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S05.E13: Support

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Nate and Shelia's art project was not 'well with my soul'. They could have done so more better/more. 

"It Is Well With My Soul" is a hymn my family sings in times of grief - meant to be a comfort. I liked that, although I couldn't quite tell what that art project would look like when finished.

2 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Cody letting it out about not having sex yet .. He's stupid as a fox.  That was the ultimate humiliation for Danielle.  She looked like she was going to kill him.  Karma is a bitch.  

She was embarrassed, you could tell. And then the other couples were kind of politely like " ... Really?" I mean, look. If it hasn't happened yet, it's not going to. Hang this one up!

  • Love 6

Danielle had to harp on the fact that Cody isn't aggressive enough or dominant enough one more time. What triggered it this time? Was it when the other men admitted to fighting with their spouses? I can't recall. Her mouth & hanky hair bug me. We get it lady, you're just not that into him. He's not your ex. He's not manly enough. You don't desire him. And, oh yeah, he's not your ex. I FF through Cody & Danielle's stuff. They are so awkward & so obviously uninterested in each other it's boring to even listen to. 

Any more I feel like most of what we're seeing with Ash & Ant and Nate & Shelia is all convoluted, producer driven misdirection. I expect both couples to say yes to continuing. If they make it or not who knows. 

  • Love 7

I'm so sick of Cody. He needs to go find a glory hole or something. Not having sex for 4 weeks (or 6 I guess since he stopped banging every night 2 weeks before the wedding) is the hardest thing you've ever done in your life? Welp. Danielle isn't perfect, but I can't stand his face and every time he talks.

The best part was the preview for next week. Sheila and Nate with their fights and then happy together with no inbetween is strange. I'm hoping it all comes to a head but the preview is probably a fake out.

  • Love 7

OMG that whole thing with the "bags" was just so producer driven bullshit. With her part on Unfiltered last week she said it all there and so did he. 

Seriously!!! Danielle didn't know Cody's grandma was dying and that this was what was up? OMG kind of hard to be vocal when its obvious she wants nothing to do with him really. She just needs to stop. The lean on her for support, blah blah blah blah blah. UGH OMG that meal was so awkward with his brother and friend. Funny that we have seen him eat on camera before and not eat that way that any of us noticed. I get not its gross but the girl will nitpick at anything and everything no matter what. She doesn't get her talking about that is showing she is not ready to be in a relationship, let alone married. 

OMG calvin just shut up. They aren't dealing with it because a camera is in their damn faces and you, along with producers push for this shit to happen. If they are able to deal with it off camera then what does that say? So calvin, pepper and rachel, SHUT UP!!! Of course pepper worries if they are "solving" their "issues" because they can't butt in to set it on fire if there is no cameras in place to catch them talking. I would bet Sheila was yelling at the producer about not wanting to do this and not Nate. Just maybe if they all just butt out and let things play out naturally they would be getting told off and have any of the couples waiting to discuss things in private.  PLEASE pepper you are not there to support them but to plant whatever seeds of doubt and light whatever fires again to cause "drama". That art project was so bad. Its not what it said but just how it was done and looked in the end that was just terrible. 

LMAO at the faces they used in that scene for the Cody/Danielle sex issues. Then Nate's in the TH. That was funny. Hey its not like it isn't a big issue...besides her not stepping it up and saying she doesn't like him. More blah blah bs from pepper in that on them giving support...please as if they ever do. 

I am going to say most the previews are bs for next week and will end up not being as big a deal as we are suppose to believe. It is the show's stupid pattern. Of course we have nasty drooling rachel to butt in again next week. UGH

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Damn, I thought Cody was getting a shit edit before!  I'm with Danielle on things like people talking with food in their mouths.  That's absolutely disgusting and betrays a complete lack of home training.  However, I hate this little cat and mouse game she's playing with him.  She isn't attracted to him and she never will be.  If I were him, there's no way I would admit to practically everyone in sight that I haven't had sex with my wife (well, "wife").  I hope to God Danielle has told him away from the cameras that there's no chance of having sex, but let's just play along so we can get paid.

