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S09.E13: A Bronx Tale

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11 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Dorinda is an absolute and total mess and everyone must know it.   This is a group that made a season long story line out of faux concern about Sonja's drinking.  Everyone is ignoring Dorinda's obvious problem.  She gets dead drunk, passes out (in the middle of the day)  then digs back into the hair of the dog upon waking.    She forgot to buy plane tickets for Lu's wedding then forgets her luggage??  No Dorinda, you weren't in a love stupor you were smashed or high.   And no Lu, she's not a "napper" she's a mess.

Except at the last  reunion when  everyone unanimously agreed that she had a cocaine problem. I find her public drunken outbursts disgusting. I also find her outbursts as a guest in someone else's home (Ramona's Hamptons dinner party) disgusting.  She can go batshit crazy on anybody she wants, just learn that there's a time and a place.  Having said that, I really do like sober Dorinda. 

Luann admonishing the ladies for not saving the best room for her because she's a newlywed. This is the Lu I know and dislike. And this is why I don't care if her marriage falls apart in front of everyone's eyes. Because she's a fake, phony, entitled bitch! Bethenny is 100% right about that. 

Bethenny laughing hysterically and practically falling on the floor at the Bronx lunch was so funny!  

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 20
4 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

For all her talk of no more man babies that are trust fund with no ambition etc does she look in a mirror?

I agree.  But that lifestyle has been her reality her whole life.  Big earning daddies and mommies who lunch and fund raise. Trustfunds R Us.

She most certainly needs to find another way - unless she latches on to another big wallet that truly does love her and whom she loves back.  Then she can resume her life in the fairy princess manner she's accustomed to.  I don't fault her for wanting that. Marriage with love and tons of cash - or marriage with love and living paycheck to paycheck.  I know which one I'd choose.  Single with tons of cash?  Single with no money?  Don't judge me, I'd still go for marriage with love and an unlimited checking account.

She's got a lot of work ahead of her.  Society expects her to be with a man with money/prestige.  So it would be very difficult for her to get out of that deeply ingrained head space that says nothing less than that will do. I think Dale would make it difficult for her if Tinz settled for a blue collar guy. 

I feel sorry for her because she's just figuring this out at 41 and she wants kids. 

That said, her voice grates my nerves.  But I thought her outfit at the therapist's office was beautiful.  In spite of the busy neckline.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Remove the talk about Bryn (which was bad, very bad) and who else does this and get away with it all the dang time? Bethenny! LOL

There is no comparison between a longish nasty divorce and getting physically as well as emotionally beaten, none! Bethenny trying to make it seem comparable is a big part of her problem, she just doesn't get it and never will because she can't see past her own nose. She has zero empathy for anyone else, she always has it worse, no matter what.

I am not saying those two things are comparable. I am saying I don't think they are all on the same page and are talking about the same things. But here is the issue, again. Why just Beth? Lu was the one who said they had all been through the same exact things that Tinsley had been through. Right after Tinsley said she suffered physical abuse and was crying, Lu said that everyone at the table had been through what she had been through. Do you think that this is true? That all of the women at that table have been physically abused? Could be, but I doubt it. I also don't think that Lu was lying or trying to one-up her in her experiences. I don't think they understand what she is claiming happened to her at this point. Not saying they don't believe her, but they don't understand. They might have read things, but I don't think they understand all of the issues and the trauma that Tinsley suffered through. They think she was in a horrible relationship where both got physical from time to time, that Tinsley was in love with him, and that for whatever reason she kept going back. They don't get that she is a victim of domestic violence and that this is at the root of some of her problems. If they did, Lu wouldn't have said "we've all been there". 

  • Love 22
20 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Oh ffs, it wasn't just Bethenny.

Maybe they all just need to open up more about their past experiences to each other?

Well, there was the rumor that the Count hit Luann at some wedding, she denied it but still. Bethenny has never claimed that anyone, including her parents, beat/hit her and only Bethenny told Tinsley to "Google" her! So, Yes, Bethenny's comment was nastier IMO and again, there is no comparison between a contentious divorce and getting physically beaten, none. No one else made that comparison, only Bethenny.

  • Love 16
12 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

At the Lincoln Log Luann is upset her bathroom is down the hall.

Oh Luann, it's the same when you are in NY at The Regency

I just want to add that she is back to her season one fake ass personality.   Complaining about the bathroom?     Heck, does she complain when she is on her knees at the Regency?  I loved Carole's remark.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Right after Tinsley said she suffered physical abuse and was crying, Lu said that everyone at the table had been through what she had been through. 

That's the thing. 

Lu, may or may not have  (I vote 'not'), wanted to be comforting to Tinz by saying something like that.  But, really, Countess.  Are you kidding me?  ARE you kidding me?

They all needed to sit the eff down and shut their pieholes and just listen.  I get it that they're fighting for relevancy and screen time but they came off looking like vultures on their kill.

Tinsley should have stood up and imitated Dorinda's "clip clip clip" with "caw caw caw".  And then thrown a pizza at them.

Now that, folks, would be entertainment.

  • Love 12

I was taken aback by Bethenny's insult's to Carole about her "safari" outfit.  It was just a beige outfit and didn't scream safari, it just seemed like Bethenny reaches for any sort of insult or put down about people, even her close friends, just to make herself seem so funny and witty. Carole is not safe with Bethenny as a friend and she should tread cautiously with this one. I'm not a Carole fan but even I was WTF that was unnecessary. 

It seems that Luann and Carole have mostly made up and have mended fences, the hugs were nice and seemed genuine. Plus Luann knew enough to usher Carole out of there after being compared to Melania. Take it as a compliment Carole no matter what you think of her or her husband.

Someone, I think in this forum, described Tinsley as Little Bo Peep, that's how I see her, all she needs is a bonnet and shepherd's staff. I think she's afraid to be alone but at 41 she really needs to grow up.

