dorinda is that scatterbrained to leave it outside in NYC and it certainly wouldn't have been there when production went to retrieve it.  Though her phrasing was weird because I initially assumed she meant at her Berkshires house but that doesn't make sense given the actual story.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Honestly, I saw very little sympathy until Beth used "abuse".   At least part of the overwhelming compassion is a reflection of Beth-hate, IMO.  

I think it has more to do with a poster (iirc @breezy424 - sorry if I'm misattributing that) recently posting a link to details of Tinsley's abuse - and for what it's worth, anybody blogging  "abusive" in scare quotes would be receiving grief from me (and I think that's likely true for most of the people who commented about this as well, but that's getting into boards on boards so I'll leave it at that).

Edited by film noire
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, BBHN said:

They all do, they're all on reality TV shows. It will become public no matter what.

Well, I thought it was a messy relationship. To say the least.

And that's what I'm saying.  It wasn't 'just messy'.  It was much more than that.  

Yes, things can become public but in regards to Beth, she has no problem talking about her torture.  She thrives on it. Many of them don't. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

A big part of what Tinsley went through was the physical violence; being arrested and having a mug shot published; seeing a picture of yourself with your face beaten up in the news.  And I think she is so ashamed and humiliated by that.  None of the other women have had that happen.  Not even you Beth.  And I think that's what Tinsley was talking about when she responded to Beth equating her situation with her.  Tinsley's were made public.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  To me, that part of her abuse seemed to be diminished especially when Lu said we've all been there (maybe something did happen with Count but she's never talked about it).  But in any case, all of them haven't been 'there'.

I think they might be a little blasé about it is because that 911 call wasn't Tinsley calling for help because her abusive ex-boyfriend just showed up at her house and she had a restraining order against him.

 No, it was her, crying to 911 that she left her handbag in her ex-boyfriends house and he wasn't answering the door and she knew he was in there with his new girlfriend. Towards the end of the 911 call she is referring to him as her boyfriend, not her ex-boyfriend. 

Its a very confusing story. We know he brutalized her. We know he eventually moved on and got a new girlfriend and wouldn't answer the door when Tinsley came to get her things. We don't know a whole lot more. 

There is no shame being a victim. She was ashamed of how the 911 call made her look like she wanted her abuser back and he didn't want her. And she has stated she's embarrassed by how she looks in her mugshots 

I feel bad for her and hope she finds someone she loves and who loves her back. 

  • Love 17

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