My money's on this because could he be THAT clueless to out their bedroom issue to the whole group if he thought he had a chance of making it with her?  I doubt it.  But then again he is pretty clueless so who knows?

I think the two of them are just waiting for their checks by this time, though. They don't seem mad at each other and it looks to me like they've talked it out off camera and are resolved about it.  The only thing "poor sex starved Cody" is ticked off about is that he didn't get a token piece of ass to take with him as a memento, hence his sour grapes/producer inspired "announcement".

I wonder if Sheila was thinking about her lack of orgasm issue when he made his little "announcement".  It's as bad as if she announced that to the group!  Can you imagine?  LOL  Thank goodness she has more sense than that!

You guys are cracking me up with the dramatic music setting us up for "much ado about nothing", I was thinking that all through myself!  It's so mismatched with what's going on on-screen that the audience is on to their attempts to create drama.  So why don't they just go for the "everything is wonderful" angle like they do with the clip shows of the season 1 couples (Jason/Cortney and Jamie/Doug)?  Do they think the only reason people watch these shows is to see train wrecks?  Because they're WRONG.  They just don't know how to make success interesting!  So because of that they try to instigate trouble between them?  How stupid!  I guess they don't realize that a fair amount of people want to see these couples succeed, not fail!

I fell asleep during the last part but it seems like I didn't miss very much.  Cody eating like a slob is no surprise.  He is obviously the product of lazy parenting like so many young people these days.  That nobody slapped him or any of these snowflakes upside the head for saying stuff like "Danielle and I's" or "Me and Danielle" when they were growing up is proof right there because I KNOW their parents weren't allowed to get away it!

I said to Mr. 'Puss, "When you were a kid, wasn't there always an adult around (any adult, not even just your parents) to correct you when you said stuff like that?"  He said, "Yes, and every adult had license to correct you, and it was everyone's duty to raise us correctly".  Today parents would act offended if anyone else corrected their children, and yet they don't correct them either.  I've heard that grammar isn't even taught in school anymore.  That's why we have an entire generation that doesn't know basic grammar.  Don't get me started!

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 8

Cody gets worse for me every episode, especially when I consider his Unfiltered footage!! The way he was talking about "getting something sweet" and getting some booty and just his whole demeanor was so disgusting to me. It's like he was trying to put on some cool guy front for Jamie. I find him nauseating. The way his spit gathers in his mouth when he talks and how nasal he is would drive me insane. And the lip smacking while eating???? Disgusting!! I feel bad for Danielle. They're a terrible match.

Anthony and Ashley are my favorite. They seem really natural together. Sheila and Nate bug me. They seem like they might stay together, but their relationship is kind of volatile. 

I'm glad I found this forum! No one I know watches this show. My husband was sleeping on the couch next to me as I watched and talked to the TV (mostly, "get over it, Cody!!! Four weeks isn't that long to go without sex!! Just wait until you have kids!"

  • LOL 1
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

They do so not sure why people assume otherwise.

I've read that grammar is not being taught systematically like it was back in the stone ages when I was a kid.  We had sentence diagrams, identifying subject/object/nouns/verbs, etc.  I know that this is not being taught in schools today.  I have no idea what they teach now but it's not the systematic version and as far as I'm concerned it's not teaching anything because it's obviously not working!  I see these mistakes across the board on TV with young people so it's not just a few people here and there.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, JAndy said:

Cody is really pissing me off with the "me and Danielle haven't been having sex". Ok Cody... We all get it by now. But yes, in private she needs to just tell him that she's just not into him. 

This annoys me in more ways than one.   First, it's "Danielle and I."  And every word he speaks ending in "ing" becomes "in'."  "We're goin' to dinner with my brother."  "We're workin' on it."  And how did it all of a sudden become totally Danielle's issue that they aren't having sex?  Didn't Cody blow her off and ignore her the one night they were going to go out? Didn't he say somethin' (!) early on about takin' it slow?  The producers have made her look like a cold shrew and he's the crackly-voiced, desperate pre-adolescent with the "needs" and the raging hormones.  Ugh, please.  I'd bet they've already agreed this is a sham and that they'll play nice until the decision is made.