Sonaja should have known better than to even bring up Dorinda's name in regards to anything. except "would you like another drink Dorinda"

Ramona and her rooms. I would have LOVED it if she had tried to move Dorinda's things. 

Luann and her room! What the F?! She is over the top and I like Lu but chill on this shit already.

Dorinda makes made men terrified. Coming in hungover and then ordering the hair of the dog. Clip, clip clip..NEVER CHANGE (or drive yourself anywhere)

  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am not saying those two things are comparable. I am saying I don't think they are all on the same page and are talking about the same things. But here is the issue, again. Why just Beth? Lu was the one who said they had all been through the same exact things that Tinsley had been through. Right after Tinsley said she suffered physical abuse and was crying, Lu said that everyone at the table had been through what she had been through. Do you think that this is true? That all of the women at that table have been physically abused? Could be, but I doubt it. I also don't think that Lu was lying or trying to one-up her in her experiences. I don't think they understand what she is claiming happened to her at this point. Not saying they don't believe her, but they don't understand. They might have read things, but I don't think they understand all of the issues and the trauma that Tinsley suffered through. They think she was in a horrible relationship where both got physical from time to time, that Tinsley was in love with him, and that for whatever reason she kept going back. They don't get that she is a victim of domestic violence and that this is at the root of some of her problems. If they did, Lu wouldn't have said "we've all been there". 

If the rumors were true years ago, Luann does know what it is like to have someone lay their hands on her in a violent way. Remember it was rumored that the Count hit Luann at a wedding, Bethenny has never claimed that anyone hit her and she would have told the world by now had it happened. That said, if the rumor about Luann was a lie (she did deny it) then she was wrong as well. And, we already know that Bethenny/Carole Googled Tinsley, they knew she was physically abused, heck Bethenny even blogged about it last episode. 

  • Love 7

I have been watching this show too long.  I kind of understood where Luann was coming from regarding the bathroom.  I would not want to go on vacation and have some stranger using my bathroom.  A person keeps personal items in there it really isn't a public bathroom like one in a hotel lobby.  I can't imagine Sonja, Ramona, Carole, Tinsley and especially Dorinda being okay with it.  Bethenny is a public urinator so I doubt she would complain.  Second given Luann's reputation, now that she is married the last thing she needs, is some guy coming out of her bathroom.  It would not  take long before it became Luann was doing the guy in the bathroom.  I do think these women also have certain riders in their contracts and that is why some don't mind sharing a room and some never do. 

I also understood why she was pissed at Sonja.  Not only was it ridiculous that Sonja was quantifying and comparing friendships between Dorinda and Luann (Dorinda who had just been in her wedding) she was so crude in bringing up the sex stuff.  Luann is married now and much like Heather, Jill, Alex, Kristen she is choosing to leave the sex filled single days and talk of the same behind.  It is funnier though to just continue to make cracks about Luann constant mention of just being married. 

As to Tinsley, Luann's book from the excerpts I read are all about developing self confidence (and the occasional weird rule like don't let the soles of your shoes show while seated)  Luann has been debased publicly, so she could relate to Tinsley. Luann felt after her divorce she needed a partner, and in spite of the fact Jacques wanted children and she didn't, she forgot to put her needs first.   I do think Luann would probably be a good person for Tinsley to have a heart to heart with and it doesn't need to be aired.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I had a different take on the scene. While I can understand why Tinsley felt overwhelmed because she was getting commentary from all directions, I thought she committed one of the worst crimes during a conversation - she tried to make her situation seems worse than everyone else therefore minimizing their experiences, life lessons and advice they were giving. They said nothing wrong to her in my opinion. I do think Bethenny's delivery was a bit harsh, however, I think that also stemmed from the fact that after spending 5 years in very public battle with her ex-husband and her young daughter in the middle of it, for someone to say that you've never had it as bad as me and it wasn't as embarrassing because it wasn't publicized as much - well that's just insulting because it's simply not true. I didn't find Tinsley's responses to be very coherent when she was talking about being 41 and not having kids but I'm assuming that's because she was feeling very emotional and overwhelmed. I think it would go a long way for Tinsley to simply accept accountability for her decisions that have gotten her to this point and maybe then she can find the strength she needs to move on and create a happy life for herself. She knows that her living situation with Sonja isn't healthy and she missed the opportunity to address the situation with Sonja when she would have had the moral support of the women at the table who agree that she needs to leave. I find it hard to believe that Tinsley wouldn't have not one other friend that she could temporarily bunk with while she tries to get herself together.

I do think that the women were trying to defend Tinsley against Sonja's treatment of her, but I think that Tinsley's comments had the women go on the defense and they became far less genuine in the conversation because what I thought began as a conversation that had Tinsley's best interests at heart, it turned into an opportunity for all of the women to justify why their situation is similar or worse than hers.

Tinsley's experience WAS worse. Far worse IMO. It's a little confounding to me that getting repeatedly beaten to the point of black eyes, body slams, and staples in the head by a romantic partner is seen as no more dire than a nasty divorce. 

Would it would reasonable for a divorcee to ever tell Carole "For the last five years, I've been through the equivalent of what you've been through so stop right there because you have no idea"? Hey, divorcees and widows both aren't married after their spouses leave and/or die. Same thing, right?

Would it be logical by any metric for Bethenny to order an incest survivor to "stop right there because you have no idea"'since she, Bethenny, was raised by wolves?

Beyond that, the only person I saw minimizing the experiences of others was Bethenny. How else to interpret, "I've been through the equivalent of what you've been through so stop right there because you have no idea"?