Sheila is continuing with her mouth contortions and talking incessantly about marrying a "shtranger."  OK, we get it.  The editing is so bad I'm getting whiplash... we go from "everything is perfect; I got more than I could have asked for," to "I'M DONE!  I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" in 90 seconds.  She needs a mood stabilizer.  But the dog is cute, and when she's feeling agreeable, they seem to be doing OK.

Anthony and Ashley are all right, but again- the manufactured drama and terrible edits are making it seem more interesting than it really is.  They get along. They're going to try.  She really doesn't have an issue with playing "Bags" but hey, the audience is sleepy!  Pretend to make it a big issue!

  • Love 5

Danielle and Cody both annoy me.  I think they are friends- it is hard to know how much of my annoyance is from producer interence.  "Talk about the lack of sex again". IRK!

Sheila is scary.  I have mentioned before that she reminds me of a volatile houseparent from the deaf school who tried to control my emotions, movements, thoughts, behaviors, clothing, etc., in the name of God.  She has issues.  O.M.G.  That one scares me.  It has been decades since I left the deaf school but Sheila is an uncanny replica of my houseparent.  I do not foresee them lasting a long time.  Nate will end up emotionally scarred by her emotional outbursts.

Ashley and Cody are cute.  Not much to say about them, just hope the faux therapists don't mess with them too much.

  • Love 7

It is getting harder and harder to watch this show.

I am sure the contestants watched past seasons and knew what to expect.  Sheila doesn't want to play the game.

she seems to be so hot and cold.  When she is mad, the world must stop and oblige her?  Maybe this is why she has had so much trouble finding a partner. And her absence of "chocolate" is more  like her giving up control of the situation than an emotional thing.

Danielle - so she never had a one night stand/ a guy she dated a few times.  She cant be embarrassed by the comments at the joint meeting.  The question at the table was what is your biggest problem.

there is something about her, I just cant stand.  She tries to portray herself as younger and sexier with the clothes hanging off her body, those nasty bangs and stringy hair. To me, it just makes her look even older.  I think this is like so many of the others from past seasons, she is promoting her business.  Trying not to look bad so she can show how much her training can help. 

Ashley and Anthony are cute together, when the Experts leave them alone, they do very well together

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think I get Sheila.  Maybe she realizes the experts are full of it and doesn't want their "help."

Yeah, but she shouldn't take it out on Nate. She's very moody and I don't see Nate as the type of guy that wants to walk on eggshells all the time just to make sure she's not gonna get mad at something. 


11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Cody just threw Danielle under the bus about not having sex! 

He is freakin' fed up about it. Especially seeing how his brother is getting it on with no problem...


11 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

n't turned on/wants sex with Cody. Did you see how he eats and talks with his mouth open? Yuck. 

Speaking of eating, did anyone notice Anthony stabbing that chicken cutlet he made and then turning his fork backwards to put it in his mouth? Holy shit, total turnoff. He eats like a 5 yr. old. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think I get Sheila.  Maybe she realizes the experts are full of it and doesn't want their "help."

I think the problem is... you can't hold someone emotionally hostage because you are having an issue.  She knew she was getting married to a stranger.  Maybe she does not want their issues on camera but what does she think she is doing???  Her antics are putting everything on camera, even more than any perceived issue.  She is obnoxious, rude, and thinks she has the right answers to all their problems.

I noticed in the previews for next week Nate was shattered and crying.  Damn girl- why would you crush a man's soul like that?  

Of course it could be producer manipulation.  Maybe she dropped that stupid soul painting on his toe.  

  • Love 9

I rolled my eyes so hard watching this show I think I sprained my eye muscles...I hope I recover before next week's episode...not...

Angie( my brows are rock stars) and Charlie (how did you learn table manners and Cody didn't) and their continued budding relationship are trotted out to center stage as a  contrast to the sexless, joyless, bitter hot mess of a situation that Danielle and Cody are trying keep afloat until the Decision show.

The pizza looked delicious until Cody decided to make it SEE FOOD...which we got to see smashing against his chompers in HD.

Nothing in the deep dish scene is news to the 4 participants...just another producer driven vignette to eat up minutes for the show.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 4
11 hours ago, ramble said:

Danielle had to harp on the fact that Cody isn't aggressive enough or dominant enough one more time. What triggered it this time? Was it when the other men admitted to fighting with their spouses? I can't recall. Her mouth & hanky hair bug me. We get it lady, you're just not that into him. He's not your ex. He's not manly enough. You don't desire him. And, oh yeah, he's not your ex. I FF through Cody & Danielle's stuff. They are so awkward & so obviously uninterested in each other it's boring to even listen to. 

Any more I feel like most of what we're seeing with Ash & Ant and Nate & Shelia is all convoluted, producer driven misdirection. I expect both couples to say yes to continuing. If they make it or not who knows. 

Danielle is just acting the part, and a good actress she isn't.  She's not as hot as she thinks she is, and bringing Cody to the park where she used to go with her ex was stupid and mean.  What was the purpose of that?  The hand holding, as someone said, is just to throw viewers off the track.  What's really funny is the fact that those three dumb "experts" matched them together.  I just can't take their bullshit anymore either.  

  • Love 4

Cody letting it out about not having sex yet .. He's stupid as a fox.  That was the ultimate humiliation for Danielle.  She looked like she was going to kill him.  Karma is a bitch.  

Actually it is frustration more than stupidity.  It is well documented that they are not having sex and the other couples will know it soon enough anyway. She also comments about not being ready for sex yet on every episode.   It is what it is...not exactly a secret.  It's pretty obvious that Cody is going to say No on decision day....no one wants a sexless marriage.  I doubt if she is suddenly going to change once the cameras are off.  Of course we already know what her decision is as well.  She even made a comment about how assertive Nate was and wished Cody was more like that.  You can't change who he is Danielle.  And, he is no longer a stranger so stop with that BS.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, Palomar said:

Actually it is frustration more than stupidity.  It is well documented that they are not having sex and the other couples will know it soon enough anyway. She also comments about not being ready for sex yet on every episode.   It is what it is...not exactly a secret.  It's pretty obvious that Cody is going to say No on decision day....no one wants a sexless marriage.  I doubt if she is suddenly going to change once the cameras are off.  Of course we already know what her decision is as well.  She even made a comment about how assertive Nate was and wished Cody was more like that.  You can't change who he is Danielle.  And, he is no longer a stranger so stop with that BS.

Ha ha, no no no !   it's a saying meaning he may appear stupid, but is actually smart like a fox by telling everyone at the table and getting revenge on Danielle.  That's how I took it anyhow.  She's been humiliating him all along by saying he wasn't a man's man, etc.  so he finally got her back.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

I've read that grammar is not being taught systematically like it was back in the stone ages when I was a kid.  We had sentence diagrams, identifying subject/object/nouns/verbs, etc.  I know that this is not being taught in schools today.  I have no idea what they teach now but it's not the systematic version and as far as I'm concerned it's not teaching anything because it's obviously not working!  I see these mistakes across the board on TV with young people so it's not just a few people here and there.

Not to take it off topic but considering I have kids in school still and see the work (especially since I home school my youngest) I do know this is part of their schooling. With my youngest child's work it is harped on over and over and over again in the books we have had the last few years. TV young people isn't everyone either so I don't think it can be assumed schools aren't teaching something because those on TV don't have the grammar all want. As well as the fact is some people don't click with those subjects so they don't learn all those things as easily as others. Just like math doesn't always click for some like it does for others. 

2 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I noticed in the previews for next week Nate was shattered and crying.  Damn girl- why would you crush a man's soul like that?  

Of course it could be producer manipulation.  Maybe she dropped that stupid soul painting on his toe.  

I am not sure but it looks like he says something to her that leads her to leave and then he is crying. That is the way the preview had it going but like we all know producer manipulation is the name of this show's game. So who knows....yet I still don't like him. I still think he talks a good game and that is what he is doing. 