Prior to that, Tinsley literally just said that "FOR ME, this was the most traumatic experience of my life," pointed out that it constituted both physical and emotional abuse, and noted that the other women still lament shit that happened years ago (hi, Ramona and Bethenny lamenting family dynamics decades in the past!) while it seems to be expected that she should be over demons from several months prior.

She didn't bring up the "public" remark until Bethenny's own attempt at false equivalence. And while she is clearly incorrect about the fact that Bethenny has experienced more media coverage than her, I think there is a stark difference between having mugshots, photographs of black eyes, and hospital reports aired in the press arena than a divorce. 


All my subjective perspective, of course.

16 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Well, there was the rumor that the Count hit Luann at some wedding, she denied it but still. Bethenny has never claimed that anyone, including her parents, beat/hit her and only Bethenny told Tinsley to "Google" her! So, Yes, Bethenny's comment was nastier IMO and again, there is no comparison between a contentious divorce and getting physically beaten, none. No one else made that comparison, only Bethenny.

Well, she did claim that stepfather John attacked her. But I don't know if it was an attack or an "attack" attack.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 17
10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

And that is why, no matter what Mrs. D'Agostino claims, she will always consider herself to be a countess. Lol.

Carole had the best line in her TH when she said that Luann really had changed since getting married, as previously she would have loved to have a random man in her bathroom. Give it time, Carole. 

Wow, I kind of wrote off Dorinda's last drunken tirade against Sonja as an unfortunate incident, but nope. She is worse that I ever remember Drunk Sonja to be. Wow. Though Sonja does seem happy to push her buttons. Did she ever produce the text that she claimed to have on her phone? But ya, Dorinda is entering Kelly of RHOC territory. Not a pretty sight. 

The reason I heart this bunch is that with the exception of drunk dorin, even though their reads are subtle, they're no less damaging than say the loud, handsy, profane stuff RHOATL will say to each other.   Debutante smile, flawless, quick, blink free and unflappable delivery, then gather up your skirts and sashay off.   How to Cut a Bitch, Intermediate Level.


10 hours ago, Lemons said:

I don't know but did Sonja try to sing "to the left, to the left" and made it was so off base that you can't be sure she's ever heard the song?

Ya'll remember that song from Arthur?  When you get caught between the moon and New York City?  lol!   She got hemmed up between Bey and the Cha Cha slide.  What a mess LMAO!!! 

10 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I just saw the preview for next week.  Did Luann just get married?  She should have mentioned it to someone.



10 hours ago, cincivic said:

Loved Ramona's passive aggressive comment about being late due to only having one sink. Ha!

Lol!!! I loved that everybody was like



10 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Dorinda has mentioned on several occasions that she has to take a nap every day.

Promptly at 4pm no less.

10 hours ago, Michichick said:

Holy hell, the entitlement from Ramona, Sonja, and Lu regarding the rooms was off the charts. I'm delighted that Carole made sure Dorinda had the best room.

I wouldn't want to hang around with drunk Dorinda in person, but I sure did enjoy the heck out of her on my TV. Best episode this season.

I loved this too.  Dorinda's such a good and accommodating hostess to them.  I loved that it hadn't even occurred to her to be pressed about where she was going to sleep.   #dickmatized.   I'd love to hang around with drunk Dorinda because....

9 hours ago, escatefromny said:

There is something appealing about Dorinda's "realness" but the trait I don't like is the propensity for low blows.  The comments (and gesture) to accompany the dig about Sonja being a hostess.  It isn't the first time she's gone down that type of road.  

well first, if you can make out what she's saying it's just damn entertaining and in real life you're never really privy to your friend's thought bubble.   She's already drunk so fuck with her if you wanna lol but if you do, you'll hear  EVERYSINGLETHING that's wrong with you whether it's relevant to the discussion or not.   That's real culturally familiar to me lol!  Let my mother get into a customer service argument over 49 cents with a manager wearing glasses and a prosthetic.  Guarantee you before we left there he was a dumbass one eye broke leg muthafucka.   Yeah.  Dorinda feels like home. 

9 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

Melania; initially Ivanna Trump! Lu helped the old fool out! 

Lol.  Neither.  She looked like *Ivania* - Carole hesitating like she was deciding whether or not to gut punch a stranger and Lu squiring her outta there was the funniest thing ever!

8 hours ago, Missmissie173 said:

Ramona and Sonja are both grossing me out this season - yuk.  No one gives zero f's about either of you two any more.  

Tinsley,  cut your hair and quit with the ultra  de la fem outfits...you are 41 not 21.  I think you have a lot to offer, but jeesh, get a hobby.  Dayum, why are you living with sicko Sonja?

Dorinda forever!


33 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

You know I don't know what's more laughable.  The 18 year old Tinsley in barrel curls and crinolines or the 40 year old Sonja buying yacht pants and producing movies.  The truth is that both of them are living in the past.  And quite frankly are closer to the Beales on all levels than Sonja and Luann ever were.  Sonja couldn't find New York society with Google and a scent hound.

I have questions.   These Elizabethan ass shirts and ruffles and such.  Post Mary, Queen of Scots and Seinfeld, circa '89, when was that a thing?   Crinolines!  I'm dying!!

2 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I didn't think the ladies were lacking in empathy speaking to Tinsley.   I saw a bunch of grown woman attempting to show her that her current living situation was holding her back.  And Bethenny didn't tell Tinsley to "Google" Bethenney's name to be an ass, but was in direct response to Tinsley claiming that their issues weren't made as public as Tinsley's were.  Regardless of your feelings about Bethenney's, her relationship with her ex has been continuously publicized.  

I found Tinsley's comment to Carol about choosing not to have children to be far more tone deaf than anything directed at her.  Carol has stated that had her husband lived, she would've had children.  Sure she could've had children with someone else, but it seems to me she shelved any idea of having kids after losing her husband.