  • Love 4

Danielle's shocked look that Cody told the others they weren't having sex was just a bit too much.  Does she think the cameras are not really recording?  Does she think the others couples won't watch the show when it aires?  Or does she think that Cody is so smitten with her that he would not dare to say such a thing?  She wanted a manly man, well here he is-telling things about their marriage to others.  I think she really wants to control their narrative so that she totally looks good and when they decide not to stay married that the viewers will feel sorry for her.  I did like how Anthony suggested that the men go and talk together as that seemed to diffuse the tension a bit.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, snorkels said:

Cody gets worse for me every episode, especially when I consider his Unfiltered footage!! The way he was talking about "getting something sweet" and getting some booty and just his whole demeanor was so disgusting to me. It's like he was trying to put on some cool guy front for Jamie. I find him nauseating. The way his spit gathers in his mouth when he talks and how nasal he is would drive me insane. And the lip smacking while eating???? Disgusting!! I feel bad for Danielle. They're a terrible match.


Maybe the driving factor for Cody, why he went to the trouble to go on the show in the first place was in fact "getting something sweet" and getting some booty" and anything else gained would simply be icing on the cake. Maybe he's never actually 'done it'.  

The thing with being so protective with Danielle's feelings is possibly no more than a ruse, an excuse - I mean, I have never seen a man any less 'manly' - except my gay male friend.  If I were paired up with a Cody and he didn't come on to me (Like Cody) I would assume he was gay or he just didn't like what he saw.  Men are considered the aggressors because they generally are.  Even the worst lover can initiate something by grabbing a boob, or a quick kiss on the neck. 

He just lays there.

I assume it was this way almost from the beginning - because Danielle brought his lack of aggressiveness to the fore. 

  • Love 4

 Good ol' Anthony...removing Cody before Danielle lunges at him from across the table to shut him up...


Cody thinks sex is the last "peas of the pie" which I think he meant last piece of the puzzle for their marriage to be successful.

Cody...you have a Cable TV relationship where you spend more talking to the M@FS producers and crew than to Danielle.

BTW...where are Homie and Dude?

Think that Danielle and the pooches have moved back to her place...a page out of Sean "Christian Grey's" playbook...living mostly in New Jersey...for work...

She shows up after going to her apt., walking the dogs , changing out of her scrubs into clothes for her "scenes " at the townhouse.


Interesting that Sheila describes herself as vicious when it comes to arguing.

It rings too much of an unwillingness to compromise and not respecting the rules of healthy disagreement.

Bodes poorly for N8.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Sheila is continuing with her mouth contortions and talking incessantly about marrying a "shtranger."  OK, we get it.  The editing is so bad I'm getting whiplash... we go from "everything is perfect; I got more than I could have asked for," to "I'M DONE!  I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" in 90 seconds.  She needs a mood stabilizer.  But the dog is cute, and when she's feeling agreeable, they seem to be doing OK.

She is toxic. Nate- please run the other way, and don't blame yourself for this debacle. Blame the producers and especially the psychologists overseeing the choice of partners. They should have been more selective in weeding out the noxious beings from the ones with heart. From the beginning, she said something to the effect- she spent the last 10 years trying to convince men, (and that's all I remember) .  She starts her sentences with 'I' and talks about herself'. She sees nothing but herself and her sad little world. Nate is little more than an accessory. She is incapable of true love - and she hasn't a clue. She said herself that she doesn't care what other people think. 

  • Love 5

Ha ha, no no no !   it's a saying meaning he may appear stupid, but is actually smart like a fox by telling everyone at the table and getting revenge on Danielle.  That's how I took it anyhow.  She's been humiliating him all along by saying he wasn't a man's man, etc.  so he finally got her back.

Sorry Gem 10!  That's what happens when you read in a hurry  :) .  Yeah, he has nothing to lose now so might as well tell it like it is.  Still not sure if she is just not attracted to him or he just doesn't match her fantasy of being a manly man like her ex. 

  • Love 1

Sheila is someone who fights to inflict pain.

She is unnecessarily curt and obnoxious to get her point across.

Her apologies later for her peevish behavior doesn't make things right.

Her M@FS producer is marking off on her calendar the number of days the crew has with Sheila...and their liberation...

Definition of peevish:

Irritable, fractious, fretful, cross, petulant, querulous, pettish, crabby, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, sullen, grumpy, bad-tempered, short-tempered, touchy, testy, tetchy, snappish

Sheila  has shown us that she is all those things...

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, snorkels said:

Cody gets worse for me every episode, especially when I consider his Unfiltered footage!! The way he was talking about "getting something sweet" and getting some booty and just his whole demeanor was so disgusting to me. It's like he was trying to put on some cool guy front for Jamie.

Seriously, Cody, that is so very un-'romantical'.

  • Love 4

First things first: super charmed props to Drogo, Snarkle, EvilQ, Psycho and the all of the regulars for your ongoing to-the-point commentary. I so enjoy all of your posts. Luv sent in bunches!

I usually stealth, but had to add my two bits on this whole Cody-Danielle interaction. What the young Cody does not seem to realize that every time he whines and complains about "no sex" it makes Danielle push away even further and harder to insure that remains the outcome. I have dated a lot in my many years, and know from personal experience that when you are not attracted to a person, it rarely turns a 180. And, Cody, dear boy, nothing is a bigger turn-off than discussing the topic ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Say hello to your right hand and deal.

Of course, this show, like none other, has shown me how deep and far the editing can manipulate the actual events. I figure when I die I am going to have MAFS producers doctor up my final life review to add drama to my boring moments. I may stand alone in this corner, but I actually adore the times when they show the awkward interactions. Those are the times when I feel like the participants are actually portrayed as their most accurate selves.

Speaking of which, the folks going on this show do so because they are having a hard time finding a perfect partner. So that means they must acknowledge they are a bit flawed in either their relationship approach or personality (I am looking at you, Sheila). They have to know that the person they will be matched to would also only be on this show because they, too, are flawed in some way, right? One would think that any person going on this show would understand they will be matched to a person with a few chipped edges. What I don't get is why the participants maintain the expectation for the other person to be perfect. Oh, wait. They were "scientifically matched". That explains.

Herewith my predictions on the final outcomes:
- Sheila and Nate last through the decision day to save face, but not much longer. Sheila still calls Nate occasionally on the days between menstruation when she is feeling a bit more calm. Tyrique swears off marriage of any kind in his future.
- Danielle and Cody have already broken up, and she is back at her old place, but making a solid effort to pretend she is still interested in saving the wasteland that is her relationship. Cody buys tissue and lotion in bulk sizes at CostCo.
- Ashley and Anthony are good through the decision day when Ash tells him she stopped taking her pills a bit back and thanks him for his sperm donation and 18 more years of child support. The baby-to-be is born 8 months later with a full head of hair.

Edited by PerfectlyObvious
Because I, of all people, should have know how to spell "Psycho"
  • LOL 1
  • Love 14
13 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Sheila is scary.  I have mentioned before that she reminds me of a volatile houseparent from the deaf school who tried to control my emotions, movements, thoughts, behaviors, clothing, etc., in the name of God.  She has issues.  O.M.G.  That one scares me.  It has been decades since I left the deaf school but Sheila is an uncanny replica of my houseparent.  I do not foresee them lasting a long time.  Nate will end up emotionally scarred by her emotional outbursts.

I feel for Sheila because we black women are too often portrayed as "scary" or "volatile" or some shit like that.  White women can have their emotions, but if a black woman gets upset, everybody runs.  

But, the issue that I have with her is that she goes from hot to cold.  It's like everything will be fine for awhile then Nate will say something to set her off and she'll get upset and be "done"  Yes, I get it that black women are the most unprotected women in the country and we get shit on a heck of a lot more than women of other races.  Still, she needs to realize that Nate is a young guy, not very sophisticated...yet.  Sometimes life experiences change people and maybe that's just what Nate needs.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Braveshoppr said:

Blame the producers and especially the psychologists overseeing the choice of partners. They should have been more selective in weeding out the noxious beings from the ones with heart.