THIS.  Thank you.  Not that my 2 cents means anything but I've maintained that this was not Carole's choice per se, more than it was her circumstance.   She was nearly 40 years old when she buried Anthony.  So the idea that from a time sensitive perspective she had the opportunity to properly grieve this man she considered the love of her life, have gotten into another relationship with a man whom himself wanted children and then sought to get pregnant, all before she would've been high risk seems so improbable to me that I hate when people tell her she made a conscious decision not to have kids.  She would've been reentering dating and nearing the end of her fertility window at the same time. 

2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Tinsley' TH during the therapy was that she got arrested and she did nothing wrong. So let's pretend that she really did think that crying until this douchebag let her come over twice in a year invalidated the RO.  She admits the cops told her NOT TO GO GET HER PURSE.  That they would do it and she was not to go on his property.  Was it a mean ass thing to do on the part of the boy child?  Yes.  Was Tinsley breaking the law.  Yes,.  She is never going to move on as a responsible adult until she can say that was a mistake.  She plead guilty.  She needs to accept that she is guilty, at least of bad judgement.

For all her talk of no more man babies that are trust fund with no ambition etc does she look in a mirror?

And thank you for this.  Look, there seems to be no doubt that she was involved in an intense and at times dangerous relationship.   How she characterizes her part in it makes me sideye her a little bit.    Something like:  I stayed too long in a volatile relationship.   According to articles she doesn't dispute, she kept showing up where he  was, including trying to bust in the house when she found out he had another woman in there.   I get the jealous woman flip out.  Once.  Okay twice if you drink.  But this shit went on for years.   Make no mistake, I'm not defending him, the guy sounds like an abusive asshole.   But she kind of makes it sound like he wouldn't leave her alone....when she was arrested crouched down in his bushes or something.


8 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I don't think it'll ever really be a thing unless it's accompanied by those hilariously goofy drunk faces Dorinda was making while saying it. She literally looked like a deranged muppet!

Speaking of deranged muppets, I'm sure they're annoying as Hell to deal with in real time, but I always love the ridiculous vacation antics of Ramona & Sonja. The drunkenly loud banter, the irksome bedroom search-and-share, the all hours drunkathon...it just never seems to end, does it? 

As far as other things I hope never end, Dorinda is a crazy drunken meatball and I'll always love her forever for every slurry classic rant she's dragged in front of the cameras. And her wacky travel disco ball, of course.

Since when did those big furry Ugg boots make a comeback? Those are so 2000-who cares.

Girl get off my mucklucks!  Lol.  I wish to hell they'd ever gone out of style then maybe I could find a pair for less than 6 bills.

  • Love 22

First Dorinda is my Drunk Spirit Animal.

Beth – it was nice seeing some of the old Beth back.  I loved that her laughing at the end of the Bronx lunch seemed like truly a real moment.  I also loved the reaction she gave Tins when she said no one has been thru abuse like her (or something to that effect) and the perfect comeback “Google me (bitch – unsaid but implied lol)” and the WTF look she gave the countess when she said “Love starts from within”.

Tins – does not want a new life, she wants her old life.  Until she realizes that she can’t go backward and decide to move forward she is a lost case that I personally have no sympathy or compassion for.  Your call if you want to exchange one controlling relationship/situation for another.

Sonja- Berkshires again? Fuckin’ really?!?!? I can’t anymore at this point. And, yes, it is rude to bring up to anyone that “Yeah, I used to fuck your husband” Luann was right to calmly make that point and to leave.  Don’t entertain it.  It was interesting that during the Tins convo it was brought up the stuffed animals in her room and Sonja said Tins liked them there, ummm no didn’t you both just have a convo specifically about the stuffed animals and how Tins wanted them out.

Luann – How long are you gonna ride the “I is murried now” train?  Because you married a man that you will be divorcing in less than 5 years does not mean you deserve to get the big room.  It’s a lot to ask from a group of women you intentionally did not invite to your wedding. Take a seat, in your downstairs bedroom  with the bathroom that you are sharing with the help. 

Ramona – Gurl WTF are you on?  You say you want to make amends but 1st thing out the gate you diss Beth’s wine in front of her. You could have simply said I would prefer the other wine end of statement. I seriously think there is slight Tourette’s problem.  So you and Sonja gonna try and pull the “we need the biggest room” BS yet again?  When she asked Carol why she didn’t suggest that D take a smaller room so that she and Sonja could have it Carol should have said – Because I don’t care where you sleep. It has clearly been established that rooms have been 1st come 1st served.  Be the first to arrive if you want a specific type of room. Finally, the asking people to serve you is not a good look that’s just demeaning to people. 

  • Love 16
3 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:



She was nearly 40 years old when she buried Anthony.  So the idea that from a time sensitive perspective she had the opportunity to properly grieve this man she considered the love of her life, have gotten into another relationship with a man whom himself wanted children and then sought to get pregnant, all before she would've been high risk seems so improbable to me that I hate when people tell her she made a conscious decision not to have kids.  She would've been reentering dating and nearing the end of her fertility window at the same time. 


According to Wikipedia she was 33.  Still plenty of time. I do sympathize though if she did want them and was shut out. But like I said before I thought that when she had lunch with her mother she said she was actually happy she didn't have them and was never really interested in having them anyway.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, BBHN said:

Maybe they all just need to open up more about their past experiences to each other?

So much common sense!

And it could actually make for much better RTV than Sonja's expired fillies.

1 hour ago, Cherrio said:
  12 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

At the Lincoln Log Luann is upset her bathroom is down the hall.

Oh Luann, it's the same when you are in NY at The Regency

Oh! My! Gosh!

i just got this!     

*bowing in KFB's general direction!!! Bwah!!!*

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

According to Wikipedia she was 33.  Still plenty of time. I do sympathize though if she did want them and was shut out. But like I said before I thought that when she had lunch with her mother she said she was actually happy she didn't have them and was never really interested in having them anyway.

Well they suck.  ;)   She's 53 now, her birthday is 8/20/63.  He died on 8/10/99.    She turned 37 10 days after his death.   

I mean I'm not purporting to know, she could be retrospectively ok with it.  I wouldnt've guessed *happy* because I remember the winsome conversation she had with Doris in London about how she'd be that obnoxious lady pushing a double stroller down a Manhattan sidewalk when both of them were talking bout how their lives would be different if their husbands had lived. 

When Dorinda discovered she'd forgotten her suitcase, I sooooooo wanted her to ask Sonja if she could borrow the negligee Richard had bought her.   #teampettyforlife

  • Love 22
17 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

The reason I heart this bunch is that with the exception of drunk dorin, even though their reads are subtle, they're no less damaging than say the loud, handsy, profane stuff RHOATL will say to each other.   Debutante smile, flawless, quick, blink free and unflappable delivery, then gather up your skirts and sashay off.   How to Cut a Bitch, Intermediate Level.


Ya'll remember that song from Arthur?  When you get caught between the moon and New York City?  lol!   She got hemmed up between Bey and the Cha Cha slide.  What a mess LMAO!!! 



Lol!!! I loved that everybody was like



Promptly at 4pm no less.

I loved this too.  Dorinda's such a good and accommodating hostess to them.  I loved that it hadn't even occurred to her to be pressed about where she was going to sleep.   #dickmatized.   I'd love to hang around with drunk Dorinda because....

well first, if you can make out what she's saying it's just damn entertaining and in real life you're never really privy to your friend's thought bubble.   She's already drunk so fuck with her if you wanna lol but if you do, you'll hear  EVERYSINGLETHING that's wrong with you whether it's relevant to the discussion or not.   That's real culturally familiar to me lol!  Let my mother get into a customer service argument over 49 cents with a manager wearing glasses and a prosthetic.  Guarantee you before we left there he was a dumbass one eye broke leg muthafucka.   Yeah.  Dorinda feels like home. 

Lol.  Neither.  She looked like *Ivania* - Carole hesitating like she was deciding whether or not to gut punch a stranger and Lu squiring her outta there was the funniest thing ever!


I have questions.   These Elizabethan ass shirts and ruffles and such.  Post Mary, Queen of Scots and Seinfeld, circa '89, when was that a thing?   Crinolines!  I'm dying!!

THIS.  Thank you.  Not that my 2 cents means anything but I've maintained that this was not Carole's choice per se, more than it was her circumstance.   She was nearly 40 years old when she buried Anthony.  So the idea that from a time sensitive perspective she had the opportunity to properly grieve this man she considered the love of her life, have gotten into another relationship with a man whom himself wanted children and then sought to get pregnant, all before she would've been high risk seems so improbable to me that I hate when people tell her she made a conscious decision not to have kids.  She would've been reentering dating and nearing the end of her fertility window at the same time. 

And thank you for this.  Look, there seems to be no doubt that she was involved in an intense and at times dangerous relationship.   How she characterizes her part in it makes me sideye her a little bit.    Something like:  I stayed too long in a volatile relationship.   According to articles she doesn't dispute, she kept showing up where he  was, including trying to bust in the house when she found out he had another woman in there.   I get the jealous woman flip out.  Once.  Okay twice if you drink.  But this shit went on for years.   Make no mistake, I'm not defending him, the guy sounds like an abusive asshole.   But she kind of makes it sound like he wouldn't leave her alone....when she was arrested crouched down in his bushes or something.


Girl get off my mucklucks!  Lol.  I wish to hell they'd ever gone out of style then maybe I could find a pair for less than 6 bills.

Zaldamowilder, I just love reading your posts! This bolded bit I nominate for The Best of PTV....laughed so hard I had to leave the area.

  • Love 10
39 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

I was taken aback by Bethenny's insult's to Carole about her "safari" outfit.  It was just a beige outfit and didn't scream safari, it just seemed like Bethenny reaches for any sort of insult or put down about people, even her close friends, just to make herself seem so funny and witty. Carole is not safe with Bethenny as a friend and she should tread cautiously with this one. I'm not a Carole fan but even I was WTF that was unnecessary. 

It seems that Luann and Carole have mostly made up and have mended fences, the hugs were nice and seemed genuine. Plus Luann knew enough to usher Carole out of there after being compared to Melania. Take it as a compliment Carole no matter what you think of her or her husband.

Someone, I think in this forum, described Tinsley as Little Bo Peep, that's how I see her, all she needs is a bonnet and shepherd's staff. I think she's afraid to be alone but at 41 she really needs to grow up.

Sonaja should have known better than to even bring up Dorinda's name in regards to anything. except "would you like another drink Dorinda"

Ramona and her rooms. I would have LOVED it if she had tried to move Dorinda's things. 

Luann and her room! What the F?! She is over the top and I like Lu but chill on this shit already.

Dorinda makes made men terrified. Coming in hungover and then ordering the hair of the dog. Clip, clip clip..NEVER CHANGE (or drive yourself anywhere)

I do believe Vulture agrees with you:  http://www.vulture.com/2017/06/rhony-recap-season-9-episode-13.html

  • Love 2

I think kids are an afterthought to Tinsley. She is clearly in victim mode, and it's one more way for her to feel sorry for herself. Nah, not feeling The Tinz. She sets women back several decades. As another poster said, wisely, "Grow up!" Am I mean? Yepper. Because I haven't been allowed to prance around in fancy frocks and barrel curls. Some of us have had to WORK for a living.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Luann admonishing the ladies for not saving the best room for her because she's a newlywed. This is the Lu I know and dislike. And this is why I don't care if her marriage falls apart in front of everyone's eyes. Because she's a fake, phony, entitled bitch! Bethenny is 100% right about that. 