Sadly this will never happen since it won't give them the "drama" they think us viewers all want to see. *rollseyes* 


2 hours ago, PerfectlyObvious said:

Herewith my predictions on the final outcomes:
- Sheila and Nate last through the decision day to save face, but not much longer. Sheila still calls Nate occasionally on the days between menstruation when she is feeling a bit more calm. Tyrique swears off marriage of any kind in his future.
- Danielle and Cody have already broken up, and she is back at her old place, but making a solid effort to pretend she is still interested in saving the wasteland that is her relationship. Cody buys tissue and lotion in bulk sizes at CostCo.
- Ashley and Anthony are good through the decision day when Ash tells him she stopped taking her pills a bit back and thanks him for his sperm donation and 18 more years of child support. The baby-to-be is born 8 months later with a full head of hair.

LMAO those are some good predictions. And thanks for the comment at the beginning. 

3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I feel for Sheila because we black women are too often portrayed as "scary" or "volatile" or some shit like that.  White women can have their emotions, but if a black woman gets upset, everybody runs.  

But, the issue that I have with her is that she goes from hot to cold.  It's like everything will be fine for awhile then Nate will say something to set her off and she'll get upset and be "done"  Yes, I get it that black women are the most unprotected women in the country and we get shit on a heck of a lot more than women of other races.  Still, she needs to realize that Nate is a young guy, not very sophisticated...yet.  Sometimes life experiences change people and maybe that's just what Nate needs.

I will say that I don't see her in those ways but just someone that has some issues of her own she needs to work on if she ever wants to have a relationship work for her. As you brought up he is younger and hasn't had experiences that maybe he needs to grow more. Which is another reason why he shouldn't have been picked for this and the same with Cody. Its a shame we can't see all of what ends up leading up to Sheila coming off looking hot and cold because editing hacks the crap out of so much of the show that we have no clue half the time what was going on. As has been mentioned by some she almost comes off like his mom has with the hot/cold. I feel like this show has been pretty shitty to many but they have been really shitty to the black ladies on this show.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I feel for Sheila because we black women are too often portrayed as "scary" or "volatile" or some shit like that.  White women can have their emotions, but if a black woman gets upset, everybody runs.

Wha? I know or have seen plenty of white women (especially on TV)that are portrayed as "scary" and "volatile". Haven't you ever watched any of the Real Housewives shows?  If a white woman was pulling Sheila's shit, I would feel the same way. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Swim mom said:

I find it interesting that the experts are now saying that it's so important that the couples meet. If it's that important,  why was it not a part of prior years?

I do remember them meeting last year. At some diner. For breakfast. Lily wore some sexy, revealing top and i think sonia and nick stupidly wore their hubby and wifey tees. Derek and Heather did not go.

  • Love 1

Am guessing it is to talk Cody off the ledge or to get him to jump off...dunno which.

Danielle ...meet Karma...she's gonna be a B!tch... or not...

Curious how her chatting with Ash and Sheila will be edited...villainess or justified for not consummating the marriage.

Ash and Sheila see Cody as a okay looking dude, obviously cares about Danielle and has done everything she has asked in terms of relationship progression but after hearing Danielle's side of the story will they sympathize with her or judge otherwise...


What would be better is to have them meet at  one of the couple's place and let them self document with their own cameras over dinner and drinks.

That would be an editing mess but more entertaining.

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Interesting that Sheila describes herself as vicious when it comes to arguing.

It rings too much of an unwillingness to compromise and not respecting the rules of healthy disagreement.

Bodes poorly for N8.

So she's got the vicious part down. Difficult not see it, even for her, since it's all on tape. It's a start, but it appears she wants to wear it like a medal, a badge. 'See, I can win this fight'. But will she ever see herself as the reason for the endless fights , and worse, the destruction of Nate? 

  • Love 1

Funny how Nate looked like he was in control with his Queen in the beginning.  I thought Sheila would be in for it.  Then the tables turned around and she became Jeckle & Hyde.  Seems like she has severe PMS.  If they stay together, and the kids start coming, etc., poor Nate is in for a very bumpy ride .. That is IF they stay together, which it doesn't seem like.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Wha? I know or have seen plenty of white women (especially on TV)that are portrayed as "scary" and "volatile". Haven't you ever watched any of the Real Housewives shows?  If a white woman was pulling Sheila's shit, I would feel the same way. 