Bethenny laughing hysterically and practically falling on the floor at the Bronx lunch was so funny!  

Honestly, this LuAnn never left. Some folks got amnesia because of the "Be cool. Don't be all, like, uncool" but LuAnn has only ever cared about her issues and has expected that others prioritize her over themselves. It reared its ugly head last season when she followed Jules out onto the front porch to bitch about Bethenny while Jules was still going through it about her father's illness and hospitalization. Like, LuAnn knew this about Jules, and she glossed over it to talk about how Bethenny was acting toward her. 

Of course, LuAnn this time around would expect that these women (1) whom she did not invite to her wedding but (2) whom she did invite to some janky ass, post-wedding cocktail mixer in the smallest conference room at the Red Roof Inn (3) would not only give her the best room in a vacation home to which she was invited but (4) would be aghast that the chef who's cooking for her entitled ass relieved himself in the bathroom she also uses. 

18 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I loved this too.  Dorinda's such a good and accommodating hostess to them.  I loved that it hadn't even occurred to her to be pressed about where she was going to sleep.   #dickmatized.   I'd love to hang around with drunk Dorinda because....

But wait. Who knew that John was slinging D like that?! Dorinda forgot whole ass luggage because he put it down like that? Although, now that I'm remembering, when she went with Carole to London, there was that moment where Dorinda's friend said she remembered when Dorin told her that she met John, and that he was endowed not only in the belly region but elsewhere...

  • Love 20

Can we talk about the Lincoln Log house for a minute?  It left me cold.  Literally, cold.  I think Bethenny even said she was freezing and I don't think that leaving their hats on was just for fashion's sake.  Also, figuratively it was cold.  Sure, it was big but the décor was so meh and generic. The driveway hadn't been cleared so they waded through snow to the front door, which is fun, but there wasn't even a rug in the foyer.  Did the owners hide all the carpets and accessories knowing this crew was coming through?

C'mon Bravo.  If we're gonna go log cabin, either go elegant log cabin....



OR...full on log cabin.  Wasted house porn opportunity.


  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Well they suck.  ;)   She's 53 now, her birthday is 8/20/63.  He died on 8/10/99.    She turned 37 10 days after his death.   

I mean I'm not purporting to know, she could be retrospectively ok with it.  I wouldnt've guessed *happy* because I remember the winsome conversation she had with Doris in London about how she'd be that obnoxious lady pushing a double stroller down a Manhattan sidewalk when both of them were talking bout how their lives would be different if their husbands had lived. 

When Dorinda discovered she'd forgotten her suitcase, I sooooooo wanted her to ask Sonja if she could borrow the negligee Richard had bought her.   #teampettyforlife

Ok, went back and double checked, and it's correct now. :)

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 2

Production at work in the Bronx, stranger at the next table told Carole she looked like Melania Trump...loved Lu's response and then hustled her out of there.  Then we get the complete different side of Lu at the ski house, she is ticked off because she did not get the nicest room in the house because after all she did just get married.  Is that some sort of condition now like an addiction where you need special treatment from the people you dissed from your wedding guest list?

Ramona is unwatchable.

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

From Vulture: Then Bethenny starts picking on the outfits that everyone wears. She accuses Carole of dressing for a safari, but what was this excursion except a safari to gawk and gape at the authentic white people that the Bronx is so well known for? She also makes fun of Tinsley for dressing like she’s going to lunch, but as Tinz points out, the ladies are going out to lunch and this is how she dresses for such an occasion. Don’t harsh Tinz for just being herself, out-of-date curled hair and all. Meanwhile, just look at what Bethenny is wearing. It’s some faux-fur green-and-black vest thing that surely cost upwards of $500. And it isn’t even that cute. She looks like the only woman ever admitted to the Night’s Watch. She is the sword in the darkness, the watcher on the walls, the bitch who screams at everyone at her own luncheon.

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Not that Lu isn't ridiculous but I can't imagine a house that size with the bedrooms upstairs and one in the basement didn't have at least a powder room on the main level.

I believe Luann got the staff quarters.  I would not pleased if someone I didn't know was sharing my bathroom.  It wasn't like she was complaining about the production crew.  It was someone she didn't know. 

24 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Where was the guy supposed to take a pee? He was a stranger to all of them. Should he have had to go outside?  Again, a gal who doesn't mind a naked random guy sleeping in an adjoining room without her consent shouldn't be that bothered when a guy has a need to take a pee. And remember, when the gals in T&C mentioned that they had all of their personal stuff in the bathroom Lu thought they were making too much of it all. But the real "Countess" deal was expecting a special room because she had just gotten married. Ri-dic-u-lous. 

Maybe he wasn't peeing. 

I agree in that it should not have been because she had just gotten married but damn a room in the basement.  Luann is her own worst enemy often times with her statements. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

For some reason, this guy has me in stitches even still this morning.  His expression.  Even the fact that it looks like he's eating salad makes it funnier to me, and I don't know why.  DY.ING.

I know it's my bias showing through, but when Lu told Tinsley "we've all been through that" it seemed like generic soothing but when Bethenny started in I was like "ugh, shut it, yes you win the misery competition always."  Although, Lu was totally ridiculous about needing a better room because she just got married.  You are last to arrive, you get the worst room.  The end.

Loved that guy, too!! That pic is making me laugh.

Also love this, and can relate, as I had it about pitooey ol' Heather...I got to the point where almost anything she said or did bugged me. Stupid Heather! walking down the street, like a person who's walking.  So typical! So annoying!  ;)

Honest. as a non-Bethenny hater, I thought that was her brash, insensitive, self-absorbed way of trying to show Tinsley that she's not alone, and that she can relate to public embarrassment and an abusive/ "abusive" relationship; she got through it and Tins will, too. (This is no comment on the actual events, the nature of any relationships, any bruises, etc -- merely a comment about what I think Beth was doing there.)