I've only seen the ads for Housewives and will never ever watch them. I have found them to all just be full of shit with that crap and putting on a show. Most are "actresses" as it is so its not surprising that its that way. So I doubt it comes off as scary or volatile when you really look at it. While this show you are not looking for them to be "actresses" and to be more "real" so to speak. Yet editing in it plays up certain roles and its a joke IMO. Its not just with the black ladies either. They have done it with others as well though.

2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

I do remember them meeting last year. At some diner. For breakfast. Lily wore some sexy, revealing top and i think sonia and nick stupidly wore their hubby and wifey tees. Derek and Heather did not go.

They meet though after the decision day if I remember right. It wasn't before it. It looked like past ones had meet after the show was over or during those group reunion shows. Which they only did during the first 2 seasons. Yet in a way its probably better they don't meet until after. I think they just wanted to try to toss it in there this season as something "new and different" to try with lame excuses on why. When really its to see what drama they might get from it...if any. SMH

24 minutes ago, magemaud said:

At least Sheila seems to have toned down the "I've never had an orgasm" talk. Can you imagine Nate's reaction if she had brought THAT up at the couples' meeting?


Won't be long before its mentioned again though with rachel coming around to visit...yet again with her drooling self. 

  • Love 1

Has anyone noticed that whenever people have a conflict or something "controversial" is said the soundtrack stops and there's a screechy, discordant chord that plays quietly in the background? Sounds like a synthesizer or nails on a guitar string...and I've heard it on others shows as well.  It's like an alternative to "womp, womp..." is it a subliminal way to get us to think, "oh, no' here comes trouble!"?

50 minutes ago, Evil Queen said:

I've only seen the ads for Housewives and will never ever watch them. I have found them to all just be full of shit with that crap and putting on a show. Most are "actresses" as it is so its not surprising that its that way. So I doubt it comes off as scary or volatile when you really look at it. While this show you are not looking for them to be "actresses" and to be more "real" so to speak. Yet editing in it plays up certain roles and its a joke IMO. Its not just with the black ladies either. They have done it with others as well though.

They meet though after the decision day if I remember right. It wasn't before it. It looked like past ones had meet after the show was over or during those group reunion shows. Which they only did during the first 2 seasons. Yet in a way its probably better they don't meet until after. I think they just wanted to try to toss it in there this season as something "new and different" to try with lame excuses on why. When really its to see what drama they might get from it...if any. SMH

Won't be long before its mentioned again though with rachel coming around to visit...yet again with her drooling self. 

You are so right about the "housewives".  I've never in my life seen any woman flip a table or fight with each other over every little thing.  Totally fabricated, and "money can't buy you class" as the Countess says.

  • Love 1

I can see why all of these people are still single and looking for love on a Married At First Sight dating show.

Nate and Anthony will forever be walking on egg shells with Shelia and Ashley.  Those girls have a short fuse and it takes nothing to light it.  Shelia's first announcement during an argument is "I'm done, we're getting divorced".  Why does she do that.  Why does it come to that so quickly?  No sex, sleep on the sofa, silent treatment seem more what a spouse offended would do rather than divorce immediately for the smallest infraction.

Shelia would probably do much better with an older, much established man.  Nate still has dreams and Shelia isn't into dreaming.   She can't see Nate the dreamer.  She wants Nate the hard worker, saver, provider.    He's a good guy and he'll get there but he's only 25 years old for heavens sake.

I suspect Ashley has been really spoiled throughout her life.  I suspect the family has money and she makes more than Anthony 'managing a bar;?  She is cute and can be fun but is also a handful.  I really like Anthony and am puzzled he hasn't been snatched up long ago.  Wonder what the back story is on him?

Cody and Danielle make me sad just watching them.  The date with his brother and her best friend couple was painful to watch.  My guess is they will be just as happy as I am to say goodbye to this show!

  • Love 9

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