When I relate a story about some bad thing that's happened to me and someone chimes in with their version, I feel comforted by that, like someone gets what I am talking about.  Other people may view it as "attempting to make it about her", etc., but I never really see it that way, and that's why I think it was just typical Beth insensitivity and not a demonstration of the "evil" that lurks within.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

mean I'm not purporting to know, she could be retrospectively ok with it.  I wouldnt've guessed *happy* because I remember the winsome conversation she had with Doris in London about how she'd be that obnoxious lady pushing a double stroller down a Manhattan sidewalk when both of them were talking bout how their lives would be different if their husbands had lived. 

Some people feel uneasy enough about the world we live in, that they are okay with not bringing another generation into it. 

**I'm not saying that's true of anybody we're talking about, here. But I know people who a decade ago wanted children but were diagnosed as infertile.  As time went by, they came to terms with it; were even okay with it. 

People change, is what I'm saying.

  • Love 7

Well, there was the rumor that the Count hit Luann at some wedding, she denied it but still. Bethenny has never claimed that anyone, including her parents, beat/hit her and only Bethenny told Tinsley to "Google" her! So, Yes, Bethenny's comment was nastier IMO and again, there is no comparison between a contentious divorce and getting physically beaten, none. No one else made that comparison, only Bethenny.

I suppose if we keep repeating a rumor on here that the person involved denies ever happening, it'll be taken as fact?

No, what Beth said wasn't nasty, she was just making a point about her own life. Much like say, Luann was as well, as per below...


II am not saying those two things are comparable. I am saying I don't think they are all on the same page and are talking about the same things. But here is the issue, again. Why just Beth? Lu was the one who said they had all been through the same exact things that Tinsley had been through. Right after Tinsley said she suffered physical abuse and was crying, Lu said that everyone at the table had been through what she had been through. Do you think that this is true? That all of the women at that table have been physically abused? Could be, but I doubt it. I also don't think that Lu was lying or trying to one-up her in her experiences. I don't think they understand what she is claiming happened to her at this point. Not saying they don't believe her, but they don't understand. They might have read things, but I don't think they understand all of the issues and the trauma that Tinsley suffered through. They think she was in a horrible relationship where both got physical from time to time, that Tinsley was in love with him, and that for whatever reason she kept going back. They don't get that she is a victim of domestic violence and that this is at the root of some of her problems. If they did, Lu wouldn't have said "we've all been there". 

I do find it strange that in a conversation most of the women were involved in, especially Luann, only Bethenny gets focused on? Strange...


I was taken aback by Bethenny's insult's to Carole about her "safari" outfit.  It was just a beige outfit and didn't scream safari, it just seemed like Bethenny reaches for any sort of insult or put down about people, even her close friends, just to make herself seem so funny and witty. Carole is not safe with Bethenny as a friend and she should tread cautiously with this one. I'm not a Carole fan but even I was WTF that was unnecessary. 

To me it seemed like a joke between friends, nothing more.


And thank you for this.  Look, there seems to be no doubt that she was involved in an intense and at times dangerous relationship.   How she characterizes her part in it makes me sideye her a little bit.    Something like:  I stayed too long in a volatile relationship.   According to articles she doesn't dispute, she kept showing up where he  was, including trying to bust in the house when she found out he had another woman in there.   I get the jealous woman flip out.  Once.  Okay twice if you drink.  But this shit went on for years.   Make no mistake, I'm not defending him, the guy sounds like an abusive asshole.   But she kind of makes it sound like he wouldn't leave her alone....when she was arrested crouched down in his bushes or something.

And thank you for this, ZaldamoWilder.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

What the women and a lot of other missed was that Tinsley was saying she wasn't ready to live on her own. She was physically beaten, badly, she was emotionally beaten as well, all of which makes a person fearful to be alone and question their gut instincts/thoughts, well makes them question everything they do/think. She wants to live with someone that isn't trying to control her, which is what Sonja is doing.

I;m kind of on the fence about this. I do think Sonja has the right to make the rules in her own home and to expect a guest to follow them.  But the mother henning from Sonja Morgan of all people, meh, I don't know how valuable that is. 

I understand that Tinsley does not want to live alone, and also doesn't want anyone telling her what to do.  For that reason, I think she should get her own place (where she gets to make the rules, and no one tells her what she can and cannot do) and then find a roommate so she doesn't have to be on her own.  

But her resentment of Sonja and her buzzkilling rules is coming across like teenage angst.

  • Love 6

Ok, I thought Tinsley's outburst was weird -- all the ladies were encouraging her to get out of Sonja's house, and since Tinsley has been whining about living with Sonja for weeks -- I thought they were spot on.  Tinsley is very immature and needs to move on or move back with her mommy.  Her visit with her boring therapist was a snooze.

Dorinda, I don't like how mean you get when you are drunk.  You are great when you are sober, except for being two-faced.

Ramona and Sonja are just juvenile.....stop it with the sleeping together.  Loved how Ramona kept her hat on inside just like Bethenny.  Ramona is a poser and looked horrible in her too tight jeans/muffin top.  It's time for Ramona to go....she ruined the ski trip.  Sonja is much more tolerable when Ramona isn't around.

Loved Carole giving Dorinda the "big" room.  That was a fun scene.

Lu --- please --  STFU about your bedroom and bathroom being down the hall.

It cannot be said enough ---  go away Ramona.

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am not saying those two things are comparable. I am saying I don't think they are all on the same page and are talking about the same things. But here is the issue, again. Why just Beth? Lu was the one who said they had all been through the same exact things that Tinsley had been through. Right after Tinsley said she suffered physical abuse and was crying, Lu said that everyone at the table had been through what she had been through. Do you think that this is true? That all of the women at that table have been physically abused? Could be, but I doubt it. I also don't think that Lu was lying or trying to one-up her in her experiences. I don't think they understand what she is claiming happened to her at this point. Not saying they don't believe her, but they don't understand. They might have read things, but I don't think they understand all of the issues and the trauma that Tinsley suffered through. They think she was in a horrible relationship where both got physical from time to time, that Tinsley was in love with him, and that for whatever reason she kept going back. They don't get that she is a victim of domestic violence and that this is at the root of some of her problems. If they did, Lu wouldn't have said "we've all been there". 

Hiya, MCM!  My thought is that LuLu was being LuLu!  :D  She has a tendency to jump ahead of conversations to sound like an authority (sometimes without listening) and was basically saying 'they've all been through divorce, break-ups etc' (IMO excluding abuse).  She was just too busy being the center of the conversation to actually hear the conversation.

Rehearsed/planned lines come in to play.  All her wedding lines were planned I bet.  And, Ramona....there's a reason she talks over everyone...they need to follow her script. :D 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

I agree.  But that lifestyle has been her reality her whole life.  Big earning daddies and mommies who lunch and fund raise. Trustfunds R Us.

She most certainly needs to find another way - unless she latches on to another big wallet that truly does love her and whom she loves back.  Then she can resume her life in the fairy princess manner she's accustomed to.  I don't fault her for wanting that. Marriage with love and tons of cash - or marriage with love and living paycheck to paycheck.  I know which one I'd choose.  Single with tons of cash?  Single with no money?  Don't judge me, I'd still go for marriage with love and an unlimited checking account.

She's got a lot of work ahead of her.  Society expects her to be with a man with money/prestige.  So it would be very difficult for her to get out of that deeply ingrained head space that says nothing less than that will do. I think Dale would make it difficult for her if Tinz settled for a blue color guy. 

I feel sorry for her because she's just figuring this out at 41 and she wants kids. 

That said, her voice grates my nerves.  But I thought her outfit at the therapist's office was beautiful.  In spite of the busy neckline.

The idea that Tinsley has never worked and was just a trust fund baby is incorrect.  After she graduated from an Ivy League school she went to work, not a s intern, for Vogue.  She then went to work for a prestigious PR firm Harrison & Shriftman, as an event planner.  Once her status as a socialite began to take off she had a handbag line with Samantha Thavasa and a clothing line sold exclusively in Japan.  She was very popular in Japan and continued to promote her product lines in Japan.  Tinsley was a beauty ambassador  She did serve on event committees American Museum of Natural History and the Bronx Zoo.  She wrote a book and contribute a section to best seller.  Tothis day she still has a product line at Bed, Bath & Beyond.  So in addition to family money she has worked, written books, modeled and had product lines.  When she moved to Florida, where her divorced parents lived.  Her mother continued to manage the family money after the divorce as her father was a bit eccentric  http://guestofaguest.com/new-york/tinsley-mortimer/tinsley-mortimers-dad-george-mercer-model-of-a-modern-major-general  he was even removed from the courtroom in a subsequent divorce proceeding (not Tinsley's mom) for obstructive behavior.  

Anyway I just think her background has been marginalized  as far as work goes.  Much like any number of RHs she used a public profile to launch products, a book and continues to work in the family business. She is now dating a guy Carole introduced that founded Coupon Cabin-hardly a blue blood or trust fund kind of guy.  I m guessing society probably isn't interested in reality show stars. 

I think she probably always wanted children because she took the step to have her eggs frozen.  It was unfortunate it didn't work out with her first husband, who she claims is her best friend. 

  • Love 15

All I know is next time Bravo does a Best Of countdown, Dorinda's "cliiiip! cliiiip! cliiip!" followed by a modified D-Generation X crotch chop better be number one. 

There has never been anything more ridiculous/bizarre/hilarious/embarrassing/inappropriate to happen on any Housewives show.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
  • Love 6

There is a bit of irony when Bethenny comments on Luann and her not inviting Bethenny to her wedding.  Bethenny didn't invite Luann to her wedding.  The only current RH to have been invited to a RH wedding are Ramona to Bethenny's and Dorinda to Luann's.  Although Luann has known Tinsley I can't imagine why she would think she should be invited to Luann's wedding.  Just because one didn't go to the wedding doesn't make the marriage any less real.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Leave Uggs alone!!!  I own a pair. They are monogrammed and people LOVE them. 

Oh I owned a pair of them too in light pink---the Ugg Fluff Mommas---over 10 years ago back when they were still considered high fashion and back when Tinsley Mortimer was still considered an "It Girl." I just don't understand how Mizz So-Called style-expert Bethenny could sit there and judge other people's outfits when she was in VT dressed like Sundance Festival Paris Hilton circa 2006. 

On the plus side, I sold those Uggs a few years ago for far more money than I originally paid for them, so maybe the Fluff Momma's are finally making a big furry comeback. They are comfy!

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

There is a bit of irony when Bethenny comments on Luann and her not inviting Bethenny to her wedding.  Bethenny didn't invite Luann to her wedding.  The only current RH to have been invited to a RH wedding are Ramona to Bethenny's and Dorinda to Luann's.  Although Luann has known Tinsley I can't imagine why she would think she should be invited to Luann's wedding.  Just because one didn't go to the wedding doesn't make the marriage any less real.

Don't think B's (or anyone else's) comments had to actually do with not being invited to the wedding or making the marriage less real.  Don't think anyone wanted to go truthfully.  Lu's plan to make the wedding the focal point of all conversations failed.  Think the women were letting Lu know that they weren't there so there wasn't anything they wanted to say or hear and enough already.  Dorinda was there and she came right out and said enough already.

  • Love 10

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